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Stepper Specification

Konstantin Dinev edited this page Oct 22, 2021 · 57 revisions

Stepper Specification


  1. Overview
  2. User Stories
  3. Functionality
  4. Test Scenarios
  5. Accessibility
  6. Assumptions and Limitations
  7. References

Owned by


Martin Evtimov

Stefan Ivanov

Requires approval from

  • Peer Developer Name | Date:
  • Simeon Simeonov | Date: 19-Oct-21

Signed off by

  • Product Owner: Radoslav Mirchev | Date: 19-Oct-21
  • Platform Architect Name: Konstantin Dinev | Date: 22-Oct-21

Revision History

Version Users Date Notes
1 Names of Developers and Designers Date


The stepper conveys the progression of a sequence of individual steps indicating how much of a workflow has been completed and how much is left. It usually shows as a vertical or horizontal line with connected, numbered elements indicating the individual steps. Another commonly used name for a stepper component is wizard.

Acceptance criteria

Must-have before we can consider the feature a sprint candidate

  1. The stepper should inform the user about the history of actions.
  2. The stepper should inform the user about the current progress.
  3. The stepper should inform the user about which and how many steps remain.
  4. The stepper should show the direction of movement.
  5. The stepper should support an arbitrary number of steps, usually, 3-5 are optimal.
  6. The stepper should support numbering as a way to show the order of steps.
  7. The stepper should support icons and visuals to better describe each individual step.
  8. The stepper should support a horizontal layout for desktop and vertical for mobile.

Elaborate more on the multi-facetted use cases

Developer stories:

  • Story 1: As a developer, I want to be able to choose the stepper layout, so that I can show a horizontal one on desktop and a vertical one on smartphone screens.
  • Story 2: As a developer, I want to be able to choose whether steps are mandatory or optional, so that I can have proper validation at the end of the flow.
  • Story 3: As a developer, I want to be able to define arbitrary layout as the content for a step, so that I can create progressive forms and onboarding flows without being constrained.
  • Story 4: As a developer, I want to be able to define the position of the title for step, so that I can place it before, after, above or below the visual indication.
  • Story 5: As a developer, I want to be able to customize the visual step element, so that I can add a graphic element in it.
  • Story 6: As a developer, I want to be able to choose the type of line that connects the steps. Possible options are dashed, solid and doted.
  • Story 7: As a developer, I want to be able to define the stepper as strictly linear (gated mode vs. ungated mode where you navigate steps freely), so that I don't let users to move to the next step unless everything up to it has been completed.
  • Story 8: As a developer, I want to be able to choose the animations applied to the stepper when the active step is changing.

End-user stories:

  • Story 1: As an end-user, I want to have a clear visual indication of what I should expect from each step, so that I know which ones are relevant/important to me.
  • Story 2: As an end-user, I want to have a clear visual indication for the step I am currently at, so that I know approximately how much is left.
  • Story 3: As an end-user, I want to have a clear visual indication for completed and uncompleted steps, so that I can finish what is left.
  • Story 4: As an end-user, I want to have a clear visual indication for optional steps, so that I can skip them if they are not relevant.
  • Story 5: As an end-user, I want to navigate between the steps with the keyboard one at a time, so that I can fill a progressive form more quickly.
  • Story 6: As an end-user, I want to observe the progress of a multistep process, so that I can e.g. track the delivery of an order.

Describe behavior, design, look and feel of the implemented feature. Always include visual mock-up

3.1. End-User Experience

The stepper is a collection of step header elements that let you navigate to different pieces of details for each step and the details view itself. stepper design handoff

Nesting steppers into each other is frustrating and destroys the UX.

References for well-designed and functional steppers:

3.2. Developer Experience

  • The developer should be able to add multiple steps.
  • The developer should be able to re-template the indicator of the steps.
  • The developer should be able to re-template the title of the steps.
  • The developer should be able to re-template the subtitle of the steps.
  • The developer should be able to re-template the content of the steps.
       <igx-icon igxStepIndicator>home</igx-icon>
       <p igxStepTitle>Home</p>
       <p igxStepSubTitle>Home Sub Title</p>
       <div igxStepContent>
  • The developer should be able to re-template the active, invalid and completed indicator state.
    <ng-template igxStepActiveIndicator>

    <ng-template igxStepInvalidIndicator>

    <ng-template igxStepCompletedIndicator>

3.3. Globalization/Localization

Describe any special localization requirements such as the number of localizable strings, regional formats

3.4. Keyboard Navigation

Keys Description
Arrow Up Focuses the previous step in a vertical stepper.
Arrow Down Focuses the next step in a vertical stepper.
Arrow Left Focuses the previous step in a horizontal stepper.
Arrow Right Focuses the next step in a horizontal stepper.
Home Focuses the first step of the stepper.
End Focuses the last step of the stepper.
Enter / Space Activates the currently focused step.
Tab Moves the focus to the next tabbable element.
Shift + Tab Moves the focus to the previous tabbable element.


