From ddfe36e303f9aa7c524f0745f4ea39ba946d3869 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yura Lazaryev Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 10:29:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Updated golden files --- .../Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.pir.golden | 10909 ++++++++-------- .../Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.uplc.golden | 2738 ++-- .../Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.pir.golden | 10787 +++++++-------- .../GoldenTests/unsorted.uplc.golden | 2735 ++-- .../plutus-core/test/scopes/apply.plc.golden | 2 +- .../plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda.plc.golden | 2 +- .../test/scopes/lambda2.plc.golden | 2 +- .../test/scopes/negation.plc.golden | 20 +- .../Compiler/Datatype/dataEscape.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/idleAll.golden | 2 +- .../Compiler/Datatype/listMatch.golden | 250 +- .../Compiler/Datatype/listMatchEval.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/maybe.golden | 92 +- .../Compiler/Datatype/scott/listMatch.golden | 365 +- .../Compiler/Datatype/scott/maybe.golden | 135 +- .../PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/some.golden | 2 +- .../Compiler/Error/recursiveTypeBind.golden | 4 +- .../test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letDep.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letInLet.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3.golden | 757 +- .../Compiler/Recursion/even3Eval.golden | 2 +- .../Compiler/Recursion/factorial.golden | 45 +- .../Recursion/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden | 517 +- .../Compiler/Recursion/stupidZero.golden | 245 +- .../PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/basic.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/maybe.golden | 18 +- .../Core/prettyprintingReadable/basic.golden | 2 +- .../errorBinding.golden | 4 +- .../Core/prettyprintingReadable/even3.golden | 26 +- .../prettyprintingReadable/idleAll.golden | 10 +- .../Core/prettyprintingReadable/letDep.golden | 6 +- .../prettyprintingReadable/letInLet.golden | 8 +- .../prettyprintingReadable/listMatch.golden | 19 +- .../Core/prettyprintingReadable/maybe.golden | 8 +- .../mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden | 6 +- .../recursiveTypeBind.golden | 6 +- .../Core/prettyprintingReadable/some.golden | 6 +- .../prettyprintingReadable/stupidZero.golden | 19 +- .../Core/serialization/serializeBasic.golden | 2 +- .../serialization/serializeEvenOdd.golden | 63 +- .../serialization/serializeListMatch.golden | 40 +- .../serializeMaybePirTerm.golden | 18 +- .../Purity/builtinAppSaturated.golden | 2 +- .../Purity/builtinAppUnsaturated.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/Purity/letFun.golden | 6 +- .../test/PlutusIR/Purity/nestedLets1.golden | 10 +- .../test/PlutusIR/Purity/pureLet.golden | 6 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/absapp.golden | 5 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp.golden | 5 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp2.golden | 15 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multiapp.golden | 17 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multilet.golden | 27 +- .../Transform/CaseOfCase/basic.golden | 53 +- .../Transform/CaseOfCase/builtinBool.golden | 48 +- .../Transform/CaseOfCase/exponential.golden | 152 +- .../Transform/CaseOfCase/largeExpr.golden | 62 +- .../Transform/CaseOfCase/twoTyArgs.golden | 55 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/builtinBinding.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/datatypeDead.golden | 2 +- .../DeadCode/datatypeLiveConstr.golden | 18 +- .../DeadCode/datatypeLiveDestr.golden | 18 +- .../DeadCode/datatypeLiveType.golden | 12 +- .../DeadCode/etaBuiltinBinding.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindings.golden | 13 +- .../DeadCode/nestedBindingsIndirect.golden | 24 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/nonstrictLet.golden | 13 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/pruneDatatype.golden | 16 +- .../DeadCode/recBindingComplex.golden | 13 +- .../DeadCode/recBindingSimple.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/singleBinding.golden | 13 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/strictLet.golden | 24 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/termLet.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/DeadCode/typeLet.golden | 2 +- .../EvaluateBuiltins/addInteger.golden | 2 +- .../EvaluateBuiltins/failingBuiltin.golden | 2 +- .../EvaluateBuiltins/ifThenElse.golden | 2 +- .../EvaluateBuiltins/nonConstantArg.golden | 9 +- .../EvaluateBuiltins/overApplication.golden | 2 +- .../EvaluateBuiltins/traceConservative.golden | 2 +- .../traceNonConservative.golden | 2 +- ...ncompressAndEqualBlsNonConservative.golden | 24 +- .../uncompressBlsConservative.golden | 9 +- .../uncompressBlsNonConservative.golden | 9 +- .../EvaluateBuiltins/underApplication.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/builtin.golden | 2 +- .../Inline/callsite-non-trivial-body.golden | 85 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/constant.golden | 2 +- .../Inline/effectfulBuiltinArg.golden | 33 +- .../Inline/firstEffectfulTerm1.golden | 2 +- .../Inline/firstEffectfulTerm2.golden | 13 +- .../Transform/Inline/immediateApp.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/Inline/immediateVar.golden | 2 +- .../Inline/inlineConstantsOff.golden | 9 +- .../Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOn.golden | 5 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letApp.golden | 2 +- .../Inline/letAppMultiNotAcceptable.golden | 13 +- .../Transform/Inline/letFunConstBool.golden | 18 +- .../Transform/Inline/letFunConstInt.golden | 5 +- .../Transform/Inline/letFunConstMulti.golden | 13 +- .../Transform/Inline/letFunInFun.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/Inline/letFunInFunMulti.golden | 13 +- .../Transform/Inline/letNonPure.golden | 15 +- .../Transform/Inline/letNonPureMulti.golden | 22 +- .../Inline/letNonPureMultiStrict.golden | 15 +- .../Transform/Inline/letOverApp.golden | 5 +- .../Transform/Inline/letOverAppMulti.golden | 30 +- .../Transform/Inline/letOverAppType.golden | 11 +- .../Transform/Inline/letTypeApp.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/Inline/letTypeApp2.golden | 14 +- .../Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMulti.golden | 11 +- .../Inline/letTypeAppMultiNotSat.golden | 11 +- .../Inline/letTypeAppMultiSat.golden | 13 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/multilet.golden | 35 +- .../Transform/Inline/nameCapture.golden | 19 +- .../Transform/Inline/partiallyApp.golden | 30 +- .../Transform/Inline/rhs-modified.golden | 17 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/single.golden | 24 +- .../Transform/Inline/transitive.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/tyvar.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/var.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/KnownCon/applicative.golden | 152 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/bool.golden | 18 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/list.golden | 39 +- .../KnownCon/maybe-just-unsaturated.golden | 34 +- .../Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just.golden | 28 +- .../Transform/KnownCon/maybe-nothing.golden | 18 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/pair.golden | 32 +- .../avoid-floating-into-lam.golden | 25 +- .../avoid-floating-into-tyabs.golden | 21 +- .../relaxed/avoid-floating-into-RHS.golden | 17 +- ...oid-moving-strict-nonvalue-bindings.golden | 17 +- .../relaxed/cannot-float-into-app.golden | 19 +- .../LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype1.golden | 26 +- .../LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype2.golden | 33 +- .../LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-RHS.golden | 29 +- .../relaxed/float-into-case-arg.golden | 21 +- .../relaxed/float-into-case-branch.golden | 21 +- .../relaxed/float-into-constr.golden | 17 +- .../relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-1.golden | 33 +- .../relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-2.golden | 36 +- .../LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam1.golden | 18 +- .../LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam2.golden | 29 +- .../relaxed/float-into-tyabs1.golden | 52 +- .../relaxed/float-into-tyabs2.golden | 25 +- .../Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/type.golden | 35 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/even3Eval.golden | 62 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/ifError.golden | 38 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/inLam.golden | 14 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/letInLet.golden | 15 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/listMatch.golden | 54 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/maybe.golden | 34 +- .../LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden | 29 +- .../mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden | 15 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec1.golden | 17 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec2.golden | 38 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec3.golden | 14 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec4.golden | 24 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec6.golden | 22 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec7.golden | 28 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec8.golden | 35 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec9.golden | 15 +- .../LetFloatOut/nonrecToNonrec.golden | 13 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToRec.golden | 15 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/oldFloatBug.golden | 15 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/oldLength.golden | 25 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/outLam.golden | 9 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/outRhs.golden | 19 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/rec1.golden | 40 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/rec2.golden | 56 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/rec3.golden | 24 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/rec4.golden | 13 +- .../LetFloatOut/rhsSqueezeVsNest.golden | 37 +- .../LetFloatOut/strictNonValue.golden | 17 +- .../LetFloatOut/strictNonValue2.golden | 11 +- .../LetFloatOut/strictNonValue3.golden | 26 +- .../LetFloatOut/strictNonValueDeep.golden | 26 +- .../Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValue.golden | 19 +- .../LetFloatOut/strictValueNonValue.golden | 24 +- .../LetFloatOut/strictValueValue.golden | 19 +- .../Transform/NonStrict/nonStrict1.golden | 13 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/big.golden | 68 +- .../RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden | 38 +- .../RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden | 15 +- .../Transform/RecSplit/selfrecursive.golden | 36 +- .../PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/small.golden | 28 +- .../Transform/RecSplit/truenonrec.golden | 35 +- .../Rename/allShadowedDataNonRec.golden | 17 +- .../Rename/allShadowedDataRec.golden | 17 +- .../Rename/paramShadowedDataNonRec.golden | 17 +- .../Rename/paramShadowedDataRec.golden | 17 +- .../RewriteRules/divideInt.pir.golden | 8 +- .../RewriteRules/equalsInt.pir.golden | 5 +- .../Transform/RewriteRules/let.pir.golden | 12 +- .../RewriteRules/multiplyInt.pir.golden | 5 +- .../unConstrConstrDataFst.pir.golden | 54 +- .../unConstrConstrDataSnd.pir.golden | 22 +- .../Transform/StrictifyBindings/conapp.golden | 30 +- .../StrictifyBindings/impure1.golden | 15 +- .../Transform/StrictifyBindings/pure1.golden | 5 +- .../Transform/StrictifyBindings/unused.golden | 9 +- .../ThunkRecursions/errorBinding.golden | 14 +- .../Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFold.golden | 94 +- .../ThunkRecursions/listFoldTrace.golden | 98 +- .../Transform/ThunkRecursions/monoMap.golden | 64 +- .../mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden | 24 +- .../preserveEffectOrder.golden | 31 +- .../ThunkRecursions/preserveStrictness.golden | 20 +- .../Transform/Unwrap/unwrapWrap.golden | 41 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/even3Eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/ifError.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/letInLet.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/listMatch.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/maybe.golden | 2 +- .../TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden | 2 +- .../TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden | 2 +- .../TypeCheck/nonSelfRecursive.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec1.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec2.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec3.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec4.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec6.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec7.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec8.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToNonrec.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToRec.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/oldLength.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec1.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec2.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec3.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec4.golden | 2 +- .../TypeCheck/sameNameDifferentEnv.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue2.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue3.golden | 2 +- .../TypeCheck/strictNonValueDeep.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValue.golden | 2 +- .../TypeCheck/strictValueNonValue.golden | 2 +- .../TypeCheck/strictValueValue.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLet.golden | 2 +- .../test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetRec.golden | 2 +- .../PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetWrong.golden | 2 +- .../wrongDataConstrReturnType.golden | 2 +- .../test/Analysis/evalOrder/letFun.golden | 10 +- .../test/Analysis/evalOrder/letImpure.golden | 6 +- .../Golden/Default/okConst.uplc.golden | 4 +- .../Golden/Default/okDeep0.uplc.golden | 11 +- .../Golden/Default/okDeep99.uplc.golden | 11 +- .../DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId0.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Golden/Default/okId99.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Golden/Default/okMix1.uplc.golden | 38 +- .../Golden/Default/okMix2.uplc.golden | 38 +- .../Golden/Graceful/graceConst.uplc.golden | 4 +- .../Golden/Graceful/graceDeep.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Graceful/graceElaborate.uplc.golden | 4 +- .../Golden/Graceful/graceTop.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Golden/List/headList-empty.err.golden | 2 +- .../Golden/List/tailList-empty.err.golden | 2 +- .../consByteString-out-of-range.err.golden | 2 +- ...xByteString-out-of-bounds-empty.err.golden | 2 +- ...eString-out-of-bounds-non-empty.err.golden | 2 +- .../test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.plc.golden | 2 +- .../Evaluation/Golden/closure.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Evaluation/Golden/ite.type.golden | 2 +- .../Golden/iteAtHigherKind.type.golden | 2 +- .../iteAtHigherKindFullyApplied.type.golden | 2 +- .../iteAtHigherKindWithCond.type.golden | 2 +- .../iteUninstantiatedFullyApplied.type.golden | 2 +- .../iteUninstantiatedWithCond.type.golden | 2 +- .../Evaluation/Golden/polyError.type.golden | 2 +- .../Machines/Budget/IdNat/0.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IdNat/3.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IdNat/6.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IdNat/9.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/0.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/1.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/2.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/3.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/4.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/5.uplc.golden | 88 +- .../test/Transform/CaseOfCase/1.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/CaseOfCase/2.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/CaseOfCase/3.uplc.golden | 6 +- .../test/Transform/callsiteInline.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/cse1.uplc.golden | 24 +- .../test/Transform/cse2.uplc.golden | 12 +- .../test/Transform/cse3.uplc.golden | 10 +- .../test/Transform/cseExpensive.uplc.golden | 2340 ++-- .../test/Transform/extraDelays.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/floatDelay1.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/floatDelay2.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/floatDelay3.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/forceDelayComplex.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../forceDelayMultiApply.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/inlineImpure1.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/inlineImpure2.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/inlineImpure3.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/inlineImpure4.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/inlinePure1.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/inlinePure2.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/inlinePure3.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/inlinePure4.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Transform/interveningLambda.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Transform/multiApp.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Budget/9.6/onlyUseFirstField.uplc.golden | 56 +- .../Budget/9.6/patternMatching.uplc.golden | 139 +- .../9.6/recordFields-manual.uplc.golden | 219 +- .../Budget/9.6/recordFields.uplc.golden | 152 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/allCheap.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/allEmptyList.uplc.golden | 34 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/allExpensive.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/andCheap.uplc.golden | 70 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/andExpensive.uplc.golden | 70 +- .../Budget/9.6/andWithGHCOpts.uplc.golden | 32 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/andWithLocal.uplc.golden | 30 +- .../Budget/9.6/andWithoutGHCOpts.uplc.golden | 28 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/anyCheap.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/anyEmptyList.uplc.golden | 34 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/anyExpensive.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/applicative.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/builtinListIndexing.uplc.golden | 42 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/constAccL.uplc.golden | 40 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/constAccR.uplc.golden | 32 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/constElL.uplc.golden | 40 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/constElR.uplc.golden | 34 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/elemCheap.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/elemExpensive.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/filter.uplc.golden | 82 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/findCheap.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/findEmptyList.uplc.golden | 34 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/findExpensive.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../Budget/9.6/findIndexCheap.uplc.golden | 81 +- .../Budget/9.6/findIndexEmptyList.uplc.golden | 37 +- .../Budget/9.6/findIndexExpensive.uplc.golden | 81 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/gte0.uplc.golden | 56 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse1.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse2.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/listIndexing.uplc.golden | 42 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/lte0.uplc.golden | 56 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/map1.uplc.golden | 944 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/map2.uplc.golden | 509 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/map3.uplc.golden | 509 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/monadicDo.uplc.golden | 20 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/not-not.uplc.golden | 26 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/notElemCheap.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../Budget/9.6/notElemExpensive.uplc.golden | 78 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/null.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/orCheap.uplc.golden | 70 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/orExpensive.uplc.golden | 70 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/patternMatch.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/recursiveGte0.uplc.golden | 91 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/recursiveLte0.uplc.golden | 91 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/show.uplc.golden | 1000 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/sum.uplc.golden | 70 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/sumL.uplc.golden | 58 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/sumR.uplc.golden | 47 +- .../test/Budget/9.6/toFromData.uplc.golden | 412 +- ...erals-NoStrict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden | 53 +- ...als-NoStrict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden | 53 +- ...iterals-Strict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden | 53 +- ...erals-Strict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden | 53 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/bytestring.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/int.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/list.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/matchAsDataE.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/mono.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/nested.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/poly.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/record.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/tuple.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/tupleInterop.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/unit.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/IsData/9.6/unitInterop.eval.golden | 2 +- .../IsData/9.6/unsafeTupleInterop.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/boolInterop.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/bytestring.uplc.golden | 37 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/int.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/list.uplc.golden | 53 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/listInterop.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/mono.uplc.golden | 75 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/monoInterop.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/nested.uplc.golden | 143 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt2.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt3.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/poly.uplc.golden | 77 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/polyInterop.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/record.uplc.golden | 46 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/syn.uplc.golden | 64 +- .../test/Lift/9.6/tuple.uplc.golden | 57 +- .../Optimization/9.6/maybeFun.uplc.golden | 42 +- .../9.6/defaultCaseDuplication.pir.golden | 47 +- .../defaultCaseDuplicationNested.pir.golden | 86 +- .../test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOpt.pir.golden | 112 +- .../Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOptEval.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/letFun.pir.golden | 86 +- .../Plugin/Basic/9.6/monadicDo.pir.golden | 174 +- .../test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoId.pir.golden | 2 +- .../test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoK.pir.golden | 13 +- .../Plugin/Basic/9.6/nonstrictLet.pir.golden | 69 +- .../Basic/9.6/patternMatchDo.pir.golden | 214 +- .../Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLet.pir.golden | 69 +- .../Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLetRec.pir.golden | 87 +- .../Basic/9.6/strictMultiLet.pir.golden | 71 +- .../Coverage/9.6/coverageCode.pir.golden | 701 +- .../Data/9.6/families/associated.pir.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/families/associatedParam.pir.golden | 49 +- .../Data/9.6/families/basicClosed.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Data/9.6/families/basicData.pir.golden | 33 +- .../Data/9.6/families/basicOpen.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Data/9.6/monomorphic/atPattern.pir.golden | 62 +- .../9.6/monomorphic/defaultCase.pir.golden | 52 +- .../Data/9.6/monomorphic/enum.pir.golden | 19 +- .../monomorphic/irrefutableMatch.pir.golden | 71 +- .../Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCase.pir.golden | 46 +- .../9.6/monomorphic/monoCaseStrict.pir.golden | 46 +- .../9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDest.eval.golden | 2 +- .../monoConstDestDefault.eval.golden | 2 +- .../monomorphic/monoConstructed.pir.golden | 37 +- .../monomorphic/monoConstructor.pir.golden | 53 +- .../9.6/monomorphic/monoDataType.pir.golden | 52 +- .../9.6/monomorphic/monoRecord.pir.golden | 28 +- .../9.6/monomorphic/nonValueCase.pir.golden | 62 +- .../9.6/monomorphic/recordNewtype.pir.golden | 25 +- .../recordWithStrictField.pir.golden | 56 +- .../monomorphic/strictDataMatch.pir.golden | 54 +- .../Data/9.6/monomorphic/synonym.pir.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/monomorphic/unusedWrapper.pir.golden | 64 +- .../Data/9.6/newtypes/basicNewtype.pir.golden | 2 +- .../newtypes/nestedNewtypeMatch.pir.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreatDest.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate.pir.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate2.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeId.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeMatch.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Data/9.6/newtypes/paramNewtype.pir.golden | 37 +- .../polymorphic/defaultCasePoly.pir.golden | 49 +- .../polymorphic/polyConstructed.pir.golden | 66 +- .../9.6/polymorphic/polyDataType.pir.golden | 49 +- .../recursive/interListConstruct.tplc.golden | 316 +- .../9.6/recursive/listConstDest.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/recursive/listConstDest2.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/recursive/listConstruct.pir.golden | 22 +- .../9.6/recursive/listConstruct2.pir.golden | 68 +- .../9.6/recursive/listConstruct3.pir.golden | 28 +- .../Data/9.6/recursive/listMatch.pir.golden | 43 +- .../9.6/recursive/polyRecEval.eval.golden | 2 +- .../processInterListEval.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/recursive/ptreeConstDest.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/recursive/ptreeConstruct.pir.golden | 129 +- .../9.6/recursive/ptreeFirstEval.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeMatch.pir.golden | 57 +- .../9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRose.uplc.golden | 793 +- .../recursive/sameEmptyRoseEval.eval.golden | 7 +- .../test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/fib.pir.golden | 156 +- .../test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/letFun.pir.golden | 72 +- .../Errors/9.6/literalAppendBs.uplc.golden | 34 +- .../Functions/9.6/recursive/even.pir.golden | 183 +- .../Functions/9.6/recursive/even3.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Functions/9.6/recursive/even4.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Functions/9.6/recursive/fib.pir.golden | 212 +- .../Functions/9.6/recursive/fib4.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/recursive/lazyLength.pir.golden | 146 +- .../9.6/recursive/strictLength.pir.golden | 146 +- .../Functions/9.6/recursive/sum.pir.golden | 94 +- .../9.6/recursive/sumList.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/allDirect.pir.golden | 329 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/andDirect.pir.golden | 116 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/andExternal.pir.golden | 64 +- .../unfoldings/applicationFunction.pir.golden | 89 +- .../mutualRecursionUnfoldings.pir.golden | 136 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/nandDirect.pir.golden | 83 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/polyMap.pir.golden | 202 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/recordSelector.pir.golden | 39 +- .../recordSelectorExternal.pir.golden | 41 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2.pir.golden | 89 +- .../unboxedTuples2Tuples.pir.golden | 386 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3.pir.golden | 118 +- .../unboxedTuples3Tuples.pir.golden | 486 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples4.pir.golden | 156 +- .../9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples5.pir.golden | 201 +- .../Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinError.pir.golden | 96 +- .../Laziness/9.6/joinErrorEval.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Laziness/9.6/lazyDepUnit.pir.golden | 28 +- .../Optimization/9.6/alwaysFails.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/alwaysSucceeds.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/and.pir.golden | 57 +- .../Primitives/9.6/andApply.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bool.pir.golden | 19 +- .../Primitives/9.6/bytestring.pir.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/bytestringApply.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/consByteString.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/constructData1.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/decodeUtf8.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/deconstructData1.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/deconstructData2.eval.golden | 6 +- .../9.6/deconstructData3.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/deconstructorData1.pir.golden | 37 +- .../9.6/deconstructorData2.pir.golden | 607 +- .../Primitives/9.6/emptyByteString.pir.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/emptyByteStringApply.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/encodeUtf8.pir.golden | 20 +- .../9.6/equalsByteString.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/equalsString.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/error.pir.golden | 24 +- .../Primitives/9.6/ifThenElse.pir.golden | 107 +- .../9.6/ifThenElseApply.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/indexByteString.eval.golden | 2 +- .../test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int2.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/intCompare.pir.golden | 88 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intDiv.pir.golden | 65 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEq.pir.golden | 86 +- .../Primitives/9.6/intEqApply.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlus.pir.golden | 61 +- .../Primitives/9.6/intPlusApply.eval.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/lengthOfByteString.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/ltByteString.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/matchData1.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/serialiseData.pir.golden | 20 +- .../9.6/serialiseDataApply.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/sha2_256.eval.golden | 4 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/string.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/stringLiteral.pir.golden | 2 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/trace.pir.golden | 33 +- .../Primitives/9.6/traceComplex.pir.golden | 94 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tuple.pir.golden | 21 +- .../Primitives/9.6/tupleConstDest.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Primitives/9.6/tupleMatch.pir.golden | 31 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/verify.pir.golden | 130 +- .../Plugin/Primitives/9.6/void.pir.golden | 131 +- .../Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt.pir.golden | 115 +- .../Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt3.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Profiling/9.6/argMismatch1.eval.golden | 12 +- .../Profiling/9.6/argMismatch2.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fact4.eval.golden | 72 +- .../test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib.pir.golden | 343 +- .../Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib4.eval.golden | 148 +- .../test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/id.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Plugin/Profiling/9.6/idCode.pir.golden | 42 +- .../Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFun.eval.golden | 20 +- .../Profiling/9.6/letInFunMoreArg.eval.golden | 24 +- .../Profiling/9.6/letRecInFun.eval.golden | 56 +- .../Plugin/Profiling/9.6/swap.eval.golden | 2 +- .../Profiling/9.6/typeclass.eval.golden | 24 +- .../Typeclasses/9.6/compareTest.pir.golden | 650 +- .../Typeclasses/9.6/concatTest.pir.golden | 451 +- .../Typeclasses/9.6/defaultMethods.pir.golden | 138 +- .../9.6/fmapDefaultTest.pir.golden | 1075 +- .../Typeclasses/9.6/multiFunction.pir.golden | 294 +- .../9.6/partialApplication.pir.golden | 144 +- .../Typeclasses/9.6/sequenceTest.pir.golden | 1151 +- .../Typeclasses/9.6/sizedBasic.pir.golden | 48 +- .../Typeclasses/9.6/sizedPair.pir.golden | 207 +- .../Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sumTest.pir.golden | 410 +- .../test/StdLib/9.6/errorTrace.pir.golden | 53 +- .../test/StdLib/9.6/ratioInterop.eval.golden | 1 - .../Strictness/9.6/lambda-default.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../9.6/lambda-nonstrict.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Strictness/9.6/lambda-strict.uplc.golden | 2 +- .../Strictness/9.6/let-default.uplc.golden | 18 +- .../Strictness/9.6/let-nonstrict.uplc.golden | 18 +- .../Strictness/9.6/let-strict.uplc.golden | 18 +- 562 files changed, 24586 insertions(+), 34825 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 plutus-tx-plugin/test/StdLib/9.6/ratioInterop.eval.golden diff --git a/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.pir.golden b/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.pir.golden index f5a7442d234..b40d6b88e0d 100644 --- a/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.pir.golden +++ b/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.pir.golden @@ -1,5371 +1,5800 @@ -(program - 1.1.0 - (let - data Ordering | Ordering_match where - EQ : Ordering - GT : Ordering - LT : Ordering - data Bool | Bool_match where - True : Bool - False : Bool - data (Ord :: * -> *) a | Ord_match where - CConsOrd : - (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a -> - (a -> a -> Ordering) -> - (a -> a -> Bool) -> - (a -> a -> Bool) -> - (a -> a -> Bool) -> - (a -> a -> Bool) -> - (a -> a -> a) -> - (a -> a -> a) -> - Ord a - data PredKey | PredKey_match where - MaxValue : PredKey - MinValue : PredKey - NotEqual : PredKey - data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where - Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b - in - letrec - data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where - Nil : List a - Cons : a -> List a -> List a - in - let - !validatePreds : - all a. Ord a -> (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) a -> a -> Bool - = /\a -> - \(`$dOrd` : Ord a) - (ds : (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) a) - (ds : a) -> - letrec - !go : List (Tuple2 PredKey (List a)) -> Bool - = \(ds : List (Tuple2 PredKey (List a))) -> - List_match - {Tuple2 PredKey (List a)} - ds - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> True) - (\(x : Tuple2 PredKey (List a)) - (xs : List (Tuple2 PredKey (List a))) -> - /\dead -> - Tuple2_match - {PredKey} - {List a} - x - {Bool} - (\(predKey : PredKey) - (expectedPredValues : List a) -> - let - !meaning : a -> a -> Bool - = PredKey_match - predKey - {all dead. a -> a -> Bool} - (/\dead -> - Ord_match - {a} - `$dOrd` - {a -> a -> Bool} - (\(v : (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a) - (v : a -> a -> Ordering) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> a) - (v : a -> a -> a) -> - v)) - (/\dead -> - Ord_match - {a} - `$dOrd` - {a -> a -> Bool} - (\(v : (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a) - (v : a -> a -> Ordering) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> a) - (v : a -> a -> a) -> - v)) - (/\dead -> - \(x : a) (y : a) -> - Bool_match - (Ord_match - {a} - `$dOrd` - {(\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a} - (\(v : - (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) - a) - (v : a -> a -> Ordering) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> a) - (v : a -> a -> a) -> - v) - x - y) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> False) - (/\dead -> True) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - in - letrec - !go : List a -> Bool - = \(ds : List a) -> - List_match - {a} - ds - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> go xs) - (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> - /\dead -> - Bool_match - (meaning x ds) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> go xs) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - in - go expectedPredValues)) - {all dead. dead} +program + 1.1.0 + (let + data Ordering-73055 | Ordering_match-73059 where + EQ-73056 : Ordering-73055 + GT-73057 : Ordering-73055 + LT-73058 : Ordering-73055 + data Bool-73046 | Bool_match-73049 where + True-73047 : Bool-73046 + False-73048 : Bool-73046 + data (Ord-73060 :: * -> *) a-73063 | Ord_match-73062 where + CConsOrd-73061 : + (\a-73064 -> a-73064 -> a-73064 -> Bool-73046) a-73063 -> + (a-73063 -> a-73063 -> Ordering-73055) -> + (a-73063 -> a-73063 -> Bool-73046) -> + (a-73063 -> a-73063 -> Bool-73046) -> + (a-73063 -> a-73063 -> Bool-73046) -> + (a-73063 -> a-73063 -> Bool-73046) -> + (a-73063 -> a-73063 -> a-73063) -> + (a-73063 -> a-73063 -> a-73063) -> + Ord-73060 a-73063 + data PredKey-73050 | PredKey_match-73054 where + MaxValue-73051 : PredKey-73050 + MinValue-73052 : PredKey-73050 + NotEqual-73053 : PredKey-73050 + data (Tuple2-73031 :: * -> * -> *) a-73034 + b-73035 | Tuple2_match-73033 where + Tuple2-73032 : a-73034 -> b-73035 -> Tuple2-73031 a-73034 b-73035 + in + letrec + data (List-73026 :: * -> *) a-73030 | List_match-73029 where + Nil-73027 : List-73026 a-73030 + Cons-73028 : a-73030 -> List-73026 a-73030 -> List-73026 a-73030 + in + let + !validatePreds-73196 : + all a-73197. + Ord-73060 a-73197 -> + (\v-73198 -> + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 v-73198))) + a-73197 -> + a-73197 -> + Bool-73046 + = /\a-73129 -> + \(`$dOrd`-73130 : Ord-73060 a-73129) + (ds-73131 : + (\v-73132 -> + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 v-73132))) + a-73129) + (ds-73133 : a-73129) -> + letrec + !go-73134 : + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 a-73129)) -> + Bool-73046 + = \(ds-73135 : + List-73026 + (Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 a-73129))) -> + List_match-73029 + {Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 a-73129)} + ds-73135 + {all dead-73136. