diff --git a/.github/workflows/add-triage-label.yml b/.github/workflows/add-triage-label.yml
index 963b4a3ba56..d896fb0ec22 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/add-triage-label.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/add-triage-label.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
+# Whenever a new issue is opened, this workflow adds the "status: needs triage"
+# label, unless the issue already has one of the "Internal" labels.
name: Add Triage Label
- reopened
- opened
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@@ -13,10 +17,41 @@ jobs:
- name: Run
uses: actions/github-script@v7
- script: |
- github.rest.issues.addLabels({
- issue_number: context.issue.number,
- owner: context.repo.owner,
- repo: context.repo.repo,
- labels: ["status: needs triage"]
- })
\ No newline at end of file
+ script: |
+ const INTERNAL_LABELS = ["Internal", "status: triaged"];
+ async function getIssueLabels() {
+ const { data: labels } = await github.rest.issues.listLabelsOnIssue({
+ owner: context.repo.owner,
+ repo: context.repo.repo,
+ issue_number: context.issue.number
+ });
+ return labels.map(label => label.name);
+ }
+ async function issueHasInternalLabels() {
+ const labels = await getIssueLabels();
+ return INTERNAL_LABELS.some(item => labels.includes(item));
+ }
+ async function addNeedsTriageLabelToIssue() {
+ await github.rest.issues.addLabels({
+ issue_number: context.issue.number,
+ owner: context.repo.owner,
+ repo: context.repo.repo,
+ labels: ["status: needs triage"]
+ });
+ }
+ try {
+ if (!await issueHasInternalLabels()) {
+ await addNeedsTriageLabelToIssue();
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ core.setFailed(`Error: ${error}`);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/longitudinal-benchmark.yml b/.github/workflows/longitudinal-benchmark.yml
index 0b704711783..26c74321742 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/longitudinal-benchmark.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/longitudinal-benchmark.yml
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ jobs:
run: git config core.hooksPath no-hooks
- name: Store benchmark result
- uses: benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark@v1.19.3
+ uses: benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark@v1.20.3
name: Plutus Benchmarks
tool: 'customSmallerIsBetter'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/nightly.yml b/.github/workflows/nightly.yml
index c7f14577e29..3dcbec1628e 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/nightly.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/nightly.yml
@@ -3,32 +3,41 @@ name: Nightly Test Suite
- cron: 0 0 * * * # daily at midnight
workflow_dispatch: # or manually dispatch the job
+ inputs:
+ hedgehog-tests:
+ description: Numer of tests to run (--hedgehog-tests XXXXX)
+ required: false
+ default: "50000"
+ HEDGEHOG_TESTS: ${{ github.event.inputs.hedgehog-tests || 50000 }}
+ timeout-minutes: 14400
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Quick Install Nix
- uses: cachix/install-nix-action@V27
- with:
- extra_nix_config: |
- experimental-features = nix-command flakes
- accept-flake-config = true
+ - name: Install Nix
+ uses: DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action@main
+ - name: Use Magic Nix Cache
+ uses: DeterminateSystems/magic-nix-cache-action@main
- name: plutus-core-nightly
if: always()
run: |
pushd plutus-core
- nix run --no-warn-dirty --accept-flake-config .#plutus-core-test -- --hedgehog-tests 10000
+ nix run --no-warn-dirty --accept-flake-config .#plutus-core-test -- --hedgehog-tests $HEDGEHOG_TESTS
- name: plutus-ir-nightly
if: always()
run: |
pushd plutus-core
- nix run --no-warn-dirty --accept-flake-config .#plutus-ir-test -- --hedgehog-tests 10000
+ nix run --no-warn-dirty --accept-flake-config .#plutus-ir-test -- --hedgehog-tests $HEDGEHOG_TESTS
diff --git a/RELEASE.adoc b/RELEASE.adoc
index 2bc8e778281..797060bd304 100644
--- a/RELEASE.adoc
+++ b/RELEASE.adoc
@@ -75,19 +75,11 @@ This updates versions and version bounds, and assembles the changelogs.open a PR
- Choose as git tag `x.y.z.0`
- Choose as target the git commit hash which points to the release commit
- Click `Generate release notes` to automatically fill in the details of what's changed
-- Create and attach pir&uplc executables to the release by running the following commands inside the repository where its HEAD is at the release commit:
-nix build .#hydraJobs.x86_64-linux.musl64.ghc96.pir
-cp ./result/bin/pir ./pir-x86_64-linux-ghc96
-nix build .#hydraJobs.x86_64-linux.musl64.ghc96.uplc
-cp ./result/bin/uplc ./uplc-x86_64-linux-ghc96
+- Create and attach pir&uplc executables to the release by running the following script inside the repository where its HEAD is at the release commit: `./scripts/prepare-bins.sh`. This will create `pir-x86_64-linux-ghc96` and `uplc-x86_64-linux-ghc96` executables, compress them and put in the project's root folder. Upload them to the release draft.
- Click `Publish release`.
-7. Open a PR in the https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-haskell-packages[CHaP repository] for publishing the new version. Run `./scripts/add-from-github.sh "https://github.com/IntersectMBO/plutus" COMMIT-SHA LIST-OF-UPDATED-PACKAGES` (see https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-haskell-packages#-from-github[the README on CHaP]). Example: https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-haskell-packages/pull/394.
+7. Open a PR in the https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-haskell-packages[CHaP repository] for publishing the new version. +
+If you are making PR from your own fork then don't forget to sync your fork with the upstream first. +
+Run `./scripts/add-from-github.sh "https://github.com/IntersectMBO/plutus" COMMIT-SHA LIST-OF-UPDATED-PACKAGES` (see https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-haskell-packages#-from-github[the README on CHaP]). Example: https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-haskell-packages/pull/764.
- If issues are found, create a release branch `release/x.y.z`, fix the issues on master, backport the fixes to `release/x.y.z`, tag `x.y.z.0-rc2`, and go to step 4.
- Why not just fix the issues on master and tag `x.y.z.0-rc2` from master?
It is desirable to minimize the amount of change between `rc1` and `rc2`, because it may reduce the tests and checks that need to be performed against `rc2`.
diff --git a/doc/read-the-docs-site/plutus-doc.cabal b/doc/read-the-docs-site/plutus-doc.cabal
index 1c31b3d75b1..86f51515c0c 100644
--- a/doc/read-the-docs-site/plutus-doc.cabal
+++ b/doc/read-the-docs-site/plutus-doc.cabal
@@ -17,13 +17,6 @@ source-repository head
type: git
location: https://github.com/IntersectMBO/plutus
-flag defer-plugin-errors
- description:
- Defer errors from the plugin, useful for things like Haddock that can't handle it.
- default: False
- manual: True
common lang
default-language: Haskell2010
@@ -47,8 +40,6 @@ common lang
-fobject-code -fno-ignore-interface-pragmas
- if flag(defer-plugin-errors)
common ghc-version-support
-- See the section on GHC versions in CONTRIBUTING
if (impl(ghc <9.6) || impl(ghc >=9.7))
diff --git a/plutus-core/changelog.d/20240517_094957_unsafeFixIO_v2_new_prims.md b/plutus-core/changelog.d/20240517_094957_unsafeFixIO_v2_new_prims.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1cd71254e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-core/changelog.d/20240517_094957_unsafeFixIO_v2_new_prims.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+### Added
+- Primitives `integerToByteString` and `byteStringToInteger` are added to PlutusV2,
+ enabled at protocol version 10.
diff --git a/plutus-core/changelog.d/20240520_192738_effectfully_remove_UnknownBuiltin.md b/plutus-core/changelog.d/20240520_192738_effectfully_remove_UnknownBuiltin.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5fe160f9919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-core/changelog.d/20240520_192738_effectfully_remove_UnknownBuiltin.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+### Removed
+- `UnknownBuiltin` and `UnknownBuiltinType` in #6064.
diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Error.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Error.hs
index 7b4b1e8d42a..7ec30398602 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Error.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Error.hs
@@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ throwingEither r e = case e of
-- | An error encountered during parsing.
data ParserError
- = UnknownBuiltinType !T.Text !SourcePos
- | BuiltinTypeNotAStar !T.Text !SourcePos
+ = BuiltinTypeNotAStar !T.Text !SourcePos
| UnknownBuiltinFunction !T.Text !SourcePos ![T.Text]
| InvalidBuiltinConstant !T.Text !T.Text !SourcePos
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic)
@@ -171,8 +170,6 @@ instance Pretty SourcePos where
pretty = pretty . sourcePosPretty
instance Pretty ParserError where
- pretty (UnknownBuiltinType s loc) =
- "Unknown built-in type" <+> squotes (pretty s) <+> "at" <+> pretty loc
pretty (BuiltinTypeNotAStar ty loc) =
"Expected a type of kind star (to later parse a constant), but got:" <+>
squotes (pretty ty) <+> "at" <+> pretty loc
diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Exception.hs b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Exception.hs
index d49792a5f0e..bd10f0267fe 100644
--- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Exception.hs
+++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/src/PlutusCore/Evaluation/Machine/Exception.hs
@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ data MachineError fun
| BuiltinTermArgumentExpectedMachineError
-- ^ A builtin expected a term argument, but something else was received.
| UnexpectedBuiltinTermArgumentMachineError
- -- ^ A builtin received a term argument when something else was expected.
- | UnknownBuiltin fun
+ -- ^ A builtin received a term argument when something else was expected
| NonConstrScrutinized
| MissingCaseBranch Word64
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Functor, Generic)
@@ -160,8 +159,6 @@ instance (HasPrettyDefaults config ~ 'True, Pretty fun) =>
"A builtin received a term argument when something else was expected"
prettyBy _ (UnliftingMachineError unliftingError) =
pretty unliftingError
- prettyBy _ (UnknownBuiltin fun) =
- "Encountered an unknown built-in function:" <+> pretty fun
prettyBy _ NonConstrScrutinized =
"A non-constructor value was scrutinized in a case expression"
prettyBy _ (MissingCaseBranch i) =
diff --git a/plutus-ledger-api/exe/analyse-script-events/Main.hs b/plutus-ledger-api/exe/analyse-script-events/Main.hs
index 9b4be82bc36..62a881d0f2c 100644
--- a/plutus-ledger-api/exe/analyse-script-events/Main.hs
+++ b/plutus-ledger-api/exe/analyse-script-events/Main.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Data.Primitive.PrimArray qualified as P
import Data.SatInt (fromSatInt)
import System.Directory.Extra (listFiles)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
-import System.FilePath (isExtensionOf)
+import System.FilePath (isExtensionOf, takeFileName)
import System.IO (stderr)
import Text.Printf (hPrintf, printf)
@@ -302,6 +302,70 @@ countBuiltins eventFiles = do
P.itraversePrimArray_ printEntry finalCounts
where printEntry i c = printf "%-35s %12d\n" (show (toEnum i :: DefaultFun)) c
+data EvaluationResult = OK ExBudget | Failed | DeserialisationError
+-- Convert to a string for use in an R frame
+toRString :: EvaluationResult -> String
+toRString = \case
+ OK _ -> "T"
+ Failed -> "F"
+ DeserialisationError -> "NA"
+-- Print out the actual and claimed CPU and memory cost of every script.
+analyseCosts :: EventAnalyser
+analyseCosts ctx _ ev =
+ case ev of
+ PlutusV1Event ScriptEvaluationData{..} _ ->
+ let result =
+ case deserialiseScript PlutusV1 dataProtocolVersion dataScript of
+ Left _ -> DeserialisationError
+ Right script ->
+ case
+ V1.evaluateScriptRestricting
+ dataProtocolVersion
+ V1.Quiet
+ ctx
+ dataBudget
+ script
+ dataInputs
+ of
+ (_, Left _) -> Failed
+ (_, Right cost) -> OK cost
+ in printCost result dataBudget
+ PlutusV2Event ScriptEvaluationData{..} _ ->
+ let result =
+ case deserialiseScript PlutusV2 dataProtocolVersion dataScript of
+ Left _ -> DeserialisationError
+ Right script ->
+ case
+ V2.evaluateScriptRestricting
+ dataProtocolVersion
+ V2.Quiet
+ ctx
+ dataBudget
+ script
+ dataInputs
+ of
+ (_, Left _) -> Failed
+ (_, Right cost) -> OK cost
+ in printCost result dataBudget
+ where printCost :: EvaluationResult -> ExBudget -> IO ()
+ printCost result claimedCost =
+ let (claimedCPU, claimedMem) = costAsInts claimedCost
+ in case result of
+ OK cost ->
+ let (actualCPU, actualMem) = costAsInts cost
+ in printf "%15d %15d %15d %15d %2s\n" actualCPU claimedCPU actualMem claimedMem (toRString result)
+ -- Something went wrong; print the cost as "NA" ("Not Available" in R) so that R can
+ -- still process it.