  • By design when the user presses the Tab key over the step header the focus will move to the step content container. In case the container should be skipped the developer should set the content container tabInex to -1.

3.5. API



Name Description Type
steps Gets the steps that are rendered in the stepper. IgxStepComponent[]


Name Description Type Default value Valid values
id The id of the stepper. Bound to string 'stepper-${iter}' -
orientation Gets/sets the orientation of the stepper. IgxStepperOrientation horizontal horizontal | vertical
stepType Gets/sets the type of the steps in the stepper. IgxStepType indicator indicator | title | full
horizontalTitlePosition Gets/sets the position of the titles in the stepper when the orientation direction is horizontal. IgxStepperTitlePosition bottom bottom | top | end | start
verticalTitlePosition Gets/sets the position of the titles in the stepper when the orientation direction is vertical. IgxStepperTitlePosition end bottom | top | end | start
linear Whether the validity of previous steps should be checked and only in case, it's valid to be able to move forward or not. boolean false -
contentTop Whether the steps content should be displayed above the steps header when the stepper orientation is Horizontal. boolean false -
verticalAnimationType Gets/sets the animation type of the stepper when the orientation direction is vertical. IgxStepperVerticalAnimationType | string grow grow | fade | none
horizontalAnimationType Gets/sets the animation type of the stepper when the orientation direction is horizontal. CarouselAnimationType | string slide slide | fade | none
animationDuration Gets/sets the duration of the animation. number 320 -


Name Description Return type Parameters
navigateTo Activates the step given by index. void index: number
next Activates the next enabled step. void -
prev Activates the previous enabled step. void -
reset Resets the stepper to its initial state. void -


Name Description Cancelable Parameters
activeStepChanging Emitted when the active step is about to change. yes { oldIndex: number, newIndex: number, owner: IgxStepperComponent, cancel: boolean }
activeStepChanged Emitted when the active step is changed. no { index: number, owner: IgxStepperComponent}



Name Description Type
index Gets the step index inside of the stepper. number


Name Description Type Default value
id The id of the step. Bound to string 'step-${iter}'
isValid Gets/sets whether the step is valid. boolean true
active Gets/sets whether the step is activе. Two-way data binding. boolean false
optional Gets/sets whether the step is optional. boolean false
disabled Gets/sets whether the step is interactable. boolean false
complete Gets/sets whether the step is completed. boolean false


Name Description Return type Parameters


Name Description Cancelable Parameters
activeChange Emitted when the step's active property changes no boolean


  • Should render a stepper containing a sequence of steps
  • Should not allow activating a step with the next/prev methods when disabled is set to true
  • Should not allow moving forward to the next step in linear mode if the previous step is invalid
  • Should emit ing and ed events when a step is activated
  • Should be able to cancel the activeStepChanging event
  • A step should emit activeChange event when its active property changes


  • Should apply the appropriate class to a stepper in horizontal mode
  • Should indicate the currently active step
  • Should indicate that a step is completed
  • Should indicate that a step is invalid
  • Should render the visual step element according to the specified stepType
  • Should place the title in the step element according to the specified title position when stepType is set to “full”
  • Should indicate each step with a corresponding number when igxStepIndicator is not specified in the step template and stepType is either “indicator” or “full”
  • Should be able to display the steps' content above the steps headers when the stepper is horizontally orientated
  • Should render step indicator and title when such are defined in the template
  • Should allow overriding the default invalid, completed and active indicators
  • Should allow overriding animationSettings that are used for transitioning between steps
  • Should render dynamically added step and properly set the linear disabled steps with its addition
  • Should activate the first accessible step and clear the visited steps collection when the stepper is reset
  • Should properly collapse the previously active step in horizontal orientation and horizontalAnimationType of type ‘fade’

Keyboard Navigation

  • Should navigate to the stepper (if the focus is before stepper) on TAB key press
  • Should navigate to the stepper (if the focus is after stepper) on SHIFT + TAB key press
  • Should navigate to the next step in vertical orientation on Arrow Down key press
  • Should navigate to the previous step in vertical orientation on Arrow Up key press
  • Should navigate to the next step in horizontal orientation on Arrow Right key press
  • Should navigate to the previous step in horizontal orientation on Arrow Left key press
  • Should navigate to first step on Home key press
  • Should navigate to last step on End key press
  • Should activate the currently focused step on Enter/Space key press
  • Should specify tabIndex=”0” for the active step and tabIndex=”-1” for the other steps


  • Should render proper role and orientation attributes for the stepper
  • Should render proper aria attributes for each step

Stepper Service Unit Tests

  • Should properly register the specified stepper
  • Should expand a step by activating it and firing the step's activeChange event
  • Should expand a step through API by activating it and firing the step's activeChange event
  • Should collapse the currently active step and fire the change event
  • Should determine the steps that are marked as visited based on the active step
  • Should determine the steps that are disabled in linear mode based on the validity of the active step
  • Should emit activating event

ARIA Support fill from here

RTL Support

Assumptions Limitation Notes

Specify all referenced external sources

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