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The global planner used in the paper 'ODS-Bot: Mobile robot navigation for outdoor delivery services' (IEEE Access, 2022)

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Dijkstra Planner

This repository provides dijkstra_planner ROS package, which creates a planned path for a mobile robot on the basis of an occupancy grid map. The planner keeps finding a minimum cost plan from a robot position to the goal position during navigation. The package assumes a circular robot for applying safe distance to the non-free space in order to avoid potential collisions.

This is a research code, expect that it changes often and any fitness for a particular purpose is disclaimed.


Optimality: The planner is implemented with a uniform-cost search (UCS) algorithm, which finds the shortest paths from a source node to all other nodes in a gridded space. UCS is designed to handle varying costs and correctly finds the least-cost path by expanding the lowest cumulative cost first. Therefore, the optimal path to the goal is always guaranteed.

Completeness: During the expansion, we allow the searcher to make movements in all possible directions, including orthogonal and diagonal movements with non-negative costs. This ensures that the algorithm explores all potential paths to the goal, guaranteeing that if a path exists, it will be found.

Visualization of Expansion: The search algorithm can be considered as a wavefront search algorithm with non-uniform costs. It uses a growing circle from the goal to the robot. The nearest neighbors are analyzed first and then the radius of the circle is extended to distant regions.

Uniform-cost search Cost Map Navigation


Dependencies: This software is built on the Robotic Operating System (ROS). We assume that the followings are installed.

  • Ubuntu (Tested on 20.04)
  • ROS (Tested on ROS Noetic)
  • Eigen (C++ template library for matrix operation)
  • grid_map library

For the installation of grid_map, use the following commands:

sudo apt install ros-noetic-grid-map

Build: In order to install the dijkstra_planner package, clone the latest version from this repository and compile the package.

cd ~/{your-ros-workspace}/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin build dijkstra_planner

Note: For the best performance, complie with the option -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release. It makes significant improvements.

Basic Usage

  1. Configure the parameters in dijkstra_planner_ros/config/params.yaml
  2. Run the launch file:
roslaunch dijkstra_planner run.launch

Note: Thanks to the use of Eigen, the planner is sufficiently fast enough for practical usage. The figure above is just a vislualization of a search process. (Typically finds the path within microseconds in indoor environments, and few miliseconds in large-scale outdoor environments)



Subscribed Topics

  • /map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
    The map for planning.

  • /move_base_simple/goal (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
    The pose of navigation goal. When the goal message is not in the map frame, it is internally transformed to the map frame.

  • /tf (tf2_msgs/TFMessage)
    Transforms from tf tree. The current pose of the robot is obtained by using tf transforms

Published Topics

  • /dijkstra_planner/path (nav_msgs/Path)
    The computed path, published every time during navigation. See ~pathPublishRate parameters to specify the publish rate.

  • /dijkstra_planner/debug/costmap (grid_map_msgs/GridMap)
    For debug purpose. Visualize the costmap.

  • /dijkstra_planner/debug/costmap (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
    For debug purpose. Visualize the occupancy map that the planner perceives.


  • ~baselinkFrame (string, default: base_link)
    The frame id of the robot. Inside the code, transform to this parameters will be used for robot pose calculation.

  • ~mapFrame (string, default: map)
    The frame id of the map. Inside the code, transform to this parameters will be used for robot pose calculation.

  • ~pathPublishRate (double, default: 20.0)
    The publish rate of the path [Hz].

  • ~propagateUnknownCell (bool, default: false)
    If set true, then the wave propagation will search the unknown state regions.

  • ~inflationRadius (double, default: 0.5 )
    The inflation range [m]. Consider the robot size and set the value accordingly.

  • ~debugMode (bool, default: false)
    If set true, the node will publish the costmap and the received occupancy map.


If you find this project useful, please cite our paper:

  title={ODS-Bot: Mobile robot navigation for outdoor delivery services}, 
  author={Jinwon Lee, Geonhyeok Park, Ikhyeon Cho, Keundong Kang, Daehyun Pyo, Soohyun Cho, Minwoo Cho, and Woojin Chung},
  journal={IEEE Access}, 


The global planner used in the paper 'ODS-Bot: Mobile robot navigation for outdoor delivery services' (IEEE Access, 2022)