+ _ ->
+ printf "%15s %15d %15s %15d %2s\n" "NA" claimedCPU "NA" claimedMem (toRString result)
+ costAsInts :: ExBudget -> (Int, Int)
+ costAsInts (ExBudget (V2.ExCPU cpu) (V2.ExMemory mem)) = (fromSatInt cpu, fromSatInt mem)
-- Extract the script from an evaluation event and apply some analysis function
:: (Term NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun () -> IO ())
@@ -325,6 +389,10 @@ analyseOneFile
-> IO ()
analyseOneFile analyse eventFile = do
events <- loadEvents eventFile
+ printf "# %s\n" $ takeFileName eventFile
+ -- Print the file in the output so we can narrow down the location of
+ -- interesting/anomalous data. This may not be helpful for some of the
+ -- analyses.
case ( mkContext V1.mkEvaluationContext (eventsCostParamsV1 events)
, mkContext V2.mkEvaluationContext (eventsCostParamsV2 events)
) of
@@ -354,29 +422,6 @@ analyseOneFile analyse eventFile = do
Nothing -> putStrLn "*** ctxV2 missing ***"
-max_tx_ex_steps :: Double
-max_tx_ex_steps = 10_000_000_000
-max_tx_ex_mem :: Double
-max_tx_ex_mem = 14_000_000
--- Print out the CPU and memory budgets of each script event. These are the costs
--- paid for by the submitters, not the actual costs consumed during execution.
--- TODO: add a version that tells us the actual execution costs.
-getBudgets :: EventAnalyser
-getBudgets _ctx _params ev =
- let printFractions d =
- let ExBudget (V2.ExCPU cpu) (V2.ExMemory mem) = dataBudget d
- in printf "%15d %10.8f %15d %10.8f\n"
- (fromSatInt cpu :: Int)
- ((fromSatInt cpu) / max_tx_ex_steps)
- (fromSatInt mem :: Int)
- ((fromSatInt mem) / max_tx_ex_mem)
- in case ev of
- PlutusV1Event evdata _expected -> printFractions evdata
- PlutusV2Event evdata _expected -> printFractions evdata
main :: IO ()
main =
let analyses =
@@ -400,10 +445,10 @@ main =
, "count the total number of occurrences of each builtin in validator scripts"
, countBuiltins
- , ( "budgets"
- , "print (claimed) budgets of scripts"
- , putStrLn " cpu cpuFraction mem memFraction"
- `thenDoAnalysis` getBudgets
+ , ( "costs"
+ , "print actual and claimed costs of scripts"
+ , putStrLn " cpuActual cpuClaimed memActual memClaimed status"
+ `thenDoAnalysis` analyseCosts
@@ -411,17 +456,21 @@ main =
(prelude `thenDoAnalysis` analyser) files = prelude >> doAnalysis analyser files
usage = do
- getProgName >>= hPrintf stderr "Usage: %s
+ getProgName >>= hPrintf stderr "Usage: %s []\n"
+ hPrintf stderr "Analyse the .event files in (default = current directory)\n"
hPrintf stderr "Avaliable analyses:\n"
mapM_ printDescription analyses
where printDescription (n,h,_) = hPrintf stderr " %-16s: %s\n" n h
+ go name dir =
+ case find (\(n,_,_) -> n == name) analyses of
+ Nothing -> printf "Unknown analysis: %s\n" name >> usage
+ Just (_,_,analysis) ->
+ filter ("event" `isExtensionOf`) <$> listFiles dir >>= \case
+ [] -> printf "No .event files in %s\n" dir
+ eventFiles -> analysis eventFiles
in getArgs >>= \case
- [dir, name] ->
- case find (\(n,_,_) -> n == name) analyses of
- Nothing -> printf "Unknown analysis: %s\n" name >> usage
- Just (_,_,analysis) ->
- filter ("event" `isExtensionOf`) <$> listFiles dir >>= \case
- [] -> printf "No event files in %s\n" dir
- eventFiles -> analysis eventFiles
- _ -> usage
+ [name] -> go name "."
+ [name, dir] -> go name dir
+ _ -> usage
diff --git a/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/Common/ProtocolVersions.hs b/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/Common/ProtocolVersions.hs
index fdf7fbc08a5..158c57fde4a 100644
--- a/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/Common/ProtocolVersions.hs
+++ b/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/Common/ProtocolVersions.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module PlutusLedgerApi.Common.ProtocolVersions
, vasilPV
, valentinePV
, conwayPV
+ , conwayPlus1PV
, knownPVs
, futurePV
) where
@@ -68,10 +69,25 @@ valentinePV = MajorProtocolVersion 8
conwayPV :: MajorProtocolVersion
conwayPV = MajorProtocolVersion 9
+-- | The next HF after Conway. It doesn't yet have a name, and it's not
+-- yet known whether it will be an intra-era HF or introduce a new era.
+conwayPlus1PV :: MajorProtocolVersion
+conwayPlus1PV = MajorProtocolVersion 10
-- | The set of protocol versions that are "known", i.e. that have been released
-- and have actual differences associated with them.
knownPVs :: Set.Set MajorProtocolVersion
-knownPVs = Set.fromList [ shelleyPV, allegraPV, maryPV, alonzoPV, vasilPV, valentinePV, conwayPV ]
+knownPVs =
+ Set.fromList
+ [ shelleyPV
+ , allegraPV
+ , maryPV
+ , alonzoPV
+ , vasilPV
+ , valentinePV
+ , conwayPV
+ , conwayPlus1PV
+ ]
-- | This is a placeholder for when we don't yet know what protocol version will
-- be used for something. It's a very high protocol version that should never
diff --git a/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/Common/Versions.hs b/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/Common/Versions.hs
index 728b096ea3c..24a553dd651 100644
--- a/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/Common/Versions.hs
+++ b/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/Common/Versions.hs
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ instance Pretty PlutusLedgerLanguage where
pretty = viaShow
{-| A map indicating which builtin functions were introduced in which 'MajorProtocolVersion'.
-Each builtin function should appear at most once.
This __must__ be updated when new builtins are added.
See Note [New builtins/language versions and protocol versions]
@@ -107,6 +106,9 @@ builtinsIntroducedIn = Map.fromList [
((PlutusV2, valentinePV), Set.fromList [
VerifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature, VerifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature
+ ((PlutusV2, conwayPlus1PV), Set.fromList [
+ IntegerToByteString, ByteStringToInteger
+ ]),
((PlutusV3, conwayPV), Set.fromList [
Bls12_381_G1_add, Bls12_381_G1_neg, Bls12_381_G1_scalarMul,
Bls12_381_G1_equal, Bls12_381_G1_hashToGroup,
@@ -173,10 +175,10 @@ and 'MajorProtocolVersion'?
See Note [New builtins/language versions and protocol versions]
builtinsAvailableIn :: PlutusLedgerLanguage -> MajorProtocolVersion -> Set.Set DefaultFun
-builtinsAvailableIn thisLv thisPv = fold $ Map.elems $
- Map.takeWhileAntitone builtinAvailableIn builtinsIntroducedIn
+builtinsAvailableIn thisLv thisPv = fold $
+ Map.filterWithKey (const . alreadyIntroduced) builtinsIntroducedIn
- builtinAvailableIn :: (PlutusLedgerLanguage, MajorProtocolVersion) -> Bool
- builtinAvailableIn (introducedInLv,introducedInPv) =
+ alreadyIntroduced :: (PlutusLedgerLanguage, MajorProtocolVersion) -> Bool
+ alreadyIntroduced (introducedInLv,introducedInPv) =
-- both should be satisfied
introducedInLv <= thisLv && introducedInPv <= thisPv
diff --git a/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/V2/ParamName.hs b/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/V2/ParamName.hs
index 292ea06f506..1f6ef6f5610 100644
--- a/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/V2/ParamName.hs
+++ b/plutus-ledger-api/src/PlutusLedgerApi/V2/ParamName.hs
@@ -190,5 +190,15 @@ data ParamName =
| VerifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature'cpu'arguments'intercept
| VerifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature'cpu'arguments'slope
| VerifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature'memory'arguments
+ | IntegerToByteString'cpu'arguments'c0
+ | IntegerToByteString'cpu'arguments'c1
+ | IntegerToByteString'cpu'arguments'c2
+ | IntegerToByteString'memory'arguments'intercept
+ | IntegerToByteString'memory'arguments'slope
+ | ByteStringToInteger'cpu'arguments'c0
+ | ByteStringToInteger'cpu'arguments'c1
+ | ByteStringToInteger'cpu'arguments'c2
+ | ByteStringToInteger'memory'arguments'intercept
+ | ByteStringToInteger'memory'arguments'slope
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix, Bounded, Generic)
deriving IsParamName via (GenericParamName ParamName)
diff --git a/plutus-ledger-api/test/Spec/CostModelParams.hs b/plutus-ledger-api/test/Spec/CostModelParams.hs
index 6cff19826ac..3edb933edc4 100644
--- a/plutus-ledger-api/test/Spec/CostModelParams.hs
+++ b/plutus-ledger-api/test/Spec/CostModelParams.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ tests =
[ testCase "length" $ do
166 @=? length v1_ParamNames
166 @=? length V1.costModelParamsForTesting
- 175 @=? length v2_ParamNames
- 175 @=? length V2.costModelParamsForTesting
+ 185 @=? length v2_ParamNames
+ 185 @=? length V2.costModelParamsForTesting
233 @=? length v3_ParamNames
233 @=? length V3.costModelParamsForTesting
, testCase "tripping paramname" $ do
diff --git a/plutus-ledger-api/testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V2/EvaluationContext.hs b/plutus-ledger-api/testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V2/EvaluationContext.hs
index a95463039cd..e7bbec6cd2d 100644
--- a/plutus-ledger-api/testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V2/EvaluationContext.hs
+++ b/plutus-ledger-api/testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V2/EvaluationContext.hs
@@ -52,4 +52,6 @@ clearBuiltinCostModel r = r
{ paramSerialiseData = mempty
, paramVerifyEcdsaSecp256k1Signature = mempty
, paramVerifySchnorrSecp256k1Signature = mempty
+ , paramIntegerToByteString = mempty
+ , paramByteStringToInteger = mempty
diff --git a/plutus-ledger-api/testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V3/EvaluationContext.hs b/plutus-ledger-api/testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V3/EvaluationContext.hs
index e4e7e74c3ed..62ae7ccab21 100644
--- a/plutus-ledger-api/testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V3/EvaluationContext.hs
+++ b/plutus-ledger-api/testlib/PlutusLedgerApi/Test/V3/EvaluationContext.hs
@@ -67,6 +67,4 @@ clearBuiltinCostModel r = r
, paramBls12_381_finalVerify = mempty
, paramKeccak_256 = mempty
, paramBlake2b_224 = mempty
- , paramIntegerToByteString = mempty
- , paramByteStringToInteger = mempty
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/plutus-tx-plugin.cabal b/plutus-tx-plugin/plutus-tx-plugin.cabal
index 2ebff4e86e2..bdf5c1a1482 100644
--- a/plutus-tx-plugin/plutus-tx-plugin.cabal
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/plutus-tx-plugin.cabal
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ test-suite plutus-tx-plugin-tests
+ AssocMap.Spec
@@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ test-suite plutus-tx-plugin-tests
+ Util.Common
, base >=4.9 && <5
@@ -192,6 +194,7 @@ test-suite plutus-tx-plugin-tests
, tasty-hunit
, template-haskell
, text
+ , these
default-extensions: Strict
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AssocMap/Spec.hs b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AssocMap/Spec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d8658ebd69c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AssocMap/Spec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin-opt PlutusTx.Plugin:context-level=0 #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin-opt PlutusTx.Plugin:defer-errors #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
+module AssocMap.Spec where
+import Test.Tasty.Extras
+import Data.List (nubBy, sort)
+import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
+import Data.These qualified as Haskell
+import Hedgehog (Gen, MonadTest, Property, Range, forAll, property, (===))
+import Hedgehog.Gen qualified as Gen
+import Hedgehog.Range qualified as Range
+import PlutusTx.AssocMap qualified as AssocMap
+import PlutusTx.Builtins qualified as PlutusTx
+import PlutusTx.Code
+import PlutusTx.Data.AssocMap qualified as Data.AssocMap
+import PlutusTx.IsData ()
+import PlutusTx.IsData qualified as P
+import PlutusTx.Lift (liftCodeDef, makeLift)
+import PlutusTx.List qualified as PlutusTx
+import PlutusTx.Prelude qualified as PlutusTx
+import PlutusTx.Show qualified as PlutusTx
+import PlutusTx.Test
+import PlutusTx.TH (compile)
+import PlutusTx.These (These (..), these)
+import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
+import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog (testProperty)
+import Util.Common (cekResultMatchesHaskellValue, compiledCodeToTerm, unsafeRunTermCek)
+-- | Test the performance and interaction between 'insert', 'delete' and 'lookup'.
+map1 ::
+ CompiledCode
+ ( Integer ->
+ ( Maybe PlutusTx.BuiltinByteString
+ , Maybe PlutusTx.BuiltinByteString
+ , Maybe PlutusTx.BuiltinByteString
+ , Maybe PlutusTx.BuiltinByteString
+ , Maybe PlutusTx.BuiltinByteString
+ )
+ )
+map1 =
+ $$( compile
+ [||
+ \n ->
+ let m :: Data.AssocMap.Map Integer PlutusTx.BuiltinByteString
+ m =
+ foldr
+ (\i ->
+ Data.AssocMap.insert
+ (n PlutusTx.+ i)
+ (PlutusTx.encodeUtf8 (PlutusTx.show i))
+ )
+ (Data.AssocMap.singleton n "0")
+ (PlutusTx.enumFromTo 1 10)
+ m' = Data.AssocMap.delete (n PlutusTx.+ 5) m
+ in ( Data.AssocMap.lookup n m
+ , Data.AssocMap.lookup (n PlutusTx.+ 5) m
+ , Data.AssocMap.lookup (n PlutusTx.+ 10) m
+ , Data.AssocMap.lookup (n PlutusTx.+ 20) m
+ , Data.AssocMap.lookup (n PlutusTx.+ 5) m'
+ )
+ ||]
+ )
+-- | Test that 'unionWith' is implemented correctly. Due to the nature of 'Map k v',
+-- some type errors are only caught when running the PlutusTx compiler on code which uses
+-- 'unionWith'.