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73137 -> True-73047) + (\(x-73138 : + Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 a-73129)) + (xs-73139 : + List-73026 + (Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 a-73129))) -> + /\dead-73140 -> + Tuple2_match-73033 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 a-73129} + x-73138 + {Bool-73046} + (\(predKey-73141 : PredKey-73050) + (expectedPredValues-73142 : + List-73026 a-73129) -> + let + !meaning-73182 : + a-73129 -> a-73129 -> Bool-73046 + = PredKey_match-73054 + predKey-73141 + {all dead-73143. + a-73129 -> a-73129 -> Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73144 -> + Ord_match-73062 + {a-73129} + `$dOrd`-73130 + {a-73129 -> a-73129 -> Bool-73046} + (\(v-73145 : + (\a-73146 -> + a-73146 -> + a-73146 -> + Bool-73046) + a-73129) + (v-73147 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Ordering-73055) + (v-73148 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73149 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73150 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73151 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73152 : + a-73129 -> a-73129 -> a-73129) + (v-73153 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + a-73129) -> + v-73151)) + (/\dead-73154 -> + Ord_match-73062 + {a-73129} + `$dOrd`-73130 + {a-73129 -> a-73129 -> Bool-73046} + (\(v-73155 : + (\a-73156 -> + a-73156 -> + a-73156 -> + Bool-73046) + a-73129) + (v-73157 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Ordering-73055) + (v-73158 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73159 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73160 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73161 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73162 : + a-73129 -> a-73129 -> a-73129) + (v-73163 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + a-73129) -> + v-73159)) + (/\dead-73164 -> + \(x-73165 : a-73129) + (y-73166 : a-73129) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (Ord_match-73062 + {a-73129} + `$dOrd`-73130 + {(\a-73167 -> + a-73167 -> + a-73167 -> + Bool-73046) + a-73129} + (\(v-73168 : + (\a-73169 -> + a-73169 -> + a-73169 -> + Bool-73046) + a-73129) + (v-73170 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Ordering-73055) + (v-73171 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73172 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73173 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73174 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + Bool-73046) + (v-73175 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + a-73129) + (v-73176 : + a-73129 -> + a-73129 -> + a-73129) -> + v-73168) + x-73165 + y-73166) + {all dead-73177. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73178 -> False-73048) + (/\dead-73179 -> True-73047) + {all dead-73180. dead-73180}) + {all dead-73181. dead-73181} + in + letrec + !go-73183 : List-73026 a-73129 -> Bool-73046 + = \(ds-73184 : List-73026 a-73129) -> + List_match-73029 + {a-73129} + ds-73184 + {all dead-73185. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73186 -> go-73134 xs-73139) + (\(x-73187 : a-73129) + (xs-73188 : List-73026 a-73129) -> + /\dead-73189 -> + Bool_match-73049 + (meaning-73182 + x-73187 + ds-73133) + {all dead-73190. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73191 -> + go-73183 xs-73188) + (/\dead-73192 -> False-73048) + {all dead-73193. dead-73193}) + {all dead-73194. dead-73194} + in + go-73183 expectedPredValues-73142)) + {all dead-73195. dead-73195} + in + go-73134 ds-73131 + !`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`-73115 : integer -> integer -> Ordering-73055 + = \(eta-73105 : integer) (eta-73106 : integer) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger eta-73105 eta-73106) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-73107. Ordering-73055} + (/\dead-73108 -> EQ-73056) + (/\dead-73109 -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanEqualsInteger eta-73105 eta-73106) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-73110. Ordering-73055} + (/\dead-73111 -> LT-73058) + (/\dead-73112 -> GT-73057) + {all dead-73113. dead-73113}) + {all dead-73114. dead-73114} + data Rational-73065 | Rational_match-73067 where + Rational-73066 : integer -> integer -> Rational-73065 + !`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`-73104 : + Rational-73065 -> Rational-73065 -> Bool-73046 + = \(ds-73098 : Rational-73065) (ds-73099 : Rational-73065) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73098 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n-73100 : integer) (d-73101 : integer) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73099 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n'-73102 : integer) (d'-73103 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanEqualsInteger + (multiplyInteger n-73100 d'-73103) + (multiplyInteger n'-73102 d-73101)) + True-73047 + False-73048)) + in + letrec + !euclid-73079 : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x-73080 : integer) (y-73081 : integer) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger 0 y-73081) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-73082. integer} + (/\dead-73083 -> x-73080) + (/\dead-73084 -> euclid-73079 y-73081 (modInteger x-73080 y-73081)) + {all dead-73085. dead-73085} + in + letrec + !unsafeRatio-73086 : integer -> integer -> Rational-73065 + = \(n-73087 : integer) (d-73088 : integer) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger 0 d-73088) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-73089. Rational-73065} + (/\dead-73090 -> error {Rational-73065}) + (/\dead-73091 -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanInteger d-73088 0) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-73092. Rational-73065} + (/\dead-73093 -> + unsafeRatio-73086 + (subtractInteger 0 n-73087) + (subtractInteger 0 d-73088)) + (/\dead-73094 -> + let + !gcd'-73095 : integer = euclid-73079 n-73087 d-73088 + in + Rational-73066 + (quotientInteger n-73087 gcd'-73095) + (quotientInteger d-73088 gcd'-73095)) + {all dead-73096. dead-73096}) + {all dead-73097. dead-73097} + in + let + data Unit-73076 | Unit_match-73078 where + Unit-73077 : Unit-73076 + in + letrec + data ParamValue-73068 | ParamValue_match-73073 where + ParamAny-73069 : ParamValue-73068 + ParamInteger-73070 : + (\v-73074 -> + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 v-73074))) + integer -> + ParamValue-73068 + ParamList-73071 : List-73026 ParamValue-73068 -> ParamValue-73068 + ParamRational-73072 : + (\v-73075 -> + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 v-73075))) + Rational-73065 -> + ParamValue-73068 + in + letrec + !validateParamValue-73116 : ParamValue-73068 -> data -> Bool-73046 + = \(eta-73117 : ParamValue-73068) (eta-73118 : data) -> + let + ~bl-73277 : list data = unListData eta-73118 + ~bl'-73278 : list data = tailList {data} bl-73277 + in + ParamValue_match-73073 + eta-73117 + {all dead-73199. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73200 -> True-73047) + (\(preds-73201 : + (\v-73202 -> + List-73026 + (Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 v-73202))) + integer) -> + /\dead-73203 -> + validatePreds-73196 + {integer} + (CConsOrd-73061 + {integer} + (\(x-73204 : integer) (y-73205 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger x-73204 y-73205) + True-73047 + False-73048) + `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`-73115 + (\(x-73206 : integer) (y-73207 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanInteger x-73206 y-73207) + True-73047 + False-73048) + (\(x-73208 : integer) (y-73209 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanEqualsInteger x-73208 y-73209) + True-73047 + False-73048) + (\(x-73210 : integer) (y-73211 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanEqualsInteger x-73210 y-73211) + False-73048 + True-73047) + (\(x-73212 : integer) (y-73213 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanInteger x-73212 y-73213) + False-73048 + True-73047) + (\(x-73214 : integer) (y-73215 : integer) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanEqualsInteger x-73214 y-73215) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-73216. integer} + (/\dead-73217 -> y-73215) + (/\dead-73218 -> x-73214) + {all dead-73219. dead-73219}) + (\(x-73220 : integer) (y-73221 : integer) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanEqualsInteger x-73220 y-73221) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-73222. integer} + (/\dead-73223 -> x-73220) + (/\dead-73224 -> y-73221) + {all dead-73225. dead-73225})) + preds-73201 + (unIData eta-73118)) + (\(paramValues-73226 : List-73026 ParamValue-73068) -> + /\dead-73227 -> + validateParamValues-73119 + paramValues-73226 + (unListData eta-73118)) + (\(preds-73228 : + (\v-73229 -> + List-73026 + (Tuple2-73031 PredKey-73050 (List-73026 v-73229))) + Rational-73065) -> + /\dead-73230 -> + validatePreds-73196 + {Rational-73065} + (CConsOrd-73061 + {Rational-73065} + (\(ds-73231 : Rational-73065) + (ds-73232 : Rational-73065) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73231 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n-73233 : integer) (d-73234 : integer) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73232 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n'-73235 : integer) (d'-73236 : integer) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger n-73233 n'-73235) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-73237. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73238 -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger d-73234 d'-73236) + True-73047 + False-73048) + (/\dead-73239 -> False-73048) + {all dead-73240. dead-73240}))) + (\(ds-73241 : Rational-73065) + (ds-73242 : Rational-73065) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73241 + {Ordering-73055} + (\(n-73243 : integer) (d-73244 : integer) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73242 + {Ordering-73055} + (\(n'-73245 : integer) (d'-73246 : integer) -> + `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`-73115 + (multiplyInteger n-73243 d'-73246) + (multiplyInteger n'-73245 d-73244)))) + (\(ds-73247 : Rational-73065) + (ds-73248 : Rational-73065) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73247 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n-73249 : integer) (d-73250 : integer) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73248 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n'-73251 : integer) (d'-73252 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanInteger + (multiplyInteger n-73249 d'-73252) + (multiplyInteger n'-73251 d-73250)) + True-73047 + False-73048))) + `$fOrdRational0_$c<=`-73104 + (\(ds-73253 : Rational-73065) + (ds-73254 : Rational-73065) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73253 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n-73255 : integer) (d-73256 : integer) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73254 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n'-73257 : integer) (d'-73258 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanEqualsInteger + (multiplyInteger n-73255 d'-73258) + (multiplyInteger n'-73257 d-73256)) + False-73048 + True-73047))) + (\(ds-73259 : Rational-73065) + (ds-73260 : Rational-73065) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73259 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n-73261 : integer) (d-73262 : integer) -> + Rational_match-73067 + ds-73260 + {Bool-73046} + (\(n'-73263 : integer) (d'-73264 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (lessThanInteger + (multiplyInteger n-73261 d'-73264) + (multiplyInteger n'-73263 d-73262)) + False-73048 + True-73047))) + (\(x-73265 : Rational-73065) (y-73266 : Rational-73065) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`-73104 x-73265 y-73266) + {all dead-73267. Rational-73065} + (/\dead-73268 -> y-73266) + (/\dead-73269 -> x-73265) + {all dead-73270. dead-73270}) + (\(x-73271 : Rational-73065) (y-73272 : Rational-73065) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`-73104 x-73271 y-73272) + {all dead-73273. Rational-73065} + (/\dead-73274 -> x-73271) + (/\dead-73275 -> y-73272) + {all dead-73276. dead-73276})) + preds-73228 + (ifThenElse + {Unit-73076 -> Rational-73065} + (nullList {data} (tailList {data} bl'-73278)) + (\(ds-73279 : Unit-73076) -> + unsafeRatio-73086 + (unIData (headList {data} bl-73277)) + (unIData (headList {data} bl'-73278))) + (\(ds-73280 : Unit-73076) -> error {Rational-73065}) + Unit-73077)) + {all dead-73281. dead-73281} + !validateParamValues-73119 : + List-73026 ParamValue-73068 -> list data -> Bool-73046 + = \(ds-73120 : List-73026 ParamValue-73068) -> + List_match-73029 + {ParamValue-73068} + ds-73120 + {list data -> Bool-73046} + (\(eta-73121 : list data) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (nullList {data} eta-73121) + True-73047 + False-73048) + (\(paramValueHd-73122 : ParamValue-73068) + (paramValueTl-73123 : List-73026 ParamValue-73068) + (actualValueData-73124 : list data) -> + Bool_match-73049 + (validateParamValue-73116 + paramValueHd-73122 + (headList {data} actualValueData-73124)) + {all dead-73125. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73126 -> + validateParamValues-73119 + paramValueTl-73123 + (tailList {data} actualValueData-73124)) + (/\dead-73127 -> False-73048) + {all dead-73128. dead-73128}) + in + letrec + !runRules-73282 : + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 integer ParamValue-73068) -> + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data) -> + Bool-73046 + = \(ds-73283 : List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 integer ParamValue-73068)) + (cparams-73284 : List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data)) -> + let + !fail-73294 : unit -> Bool-73046 + = \(ds-73285 : unit) -> + (let + a-73286 = Tuple2-73031 data data + in + \(ds-73287 : List-73026 a-73286) -> + List_match-73029 + {a-73286} + ds-73287 + {all dead-73288. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73289 -> True-73047) + (\(ipv-73290 : a-73286) + (ipv-73291 : List-73026 a-73286) -> + /\dead-73292 -> False-73048) + {all dead-73293. dead-73293}) + cparams-73284 + in + List_match-73029 + {Tuple2-73031 integer ParamValue-73068} + ds-73283 + {all dead-73295. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73296 -> fail-73294 ()) + (\(ds-73297 : Tuple2-73031 integer ParamValue-73068) + (cfgRest-73298 : + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 integer ParamValue-73068)) -> + /\dead-73299 -> + Tuple2_match-73033 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + ds-73297 + {Bool-73046} + (\(expectedPid-73300 : integer) + (paramValue-73301 : ParamValue-73068) -> + List_match-73029 + {Tuple2-73031 data data} + cparams-73284 + {all dead-73302. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73303 -> fail-73294 ()) + (\(ds-73304 : Tuple2-73031 data data) + (cparamsRest-73305 : + List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data)) -> + /\dead-73306 -> + Tuple2_match-73033 + {data} + {data} + ds-73304 + {Bool-73046} + (\(ds-73307 : data) + (actualValueData-73308 : data) -> + Ordering_match-73059 + (`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`-73115 + (unIData ds-73307) + expectedPid-73300) + {all dead-73309. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73310 -> + Bool_match-73049 + (validateParamValue-73116 + paramValue-73301 + actualValueData-73308) + {all dead-73311. Bool-73046} + (/\dead-73312 -> + runRules-73282 + cfgRest-73298 + cparamsRest-73305) + (/\dead-73313 -> False-73048) + {all dead-73314. dead-73314}) + (/\dead-73315 -> + runRules-73282 + cfgRest-73298 + cparams-73284) + (/\dead-73316 -> False-73048) + {all dead-73317. dead-73317})) + {all dead-73318. dead-73318})) + {all dead-73319. dead-73319} + in + let + data (Maybe-73041 :: * -> *) a-73045 | Maybe_match-73044 where + Just-73042 : a-73045 -> Maybe-73041 a-73045 + Nothing-73043 : Maybe-73041 a-73045 + in + letrec + !go-73036 : list (pair data data) -> List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data) + = \(l-73037 : list (pair data data)) -> + chooseList + {pair data data} + {unit -> List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data)} + l-73037 + (\(ds-73038 : unit) -> Nil-73027 {Tuple2-73031 data data}) + (\(ds-73039 : unit) -> + Cons-73028 + {Tuple2-73031 data data} + (let + !p-73040 : pair data data = headList {pair data data} l-73037 + in + Tuple2-73032 + {data} + {data} + (fstPair {data} {data} p-73040) + (sndPair {data} {data} p-73040)) + (go-73036 (tailList {pair data data} l-73037))) + () + in + let + !fun-74173 : List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data) -> Bool-73046 + = runRules-73282 + ((let + a-73320 = Tuple2-73031 integer ParamValue-73068 in - go ds - !`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` : integer -> integer -> Ordering - = \(eta : integer) (eta : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger eta eta) True False) - {all dead. Ordering} - (/\dead -> EQ) - (/\dead -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanEqualsInteger eta eta) True False) - {all dead. Ordering} - (/\dead -> LT) - (/\dead -> GT) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - data Rational | Rational_match where - Rational : integer -> integer -> Rational - !`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` : Rational -> Rational -> Bool - = \(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - True - False)) - in - letrec - !euclid : integer -> integer -> integer - = \(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger 0 y) True False) - {all dead. integer} - (/\dead -> x) - (/\dead -> euclid y (modInteger x y)) - {all dead. dead} - in - letrec - !unsafeRatio : integer -> integer -> Rational - = \(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger 0 d) True False) - {all dead. Rational} - (/\dead -> error {Rational}) - (/\dead -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanInteger d 0) True False) - {all dead. Rational} - (/\dead -> - unsafeRatio (subtractInteger 0 n) (subtractInteger 0 d)) - (/\dead -> - let - !gcd' : integer = euclid n d - in - Rational (quotientInteger n gcd') (quotientInteger d gcd')) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - in - let - data Unit | Unit_match where - Unit : Unit - in - letrec - data ParamValue | ParamValue_match where - ParamAny : ParamValue - ParamInteger : - (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) integer -> ParamValue - ParamList : List ParamValue -> ParamValue - ParamRational : - (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) Rational -> ParamValue - in - letrec - !validateParamValue : ParamValue -> data -> Bool - = \(eta : ParamValue) (eta : data) -> - let - ~bl : list data = unListData eta - ~bl' : list data = tailList {data} bl - in - ParamValue_match - eta - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> True) - (\(preds : (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) integer) -> - /\dead -> - validatePreds - {integer} - (CConsOrd + \(g-73321 : + all b-73322. + (a-73320 -> b-73322 -> b-73322) -> b-73322 -> b-73322) -> + g-73321 + {List-73026 a-73320} + (\(ds-73323 : a-73320) (ds-73324 : List-73026 a-73320) -> + Cons-73028 {a-73320} ds-73323 ds-73324) + (Nil-73027 {a-73320})) + (/\a-73325 -> + \(c-73326 : + Tuple2-73031 integer ParamValue-73068 -> a-73325 -> a-73325) + (n-73327 : a-73325) -> + c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 {integer} - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger x y) True False) - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanInteger x y) True False) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) - True - False) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) - False - True) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanInteger x y) False True) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) - True - False) - {all dead. integer} - (/\dead -> y) - (/\dead -> x) - {all dead. dead}) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) - True - False) - {all dead. integer} - (/\dead -> x) - (/\dead -> y) - {all dead. dead})) - preds - (unIData eta)) - (\(paramValues : List ParamValue) -> - /\dead -> validateParamValues paramValues (unListData eta)) - (\(preds : (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) Rational) -> - /\dead -> - validatePreds - {Rational} - (CConsOrd - {Rational} - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (equalsInteger n n') - True - False) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (equalsInteger d d') - True - False) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}))) - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Ordering} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Ordering} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)))) - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - True - False))) - `$fOrdRational0_$c<=` - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - False - True))) - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - False - True))) - (\(x : Rational) (y : Rational) -> - Bool_match - (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` x y) - {all dead. Rational} - (/\dead -> y) - (/\dead -> x) - {all dead. dead}) - (\(x : Rational) (y : Rational) -> - Bool_match - (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` x y) - {all dead. Rational} - (/\dead -> x) - (/\dead -> y) - {all dead. dead})) - preds - (ifThenElse - {Unit -> Rational} - (nullList {data} (tailList {data} bl')) - (\(ds : Unit) -> - unsafeRatio - (unIData (headList {data} bl)) - (unIData (headList {data} bl'))) - (\(ds : Unit) -> error {Rational}) - Unit)) - {all dead. dead} - !validateParamValues : List ParamValue -> list data -> Bool - = \(ds : List ParamValue) -> - List_match - {ParamValue} - ds - {list data -> Bool} - (\(eta : list data) -> - ifThenElse {Bool} (nullList {data} eta) True False) - (\(paramValueHd : ParamValue) - (paramValueTl : List ParamValue) - (actualValueData : list data) -> - Bool_match - (validateParamValue - paramValueHd - (headList {data} actualValueData)) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> - validateParamValues - paramValueTl - (tailList {data} actualValueData)) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}) - in - letrec - !runRules : - List (Tuple2 integer ParamValue) -> List (Tuple2 data data) -> Bool - = \(ds : List (Tuple2 integer ParamValue)) - (cparams : List (Tuple2 data data)) -> - let - !fail : unit -> Bool - = \(ds : unit) -> - (let - a = Tuple2 data data - in - \(ds : List a) -> - List_match - {a} - ds - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> True) - (\(ipv : a) (ipv : List a) -> /\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}) - cparams - in - List_match - {Tuple2 integer ParamValue} - ds - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> fail ()) - (\(ds : Tuple2 integer ParamValue) - (cfgRest : List (Tuple2 integer ParamValue)) -> - /\dead -> - Tuple2_match - {integer} - {ParamValue} - ds - {Bool} - (\(expectedPid : integer) (paramValue : ParamValue) -> - List_match - {Tuple2 data data} - cparams - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> fail ()) - (\(ds : Tuple2 data data) - (cparamsRest : List (Tuple2 data data)) -> - /\dead -> - Tuple2_match - {data} - {data} - ds - {Bool} - (\(ds : data) (actualValueData : data) -> - Ordering_match - (`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (unIData ds) - expectedPid) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> - Bool_match - (validateParamValue - paramValue - actualValueData) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> - runRules cfgRest cparamsRest) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}) - (/\dead -> runRules cfgRest cparams) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead})) - {all dead. dead})) - {all dead. dead} - in - let - data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where - Just : a -> Maybe a - Nothing : Maybe a - in - letrec - !go : list (pair data data) -> List (Tuple2 data data) - = \(l : list (pair data data)) -> - chooseList - {pair data data} - {unit -> List (Tuple2 data data)} - l - (\(ds : unit) -> Nil {Tuple2 data data}) - (\(ds : unit) -> - Cons - {Tuple2 data data} - (let - !p : pair data data = headList {pair data data} l - in - Tuple2 - {data} - {data} - (fstPair {data} {data} p) - (sndPair {data} {data} p)) - (go (tailList {pair data data} l))) - () - in - let - !fun : List (Tuple2 data data) -> Bool - = runRules - ((let - a = Tuple2 integer ParamValue - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : Tuple2 integer ParamValue -> a -> a) (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 0 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> - c 30 (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 1000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 1 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 100000 (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 10000000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 2 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 24576 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 122880 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 3 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 0 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 32768 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 4 - (ParamInteger + {ParamValue-73068} + 0 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73328 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) + in + \(g-73329 : + all b-73330. + (a-73328 -> b-73330 -> b-73330) -> + b-73330 -> + b-73330) -> + g-73329 + {List-73026 a-73328} + (\(ds-73331 : a-73328) + (ds-73332 : List-73026 a-73328) -> + Cons-73028 {a-73328} ds-73331 ds-73332) + (Nil-73027 {a-73328})) + (/\a-73333 -> + \(c-73334 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> + a-73333 -> + a-73333) + (n-73335 : a-73333) -> + c-73334 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) + a-73336 = List-73026 integer in - \(g : - all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 0 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : - integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 5000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 5 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73337 : + integer -> a-73336 -> a-73336) + (n-73338 : a-73336) -> + c-73337 30 (c-73337 0 n-73338)) + (\(ds-73339 : integer) + (ds-73340 : List-73026 integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73339 + ds-73340) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + (c-73334 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73341 = List-73026 integer + in + \(c-73342 : + integer -> a-73341 -> a-73341) + (n-73343 : a-73341) -> + c-73342 1000 n-73343) + (\(ds-73344 : integer) + (ds-73345 : + List-73026 integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73344 + ds-73345) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + n-73335))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 1 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73346 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) + in + \(g-73347 : + all b-73348. + (a-73346 -> b-73348 -> b-73348) -> + b-73348 -> + b-73348) -> + g-73347 + {List-73026 a-73346} + (\(ds-73349 : a-73346) + (ds-73350 : List-73026 a-73346) -> + Cons-73028 {a-73346} ds-73349 ds-73350) + (Nil-73027 {a-73346})) + (/\a-73351 -> + \(c-73352 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> + a-73351 -> + a-73351) + (n-73353 : a-73351) -> + c-73352 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) + a-73354 = List-73026 integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : - integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 1000000 (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c 5000000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 6 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73355 : + integer -> a-73354 -> a-73354) + (n-73356 : a-73354) -> + c-73355 + 100000 + (c-73355 0 n-73356)) + (\(ds-73357 : integer) + (ds-73358 : + List-73026 integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73357 + ds-73358) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + (c-73352 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) + a-73359 = List-73026 integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - 250000000 - (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c 500000000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 7 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73360 : + integer -> + a-73359 -> + a-73359) + (n-73361 : a-73359) -> + c-73360 10000000 n-73361) + (\(ds-73362 : integer) + (ds-73363 : + List-73026 integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73362 + ds-73363) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + n-73353))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 2 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73364 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) + in + \(g-73365 : + all b-73366. + (a-73364 -> b-73366 -> b-73366) -> + b-73366 -> + b-73366) -> + g-73365 + {List-73026 a-73364} + (\(ds-73367 : a-73364) + (ds-73368 : List-73026 a-73364) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73364} + ds-73367 + ds-73368) + (Nil-73027 {a-73364})) + (/\a-73369 -> + \(c-73370 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> + a-73369 -> + a-73369) + (n-73371 : a-73369) -> + c-73370 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73372 = List-73026 integer + in + \(c-73373 : + integer -> + a-73372 -> + a-73372) + (n-73374 : a-73372) -> + c-73373 24576 n-73374) + (\(ds-73375 : integer) + (ds-73376 : + List-73026 integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73375 + ds-73376) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + (c-73370 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73377 + = List-73026 integer + in + \(c-73378 : + integer -> + a-73377 -> + a-73377) + (n-73379 : a-73377) -> + c-73378 122880 n-73379) + (\(ds-73380 : integer) + (ds-73381 : + List-73026 integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73380 + ds-73381) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + n-73371))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 3 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73382 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) + in + \(g-73383 : + all b-73384. + (a-73382 -> b-73384 -> b-73384) -> + b-73384 -> + b-73384) -> + g-73383 + {List-73026 a-73382} + (\(ds-73385 : a-73382) + (ds-73386 : List-73026 a-73382) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73382} + ds-73385 + ds-73386) + (Nil-73027 {a-73382})) + (/\a-73387 -> + \(c-73388 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> + a-73387 -> + a-73387) + (n-73389 : a-73387) -> + c-73388 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) + a-73390 + = List-73026 integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c 0 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 8 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73391 : + integer -> + a-73390 -> + a-73390) + (n-73392 : a-73390) -> + c-73391 0 n-73392) + (\(ds-73393 : integer) + (ds-73394 : + List-73026 integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73393 + ds-73394) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + (c-73388 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) + a-73395 + = List-73026 integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - 250 - (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 2000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - NotEqual - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 9 - (ParamRational + \(c-73396 : + integer -> + a-73395 -> + a-73395) + (n-73397 : a-73395) -> + c-73396 32768 n-73397) + (\(ds-73398 : integer) + (ds-73399 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73398 + ds-73399) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + n-73389))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 4 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73400 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) + in + \(g-73401 : + all b-73402. + (a-73400 -> + b-73402 -> + b-73402) -> + b-73402 -> + b-73402) -> + g-73401 + {List-73026 a-73400} + (\(ds-73403 : a-73400) + (ds-73404 : + List-73026 a-73400) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73400} + ds-73403 + ds-73404) + (Nil-73027 {a-73400})) + (/\a-73405 -> + \(c-73406 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> + a-73405 -> + a-73405) + (n-73407 : a-73405) -> + c-73406 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73408 + = List-73026 integer + in + \(c-73409 : + integer -> + a-73408 -> + a-73408) + (n-73410 : a-73408) -> + c-73409 0 n-73410) + (\(ds-73411 : integer) + (ds-73412 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73411 + ds-73412) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + (c-73406 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List Rational) + a-73413 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 10) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 0 - 1) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 10 - (ParamRational + \(c-73414 : + integer -> + a-73413 -> + a-73413) + (n-73415 : a-73413) -> + c-73414 5000 n-73415) + (\(ds-73416 : integer) + (ds-73417 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73416 + ds-73417) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + n-73407))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 5 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73418 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) + in + \(g-73419 : + all b-73420. + (a-73418 -> + b-73420 -> + b-73420) -> + b-73420 -> + b-73420) -> + g-73419 + {List-73026 a-73418} + (\(ds-73421 : a-73418) + (ds-73422 : + List-73026 a-73418) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73418} + ds-73421 + ds-73422) + (Nil-73027 {a-73418})) + (/\a-73423 -> + \(c-73424 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> + a-73423 -> + a-73423) + (n-73425 : a-73423) -> + c-73424 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73426 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73427 : + integer -> + a-73426 -> + a-73426) + (n-73428 : a-73426) -> + c-73427 + 1000000 + (c-73427 + 0 + n-73428)) + (\(ds-73429 : integer) + (ds-73430 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73429 + ds-73430) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) + (c-73424 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73431 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73432 : + integer -> + a-73431 -> + a-73431) + (n-73433 : + a-73431) -> + c-73432 + 5000000 + n-73433) + (\(ds-73434 : + integer) + (ds-73435 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73434 + ds-73435) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73425))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 6 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73436 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) + in + \(g-73437 : + all b-73438. + (a-73436 -> + b-73438 -> + b-73438) -> + b-73438 -> + b-73438) -> + g-73437 + {List-73026 a-73436} + (\(ds-73439 : a-73436) + (ds-73440 : + List-73026 a-73436) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73436} + ds-73439 + ds-73440) + (Nil-73027 {a-73436})) + (/\a-73441 -> + \(c-73442 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> + a-73441 -> + a-73441) + (n-73443 : a-73441) -> + c-73442 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73444 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : - List a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1000) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 0 - 1) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 200) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 11 - (ParamRational + \(c-73445 : + integer -> + a-73444 -> + a-73444) + (n-73446 : + a-73444) -> + c-73445 + 250000000 + (c-73445 + 0 + n-73446)) + (\(ds-73447 : + integer) + (ds-73448 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73447 + ds-73448) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73442 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73449 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 10) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 0 - 1) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 10) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 16 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73450 : + integer -> + a-73449 -> + a-73449) + (n-73451 : + a-73449) -> + c-73450 + 500000000 + n-73451) + (\(ds-73452 : + integer) + (ds-73453 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73452 + ds-73453) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73443))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 7 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73454 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) + in + \(g-73455 : + all b-73456. + (a-73454 -> + b-73456 -> + b-73456) -> + b-73456 -> + b-73456) -> + g-73455 + {List-73026 a-73454} + (\(ds-73457 : a-73454) + (ds-73458 : + List-73026 + a-73454) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73454} + ds-73457 + ds-73458) + (Nil-73027 {a-73454})) + (/\a-73459 -> + \(c-73460 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73459 -> + a-73459) + (n-73461 : a-73459) -> + c-73460 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73462 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73463 : + integer -> + a-73462 -> + a-73462) + (n-73464 : + a-73462) -> + c-73463 + 0 + n-73464) + (\(ds-73465 : + integer) + (ds-73466 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73465 + ds-73466) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73461)))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 8 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73467 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-73468 : + all b-73469. + (a-73467 -> + b-73469 -> + b-73469) -> + b-73469 -> + b-73469) -> + g-73468 + {List-73026 a-73467} + (\(ds-73470 : a-73467) + (ds-73471 : + List-73026 + a-73467) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73467} + ds-73470 + ds-73471) + (Nil-73027 {a-73467})) + (/\a-73472 -> + \(c-73473 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73472 -> + a-73472) + (n-73474 : a-73472) -> + c-73473 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-73475 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 500000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 17 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73476 : + integer -> + a-73475 -> + a-73475) + (n-73477 : + a-73475) -> + c-73476 + 250 + (c-73476 + 0 + n-73477)) + (\(ds-73478 : + integer) + (ds-73479 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73478 + ds-73479) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73473 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-73480 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 3000 - (c - 0 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 6500 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - NotEqual - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 18 - ParamAny) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 19 - (ParamList + \(c-73481 : + integer -> + a-73480 -> + a-73480) + (n-73482 : + a-73480) -> + c-73481 + 2000 + n-73482) + (\(ds-73483 : + integer) + (ds-73484 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73483 + ds-73484) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73473 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + NotEqual-73053 + ((let + a-73485 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73486 : + integer -> + a-73485 -> + a-73485) + (n-73487 : + a-73485) -> + c-73486 + 0 + n-73487) + (\(ds-73488 : + integer) + (ds-73489 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73488 + ds-73489) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73474)))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 9 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73490 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73491 : + all b-73492. + (a-73490 -> + b-73492 -> + b-73492) -> + b-73492 -> + b-73492) -> + g-73491 + {List-73026 a-73490} + (\(ds-73493 : + a-73490) + (ds-73494 : + List-73026 + a-73490) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73490} + ds-73493 + ds-73494) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73490})) + (/\a-73495 -> + \(c-73496 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73495 -> + a-73495) + (n-73497 : + a-73495) -> + c-73496 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73498 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73499 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73498 -> + a-73498) + (n-73500 : + a-73498) -> + c-73499 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 10) + (c-73499 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 0 + 1) + n-73500)) + (\(ds-73501 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73502 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73501 + ds-73502) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73496 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73503 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73504 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73503 -> + a-73503) + (n-73505 : + a-73503) -> + c-73504 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + n-73505) + (\(ds-73506 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73507 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73506 + ds-73507) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73497))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 10 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73508 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73509 : + all b-73510. + (a-73508 -> + b-73510 -> + b-73510) -> + b-73510 -> + b-73510) -> + g-73509 + {List-73026 + a-73508} + (\(ds-73511 : + a-73508) + (ds-73512 : + List-73026 + a-73508) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73508} + ds-73511 + ds-73512) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73508})) + (/\a-73513 -> + \(c-73514 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73513 -> + a-73513) + (n-73515 : + a-73513) -> + c-73514 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73516 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73517 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73516 -> + a-73516) + (n-73518 : + a-73516) -> + c-73517 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1000) + (c-73517 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 0 + 1) + n-73518)) + (\(ds-73519 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73520 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73519 + ds-73520) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73514 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-73521 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 25) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 5) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 20000) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 5000) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - n)) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 20 - (ParamList + \(c-73522 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73521 -> + a-73521) + (n-73523 : + a-73521) -> + c-73522 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 200) + n-73523) + (\(ds-73524 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73525 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73524 + ds-73525) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73515))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 11 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73526 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73527 : + all b-73528. + (a-73526 -> + b-73528 -> + b-73528) -> + b-73528 -> + b-73528) -> + g-73527 + {List-73026 + a-73526} + (\(ds-73529 : + a-73526) + (ds-73530 : + List-73026 + a-73526) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73526} + ds-73529 + ds-73530) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73526})) + (/\a-73531 -> + \(c-73532 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73531 -> + a-73531) + (n-73533 : + a-73531) -> + c-73532 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73534 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73535 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73534 -> + a-73534) + (n-73536 : + a-73534) -> + c-73535 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 10) + (c-73535 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 0 + 1) + n-73536)) + (\(ds-73537 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73538 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73537 + ds-73538) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73532 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-73539 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 40000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 15000000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - n)) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 21 - (ParamList + \(c-73540 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73539 -> + a-73539) + (n-73541 : + a-73539) -> + c-73540 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 3 + 10) + (c-73540 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + n-73541)) + (\(ds-73542 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73543 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73542 + ds-73543) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73533))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 16 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73544 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-73545 : + all b-73546. + (a-73544 -> + b-73546 -> + b-73546) -> + b-73546 -> + b-73546) -> + g-73545 + {List-73026 + a-73544} + (\(ds-73547 : + a-73544) + (ds-73548 : + List-73026 + a-73544) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73544} + ds-73547 + ds-73548) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73544})) + (/\a-73549 -> + \(c-73550 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73549 -> + a-73549) + (n-73551 : + a-73549) -> + c-73550 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73552 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73553 : + integer -> + a-73552 -> + a-73552) + (n-73554 : + a-73552) -> + c-73553 + 0 + n-73554) + (\(ds-73555 : + integer) + (ds-73556 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73555 + ds-73556) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73550 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-73557 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 120000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 40000000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - n)) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 22 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73558 : + integer -> + a-73557 -> + a-73557) + (n-73559 : + a-73557) -> + c-73558 + 500000000 + n-73559) + (\(ds-73560 : + integer) + (ds-73561 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73560 + ds-73561) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73551))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 17 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73562 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-73563 : + all b-73564. + (a-73562 -> + b-73564 -> + b-73564) -> + b-73564 -> + b-73564) -> + g-73563 + {List-73026 + a-73562} + (\(ds-73565 : + a-73562) + (ds-73566 : + List-73026 + a-73562) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73562} + ds-73565 + ds-73566) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73562})) + (/\a-73567 -> + \(c-73568 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73567 -> + a-73567) + (n-73569 : + a-73567) -> + c-73568 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73570 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73571 : + integer -> + a-73570 -> + a-73570) + (n-73572 : + a-73570) -> + c-73571 + 3000 + (c-73571 + 0 + n-73572)) + (\(ds-73573 : + integer) + (ds-73574 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73573 + ds-73574) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73568 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-73575 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(c-73576 : + integer -> + a-73575 -> + a-73575) + (n-73577 : + a-73575) -> + c-73576 + 6500 + n-73577) + (\(ds-73578 : + integer) + (ds-73579 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73578 + ds-73579) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73568 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + NotEqual-73053 + ((let + a-73580 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73581 : + integer -> + a-73580 -> + a-73580) + (n-73582 : + a-73580) -> + c-73581 + 0 + n-73582) + (\(ds-73583 : + integer) + (ds-73584 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73583 + ds-73584) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73569)))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 18 + ParamAny-73069) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 19 + (ParamList-73071 + ((let + a-73585 + = List-73026 + ParamValue-73068 + in + \(c-73586 : + ParamValue-73068 -> + a-73585 -> + a-73585) + (n-73587 : + a-73585) -> + c-73586 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73588 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73589 : + all b-73590. + (a-73588 -> + b-73590 -> + b-73590) -> + b-73590 -> + b-73590) -> + g-73589 + {List-73026 + a-73588} + (\(ds-73591 : + a-73588) + (ds-73592 : + List-73026 + a-73588) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73588} + ds-73591 + ds-73592) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73588})) + (/\a-73593 -> + \(c-73594 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73593 -> + a-73593) + (n-73595 : + a-73593) -> + c-73594 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73596 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-73597 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73596 -> + a-73596) + (n-73598 : + a-73596) -> + c-73597 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 25) + n-73598) + (\(ds-73599 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73600 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73599 + ds-73600) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73594 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73601 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 12288 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 23 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73602 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73601 -> + a-73601) + (n-73603 : + a-73601) -> + c-73602 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 5) + n-73603) + (\(ds-73604 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73605 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73604 + ds-73605) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73595)))) + (c-73586 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73606 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73607 : + all b-73608. + (a-73606 -> + b-73608 -> + b-73608) -> + b-73608 -> + b-73608) -> + g-73607 + {List-73026 + a-73606} + (\(ds-73609 : + a-73606) + (ds-73610 : + List-73026 + a-73606) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73606} + ds-73609 + ds-73610) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73606})) + (/\a-73611 -> + \(c-73612 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73611 -> + a-73611) + (n-73613 : + a-73611) -> + c-73612 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73614 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73615 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73614 -> + a-73614) + (n-73616 : + a-73614) -> + c-73615 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 20000) + n-73616) + (\(ds-73617 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73618 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73617 + ds-73618) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73612 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73619 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73620 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73619 -> + a-73619) + (n-73621 : + a-73619) -> + c-73620 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 5000) + n-73621) + (\(ds-73622 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73623 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73622 + ds-73623) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73613)))) + n-73587)) + (\(ds-73624 : + ParamValue-73068) + (ds-73625 : + List-73026 + ParamValue-73068) -> + Cons-73028 + {ParamValue-73068} + ds-73624 + ds-73625) + (Nil-73027 + {ParamValue-73068})))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 20 + (ParamList-73071 + ((let + a-73626 + = List-73026 + ParamValue-73068 + in + \(c-73627 : + ParamValue-73068 -> + a-73626 -> + a-73626) + (n-73628 : + a-73626) -> + c-73627 + (ParamInteger-73070 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List + a-73629 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List + \(g-73630 : + all b-73631. + (a-73629 -> + b-73631 -> + b-73631) -> + b-73631 -> + b-73631) -> + g-73630 + {List-73026 + a-73629} + (\(ds-73632 : + a-73629) + (ds-73633 : + List-73026 + a-73629) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73629} + ds-73632 + ds-73633) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73629})) + (/\a-73634 -> + \(c-73635 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List + a-73634 -> + a-73634) + (n-73636 : + a-73634) -> + c-73635 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} - MinValue + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List + a-73637 + = List-73026 integer in - \(c : + \(c-73638 : integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 100 - (c - 0 - n)) - (\(ds : + a-73637 -> + a-73637) + (n-73639 : + a-73637) -> + c-73638 + 0 + n-73639) + (\(ds-73640 : integer) - (ds : - List + (ds-73641 : + List-73026 integer) -> - Cons + Cons-73028 {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil + ds-73640 + ds-73641) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List + (c-73635 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} - MaxValue + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List + a-73642 + = List-73026 integer in - \(c : + \(c-73643 : integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 200 - n) - (\(ds : + a-73642 -> + a-73642) + (n-73644 : + a-73642) -> + c-73643 + 40000000 + n-73644) + (\(ds-73645 : integer) - (ds : - List + (ds-73646 : + List-73026 integer) -> - Cons + Cons-73028 {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil + ds-73645 + ds-73646) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List + n-73636)))) + (c-73627 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73647 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-73648 : + all b-73649. + (a-73647 -> + b-73649 -> + b-73649) -> + b-73649 -> + b-73649) -> + g-73648 + {List-73026 + a-73647} + (\(ds-73650 : + a-73647) + (ds-73651 : + List-73026 + a-73647) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73647} + ds-73650 + ds-73651) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73647})) + (/\a-73652 -> + \(c-73653 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73652 -> + a-73652) + (n-73654 : + a-73652) -> + c-73653 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73655 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73656 : + integer -> + a-73655 -> + a-73655) + (n-73657 : + a-73655) -> + c-73656 + 0 + n-73657) + (\(ds-73658 : + integer) + (ds-73659 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73658 + ds-73659) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73653 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} - NotEqual + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List + a-73660 + = List-73026 integer in - \(c : + \(c-73661 : integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : + a-73660 -> + a-73660) + (n-73662 : + a-73660) -> + c-73661 + 15000000000 + n-73662) + (\(ds-73663 : integer) - (ds : - List + (ds-73664 : + List-73026 integer) -> - Cons + Cons-73028 {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil + ds-73663 + ds-73664) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) - n)))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 24 - (ParamInteger + n-73654)))) + n-73628)) + (\(ds-73665 : + ParamValue-73068) + (ds-73666 : + List-73026 + ParamValue-73068) -> + Cons-73028 + {ParamValue-73068} + ds-73665 + ds-73666) + (Nil-73027 + {ParamValue-73068})))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 21 + (ParamList-73071 + ((let + a-73667 + = List-73026 + ParamValue-73068 + in + \(c-73668 : + ParamValue-73068 -> + a-73667 -> + a-73667) + (n-73669 : + a-73667) -> + c-73668 + (ParamInteger-73070 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List + a-73670 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List + \(g-73671 : + all b-73672. + (a-73670 -> + b-73672 -> + b-73672) -> + b-73672 -> + b-73672) -> + g-73671 + {List-73026 + a-73670} + (\(ds-73673 : + a-73670) + (ds-73674 : + List-73026 + a-73670) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73670} + ds-73673 + ds-73674) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73670})) + (/\a-73675 -> + \(c-73676 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List + a-73675 -> + a-73675) + (n-73677 : + a-73675) -> + c-73676 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 integer} - MinValue + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List + a-73678 + = List-73026 integer in - \(c : + \(c-73679 : integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 1 - n) - (\(ds : + a-73678 -> + a-73678) + (n-73680 : + a-73678) -> + c-73679 + 0 + n-73680) + (\(ds-73681 : integer) - (ds : - List + (ds-73682 : + List-73026 integer) -> - Cons + Cons-73028 {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil + ds-73681 + ds-73682) + (Nil-73027 {integer}))) - n)))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 25 - (ParamList + (c-73676 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73683 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73684 : + integer -> + a-73683 -> + a-73683) + (n-73685 : + a-73683) -> + c-73684 + 120000000 + n-73685) + (\(ds-73686 : + integer) + (ds-73687 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73686 + ds-73687) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73677)))) + (c-73668 + (ParamInteger-73070 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-73688 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(g-73689 : + all b-73690. + (a-73688 -> + b-73690 -> + b-73690) -> + b-73690 -> + b-73690) -> + g-73689 + {List-73026 + a-73688} + (\(ds-73691 : + a-73688) + (ds-73692 : + List-73026 + a-73688) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73688} + ds-73691 + ds-73692) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73688})) + (/\a-73693 -> + \(c-73694 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73693 -> + a-73693) + (n-73695 : + a-73693) -> + c-73694 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73696 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-73697 : + integer -> + a-73696 -> + a-73696) + (n-73698 : + a-73696) -> + c-73697 + 0 + n-73698) + (\(ds-73699 : + integer) + (ds-73700 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73699 + ds-73700) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73694 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73701 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 4 - 5) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - n))))) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 26 - (ParamList + \(c-73702 : + integer -> + a-73701 -> + a-73701) + (n-73703 : + a-73701) -> + c-73702 + 40000000000 + n-73703) + (\(ds-73704 : + integer) + (ds-73705 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73704 + ds-73705) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73695)))) + n-73669)) + (\(ds-73706 : + ParamValue-73068) + (ds-73707 : + List-73026 + ParamValue-73068) -> + Cons-73028 + {ParamValue-73068} + ds-73706 + ds-73707) + (Nil-73027 + {ParamValue-73068})))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 22 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73708 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-73709 : + all b-73710. + (a-73708 -> + b-73710 -> + b-73710) -> + b-73710 -> + b-73710) -> + g-73709 + {List-73026 + a-73708} + (\(ds-73711 : + a-73708) + (ds-73712 : + List-73026 + a-73708) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73708} + ds-73711 + ds-73712) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73708})) + (/\a-73713 -> + \(c-73714 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73713 -> + a-73713) + (n-73715 : + a-73713) -> + c-73714 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-73716 + = List-73026 + integer in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-73717 : + integer -> + a-73716 -> + a-73716) + (n-73718 : + a-73716) -> + c-73717 + 0 + n-73718) + (\(ds-73719 : + integer) + (ds-73720 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73719 + ds-73720) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73714 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73721 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73722 : + integer -> + a-73721 -> + a-73721) + (n-73723 : + a-73721) -> + c-73722 + 12288 + n-73723) + (\(ds-73724 : + integer) + (ds-73725 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73724 + ds-73725) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73715))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 23 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73726 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-73727 : + all b-73728. + (a-73726 -> + b-73728 -> + b-73728) -> + b-73728 -> + b-73728) -> + g-73727 + {List-73026 + a-73726} + (\(ds-73729 : + a-73726) + (ds-73730 : + List-73026 + a-73726) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73726} + ds-73729 + ds-73730) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73726})) + (/\a-73731 -> + \(c-73732 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73731 -> + a-73731) + (n-73733 : + a-73731) -> + c-73732 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73734 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73735 : + integer -> + a-73734 -> + a-73734) + (n-73736 : + a-73734) -> + c-73735 + 100 + (c-73735 + 0 + n-73736)) + (\(ds-73737 : + integer) + (ds-73738 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73737 + ds-73738) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73732 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73739 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73740 : + integer -> + a-73739 -> + a-73739) + (n-73741 : + a-73739) -> + c-73740 + 200 + n-73741) + (\(ds-73742 : + integer) + (ds-73743 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73742 + ds-73743) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-73732 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + NotEqual-73053 + ((let + a-73744 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73745 : + integer -> + a-73744 -> + a-73744) + (n-73746 : + a-73744) -> + c-73745 + 0 + n-73746) + (\(ds-73747 : + integer) + (ds-73748 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73747 + ds-73748) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73733)))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 24 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-73749 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-73750 : + all b-73751. + (a-73749 -> + b-73751 -> + b-73751) -> + b-73751 -> + b-73751) -> + g-73750 + {List-73026 + a-73749} + (\(ds-73752 : + a-73749) + (ds-73753 : + List-73026 + a-73749) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73749} + ds-73752 + ds-73753) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73749})) + (/\a-73754 -> + \(c-73755 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-73754 -> + a-73754) + (n-73756 : + a-73754) -> + c-73755 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73757 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-73758 : + integer -> + a-73757 -> + a-73757) + (n-73759 : + a-73757) -> + c-73758 + 1 + n-73759) + (\(ds-73760 : + integer) + (ds-73761 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-73760 + ds-73761) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-73756)))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 25 + (ParamList-73071 + ((let + a-73762 + = List-73026 + ParamValue-73068 + in + \(c-73763 : + ParamValue-73068 -> + a-73762 -> + a-73762) + (n-73764 : + a-73762) -> + c-73763 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73765 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73766 : + all b-73767. + (a-73765 -> + b-73767 -> + b-73767) -> + b-73767 -> + b-73767) -> + g-73766 + {List-73026 + a-73765} + (\(ds-73768 : + a-73765) + (ds-73769 : + List-73026 + a-73765) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73765} + ds-73768 + ds-73769) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73765})) + (/\a-73770 -> + \(c-73771 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73770 -> + a-73770) + (n-73772 : + a-73770) -> + c-73771 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73773 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-73774 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73773 -> + a-73773) + (n-73775 : + a-73773) -> + c-73774 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73774 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 51 + 100) + n-73775)) + (\(ds-73776 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73777 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73776 + ds-73777) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73771 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73778 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73779 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73778 -> + a-73778) + (n-73780 : + a-73778) -> + c-73779 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73779 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 3 + 4) + n-73780)) + (\(ds-73781 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73782 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73781 + ds-73782) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73772)))) + (c-73763 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73783 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73784 : + all b-73785. + (a-73783 -> + b-73785 -> + b-73785) -> + b-73785 -> + b-73785) -> + g-73784 + {List-73026 + a-73783} + (\(ds-73786 : + a-73783) + (ds-73787 : + List-73026 + a-73783) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73783} + ds-73786 + ds-73787) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73783})) + (/\a-73788 -> + \(c-73789 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73788 -> + a-73788) + (n-73790 : + a-73788) -> + c-73789 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73791 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 4 - 5) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-73792 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73791 -> + a-73791) + (n-73793 : + a-73791) -> + c-73792 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73792 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 13 + 20) + n-73793)) + (\(ds-73794 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73795 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73794 + ds-73795) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73789 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73796 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-73797 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73796 -> + a-73796) + (n-73798 : + a-73796) -> + c-73797 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73797 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 9 + 10) + n-73798)) + (\(ds-73799 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73800 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73799 + ds-73800) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73790)))) + (c-73763 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73801 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73802 : + all b-73803. + (a-73801 -> + b-73803 -> + b-73803) -> + b-73803 -> + b-73803) -> + g-73802 + {List-73026 + a-73801} + (\(ds-73804 : + a-73801) + (ds-73805 : + List-73026 + a-73801) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73801} + ds-73804 + ds-73805) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73801})) + (/\a-73806 -> + \(c-73807 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73806 -> + a-73806) + (n-73808 : + a-73806) -> + c-73807 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73809 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73810 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73809 -> + a-73809) + (n-73811 : + a-73809) -> + c-73810 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73810 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 13 + 20) + n-73811)) + (\(ds-73812 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73813 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73812 + ds-73813) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73807 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73814 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73815 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73814 -> + a-73814) + (n-73816 : + a-73814) -> + c-73815 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73815 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 9 + 10) + n-73816)) + (\(ds-73817 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73818 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73817 + ds-73818) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73808)))) + (c-73763 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73819 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73820 : + all b-73821. + (a-73819 -> + b-73821 -> + b-73821) -> + b-73821 -> + b-73821) -> + g-73820 + {List-73026 + a-73819} + (\(ds-73822 : + a-73819) + (ds-73823 : + List-73026 + a-73819) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73819} + ds-73822 + ds-73823) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73819})) + (/\a-73824 -> + \(c-73825 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73824 -> + a-73824) + (n-73826 : + a-73824) -> + c-73825 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73827 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-73828 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73827 -> + a-73827) + (n-73829 : + a-73827) -> + c-73828 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73828 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 51 + 100) + n-73829)) + (\(ds-73830 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73831 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73830 + ds-73831) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73825 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73832 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73833 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73832 -> + a-73832) + (n-73834 : + a-73832) -> + c-73833 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73833 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 4 + 5) + n-73834)) + (\(ds-73835 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73836 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73835 + ds-73836) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73826)))) + (c-73763 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73837 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73838 : + all b-73839. + (a-73837 -> + b-73839 -> + b-73839) -> + b-73839 -> + b-73839) -> + g-73838 + {List-73026 + a-73837} + (\(ds-73840 : + a-73837) + (ds-73841 : + List-73026 + a-73837) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73837} + ds-73840 + ds-73841) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73837})) + (/\a-73842 -> + \(c-73843 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73842 -> + a-73842) + (n-73844 : + a-73842) -> + c-73843 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73845 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-73846 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73845 -> + a-73845) + (n-73847 : + a-73845) -> + c-73846 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + n-73847) + (\(ds-73848 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73849 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73848 + ds-73849) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73843 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-73850 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - n)))))))))) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 27 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - (c - 3 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 10 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 28 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - (c - 18 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 293 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - NotEqual - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 29 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73851 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73850 -> + a-73850) + (n-73852 : + a-73850) -> + c-73851 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + n-73852) + (\(ds-73853 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73854 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73853 + ds-73854) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73844)))) + n-73764))))) + (\(ds-73855 : + ParamValue-73068) + (ds-73856 : + List-73026 + ParamValue-73068) -> + Cons-73028 + {ParamValue-73068} + ds-73855 + ds-73856) + (Nil-73027 + {ParamValue-73068})))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 26 + (ParamList-73071 + ((let + a-73857 + = List-73026 + ParamValue-73068 + in + \(c-73858 : + ParamValue-73068 -> + a-73857 -> + a-73857) + (n-73859 : + a-73857) -> + c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-73860 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-73861 : + all b-73862. + (a-73860 -> + b-73862 -> + b-73862) -> + b-73862 -> + b-73862) -> + g-73861 + {List-73026 + a-73860} + (\(ds-73863 : + a-73860) + (ds-73864 : + List-73026 + a-73860) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73860} + ds-73863 + ds-73864) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73860})) + (/\a-73865 -> + \(c-73866 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73865 -> + a-73865) + (n-73867 : + a-73865) -> + c-73866 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73868 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 1 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-73869 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73868 -> + a-73868) + (n-73870 : + a-73868) -> + c-73869 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73869 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 51 + 100) + n-73870)) + (\(ds-73871 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73872 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73871 + ds-73872) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73866 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73873 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 15 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 30 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73874 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73873 -> + a-73873) + (n-73875 : + a-73873) -> + c-73874 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73874 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 3 + 4) + n-73875)) + (\(ds-73876 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73877 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73876 + ds-73877) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73867)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-73878 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-73879 : + all b-73880. + (a-73878 -> + b-73880 -> + b-73880) -> + b-73880 -> + b-73880) -> + g-73879 + {List-73026 + a-73878} + (\(ds-73881 : + a-73878) + (ds-73882 : + List-73026 + a-73878) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73878} + ds-73881 + ds-73882) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73878})) + (/\a-73883 -> + \(c-73884 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73883 -> + a-73883) + (n-73885 : + a-73883) -> + c-73884 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73886 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - (c - 1000000 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-73887 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73886 -> + a-73886) + (n-73888 : + a-73886) -> + c-73887 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73887 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 13 + 20) + n-73888)) + (\(ds-73889 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73890 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73889 + ds-73890) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73884 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73891 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 10000000000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 31 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73892 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73891 -> + a-73891) + (n-73893 : + a-73891) -> + c-73892 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73892 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 9 + 10) + n-73893)) + (\(ds-73894 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73895 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73894 + ds-73895) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73885)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-73896 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-73897 : + all b-73898. + (a-73896 -> + b-73898 -> + b-73898) -> + b-73898 -> + b-73898) -> + g-73897 + {List-73026 + a-73896} + (\(ds-73899 : + a-73896) + (ds-73900 : + List-73026 + a-73896) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73896} + ds-73899 + ds-73900) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73896})) + (/\a-73901 -> + \(c-73902 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73901 -> + a-73901) + (n-73903 : + a-73901) -> + c-73902 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73904 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - (c - 1000000 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-73905 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73904 -> + a-73904) + (n-73906 : + a-73904) -> + c-73905 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73905 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 13 + 20) + n-73906)) + (\(ds-73907 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73908 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73907 + ds-73908) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73902 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73909 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 100000000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 32 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73910 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73909 -> + a-73909) + (n-73911 : + a-73909) -> + c-73910 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73910 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 9 + 10) + n-73911)) + (\(ds-73912 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73913 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73912 + ds-73913) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73903)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-73914 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-73915 : + all b-73916. + (a-73914 -> + b-73916 -> + b-73916) -> + b-73916 -> + b-73916) -> + g-73915 + {List-73026 + a-73914} + (\(ds-73917 : + a-73914) + (ds-73918 : + List-73026 + a-73914) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73914} + ds-73917 + ds-73918) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73914})) + (/\a-73919 -> + \(c-73920 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73919 -> + a-73919) + (n-73921 : + a-73919) -> + c-73920 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73922 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 13 - (c - 0 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-73923 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73922 -> + a-73922) + (n-73924 : + a-73922) -> + c-73923 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73923 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 13 + 20) + n-73924)) + (\(ds-73925 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73926 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73925 + ds-73926) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73920 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73927 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 37 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 33 - (ParamInteger + \(c-73928 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73927 -> + a-73927) + (n-73929 : + a-73927) -> + c-73928 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73928 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 9 + 10) + n-73929)) + (\(ds-73930 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73931 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73930 + ds-73931) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73921)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-73932 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-73933 : + all b-73934. + (a-73932 -> + b-73934 -> + b-73934) -> + b-73934 -> + b-73934) -> + g-73933 + {List-73026 + a-73932} + (\(ds-73935 : + a-73932) + (ds-73936 : + List-73026 + a-73932) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73932} + ds-73935 + ds-73936) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73932})) + (/\a-73937 -> + \(c-73938 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73937 -> + a-73937) + (n-73939 : + a-73937) -> + c-73938 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73940 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-73941 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73940 -> + a-73940) + (n-73942 : + a-73940) -> + c-73941 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73941 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 51 + 100) + n-73942)) + (\(ds-73943 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73944 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73943 + ds-73944) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73938 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-73945 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 1000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - n))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) - in - \(ds : data) -> - Maybe_match - {List (Tuple2 data data)} - (let - !ds : data - = headList - {data} - (tailList - {data} - (tailList - {data} - (sndPair - {integer} - {list data} - (unConstrData - (let - !ds : data - = headList - {data} - (tailList - {data} - (tailList - {data} - (sndPair - {integer} - {list data} - (unConstrData ds)))) - ~si : pair integer (list data) = unConstrData ds - in - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (equalsInteger - 5 - (fstPair {integer} {list data} si)) - True - False) - {all dead. data} - (/\dead -> - headList + \(c-73946 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73945 -> + a-73945) + (n-73947 : + a-73945) -> + c-73946 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73946 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 4 + 5) + n-73947)) + (\(ds-73948 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73949 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73948 + ds-73949) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73939)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73950 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73951 : + all b-73952. + (a-73950 -> + b-73952 -> + b-73952) -> + b-73952 -> + b-73952) -> + g-73951 + {List-73026 + a-73950} + (\(ds-73953 : + a-73950) + (ds-73954 : + List-73026 + a-73950) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73950} + ds-73953 + ds-73954) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73950})) + (/\a-73955 -> + \(c-73956 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73955 -> + a-73955) + (n-73957 : + a-73955) -> + c-73956 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73958 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73959 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73958 -> + a-73958) + (n-73960 : + a-73958) -> + c-73959 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73959 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 51 + 100) + n-73960)) + (\(ds-73961 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73962 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73961 + ds-73962) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73956 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73963 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73964 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73963 -> + a-73963) + (n-73965 : + a-73963) -> + c-73964 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73964 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 3 + 4) + n-73965)) + (\(ds-73966 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73967 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73966 + ds-73967) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73957)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73968 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73969 : + all b-73970. + (a-73968 -> + b-73970 -> + b-73970) -> + b-73970 -> + b-73970) -> + g-73969 + {List-73026 + a-73968} + (\(ds-73971 : + a-73968) + (ds-73972 : + List-73026 + a-73968) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73968} + ds-73971 + ds-73972) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73968})) + (/\a-73973 -> + \(c-73974 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73973 -> + a-73973) + (n-73975 : + a-73973) -> + c-73974 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73976 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73977 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73976 -> + a-73976) + (n-73978 : + a-73976) -> + c-73977 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73977 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 51 + 100) + n-73978)) + (\(ds-73979 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73980 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73979 + ds-73980) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73974 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73981 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73982 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73981 -> + a-73981) + (n-73983 : + a-73981) -> + c-73982 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-73982 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 3 + 4) + n-73983)) + (\(ds-73984 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73985 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73984 + ds-73985) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73975)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-73986 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-73987 : + all b-73988. + (a-73986 -> + b-73988 -> + b-73988) -> + b-73988 -> + b-73988) -> + g-73987 + {List-73026 + a-73986} + (\(ds-73989 : + a-73986) + (ds-73990 : + List-73026 + a-73986) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-73986} + ds-73989 + ds-73990) + (Nil-73027 + {a-73986})) + (/\a-73991 -> + \(c-73992 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-73991 -> + a-73991) + (n-73993 : + a-73991) -> + c-73992 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-73994 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-73995 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73994 -> + a-73994) + (n-73996 : + a-73994) -> + c-73995 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-73995 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 51 + 100) + n-73996)) + (\(ds-73997 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-73998 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-73997 + ds-73998) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-73992 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-73999 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-74000 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-73999 -> + a-73999) + (n-74001 : + a-73999) -> + c-74000 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-74000 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 3 + 4) + n-74001)) + (\(ds-74002 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-74003 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-74002 + ds-74003) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-73993)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-74004 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-74005 : + all b-74006. + (a-74004 -> + b-74006 -> + b-74006) -> + b-74006 -> + b-74006) -> + g-74005 + {List-73026 + a-74004} + (\(ds-74007 : + a-74004) + (ds-74008 : + List-73026 + a-74004) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74004} + ds-74007 + ds-74008) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74004})) + (/\a-74009 -> + \(c-74010 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-74009 -> + a-74009) + (n-74011 : + a-74009) -> + c-74010 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74012 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-74013 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-74012 -> + a-74012) + (n-74014 : + a-74012) -> + c-74013 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + (c-74013 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 3 + 4) + n-74014)) + (\(ds-74015 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-74016 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-74015 + ds-74016) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-74010 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74017 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-74018 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-74017 -> + a-74017) + (n-74019 : + a-74017) -> + c-74018 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + (c-74018 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 9 + 10) + n-74019)) + (\(ds-74020 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-74021 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-74020 + ds-74021) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-74011)))) + (c-73858 + (ParamRational-73072 + ((let + a-74022 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) + in + \(g-74023 : + all b-74024. + (a-74022 -> + b-74024 -> + b-74024) -> + b-74024 -> + b-74024) -> + g-74023 + {List-73026 + a-74022} + (\(ds-74025 : + a-74022) + (ds-74026 : + List-73026 + a-74022) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74022} + ds-74025 + ds-74026) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74022})) + (/\a-74027 -> + \(c-74028 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + a-74027 -> + a-74027) + (n-74029 : + a-74027) -> + c-74028 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74030 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-74031 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-74030 -> + a-74030) + (n-74032 : + a-74030) -> + c-74031 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 2) + n-74032) + (\(ds-74033 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-74034 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-74033 + ds-74034) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + (c-74028 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + Rational-73065} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74035 + = List-73026 + Rational-73065 + in + \(c-74036 : + Rational-73065 -> + a-74035 -> + a-74035) + (n-74037 : + a-74035) -> + c-74036 + (unsafeRatio-73086 + 1 + 1) + n-74037) + (\(ds-74038 : + Rational-73065) + (ds-74039 : + List-73026 + Rational-73065) -> + Cons-73028 + {Rational-73065} + ds-74038 + ds-74039) + (Nil-73027 + {Rational-73065}))) + n-74029)))) + n-73859)))))))))) + (\(ds-74040 : + ParamValue-73068) + (ds-74041 : + List-73026 + ParamValue-73068) -> + Cons-73028 + {ParamValue-73068} + ds-74040 + ds-74041) + (Nil-73027 + {ParamValue-73068})))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 27 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-74042 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-74043 : + all b-74044. + (a-74042 -> + b-74044 -> + b-74044) -> + b-74044 -> + b-74044) -> + g-74043 + {List-73026 + a-74042} + (\(ds-74045 : + a-74042) + (ds-74046 : + List-73026 + a-74042) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74042} + ds-74045 + ds-74046) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74042})) + (/\a-74047 -> + \(c-74048 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-74047 -> + a-74047) + (n-74049 : + a-74047) -> + c-74048 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74050 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74051 : + integer -> + a-74050 -> + a-74050) + (n-74052 : + a-74050) -> + c-74051 + 0 + (c-74051 + 3 + n-74052)) + (\(ds-74053 : + integer) + (ds-74054 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74053 + ds-74054) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-74048 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74055 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74056 : + integer -> + a-74055 -> + a-74055) + (n-74057 : + a-74055) -> + c-74056 + 10 + n-74057) + (\(ds-74058 : + integer) + (ds-74059 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74058 + ds-74059) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-74049))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 28 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-74060 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-74061 : + all b-74062. + (a-74060 -> + b-74062 -> + b-74062) -> + b-74062 -> + b-74062) -> + g-74061 + {List-73026 + a-74060} + (\(ds-74063 : + a-74060) + (ds-74064 : + List-73026 + a-74060) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74060} + ds-74063 + ds-74064) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74060})) + (/\a-74065 -> + \(c-74066 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-74065 -> + a-74065) + (n-74067 : + a-74065) -> + c-74066 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74068 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74069 : + integer -> + a-74068 -> + a-74068) + (n-74070 : + a-74068) -> + c-74069 + 0 + (c-74069 + 18 + n-74070)) + (\(ds-74071 : + integer) + (ds-74072 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74071 + ds-74072) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-74066 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74073 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74074 : + integer -> + a-74073 -> + a-74073) + (n-74075 : + a-74073) -> + c-74074 + 293 + n-74075) + (\(ds-74076 : + integer) + (ds-74077 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74076 + ds-74077) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-74066 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + NotEqual-73053 + ((let + a-74078 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74079 : + integer -> + a-74078 -> + a-74078) + (n-74080 : + a-74078) -> + c-74079 + 0 + n-74080) + (\(ds-74081 : + integer) + (ds-74082 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74081 + ds-74082) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-74067)))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 29 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-74083 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-74084 : + all b-74085. + (a-74083 -> + b-74085 -> + b-74085) -> + b-74085 -> + b-74085) -> + g-74084 + {List-73026 + a-74083} + (\(ds-74086 : + a-74083) + (ds-74087 : + List-73026 + a-74083) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74083} + ds-74086 + ds-74087) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74083})) + (/\a-74088 -> + \(c-74089 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-74088 -> + a-74088) + (n-74090 : + a-74088) -> + c-74089 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74091 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74092 : + integer -> + a-74091 -> + a-74091) + (n-74093 : + a-74091) -> + c-74092 + 1 + n-74093) + (\(ds-74094 : + integer) + (ds-74095 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74094 + ds-74095) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-74089 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74096 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74097 : + integer -> + a-74096 -> + a-74096) + (n-74098 : + a-74096) -> + c-74097 + 15 + n-74098) + (\(ds-74099 : + integer) + (ds-74100 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74099 + ds-74100) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-74090))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 30 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-74101 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-74102 : + all b-74103. + (a-74101 -> + b-74103 -> + b-74103) -> + b-74103 -> + b-74103) -> + g-74102 + {List-73026 + a-74101} + (\(ds-74104 : + a-74101) + (ds-74105 : + List-73026 + a-74101) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74101} + ds-74104 + ds-74105) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74101})) + (/\a-74106 -> + \(c-74107 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-74106 -> + a-74106) + (n-74108 : + a-74106) -> + c-74107 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74109 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74110 : + integer -> + a-74109 -> + a-74109) + (n-74111 : + a-74109) -> + c-74110 + 0 + (c-74110 + 1000000 + n-74111)) + (\(ds-74112 : + integer) + (ds-74113 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74112 + ds-74113) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-74107 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74114 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74115 : + integer -> + a-74114 -> + a-74114) + (n-74116 : + a-74114) -> + c-74115 + 10000000000000 + n-74116) + (\(ds-74117 : + integer) + (ds-74118 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74117 + ds-74118) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-74108))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 31 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-74119 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-74120 : + all b-74121. + (a-74119 -> + b-74121 -> + b-74121) -> + b-74121 -> + b-74121) -> + g-74120 + {List-73026 + a-74119} + (\(ds-74122 : + a-74119) + (ds-74123 : + List-73026 + a-74119) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74119} + ds-74122 + ds-74123) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74119})) + (/\a-74124 -> + \(c-74125 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-74124 -> + a-74124) + (n-74126 : + a-74124) -> + c-74125 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74127 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74128 : + integer -> + a-74127 -> + a-74127) + (n-74129 : + a-74127) -> + c-74128 + 0 + (c-74128 + 1000000 + n-74129)) + (\(ds-74130 : + integer) + (ds-74131 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74130 + ds-74131) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-74125 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74132 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74133 : + integer -> + a-74132 -> + a-74132) + (n-74134 : + a-74132) -> + c-74133 + 100000000000 + n-74134) + (\(ds-74135 : + integer) + (ds-74136 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74135 + ds-74136) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-74126))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 32 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-74137 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-74138 : + all b-74139. + (a-74137 -> + b-74139 -> + b-74139) -> + b-74139 -> + b-74139) -> + g-74138 + {List-73026 + a-74137} + (\(ds-74140 : + a-74137) + (ds-74141 : + List-73026 + a-74137) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74137} + ds-74140 + ds-74141) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74137})) + (/\a-74142 -> + \(c-74143 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-74142 -> + a-74142) + (n-74144 : + a-74142) -> + c-74143 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74145 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74146 : + integer -> + a-74145 -> + a-74145) + (n-74147 : + a-74145) -> + c-74146 + 13 + (c-74146 + 0 + n-74147)) + (\(ds-74148 : + integer) + (ds-74149 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74148 + ds-74149) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-74143 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74150 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74151 : + integer -> + a-74150 -> + a-74150) + (n-74152 : + a-74150) -> + c-74151 + 37 + n-74152) + (\(ds-74153 : + integer) + (ds-74154 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74153 + ds-74154) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-74144))))) + (c-73326 + (Tuple2-73032 + {integer} + {ParamValue-73068} + 33 + (ParamInteger-73070 + ((let + a-74155 + = Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) + in + \(g-74156 : + all b-74157. + (a-74155 -> + b-74157 -> + b-74157) -> + b-74157 -> + b-74157) -> + g-74156 + {List-73026 + a-74155} + (\(ds-74158 : + a-74155) + (ds-74159 : + List-73026 + a-74155) -> + Cons-73028 + {a-74155} + ds-74158 + ds-74159) + (Nil-73027 + {a-74155})) + (/\a-74160 -> + \(c-74161 : + Tuple2-73031 + PredKey-73050 + (List-73026 + integer) -> + a-74160 -> + a-74160) + (n-74162 : + a-74160) -> + c-74161 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MinValue-73052 + ((let + a-74163 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74164 : + integer -> + a-74163 -> + a-74163) + (n-74165 : + a-74163) -> + c-74164 + 0 + n-74165) + (\(ds-74166 : + integer) + (ds-74167 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74166 + ds-74167) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + (c-74161 + (Tuple2-73032 + {PredKey-73050} + {List-73026 + integer} + MaxValue-73051 + ((let + a-74168 + = List-73026 + integer + in + \(c-74169 : + integer -> + a-74168 -> + a-74168) + (n-74170 : + a-74168) -> + c-74169 + 1000 + n-74170) + (\(ds-74171 : + integer) + (ds-74172 : + List-73026 + integer) -> + Cons-73028 + {integer} + ds-74171 + ds-74172) + (Nil-73027 + {integer}))) + n-74162))))) + n-73327))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + in + \(ds-74174 : data) -> + Maybe_match-73044 + {List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data)} + (let + !ds-74181 : data + = headList + {data} + (tailList + {data} + (tailList + {data} + (sndPair + {integer} + {list data} + (unConstrData + (let + !ds-74175 : data + = headList {data} (tailList {data} - (sndPair {integer} {list data} si))) - (/\dead -> error {data}) - {all dead. dead}))))) - ~ds : pair integer (list data) = unConstrData ds - !x : integer = fstPair {integer} {list data} ds - in - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger 0 x) True False) - {all dead. Maybe (List (Tuple2 data data))} - (/\dead -> - Just - {List (Tuple2 data data)} - (go - (unMapData - (headList - {data} - (tailList {data} (sndPair {integer} {list data} ds)))))) - (/\dead -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger 2 x) True False) - {all dead. Maybe (List (Tuple2 data data))} - (/\dead -> Nothing {List (Tuple2 data data)}) - (/\dead -> error {Maybe (List (Tuple2 data data))}) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. unit} - (\(cparams : List (Tuple2 data data)) -> - /\dead -> - Bool_match - (fun cparams) - {all dead. unit} - (/\dead -> ()) - (/\dead -> error {unit}) - {all dead. dead}) - (/\dead -> ()) - {all dead. dead})) \ No newline at end of file + (tailList + {data} + (sndPair + {integer} + {list data} + (unConstrData ds-74174)))) + ~si-74176 : pair integer (list data) + = unConstrData ds-74175 + in + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger + 5 + (fstPair {integer} {list data} si-74176)) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-74177. data} + (/\dead-74178 -> + headList + {data} + (tailList + {data} + (sndPair {integer} {list data} si-74176))) + (/\dead-74179 -> error {data}) + {all dead-74180. dead-74180}))))) + ~ds-74182 : pair integer (list data) = unConstrData ds-74181 + !x-74183 : integer = fstPair {integer} {list data} ds-74182 + in + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger 0 x-74183) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-74184. Maybe-73041 (List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data))} + (/\dead-74185 -> + Just-73042 + {List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data)} + (go-73036 + (unMapData + (headList + {data} + (tailList + {data} + (sndPair {integer} {list data} ds-74182)))))) + (/\dead-74186 -> + Bool_match-73049 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-73046} + (equalsInteger 2 x-74183) + True-73047 + False-73048) + {all dead-74187. Maybe-73041 (List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data))} + (/\dead-74188 -> + Nothing-73043 {List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data)}) + (/\dead-74189 -> + error {Maybe-73041 (List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data))}) + {all dead-74190. dead-74190}) + {all dead-74191. dead-74191}) + {all dead-74192. unit} + (\(cparams-74193 : List-73026 (Tuple2-73031 data data)) -> + /\dead-74194 -> + Bool_match-73049 + (fun-74173 cparams-74193) + {all dead-74195. unit} + (/\dead-74196 -> ()) + (/\dead-74197 -> error {unit}) + {all dead-74198. dead-74198}) + (/\dead-74199 -> ()) + {all dead-74200. dead-74200}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.uplc.golden b/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.uplc.golden index 1518a4172e9..1d5fabcfda7 100644 --- a/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.uplc.golden +++ b/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/sorted.uplc.golden @@ -1,1387 +1,1397 @@ -(program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` -> - (\`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` -> - (\validatePreds -> - (\euclid -> - (\unsafeRatio -> - (\cse -> - (\validateParamValue -> - (\validateParamValues -> - (\runRules -> - (\go -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\fun - ds -> - force - (case - ((\cse -> - (\x -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 0 - x) - (delay - (delay - (constr 0 - [ (go - (unMapData - (force - headList +program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1!0 -> + (\`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`!0 -> + (\`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`!0 -> + (\validatePreds!0 -> + (\euclid!0 -> + (\unsafeRatio!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\validateParamValue!0 -> + (\validateParamValues!0 -> + (\runRules!0 -> + (\go!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\fun!0 + ds!0 -> + force + (case + ((\cse!0 -> + (\x!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 0 + x!1) + (delay + (delay + (constr 0 + [ (go!38 + (unMapData + (force + headList + (force + tailList + (force + (force + sndPair) + cse!2))))) ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 2 + x!1) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ ]))) + (delay + (delay + error)))))))))) + (force + (force + fstPair) + cse!1)) + (unConstrData + (force + headList + (force + tailList + (force + tailList + (force + (force + sndPair) + (unConstrData + ((\cse!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 5 (force - tailList (force + fstPair) + cse!1)) + (delay + (delay + (force + headList (force - sndPair) - cse))))) ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 2 - x) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ ]))) - (delay - (delay - error)))))))))) - (force - (force - fstPair) - cse)) - (unConstrData + tailList + (force + (force + sndPair) + cse!1))))) + (delay + (delay + error))))) + (unConstrData + (force + headList + (force + tailList + (force + tailList + (force + (force + sndPair) + (unConstrData + ds!1)))))))))))))) + [ (\cparams!0 -> + delay (force - headList - (force - tailList - (force - tailList - (force - (force - sndPair) - (unConstrData - ((\cse -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 5 - (force - (force - fstPair) - cse)) - (delay - (delay - (force - headList - (force - tailList - (force - (force - sndPair) - cse))))) - (delay - (delay - error))))) - (unConstrData - (force - headList - (force - tailList - (force - tailList - (force - (force - sndPair) - (unConstrData - ds)))))))))))))) - [ (\cparams -> - delay - (force - (case - (fun - cparams) - [ (delay - ()) - , (delay - error) ]))) - , (delay - ()) ])) - (runRules - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 0 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 30 - , cse ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 100000 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 10000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 24576 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 122880 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 32768 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 5000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 1000000 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 5000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 250000000 - , cse ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 250 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 2000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 9 - , (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 10 - , (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 1000) - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 200) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 11 - , (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 10) - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 16 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 17 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 3000 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 6500 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 18 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 19 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 25) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 5) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 20000) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 5000) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 20 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 40000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 15000000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 21 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 120000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 40000000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 22 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 12288 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 23 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 100 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 200 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 24 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 25 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 26 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 27 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 0 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 28 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 0 - , (constr 1 - [ 18 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 293 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 29 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 15 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 30 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 10000000000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 31 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 100000000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 32 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 13 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 37 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 33 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) - (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 + (case + (fun!3 + cparams!1) + [ (delay + ()) + , (delay + error) ]))) + , (delay + ()) ])) + (runRules!35 + (constr 1 [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) + [ 0 , (constr 1 - [ cse + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 30 + , cse!29 ]) ]) + , cse!13 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 1 , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ])) - (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 100000 + , cse!29 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 10000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 24576 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 122880 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 32768 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 5000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 1000000 + , cse!29 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 5000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 250000000 + , cse!29 ]) ]) + , cse!12 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 250 + , cse!29 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 2000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!10 ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 9 + , (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!7 + , cse!8 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 10 + , (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!33 + 1000) + , cse!15 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!33 + 200) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 11 + , (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!7 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!26 + 10) + , cse!14 ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 16 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , cse!12 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 17 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 3000 + , cse!29 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 6500 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!10 ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 18 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 19 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!33 + 25) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!33 + 5) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!33 + 20000) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!33 + 5000) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 20 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 40000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 15000000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 21 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 120000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 40000000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 22 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 12288 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 23 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 100 + , cse!29 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 200 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!10 ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 24 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!23 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 25 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!2 + , cse!4 ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 26 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!2 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!17 + , cse!11 ]) ]) + , cse!5 ]) ]) + , cse!4 ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 27 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 28 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ 18 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 293 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!10 ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 29 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!23 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 15 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 30 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!9 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 10000000000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 31 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!9 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 100000000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 32 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 13 + , cse!29 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 37 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 33 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!20 + , cse!13 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) + (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 [ ]) , (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 3 + [ cse!16 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!17 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , cse!4 ]) ])) + (constr 3 [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse + [ cse!4 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!22 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!3 , (constr 1 - [ cse + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!21 + , cse!8 ]) ]) , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 10) - , cse ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!13 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!4 ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!11 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 [ ]) - , cse ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!11 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!13 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) , (constr 1 - [ 1000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 2 - [ ]) - , cse ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 + [ (cse!26 + 10) + , cse!8 ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , cse!6 ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ 1000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 1 [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 500000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 1000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (cse - 10)) - (cse - 2)) - (cse - 20)) - (cse - 100)) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , cse ])) - (cse - 5)) - (cse 1)) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - []) - , (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ])) - (cse 1)) - (cse 4)) - (unsafeRatio 3)) - (unsafeRatio 13)) - (unsafeRatio 9)) - (constr 1 - [0, (constr 0 [])])) - (unsafeRatio 0)) - (unsafeRatio 4)) - (unsafeRatio 51)) - (unsafeRatio 1)) - (fix1 - (\go l -> - force (force chooseList) - l - (\ds -> constr 0 []) - (\ds -> - constr 1 - [ ((\p -> - constr 0 - [ (force - (force fstPair) - p) - , (force - (force sndPair) - p) ]) - (force headList l)) - , (go (force tailList l)) ]) - ()))) - (fix1 - (\runRules ds cparams -> - force - ((\fail -> - case - ds - [ (delay (fail ())) - , (\ds cfgRest -> - delay - (case - ds - [ (\expectedPid - paramValue -> - force - (case - cparams - [ (delay - (fail - ())) - , (\ds - cparamsRest -> - delay - (case - ds - [ (\ds - actualValueData -> - force - (case - (`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (unIData - ds) - expectedPid) - [ (delay - (force - (case - (validateParamValue - paramValue - actualValueData) - [ (delay - (runRules - cfgRest - cparamsRest)) - , (delay - (constr 1 - [ ])) ]))) - , (delay - (runRules - cfgRest - cparams)) - , (delay - (constr 1 - [ ])) ])) ])) ])) ])) ]) - (\ds -> - force - (case - cparams - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\ipv ipv -> - delay - (constr 1 - [])) ])))))) - (cse (\arg_0 arg_1 -> arg_1))) - (cse (\arg_0 arg_1 -> arg_0))) - (force - ((\s -> s s) - (\s h -> - delay - (\fr -> - (\k -> - fr - (\x -> k (\f_0 f_1 -> f_0 x)) - (\x -> k (\f_0 f_1 -> f_1 x))) - (\fq -> force (s s h) (force h fq)))) - (delay - (\choose - validateParamValue - validateParamValues -> - choose - (\eta eta -> - force - (case - eta - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\preds -> - delay - (validatePreds - (constr 0 - [ (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - x - y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - , `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - , (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger - x - y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - , (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - x - y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - , (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - x - y) - (constr 1 []) - (constr 0 [])) - , (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger - x - y) - (constr 1 []) - (constr 0 [])) - , (\x y -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - x - y) - (delay - (delay - y)) - (delay - (delay - x))))) - , (\x y -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - x - y) - (delay - (delay - x)) - (delay - (delay - y))))) ]) - preds - (unIData eta))) - , (\paramValues -> - delay - (validateParamValues - paramValues - (unListData eta))) - , (\preds -> - delay - ((\cse -> - validatePreds - (constr 0 - [ (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - n - n') - (delay - (delay - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - d - d') - (constr 0 - [ ]) + [ (constr 2 + [ ]) + , cse!19 ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ cse!14 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 500000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) (constr 1 - [ ])))) - (delay - (delay + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 1000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) (constr 1 - [ ])))))) ]) ]) - , (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (multiplyInteger - n - d') - (multiplyInteger - n' - d)) ]) ]) - , (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - force - ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger - (multiplyInteger - n - d') - (multiplyInteger - n' - d)) - (constr 0 - [ ]) - (constr 1 - [ ])) ]) ]) - , `$fOrdRational0_$c<=` - , (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - (multiplyInteger - n - d') - (multiplyInteger - n' - d)) - (constr 1 - [ ]) - (constr 0 - [ ])) ]) ]) - , (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> + [ cse!10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ cse!7 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (cse!12 + 10)) + (cse!16 + 2)) + (cse!9 + 20)) + (cse!13 + 100)) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , cse!9 ])) + (cse!10 + 5)) + (cse!8 + 1)) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + []) + , (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ])) + (cse!9 1)) + (cse!1 4)) + (unsafeRatio!13 3)) + (unsafeRatio!12 13)) + (unsafeRatio!11 9)) + (constr 1 [0, (constr 0 [])])) + (unsafeRatio!9 0)) + (unsafeRatio!8 4)) + (unsafeRatio!7 51)) + (unsafeRatio!6 1)) + (fix1!10 + (\go!0 l!0 -> + force (force chooseList) + l!1 + (\ds!0 -> constr 0 []) + (\ds!0 -> + constr 1 + [ ((\p!0 -> + constr 0 + [ (force (force fstPair) + p!1) + , (force (force sndPair) + p!1) ]) + (force headList l!2)) + , (go!3 (force tailList l!2)) ]) + ()))) + (fix1!9 + (\runRules!0 ds!0 cparams!0 -> + force + ((\fail!