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为方便检索 The First English Intensive CoLearning 简写为 EICL1st,第 2 期即为 EICL2nd,第 3 期即为 EICL3rd,以此类推。
- A-Programmers-Guide-to-English 重新认识英语这门语言 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 从 0 开始学习英语语法 构成英语的基石:语法 ❤️ 预计 1 天
- 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400 「听写」对于「听和说」是最有效的方式 ❤️ 预计 18 天,进度是每天至少 2-5 节,每次听写尽量写出来具体的内容,可以总结生词/概述所学/复盘
- ❤️ 最后 1 天复盘总结。
Hello everyone,My name is Breeze. I am a software development engineer specializing in full-stack development. I excel in front-end development and various scripting languages. I joined this group with the hope of improving my English listening and speaking skills. My goal is to be able to watch original English videos without the need for subtitles in the future.
Yes 100%
刷重新认识英语这门语言 关于识别英语程序的方案设计,这几个类比还挺有意思的
刷了语法课, 预计明天开始根据上面的音标资料学习一下音标
音标巩固 + 开始听力练习 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400
1: orgin: matx, who receive the norbel price prize for her behave the poor dialect indian, she was eighty seven years old;
repeat: mothere teresa, who receive the Nobel peace prize for her work behave the poor, died in calcutran indian, she was 87 years old;
final: mother teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the proor, dies in calcutta India , she was 87 years old;
- 对 a , of 的发音识别有点问题;
- behalf vs behave
dictation 2:
origin: jerry, what time did you have ? i have 5 a'clock final: jerry, what time do you have ? I have 5 o'clock
注意: 发音技巧策略: 7H: he,her,his,him, has,had ,have ; 在美式发音中,一般前面的H不发;
dictation 3:
origin: there are 3 things that they never to discuiss people : religions, politics and the great popken
repeat: there are 3 things i have leared Never to discuiss with people, regilins, politics, and the greate pumpkin
注意: i have learned 听成了 that they; 弹幕同样反馈的比较多,细听以后还是没能很好的听出来;
dcitation4: origin: when that some body tell you , you can do some: repeat: Don't even that somebody tell you , you can't do some; final: Don't even that somebody tell you , you can't do something;
Strong: S N L ; Weak: d t th
如果Weak类的单词碰上了Strong开头的的,则会被省略掉; 所以 can't ,t会省略掉,中间停顿一下 something, t会省略, 这一章节听得有点离谱了,完全不对,cann't 没听出来;
dictation5: origin: I have come here to choose pop gun and kickcase, and all other company; repeat: I have come here to cheese bubblegum and kick ass, and all I'm out of bubblegum;
注意:I'm 通常发音为 iham ;以及 all out of 连读成 outta ;choose 和cheese 的发音
单词:bubblegum 口香糖;
dictation6: origin: the seek's life is juster , live every moment; repeat: the secrect of life is just to live every moment;
注意: secrect of t和o连读
origin: Another row trader has costed the bank billion
repeat: Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions
caution: rogue
origin: jamminie booker, who's man has the most piercesing , he got 453 ;
repeat: German, rolf bullco, is the man with the most piercings, he's got 453;
final: German, rolf Buchholz, is the man with the most piercings, he's got 453;
caution: is the 连读成 izh
dictation9: origin: a sattellize who's character the space discovery 20 years ago , is about four over the world ,but nobody know when and where to breath with him repeat: a satellize that's carried to space with the shuttle discovery 20 years ago, is about to fall to the earth, but nobody know where to brice hit ; final: a satellize that's carreid to space aboard the shuttle Discovery 20 yeras ago, it about to fall to earth, but nobody konow where the debris will hit;
- debris
- shuttle
- satellize
dictation10: origin: it's a lofty probobly impossible go repeat: it's a lofty probobly impossible go
origin: there are swipe race by indentical to four school in day 9:00 wendsday; repeat: New york swept the tampa bag rays by indentical 4:2 scores in day-night doubleheader wendsday origin: New York swept the Tampa Bag Rays by indentical 4:2 scoress in a day-night doubleheader Wednesday
- tampa bag rays 橄榄球队
- score 发音 vs school
- wednesday
origin: jame , create the muppet from the current song , is wining the role philoshiphy
repeat: jim handsone, creator of the muppet from the frog to , is borned in the ms
final: Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets from Kermit the frog to Seasom street , is born in GreenVille MS
- create of the 连读忽略掉of的音了
- is born in
origin: agent tiger mosquitos from the angle , but they past few years that spread all over the close from the United State;
repeat: Asia tiger mosquitoes are native to the trapic southeast Asia, but in the past few years they're spread all over the cross from the southEast United States;