+map2 :: CompiledCode (Integer -> [(Integer, PlutusTx.BuiltinString)])
+map2 =
+ $$( compile
+ [||
+ \n ->
+ let m1 =
+ Data.AssocMap.unsafeFromList
+ [ (n PlutusTx.+ 1, "one")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 2, "two")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 3, "three")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 4, "four")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 5, "five")
+ ]
+ m2 =
+ Data.AssocMap.unsafeFromList
+ [ (n PlutusTx.+ 3, "THREE")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 4, "FOUR")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 6, "SIX")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 7, "SEVEN")
+ ]
+ m = Data.AssocMap.unionWith PlutusTx.appendByteString m1 m2
+ in PlutusTx.fmap (\(k, v) -> (k, PlutusTx.decodeUtf8 v)) (Data.AssocMap.toList m)
+ ||]
+ )
+-- | Similar to map2, but uses 'union' instead of 'unionWith'. Evaluating 'map3' and 'map2'
+-- should yield the same result.
+map3 :: CompiledCode (Integer -> [(Integer, PlutusTx.BuiltinString)])
+map3 =
+ $$( compile
+ [||
+ \n ->
+ let m1 =
+ Data.AssocMap.unsafeFromList
+ [ (n PlutusTx.+ 1, "one")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 2, "two")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 3, "three")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 4, "four")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 5, "five")
+ ]
+ m2 =
+ Data.AssocMap.unsafeFromList
+ [ (n PlutusTx.+ 3, "THREE")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 4, "FOUR")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 6, "SIX")
+ , (n PlutusTx.+ 7, "SEVEN")
+ ]
+ m = Data.AssocMap.union m1 m2
+ f = these id id PlutusTx.appendByteString
+ in PlutusTx.fmap (\(k, v) -> (k, PlutusTx.decodeUtf8 (f v))) (Data.AssocMap.toList m)
+ ||]
+ )
+lookupProgram :: CompiledCode (Integer -> AssocMap.Map Integer Integer -> Maybe Integer)
+lookupProgram = $$(compile [|| AssocMap.lookup ||])
+dataLookupProgram :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer -> Maybe Integer)
+dataLookupProgram = $$(compile [|| Data.AssocMap.lookup ||])
+memberProgram :: CompiledCode (Integer -> AssocMap.Map Integer Integer -> Bool)
+memberProgram = $$(compile [|| AssocMap.member ||])
+dataMemberProgram :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer -> Bool)
+dataMemberProgram = $$(compile [|| Data.AssocMap.member ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Integer
+ -> Integer
+ -> AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+insertProgram =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| \k v m ->
+ PlutusTx.sort $ AssocMap.toList $ AssocMap.insert k v m
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Integer
+ -> Integer
+ -> Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+dataInsertProgram =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| \k v m ->
+ PlutusTx.sort $ Data.AssocMap.toList $ Data.AssocMap.insert k v m
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Integer
+ -> AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+deleteProgram =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| \k m ->
+ PlutusTx.sort $ AssocMap.toList $ AssocMap.delete k m
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Integer
+ -> Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+dataDeleteProgram =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| \k m ->
+ PlutusTx.sort $ Data.AssocMap.toList $ Data.AssocMap.delete k m
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Integer
+ -> AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> Bool
+ )
+allProgram =
+ $$(compile [|| \num m -> AssocMap.all (\x -> x PlutusTx.< num) m ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Integer
+ -> Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> Bool
+ )
+dataAllProgram =
+ $$(compile [|| \num m -> Data.AssocMap.all (\x -> x PlutusTx.< num) m ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Integer
+ -> Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> Bool
+ )
+dataAnyProgram =
+ $$(compile [|| \num m -> Data.AssocMap.any (\x -> x PlutusTx.< num) m ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [Integer]
+ )
+keysProgram =
+ $$(compile [|| AssocMap.keys ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> Bool
+ )
+dataNoDuplicateKeysProgram =
+ $$(compile [|| Data.AssocMap.noDuplicateKeys ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, These Integer Integer)]
+ )
+unionProgram =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| \m1 m2 ->
+ PlutusTx.sort $ AssocMap.toList $ AssocMap.union m1 m2
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, These Integer Integer)]
+ )
+dataUnionProgram =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| \m1 m2 ->
+ PlutusTx.sort $ Data.AssocMap.toList $ Data.AssocMap.union m1 m2
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+unionWithProgram =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| \m1 m2 ->
+ PlutusTx.sort $ AssocMap.toList $ AssocMap.unionWith (\x _ -> x) m1 m2
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+dataUnionWithProgram =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| \m1 m2 ->
+ PlutusTx.sort $ Data.AssocMap.toList $ Data.AssocMap.unionWith (\x _ -> x) m1 m2
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> PlutusTx.BuiltinData
+ )
+encodedDataAssocMap = $$(compile [|| P.toBuiltinData ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> PlutusTx.BuiltinData
+ )
+encodedAssocMap = $$(compile [|| P.toBuiltinData ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> PlutusTx.Maybe [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+mDecodedDataAssocMap =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| fmap (PlutusTx.sort . Data.AssocMap.toList) . P.fromBuiltinData . P.toBuiltinData
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> PlutusTx.Maybe [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+mDecodedAssocMap =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| fmap (PlutusTx.sort . AssocMap.toList) . P.fromBuiltinData . P.toBuiltinData
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( Data.AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+decodedDataAssocMap =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| PlutusTx.sort . Data.AssocMap.toList . P.unsafeFromBuiltinData . P.toBuiltinData
+ ||])
+ :: CompiledCode
+ ( AssocMap.Map Integer Integer
+ -> [(Integer, Integer)]
+ )
+decodedAssocMap =
+ $$(compile
+ [|| PlutusTx.sort . AssocMap.toList . P.unsafeFromBuiltinData . P.toBuiltinData
+ ||])
+-- | The semantics of PlutusTx maps and their operations.
+-- The 'PlutusTx' implementations maps ('Data.AssocMap.Map' and 'AssocMap.Map')
+-- are checked against the semantics to ensure correctness.
+newtype AssocMapS k v = AssocMapS [(k, v)]
+ deriving stock (Show, Eq)
+semanticsToAssocMap :: AssocMapS k v -> AssocMap.Map k v
+semanticsToAssocMap = AssocMap.unsafeFromList . toListS
+ :: (P.ToData k, P.ToData v)
+ => AssocMapS k v -> Data.AssocMap.Map k v
+semanticsToDataAssocMap = Data.AssocMap.unsafeFromList . toListS
+assocMapToSemantics :: AssocMap.Map k v -> AssocMapS k v
+assocMapToSemantics = unsafeFromListS . AssocMap.toList
+ :: (P.UnsafeFromData k, P.UnsafeFromData v)
+ => Data.AssocMap.Map k v -> AssocMapS k v
+dataAssocMapToSemantics = unsafeFromListS . Data.AssocMap.toList
+nullS :: AssocMapS k v -> Bool
+nullS (AssocMapS l) = null l
+sortS :: (Ord k, Ord v) => AssocMapS k v -> AssocMapS k v
+sortS (AssocMapS l) = AssocMapS $ sort l
+toListS :: AssocMapS k v -> [(k, v)]
+toListS (AssocMapS l) = l
+unsafeFromListS :: [(k, v)] -> AssocMapS k v
+unsafeFromListS = AssocMapS
+safeFromListS :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> AssocMapS k v
+safeFromListS = AssocMapS . Map.toList . Map.fromList
+lookupS :: Integer -> AssocMapS Integer Integer -> Maybe Integer
+lookupS k (AssocMapS l) = Map.lookup k . Map.fromList $ l
+memberS :: Integer -> AssocMapS Integer Integer -> Bool
+memberS k (AssocMapS l) = Map.member k . Map.fromList $ l
+insertS :: Integer -> Integer -> AssocMapS Integer Integer -> AssocMapS Integer Integer
+insertS k v (AssocMapS l) =
+ AssocMapS . Map.toList . Map.insert k v . Map.fromList $ l
+deleteS :: Integer -> AssocMapS Integer Integer -> AssocMapS Integer Integer
+deleteS k (AssocMapS l) =
+ AssocMapS . Map.toList . Map.delete k . Map.fromList $ l
+allS :: (Integer -> Bool) -> AssocMapS Integer Integer -> Bool
+allS p (AssocMapS l) = all (p . snd) l
+anyS :: (Integer -> Bool) -> AssocMapS Integer Integer -> Bool
+anyS p (AssocMapS l) = any (p . snd) l
+keysS :: AssocMapS Integer Integer -> [Integer]
+keysS (AssocMapS l) = map fst l
+noDuplicateKeysS :: AssocMapS Integer Integer -> Bool
+noDuplicateKeysS (AssocMapS l) =
+ length l == length (nubBy (\(k1, _) (k2, _) -> k1 == k2) l)
+mapS :: (a -> b) -> AssocMapS k a -> AssocMapS k b
+mapS f (AssocMapS l) = AssocMapS $ map (\(k, v) -> (k, f v)) l
+makeLift ''AssocMapS
+-- | The semantics of 'union' is based on the 'AssocMap' implementation.
+-- The code is duplicated here to avoid any issues if the 'AssocMap' implementation changes.
+ :: AssocMapS Integer Integer
+ -> AssocMapS Integer Integer
+ -> AssocMapS Integer (Haskell.These Integer Integer)
+unionS (AssocMapS ls) (AssocMapS rs) =
+ let
+ f a b' = case b' of
+ Nothing -> Haskell.This a
+ Just b -> Haskell.These a b
+ ls' = fmap (\(c, i) -> (c, f i (lookupS c (AssocMapS rs)))) ls
+ -- Keeps only those keys which don't appear in the left map.
+ rs' = filter (\(c, _) -> not (any (\(c', _) -> c' == c) ls)) rs
+ rs'' = fmap (fmap Haskell.That) rs'
+ in
+ AssocMapS (ls' ++ rs'')
+haskellToPlutusThese :: Haskell.These a b -> These a b
+haskellToPlutusThese = \case
+ Haskell.This a -> This a
+ Haskell.That b -> That b
+ Haskell.These a b -> These a b
+ :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
+ -> AssocMapS Integer Integer
+ -> AssocMapS Integer Integer
+ -> AssocMapS Integer Integer
+unionWithS merge (AssocMapS ls) (AssocMapS rs) =
+ AssocMapS
+ . Map.toList
+ $ Map.unionWith merge (Map.fromList ls) (Map.fromList rs)
+genAssocMapS :: Gen (AssocMapS Integer Integer)
+genAssocMapS =
+ AssocMapS . Map.toList <$> Gen.map rangeLength genPair
+ where
+ genPair :: Gen (Integer, Integer)
+ genPair = do
+ (,) <$> Gen.integral rangeElem <*> Gen.integral rangeElem
+genUnsafeAssocMapS :: Gen (AssocMapS Integer Integer)
+genUnsafeAssocMapS = do
+ AssocMapS <$> Gen.list rangeLength genPair
+ where
+ genPair :: Gen (Integer, Integer)
+ genPair = do
+ (,) <$> Gen.integral rangeElem <*> Gen.integral rangeElem
+-- | The 'Equivalence' class is used to define an equivalence relation
+-- between `AssocMapS` and the 'PlutusTx' implementations.
+class Equivalence l where
+ (~~) ::
+ ( MonadTest m
+ , Show k
+ , Show v
+ , Ord k
+ , Ord v
+ , P.UnsafeFromData k
+ , P.UnsafeFromData v
+ ) => AssocMapS k v -> l k v -> m ()
+-- | An `AssocMap.Map` is equivalent to an `AssocMapS` if they have the same elements.
+instance Equivalence AssocMap.Map where
+ assocMapS ~~ assocMap =
+ sortS assocMapS === sortS (assocMapToSemantics assocMap)
+-- | An `Data.AssocMap.Map` is equivalent to an `AssocMapS` if they have the same elements.
