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Legit4K edited this page Sep 26, 2022 · 1 revision


This Page explains key terms to help users understand this plugin to its fullest!


Spigot is a well known Minecraft Server Software. There are many more such as Paper, Tuinity and Purpur which are forks of Spigot so that means they are based on Spigot.


ViaVersion is a Spigot Plugin that allows newer client versions to join older server versions. For example, it allows 1.17 clients to play on 1.16 servers!


NPCs are Non Player Characters. In the context of this plugin, NPC is simply another name for a Bot. You can call it an alias.


An Alias is an alternative name for something. For example, some commands have aliases so you can run the same function with different command names. /tplus -> /terminatorplus


The Client is the piece of software that runs apps, games and more. You can download the Minecraft Game Client without owning a Minecraft Account, but you can only play the demo.


In the context of this plugin, the server is the Multiplayer Game Session that can be hosted on your PC or dedicated hosting providers. The Plugin cannot run outside of a server!


A Plugin is an addon that communicates with the server software to extend functionality. TerminatorPlus is an excellent example.


Mods are amazing extensions to expand the capabilities of the Minecraft Game itself. They communicate and sometimes modify part of the Client to achieve this. Mods are not the same as Plugins so in this sense TerminatorPlus is not a Mod!

Source Code

The Source Code is the essence of software, plugins and mods. It is the building blocks of TerminatorPlus and much more cool things!


In the context of the File System, the directory is an alias for folder. Yup, that's all it means - a folder! It is more commonly used in the world of programming and headless machines (for example, dedicated server machines without GUIs)

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science which focuses on the use of data and algorithms to imitate the way that humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy. In simpler terms, it is an artificial brain. In the context of TerminatorPlus, it is the bot's mind and it is where alot of the decision making will happen for the bots.

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