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (delay (fail!1 ())) + , (\ds!0 cfgRest!0 -> + delay + (case + ds!2 + [ (\expectedPid!0 + paramValue!0 -> + force + (case + cparams!6 + [ (delay + (fail!5 + ())) + , (\ds!0 + cparamsRest!0 -> + delay + (case + ds!2 + [ (\ds!0 + actualValueData!0 -> force - ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger - (multiplyInteger - n - d') - (multiplyInteger - n' - d)) - (constr 1 - [ ]) - (constr 0 - [ ])) ]) ]) - , (\x y -> - force - (case - (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` - x - y) - [ (delay - y) - , (delay - x) ])) - , (\x y -> - force - (case - (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` - x - y) - [ (delay - x) - , (delay - y) ])) ]) - preds - ((\cse -> + (case + (`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`!19 + (unIData + ds!2) + expectedPid!6) + [ (delay + (force + (case + (validateParamValue!14 + paramValue!5 + actualValueData!1) + [ (delay + (runRules!12 + cfgRest!7 + cparamsRest!3)) + , (delay + (constr 1 + [ ])) ]))) + , (delay + (runRules!12 + cfgRest!7 + cparams!10)) + , (delay + (constr 1 + [ ])) ])) ])) ])) ])) ]) + (\ds!0 -> + force + (case + cparams!2 + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\ipv!0 ipv!0 -> + delay + (constr 1 [])) ])))))) + (cse!2 (\arg_0!0 arg_1!0 -> arg_1!1))) + (cse!1 (\arg_0!0 arg_1!0 -> arg_0!2))) + (force + ((\s!0 -> s!1 s!1) + (\s!0 h!0 -> + delay + (\fr!0 -> + (\k!0 -> + fr!2 + (\x!0 -> + k!2 (\f_0!0 f_1!0 -> f_0!2 x!3)) + (\x!0 -> + k!2 (\f_0!0 f_1!0 -> f_1!1 x!3))) + (\fq!0 -> + force (s!4 s!4 h!3) + (force h!3 fq!1)))) + (delay + (\choose!0 + validateParamValue!0 + validateParamValues!0 -> + choose!3 + (\eta!0 eta!0 -> + force + (case + eta!2 + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\preds!0 -> + delay + (validatePreds!9 + (constr 0 + [ (\x!0 y!0 -> force ifThenElse - (force nullList + (equalsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + , `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`!10 + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 1 []) + (constr 0 [])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 1 []) + (constr 0 [])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (delay + (delay + y!1)) + (delay + (delay + x!2))))) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (force (force - tailList - cse)) - (\ds -> - unsafeRatio - (unIData - (force - headList - cse)) - (unIData - (force - headList - cse)))) - (force tailList - cse) - (\ds -> error) - (constr 0 []))) - (unListData eta))) ])) - (\ds -> - case - ds - [ (\eta -> - force ifThenElse - (force nullList eta) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - , (\paramValueHd - paramValueTl - actualValueData -> - force - (case - (validateParamValue - paramValueHd - (force headList - actualValueData)) - [ (delay - (validateParamValues - paramValueTl + ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (delay + (delay + x!2)) + (delay + (delay + y!1))))) ]) + preds!1 + (unIData eta!2))) + , (\paramValues!0 -> + delay + (validateParamValues!4 + paramValues!1 + (unListData eta!2))) + , (\preds!0 -> + delay + ((\cse!0 -> + validatePreds!10 + (constr 0 + [ (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + n!4 + n'!2) + (delay + (delay + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + d!3 + d'!1) + (constr 0 + [ ]) + (constr 1 + [ ])))) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ ])))))) ]) ]) + , (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`!17 + (multiplyInteger + n!4 + d'!1) + (multiplyInteger + n'!2 + d!3)) ]) ]) + , (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + force + ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger + (multiplyInteger + n!4 + d'!1) + (multiplyInteger + n'!2 + d!3)) + (constr 0 + [ ]) + (constr 1 + [ ])) ]) ]) + , `$fOrdRational0_$c<=`!12 + , (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + force + ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + (multiplyInteger + n!4 + d'!1) + (multiplyInteger + n'!2 + d!3)) + (constr 1 + [ ]) + (constr 0 + [ ])) ]) ]) + , (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + force + ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger + (multiplyInteger + n!4 + d'!1) + (multiplyInteger + n'!2 + d!3)) + (constr 1 + [ ]) + (constr 0 + [ ])) ]) ]) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (case + (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`!14 + x!2 + y!1) + [ (delay + y!1) + , (delay + x!2) ])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (case + (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`!14 + x!2 + y!1) + [ (delay + x!2) + , (delay + y!1) ])) ]) + preds!2 + ((\cse!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (force nullList + (force + tailList + cse!1)) + (\ds!0 -> + unsafeRatio!10 + (unIData + (force + headList + cse!3)) + (unIData + (force + headList + cse!2)))) (force tailList - actualValueData))) - , (delay - (constr 1 - [])) ])) ])))))) - (fix1 - (\unsafeRatio n d -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 d) - (delay (delay error)) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger d 0) - (delay - (delay - (unsafeRatio - (subtractInteger 0 n) - (subtractInteger - 0 - d)))) - (delay - (delay - ((\gcd' -> - constr 0 - [ (quotientInteger - n - gcd') - , (quotientInteger - d - gcd') ]) - (euclid - n - d)))))))))))))) - (fix1 - (\euclid x y -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 y) - (delay (delay x)) - (delay (delay (euclid y (modInteger x y))))))))) - (\`$dOrd` ds ds -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> + cse!1) + (\ds!0 -> error) + (constr 0 []))) + (unListData eta!2))) ])) + (\ds!0 -> + case + ds!1 + [ (\eta!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (force nullList eta!1) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + , (\paramValueHd!0 + paramValueTl!0 + actualValueData!0 -> + force + (case + (validateParamValue!6 + paramValueHd!3 + (force headList + actualValueData!1)) + [ (delay + (validateParamValues!5 + paramValueTl!2 + (force tailList + actualValueData!1))) + , (delay + (constr 1 + [])) ])) ])))))) + (fix1!5 + (\unsafeRatio!0 n!0 d!0 -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 d!1) + (delay (delay error)) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger d!1 0) + (delay + (delay + (unsafeRatio!3 + (subtractInteger + 0 + n!2) + (subtractInteger + 0 + d!1)))) + (delay + (delay + ((\gcd'!0 -> + constr 0 + [ (quotientInteger + n!3 + gcd'!1) + , (quotientInteger + d!2 + gcd'!1) ]) + (euclid!4 + n!2 + d!1)))))))))))))) + (fix1!4 + (\euclid!0 x!0 y!0 -> force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (case - x - [ (\predKey expectedPredValues -> - (\meaning -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (go xs)) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (case - (meaning - x - ds) - [ (delay - (go - xs)) - , (delay - (constr 1 - [ ])) ]))) ])) - expectedPredValues) - (force - (case - predKey - [ (delay - (case - `$dOrd` - [ (\v - v - v - v - v - v - v - v -> - v) ])) - , (delay - (case - `$dOrd` - [ (\v - v - v - v - v - v - v - v -> - v) ])) - , (delay - (\x y -> - force - (case - (case - `$dOrd` - [ (\v - v - v - v - v - v - v - v -> - v) ] - x - y) - [ (delay - (constr 1 - [])) - , (delay - (constr 0 - [ ])) ]))) ]))) ])) ])) - ds)) - (\eta eta -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger eta eta) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger eta eta) - (delay (delay (constr 2 []))) - (delay (delay (constr 1 [])))))))))))) - (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' d' -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) ]) ])) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 y!1) + (delay (delay x!2)) + (delay + (delay + (euclid!3 y!1 (modInteger x!2 y!1))))))))) + (\`$dOrd`!0 ds!0 ds!0 -> + fix1!6 + (\go!0 ds!0 -> + force + (case + ds!1 + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x!0 xs!0 -> + delay + (case + x!2 + [ (\predKey!0 expectedPredValues!0 -> + (\meaning!0 -> + fix1!13 + (\go!0 ds!0 -> + force + (case + ds!1 + [ (delay (go!9 xs!6)) + , (\x!0 xs!0 -> + delay + (force + (case + (meaning!5 + x!2 + ds!12) + [ (delay + (go!4 + xs!1)) + , (delay + (constr 1 + [ ])) ]))) ])) + expectedPredValues!2) + (force + (case + predKey!2 + [ (delay + (case + `$dOrd`!9 + [ (\v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 -> + v!3) ])) + , (delay + (case + `$dOrd`!9 + [ (\v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 -> + v!5) ])) + , (delay + (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (case + (case + `$dOrd`!11 + [ (\v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 -> + v!8) ] + x!2 + y!1) + [ (delay + (constr 1 + [])) + , (delay + (constr 0 + [ ])) ]))) ]))) ])) ])) + ds!2)) + (\eta!0 eta!0 -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger eta!2 eta!1) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger eta!2 eta!1) + (delay (delay (constr 2 []))) + (delay (delay (constr 1 [])))))))))))) + (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 d'!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + (multiplyInteger n!4 d'!1) + (multiplyInteger n'!2 d!3)) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) ]) ])) + (\f!0 -> (\s!0 -> s!1 s!1) (\s!0 -> f!2 (\x!0 -> s!2 s!2 x!1)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.pir.golden b/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.pir.golden index 33ec488cbc1..ab96758bdc4 100644 --- a/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.pir.golden +++ b/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.pir.golden @@ -1,5299 +1,5750 @@ -(program - 1.1.0 - (let - data Ordering | Ordering_match where - EQ : Ordering - GT : Ordering - LT : Ordering - data Bool | Bool_match where - True : Bool - False : Bool - data (Ord :: * -> *) a | Ord_match where - CConsOrd : - (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a -> - (a -> a -> Ordering) -> - (a -> a -> Bool) -> - (a -> a -> Bool) -> - (a -> a -> Bool) -> - (a -> a -> Bool) -> - (a -> a -> a) -> - (a -> a -> a) -> - Ord a - data PredKey | PredKey_match where - MaxValue : PredKey - MinValue : PredKey - NotEqual : PredKey - data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where - Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b - in - letrec - data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where - Nil : List a - Cons : a -> List a -> List a - in - let - !validatePreds : - all a. Ord a -> (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) a -> a -> Bool - = /\a -> - \(`$dOrd` : Ord a) - (ds : (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) a) - (ds : a) -> - letrec - !go : List (Tuple2 PredKey (List a)) -> Bool - = \(ds : List (Tuple2 PredKey (List a))) -> - List_match - {Tuple2 PredKey (List a)} - ds - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> True) - (\(x : Tuple2 PredKey (List a)) - (xs : List (Tuple2 PredKey (List a))) -> - /\dead -> - Tuple2_match - {PredKey} - {List a} - x - {Bool} - (\(predKey : PredKey) - (expectedPredValues : List a) -> - let - !meaning : a -> a -> Bool - = PredKey_match - predKey - {all dead. a -> a -> Bool} - (/\dead -> - Ord_match - {a} - `$dOrd` - {a -> a -> Bool} - (\(v : (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a) - (v : a -> a -> Ordering) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> a) - (v : a -> a -> a) -> - v)) - (/\dead -> - Ord_match - {a} - `$dOrd` - {a -> a -> Bool} - (\(v : (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a) - (v : a -> a -> Ordering) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> a) - (v : a -> a -> a) -> - v)) - (/\dead -> - \(x : a) (y : a) -> - Bool_match - (Ord_match - {a} - `$dOrd` - {(\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a} - (\(v : - (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) - a) - (v : a -> a -> Ordering) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> Bool) - (v : a -> a -> a) - (v : a -> a -> a) -> - v) - x - y) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> False) - (/\dead -> True) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - in - letrec - !go : List a -> Bool - = \(ds : List a) -> - List_match - {a} - ds - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> go xs) - (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> - /\dead -> - Bool_match - (meaning x ds) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> go xs) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - in - go expectedPredValues)) - {all dead. dead} - in - go ds - !`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` : integer -> integer -> Ordering - = \(eta : integer) (eta : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger eta eta) True False) - {all dead. Ordering} - (/\dead -> EQ) - (/\dead -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanEqualsInteger eta eta) True False) - {all dead. Ordering} - (/\dead -> LT) - (/\dead -> GT) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - data Rational | Rational_match where - Rational : integer -> integer -> Rational - !`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` : Rational -> Rational -> Bool - = \(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - True - False)) - in - letrec - !euclid : integer -> integer -> integer - = \(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger 0 y) True False) - {all dead. integer} - (/\dead -> x) - (/\dead -> euclid y (modInteger x y)) - {all dead. dead} - in - letrec - !unsafeRatio : integer -> integer -> Rational - = \(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger 0 d) True False) - {all dead. Rational} - (/\dead -> error {Rational}) - (/\dead -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanInteger d 0) True False) - {all dead. Rational} - (/\dead -> - unsafeRatio (subtractInteger 0 n) (subtractInteger 0 d)) - (/\dead -> - let - !gcd' : integer = euclid n d - in - Rational (quotientInteger n gcd') (quotientInteger d gcd')) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - in - let - data Unit | Unit_match where - Unit : Unit - in - letrec - data ParamValue | ParamValue_match where - ParamAny : ParamValue - ParamInteger : - (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) integer -> ParamValue - ParamList : List ParamValue -> ParamValue - ParamRational : - (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) Rational -> ParamValue - in - letrec - !validateParamValue : ParamValue -> data -> Bool - = \(eta : ParamValue) (eta : data) -> - let - ~bl : list data = unListData eta - ~bl' : list data = tailList {data} bl - in - ParamValue_match - eta - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> True) - (\(preds : (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) integer) -> - /\dead -> - validatePreds +program + 1.1.0 + (let + data Ordering-71617 | Ordering_match-71621 where + EQ-71618 : Ordering-71617 + GT-71619 : Ordering-71617 + LT-71620 : Ordering-71617 + data Bool-71608 | Bool_match-71611 where + True-71609 : Bool-71608 + False-71610 : Bool-71608 + data (Ord-71622 :: * -> *) a-71625 | Ord_match-71624 where + CConsOrd-71623 : + (\a-71626 -> a-71626 -> a-71626 -> Bool-71608) a-71625 -> + (a-71625 -> a-71625 -> Ordering-71617) -> + (a-71625 -> a-71625 -> Bool-71608) -> + (a-71625 -> a-71625 -> Bool-71608) -> + (a-71625 -> a-71625 -> Bool-71608) -> + (a-71625 -> a-71625 -> Bool-71608) -> + (a-71625 -> a-71625 -> a-71625) -> + (a-71625 -> a-71625 -> a-71625) -> + Ord-71622 a-71625 + data PredKey-71612 | PredKey_match-71616 where + MaxValue-71613 : PredKey-71612 + MinValue-71614 : PredKey-71612 + NotEqual-71615 : PredKey-71612 + data (Tuple2-71593 :: * -> * -> *) a-71596 + b-71597 | Tuple2_match-71595 where + Tuple2-71594 : a-71596 -> b-71597 -> Tuple2-71593 a-71596 b-71597 + in + letrec + data (List-71588 :: * -> *) a-71592 | List_match-71591 where + Nil-71589 : List-71588 a-71592 + Cons-71590 : a-71592 -> List-71588 a-71592 -> List-71588 a-71592 + in + let + !validatePreds-71758 : + all a-71759. + Ord-71622 a-71759 -> + (\v-71760 -> + List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 v-71760))) + a-71759 -> + a-71759 -> + Bool-71608 + = /\a-71691 -> + \(`$dOrd`-71692 : Ord-71622 a-71691) + (ds-71693 : + (\v-71694 -> + List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 v-71694))) + a-71691) + (ds-71695 : a-71691) -> + letrec + !go-71696 : + List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 a-71691)) -> + Bool-71608 + = \(ds-71697 : + List-71588 + (Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 a-71691))) -> + List_match-71591 + {Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 a-71691)} + ds-71697 + {all dead-71698. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-71699 -> True-71609) + (\(x-71700 : + Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 a-71691)) + (xs-71701 : + List-71588 + (Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 a-71691))) -> + /\dead-71702 -> + Tuple2_match-71595 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 a-71691} + x-71700 + {Bool-71608} + (\(predKey-71703 : PredKey-71612) + (expectedPredValues-71704 : + List-71588 a-71691) -> + let + !meaning-71744 : + a-71691 -> a-71691 -> Bool-71608 + = PredKey_match-71616 + predKey-71703 + {all dead-71705. + a-71691 -> a-71691 -> Bool-71608} + (/\dead-71706 -> + Ord_match-71624 + {a-71691} + `$dOrd`-71692 + {a-71691 -> a-71691 -> Bool-71608} + (\(v-71707 : + (\a-71708 -> + a-71708 -> + a-71708 -> + Bool-71608) + a-71691) + (v-71709 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Ordering-71617) + (v-71710 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71711 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71712 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71713 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71714 : + a-71691 -> a-71691 -> a-71691) + (v-71715 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + a-71691) -> + v-71713)) + (/\dead-71716 -> + Ord_match-71624 + {a-71691} + `$dOrd`-71692 + {a-71691 -> a-71691 -> Bool-71608} + (\(v-71717 : + (\a-71718 -> + a-71718 -> + a-71718 -> + Bool-71608) + a-71691) + (v-71719 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Ordering-71617) + (v-71720 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71721 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71722 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71723 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71724 : + a-71691 -> a-71691 -> a-71691) + (v-71725 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + a-71691) -> + v-71721)) + (/\dead-71726 -> + \(x-71727 : a-71691) + (y-71728 : a-71691) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (Ord_match-71624 + {a-71691} + `$dOrd`-71692 + {(\a-71729 -> + a-71729 -> + a-71729 -> + Bool-71608) + a-71691} + (\(v-71730 : + (\a-71731 -> + a-71731 -> + a-71731 -> + Bool-71608) + a-71691) + (v-71732 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Ordering-71617) + (v-71733 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71734 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71735 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71736 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + Bool-71608) + (v-71737 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + a-71691) + (v-71738 : + a-71691 -> + a-71691 -> + a-71691) -> + v-71730) + x-71727 + y-71728) + {all dead-71739. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-71740 -> False-71610) + (/\dead-71741 -> True-71609) + {all dead-71742. dead-71742}) + {all dead-71743. dead-71743} + in + letrec + !go-71745 : List-71588 a-71691 -> Bool-71608 + = \(ds-71746 : List-71588 a-71691) -> + List_match-71591 + {a-71691} + ds-71746 + {all dead-71747. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-71748 -> go-71696 xs-71701) + (\(x-71749 : a-71691) + (xs-71750 : List-71588 a-71691) -> + /\dead-71751 -> + Bool_match-71611 + (meaning-71744 + x-71749 + ds-71695) + {all dead-71752. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-71753 -> + go-71745 xs-71750) + (/\dead-71754 -> False-71610) + {all dead-71755. dead-71755}) + {all dead-71756. dead-71756} + in + go-71745 expectedPredValues-71704)) + {all dead-71757. dead-71757} + in + go-71696 ds-71693 + !`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`-71677 : integer -> integer -> Ordering-71617 + = \(eta-71667 : integer) (eta-71668 : integer) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger eta-71667 eta-71668) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-71669. Ordering-71617} + (/\dead-71670 -> EQ-71618) + (/\dead-71671 -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanEqualsInteger eta-71667 eta-71668) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-71672. Ordering-71617} + (/\dead-71673 -> LT-71620) + (/\dead-71674 -> GT-71619) + {all dead-71675. dead-71675}) + {all dead-71676. dead-71676} + data Rational-71627 | Rational_match-71629 where + Rational-71628 : integer -> integer -> Rational-71627 + !`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`-71666 : + Rational-71627 -> Rational-71627 -> Bool-71608 + = \(ds-71660 : Rational-71627) (ds-71661 : Rational-71627) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71660 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n-71662 : integer) (d-71663 : integer) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71661 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n'-71664 : integer) (d'-71665 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanEqualsInteger + (multiplyInteger n-71662 d'-71665) + (multiplyInteger n'-71664 d-71663)) + True-71609 + False-71610)) + in + letrec + !euclid-71641 : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x-71642 : integer) (y-71643 : integer) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger 0 y-71643) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-71644. integer} + (/\dead-71645 -> x-71642) + (/\dead-71646 -> euclid-71641 y-71643 (modInteger x-71642 y-71643)) + {all dead-71647. dead-71647} + in + letrec + !unsafeRatio-71648 : integer -> integer -> Rational-71627 + = \(n-71649 : integer) (d-71650 : integer) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger 0 d-71650) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-71651. Rational-71627} + (/\dead-71652 -> error {Rational-71627}) + (/\dead-71653 -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanInteger d-71650 0) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-71654. Rational-71627} + (/\dead-71655 -> + unsafeRatio-71648 + (subtractInteger 0 n-71649) + (subtractInteger 0 d-71650)) + (/\dead-71656 -> + let + !gcd'-71657 : integer = euclid-71641 n-71649 d-71650 + in + Rational-71628 + (quotientInteger n-71649 gcd'-71657) + (quotientInteger d-71650 gcd'-71657)) + {all dead-71658. dead-71658}) + {all dead-71659. dead-71659} + in + let + data Unit-71638 | Unit_match-71640 where + Unit-71639 : Unit-71638 + in + letrec + data ParamValue-71630 | ParamValue_match-71635 where + ParamAny-71631 : ParamValue-71630 + ParamInteger-71632 : + (\v-71636 -> + List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 v-71636))) + integer -> + ParamValue-71630 + ParamList-71633 : List-71588 ParamValue-71630 -> ParamValue-71630 + ParamRational-71634 : + (\v-71637 -> + List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 v-71637))) + Rational-71627 -> + ParamValue-71630 + in + letrec + !validateParamValue-71678 : ParamValue-71630 -> data -> Bool-71608 + = \(eta-71679 : ParamValue-71630) (eta-71680 : data) -> + let + ~bl-71839 : list data = unListData eta-71680 + ~bl'-71840 : list data = tailList {data} bl-71839 + in + ParamValue_match-71635 + eta-71679 + {all dead-71761. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-71762 -> True-71609) + (\(preds-71763 : + (\v-71764 -> + List-71588 + (Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 v-71764))) + integer) -> + /\dead-71765 -> + validatePreds-71758 + {integer} + (CConsOrd-71623 + {integer} + (\(x-71766 : integer) (y-71767 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger x-71766 y-71767) + True-71609 + False-71610) + `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`-71677 + (\(x-71768 : integer) (y-71769 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanInteger x-71768 y-71769) + True-71609 + False-71610) + (\(x-71770 : integer) (y-71771 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanEqualsInteger x-71770 y-71771) + True-71609 + False-71610) + (\(x-71772 : integer) (y-71773 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanEqualsInteger x-71772 y-71773) + False-71610 + True-71609) + (\(x-71774 : integer) (y-71775 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanInteger x-71774 y-71775) + False-71610 + True-71609) + (\(x-71776 : integer) (y-71777 : integer) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanEqualsInteger x-71776 y-71777) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-71778. integer} + (/\dead-71779 -> y-71777) + (/\dead-71780 -> x-71776) + {all dead-71781. dead-71781}) + (\(x-71782 : integer) (y-71783 : integer) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanEqualsInteger x-71782 y-71783) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-71784. integer} + (/\dead-71785 -> x-71782) + (/\dead-71786 -> y-71783) + {all dead-71787. dead-71787})) + preds-71763 + (unIData eta-71680)) + (\(paramValues-71788 : List-71588 ParamValue-71630) -> + /\dead-71789 -> + validateParamValues-71681 + paramValues-71788 + (unListData eta-71680)) + (\(preds-71790 : + (\v-71791 -> + List-71588 + (Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 v-71791))) + Rational-71627) -> + /\dead-71792 -> + validatePreds-71758 + {Rational-71627} + (CConsOrd-71623 + {Rational-71627} + (\(ds-71793 : Rational-71627) + (ds-71794 : Rational-71627) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71793 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n-71795 : integer) (d-71796 : integer) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71794 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n'-71797 : integer) (d'-71798 : integer) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger n-71795 n'-71797) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-71799. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-71800 -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger d-71796 d'-71798) + True-71609 + False-71610) + (/\dead-71801 -> False-71610) + {all dead-71802. dead-71802}))) + (\(ds-71803 : Rational-71627) + (ds-71804 : Rational-71627) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71803 + {Ordering-71617} + (\(n-71805 : integer) (d-71806 : integer) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71804 + {Ordering-71617} + (\(n'-71807 : integer) (d'-71808 : integer) -> + `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`-71677 + (multiplyInteger n-71805 d'-71808) + (multiplyInteger n'-71807 d-71806)))) + (\(ds-71809 : Rational-71627) + (ds-71810 : Rational-71627) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71809 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n-71811 : integer) (d-71812 : integer) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71810 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n'-71813 : integer) (d'-71814 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanInteger + (multiplyInteger n-71811 d'-71814) + (multiplyInteger n'-71813 d-71812)) + True-71609 + False-71610))) + `$fOrdRational0_$c<=`-71666 + (\(ds-71815 : Rational-71627) + (ds-71816 : Rational-71627) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71815 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n-71817 : integer) (d-71818 : integer) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71816 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n'-71819 : integer) (d'-71820 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanEqualsInteger + (multiplyInteger n-71817 d'-71820) + (multiplyInteger n'-71819 d-71818)) + False-71610 + True-71609))) + (\(ds-71821 : Rational-71627) + (ds-71822 : Rational-71627) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71821 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n-71823 : integer) (d-71824 : integer) -> + Rational_match-71629 + ds-71822 + {Bool-71608} + (\(n'-71825 : integer) (d'-71826 : integer) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (lessThanInteger + (multiplyInteger n-71823 d'-71826) + (multiplyInteger n'-71825 d-71824)) + False-71610 + True-71609))) + (\(x-71827 : Rational-71627) (y-71828 : Rational-71627) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`-71666 x-71827 y-71828) + {all dead-71829. Rational-71627} + (/\dead-71830 -> y-71828) + (/\dead-71831 -> x-71827) + {all dead-71832. dead-71832}) + (\(x-71833 : Rational-71627) (y-71834 : Rational-71627) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`-71666 x-71833 y-71834) + {all dead-71835. Rational-71627} + (/\dead-71836 -> x-71833) + (/\dead-71837 -> y-71834) + {all dead-71838. dead-71838})) + preds-71790 + (ifThenElse + {Unit-71638 -> Rational-71627} + (nullList {data} (tailList {data} bl'-71840)) + (\(ds-71841 : Unit-71638) -> + unsafeRatio-71648 + (unIData (headList {data} bl-71839)) + (unIData (headList {data} bl'-71840))) + (\(ds-71842 : Unit-71638) -> error {Rational-71627}) + Unit-71639)) + {all dead-71843. dead-71843} + !validateParamValues-71681 : + List-71588 ParamValue-71630 -> list data -> Bool-71608 + = \(ds-71682 : List-71588 ParamValue-71630) -> + List_match-71591 + {ParamValue-71630} + ds-71682 + {list data -> Bool-71608} + (\(eta-71683 : list data) -> + ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (nullList {data} eta-71683) + True-71609 + False-71610) + (\(paramValueHd-71684 : ParamValue-71630) + (paramValueTl-71685 : List-71588 ParamValue-71630) + (actualValueData-71686 : list data) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (validateParamValue-71678 + paramValueHd-71684 + (headList {data} actualValueData-71686)) + {all dead-71687. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-71688 -> + validateParamValues-71681 + paramValueTl-71685 + (tailList {data} actualValueData-71686)) + (/\dead-71689 -> False-71610) + {all dead-71690. dead-71690}) + in + let + data (Maybe-71603 :: * -> *) a-71607 | Maybe_match-71606 where + Just-71604 : a-71607 -> Maybe-71603 a-71607 + Nothing-71605 : Maybe-71603 a-71607 + in + letrec + !go-71598 : list (pair data data) -> List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data) + = \(l-71599 : list (pair data data)) -> + chooseList + {pair data data} + {unit -> List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data)} + l-71599 + (\(ds-71600 : unit) -> Nil-71589 {Tuple2-71593 data data}) + (\(ds-71601 : unit) -> + Cons-71590 + {Tuple2-71593 data data} + (let + !p-71602 : pair data data = headList {pair data data} l-71599 + in + Tuple2-71594 + {data} + {data} + (fstPair {data} {data} p-71602) + (sndPair {data} {data} p-71602)) + (go-71598 (tailList {pair data data} l-71599))) + () + in + let + !cfg-72697 : List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 integer ParamValue-71630) + = (let + a-71844 = Tuple2-71593 integer ParamValue-71630 + in + \(g-71845 : + all b-71846. + (a-71844 -> b-71846 -> b-71846) -> b-71846 -> b-71846) -> + g-71845 + {List-71588 a-71844} + (\(ds-71847 : a-71844) (ds-71848 : List-71588 a-71844) -> + Cons-71590 {a-71844} ds-71847 ds-71848) + (Nil-71589 {a-71844})) + (/\a-71849 -> + \(c-71850 : + Tuple2-71593 integer ParamValue-71630 -> a-71849 -> a-71849) + (n-71851 : a-71849) -> + c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 {integer} - (CConsOrd - {integer} - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger x y) True False) - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanInteger x y) True False) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) - True - False) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) - False - True) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanInteger x y) False True) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) - True - False) - {all dead. integer} - (/\dead -> y) - (/\dead -> x) - {all dead. dead}) - (\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) - True - False) - {all dead. integer} - (/\dead -> x) - (/\dead -> y) - {all dead. dead})) - preds - (unIData eta)) - (\(paramValues : List ParamValue) -> - /\dead -> validateParamValues paramValues (unListData eta)) - (\(preds : (\v -> List (Tuple2 PredKey (List v))) Rational) -> - /\dead -> - validatePreds - {Rational} - (CConsOrd - {Rational} - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (equalsInteger n n') - True - False) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (equalsInteger d d') - True - False) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}))) - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Ordering} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Ordering} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)))) - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - True - False))) - `$fOrdRational0_$c<=` - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanEqualsInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - False - True))) - (\(ds : Rational) (ds : Rational) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n : integer) (d : integer) -> - Rational_match - ds - {Bool} - (\(n' : integer) (d' : integer) -> - ifThenElse - {Bool} - (lessThanInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - False - True))) - (\(x : Rational) (y : Rational) -> - Bool_match - (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` x y) - {all dead. Rational} - (/\dead -> y) - (/\dead -> x) - {all dead. dead}) - (\(x : Rational) (y : Rational) -> - Bool_match - (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` x y) - {all dead. Rational} - (/\dead -> x) - (/\dead -> y) - {all dead. dead})) - preds - (ifThenElse - {Unit -> Rational} - (nullList {data} (tailList {data} bl')) - (\(ds : Unit) -> - unsafeRatio - (unIData (headList {data} bl)) - (unIData (headList {data} bl'))) - (\(ds : Unit) -> error {Rational}) - Unit)) - {all dead. dead} - !validateParamValues : List ParamValue -> list data -> Bool - = \(ds : List ParamValue) -> - List_match - {ParamValue} - ds - {list data -> Bool} - (\(eta : list data) -> - ifThenElse {Bool} (nullList {data} eta) True False) - (\(paramValueHd : ParamValue) - (paramValueTl : List ParamValue) - (actualValueData : list data) -> - Bool_match - (validateParamValue - paramValueHd - (headList {data} actualValueData)) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> - validateParamValues - paramValueTl - (tailList {data} actualValueData)) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}) - in - let - data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where - Just : a -> Maybe a - Nothing : Maybe a - in - letrec - !go : list (pair data data) -> List (Tuple2 data data) - = \(l : list (pair data data)) -> - chooseList - {pair data data} - {unit -> List (Tuple2 data data)} - l - (\(ds : unit) -> Nil {Tuple2 data data}) - (\(ds : unit) -> - Cons - {Tuple2 data data} - (let - !p : pair data data = headList {pair data data} l - in - Tuple2 - {data} - {data} - (fstPair {data} {data} p) - (sndPair {data} {data} p)) - (go (tailList {pair data data} l))) - () - in - let - !cfg : List (Tuple2 integer ParamValue) - = (let - a = Tuple2 integer ParamValue - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : Tuple2 integer ParamValue -> a -> a) (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 0 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> - c 30 (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> - c 1000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 1 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> - c 100000 (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 10000000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 2 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 24576 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 122880 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 3 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) - in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 0 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 32768 