+instance Equivalence Data.AssocMap.Map where
+ assocMapS ~~ dataAssocMap =
+ sortS assocMapS === sortS (dataAssocMapToSemantics dataAssocMap)
+rangeElem :: Range Integer
+rangeElem = Range.linear 0 100
+rangeLength :: Range Int
+rangeLength = Range.linear 0 100
+safeFromListSpec :: Property
+safeFromListSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ let assocMap = AssocMap.safeFromList . toListS $ assocMapS
+ dataAssocMap = Data.AssocMap.safeFromList . toListS $ assocMapS
+ assocMapS ~~ assocMap
+ assocMapS ~~ dataAssocMap
+unsafeFromListSpec :: Property
+unsafeFromListSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ let assocMap = AssocMap.unsafeFromList . toListS $ assocMapS
+ dataAssocMap = Data.AssocMap.unsafeFromList . toListS $ assocMapS
+ assocMapS ~~ assocMap
+ assocMapS ~~ dataAssocMap
+lookupSpec :: Property
+lookupSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ key <- forAll $ Gen.integral rangeElem
+ let assocMap = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS
+ dataAssocMap = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS
+ expected = lookupS key assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ lookupProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef key)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataLookupProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef key)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+memberSpec :: Property
+memberSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ key <- forAll $ Gen.integral rangeElem
+ let assocMap = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS
+ dataAssocMap = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS
+ expected = memberS key assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ memberProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef key)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataMemberProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef key)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+insertSpec :: Property
+insertSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ key <- forAll $ Gen.integral rangeElem
+ value <- forAll $ Gen.integral rangeElem
+ let assocMap = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS
+ dataAssocMap = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS
+ expected = sortS $ insertS key value assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ insertProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef key)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef value)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataInsertProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef key)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef value)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+deleteSpec :: Property
+deleteSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ key <- forAll $ Gen.integral rangeElem
+ let assocMap = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS
+ dataAssocMap = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS
+ expected = sortS $ deleteS key assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ deleteProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef key)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataDeleteProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef key)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+allSpec :: Property
+allSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ num <- forAll $ Gen.integral rangeElem
+ let assocMap = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS
+ dataAssocMap = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS
+ expected = allS (< num) assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ allProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef num)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataAllProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef num)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+anySpec :: Property
+anySpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ num <- forAll $ Gen.integral rangeElem
+ let dataAssocMap = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS
+ expected = anyS (< num) assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataAnyProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef num)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+keysSpec :: Property
+keysSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ let assocMap = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS
+ expected = keysS assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ keysProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+noDuplicateKeysSpec :: Property
+noDuplicateKeysSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ let dataAssocMap = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS
+ expected = noDuplicateKeysS assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataNoDuplicateKeysProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+unionSpec :: Property
+unionSpec = property $ do
+ -- resizing the generator for performance
+ assocMapS1 <- forAll (Gen.resize 20 genAssocMapS)
+ assocMapS2 <- forAll (Gen.resize 20 genAssocMapS)
+ let assocMap1 = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS1
+ assocMap2 = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS2
+ dataAssocMap1 = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS1
+ dataAssocMap2 = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS2
+ expected = mapS haskellToPlutusThese $ sortS $ unionS assocMapS1 assocMapS2
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ unionProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap1)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap2)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataUnionProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap1)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap2)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+unionWithSpec :: Property
+unionWithSpec = property $ do
+ -- resizing the generator for performance
+ assocMapS1 <- forAll (Gen.resize 20 genAssocMapS)
+ assocMapS2 <- forAll (Gen.resize 20 genAssocMapS)
+ let assocMap1 = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS1
+ assocMap2 = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS2
+ dataAssocMap1 = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS1
+ dataAssocMap2 = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS2
+ merge i1 _ = i1
+ expected = unionWithS merge assocMapS1 assocMapS2
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ unionWithProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap1)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap2)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ dataUnionWithProgram
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap1)
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap2)
+ )
+ (===)
+ expected
+builtinDataEncodingSpec :: Property
+builtinDataEncodingSpec = property $ do
+ assocMapS <- forAll genAssocMapS
+ let assocMap = semanticsToAssocMap assocMapS
+ dataAssocMap = semanticsToDataAssocMap assocMapS
+ unsafeRunTermCek
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ encodedDataAssocMap `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ ===
+ unsafeRunTermCek
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ encodedAssocMap `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ mDecodedAssocMap
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ (Just assocMapS)
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ mDecodedDataAssocMap
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ (Just assocMapS)
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ decodedAssocMap
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef assocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ assocMapS
+ cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ ( compiledCodeToTerm
+ $ decodedDataAssocMap
+ `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef dataAssocMap)
+ )
+ (===)
+ assocMapS
+goldenTests :: TestNested
+goldenTests =
+ testNestedGhc
+ "Budget"
+ [ goldenPirReadable "map1" map1
+ , goldenUPlcReadable "map1" map1
+ , goldenEvalCekCatch "map1" $ [map1 `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef 100)]
+ , goldenBudget "map1-budget" $ map1 `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef 100)
+ , goldenPirReadable "map2" map2
+ , goldenUPlcReadable "map2" map2
+ , goldenEvalCekCatch "map2" $ [map2 `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef 100)]
+ , goldenBudget "map2-budget" $ map2 `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef 100)
+ , goldenPirReadable "map3" map2
+ , goldenUPlcReadable "map3" map2
+ , goldenEvalCekCatch "map3" $ [map2 `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef 100)]
+ , goldenBudget "map3-budget" $ map2 `unsafeApplyCode` (liftCodeDef 100)
+ ]
+propertyTests :: TestTree
+propertyTests =
+ testGroup "Map property tests"
+ [ testProperty "safeFromList" safeFromListSpec
+ , testProperty "unsafeFromList" unsafeFromListSpec
+ , testProperty "lookup" lookupSpec
+ , testProperty "member" memberSpec
+ , testProperty "insert" insertSpec
+ , testProperty "all" allSpec
+ , testProperty "any" anySpec
+ , testProperty "keys" keysSpec
+ , testProperty "noDuplicateKeys" noDuplicateKeysSpec
+ , testProperty "delete" deleteSpec
+ , testProperty "union" unionSpec
+ , testProperty "unionWith" unionWithSpec
+ , testProperty "builtinDataEncoding" builtinDataEncodingSpec
+ ]
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1-budget.budget.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1-budget.budget.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3a0c427ec3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1-budget.budget.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+({cpu: 390169748
+| mem: 869909})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.eval.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2976eddf5c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.eval.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ 0
+ (constr 0 (con bytestring #30))
+ (constr 0 (con bytestring #35))
+ (constr 0 (con bytestring #3130))
+ (constr 1)
+ (constr 1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.pir.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc42876c182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.pir.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where
+ Nil : List a
+ Cons : a -> List a -> List a
+ !`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` : integer -> integer -> List integer
+ = \(x : integer) (lim : integer) ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. List integer}
+ (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim)
+ (/\dead ->
+ Cons {integer} x (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` (addInteger 1 x) lim))
+ (/\dead -> Nil {integer})
+ {all dead. dead}
+ !go : List integer -> integer -> List integer
+ = \(acc : List integer) (n : integer) ->
+ let
+ !x : integer = quotientInteger n 10
+ in
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. List integer}
+ (equalsInteger 0 x)
+ (/\dead -> Cons {integer} (remainderInteger n 10) acc)
+ (/\dead -> go (Cons {integer} (remainderInteger n 10) acc) x)
+ {all dead. dead}
+ !go :
+ List integer -> List string -> List string
+ = \(ds : List integer) ->
+ List_match
+ {integer}
+ ds
+ {all dead. List string -> List string}
+ (/\dead -> \(x : List string) -> x)
+ (\(x : integer)
+ (xs : List integer) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ let
+ !acc : List string -> List string = go xs
+ in
+ \(eta : List string) ->
+ Cons
+ {string}
+ (ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger 0 x)
+ (/\dead -> "0")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger 1 x)
+ (/\dead -> "1")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger 2 x)
+ (/\dead -> "2")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger 3 x)
+ (/\dead -> "3")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger 4 x)
+ (/\dead -> "4")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger 5 x)
+ (/\dead -> "5")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger 6 x)
+ (/\dead -> "6")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger 7 x)
+ (/\dead -> "7")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. string}
+ (equalsInteger
+ 8
+ x)
+ (/\dead -> "8")
+ (/\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {string}
+ (equalsInteger
+ 9
+ x)
+ "9"
+ "")
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead})
+ (acc eta))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ !`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` :
+ integer -> integer -> List string -> List string
+ = \(p : integer) (n : integer) ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. List string -> List string}
+ (lessThanInteger n 0)
+ (/\dead ->
+ \(eta : List string) ->
+ Cons
+ {string}
+ "-"
+ (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec`
+ p
+ (subtractInteger 0 n)
+ eta))
+ (/\dead -> go (go (Nil {integer}) n))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ data (Tuple5 :: * -> * -> * -> * -> * -> *) a b c d e | Tuple5_match where
+ Tuple5 : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> Tuple5 a b c d e
+ data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where
+ Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b
+ !go : all a. integer -> List a -> Tuple2 (List a) (List a)
+ = /\a ->
+ \(ds : integer) (ds : List a) ->
+ List_match
+ {a}
+ ds
+ {all dead. Tuple2 (List a) (List a)}
+ (/\dead -> Tuple2 {List a} {List a} (Nil {a}) (Nil {a}))
+ (\(y : a) (ys : List a) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. Tuple2 (List a) (List a)}
+ (equalsInteger 1 ds)
+ (/\dead ->
+ Tuple2
+ {List a}
+ {List a}
+ ((let
+ a = List a
+ in
+ \(c : a -> a -> a) (n : a) -> c y n)
+ (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds)
+ (Nil {a}))
+ ys)
+ (/\dead ->
+ Tuple2_match
+ {List a}
+ {List a}
+ (go {a} (subtractInteger ds 1) ys)
+ {Tuple2 (List a) (List a)}
+ (\(zs : List a) (ws : List a) ->
+ Tuple2 {List a} {List a} (Cons {a} y zs) ws))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {all dead. dead}
+ !go : List string -> integer
+ = \(ds : List string) ->
+ List_match
+ {string}
+ ds
+ {all dead. integer}
+ (/\dead -> 0)
+ (\(x : string) (xs : List string) -> /\dead -> addInteger 1 (go xs))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ !concatBuiltinStrings : List string -> string
+ = \(ds : List string) ->
+ List_match
+ {string}
+ ds
+ {string}
+ ""
+ (\(x : string) (ds : List string) ->
+ List_match
+ {string}
+ ds
+ {all dead. string}
+ (/\dead -> x)
+ (\(ipv : string) (ipv : List string) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ Tuple2_match
+ {List string}
+ {List string}
+ (let
+ !n : integer = divideInteger (go ds) 2
+ in
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. Tuple2 (List string) (List string)}
+ (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0)
+ (/\dead ->
+ Tuple2 {List string} {List string} (Nil {string}) ds)
+ (/\dead -> go {string} n ds)
+ {all dead. dead})
+ {string}
+ (\(ipv : List string) (ipv : List string) ->
+ appendString
+ (concatBuiltinStrings ipv)
+ (concatBuiltinStrings ipv)))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ data Unit | Unit_match where
+ Unit : Unit
+ data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where
+ Just : a -> Maybe a
+ Nothing : Maybe a
+ !lookup :
+ all k a.
