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File metadata and controls

214 lines (144 loc) · 5.4 KB


An unofficial command-line client for the ClickHouse DBMS. It implements some common and awesome things, such as:

  • Autocompletion (work in progress)
  • Syntax highlighting for the queries & data output (Pretty* formats)
  • Multiquery & multiline modes by default - paste anything as much as you want!
  • Pager support (less) for the data output
  • Custom, PostgreSQL-like commands like \d+ table_name or \ps. See \?

But it works over the HTTP port, so there are some limitations for now:

  • Doesn't fully support sessions. SET options are stored locally and are sent with every request.


Python 3.4+ is required.

$ pip3 install clickhouse-cli


$ clickhouse-cli --help
Usage: clickhouse-cli [OPTIONS] [SQLFILE]

  A third-party client for the ClickHouse DBMS.

  -h, --host TEXT          Server host (hostname, or URL)
  -p, --port INTEGER       Server HTTP port
  -u, --user TEXT          User
  -P, --password           Password
  -d, --database TEXT      Database
  -s, --settings TEXT      Query string to be appended to every query
  -f, --format TEXT        Data format for the interactive mode
  -F, --format-stdin TEXT  Data format for stdin/file queries
  -m, --multiline          Enable multiline shell
  --stacktrace             Print stacktraces received from the server.
  --version                Show the version and exit.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

Configuration file

~/.clickhouse-cli.rc is here for your service!

# Default connection options that will be used if the relevant argument was omitted.

host =
port = 8123
db = default
user = default
password =

# It's not secure to store the password here in plain text.

# Disable multiline mode by default
multiline = False

# Show SQL statements timing
timing = True

# Preferred data format for the interactive mode
format = PrettyCompact

# Preferred data format for the non-interactive mode (file/stdin)
format_stdin = TabSeparated

# Show the reformatted query after its execution
show_formatted_query = True

# Syntax highlight certain output in the interactive mode:
highlight_output = True

# Show the output via pager (if defined)
pager = False

# You can place the server-side settings here!

# max_memory_usage = 20000000000


$ clickhouse-cli
clickhouse-cli version: 0.1.6
Connecting to localhost:8123
Connected to ClickHouse server.

 :) help

clickhouse-cli's custom commands:
USE     Change the current database.
SET     Set an option for the current CLI session.
QUIT    Exit clickhouse-cli.
HELP    Show this help message.

PostgreSQL-like custom commands:
\l      Show databases.
\c      Change the current database.
\d, \dt Show tables in the current database.
\d+     Show table's schema.
\ps     Show current queries.
\kill   Kill query by its ID.

Query suffixes:
\g, \G  Use the Vertical format.
\p      Enable the pager.

 :) \l

│ default    │
│ quickstart │
│ system     │

Ok. 3 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.022 sec.

 :) USE quickstart

Changed the current database to quickstart.


 :) \dt

│ ontime │

Ok. 1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.012 sec.

 :) SELECT OriginCityName, count(*) AS flights
    FROM ontime GROUP BY OriginCityName ORDER BY flights DESC LIMIT 5

│ Chicago, IL           │ 10536203 │
│ Atlanta, GA           │  8867847 │
│ Dallas/Fort Worth, TX │  7601863 │
│ Houston, TX           │  5714988 │
│ Los Angeles, CA       │  5575119 │

Ok. 5 rows in set. Elapsed: 1.317 sec.

Advanced usage

Environment variables

The available environment variables are:


The order of precedence is:

  • command argument
  • environment variable
  • default value in the ~/.clickhouse-cli.rc

Reading from file / stdin

$ echo 'SELECT 1, 2, 3; SELECT 4, 5, 6;' | clickhouse-cli
1	2	3

4	5	6

$ cat test.sql
SELECT 1, 2, 3;
SELECT 4, 5, 6;

$ clickhouse-cli test.sql
1 2 3

4 5 6

$ clickhouse-cli -F CSV <<< 'SELECT 1, 2, 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4, 5, 6'

Inserting the data from file

$ clickhouse-cli -q 'CREATE TABLE test (date Date, s String, i UInt64) ENGINE = TinyLog'

$ cat data.csv

$ clickhouse-cli -q 'INSERT INTO test (date, s, i)' -F CSV data.csv

Ok. Elapsed: 0.037 sec.

$ clickhouse-cli -q 'SELECT * FROM test'
2017-01-01	hello	1
2017-02-02	world	2

Custom settings

$ clickhouse-cli -h -s 'max_memory_usage=20000000000&enable_http_compression=1'