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Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez edited this page May 14, 2018 · 17 revisions

Building an image with WPE

To build an image WPE we need to select which launcher and which wpebackend we will use.

WPE launcher

Currently this layer includes recipes for two launchers:

  1. Cog: Cog is a small launcher designed for the WebKit WPE port. But it also allows to use the WebKit GTK port instead. Cog is small: provides no user interface, and is suitable to be used as a Web application container. Cog may be presented fullscreen depending on the WPE backend being used.

  2. dyz: dyz is a simple launcher for WPE port of WebKit. dyz is written in Lua and depends on LuaJIT. dyz depends on wpebackend-fdo (see below).

WPE Backends

Currently this layer includes recipes for 3 wpebackends. In order to select which backend we want to use in the image we select one of this 3 as the PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/wpebackend in conf/local.conf and then we enable any non-default packageconfig option for it if required.

For example, for using the backend that displays WPE full-screen on the RPi framebuffer we will add to conf/local.conf

PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/wpebackend = "wpebackend-rdk"
PACKAGECONFIG_pn-wpebackend-rdk = "rpi"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " cog"

This is a summary of the current available options for the wpebackend selection.

  1. wpebackend-fdo: WPE's backend based on a stack where the view backend is implemented on the launcher.

  2. wpebackend-rdk: Collection of backends for WPE with specific support for embedded devices used on the RDK. To select which one of the backends its enabled, there are different PACKAGECONFIG options inside the recipe.

  3. wpebackend-mesa: Backend for WPE for GPUs that work with Mesa drivers and GBM.

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