DPNP C++ backend documentation
Ensure you have the following prerequisite packages installed:
(depending on your OS)onedpl-devel
After these steps, dpnp
can be built in debug mode as follows:
git clone https://github.com/IntelPython/dpnp
cd dpnp
Install DPNP
python -m pip install --index-url https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple dpnp
Note: DPNP wheel package is placed on Pypi, but some of its dependencies (like Intel numpy) are in Anaconda Cloud. That is why install command requires additional intel Pypi channel from Anaconda Cloud.
Set path to Performance Libraries in case of using venv or system Python:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path_to_your_env>/lib
It is also required to set following environment variables:
export OCL_ICD_FILENAMES=libintelocl.so
. ./0.env.sh
# or
pytest tests/test_matmul.py -s -v
# or
python -m unittest tests/test_mixins.py
. ./0.env.sh
python -m tests.third_party.numpy_ext
# or
python -m tests.third_party.numpy_ext core/tests/test_umath.py
# or
python -m tests.third_party.numpy_ext core/tests/test_umath.py::TestHypot::test_simple
$ conda install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
1. Install dpnp into your python environment
2. $ cd doc && make html
3. The documentation will be in doc/_build/html
. ./0.env.sh
conda-build conda-recipe/
cd benchmarks/
asv run --python=python --bench <filename without .py>
# example:
asv run --python=python --bench bench_elementwise
# or
asv run --python=python --bench <class>.<bench>
# example:
asv run --python=python --bench Elementwise.time_square
# add --quick option to run every case once but looks like first execution has additional overheads and takes a lot of time (need to be investigated)
# | Name | OS | distributive | interpreter | python used from | SYCL queue manager | build commands set | forced environment |
1 | Ubuntu 20.04 Python37 | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | Python 3.7 | IntelOneAPI | local | export DPNP_DEBUG=1 python setup.py clean python setup.py build_clib python setup.py build_ext --inplace pytest | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis |
2 | Ubuntu 20.04 Python38 | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | Python 3.8 | IntelOneAPI | local | export DPNP_DEBUG=1 python setup.py clean python setup.py build_clib python setup.py build_ext --inplace pytest | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis |
3 | Ubuntu 20.04 Python39 | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | Python 3.9 | IntelOneAPI | local | export DPNP_DEBUG=1 python setup.py clean python setup.py build_clib python setup.py build_ext --inplace pytest | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis |
4 | Ubuntu 20.04 External Tests Python37 | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | Python 3.7 | IntelOneAPI | local | export DPNP_DEBUG=1 python setup.py clean python setup.py build_clib python setup.py build_ext --inplace python -m tests_external.numpy.runtests | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis |
5 | Ubuntu 20.04 External Tests Python38 | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | Python 3.8 | IntelOneAPI | local | export DPNP_DEBUG=1 python setup.py clean python setup.py build_clib python setup.py build_ext --inplace python -m tests_external.numpy.runtests | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis |
6 | Ubuntu 20.04 External Tests Python39 | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | Python 3.9 | IntelOneAPI | local | export DPNP_DEBUG=1 python setup.py clean python setup.py build_clib python setup.py build_ext --inplace python -m tests_external.numpy.runtests | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis |
7 | Code style | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | Python 3.8 | IntelOneAPI | local | python ./setup.py style | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis, conda-verify, pycodestyle, autopep8, black |
8 | Valgrind | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | IntelOneAPI | local | export DPNP_DEBUG=1 python setup.py clean python setup.py build_clib python setup.py build_ext --inplace | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis | |
9 | Code coverage | Linux | Ubuntu 20.04 | Python 3.8 | IntelOneAPI | local | export DPNP_DEBUG=1 python setup.py clean python setup.py build_clib python setup.py build_ext --inplace | cmake-3.19.2, valgrind, pytest-valgrind, conda-build, pytest, hypothesis, conda-verify, pycodestyle, autopep8, pytest-cov |