+ (\a -> a -> data) k ->
+ (\a -> data -> a) a ->
+ k ->
+ (\k a -> list (pair data data)) k a ->
+ Maybe a
+ = /\k a ->
+ \(`$dToData` : (\a -> a -> data) k)
+ (`$dUnsafeFromData` : (\a -> data -> a) a)
+ (ds : k)
+ (ds : (\k a -> list (pair data data)) k a) ->
+ Maybe_match
+ {data}
+ (let
+ !k : data = `$dToData` ds
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> Maybe data
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> Maybe data}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> Nothing {data})
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data = headList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. Maybe data}
+ (equalsData k (fstPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (/\dead ->
+ let
+ !ds : list (pair data data)
+ = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ Just {data} (sndPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (/\dead -> go (tailList {pair data data} xs))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ go ds)
+ {all dead. Maybe a}
+ (\(a : data) -> /\dead -> Just {a} (`$dUnsafeFromData` a))
+ (/\dead -> Nothing {a})
+ {all dead. dead}
+ data Bool | Bool_match where
+ True : Bool
+ False : Bool
+\(n : integer) ->
+ let
+ !nt : list (pair data data)
+ = (let
+ b = (\k a -> list (pair data data)) integer bytestring
+ in
+ \(k : integer -> b -> b) (z : b) ->
+ letrec
+ !go : List integer -> b
+ = \(ds : List integer) ->
+ List_match
+ {integer}
+ ds
+ {all dead. b}
+ (/\dead -> z)
+ (\(y : integer) (ys : List integer) ->
+ /\dead -> k y (go ys))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ in
+ \(eta : List integer) -> go eta)
+ (\(i : integer) ->
+ let
+ !ds : integer = addInteger n i
+ !ds : bytestring
+ = encodeUtf8
+ (concatBuiltinStrings
+ (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec`
+ 0
+ i
+ (Nil {string})))
+ in
+ \(ds : (\k a -> list (pair data data)) integer bytestring) ->
+ let
+ !k : data = iData ds
+ !a : data = bData ds
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> list (pair data data)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ mkCons {pair data data} (mkPairData k a) [])
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data
+ = headList {pair data data} xs
+ !tl : list (pair data data)
+ = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. list (pair data data)}
+ (equalsData k (fstPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (/\dead ->
+ mkCons {pair data data} (mkPairData k a) tl)
+ (/\dead -> mkCons {pair data data} hd (go tl))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ go ds)
+ (mkCons {pair data data} (mkPairData (iData n) (B #30)) [])
+ (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` 1 10)
+ !nt : list (pair data data)
+ = let
+ !k : data = iData (addInteger 5 n)
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> list (pair data data)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> [])
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data = headList {pair data data} xs
+ !tl : list (pair data data) = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. list (pair data data)}
+ (equalsData k (fstPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (/\dead -> tl)
+ (/\dead -> mkCons {pair data data} hd (go tl))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ go nt
+ in
+ Tuple5
+ {Maybe bytestring}
+ {Maybe bytestring}
+ {Maybe bytestring}
+ {Maybe bytestring}
+ {Maybe bytestring}
+ (lookup {integer} {bytestring} (\(i : integer) -> iData i) unBData n nt)
+ (lookup
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (\(i : integer) -> iData i)
+ unBData
+ (addInteger 5 n)
+ nt)
+ (lookup
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (\(i : integer) -> iData i)
+ unBData
+ (addInteger 10 n)
+ nt)
+ (lookup
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (\(i : integer) -> iData i)
+ unBData
+ (addInteger 20 n)
+ nt)
+ (lookup
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (\(i : integer) -> iData i)
+ unBData
+ (addInteger 5 n)
+ nt)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.uplc.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9553f47f06b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.uplc.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+ 1.1.0
+ ((\fix1 ->
+ (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\concatBuiltinStrings
+ n ->
+ (\nt ->
+ (\cse ->
+ (\nt ->
+ (\lookup ->
+ constr 0
+ [ (lookup (\i -> iData i) unBData n nt)
+ , (lookup
+ (\i -> iData i)
+ unBData
+ cse
+ nt)
+ , (lookup
+ (\i -> iData i)
+ unBData
+ (addInteger 10 n)
+ nt)
+ , (lookup
+ (\i -> iData i)
+ unBData
+ (addInteger 20 n)
+ nt)
+ , (lookup
+ (\i -> iData i)
+ unBData
+ cse
+ nt) ])
+ (\`$dToData`
+ `$dUnsafeFromData`
+ ds
+ ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ((\k ->
+ fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> constr 1 [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsData
+ k
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ hd))
+ (delay
+ ((\ds ->
+ constr 0
+ [ (force
+ (force
+ sndPair)
+ hd) ])
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))
+ (delay
+ (go
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))))
+ (force headList
+ xs))
+ (constr 0 []))
+ ds)
+ (`$dToData` ds))
+ [ (\a ->
+ delay
+ (constr 0
+ [ (`$dUnsafeFromData`
+ a) ]))
+ , (delay (constr 1 [])) ])))
+ ((\k ->
+ fix1
+ (\go xs ->
+ force (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ (\tl ->
+ force
+ (force ifThenElse
+ (equalsData
+ k
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ hd))
+ (delay tl)
+ (delay
+ (force mkCons
+ hd
+ (go tl)))))
+ (force tailList xs))
+ (force headList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))
+ nt)
+ (iData cse)))
+ (addInteger 5 n))
+ ((\z ->
+ (\go eta ->
+ go eta)
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay z)
+ , (\y
+ ys ->
+ delay
+ ((\ds ->
+ (\ds
+ ds ->
+ (\k ->
+ (\a ->
+ fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force
+ chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds ->
+ force
+ mkCons
+ (mkPairData
+ k
+ a)
+ [ ])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ (\tl ->
+ force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsData
+ k
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ hd))
+ (delay
+ (force
+ mkCons
+ (mkPairData
+ k
+ a)
+ tl))
+ (delay
+ (force
+ mkCons
+ hd
+ (go
+ tl)))))
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs))
+ (force
+ headList
+ xs))
+ (constr 0
+ []))
+ ds)
+ (bData ds))
+ (iData ds))
+ (encodeUtf8
+ (concatBuiltinStrings
+ (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec`
+ 0
+ y
+ (constr 0
+ [])))))
+ (addInteger n y)
+ (go ys))) ]))))
+ (force mkCons (mkPairData (iData n) (B #30)) [])
+ (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` 1 10)))
+ (fix1
+ (\concatBuiltinStrings
+ ds ->
+ case
+ ds
+ [ ""
+ , (\x
+ ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay x)
+ , (\ipv
+ ipv ->
+ delay
+ (case
+ ((\n ->
+ force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (lessThanEqualsInteger
+ n
+ 0)
+ (delay
+ (constr 0
+ [ (constr 0
+ [])
+ , ds ]))
+ (delay
+ (force go
+ n
+ ds))))
+ (divideInteger
+ (go ds)
+ 2))
+ [ (\ipv
+ ipv ->
+ appendString
+ (concatBuiltinStrings
+ ipv)
+ (concatBuiltinStrings
+ ipv)) ])) ])) ])))
+ (fix1
+ (\go ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay 0)
+ , (\x xs ->
+ delay (addInteger 1 (go xs))) ]))))
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ arg ->
+ delay
+ (\ds
+ ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay
+ (constr 0
+ [(constr 0 []), (constr 0 [])]))
+ , (\y
+ ys ->
+ delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger 1 ds)
+ (delay
+ (constr 0
+ [ (constr 1
+ [y, (constr 0 [])])
+ , ys ]))
+ (delay
+ (case
+ (force
+ (go (delay (\x -> x)))
+ (subtractInteger ds 1)
+ ys)
+ [ (\zs
+ ws ->
+ constr 0
+ [ (constr 1
+ [y, zs])
+ , ws ]) ]))))) ])))
+ (delay (\x -> x))))
+ (fix1
+ (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` p n ->
+ force
+ (force ifThenElse
+ (lessThanInteger n 0)
+ (delay
+ (\eta ->
+ constr 1
+ [ "-"
+ , (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec`
+ p
+ (subtractInteger 0 n)
+ eta) ]))
+ (delay (go (go (constr 0 []) n)))))))
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay (\x -> x))
+ , (\x
+ xs ->
+ delay
+ ((\acc
+ eta ->
+ constr 1
+ [ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger 0 x)
+ (delay "0")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger 1 x)
+ (delay "1")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger
+ 2
+ x)
+ (delay "2")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger
+ 3
+ x)
+ (delay
+ "3")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger
+ 4
+ x)
+ (delay
+ "4")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger
+ 5
+ x)
+ (delay
+ "5")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger
+ 6
+ x)
+ (delay
+ "6")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger
+ 7
+ x)
+ (delay
+ "7")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger
+ 8
+ x)
+ (delay
+ "8")
+ (delay
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger
+ 9
+ x)
+ "9"
+ ""))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
+ , (acc eta) ])
+ (go xs))) ]))))
+ (fix1
+ (\go acc n ->
+ (\x ->
+ force
+ (force ifThenElse
+ (equalsInteger 0 x)
+ (delay (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]))
+ (delay
+ (go (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]) x))))
+ (quotientInteger n 10))))
+ (fix1
+ (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim ->
+ force
+ (force ifThenElse
+ (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim)
+ (delay
+ (constr 1
+ [x, (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` (addInteger 1 x) lim)]))
+ (delay (constr 0 []))))))
+ (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2-budget.budget.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2-budget.budget.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c63bc124a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2-budget.budget.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+({cpu: 155458417
+| mem: 394122})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.eval.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e8e3b12565c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.eval.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 105) (con string "five"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 104) (con string "fourFOUR"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 103) (con string "threeTHREE"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 102) (con string "two"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 101) (con string "one"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 106) (con string "SIX"))
+ (constr
+ 1 (constr 0 (con integer 107) (con string "SEVEN")) (constr 0)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.pir.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c735c68c517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.pir.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+ data Unit | Unit_match where
+ Unit : Unit
+ data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where
+ Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b
+ data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where
+ Nil : List a
+ Cons : a -> List a -> List a
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> List (Tuple2 integer bytestring)
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> List (Tuple2 integer bytestring)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> Nil {Tuple2 integer bytestring})
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data = headList {pair data data} xs
+ !tl : list (pair data data) = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ Cons
+ {Tuple2 integer bytestring}
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (unIData (fstPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (unBData (sndPair {data} {data} hd)))
+ (go tl))
+ Unit
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(acc : list (pair data data)) (xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> list (pair data data)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> acc)
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ go
+ (mkCons {pair data data} (headList {pair data data} xs) acc)
+ (tailList {pair data data} xs))
+ Unit
+ data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where
+ Just : a -> Maybe a
+ Nothing : Maybe a
+ data Bool | Bool_match where
+ True : Bool
+ False : Bool
+ !goList : List (Tuple2 data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(ds : List (Tuple2 data data)) ->
+ List_match
+ {Tuple2 data data}
+ ds
+ {all dead. list (pair data data)}
+ (/\dead -> [])
+ (\(d : Tuple2 data data) (ds : List (Tuple2 data data)) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ mkCons
+ {pair data data}
+ (Tuple2_match
+ {data}
+ {data}
+ d
+ {pair data data}
+ (\(d : data) (d : data) -> mkPairData d d))
+ (goList ds))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ !unsafeFromList :
+ all k a.
+ (\a -> a -> data) k ->
+ (\a -> a -> data) a ->
+ List (Tuple2 k a) ->
+ (\k a -> list (pair data data)) k a
+ = /\k a ->
+ \(`$dToData` : (\a -> a -> data) k)
+ (`$dToData` : (\a -> a -> data) a) ->
+ letrec
+ !go : List (Tuple2 k a) -> List (Tuple2 data data)
+ = \(ds : List (Tuple2 k a)) ->
+ List_match
+ {Tuple2 k a}
+ ds
+ {all dead. List (Tuple2 data data)}
+ (/\dead -> Nil {Tuple2 data data})
+ (\(x : Tuple2 k a) (xs : List (Tuple2 k a)) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ Cons
+ {Tuple2 data data}
+ (Tuple2_match
+ {k}
+ {a}
+ x
+ {Tuple2 data data}
+ (\(k : k) (a : a) ->
+ Tuple2
+ {data}
+ {data}
+ (`$dToData` k)
+ (`$dToData` a)))
+ (go xs))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ in
+ \(eta : List (Tuple2 k a)) ->
+ let
+ !eta : List (Tuple2 data data) = go eta
+ in
+ goList eta
+\(n : integer) ->
+ let
+ !nt : list (pair data data)
+ = unsafeFromList
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (\(i : integer) -> iData i)
+ bData
+ ((let
+ a = Tuple2 integer bytestring
+ in
+ \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) ->
+ g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}))
+ (/\a ->
+ \(c : Tuple2 integer bytestring -> a -> a) (n : a) ->
+ c
+ (Tuple2 {integer} {bytestring} (addInteger 3 n) #5448524545)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 4 n)
+ #464f5552)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 6 n)
+ #534958)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 7 n)
+ #534556454e)
+ n)))))
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> list (pair data data)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> [])
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data = headList {pair data data} xs
+ !tl : list (pair data data) = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ !v' : data = sndPair {data} {data} hd
+ !k' : data = fstPair {data} {data} hd
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> Maybe data
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> Maybe data}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> Nothing {data})
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data
+ = headList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. Maybe data}
+ (equalsData k' (fstPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (/\dead ->
+ let
+ !ds : list (pair data data)
+ = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ Just {data} (sndPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (/\dead -> go (tailList {pair data data} xs))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ Maybe_match
+ {data}
+ (go nt)
+ {all dead. list (pair data data)}
+ (\(r : data) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ mkCons
+ {pair data data}
+ (mkPairData
+ k'