final: Asian tiger mosquitoes are nativet to the trapic of Southeeast Asia, but in the past few years they're spread all acorss the southEast United States;
- native to
- trapic
- southeasten
- Asian 和 asia 的发音
origin: cat repeat 9 lifes and it clearly one to stand one of them here in New York city;
repeat: cat reputedly have 9 lives and he clearly wanted to spent the one of them here in New York City;
final: cat requtedly have 9 lives and he clearly want to spend at least the one of them in New York City;
- reputedly
- wanted 其中t不发音;
origin:the friend the 11 on every age often leave kids zoomout speed on able to concentrate;
repeat: the frantic pacing , scenes change 11 every scconds on average , often leave kids zoom out and spun up , unable to concentrate
final: the frantic pacing -- scenes changes every 11 scenonds on average, often leads kids zoned out and spun up , unbale to concentrate
- frantic pacing
- average
- zoned out and spun up
dictitation16: origin: better so and friday, the philipines have been second taifun in the week; repeat: battered, soaked andd flooded , the Philippines is been hit by it's second typhoon in a week final: battered, soaked andd flooded , the Philippines is being hit by it's second typhoon in a week
- battered , soaked , floode
- typhoon
origin: a few years ago, they rethought to be useless past prime not now; repeat: a few years ago, they were thought to be useless past their prime ,not now ;
- past their prime , 其中past their 连读;
- they were 连读
origin: if you're breezing , it's not to ready , get it up and keep going; repeat: if you are breathing, it's not to late, get up and get going; final: if you are breathing, it's not too late, get up and get going;
origin: a 67 years old grandpa, has been found a lot in staff 6 day and bottom over wheel
repeat: a 67 yeras old grandpa, has been found alive that has been stuck 6 days and at bottom of the revine
final: a 67 yeras old grandpa, has been found alive after being stuck 6 days and at bottom of a revine
- stuck for
- ravine
origin: saturday, in aultral like plane crash the ferry wheel at raw of the festival in Australia at somehow noone in use descripbe door in plane with hurt;
repeat: saturday, a ultralight plane crashed to the ferry wheels at ruror festival in Australia ,yet somehow no one on amusement a ride nor plane were hurted;
final: Saturday, an ultraligth plane crashed into a Ferris wheel at a rural festival in Australia, yet somehow no one on the amusement ride nor the plane was hurt;
- rural
- amusement ride
origin: hilly want the world over with her every cute ,but slighty confused looked
repeat: hilly won the world over with her very cute, but slightly confused look
final: heidi won the world over with her forevent cute but slightly confused look;
- won over
origin: the project put the moon line expetally compeletely in 2016
repeat: the project put to the online is expected to completed in 2016
final: the project to put them online is expected to completed by 2016
- 年份发音,一般是分成两部分发音,比如2016,是20 + 16 ;如果是2002 ,发音是 twenty o two
At the knowledge of sat cheating gandel has been coverage produced in hallon high school , the colleague has taking gently examply 6 students;
An alleged SAT cheating scandl has been uncoverage the presitigious long island high school, the colleague's student has been taking accused of the entrance exam at least 6 students;
An alleged SAT cheating scandal has been uncovered at a prestigious long isalnd high school. this colleague's student is accused of taking the colleague entrance exam for at least 6 students;
- alleged
- scandal
- prestigious
- prosecutor
- entrance exam at least 这个连读不好听出来
sam louis take the worth resolved open at a cool night, he was 49 degree at the start of game;
St Louis take the world series opener on a cool night , it's 49 degree at the start of the game;
- series
- start of the game 其中t 会被省略
the search for the missing thrived night under gemi power on te floor flight, has been remember waited by the mouse degree of sunmertears
they search for the missing throughout the night under the generative power on the flood light, as the family member waited by the mounds of bebris with some in tears
They searched for the missing throughout the night under the generator-powerd flood lights as family members waited by the mounds of debris -- some in tears;
- mounds of debris
- generator