All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this projects versioning scheme was inspired by Semantic Versioning and can be found here.
- IUriProvider(s) for overriding Uris for monstercat API and CDN
- HttpClientCookieHandler for pre- and post processing (login) cookie(s)
- TOTP requests and responses
- unsupported /signin/token Endpoint
- unsupported /signin/token/resend Endpoint
- .NET 8
- paging support for IMonstercatApi.GetPlaylist
- .NET 7
- cancellation support in MontercatCdnExtensions
- cancellation support in MonstercatApiExtensions
- Track.DebutDate not being nullable
- UrlBuilderExtension using Artist.Name, instead of Artist.Uri for creating artist photo uri
- UrlBuilderExtension.GetSmallArtistPhotoUri fetching images of 1025, instead of 256
- UrlBuilderExtension.CreateCoverArtUri for Track
- UrlBuilderExtension.GetLargeArtistPhotoUri for TrackArtist
- UrlBuilderExtension.GetSmallArtistPhotoUri for TrackArtist
- UrlBuilderExtension.CreateArtistPhotoUri for TrackArtist
- Track
- Artist -> TrackArtists
- TrackArtists
- Artist
- ProfileFileId -> nullable
- Artist
- Id -> ArtistId
- Release
- Brand -> BrandTitle
- Links -> ReleaseLink
- ReleaseLink
- Artist
- ReleaseId
- ArtistNumber
- ProfileFileId
- Platform
- Release
- added AlbumNotes
- added BrandId
- added Tags
- added Artists
- more misc fields
- Track
- PlaylistSort
- symbol package generation
- LoginValidationHandler, so that its possible to track success of logins
- added endpoint, builder and extensions for fetching artist photos from montercat CDN
- MonstercatApi.GetPlaylistTracks (endpoint gone) Tracks are included when fetching a playlist instead
- MonstercatApi.DownloadRelease (endpoint gone) The web frontend downloads tracks now individually, so thats what i suggest as workaround aswell
- Fetching of covers for releases - available via the new MonstercatCdn class
- MonstercatApi.PlaylistAddTrack
- MonstercatApi.PlaylistDeleteTrack
- MonstercatApi.GetPlaylist
- MonstercatApi.GetSelfPlaylists
- cake build scripts to use Cake.Frosting
- Track.Bpm int -> decimal
- ResultBase.Skip -> ResultBase.Offset
- PATCH /playlists
- GET /playlist
- GET /playlist/{playlistId}/records
- DELETE /playlist/{playlistId}/records
- PATCH /playlist/{playlistId}/records
- GET /self/playlists
- POST /self/playlist
- DELETE /playlist/{playlistId}
- nuget package tags
- initial release