+ (bData (appendByteString (unBData v') (unBData r))))
+ (go tl))
+ (/\dead -> mkCons {pair data data} (mkPairData k' v') (go tl))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ let
+ !nt : list (pair data data)
+ = unsafeFromList
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (\(i : integer) -> iData i)
+ bData
+ ((let
+ a = Tuple2 integer bytestring
+ in
+ \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) ->
+ g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}))
+ (/\a ->
+ \(c : Tuple2 integer bytestring -> a -> a) (n : a) ->
+ c
+ (Tuple2 {integer} {bytestring} (addInteger 1 n) #6f6e65)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2 {integer} {bytestring} (addInteger 2 n) #74776f)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 3 n)
+ #7468726565)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 4 n)
+ #666f7572)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 5 n)
+ #66697665)
+ n))))))
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> list (pair data data)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> [])
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data = headList {pair data data} xs
+ !tl' : list (pair data data)
+ = go (tailList {pair data data} xs)
+ in
+ Bool_match
+ (let
+ !k : data = fstPair {data} {data} hd
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> Bool
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> Bool}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> False)
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. Bool}
+ (equalsData
+ k
+ (fstPair
+ {data}
+ {data}
+ (headList {pair data data} xs)))
+ (/\dead ->
+ let
+ !ds : list (pair data data)
+ = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ True)
+ (/\dead -> go (tailList {pair data data} xs))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ go nt)
+ {all dead. list (pair data data)}
+ (/\dead -> tl')
+ (/\dead -> mkCons {pair data data} hd tl')
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ let
+ !nt : list (pair data data)
+ = let
+ !rs' : list (pair data data) = go nt
+ !ls' : list (pair data data) = go nt
+ in
+ go rs' ls'
+ in
+ (let
+ a = Tuple2 integer bytestring
+ in
+ /\b ->
+ \(f : a -> b) ->
+ letrec
+ !go : List a -> List b
+ = \(ds : List a) ->
+ List_match
+ {a}
+ ds
+ {all dead. List b}
+ (/\dead -> Nil {b})
+ (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> /\dead -> Cons {b} (f x) (go xs))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ in
+ \(eta : List a) -> go eta)
+ {Tuple2 integer string}
+ (\(ds : Tuple2 integer bytestring) ->
+ Tuple2_match
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ ds
+ {Tuple2 integer string}
+ (\(k : integer) (v : bytestring) ->
+ Tuple2 {integer} {string} k (decodeUtf8 v)))
+ (go nt)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.uplc.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f1bf99b0f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.uplc.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ 1.1.0
+ ((\fix1 ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\goList
+ n ->
+ (\unsafeFromList ->
+ (\cse ->
+ (\cse ->
+ (\nt ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\nt ->
+ (\nt ->
+ fix1
+ (\go
+ ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay (constr 0 []))
+ , (\x
+ xs ->
+ delay
+ (constr 1
+ [ (case
+ x
+ [ (\k
+ v ->
+ constr 0
+ [ k
+ , (decodeUtf8
+ v) ]) ])
+ , (go xs) ])) ]))
+ (go nt))
+ ((\rs' ->
+ (\ls' -> go rs' ls') (go nt))
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ (\tl' ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ((\k ->
+ fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force
+ chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds ->
+ constr 1
+ [])
+ (\ds ->
+ force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsData
+ k
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ (force
+ headList
+ xs)))
+ (delay
+ ((\ds ->
+ constr 0
+ [ ])
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))
+ (delay
+ (go
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))))
+ (constr 0
+ []))
+ nt)
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ hd))
+ [ (delay tl')
+ , (delay
+ (force mkCons
+ hd
+ tl')) ]))
+ (go (force tailList xs)))
+ (force headList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))
+ nt)))
+ (unsafeFromList
+ (\i -> iData i)
+ bData
+ (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 1 n), #6f6e65])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [(addInteger 2 n), #74776f])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0 [cse, #7468726565])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [cse, #666f7572])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [ (addInteger
+ 5
+ n)
+ , #66697665 ])
+ , (constr 0
+ [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])))
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ (\tl ->
+ (\v' ->
+ (\k' ->
+ force
+ (case
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force
+ chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds ->
+ constr 1 [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsData
+ k'
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ hd))
+ (delay
+ ((\ds ->
+ constr 0
+ [ (force
+ (force
+ sndPair)
+ hd) ])
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))
+ (delay
+ (go
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))))
+ (force
+ headList
+ xs))
+ (constr 0 []))
+ nt)
+ [ (\r ->
+ delay
+ (force
+ mkCons
+ (mkPairData
+ k'
+ (bData
+ (appendByteString
+ (unBData
+ v')
+ (unBData
+ r))))
+ (go tl)))
+ , (delay
+ (force mkCons
+ (mkPairData
+ k'
+ v')
+ (go tl))) ]))
+ (force (force fstPair) hd))
+ (force (force sndPair) hd))
+ (force tailList xs))
+ (force headList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))))
+ (unsafeFromList
+ (\i -> iData i)
+ bData
+ (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0 [cse, #5448524545])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0 [cse, #464f5552])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [(addInteger 6 n), #534958])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [ (addInteger 7 n)
+ , #534556454e ])
+ , (constr 0 []) ]) ]) ]) ])))
+ (addInteger 4 n))
+ (addInteger 3 n))
+ (\`$dToData` `$dToData` ->
+ (\go eta -> goList (go eta))
+ (fix1
+ (\go ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay (constr 0 []))
+ , (\x xs ->
+ delay
+ (constr 1
+ [ (case
+ x
+ [ (\k a ->
+ constr 0
+ [ (`$dToData` k)
+ , (`$dToData` a) ]) ])
+ , (go xs) ])) ])))))
+ (fix1
+ (\goList ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay [])
+ , (\d ds ->
+ delay
+ (force mkCons
+ (case d [(\d d -> mkPairData d d)])
+ (goList ds))) ]))))
+ (fix1
+ (\go acc xs ->
+ force (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> acc)
+ (\ds ->
+ go
+ (force mkCons (force headList xs) acc)
+ (force tailList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))))
+ (fix1
+ (\go xs ->
+ force (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> constr 0 [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ (\tl ->
+ constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [ (unIData (force (force fstPair) hd))
+ , (unBData (force (force sndPair) hd)) ])
+ , (go tl) ])
+ (force tailList xs))
+ (force headList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))))
+ (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3-budget.budget.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3-budget.budget.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2c63bc124a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3-budget.budget.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+({cpu: 155458417
+| mem: 394122})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.eval.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e8e3b12565c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.eval.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 105) (con string "five"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 104) (con string "fourFOUR"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 103) (con string "threeTHREE"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 102) (con string "two"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 101) (con string "one"))
+ (constr
+ 1
+ (constr 0 (con integer 106) (con string "SIX"))
+ (constr
+ 1 (constr 0 (con integer 107) (con string "SEVEN")) (constr 0)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.pir.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c735c68c517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.pir.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+ data Unit | Unit_match where
+ Unit : Unit
+ data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where
+ Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b
+ data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where
+ Nil : List a
+ Cons : a -> List a -> List a
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> List (Tuple2 integer bytestring)
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> List (Tuple2 integer bytestring)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> Nil {Tuple2 integer bytestring})
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data = headList {pair data data} xs
+ !tl : list (pair data data) = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ Cons
+ {Tuple2 integer bytestring}
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (unIData (fstPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (unBData (sndPair {data} {data} hd)))
+ (go tl))
+ Unit
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(acc : list (pair data data)) (xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> list (pair data data)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> acc)
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ go
+ (mkCons {pair data data} (headList {pair data data} xs) acc)
+ (tailList {pair data data} xs))
+ Unit
+ data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where
+ Just : a -> Maybe a
+ Nothing : Maybe a
+ data Bool | Bool_match where
+ True : Bool
+ False : Bool
+ !goList : List (Tuple2 data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(ds : List (Tuple2 data data)) ->
+ List_match
+ {Tuple2 data data}
+ ds
+ {all dead. list (pair data data)}
+ (/\dead -> [])
+ (\(d : Tuple2 data data) (ds : List (Tuple2 data data)) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ mkCons
+ {pair data data}
+ (Tuple2_match
+ {data}
+ {data}
+ d
+ {pair data data}
+ (\(d : data) (d : data) -> mkPairData d d))
+ (goList ds))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ !unsafeFromList :
+ all k a.
+ (\a -> a -> data) k ->
+ (\a -> a -> data) a ->
+ List (Tuple2 k a) ->
+ (\k a -> list (pair data data)) k a
+ = /\k a ->
+ \(`$dToData` : (\a -> a -> data) k)
+ (`$dToData` : (\a -> a -> data) a) ->
+ letrec
+ !go : List (Tuple2 k a) -> List (Tuple2 data data)
+ = \(ds : List (Tuple2 k a)) ->
+ List_match
+ {Tuple2 k a}
+ ds
+ {all dead. List (Tuple2 data data)}
+ (/\dead -> Nil {Tuple2 data data})
+ (\(x : Tuple2 k a) (xs : List (Tuple2 k a)) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ Cons
+ {Tuple2 data data}
+ (Tuple2_match
+ {k}
+ {a}
+ x
+ {Tuple2 data data}
+ (\(k : k) (a : a) ->
+ Tuple2
+ {data}
+ {data}
+ (`$dToData` k)
+ (`$dToData` a)))
+ (go xs))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ in
+ \(eta : List (Tuple2 k a)) ->
+ let
+ !eta : List (Tuple2 data data) = go eta
+ in
+ goList eta
+\(n : integer) ->
+ let
+ !nt : list (pair data data)
+ = unsafeFromList
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (\(i : integer) -> iData i)
+ bData
+ ((let
+ a = Tuple2 integer bytestring
+ in
+ \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) ->
+ g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}))
+ (/\a ->
+ \(c : Tuple2 integer bytestring -> a -> a) (n : a) ->
+ c
+ (Tuple2 {integer} {bytestring} (addInteger 3 n) #5448524545)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 4 n)
+ #464f5552)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 6 n)
+ #534958)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 7 n)
+ #534556454e)
+ n)))))
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> list (pair data data)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> [])
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data = headList {pair data data} xs
+ !tl : list (pair data data) = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ !v' : data = sndPair {data} {data} hd
+ !k' : data = fstPair {data} {data} hd
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> Maybe data
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> Maybe data}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> Nothing {data})
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data
+ = headList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. Maybe data}
+ (equalsData k' (fstPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (/\dead ->
+ let
+ !ds : list (pair data data)
+ = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ Just {data} (sndPair {data} {data} hd))
+ (/\dead -> go (tailList {pair data data} xs))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ Maybe_match
+ {data}
+ (go nt)
+ {all dead. list (pair data data)}
+ (\(r : data) ->
+ /\dead ->
+ mkCons
+ {pair data data}
+ (mkPairData
+ k'
+ (bData (appendByteString (unBData v') (unBData r))))
+ (go tl))
+ (/\dead -> mkCons {pair data data} (mkPairData k' v') (go tl))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ let
+ !nt : list (pair data data)
+ = unsafeFromList
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (\(i : integer) -> iData i)
+ bData
+ ((let
+ a = Tuple2 integer bytestring
+ in
+ \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) ->
+ g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}))
+ (/\a ->
+ \(c : Tuple2 integer bytestring -> a -> a) (n : a) ->
+ c
+ (Tuple2 {integer} {bytestring} (addInteger 1 n) #6f6e65)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2 {integer} {bytestring} (addInteger 2 n) #74776f)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 3 n)
+ #7468726565)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 4 n)
+ #666f7572)
+ (c
+ (Tuple2
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ (addInteger 5 n)
+ #66697665)
+ n))))))
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> list (pair data data)
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> list (pair data data)}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> [])
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ let
+ !hd : pair data data = headList {pair data data} xs
+ !tl' : list (pair data data)
+ = go (tailList {pair data data} xs)
+ in
+ Bool_match
+ (let
+ !k : data = fstPair {data} {data} hd
+ in
+ letrec
+ !go : list (pair data data) -> Bool
+ = \(xs : list (pair data data)) ->
+ chooseList
+ {pair data data}
+ {Unit -> Bool}
+ xs
+ (\(ds : Unit) -> False)
+ (\(ds : Unit) ->
+ ifThenElse
+ {all dead. Bool}
+ (equalsData
+ k
+ (fstPair
+ {data}
+ {data}
+ (headList {pair data data} xs)))
+ (/\dead ->
+ let
+ !ds : list (pair data data)
+ = tailList {pair data data} xs
+ in
+ True)
+ (/\dead -> go (tailList {pair data data} xs))
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ go nt)
+ {all dead. list (pair data data)}
+ (/\dead -> tl')
+ (/\dead -> mkCons {pair data data} hd tl')
+ {all dead. dead})
+ Unit
+ in
+ let
+ !nt : list (pair data data)
+ = let
+ !rs' : list (pair data data) = go nt
+ !ls' : list (pair data data) = go nt
+ in
+ go rs' ls'
+ in
+ (let
+ a = Tuple2 integer bytestring
+ in
+ /\b ->
+ \(f : a -> b) ->
+ letrec
+ !go : List a -> List b
+ = \(ds : List a) ->
+ List_match
+ {a}
+ ds
+ {all dead. List b}
+ (/\dead -> Nil {b})
+ (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> /\dead -> Cons {b} (f x) (go xs))
+ {all dead. dead}
+ in
+ \(eta : List a) -> go eta)
+ {Tuple2 integer string}
