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Karl Fogel edited this page Apr 24, 2021 · 47 revisions

Purpose of this document

  • Establish a shared sense of priority
  • Clarify time-based expectations for next-steps and milestones
  • Define terms reference for high-level structural elements
  • Clarify bottom-liners for themes > goals (initiatives) > milestones
  • Aid in the identification of resource needs and constraints


How they are organized:

Theme (Vision / Very high level)

{meta: priority [], label [], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Initiatives (Goal)
    • Epics (Milestones / Objectives)
      • Stories (Issues / Tasks)

(not in order of priority, tbd)


{meta: priority [], label [api], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Fully API-driven front-end
    • apply/ is completely replaced by the React app
    • Ability for others to create completely different apply/ alternatives
  • Fully documented API
  • R/W API access for 3rd party integrations
  • API permissions interface in admin
  • Begin exposing admin functions via API

Portfolio management, post-approal, and project management

{meta: priority [], label [portfolio], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []} *

3rd party integrations

{meta: priority [], label [integration], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Contract and payment management services (Salesforce, Sage, Netsuite, etc)
  • Messaging and communication services
  • 2-way engagement between channels
  • Delivery confirmation w/in hypha
  • Data portability, export/import
  • Honorarium management services
  • Help/Feedback services

Security and privacy

{meta: priority [], label [privsec], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Full db encryption
  • PII handling
  • Sensitive content handling
    • End-to-end encrypted field data
  • Policy (GDPR/CCPA) management, compliance, consent
  • Annual 3rd party security/privacy code audit
  • Support for additional/multiple SSO providers with access rules
  • Deploy a wide (not just for OTF/Reset) bug bounty & disclosure service (ie bugcrowd, hackerone, etc)

Metrics: Progress, performance, activity, and content

{meta: priority [], label [metrics], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • KPI’s for system, funds, rounds, managers, applicants
  • KPI’s for system, portfolios, projects, contracts, managers, etc
    • Dashboard
    • Ability to make public/publish metrics publicly, to applicants, or all staff
  • Application content trends
    • Improved content tagging/labeling/rating
    • Review and reviews labels/meta categories/ etc
  • Improved search

Participatory and collaborative processes

{meta: priority [], label [collab], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Peer review of applications (applicants reviewing applications)
  • Community/network review of applications
  • Collaborative applications
  • Flash grants
  • Ability to make an application publicly available
  • Review and refine the “partners” role/functions

Admin/management web interfaces

{meta: priority [], label [admin], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Full UI/UX audit and discovery for application management
  • Full UI/UX audit and re-discovery for project management
  • Put all user profile options/fields in one place or in both (admin/ or apply/)
  • Create a built-in night-mode theme
  • Support for “smart” application forms (ie available or required fields change based on what previous options were selected)

Deployability of hypha

{meta: priority [], label [deploy], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Build the hypha python/pip/django package
  • Improve standalone docker install
  • Make it easy to theme/style/customize hypha public, admin, submission pages
  • Support additional popular PaaS’s (ie Scalingo, etc)
  • Begin development of hypha SaaS (ie
  • Increase the number of hypha deployments

Developer onboarding process

{meta: priority [], label [devel], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Improve contributor guidelines, standards, practice docs
  • Offer more reward/bounties

Hypha org/community/brand

{meta: priority [], label [org], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Have first annual hypha dev summit
  • Fully migrate to standalone repository
  • Refine website
  • Create standalone hypha community/support spaces


{meta: priority [], label [auto], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Create a workflow/actions editor in the admin UI
  • Create a message/notification editor in the admin UI for any missing ones
  • Enable switches for all existing automations/actions
  • Provide estimates to applicants on time to next stage
  • Review recommendations (based on defined criteria)
  • Suggested applications of interest (based on defined criteria)
  • Auto screening > manual screening > auto determination > manual determination process

Communication between managers and applicants

{meta: priority [], label [comms], arch/owner [], devs: [], ui/ux: []; qa: []}

  • Create a notifications area in the web interface
  • Create notification settings in account management
  • Ability to comment on specific elements of the application workflow (application, reviews, submission responses)
  • Ability to save and receive notification on new revisions without changing state
  • A more structured/flexible back and forth alternative to submission responses
    • Ability for a team member (lead) to define submission-specific questions that reviewers are asked to respond to, in addition to the predefined review form.

Not included but important

Things not to forget and/or bring up above

  • Project reporting
  • Encrypted field
  • Localization/multilingual support
  • Automated application insights
  • Pagination of application forms
  • Conditional logic forms (that bring you to previous defined pages/sections)


Goals, corresponding issues, and discussions are grouped into 3-month long milestones called horizons. Horizon 1 is the current milestone. Horizon 2 will be next, followed by horizon 3, then 4. This is all aspirational, hopefull, and approximate.

Horizon 1

Issues currently being worked on.



Horizon 2

Issues to be addressed in the next 3-6 months



Horizon 3

Issues to be addressed in the next 6-9 months



Horizon 4

Issues to be addressed in the next 9-12 months



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