The model that is being trained is a CNN with 3 convolutional layers followed by 2 dense layers. The job will run for 30 epochs with a batch size of 128.
This assumes that you have access to the cluster and that you have provisioned FfDL already. To check if you have access to your cluster run the following command and if a table of information about the pods on your cluster appears then you have access.
kubectl get pods
Go to the FfDL repository and define the necessary environment variables before you proceed to the next step.
cd <path to the FfDL repository>
export VM_TYPE=none
export PUBLIC_IP=<Cluster Public IP>
node_ip=$(make --no-print-directory kubernetes-ip)
Setup your s3 command with the Object Storage credentials.
s3_port=$(kubectl get service s3 -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test; export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=test; export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1;
s3cmd="aws --endpoint-url=$s3_url s3"
Create buckets to hold the training data and trained model
# Replace trainingdata with what you want the bucket holding the training data to be named
# Replace trainedmodel with what you want the bucket storing your model to be named
$s3cmd mb s3://fashion-mnist
$s3cmd mb s3://mnist-trained-model
Download the Fashion MNIST training data to your training data bucket.
mkdir tmp
for file in t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz;
test -e tmp/$file || wget -q -O tmp/$file$file
# Replace trainingdata with the name of your bucket for training data
$s3cmd cp tmp/$file s3://fashion-mnist/$file
Now you should have all the necessary training data set in your training data bucket. Let's go ahead to set up your restapi endpoint and default credentials for Deep Learning as a Service. Once you done that, you can start running jobs using the FfDL CLI (executable binary).
restapi_port=$(kubectl get service ffdl-restapi -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
export DLAAS_URL=http://$node_ip:$restapi_port; export DLAAS_USERNAME=test-user; export DLAAS_PASSWORD=test;
# Obtain the correct CLI for your machine
CLI_CMD=$(pwd)/cli/bin/ffdl-$(if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then echo 'osx'; else echo 'linux'; fi)
Create the code that will train your model. We will use in the folder "fashion-training" as an example
Create a .yml file with the necessary information. manifest.yml has further instructions on creating an appropriate manifest file.
We will now go back to this directory and deploy our training job to FfDL using the path to the .yml and path to the folder containing the
cd <path to this demo repo>/fashion-train
# Replace manifest.yml with the path to your .yml file
# Replace Image with the path to the folder containing your file created in step 6
$CLI_CMD train manifest.yml fashion-training
Alternatively, the FfDL UI can be used to deploy jobs. First zip your model.
# Replace fashion-training with the path to your training file folder
# Replace with the path where you want the .zip file stored
pushd fashion-training && zip fashion-training * && popd
Go to FfDL web UI. Upload the .zip to "Choose model definition zip to upload". Upload the .yml to "Choose manifest to upload". Then click Submit Training Job.
Expects to receive a file path to a picture. Over 30 different file types are supported although only the two (.png and .jpg) have been tested extensively. These file types are listed at (
The models trained on the Fashion MNIST data will work best when there is only one object in the picture and the background of the picture is pure black. Additionally, the object in the picture should be completely in frame.
This Keras model example is based on