+ (\(ds : Tuple2 integer bytestring) ->
+ Tuple2_match
+ {integer}
+ {bytestring}
+ ds
+ {Tuple2 integer string}
+ (\(k : integer) (v : bytestring) ->
+ Tuple2 {integer} {string} k (decodeUtf8 v)))
+ (go nt)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.uplc.golden
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f1bf99b0f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.uplc.golden
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ 1.1.0
+ ((\fix1 ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\goList
+ n ->
+ (\unsafeFromList ->
+ (\cse ->
+ (\cse ->
+ (\nt ->
+ (\go ->
+ (\nt ->
+ (\nt ->
+ fix1
+ (\go
+ ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay (constr 0 []))
+ , (\x
+ xs ->
+ delay
+ (constr 1
+ [ (case
+ x
+ [ (\k
+ v ->
+ constr 0
+ [ k
+ , (decodeUtf8
+ v) ]) ])
+ , (go xs) ])) ]))
+ (go nt))
+ ((\rs' ->
+ (\ls' -> go rs' ls') (go nt))
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ (\tl' ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ((\k ->
+ fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force
+ chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds ->
+ constr 1
+ [])
+ (\ds ->
+ force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsData
+ k
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ (force
+ headList
+ xs)))
+ (delay
+ ((\ds ->
+ constr 0
+ [ ])
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))
+ (delay
+ (go
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))))
+ (constr 0
+ []))
+ nt)
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ hd))
+ [ (delay tl')
+ , (delay
+ (force mkCons
+ hd
+ tl')) ]))
+ (go (force tailList xs)))
+ (force headList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))
+ nt)))
+ (unsafeFromList
+ (\i -> iData i)
+ bData
+ (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 1 n), #6f6e65])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [(addInteger 2 n), #74776f])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0 [cse, #7468726565])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [cse, #666f7572])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [ (addInteger
+ 5
+ n)
+ , #66697665 ])
+ , (constr 0
+ [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])))
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ (\tl ->
+ (\v' ->
+ (\k' ->
+ force
+ (case
+ (fix1
+ (\go
+ xs ->
+ force
+ (force
+ chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds ->
+ constr 1 [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ force
+ (force
+ ifThenElse
+ (equalsData
+ k'
+ (force
+ (force
+ fstPair)
+ hd))
+ (delay
+ ((\ds ->
+ constr 0
+ [ (force
+ (force
+ sndPair)
+ hd) ])
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))
+ (delay
+ (go
+ (force
+ tailList
+ xs)))))
+ (force
+ headList
+ xs))
+ (constr 0 []))
+ nt)
+ [ (\r ->
+ delay
+ (force
+ mkCons
+ (mkPairData
+ k'
+ (bData
+ (appendByteString
+ (unBData
+ v')
+ (unBData
+ r))))
+ (go tl)))
+ , (delay
+ (force mkCons
+ (mkPairData
+ k'
+ v')
+ (go tl))) ]))
+ (force (force fstPair) hd))
+ (force (force sndPair) hd))
+ (force tailList xs))
+ (force headList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))))
+ (unsafeFromList
+ (\i -> iData i)
+ bData
+ (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0 [cse, #5448524545])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0 [cse, #464f5552])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [(addInteger 6 n), #534958])
+ , (constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [ (addInteger 7 n)
+ , #534556454e ])
+ , (constr 0 []) ]) ]) ]) ])))
+ (addInteger 4 n))
+ (addInteger 3 n))
+ (\`$dToData` `$dToData` ->
+ (\go eta -> goList (go eta))
+ (fix1
+ (\go ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay (constr 0 []))
+ , (\x xs ->
+ delay
+ (constr 1
+ [ (case
+ x
+ [ (\k a ->
+ constr 0
+ [ (`$dToData` k)
+ , (`$dToData` a) ]) ])
+ , (go xs) ])) ])))))
+ (fix1
+ (\goList ds ->
+ force
+ (case
+ ds
+ [ (delay [])
+ , (\d ds ->
+ delay
+ (force mkCons
+ (case d [(\d d -> mkPairData d d)])
+ (goList ds))) ]))))
+ (fix1
+ (\go acc xs ->
+ force (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> acc)
+ (\ds ->
+ go
+ (force mkCons (force headList xs) acc)
+ (force tailList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))))
+ (fix1
+ (\go xs ->
+ force (force chooseList)
+ xs
+ (\ds -> constr 0 [])
+ (\ds ->
+ (\hd ->
+ (\tl ->
+ constr 1
+ [ (constr 0
+ [ (unIData (force (force fstPair) hd))
+ , (unBData (force (force sndPair) hd)) ])
+ , (go tl) ])
+ (force tailList xs))
+ (force headList xs))
+ (constr 0 []))))
+ (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/Spec.hs b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/Spec.hs
index b9200ed45c8..891c9d27b91 100644
--- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/Spec.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/Spec.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Test.Tasty.Extras
import Budget.WithGHCOptimisations qualified as WithGHCOptTest
import Budget.WithoutGHCOptimisations qualified as WithoutGHCOptTest
import PlutusTx.AsData qualified as AsData
-import PlutusTx.Builtins qualified as PlutusTx
+import PlutusTx.Builtins qualified as PlutusTx hiding (null)
import PlutusTx.Builtins.Internal qualified as BI
import PlutusTx.Code
import PlutusTx.IsData qualified as IsData
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Spec.hs b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Spec.hs
index 5847ced49e5..85228a20758 100644
--- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Spec.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Spec.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Main (main) where
import AsData.Budget.Spec qualified as AsData.Budget
+import AssocMap.Spec qualified as AssocMap
import Blueprint.Tests qualified
import Budget.Spec qualified as Budget
import IntegerLiterals.NoStrict.NegativeLiterals.Spec qualified
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ import TH.Spec qualified as TH
import Unicode.Spec qualified as Unicode
main :: IO ()
-main = defaultMain $ runTestNestedIn ["test"] tests
+main = defaultMain $ testGroup "" [runTestNestedIn ["test"] tests, AssocMap.propertyTests]
tests :: TestNested
tests =
@@ -42,4 +43,5 @@ tests =
, Strictness.tests
, Blueprint.Tests.goldenTests
, pure Unicode.tests
+ , AssocMap.goldenTests
diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Util/Common.hs b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Util/Common.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..977f78124ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Util/Common.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module Util.Common
+ ( Program
+ , Term
+ , toAnonDeBruijnTerm
+ , toNamedDeBruijnTerm
+ , compiledCodeToTerm
+ , haskellValueToTerm
+ , unsafeRunTermCek
+ , runTermCek
+ , cekResultMatchesHaskellValue
+ )
+import PlutusTx qualified as Tx
+import PlutusCore qualified as PLC
+import PlutusCore.Default
+import PlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.ExBudgetingDefaults qualified as PLC
+import UntypedPlutusCore qualified as UPLC
+import UntypedPlutusCore.Evaluation.Machine.Cek as Cek
+import Data.Text (Text)
+type Term = UPLC.Term PLC.NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun ()
+type Program = UPLC.Program PLC.NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun ()
+{- | Given a DeBruijn-named term, give every variable the name "v". If we later
+ call unDeBruijn, that will rename the variables to things like "v123", where
+ 123 is the relevant de Bruijn index.-}
+ :: UPLC.Term UPLC.DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun ()
+ -> UPLC.Term UPLC.NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun ()
+toNamedDeBruijnTerm = UPLC.termMapNames UPLC.fakeNameDeBruijn
+{- | Remove the textual names from a NamedDeBruijn term -}
+ :: Term
+ -> UPLC.Term UPLC.DeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun ()
+toAnonDeBruijnTerm = UPLC.termMapNames UPLC.unNameDeBruijn
+{- | Just extract the body of a program wrapped in a 'CompiledCodeIn'. We use this a lot. -}
+ :: Tx.CompiledCodeIn DefaultUni DefaultFun a -> Term
+compiledCodeToTerm (Tx.getPlcNoAnn -> UPLC.Program _ _ body) = body
+{- | Lift a Haskell value to a PLC term. The constraints get a bit out of control
+ if we try to do this over an arbitrary universe.-}
+ :: Tx.Lift DefaultUni a => a -> Term
+haskellValueToTerm = compiledCodeToTerm . Tx.liftCodeDef
+{- | Just run a term to obtain an `EvaluationResult` (used for tests etc.) -}
+unsafeRunTermCek :: Term -> EvaluationResult Term
+unsafeRunTermCek =
+ unsafeToEvaluationResult
+ . (\(res, _, _) -> res)
+ . runCekDeBruijn PLC.defaultCekParameters Cek.restrictingEnormous Cek.noEmitter
+-- | Just run a term.
+runTermCek ::
+ Term ->
+ ( Either (CekEvaluationException UPLC.NamedDeBruijn DefaultUni DefaultFun) Term
+ , [Text]
+ )
+runTermCek =
+ (\(res, _, logs) -> (res, logs))
+ . runCekDeBruijn PLC.defaultCekParameters Cek.restrictingEnormous Cek.logEmitter
+{- | Evaluate a PLC term and check that the result matches a given Haskell value
+ (perhaps obtained by running the Haskell code that the term was compiled
+ from). We evaluate the lifted Haskell value as well, because lifting may
+ produce reducible terms. The function is polymorphic in the comparison
+ operator so that we can use it with both HUnit Assertions and QuickCheck
+ Properties. -}
+ :: Tx.Lift DefaultUni a
+ => Term
+ -> (EvaluationResult Term -> EvaluationResult Term -> b)
+ -> a
+ -> b
+cekResultMatchesHaskellValue term matches value =
+ (unsafeRunTermCek term) `matches` (unsafeRunTermCek $ haskellValueToTerm value)
diff --git a/plutus-tx/changelog.d/20240516_215552_ana.pantilie95_data_assoclist.md b/plutus-tx/changelog.d/20240516_215552_ana.pantilie95_data_assoclist.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..73cd8f8e8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx/changelog.d/20240516_215552_ana.pantilie95_data_assoclist.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+### Added
+- Added `Data.AssocList.Map` module which provides a map implementation based on `Data`.
+### Changed
+- The PlutusTx `These` type had the Haskell implementations of `Show`, `Eq` and `Ord` instances instead of PlutusTx ones. This has been fixed.
diff --git a/plutus-tx/plutus-tx.cabal b/plutus-tx/plutus-tx.cabal
index fa3513d81f2..0926ed5806f 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/plutus-tx.cabal
+++ b/plutus-tx/plutus-tx.cabal
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ library
+ PlutusTx.Data.AssocMap
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/AssocMap.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/AssocMap.hs
index 12cfce5684c..d5c6c800150 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/AssocMap.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/AssocMap.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module PlutusTx.AssocMap (
import Prelude qualified as Haskell
-import PlutusTx.Builtins qualified as P
+import PlutusTx.Builtins qualified as P hiding (null)
import PlutusTx.Builtins.Internal qualified as BI
import PlutusTx.IsData
import PlutusTx.Lift (makeLift)
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Builtins.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Builtins.hs
index cfdd8cbe23e..5e9550d9bb6 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Builtins.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Builtins.hs
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ module PlutusTx.Builtins (
-- * Pairs
, pairToPair
-- * Lists
+ , null
, matchList
, matchList'
, headMaybe
@@ -388,6 +389,10 @@ trace = BI.trace
encodeUtf8 :: BuiltinString -> BuiltinByteString
encodeUtf8 = BI.encodeUtf8
+{-# INLINABLE null #-}
+null :: forall a. BI.BuiltinList a -> Bool
+null l = fromOpaque (BI.null l)
{-# INLINABLE matchList #-}
matchList :: forall a r . BI.BuiltinList a -> (() -> r) -> (a -> BI.BuiltinList a -> r) -> r
matchList l nilCase consCase = BI.chooseList l nilCase (\_ -> consCase (BI.head l) (BI.tail l)) ()
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Data/AssocMap.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Data/AssocMap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..48712bd3274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Data/AssocMap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module PlutusTx.Data.AssocMap (
+ Map,
+ lookup,
+ member,
+ insert,
+ delete,
+ singleton,
+ empty,
+ null,
+ toList,
+ toBuiltinList,
+ safeFromList,
+ unsafeFromList,
+ unsafeFromBuiltinList,
+ noDuplicateKeys,
+ all,
+ any,
+ union,
+ unionWith,
+ ) where
+import PlutusTx.Builtins qualified as P
+import PlutusTx.Builtins.Internal qualified as BI
+import PlutusTx.IsData qualified as P
+import PlutusTx.Lift (makeLift)
+import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (all, any, null, toList, uncons)
+import PlutusTx.These
+import Prelude qualified as Haskell
+{- | A map associating keys and values backed by `P.BuiltinData`.
+This implementation has the following characteristics:
+ * The `P.toBuiltinData` and `P.unsafeFromBuiltinData` operations are no-op.
+ * Other operations are slower than @PlutusTx.AssocMap.Map@, although equality
+ checks on keys can be faster due to `P.equalsData`.
+ * Many operations involve converting the keys and\/or values to\/from `P.BuiltinData`.
+Therefore this implementation is likely a better choice than "PlutusTx.AssocMap.Map"
+if it is part of a data type defined using @asData@, and the key and value types
+have efficient `P.toBuiltinData` and `P.unsafeFromBuiltinData` operations (e.g., they
+are primitive types or types defined using @asData@).
+A `Map` is considered well-defined if it has no duplicate keys. Most operations
+preserve the definedness of the resulting `Map` unless otherwise noted.
+It is important to observe that, in comparison to standard map implementations,
+this implementation provides slow lookup and update operations because it is based
+on a list representation.
+newtype Map k a = Map (BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData))
+ deriving stock (Haskell.Eq, Haskell.Show)
+instance P.ToData (Map k a) where
+ {-# INLINEABLE toBuiltinData #-}
+ toBuiltinData (Map d) = BI.mkMap d
+instance P.FromData (Map k a) where
+ {-# INLINABLE fromBuiltinData #-}
+ fromBuiltinData = Just . Map . BI.unsafeDataAsMap
+instance P.UnsafeFromData (Map k a) where
+ {-# INLINABLE unsafeFromBuiltinData #-}
+ unsafeFromBuiltinData = Map . BI.unsafeDataAsMap
+{-# INLINEABLE lookup #-}
+-- | Look up the value corresponding to the key.
+-- If the `Map` is not well-defined, the result is the value associated with
+-- the left-most occurrence of the key in the list.
+-- This operation is O(n).
+lookup :: forall k a. (P.ToData k, P.UnsafeFromData a) => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
+lookup (P.toBuiltinData -> k) (Map m) = P.unsafeFromBuiltinData <$> lookup' k m
+ :: BuiltinData
+ -> BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+ -> Maybe BuiltinData
+lookup' k m = go m
+ where
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> Nothing)
+ ( \hd ->
+ let k' = BI.fst hd
+ in if P.equalsData k k'
+ then \_ -> Just (BI.snd hd)
+ else go
+ )
+{-# INLINEABLE member #-}
+-- | Check if the key is in the `Map`.
+member :: forall k a. (P.ToData k) => k -> Map k a -> Bool
+member (P.toBuiltinData -> k) (Map m) = member' k m
+member' :: BuiltinData -> BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) -> Bool
+member' k = go
+ where
+ go :: BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) -> Bool
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> False)
+ ( \hd ->
+ let k' = BI.fst hd
+ in if P.equalsData k k'
+ then \_ -> True
+ else go
+ )
+{-# INLINEABLE insert #-}
+-- | Insert a key-value pair into the `Map`. If the key is already present,
+-- the value is updated.
+insert :: forall k a. (P.ToData k, P.ToData a) => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
+insert (P.toBuiltinData -> k) (P.toBuiltinData -> a) (Map m) = Map $ insert' k a m
+ :: BuiltinData
+ -> BuiltinData
+ -> BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+ -> BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+insert' k a = go
+ where
+ go ::
+ BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) ->
+ BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> BI.mkCons (BI.mkPairData k a) nil)
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ let k' = BI.fst hd
+ in if P.equalsData k k'
+ then BI.mkCons (BI.mkPairData k a) tl
+ else BI.mkCons hd (go tl)
+ )
+{-# INLINEABLE delete #-}
+-- | Delete a key value pair from the `Map`.
+-- If the `Map` is not well-defined, it deletes the pair associated with the
+-- left-most occurrence of the key in the list.
+delete :: forall k a. (P.ToData k) => k -> Map k a -> Map k a
+delete (P.toBuiltinData -> k) (Map m) = Map $ delete' k m
+delete' ::
+ BuiltinData ->
+ BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) ->
+ BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+delete' k = go
+ where
+ go ::
+ BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) ->
+ BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> nil)
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ let k' = BI.fst hd
+ in if P.equalsData k k'
+ then tl
+ else BI.mkCons hd (go tl)
+ )
+{-# INLINEABLE singleton #-}
+-- | Create an `Map` with a single key-value pair.
+singleton :: forall k a. (P.ToData k, P.ToData a) => k -> a -> Map k a
+singleton (P.toBuiltinData -> k) (P.toBuiltinData -> a) =
+ Map $ BI.mkCons (BI.mkPairData k a) nil
+{-# INLINEABLE empty #-}
+-- | An empty `Map`.
+empty :: forall k a. Map k a
+empty = Map nil
+{-# INLINEABLE null #-}
+-- | Check if the `Map` is empty.
+null :: forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
+null (Map m) = P.null m
+{-# INLINEABLE safeFromList #-}
+-- | Create an `Map` from a list of key-value pairs.
+-- In case of duplicates, this function will keep only one entry (the one that precedes).
+-- In other words, this function de-duplicates the input list.
+safeFromList :: forall k a . (P.ToData k, P.ToData a) =>[(k, a)] -> Map k a
+safeFromList =
+ Map
+ . toOpaque
+ . foldr (uncurry go) []
+ where
+ go k v [] = [(P.toBuiltinData k, P.toBuiltinData v)]
+ go k v ((k', v') : rest) =
+ if P.toBuiltinData k == k'
+ then (P.toBuiltinData k, P.toBuiltinData v) : go k v rest
+ else (P.toBuiltinData k', P.toBuiltinData v') : go k v rest
+{-# INLINEABLE unsafeFromList #-}
+-- | Unsafely create an 'Map' from a list of pairs.
+-- This should _only_ be applied to lists which have been checked to not
+-- contain duplicate keys, otherwise the resulting 'Map' will contain
+-- conflicting entries (two entries sharing the same key), and therefore be ill-defined.
+unsafeFromList :: (P.ToData k, P.ToData a) => [(k, a)] -> Map k a
+unsafeFromList =
+ Map
+ . toOpaque
+ . PlutusTx.Prelude.map (\(k, a) -> (P.toBuiltinData k, P.toBuiltinData a))
+{-# INLINEABLE noDuplicateKeys #-}
+-- | Check if the `Map` is well-defined. Warning: this operation is O(n^2).
+noDuplicateKeys :: forall k a. Map k a -> Bool
+noDuplicateKeys (Map m) = go m
+ where
+ go :: BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) -> Bool
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> True)
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ let k = BI.fst hd
+ in if member k (Map tl) then False else go tl
+ )
+{-# INLINEABLE all #-}
+--- | Check if all values in the `Map` satisfy the predicate.
+all :: forall k a. (P.UnsafeFromData a) => (a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Bool
+all p (Map m) = go m
+ where
+ go :: BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) -> Bool
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> True)
+ ( \hd ->
+ let a = P.unsafeFromBuiltinData (BI.snd hd)
+ in if p a then go else \_ -> False
+ )
+{-# INLINEABLE any #-}
+-- | Check if any value in the `Map` satisfies the predicate.
+any :: forall k a. (P.UnsafeFromData a) => (a -> Bool) -> Map k a -> Bool
+any p (Map m) = go m
+ where
+ go :: BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) -> Bool
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> False)
+ ( \hd ->
+ let a = P.unsafeFromBuiltinData (BI.snd hd)
+ in if p a then \_ -> True else go
+ )
+{-# INLINEABLE union #-}
+-- | Combine two 'Map's into one. It saves both values if the key is present in both maps.
+union ::
+ forall k a b.
+ (P.UnsafeFromData a, P.UnsafeFromData b, P.ToData a, P.ToData b) =>
+ Map k a ->
+ Map k b ->
+ Map k (These a b)
+union (Map ls) (Map rs) = Map res
+ where
+ goLeft xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> nil)
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ let k = BI.fst hd
+ v = BI.snd hd
+ v' = case lookup' k rs of
+ Just r ->
+ P.toBuiltinData
+ ( These
+ (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData v)
+ (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData r)
+ :: These a b
+ )
+ Nothing ->
+ P.toBuiltinData (This (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData v) :: These a b)
+ in BI.mkCons (BI.mkPairData k v') (goLeft tl)
+ )
+ goRight xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> nil)
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ let k = BI.fst hd
+ v = BI.snd hd
+ v' = case lookup' k ls of
+ Just r ->
+ P.toBuiltinData
+ ( These
+ (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData v)
+ (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData r)
+ :: These a b
+ )
+ Nothing ->
+ P.toBuiltinData (That (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData v) :: These a b)
+ in BI.mkCons (BI.mkPairData k v') (goRight tl)
+ )
+ res = goLeft ls `safeAppend` goRight rs
+ safeAppend xs1 xs2 =
+ P.matchList
+ xs1
+ (\() -> xs2)
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ let k = BI.fst hd
+ v = BI.snd hd
+ in insert' k v (safeAppend tl xs2)
+ )
+-- | Combine two 'Map's with the given combination function.
+unionWith ::
+ forall k a.
+ (P.UnsafeFromData a, P.ToData a) =>
+ (a -> a -> a) ->
+ Map k a ->
+ Map k a ->
+ Map k a
+unionWith f (Map ls) (Map rs) =
+ Map res
+ where
+ ls' :: BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+ ls' = go ls
+ where
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> nil)
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ let k' = BI.fst hd
+ v' = BI.snd hd
+ v'' = case lookup' k' rs of
+ Just r ->
+ P.toBuiltinData
+ (f (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData v') (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData r))
+ Nothing -> v'
+ in BI.mkCons (BI.mkPairData k' v'') (go tl)
+ )
+ rs' :: BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+ rs' = go rs
+ where
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> nil)
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ let k' = BI.fst hd
+ tl' = go tl
+ in if member' k' ls
+ then tl'
+ else BI.mkCons hd tl'
+ )
+ res :: BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+ res = go rs' ls'
+ where
+ go acc xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> acc)
+ (\hd -> go (BI.mkCons hd acc))
+{-# INLINEABLE toList #-}
+-- | Convert the `Map` to a list of key-value pairs. This operation is O(n).
+-- See 'toBuiltinList' for a more efficient alternative.
+toList :: (P.UnsafeFromData k, P.UnsafeFromData a) => Map k a -> [(k, a)]
+toList d = go (toBuiltinList d)
+ where
+ go xs =
+ P.matchList
+ xs
+ (\() -> [])
+ ( \hd tl ->
+ (P.unsafeFromBuiltinData (BI.fst hd), P.unsafeFromBuiltinData (BI.snd hd))
+ : go tl
+ )
+{-# INLINEABLE toBuiltinList #-}
+-- | Convert the `Map` to a `P.BuiltinList` of key-value pairs. This operation is O(1).
+toBuiltinList :: Map k a -> BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+toBuiltinList (Map d) = d
+{-# INLINEABLE unsafeFromBuiltinList #-}
+-- | Unsafely create an 'Map' from a `P.BuiltinList` of key-value pairs.
+-- This function is unsafe because it assumes that the elements of the list can be safely
+-- decoded from their 'BuiltinData' representation.
+unsafeFromBuiltinList ::
+ forall k a.
+ BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData) ->
+ Map k a
+unsafeFromBuiltinList = Map
+{-# INLINEABLE nil #-}
+-- | An empty `P.BuiltinList` of key-value pairs.
+nil :: BI.BuiltinList (BI.BuiltinPair BuiltinData BuiltinData)
+nil = BI.mkNilPairData BI.unitval
+makeLift ''Map
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Eq.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Eq.hs
index 0e7b921dfad..de6e87926c7 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Eq.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Eq.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module PlutusTx.Eq (Eq(..), (/=)) where
import PlutusTx.Bool
import PlutusTx.Builtins qualified as Builtins
import PlutusTx.Either (Either (..))
+import PlutusTx.These
import Prelude (Maybe (..))
{- HLINT ignore -}
@@ -77,3 +78,10 @@ instance Eq () where
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (a, b) where
{-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
(a, b) == (a', b') = a == a' && b == b'
+instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (These a b) where
+ {-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
+ (This a) == (This a') = a == a'
+ (That b) == (That b') = b == b'
+ (These a b) == (These a' b') = a == a' && b == b'
+ _ == _ = False
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/IsData/Instances.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/IsData/Instances.hs
index 0da5b45e979..ad0dbf5b5d4 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/IsData/Instances.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/IsData/Instances.hs
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ import PlutusTx.Bool (Bool (..))
import PlutusTx.Either (Either (..))
import PlutusTx.IsData.TH (makeIsDataIndexed, unstableMakeIsData)
import PlutusTx.Maybe (Maybe (..))
+import PlutusTx.These (These (..))
-- While these types should be stable, we really don't want them changing, so index
-- them explicitly to be sure.
makeIsDataIndexed ''Bool [('False,0),('True,1)]
makeIsDataIndexed ''Maybe [('Just,0),('Nothing,1)]
makeIsDataIndexed ''Either [('Left,0),('Right,1)]
+makeIsDataIndexed ''These [('This,0),('That,1),('These,2)]
-- Okay to use unstableMakeIsData here since there's only one alternative and we're sure
-- that will never change.
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Lift/Instances.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Lift/Instances.hs
index d5132023e16..98832e7b576 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Lift/Instances.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Lift/Instances.hs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import PlutusTx.Bool (Bool (..))
import PlutusTx.Either (Either (..))
import PlutusTx.Lift.TH
import PlutusTx.Maybe (Maybe (..))
+import PlutusTx.These (These (..))
-- Standard types
-- These need to be in a separate file for TH staging reasons
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ import PlutusTx.Maybe (Maybe (..))
makeLift ''Bool
makeLift ''Maybe
makeLift ''Either
+makeLift ''These
makeLift ''[]
makeLift ''()
-- include a few tuple instances for convenience
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Ord.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Ord.hs
index 210826488df..f92baf2e2bb 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Ord.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Ord.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import PlutusTx.Bool (Bool (..))
import PlutusTx.Builtins qualified as Builtins
import PlutusTx.Either (Either (..))
import PlutusTx.Eq
+import PlutusTx.These
import Prelude (Maybe (..), Ordering (..))
{- HLINT ignore -}
@@ -123,3 +124,17 @@ instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (a, b) where
case compare a a' of
EQ -> compare b b'
c -> c
+instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (These a b) where
+ {-# INLINABLE compare #-}
+ compare (This a) (This a') = compare a a'
+ compare (That b) (That b') = compare b b'
+ compare (These a b) (These a' b') =
+ case compare a a' of
+ EQ -> compare b b'
+ c -> c
+ compare (This _) _ = LT
+ compare (That _) (This _) = GT
+ compare (That _) (These _ _) = LT
+ compare (These _ _) (This _) = GT
+ compare (These _ _) (That _) = GT
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Show.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Show.hs
index 5b16c1ebf9c..e8d57caedbc 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Show.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Show.hs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import PlutusTx.List (foldr)
import PlutusTx.Maybe
import PlutusTx.Prelude hiding (foldr)
import PlutusTx.Show.TH
+import PlutusTx.These
instance Show Builtins.Integer where
{-# INLINEABLE showsPrec #-}
@@ -160,3 +161,4 @@ deriveShow ''(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
deriveShow ''(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)
deriveShow ''Maybe
deriveShow ''Either
+deriveShow ''These
diff --git a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/These.hs b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/These.hs
index 4ec6742e344..124a37d6102 100644
--- a/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/These.hs
+++ b/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/These.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-omit-interface-pragmas #-}
module PlutusTx.These(
, these
diff --git a/scripts/prepare-bins.sh b/scripts/prepare-bins.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..fada66a996f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/prepare-bins.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#! nix-shell -i bash --pure
+#! nix-shell -p bash git nix upx
+set -euo pipefail
+Lets prepare binaries for a release:\n
+ 1. Build `pir`\n
+ 2. Compress `pir` with `upx`\n
+ 3. Build `uplc`\n
+ 4. Compress `uplc` with `upx`\n
+echo -e $banner
+echo "Building pir..."
+nix build ".#hydraJobs.x86_64-linux.musl64.ghc96.pir"
+echo "Compressing pir..."
+upx -9 ./result/bin/pir -o pir-x86_64-linux-ghc96 --force-overwrite
+echo "Building uplc..."
+nix build ".#hydraJobs.x86_64-linux.musl64.ghc96.uplc"
+echo "Compressing uplc..."
+upx -9 ./result/bin/uplc -o uplc-x86_64-linux-ghc96 --force-overwrite