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 4 - (ParamInteger + {ParamValue-71630} + 0 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71852 + = Tuple2-71593 PredKey-71612 (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71853 : + all b-71854. + (a-71852 -> b-71854 -> b-71854) -> + b-71854 -> + b-71854) -> + g-71853 + {List-71588 a-71852} + (\(ds-71855 : a-71852) + (ds-71856 : List-71588 a-71852) -> + Cons-71590 {a-71852} ds-71855 ds-71856) + (Nil-71589 {a-71852})) + (/\a-71857 -> + \(c-71858 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> + a-71857 -> + a-71857) + (n-71859 : a-71857) -> + c-71858 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) + a-71860 = List-71588 integer in - \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 0 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 5000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 5 - (ParamInteger + \(c-71861 : + integer -> a-71860 -> a-71860) + (n-71862 : a-71860) -> + c-71861 30 (c-71861 0 n-71862)) + (\(ds-71863 : integer) + (ds-71864 : List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71863 + ds-71864) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + (c-71858 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-71865 = List-71588 integer + in + \(c-71866 : + integer -> a-71865 -> a-71865) + (n-71867 : a-71865) -> + c-71866 1000 n-71867) + (\(ds-71868 : integer) + (ds-71869 : List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71868 + ds-71869) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + n-71859))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 1 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71870 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71871 : + all b-71872. + (a-71870 -> b-71872 -> b-71872) -> + b-71872 -> + b-71872) -> + g-71871 + {List-71588 a-71870} + (\(ds-71873 : a-71870) + (ds-71874 : List-71588 a-71870) -> + Cons-71590 {a-71870} ds-71873 ds-71874) + (Nil-71589 {a-71870})) + (/\a-71875 -> + \(c-71876 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> + a-71875 -> + a-71875) + (n-71877 : a-71875) -> + c-71876 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) + a-71878 = List-71588 integer in - \(g : - all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 1000000 (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : List integer) -> - Cons {integer} ds ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : - integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 5000000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 6 - (ParamInteger + \(c-71879 : + integer -> a-71878 -> a-71878) + (n-71880 : a-71878) -> + c-71879 100000 (c-71879 0 n-71880)) + (\(ds-71881 : integer) + (ds-71882 : List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71881 + ds-71882) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + (c-71876 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a = Tuple2 PredKey (List integer) + a-71883 = List-71588 integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : - integer -> a -> a) - (n : a) -> - c 250000000 (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c 500000000 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 7 - (ParamInteger + \(c-71884 : + integer -> a-71883 -> a-71883) + (n-71885 : a-71883) -> + c-71884 10000000 n-71885) + (\(ds-71886 : integer) + (ds-71887 : + List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71886 + ds-71887) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + n-71877))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 2 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71888 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71889 : + all b-71890. + (a-71888 -> b-71890 -> b-71890) -> + b-71890 -> + b-71890) -> + g-71889 + {List-71588 a-71888} + (\(ds-71891 : a-71888) + (ds-71892 : List-71588 a-71888) -> + Cons-71590 {a-71888} ds-71891 ds-71892) + (Nil-71589 {a-71888})) + (/\a-71893 -> + \(c-71894 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> + a-71893 -> + a-71893) + (n-71895 : a-71893) -> + c-71894 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-71896 = List-71588 integer + in + \(c-71897 : + integer -> a-71896 -> a-71896) + (n-71898 : a-71896) -> + c-71897 24576 n-71898) + (\(ds-71899 : integer) + (ds-71900 : + List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71899 + ds-71900) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + (c-71894 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-71901 = List-71588 integer + in + \(c-71902 : + integer -> + a-71901 -> + a-71901) + (n-71903 : a-71901) -> + c-71902 122880 n-71903) + (\(ds-71904 : integer) + (ds-71905 : + List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71904 + ds-71905) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + n-71895))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 3 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71906 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71907 : + all b-71908. + (a-71906 -> b-71908 -> b-71908) -> + b-71908 -> + b-71908) -> + g-71907 + {List-71588 a-71906} + (\(ds-71909 : a-71906) + (ds-71910 : List-71588 a-71906) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-71906} + ds-71909 + ds-71910) + (Nil-71589 {a-71906})) + (/\a-71911 -> + \(c-71912 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> + a-71911 -> + a-71911) + (n-71913 : a-71911) -> + c-71912 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) + a-71914 = List-71588 integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a = List integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c 0 n) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil {integer}))) - n)))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 8 - (ParamInteger + \(c-71915 : + integer -> + a-71914 -> + a-71914) + (n-71916 : a-71914) -> + c-71915 0 n-71916) + (\(ds-71917 : integer) + (ds-71918 : + List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71917 + ds-71918) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + (c-71912 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) + a-71919 + = List-71588 integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c 250 (c 0 n)) - (\(ds : integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c 2000 n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - NotEqual - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c 0 n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 9 - (ParamRational + \(c-71920 : + integer -> + a-71919 -> + a-71919) + (n-71921 : a-71919) -> + c-71920 32768 n-71921) + (\(ds-71922 : integer) + (ds-71923 : + List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71922 + ds-71923) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + n-71913))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 4 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71924 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71925 : + all b-71926. + (a-71924 -> b-71926 -> b-71926) -> + b-71926 -> + b-71926) -> + g-71925 + {List-71588 a-71924} + (\(ds-71927 : a-71924) + (ds-71928 : List-71588 a-71924) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-71924} + ds-71927 + ds-71928) + (Nil-71589 {a-71924})) + (/\a-71929 -> + \(c-71930 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> + a-71929 -> + a-71929) + (n-71931 : a-71929) -> + c-71930 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-71932 + = List-71588 integer + in + \(c-71933 : + integer -> + a-71932 -> + a-71932) + (n-71934 : a-71932) -> + c-71933 0 n-71934) + (\(ds-71935 : integer) + (ds-71936 : + List-71588 integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71935 + ds-71936) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + (c-71930 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List Rational) + a-71937 + = List-71588 integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 10) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 0 - 1) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 10 - (ParamRational + \(c-71938 : + integer -> + a-71937 -> + a-71937) + (n-71939 : a-71937) -> + c-71938 5000 n-71939) + (\(ds-71940 : integer) + (ds-71941 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71940 + ds-71941) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + n-71931))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 5 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71942 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71943 : + all b-71944. + (a-71942 -> + b-71944 -> + b-71944) -> + b-71944 -> + b-71944) -> + g-71943 + {List-71588 a-71942} + (\(ds-71945 : a-71942) + (ds-71946 : + List-71588 a-71942) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-71942} + ds-71945 + ds-71946) + (Nil-71589 {a-71942})) + (/\a-71947 -> + \(c-71948 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> + a-71947 -> + a-71947) + (n-71949 : a-71947) -> + c-71948 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-71950 + = List-71588 integer + in + \(c-71951 : + integer -> + a-71950 -> + a-71950) + (n-71952 : a-71950) -> + c-71951 + 1000000 + (c-71951 0 n-71952)) + (\(ds-71953 : integer) + (ds-71954 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71953 + ds-71954) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + (c-71948 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-71955 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-71956 : + integer -> + a-71955 -> + a-71955) + (n-71957 : a-71955) -> + c-71956 + 5000000 + n-71957) + (\(ds-71958 : integer) + (ds-71959 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71958 + ds-71959) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + n-71949))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 6 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71960 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71961 : + all b-71962. + (a-71960 -> + b-71962 -> + b-71962) -> + b-71962 -> + b-71962) -> + g-71961 + {List-71588 a-71960} + (\(ds-71963 : a-71960) + (ds-71964 : + List-71588 a-71960) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-71960} + ds-71963 + ds-71964) + (Nil-71589 {a-71960})) + (/\a-71965 -> + \(c-71966 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> + a-71965 -> + a-71965) + (n-71967 : a-71965) -> + c-71966 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List Rational) + a-71968 + = List-71588 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> b -> b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : List a) -> - Cons {a} ds ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1000) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 0 - 1) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 200) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 11 - (ParamRational + \(c-71969 : + integer -> + a-71968 -> + a-71968) + (n-71970 : a-71968) -> + c-71969 + 250000000 + (c-71969 + 0 + n-71970)) + (\(ds-71971 : integer) + (ds-71972 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71971 + ds-71972) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) + (c-71966 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-71973 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-71974 : + integer -> + a-71973 -> + a-71973) + (n-71975 : + a-71973) -> + c-71974 + 500000000 + n-71975) + (\(ds-71976 : + integer) + (ds-71977 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71976 + ds-71977) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-71967))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 7 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71978 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71979 : + all b-71980. + (a-71978 -> + b-71980 -> + b-71980) -> + b-71980 -> + b-71980) -> + g-71979 + {List-71588 a-71978} + (\(ds-71981 : a-71978) + (ds-71982 : + List-71588 a-71978) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-71978} + ds-71981 + ds-71982) + (Nil-71589 {a-71978})) + (/\a-71983 -> + \(c-71984 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> + a-71983 -> + a-71983) + (n-71985 : a-71983) -> + c-71984 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-71986 + = List-71588 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : - List a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 10) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 0 - 1) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 10) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 16 - (ParamInteger + \(c-71987 : + integer -> + a-71986 -> + a-71986) + (n-71988 : + a-71986) -> + c-71987 0 n-71988) + (\(ds-71989 : + integer) + (ds-71990 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-71989 + ds-71990) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-71985)))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 8 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-71991 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) + in + \(g-71992 : + all b-71993. + (a-71991 -> + b-71993 -> + b-71993) -> + b-71993 -> + b-71993) -> + g-71992 + {List-71588 a-71991} + (\(ds-71994 : a-71991) + (ds-71995 : + List-71588 + a-71991) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-71991} + ds-71994 + ds-71995) + (Nil-71589 {a-71991})) + (/\a-71996 -> + \(c-71997 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-71996 -> + a-71996) + (n-71998 : a-71996) -> + c-71997 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-71999 + = List-71588 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 500000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 17 - (ParamInteger + \(c-72000 : + integer -> + a-71999 -> + a-71999) + (n-72001 : + a-71999) -> + c-72000 + 250 + (c-72000 + 0 + n-72001)) + (\(ds-72002 : + integer) + (ds-72003 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72002 + ds-72003) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-71997 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-72004 + = List-71588 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List a} - (\(ds : a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 3000 - (c - 0 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 6500 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - NotEqual - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 18 - ParamAny) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 19 - (ParamList + \(c-72005 : + integer -> + a-72004 -> + a-72004) + (n-72006 : + a-72004) -> + c-72005 + 2000 + n-72006) + (\(ds-72007 : + integer) + (ds-72008 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72007 + ds-72008) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-71997 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + NotEqual-71615 + ((let + a-72009 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72010 : + integer -> + a-72009 -> + a-72009) + (n-72011 : + a-72009) -> + c-72010 + 0 + n-72011) + (\(ds-72012 : + integer) + (ds-72013 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72012 + ds-72013) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-71998)))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 9 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72014 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72015 : + all b-72016. + (a-72014 -> + b-72016 -> + b-72016) -> + b-72016 -> + b-72016) -> + g-72015 + {List-71588 a-72014} + (\(ds-72017 : a-72014) + (ds-72018 : + List-71588 + a-72014) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72014} + ds-72017 + ds-72018) + (Nil-71589 {a-72014})) + (/\a-72019 -> + \(c-72020 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72019 -> + a-72019) + (n-72021 : a-72019) -> + c-72020 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72022 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72023 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72022 -> + a-72022) + (n-72024 : + a-72022) -> + c-72023 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 10) + (c-72023 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 0 + 1) + n-72024)) + (\(ds-72025 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72026 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72025 + ds-72026) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72020 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72027 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72028 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72027 -> + a-72027) + (n-72029 : + a-72027) -> + c-72028 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + n-72029) + (\(ds-72030 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72031 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72030 + ds-72031) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72021))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 10 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72032 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72033 : + all b-72034. + (a-72032 -> + b-72034 -> + b-72034) -> + b-72034 -> + b-72034) -> + g-72033 + {List-71588 a-72032} + (\(ds-72035 : + a-72032) + (ds-72036 : + List-71588 + a-72032) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72032} + ds-72035 + ds-72036) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72032})) + (/\a-72037 -> + \(c-72038 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72037 -> + a-72037) + (n-72039 : + a-72037) -> + c-72038 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72040 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72041 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72040 -> + a-72040) + (n-72042 : + a-72040) -> + c-72041 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1000) + (c-72041 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 0 + 1) + n-72042)) + (\(ds-72043 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72044 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72043 + ds-72044) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72038 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-72045 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 25) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 5) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 20000) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 5000) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - n)) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 20 - (ParamList + \(c-72046 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72045 -> + a-72045) + (n-72047 : + a-72045) -> + c-72046 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 200) + n-72047) + (\(ds-72048 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72049 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72048 + ds-72049) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72039))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 11 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72050 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72051 : + all b-72052. + (a-72050 -> + b-72052 -> + b-72052) -> + b-72052 -> + b-72052) -> + g-72051 + {List-71588 + a-72050} + (\(ds-72053 : + a-72050) + (ds-72054 : + List-71588 + a-72050) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72050} + ds-72053 + ds-72054) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72050})) + (/\a-72055 -> + \(c-72056 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72055 -> + a-72055) + (n-72057 : + a-72055) -> + c-72056 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72058 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72059 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72058 -> + a-72058) + (n-72060 : + a-72058) -> + c-72059 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 10) + (c-72059 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 0 + 1) + n-72060)) + (\(ds-72061 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72062 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72061 + ds-72062) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72056 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-72063 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 40000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 15000000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - n)) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 21 - (ParamList + \(c-72064 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72063 -> + a-72063) + (n-72065 : + a-72063) -> + c-72064 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 3 + 10) + (c-72064 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + n-72065)) + (\(ds-72066 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72067 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72066 + ds-72067) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72057))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 16 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72068 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72069 : + all b-72070. + (a-72068 -> + b-72070 -> + b-72070) -> + b-72070 -> + b-72070) -> + g-72069 + {List-71588 + a-72068} + (\(ds-72071 : + a-72068) + (ds-72072 : + List-71588 + a-72068) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72068} + ds-72071 + ds-72072) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72068})) + (/\a-72073 -> + \(c-72074 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72073 -> + a-72073) + (n-72075 : + a-72073) -> + c-72074 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72076 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72077 : + integer -> + a-72076 -> + a-72076) + (n-72078 : + a-72076) -> + c-72077 + 0 + n-72078) + (\(ds-72079 : + integer) + (ds-72080 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72079 + ds-72080) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72074 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-72081 + = List-71588 + integer in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 120000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 40000000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))) - n)) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 22 - (ParamInteger + \(c-72082 : + integer -> + a-72081 -> + a-72081) + (n-72083 : + a-72081) -> + c-72082 + 500000000 + n-72083) + (\(ds-72084 : + integer) + (ds-72085 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72084 + ds-72085) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72075))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 17 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72086 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72087 : + all b-72088. + (a-72086 -> + b-72088 -> + b-72088) -> + b-72088 -> + b-72088) -> + g-72087 + {List-71588 + a-72086} + (\(ds-72089 : + a-72086) + (ds-72090 : + List-71588 + a-72086) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72086} + ds-72089 + ds-72090) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72086})) + (/\a-72091 -> + \(c-72092 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72091 -> + a-72091) + (n-72093 : + a-72091) -> + c-72092 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72094 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72095 : + integer -> + a-72094 -> + a-72094) + (n-72096 : + a-72094) -> + c-72095 + 3000 + (c-72095 + 0 + n-72096)) + (\(ds-72097 : + integer) + (ds-72098 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72097 + ds-72098) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72092 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72099 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72100 : + integer -> + a-72099 -> + a-72099) + (n-72101 : + a-72099) -> + c-72100 + 6500 + n-72101) + (\(ds-72102 : + integer) + (ds-72103 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72102 + ds-72103) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72092 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + NotEqual-71615 + ((let + a-72104 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72105 : + integer -> + a-72104 -> + a-72104) + (n-72106 : + a-72104) -> + c-72105 + 0 + n-72106) + (\(ds-72107 : + integer) + (ds-72108 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72107 + ds-72108) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72093)))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 18 + ParamAny-71631) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 19 + (ParamList-71633 + ((let + a-72109 + = List-71588 + ParamValue-71630 + in + \(c-72110 : + ParamValue-71630 -> + a-72109 -> + a-72109) + (n-72111 : + a-72109) -> + c-72110 + (ParamRational-71634 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-72112 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-72113 : + all b-72114. + (a-72112 -> + b-72114 -> + b-72114) -> + b-72114 -> + b-72114) -> + g-72113 + {List-71588 + a-72112} + (\(ds-72115 : + a-72112) + (ds-72116 : + List-71588 + a-72112) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72112} + ds-72115 + ds-72116) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72112})) + (/\a-72117 -> + \(c-72118 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72117 -> + a-72117) + (n-72119 : + a-72117) -> + c-72118 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72120 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-72121 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72120 -> + a-72120) + (n-72122 : + a-72120) -> + c-72121 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 25) + n-72122) + (\(ds-72123 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72124 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72123 + ds-72124) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72118 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72125 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 12288 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 23 - (ParamInteger + \(c-72126 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72125 -> + a-72125) + (n-72127 : + a-72125) -> + c-72126 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 5) + n-72127) + (\(ds-72128 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72129 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72128 + ds-72129) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72119)))) + (c-72110 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72130 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72131 : + all b-72132. + (a-72130 -> + b-72132 -> + b-72132) -> + b-72132 -> + b-72132) -> + g-72131 + {List-71588 + a-72130} + (\(ds-72133 : + a-72130) + (ds-72134 : + List-71588 + a-72130) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72130} + ds-72133 + ds-72134) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72130})) + (/\a-72135 -> + \(c-72136 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72135 -> + a-72135) + (n-72137 : + a-72135) -> + c-72136 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72138 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72139 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72138 -> + a-72138) + (n-72140 : + a-72138) -> + c-72139 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 20000) + n-72140) + (\(ds-72141 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72142 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72141 + ds-72142) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72136 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72143 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72144 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72143 -> + a-72143) + (n-72145 : + a-72143) -> + c-72144 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 5000) + n-72145) + (\(ds-72146 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72147 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72146 + ds-72147) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72137)))) + n-72111)) + (\(ds-72148 : + ParamValue-71630) + (ds-72149 : + List-71588 + ParamValue-71630) -> + Cons-71590 + {ParamValue-71630} + ds-72148 + ds-72149) + (Nil-71589 + {ParamValue-71630})))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 20 + (ParamList-71633 + ((let + a-72150 + = List-71588 + ParamValue-71630 + in + \(c-72151 : + ParamValue-71630 -> + a-72150 -> + a-72150) + (n-72152 : + a-72150) -> + c-72151 + (ParamInteger-71632 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List + a-72153 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List + \(g-72154 : + all b-72155. + (a-72153 -> + b-72155 -> + b-72155) -> + b-72155 -> + b-72155) -> + g-72154 + {List-71588 + a-72153} + (\(ds-72156 : + a-72153) + (ds-72157 : + List-71588 + a-72153) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72153} + ds-72156 + ds-72157) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72153})) + (/\a-72158 -> + \(c-72159 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List + a-72158 -> + a-72158) + (n-72160 : + a-72158) -> + c-72159 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} - MinValue + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List + a-72161 + = List-71588 integer in - \(c : + \(c-72162 : integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 100 - (c - 0 - n)) - (\(ds : + a-72161 -> + a-72161) + (n-72163 : + a-72161) -> + c-72162 + 0 + n-72163) + (\(ds-72164 : integer) - (ds : - List + (ds-72165 : + List-71588 integer) -> - Cons + Cons-71590 {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil + ds-72164 + ds-72165) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List + (c-72159 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72166 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72167 : + integer -> + a-72166 -> + a-72166) + (n-72168 : + a-72166) -> + c-72167 + 40000000 + n-72168) + (\(ds-72169 : + integer) + (ds-72170 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72169 + ds-72170) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72160)))) + (c-72151 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72171 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72172 : + all b-72173. + (a-72171 -> + b-72173 -> + b-72173) -> + b-72173 -> + b-72173) -> + g-72172 + {List-71588 + a-72171} + (\(ds-72174 : + a-72171) + (ds-72175 : + List-71588 + a-72171) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72171} + ds-72174 + ds-72175) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72171})) + (/\a-72176 -> + \(c-72177 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72176 -> + a-72176) + (n-72178 : + a-72176) -> + c-72177 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} - MaxValue + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List + a-72179 + = List-71588 integer in - \(c : + \(c-72180 : integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 200 - n) - (\(ds : + a-72179 -> + a-72179) + (n-72181 : + a-72179) -> + c-72180 + 0 + n-72181) + (\(ds-72182 : integer) - (ds : - List + (ds-72183 : + List-71588 integer) -> - Cons + Cons-71590 {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil + ds-72182 + ds-72183) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List + (c-72177 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} - NotEqual + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List + a-72184 + = List-71588 integer in - \(c : + \(c-72185 : integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : + a-72184 -> + a-72184) + (n-72186 : + a-72184) -> + c-72185 + 15000000000 + n-72186) + (\(ds-72187 : integer) - (ds : - List + (ds-72188 : + List-71588 integer) -> - Cons + Cons-71590 {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil + ds-72187 + ds-72188) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) - n)))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 24 - (ParamInteger + n-72178)))) + n-72152)) + (\(ds-72189 : + ParamValue-71630) + (ds-72190 : + List-71588 + ParamValue-71630) -> + Cons-71590 + {ParamValue-71630} + ds-72189 + ds-72190) + (Nil-71589 + {ParamValue-71630})))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 21 + (ParamList-71633 + ((let + a-72191 + = List-71588 + ParamValue-71630 + in + \(c-72192 : + ParamValue-71630 -> + a-72191 -> + a-72191) + (n-72193 : + a-72191) -> + c-72192 + (ParamInteger-71632 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List + a-72194 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List + \(g-72195 : + all b-72196. + (a-72194 -> + b-72196 -> + b-72196) -> + b-72196 -> + b-72196) -> + g-72195 + {List-71588 + a-72194} + (\(ds-72197 : + a-72194) + (ds-72198 : + List-71588 + a-72194) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72194} + ds-72197 + ds-72198) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72194})) + (/\a-72199 -> + \(c-72200 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List + a-72199 -> + a-72199) + (n-72201 : + a-72199) -> + c-72200 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 integer} - MinValue + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List + a-72202 + = List-71588 integer in - \(c : + \(c-72203 : integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 1 - n) - (\(ds : + a-72202 -> + a-72202) + (n-72204 : + a-72202) -> + c-72203 + 0 + n-72204) + (\(ds-72205 : integer) - (ds : - List + (ds-72206 : + List-71588 integer) -> - Cons + Cons-71590 {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil + ds-72205 + ds-72206) + (Nil-71589 {integer}))) - n)))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 25 - (ParamList + (c-72200 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72207 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72208 : + integer -> + a-72207 -> + a-72207) + (n-72209 : + a-72207) -> + c-72208 + 120000000 + n-72209) + (\(ds-72210 : + integer) + (ds-72211 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72210 + ds-72211) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72201)))) + (c-72192 + (ParamInteger-71632 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-72212 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(g-72213 : + all b-72214. + (a-72212 -> + b-72214 -> + b-72214) -> + b-72214 -> + b-72214) -> + g-72213 + {List-71588 + a-72212} + (\(ds-72215 : + a-72212) + (ds-72216 : + List-71588 + a-72212) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72212} + ds-72215 + ds-72216) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72212})) + (/\a-72217 -> + \(c-72218 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72217 -> + a-72217) + (n-72219 : + a-72217) -> + c-72218 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-72220 + = List-71588 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-72221 : + integer -> + a-72220 -> + a-72220) + (n-72222 : + a-72220) -> + c-72221 + 0 + n-72222) + (\(ds-72223 : + integer) + (ds-72224 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72223 + ds-72224) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72218 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-72225 + = List-71588 + integer in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 4 - 5) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - n))))) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 26 - (ParamList + \(c-72226 : + integer -> + a-72225 -> + a-72225) + (n-72227 : + a-72225) -> + c-72226 + 40000000000 + n-72227) + (\(ds-72228 : + integer) + (ds-72229 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72228 + ds-72229) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72219)))) + n-72193)) + (\(ds-72230 : + ParamValue-71630) + (ds-72231 : + List-71588 + ParamValue-71630) -> + Cons-71590 + {ParamValue-71630} + ds-72230 + ds-72231) + (Nil-71589 + {ParamValue-71630})))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 22 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72232 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72233 : + all b-72234. + (a-72232 -> + b-72234 -> + b-72234) -> + b-72234 -> + b-72234) -> + g-72233 + {List-71588 + a-72232} + (\(ds-72235 : + a-72232) + (ds-72236 : + List-71588 + a-72232) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72232} + ds-72235 + ds-72236) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72232})) + (/\a-72237 -> + \(c-72238 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72237 -> + a-72237) + (n-72239 : + a-72237) -> + c-72238 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List - ParamValue + a-72240 + = List-71588 + integer in - \(c : - ParamValue -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-72241 : + integer -> + a-72240 -> + a-72240) + (n-72242 : + a-72240) -> + c-72241 + 0 + n-72242) + (\(ds-72243 : + integer) + (ds-72244 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72243 + ds-72244) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72238 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72245 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72246 : + integer -> + a-72245 -> + a-72245) + (n-72247 : + a-72245) -> + c-72246 + 12288 + n-72247) + (\(ds-72248 : + integer) + (ds-72249 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72248 + ds-72249) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72239))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 23 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72250 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72251 : + all b-72252. + (a-72250 -> + b-72252 -> + b-72252) -> + b-72252 -> + b-72252) -> + g-72251 + {List-71588 + a-72250} + (\(ds-72253 : + a-72250) + (ds-72254 : + List-71588 + a-72250) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72250} + ds-72253 + ds-72254) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72250})) + (/\a-72255 -> + \(c-72256 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72255 -> + a-72255) + (n-72257 : + a-72255) -> + c-72256 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72258 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72259 : + integer -> + a-72258 -> + a-72258) + (n-72260 : + a-72258) -> + c-72259 + 100 + (c-72259 + 0 + n-72260)) + (\(ds-72261 : + integer) + (ds-72262 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72261 + ds-72262) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72256 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72263 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72264 : + integer -> + a-72263 -> + a-72263) + (n-72265 : + a-72263) -> + c-72264 + 200 + n-72265) + (\(ds-72266 : + integer) + (ds-72267 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72266 + ds-72267) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72256 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + NotEqual-71615 + ((let + a-72268 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72269 : + integer -> + a-72268 -> + a-72268) + (n-72270 : + a-72268) -> + c-72269 + 0 + n-72270) + (\(ds-72271 : + integer) + (ds-72272 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72271 + ds-72272) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72257)))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 24 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72273 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72274 : + all b-72275. + (a-72273 -> + b-72275 -> + b-72275) -> + b-72275 -> + b-72275) -> + g-72274 + {List-71588 + a-72273} + (\(ds-72276 : + a-72273) + (ds-72277 : + List-71588 + a-72273) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72273} + ds-72276 + ds-72277) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72273})) + (/\a-72278 -> + \(c-72279 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72278 -> + a-72278) + (n-72280 : + a-72278) -> + c-72279 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72281 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72282 : + integer -> + a-72281 -> + a-72281) + (n-72283 : + a-72281) -> + c-72282 + 1 + n-72283) + (\(ds-72284 : + integer) + (ds-72285 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72284 + ds-72285) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72280)))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 25 + (ParamList-71633 + ((let + a-72286 + = List-71588 + ParamValue-71630 + in + \(c-72287 : + ParamValue-71630 -> + a-72286 -> + a-72286) + (n-72288 : + a-72286) -> + c-72287 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72289 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72290 : + all b-72291. + (a-72289 -> + b-72291 -> + b-72291) -> + b-72291 -> + b-72291) -> + g-72290 + {List-71588 + a-72289} + (\(ds-72292 : + a-72289) + (ds-72293 : + List-71588 + a-72289) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72289} + ds-72292 + ds-72293) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72289})) + (/\a-72294 -> + \(c-72295 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72294 -> + a-72294) + (n-72296 : + a-72294) -> + c-72295 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-72297 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 13 - 20) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-72298 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72297 -> + a-72297) + (n-72299 : + a-72297) -> + c-72298 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72298 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 51 + 100) + n-72299)) + (\(ds-72300 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72301 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72300 + ds-72301) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72295 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72302 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72303 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72302 -> + a-72302) + (n-72304 : + a-72302) -> + c-72303 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72303 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 3 + 4) + n-72304)) + (\(ds-72305 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72306 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72305 + ds-72306) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72296)))) + (c-72287 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72307 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72308 : + all b-72309. + (a-72307 -> + b-72309 -> + b-72309) -> + b-72309 -> + b-72309) -> + g-72308 + {List-71588 + a-72307} + (\(ds-72310 : + a-72307) + (ds-72311 : + List-71588 + a-72307) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72307} + ds-72310 + ds-72311) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72307})) + (/\a-72312 -> + \(c-72313 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72312 -> + a-72312) + (n-72314 : + a-72312) -> + c-72313 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-72315 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 4 - 5) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-72316 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72315 -> + a-72315) + (n-72317 : + a-72315) -> + c-72316 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72316 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 13 + 20) + n-72317)) + (\(ds-72318 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72319 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72318 + ds-72319) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72313 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-72320 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-72321 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72320 -> + a-72320) + (n-72322 : + a-72320) -> + c-72321 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72321 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 9 + 10) + n-72322)) + (\(ds-72323 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72324 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72323 + ds-72324) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72314)))) + (c-72287 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72325 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72326 : + all b-72327. + (a-72325 -> + b-72327 -> + b-72327) -> + b-72327 -> + b-72327) -> + g-72326 + {List-71588 + a-72325} + (\(ds-72328 : + a-72325) + (ds-72329 : + List-71588 + a-72325) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72325} + ds-72328 + ds-72329) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72325})) + (/\a-72330 -> + \(c-72331 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72330 -> + a-72330) + (n-72332 : + a-72330) -> + c-72331 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72333 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72334 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72333 -> + a-72333) + (n-72335 : + a-72333) -> + c-72334 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72334 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 13 + 20) + n-72335)) + (\(ds-72336 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72337 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72336 + ds-72337) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72331 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72338 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72339 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72338 -> + a-72338) + (n-72340 : + a-72338) -> + c-72339 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72339 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 9 + 10) + n-72340)) + (\(ds-72341 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72342 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72341 + ds-72342) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72332)))) + (c-72287 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72343 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72344 : + all b-72345. + (a-72343 -> + b-72345 -> + b-72345) -> + b-72345 -> + b-72345) -> + g-72344 + {List-71588 + a-72343} + (\(ds-72346 : + a-72343) + (ds-72347 : + List-71588 + a-72343) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72343} + ds-72346 + ds-72347) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72343})) + (/\a-72348 -> + \(c-72349 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72348 -> + a-72348) + (n-72350 : + a-72348) -> + c-72349 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-72351 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-72352 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72351 -> + a-72351) + (n-72353 : + a-72351) -> + c-72352 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72352 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 51 + 100) + n-72353)) + (\(ds-72354 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72355 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72354 + ds-72355) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72349 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-72356 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 51 - 100) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational + \(c-72357 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72356 -> + a-72356) + (n-72358 : + a-72356) -> + c-72357 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72357 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 4 + 5) + n-72358)) + (\(ds-72359 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72360 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72359 + ds-72360) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72350)))) + (c-72287 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72361 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72362 : + all b-72363. + (a-72361 -> + b-72363 -> + b-72363) -> + b-72363 -> + b-72363) -> + g-72362 + {List-71588 + a-72361} + (\(ds-72364 : + a-72361) + (ds-72365 : + List-71588 + a-72361) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72361} + ds-72364 + ds-72365) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72361})) + (/\a-72366 -> + \(c-72367 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72366 -> + a-72366) + (n-72368 : + a-72366) -> + c-72367 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72369 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72370 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72369 -> + a-72369) + (n-72371 : + a-72369) -> + c-72370 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + n-72371) + (\(ds-72372 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72373 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72372 + ds-72373) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72367 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) + a-72374 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 3 - 4) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - (c - (unsafeRatio - 9 - 10) - n)) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - (c - (ParamRational - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - Rational) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 2) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - Rational} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - Rational - in - \(c : - Rational -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (unsafeRatio - 1 - 1) - n) - (\(ds : - Rational) - (ds : - List - Rational) -> - Cons - {Rational} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {Rational}))) - n)))) - n)))))))))) - (\(ds : - ParamValue) - (ds : - List - ParamValue) -> - Cons - {ParamValue} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {ParamValue})))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 27 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - (c - 3 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 10 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 28 - (ParamInteger - ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) - in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - (c - 18 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 293 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - NotEqual - ((let - a - = List - integer - in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n)))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 29 - (ParamInteger + \(c-72375 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72374 -> + a-72374) + (n-72376 : + a-72374) -> + c-72375 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + n-72376) + (\(ds-72377 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72378 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72377 + ds-72378) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72368)))) + n-72288))))) + (\(ds-72379 : + ParamValue-71630) + (ds-72380 : + List-71588 + ParamValue-71630) -> + Cons-71590 + {ParamValue-71630} + ds-72379 + ds-72380) + (Nil-71589 + {ParamValue-71630})))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 26 + (ParamList-71633 + ((let + a-72381 + = List-71588 + ParamValue-71630 + in + \(c-72382 : + ParamValue-71630 -> + a-72381 -> + a-72381) + (n-72383 : + a-72381) -> + c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-72384 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-72385 : + all b-72386. + (a-72384 -> + b-72386 -> + b-72386) -> + b-72386 -> + b-72386) -> + g-72385 + {List-71588 + a-72384} + (\(ds-72387 : + a-72384) + (ds-72388 : + List-71588 + a-72384) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72384} + ds-72387 + ds-72388) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72384})) + (/\a-72389 -> + \(c-72390 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72389 -> + a-72389) + (n-72391 : + a-72389) -> + c-72390 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72392 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 1 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-72393 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72392 -> + a-72392) + (n-72394 : + a-72392) -> + c-72393 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72393 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 51 + 100) + n-72394)) + (\(ds-72395 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72396 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72395 + ds-72396) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72390 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72397 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 15 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 30 - (ParamInteger + \(c-72398 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72397 -> + a-72397) + (n-72399 : + a-72397) -> + c-72398 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72398 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 3 + 4) + n-72399)) + (\(ds-72400 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72401 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72400 + ds-72401) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72391)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-72402 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-72403 : + all b-72404. + (a-72402 -> + b-72404 -> + b-72404) -> + b-72404 -> + b-72404) -> + g-72403 + {List-71588 + a-72402} + (\(ds-72405 : + a-72402) + (ds-72406 : + List-71588 + a-72402) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72402} + ds-72405 + ds-72406) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72402})) + (/\a-72407 -> + \(c-72408 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72407 -> + a-72407) + (n-72409 : + a-72407) -> + c-72408 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72410 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - (c - 1000000 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-72411 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72410 -> + a-72410) + (n-72412 : + a-72410) -> + c-72411 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72411 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 13 + 20) + n-72412)) + (\(ds-72413 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72414 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72413 + ds-72414) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72408 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72415 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 10000000000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 31 - (ParamInteger + \(c-72416 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72415 -> + a-72415) + (n-72417 : + a-72415) -> + c-72416 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72416 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 9 + 10) + n-72417)) + (\(ds-72418 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72419 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72418 + ds-72419) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72409)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-72420 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-72421 : + all b-72422. + (a-72420 -> + b-72422 -> + b-72422) -> + b-72422 -> + b-72422) -> + g-72421 + {List-71588 + a-72420} + (\(ds-72423 : + a-72420) + (ds-72424 : + List-71588 + a-72420) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72420} + ds-72423 + ds-72424) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72420})) + (/\a-72425 -> + \(c-72426 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72425 -> + a-72425) + (n-72427 : + a-72425) -> + c-72426 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72428 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - (c - 1000000 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-72429 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72428 -> + a-72428) + (n-72430 : + a-72428) -> + c-72429 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72429 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 13 + 20) + n-72430)) + (\(ds-72431 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72432 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72431 + ds-72432) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72426 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72433 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 100000000000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 32 - (ParamInteger + \(c-72434 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72433 -> + a-72433) + (n-72435 : + a-72433) -> + c-72434 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72434 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 9 + 10) + n-72435)) + (\(ds-72436 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72437 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72436 + ds-72437) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72427)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-72438 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-72439 : + all b-72440. + (a-72438 -> + b-72440 -> + b-72440) -> + b-72440 -> + b-72440) -> + g-72439 + {List-71588 + a-72438} + (\(ds-72441 : + a-72438) + (ds-72442 : + List-71588 + a-72438) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72438} + ds-72441 + ds-72442) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72438})) + (/\a-72443 -> + \(c-72444 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72443 -> + a-72443) + (n-72445 : + a-72443) -> + c-72444 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72446 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 13 - (c - 0 - n)) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-72447 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72446 -> + a-72446) + (n-72448 : + a-72446) -> + c-72447 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72447 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 13 + 20) + n-72448)) + (\(ds-72449 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72450 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72449 + ds-72450) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72444 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72451 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 37 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {integer} - {ParamValue} - 33 - (ParamInteger + \(c-72452 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72451 -> + a-72451) + (n-72453 : + a-72451) -> + c-72452 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72452 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 9 + 10) + n-72453)) + (\(ds-72454 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72455 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72454 + ds-72455) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72445)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 ((let - a - = Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) + a-72456 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) in - \(g : - all b. - (a -> - b -> - b) -> - b -> - b) -> - g - {List - a} - (\(ds : - a) - (ds : - List - a) -> - Cons - {a} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {a})) - (/\a -> - \(c : - Tuple2 - PredKey - (List - integer) -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MinValue + \(g-72457 : + all b-72458. + (a-72456 -> + b-72458 -> + b-72458) -> + b-72458 -> + b-72458) -> + g-72457 + {List-71588 + a-72456} + (\(ds-72459 : + a-72456) + (ds-72460 : + List-71588 + a-72456) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72456} + ds-72459 + ds-72460) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72456})) + (/\a-72461 -> + \(c-72462 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72461 -> + a-72461) + (n-72463 : + a-72461) -> + c-72462 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72464 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 0 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - (c - (Tuple2 - {PredKey} - {List - integer} - MaxValue + \(c-72465 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72464 -> + a-72464) + (n-72466 : + a-72464) -> + c-72465 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72465 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 51 + 100) + n-72466)) + (\(ds-72467 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72468 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72467 + ds-72468) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72462 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 ((let - a - = List - integer + a-72469 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 in - \(c : - integer -> - a -> - a) - (n : - a) -> - c - 1000 - n) - (\(ds : - integer) - (ds : - List - integer) -> - Cons - {integer} - ds - ds) - (Nil - {integer}))) - n))))) - n)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) - !fun : List (Tuple2 data data) -> Bool - = (let - a = Tuple2 data data - in - \(f : a -> Bool) -> - letrec - !go : List a -> Bool - = \(ds : List a) -> - List_match - {a} - ds - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> True) - (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> - /\dead -> - Bool_match - (f x) - {all dead. Bool} - (/\dead -> go xs) - (/\dead -> False) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead} - in - \(eta : List a) -> go eta) - (\(ds : Tuple2 data data) -> - Tuple2_match - {data} - {data} - ds - {Bool} - (\(ds : data) (actualValueData : data) -> - validateParamValue - (let - !k : integer = unIData ds - in - letrec - !go : List (Tuple2 integer ParamValue) -> ParamValue - = \(ds : List (Tuple2 integer ParamValue)) -> - List_match - {Tuple2 integer ParamValue} - ds - {all dead. ParamValue} - (/\dead -> error {ParamValue}) - (\(ds : Tuple2 integer ParamValue) - (xs' : List (Tuple2 integer ParamValue)) -> - /\dead -> - Tuple2_match - {integer} - {ParamValue} - ds - {ParamValue} - (\(k' : integer) (i : ParamValue) -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (equalsInteger k k') - True - False) - {all dead. ParamValue} - (/\dead -> i) - (/\dead -> go xs') - {all dead. dead})) - {all dead. dead} - in - go cfg) - actualValueData)) - in - \(ds : data) -> - Maybe_match - {List (Tuple2 data data)} - (let - !ds : data - = headList + \(c-72470 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72469 -> + a-72469) + (n-72471 : + a-72469) -> + c-72470 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72470 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 4 + 5) + n-72471)) + (\(ds-72472 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72473 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72472 + ds-72473) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72463)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72474 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72475 : + all b-72476. + (a-72474 -> + b-72476 -> + b-72476) -> + b-72476 -> + b-72476) -> + g-72475 + {List-71588 + a-72474} + (\(ds-72477 : + a-72474) + (ds-72478 : + List-71588 + a-72474) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72474} + ds-72477 + ds-72478) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72474})) + (/\a-72479 -> + \(c-72480 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72479 -> + a-72479) + (n-72481 : + a-72479) -> + c-72480 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72482 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72483 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72482 -> + a-72482) + (n-72484 : + a-72482) -> + c-72483 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72483 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 51 + 100) + n-72484)) + (\(ds-72485 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72486 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72485 + ds-72486) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72480 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72487 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72488 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72487 -> + a-72487) + (n-72489 : + a-72487) -> + c-72488 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72488 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 3 + 4) + n-72489)) + (\(ds-72490 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72491 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72490 + ds-72491) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72481)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72492 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72493 : + all b-72494. + (a-72492 -> + b-72494 -> + b-72494) -> + b-72494 -> + b-72494) -> + g-72493 + {List-71588 + a-72492} + (\(ds-72495 : + a-72492) + (ds-72496 : + List-71588 + a-72492) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72492} + ds-72495 + ds-72496) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72492})) + (/\a-72497 -> + \(c-72498 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72497 -> + a-72497) + (n-72499 : + a-72497) -> + c-72498 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72500 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72501 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72500 -> + a-72500) + (n-72502 : + a-72500) -> + c-72501 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72501 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 51 + 100) + n-72502)) + (\(ds-72503 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72504 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72503 + ds-72504) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72498 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72505 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72506 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72505 -> + a-72505) + (n-72507 : + a-72505) -> + c-72506 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72506 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 3 + 4) + n-72507)) + (\(ds-72508 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72509 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72508 + ds-72509) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72499)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72510 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72511 : + all b-72512. + (a-72510 -> + b-72512 -> + b-72512) -> + b-72512 -> + b-72512) -> + g-72511 + {List-71588 + a-72510} + (\(ds-72513 : + a-72510) + (ds-72514 : + List-71588 + a-72510) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72510} + ds-72513 + ds-72514) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72510})) + (/\a-72515 -> + \(c-72516 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72515 -> + a-72515) + (n-72517 : + a-72515) -> + c-72516 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72518 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72519 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72518 -> + a-72518) + (n-72520 : + a-72518) -> + c-72519 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72519 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 51 + 100) + n-72520)) + (\(ds-72521 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72522 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72521 + ds-72522) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72516 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72523 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72524 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72523 -> + a-72523) + (n-72525 : + a-72523) -> + c-72524 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72524 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 3 + 4) + n-72525)) + (\(ds-72526 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72527 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72526 + ds-72527) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72517)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72528 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72529 : + all b-72530. + (a-72528 -> + b-72530 -> + b-72530) -> + b-72530 -> + b-72530) -> + g-72529 + {List-71588 + a-72528} + (\(ds-72531 : + a-72528) + (ds-72532 : + List-71588 + a-72528) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72528} + ds-72531 + ds-72532) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72528})) + (/\a-72533 -> + \(c-72534 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72533 -> + a-72533) + (n-72535 : + a-72533) -> + c-72534 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72536 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72537 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72536 -> + a-72536) + (n-72538 : + a-72536) -> + c-72537 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + (c-72537 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 3 + 4) + n-72538)) + (\(ds-72539 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72540 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72539 + ds-72540) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72534 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72541 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72542 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72541 -> + a-72541) + (n-72543 : + a-72541) -> + c-72542 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + (c-72542 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 9 + 10) + n-72543)) + (\(ds-72544 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72545 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72544 + ds-72545) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72535)))) + (c-72382 + (ParamRational-71634 + ((let + a-72546 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) + in + \(g-72547 : + all b-72548. + (a-72546 -> + b-72548 -> + b-72548) -> + b-72548 -> + b-72548) -> + g-72547 + {List-71588 + a-72546} + (\(ds-72549 : + a-72546) + (ds-72550 : + List-71588 + a-72546) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72546} + ds-72549 + ds-72550) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72546})) + (/\a-72551 -> + \(c-72552 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + a-72551 -> + a-72551) + (n-72553 : + a-72551) -> + c-72552 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72554 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72555 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72554 -> + a-72554) + (n-72556 : + a-72554) -> + c-72555 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 2) + n-72556) + (\(ds-72557 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72558 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72557 + ds-72558) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + (c-72552 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + Rational-71627} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72559 + = List-71588 + Rational-71627 + in + \(c-72560 : + Rational-71627 -> + a-72559 -> + a-72559) + (n-72561 : + a-72559) -> + c-72560 + (unsafeRatio-71648 + 1 + 1) + n-72561) + (\(ds-72562 : + Rational-71627) + (ds-72563 : + List-71588 + Rational-71627) -> + Cons-71590 + {Rational-71627} + ds-72562 + ds-72563) + (Nil-71589 + {Rational-71627}))) + n-72553)))) + n-72383)))))))))) + (\(ds-72564 : + ParamValue-71630) + (ds-72565 : + List-71588 + ParamValue-71630) -> + Cons-71590 + {ParamValue-71630} + ds-72564 + ds-72565) + (Nil-71589 + {ParamValue-71630})))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 27 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72566 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72567 : + all b-72568. + (a-72566 -> + b-72568 -> + b-72568) -> + b-72568 -> + b-72568) -> + g-72567 + {List-71588 + a-72566} + (\(ds-72569 : + a-72566) + (ds-72570 : + List-71588 + a-72566) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72566} + ds-72569 + ds-72570) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72566})) + (/\a-72571 -> + \(c-72572 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72571 -> + a-72571) + (n-72573 : + a-72571) -> + c-72572 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72574 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72575 : + integer -> + a-72574 -> + a-72574) + (n-72576 : + a-72574) -> + c-72575 + 0 + (c-72575 + 3 + n-72576)) + (\(ds-72577 : + integer) + (ds-72578 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72577 + ds-72578) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72572 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72579 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72580 : + integer -> + a-72579 -> + a-72579) + (n-72581 : + a-72579) -> + c-72580 + 10 + n-72581) + (\(ds-72582 : + integer) + (ds-72583 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72582 + ds-72583) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72573))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 28 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72584 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72585 : + all b-72586. + (a-72584 -> + b-72586 -> + b-72586) -> + b-72586 -> + b-72586) -> + g-72585 + {List-71588 + a-72584} + (\(ds-72587 : + a-72584) + (ds-72588 : + List-71588 + a-72584) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72584} + ds-72587 + ds-72588) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72584})) + (/\a-72589 -> + \(c-72590 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72589 -> + a-72589) + (n-72591 : + a-72589) -> + c-72590 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72592 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72593 : + integer -> + a-72592 -> + a-72592) + (n-72594 : + a-72592) -> + c-72593 + 0 + (c-72593 + 18 + n-72594)) + (\(ds-72595 : + integer) + (ds-72596 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72595 + ds-72596) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72590 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72597 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72598 : + integer -> + a-72597 -> + a-72597) + (n-72599 : + a-72597) -> + c-72598 + 293 + n-72599) + (\(ds-72600 : + integer) + (ds-72601 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72600 + ds-72601) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72590 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + NotEqual-71615 + ((let + a-72602 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72603 : + integer -> + a-72602 -> + a-72602) + (n-72604 : + a-72602) -> + c-72603 + 0 + n-72604) + (\(ds-72605 : + integer) + (ds-72606 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72605 + ds-72606) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72591)))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 29 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72607 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72608 : + all b-72609. + (a-72607 -> + b-72609 -> + b-72609) -> + b-72609 -> + b-72609) -> + g-72608 + {List-71588 + a-72607} + (\(ds-72610 : + a-72607) + (ds-72611 : + List-71588 + a-72607) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72607} + ds-72610 + ds-72611) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72607})) + (/\a-72612 -> + \(c-72613 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72612 -> + a-72612) + (n-72614 : + a-72612) -> + c-72613 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72615 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72616 : + integer -> + a-72615 -> + a-72615) + (n-72617 : + a-72615) -> + c-72616 + 1 + n-72617) + (\(ds-72618 : + integer) + (ds-72619 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72618 + ds-72619) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72613 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72620 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72621 : + integer -> + a-72620 -> + a-72620) + (n-72622 : + a-72620) -> + c-72621 + 15 + n-72622) + (\(ds-72623 : + integer) + (ds-72624 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72623 + ds-72624) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72614))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 30 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72625 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72626 : + all b-72627. + (a-72625 -> + b-72627 -> + b-72627) -> + b-72627 -> + b-72627) -> + g-72626 + {List-71588 + a-72625} + (\(ds-72628 : + a-72625) + (ds-72629 : + List-71588 + a-72625) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72625} + ds-72628 + ds-72629) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72625})) + (/\a-72630 -> + \(c-72631 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72630 -> + a-72630) + (n-72632 : + a-72630) -> + c-72631 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72633 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72634 : + integer -> + a-72633 -> + a-72633) + (n-72635 : + a-72633) -> + c-72634 + 0 + (c-72634 + 1000000 + n-72635)) + (\(ds-72636 : + integer) + (ds-72637 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72636 + ds-72637) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72631 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72638 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72639 : + integer -> + a-72638 -> + a-72638) + (n-72640 : + a-72638) -> + c-72639 + 10000000000000 + n-72640) + (\(ds-72641 : + integer) + (ds-72642 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72641 + ds-72642) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72632))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 31 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72643 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72644 : + all b-72645. + (a-72643 -> + b-72645 -> + b-72645) -> + b-72645 -> + b-72645) -> + g-72644 + {List-71588 + a-72643} + (\(ds-72646 : + a-72643) + (ds-72647 : + List-71588 + a-72643) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72643} + ds-72646 + ds-72647) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72643})) + (/\a-72648 -> + \(c-72649 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72648 -> + a-72648) + (n-72650 : + a-72648) -> + c-72649 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72651 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72652 : + integer -> + a-72651 -> + a-72651) + (n-72653 : + a-72651) -> + c-72652 + 0 + (c-72652 + 1000000 + n-72653)) + (\(ds-72654 : + integer) + (ds-72655 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72654 + ds-72655) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72649 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72656 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72657 : + integer -> + a-72656 -> + a-72656) + (n-72658 : + a-72656) -> + c-72657 + 100000000000 + n-72658) + (\(ds-72659 : + integer) + (ds-72660 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72659 + ds-72660) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72650))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 32 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72661 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72662 : + all b-72663. + (a-72661 -> + b-72663 -> + b-72663) -> + b-72663 -> + b-72663) -> + g-72662 + {List-71588 + a-72661} + (\(ds-72664 : + a-72661) + (ds-72665 : + List-71588 + a-72661) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72661} + ds-72664 + ds-72665) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72661})) + (/\a-72666 -> + \(c-72667 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72666 -> + a-72666) + (n-72668 : + a-72666) -> + c-72667 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72669 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72670 : + integer -> + a-72669 -> + a-72669) + (n-72671 : + a-72669) -> + c-72670 + 13 + (c-72670 + 0 + n-72671)) + (\(ds-72672 : + integer) + (ds-72673 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72672 + ds-72673) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72667 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72674 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72675 : + integer -> + a-72674 -> + a-72674) + (n-72676 : + a-72674) -> + c-72675 + 37 + n-72676) + (\(ds-72677 : + integer) + (ds-72678 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72677 + ds-72678) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72668))))) + (c-71850 + (Tuple2-71594 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + 33 + (ParamInteger-71632 + ((let + a-72679 + = Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) + in + \(g-72680 : + all b-72681. + (a-72679 -> + b-72681 -> + b-72681) -> + b-72681 -> + b-72681) -> + g-72680 + {List-71588 + a-72679} + (\(ds-72682 : + a-72679) + (ds-72683 : + List-71588 + a-72679) -> + Cons-71590 + {a-72679} + ds-72682 + ds-72683) + (Nil-71589 + {a-72679})) + (/\a-72684 -> + \(c-72685 : + Tuple2-71593 + PredKey-71612 + (List-71588 + integer) -> + a-72684 -> + a-72684) + (n-72686 : + a-72684) -> + c-72685 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MinValue-71614 + ((let + a-72687 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72688 : + integer -> + a-72687 -> + a-72687) + (n-72689 : + a-72687) -> + c-72688 + 0 + n-72689) + (\(ds-72690 : + integer) + (ds-72691 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72690 + ds-72691) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + (c-72685 + (Tuple2-71594 + {PredKey-71612} + {List-71588 + integer} + MaxValue-71613 + ((let + a-72692 + = List-71588 + integer + in + \(c-72693 : + integer -> + a-72692 -> + a-72692) + (n-72694 : + a-72692) -> + c-72693 + 1000 + n-72694) + (\(ds-72695 : + integer) + (ds-72696 : + List-71588 + integer) -> + Cons-71590 + {integer} + ds-72695 + ds-72696) + (Nil-71589 + {integer}))) + n-72686))))) + n-71851)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + !fun-72731 : List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data) -> Bool-71608 + = (let + a-72698 = Tuple2-71593 data data + in + \(f-72699 : a-72698 -> Bool-71608) -> + letrec + !go-72701 : List-71588 a-72698 -> Bool-71608 + = \(ds-72702 : List-71588 a-72698) -> + List_match-71591 + {a-72698} + ds-72702 + {all dead-72703. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-72704 -> True-71609) + (\(x-72705 : a-72698) (xs-72706 : List-71588 a-72698) -> + /\dead-72707 -> + Bool_match-71611 + (f-72699 x-72705) + {all dead-72708. Bool-71608} + (/\dead-72709 -> go-72701 xs-72706) + (/\dead-72710 -> False-71610) + {all dead-72711. dead-72711}) + {all dead-72712. dead-72712} + in + \(eta-72700 : List-71588 a-72698) -> go-72701 eta-72700) + (\(ds-72713 : Tuple2-71593 data data) -> + Tuple2_match-71595 {data} - (tailList - {data} - (tailList - {data} - (sndPair - {integer} - {list data} - (unConstrData - (let - !ds : data - = headList - {data} - (tailList - {data} - (tailList - {data} - (sndPair - {integer} - {list data} - (unConstrData ds)))) - ~si : pair integer (list data) = unConstrData ds - in - Bool_match - (ifThenElse - {Bool} - (equalsInteger - 5 - (fstPair {integer} {list data} si)) - True - False) - {all dead. data} - (/\dead -> - headList + {data} + ds-72713 + {Bool-71608} + (\(ds-72714 : data) (actualValueData-72715 : data) -> + validateParamValue-71678 + (let + !k-72716 : integer = unIData ds-72714 + in + letrec + !go-72717 : + List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 integer ParamValue-71630) -> + ParamValue-71630 + = \(ds-72718 : + List-71588 + (Tuple2-71593 integer ParamValue-71630)) -> + List_match-71591 + {Tuple2-71593 integer ParamValue-71630} + ds-72718 + {all dead-72719. ParamValue-71630} + (/\dead-72720 -> error {ParamValue-71630}) + (\(ds-72721 : + Tuple2-71593 integer ParamValue-71630) + (xs'-72722 : + List-71588 + (Tuple2-71593 integer ParamValue-71630)) -> + /\dead-72723 -> + Tuple2_match-71595 + {integer} + {ParamValue-71630} + ds-72721 + {ParamValue-71630} + (\(k'-72724 : integer) + (i-72725 : ParamValue-71630) -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger k-72716 k'-72724) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-72726. ParamValue-71630} + (/\dead-72727 -> i-72725) + (/\dead-72728 -> go-72717 xs'-72722) + {all dead-72729. dead-72729})) + {all dead-72730. dead-72730} + in + go-72717 cfg-72697) + actualValueData-72715)) + in + \(ds-72732 : data) -> + Maybe_match-71606 + {List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data)} + (let + !ds-72739 : data + = headList + {data} + (tailList + {data} + (tailList + {data} + (sndPair + {integer} + {list data} + (unConstrData + (let + !ds-72733 : data + = headList {data} (tailList {data} - (sndPair {integer} {list data} si))) - (/\dead -> error {data}) - {all dead. dead}))))) - ~ds : pair integer (list data) = unConstrData ds - !x : integer = fstPair {integer} {list data} ds - in - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger 0 x) True False) - {all dead. Maybe (List (Tuple2 data data))} - (/\dead -> - Just - {List (Tuple2 data data)} - (go - (unMapData - (headList - {data} - (tailList {data} (sndPair {integer} {list data} ds)))))) - (/\dead -> - Bool_match - (ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger 2 x) True False) - {all dead. Maybe (List (Tuple2 data data))} - (/\dead -> Nothing {List (Tuple2 data data)}) - (/\dead -> error {Maybe (List (Tuple2 data data))}) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. dead}) - {all dead. unit} - (\(cparams : List (Tuple2 data data)) -> - /\dead -> - Bool_match - (fun cparams) - {all dead. unit} - (/\dead -> ()) - (/\dead -> error {unit}) - {all dead. dead}) - (/\dead -> ()) - {all dead. dead})) \ No newline at end of file + (tailList + {data} + (sndPair + {integer} + {list data} + (unConstrData ds-72732)))) + ~si-72734 : pair integer (list data) + = unConstrData ds-72733 + in + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger + 5 + (fstPair {integer} {list data} si-72734)) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-72735. data} + (/\dead-72736 -> + headList + {data} + (tailList + {data} + (sndPair {integer} {list data} si-72734))) + (/\dead-72737 -> error {data}) + {all dead-72738. dead-72738}))))) + ~ds-72740 : pair integer (list data) = unConstrData ds-72739 + !x-72741 : integer = fstPair {integer} {list data} ds-72740 + in + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger 0 x-72741) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-72742. Maybe-71603 (List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data))} + (/\dead-72743 -> + Just-71604 + {List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data)} + (go-71598 + (unMapData + (headList + {data} + (tailList + {data} + (sndPair {integer} {list data} ds-72740)))))) + (/\dead-72744 -> + Bool_match-71611 + (ifThenElse + {Bool-71608} + (equalsInteger 2 x-72741) + True-71609 + False-71610) + {all dead-72745. Maybe-71603 (List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data))} + (/\dead-72746 -> + Nothing-71605 {List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data)}) + (/\dead-72747 -> + error {Maybe-71603 (List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data))}) + {all dead-72748. dead-72748}) + {all dead-72749. dead-72749}) + {all dead-72750. unit} + (\(cparams-72751 : List-71588 (Tuple2-71593 data data)) -> + /\dead-72752 -> + Bool_match-71611 + (fun-72731 cparams-72751) + {all dead-72753. unit} + (/\dead-72754 -> ()) + (/\dead-72755 -> error {unit}) + {all dead-72756. dead-72756}) + (/\dead-72757 -> ()) + {all dead-72758. dead-72758}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.uplc.golden b/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.uplc.golden index 147270c1963..d963b4af795 100644 --- a/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.uplc.golden +++ b/cardano-constitution/test/Cardano/Constitution/Validator/GoldenTests/unsorted.uplc.golden @@ -1,1382 +1,1395 @@ -(program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` -> - (\`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` -> - (\validatePreds -> - (\euclid -> - (\unsafeRatio -> - (\cse -> - (\validateParamValue -> - (\validateParamValues -> - (\go -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cse -> - (\cfg -> - (\fun - ds -> - force - (case - ((\cse -> - (\x -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 0 - x) - (delay - (delay - (constr 0 - [ (go - (unMapData - (force - headList +program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1!0 -> + (\`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`!0 -> + (\`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`!0 -> + (\validatePreds!0 -> + (\euclid!0 -> + (\unsafeRatio!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\validateParamValue!0 -> + (\validateParamValues!0 -> + (\go!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cse!0 -> + (\cfg!0 -> + (\fun!0 + ds!0 -> + force + (case + ((\cse!0 -> + (\x!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 0 + x!1) + (delay + (delay + (constr 0 + [ (go!38 + (unMapData + (force + headList + (force + tailList + (force + (force + sndPair) + cse!2))))) ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 2 + x!1) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ ]))) + (delay + (delay + error)))))))))) + (force + (force + fstPair) + cse!1)) + (unConstrData + (force + headList + (force + tailList + (force + tailList + (force + (force + sndPair) + (unConstrData + ((\cse!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 5 (force - tailList (force + fstPair) + cse!1)) + (delay + (delay + (force + headList (force - sndPair) - cse))))) ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 2 - x) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ ]))) - (delay - (delay - error)))))))))) - (force - (force - fstPair) - cse)) - (unConstrData + tailList + (force + (force + sndPair) + cse!1))))) + (delay + (delay + error))))) + (unConstrData + (force + headList + (force + tailList + (force + tailList + (force + (force + sndPair) + (unConstrData + ds!1)))))))))))))) + [ (\cparams!0 -> + delay (force - headList - (force - tailList - (force - tailList - (force - (force - sndPair) - (unConstrData - ((\cse -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 5 - (force - (force - fstPair) - cse)) - (delay - (delay - (force - headList - (force - tailList - (force - (force - sndPair) - cse))))) - (delay - (delay - error))))) - (unConstrData - (force - headList - (force - tailList - (force - tailList - (force - (force - sndPair) - (unConstrData - ds)))))))))))))) - [ (\cparams -> - delay - (force - (case - (fun - cparams) - [ (delay - ()) - , (delay - error) ]))) - , (delay - ()) ])) - ((\go - eta -> - go - eta) - (fix1 - (\go - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay - (constr 0 - [ ])) - , (\x - xs -> - delay - (force - (case - (case - x - [ (\ds - actualValueData -> - validateParamValue - ((\k -> - fix1 - (\go - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay - error) - , (\ds - xs' -> - delay - (case - ds - [ (\k' - i -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - k - k') - (delay - (delay - i)) - (delay - (delay - (go - xs')))))) ])) ])) - cfg) - (unIData - ds)) - actualValueData) ]) - [ (delay - (go - xs)) - , (delay - (constr 1 - [ ])) ]))) ]))))) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 0 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 30 - , cse ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 100000 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 10000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 24576 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 122880 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 32768 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 5000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 1000000 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 5000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 250000000 - , cse ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 250 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 2000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 9 - , (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 10 - , (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 1000) - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 200) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 11 - , (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 10) - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 16 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 17 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 3000 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 6500 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 18 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 19 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 25) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 5) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 20000) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (cse - 5000) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 20 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 40000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 15000000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 21 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 120000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 40000000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 22 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 12288 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 23 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 100 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 200 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 24 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 25 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 26 - , (constr 2 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 27 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 0 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 28 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 0 - , (constr 1 - [ 18 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 293 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 29 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 15 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 30 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 10000000000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 31 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 100000000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 32 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 13 - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 37 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ 33 - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ cse + (case + (fun!3 + cparams!1) + [ (delay + ()) + , (delay + error) ]))) + , (delay + ()) ])) + ((\go!0 + eta!0 -> + go!2 + eta!1) + (fix1!43 + (\go!0 + ds!0 -> + force + (case + ds!1 + [ (delay + (constr 0 + [ ])) + , (\x!0 + xs!0 -> + delay + (force + (case + (case + x!2 + [ (\ds!0 + actualValueData!0 -> + validateParamValue!42 + ((\k!0 -> + fix1!50 + (\go!0 + ds!0 -> + force + (case + ds!1 + [ (delay + error) + , (\ds!0 + xs'!0 -> + delay + (case + ds!2 + [ (\k'!0 + i!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + k!7 + k'!2) + (delay + (delay + i!1)) + (delay + (delay + (go!6 + xs'!3)))))) ])) ])) + cfg!8) + (unIData + ds!2)) + actualValueData!1) ]) + [ (delay + (go!4 + xs!1)) + , (delay + (constr 1 + [ ])) ]))) ]))))) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 30 + , cse!31 ]) ]) + , cse!13 ]) ]) ]) , (constr 1 [ (constr 0 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 100000 + , cse!31 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 10000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 [ (constr 0 - [ ]) + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 24576 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 122880 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) , (constr 1 - [ cse + [ (constr 0 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 32768 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 3 - [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) + [ (constr 0 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 5000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 1000000 + , cse!31 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 5000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 250000000 + , cse!31 ]) ]) + , cse!11 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 250 + , cse!31 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 2000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!10 ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 9 + , (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!7 + , cse!8 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 10 + , (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!28 + 1000) + , cse!12 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!28 + 200) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 11 + , (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!7 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!27 + 10) + , cse!14 ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 16 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , cse!11 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 17 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 3000 + , cse!31 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 6500 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!10 ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 18 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 19 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!28 + 25) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!28 + 5) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!28 + 20000) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (cse!28 + 5000) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 20 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 40000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 15000000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 21 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 120000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 40000000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 22 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 12288 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 23 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 100 + , cse!31 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 200 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!10 ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 24 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!22 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 25 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!2 + , cse!4 ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 26 + , (constr 2 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!3 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!2 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!1 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!18 + , cse!15 ]) ]) + , cse!5 ]) ]) + , cse!4 ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 27 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 28 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ 18 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 293 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!10 ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 29 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!22 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 15 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 30 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!9 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 10000000000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 31 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!9 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 100000000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 32 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 13 + , cse!31 ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 37 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ 33 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!19 + , cse!13 ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ cse!5 , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!15 + , cse!14 ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 3 [ (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , cse ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ cse - , cse ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 + [ cse!4 + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!14 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!21 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!15 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!21 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , cse!2 ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 3 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!14 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , cse!4 ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ cse!11 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!12 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 [ ]) - , cse ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!12 + , (constr 1 + [ cse!14 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) , (constr 1 - [ 1000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 2 - [ ]) - , cse ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 + [ cse!14 + , cse!5 ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , cse!6 ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 [ ]) , (constr 1 - [ 500000000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , (constr 1 - [ 1000 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ cse - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (cse - 4) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) - (cse - 1)) - (cse - 10)) - (cse - 2)) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ ]) - , cse ])) - (cse - 100)) - (cse 10)) - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - []) - , (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ])) - (cse 5)) - (cse 20)) - (unsafeRatio 0 1)) - (unsafeRatio 9)) - (unsafeRatio 3)) - (unsafeRatio 1)) - (unsafeRatio 4)) - (unsafeRatio 13)) - (constr 1 [0, (constr 0 [])])) - (unsafeRatio 51)) - (fix1 - (\go l -> - force (force chooseList) - l - (\ds -> constr 0 []) - (\ds -> - constr 1 - [ ((\p -> - constr 0 - [ (force (force fstPair) - p) - , (force (force sndPair) - p) ]) - (force headList l)) - , (go (force tailList l)) ]) - ()))) - (cse (\arg_0 arg_1 -> arg_1))) - (cse (\arg_0 arg_1 -> arg_0))) - (force - ((\s -> s s) - (\s h -> - delay - (\fr -> - (\k -> - fr - (\x -> k (\f_0 f_1 -> f_0 x)) - (\x -> k (\f_0 f_1 -> f_1 x))) - (\fq -> force (s s h) (force h fq)))) - (delay - (\choose - validateParamValue - validateParamValues -> - choose - (\eta eta -> - force - (case - eta - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\preds -> - delay - (validatePreds - (constr 0 - [ (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - x - y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - , `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - , (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger - x - y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - , (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - x - y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - , (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - x - y) - (constr 1 []) - (constr 0 [])) - , (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger - x - y) - (constr 1 []) - (constr 0 [])) - , (\x y -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - x - y) - (delay - (delay - y)) - (delay - (delay - x))))) - , (\x y -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - x - y) - (delay - (delay - x)) - (delay - (delay - y))))) ]) - preds - (unIData eta))) - , (\paramValues -> - delay - (validateParamValues - paramValues - (unListData eta))) - , (\preds -> - delay - ((\cse -> - validatePreds - (constr 0 - [ (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - n - n') - (delay - (delay - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - d - d') - (constr 0 - [ ]) + [ 0 + , (constr 1 + [ 1000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 2 + [ ]) + , cse!21 ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) (constr 1 - [ ])))) - (delay - (delay + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 500000000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) (constr 1 - [ ])))))) ]) ]) - , (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (multiplyInteger - n - d') - (multiplyInteger - n' - d)) ]) ]) - , (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - force - ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger - (multiplyInteger - n - d') - (multiplyInteger - n' - d)) - (constr 0 - [ ]) - (constr 1 - [ ])) ]) ]) - , `$fOrdRational0_$c<=` - , (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - (multiplyInteger - n - d') - (multiplyInteger - n' - d)) - (constr 1 - [ ]) - (constr 0 - [ ])) ]) ]) - , (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' - d' -> - force - ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger - (multiplyInteger - n - d') - (multiplyInteger - n' - d)) - (constr 1 - [ ]) - (constr 0 - [ ])) ]) ]) - , (\x y -> - force - (case - (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` - x - y) - [ (delay - y) - , (delay - x) ])) - , (\x y -> - force - (case - (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=` - x - y) - [ (delay - x) - , (delay - y) ])) ]) - preds - ((\cse -> + [ cse!13 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , (constr 1 + [ 1000 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ cse!2 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (cse!12 + 4) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) + (cse!12 + 1)) + (cse!9 + 10)) + (cse!10 + 2)) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ ]) + , cse!12 ])) + (cse!12 + 100)) + (cse!7 10)) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + []) + , (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ])) + (cse!6 5)) + (cse!6 20)) + (unsafeRatio!12 0 1)) + (unsafeRatio!11 9)) + (unsafeRatio!10 3)) + (unsafeRatio!9 1)) + (unsafeRatio!8 4)) + (unsafeRatio!7 13)) + (constr 1 [0, (constr 0 [])])) + (unsafeRatio!5 51)) + (fix1!9 + (\go!0 l!0 -> + force (force chooseList) + l!1 + (\ds!0 -> constr 0 []) + (\ds!0 -> + constr 1 + [ ((\p!0 -> + constr 0 + [ (force (force fstPair) + p!1) + , (force (force sndPair) + p!1) ]) + (force headList l!2)) + , (go!3 (force tailList l!2)) ]) + ()))) + (cse!2 (\arg_0!0 arg_1!0 -> arg_1!1))) + (cse!1 (\arg_0!0 arg_1!0 -> arg_0!2))) + (force + ((\s!0 -> s!1 s!1) + (\s!0 h!0 -> + delay + (\fr!0 -> + (\k!0 -> + fr!2 + (\x!0 -> + k!2 (\f_0!0 f_1!0 -> f_0!2 x!3)) + (\x!0 -> + k!2 (\f_0!0 f_1!0 -> f_1!1 x!3))) + (\fq!0 -> + force (s!4 s!4 h!3) + (force h!3 fq!1)))) + (delay + (\choose!0 + validateParamValue!0 + validateParamValues!0 -> + choose!3 + (\eta!0 eta!0 -> + force + (case + eta!2 + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\preds!0 -> + delay + (validatePreds!9 + (constr 0 + [ (\x!0 y!0 -> force ifThenElse - (force nullList + (equalsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + , `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`!10 + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 1 []) + (constr 0 [])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (constr 1 []) + (constr 0 [])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (force (force - tailList - cse)) - (\ds -> - unsafeRatio - (unIData - (force - headList - cse)) - (unIData - (force - headList - cse)))) - (force tailList - cse) - (\ds -> error) - (constr 0 []))) - (unListData eta))) ])) - (\ds -> - case - ds - [ (\eta -> - force ifThenElse - (force nullList eta) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - , (\paramValueHd - paramValueTl - actualValueData -> - force - (case - (validateParamValue - paramValueHd - (force headList - actualValueData)) - [ (delay - (validateParamValues - paramValueTl + ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (delay + (delay + y!1)) + (delay + (delay + x!2))))) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + x!2 + y!1) + (delay + (delay + x!2)) + (delay + (delay + y!1))))) ]) + preds!1 + (unIData eta!2))) + , (\paramValues!0 -> + delay + (validateParamValues!4 + paramValues!1 + (unListData eta!2))) + , (\preds!0 -> + delay + ((\cse!0 -> + validatePreds!10 + (constr 0 + [ (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + n!4 + n'!2) + (delay + (delay + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + d!3 + d'!1) + (constr 0 + [ ]) + (constr 1 + [ ])))) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ ])))))) ]) ]) + , (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`!17 + (multiplyInteger + n!4 + d'!1) + (multiplyInteger + n'!2 + d!3)) ]) ]) + , (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + force + ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger + (multiplyInteger + n!4 + d'!1) + (multiplyInteger + n'!2 + d!3)) + (constr 0 + [ ]) + (constr 1 + [ ])) ]) ]) + , `$fOrdRational0_$c<=`!12 + , (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + force + ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + (multiplyInteger + n!4 + d'!1) + (multiplyInteger + n'!2 + d!3)) + (constr 1 + [ ]) + (constr 0 + [ ])) ]) ]) + , (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 + d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 + d'!0 -> + force + ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger + (multiplyInteger + n!4 + d'!1) + (multiplyInteger + n'!2 + d!3)) + (constr 1 + [ ]) + (constr 0 + [ ])) ]) ]) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (case + (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`!14 + x!2 + y!1) + [ (delay + y!1) + , (delay + x!2) ])) + , (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (case + (`$fOrdRational0_$c<=`!14 + x!2 + y!1) + [ (delay + x!2) + , (delay + y!1) ])) ]) + preds!2 + ((\cse!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (force nullList + (force + tailList + cse!1)) + (\ds!0 -> + unsafeRatio!10 + (unIData + (force + headList + cse!3)) + (unIData + (force + headList + cse!2)))) (force tailList - actualValueData))) - , (delay - (constr 1 - [])) ])) ])))))) - (fix1 - (\unsafeRatio n d -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 d) - (delay (delay error)) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger d 0) - (delay - (delay - (unsafeRatio - (subtractInteger 0 n) - (subtractInteger - 0 - d)))) - (delay - (delay - ((\gcd' -> - constr 0 - [ (quotientInteger - n - gcd') - , (quotientInteger - d - gcd') ]) - (euclid - n - d)))))))))))))) - (fix1 - (\euclid x y -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 y) - (delay (delay x)) - (delay (delay (euclid y (modInteger x y))))))))) - (\`$dOrd` ds ds -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> + cse!1) + (\ds!0 -> error) + (constr 0 []))) + (unListData eta!2))) ])) + (\ds!0 -> + case + ds!1 + [ (\eta!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (force nullList eta!1) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + , (\paramValueHd!0 + paramValueTl!0 + actualValueData!0 -> + force + (case + (validateParamValue!6 + paramValueHd!3 + (force headList + actualValueData!1)) + [ (delay + (validateParamValues!5 + paramValueTl!2 + (force tailList + actualValueData!1))) + , (delay + (constr 1 + [])) ])) ])))))) + (fix1!5 + (\unsafeRatio!0 n!0 d!0 -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 d!1) + (delay (delay error)) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger d!1 0) + (delay + (delay + (unsafeRatio!3 + (subtractInteger + 0 + n!2) + (subtractInteger + 0 + d!1)))) + (delay + (delay + ((\gcd'!0 -> + constr 0 + [ (quotientInteger + n!3 + gcd'!1) + , (quotientInteger + d!2 + gcd'!1) ]) + (euclid!4 + n!2 + d!1)))))))))))))) + (fix1!4 + (\euclid!0 x!0 y!0 -> force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (case - x - [ (\predKey expectedPredValues -> - (\meaning -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (go xs)) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (case - (meaning - x - ds) - [ (delay - (go - xs)) - , (delay - (constr 1 - [ ])) ]))) ])) - expectedPredValues) - (force - (case - predKey - [ (delay - (case - `$dOrd` - [ (\v - v - v - v - v - v - v - v -> - v) ])) - , (delay - (case - `$dOrd` - [ (\v - v - v - v - v - v - v - v -> - v) ])) - , (delay - (\x y -> - force - (case - (case - `$dOrd` - [ (\v - v - v - v - v - v - v - v -> - v) ] - x - y) - [ (delay - (constr 1 - [])) - , (delay - (constr 0 - [ ])) ]))) ]))) ])) ])) - ds)) - (\eta eta -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger eta eta) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger eta eta) - (delay (delay (constr 2 []))) - (delay (delay (constr 1 [])))))))))))) - (\ds ds -> - case - ds - [ (\n d -> - case - ds - [ (\n' d' -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - (multiplyInteger n d') - (multiplyInteger n' d)) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) ]) ])) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 y!1) + (delay (delay x!2)) + (delay + (delay + (euclid!3 y!1 (modInteger x!2 y!1))))))))) + (\`$dOrd`!0 ds!0 ds!0 -> + fix1!6 + (\go!0 ds!0 -> + force + (case + ds!1 + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x!0 xs!0 -> + delay + (case + x!2 + [ (\predKey!0 expectedPredValues!0 -> + (\meaning!0 -> + fix1!13 + (\go!0 ds!0 -> + force + (case + ds!1 + [ (delay (go!9 xs!6)) + , (\x!0 xs!0 -> + delay + (force + (case + (meaning!5 + x!2 + ds!12) + [ (delay + (go!4 + xs!1)) + , (delay + (constr 1 + [ ])) ]))) ])) + expectedPredValues!2) + (force + (case + predKey!2 + [ (delay + (case + `$dOrd`!9 + [ (\v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 -> + v!3) ])) + , (delay + (case + `$dOrd`!9 + [ (\v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 -> + v!5) ])) + , (delay + (\x!0 y!0 -> + force + (case + (case + `$dOrd`!11 + [ (\v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 + v!0 -> + v!8) ] + x!2 + y!1) + [ (delay + (constr 1 + [])) + , (delay + (constr 0 + [ ])) ]))) ]))) ])) ])) + ds!2)) + (\eta!0 eta!0 -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger eta!2 eta!1) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger eta!2 eta!1) + (delay (delay (constr 2 []))) + (delay (delay (constr 1 [])))))))))))) + (\ds!0 ds!0 -> + case + ds!2 + [ (\n!0 d!0 -> + case + ds!3 + [ (\n'!0 d'!0 -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + (multiplyInteger n!4 d'!1) + (multiplyInteger n'!2 d!3)) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) ]) ])) + (\f!0 -> (\s!0 -> s!1 s!1) (\s!0 -> f!2 (\x!0 -> s!2 s!2 x!1)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/apply.plc.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/apply.plc.golden index 8f21ffcbf75..f80658652d5 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/apply.plc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/apply.plc.golden @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ (program - 0.1.0 (lam x_4 y_1 (lam x_5 z_2 [ [ [ f_3 x_5 ] (lam x_6 y_1 x_6) ] x_5 ])) + 0.1.0 (lam x-4 y-1 (lam x-5 z-2 [ [ [ f-3 x-5 ] (lam x-6 y-1 x-6) ] x-5 ])) ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda.plc.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda.plc.golden index 2bb8ba7a306..26cb6ba44ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda.plc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda.plc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 0.1.0 (lam x_3 y_1 (lam x_4 z_2 [ [ (builtin addInteger) x_4 ] x_4 ]))) \ No newline at end of file +(program 0.1.0 (lam x-3 y-1 (lam x-4 z-2 [ [ (builtin addInteger) x-4 ] x-4 ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda2.plc.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda2.plc.golden index 14ed9deb223..02be190b111 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda2.plc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/lambda2.plc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 0.1.0 (lam x_6 y_1 (lam x_7 z_2 [ (lam f_8 t_4 j_5) x_7 ]))) \ No newline at end of file +(program 0.1.0 (lam x-6 y-1 (lam x-7 z-2 [ (lam f-8 t-4 j-5) x-7 ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/negation.plc.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/negation.plc.golden index 33814065d0d..38725e552b2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/negation.plc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-core/test/scopes/negation.plc.golden @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ (program 0.1.0 (lam - x_6 - (all a_7 (type) (fun a_7 (fun a_7 a_7))) + x-6 + (all a-7 (type) (fun a-7 (fun a-7 a-7))) [ [ [ { (abs - b_8 + b-8 (type) (lam - x_9 - (all a_10 (type) (fun a_10 (fun a_10 a_10))) - (lam t_11 b_8 (lam f_12 b_8 [ [ { x_9 b_8 } t_11 ] f_12 ])) + x-9 + (all a-10 (type) (fun a-10 (fun a-10 a-10))) + (lam t-11 b-8 (lam f-12 b-8 [ [ { x-9 b-8 } t-11 ] f-12 ])) ) ) - (all a_13 (type) (fun a_13 (fun a_13 a_13))) + (all a-13 (type) (fun a-13 (fun a-13 a-13))) } - x_6 + x-6 ] - (abs a_14 (type) (lam x_15 a_14 (lam y_16 a_14 y_16))) + (abs a-14 (type) (lam x-15 a-14 (lam y-16 a-14 y-16))) ] - (abs a_17 (type) (lam t_18 a_17 (lam f_19 a_17 t_18))) + (abs a-17 (type) (lam t-18 a-17 (lam f-19 a-17 t-18))) ] ) ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/dataEscape.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/dataEscape.golden index 14a08a29a46..9297141283f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/dataEscape.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/dataEscape.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(all a_16 (type) (fun a_16 [ Maybe_5 a_16 ])) \ No newline at end of file +all a-16. a-16 -> Maybe-5 a-16 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/idleAll.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/idleAll.golden index 6f1e7b741fe..63e48a22071 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/idleAll.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/idleAll.golden @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ Error during PIR typechecking: The result-type of a dataconstructor is malformed at location idleAll:12:5-17:5 -The expected result-type is: [ D2 a ] \ No newline at end of file +The expected result-type is: [ D2-12 a-15 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/listMatch.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/listMatch.golden index 1c8b64aad9f..6f1c382ac7a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/listMatch.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/listMatch.golden @@ -1,206 +1,50 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - [ - { - (abs - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - Nil_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) [ List_i3 a_i1 ]) - (lam - Cons_i0 - (all - a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 (fun [ List_i4 a_i1 ] [ List_i4 a_i1 ])) - ) - (lam - match_List_i0 - (all - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ List_i5 a_i1 ] - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun a_i2 (fun [ List_i6 a_i2 ] out_List_i1)) - out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1)) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1 [ List_i2 a_i1 ]])) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - } - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (iwrap - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1 [ List_i2 a_i1 ]])) - ) - a_i1 - (constr - (sop + ((/\(List :: * -> *) -> + \(Nil : all a. List a) + (Cons : all a. a -> List a -> List a) + (match_List : + all a. + List a -> + (all out_List. + out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List)) -> + /\a -> \(x : a) -> x) + {\a -> ifix (\(List :: * -> *) a -> sop [] [a, (List a)]) a} + (/\a -> + iwrap + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> sop [] [a, (List a)]) + a + (constr + (sop [] - [a_i1 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1 [ List_i2 a_i1 ]])) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i1 - ]] - ) - 0 - ) - ) - ) - ] - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (lam - arg_0_i0 - a_i2 - (lam - arg_1_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1 [ List_i2 a_i1 ]])) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i3 - ] - (iwrap - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1 [ List_i2 a_i1 ]])) - ) - a_i3 - (constr - (sop + [ a + , ((\a -> ifix (\(List :: * -> *) a -> sop [] [a, (List a)]) a) + a) ]) + 0 + [])) + (/\a -> + \(arg_0 : a) + (arg_1 : + (\a -> ifix (\(List :: * -> *) a -> sop [] [a, (List a)]) a) a) -> + iwrap + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> sop [] [a, (List a)]) + a + (constr + (sop [] - [a_i3 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1 [ List_i2 a_i1 ]])) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i3 - ]] - ) - 1 - arg_0_i2 - arg_1_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1 [ List_i2 a_i1 ]])) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i2 - ] - (abs - out_List_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_Nil_i0 - out_List_i2 - (lam - case_Cons_i0 - (fun - a_i5 - (fun - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1 [ List_i2 a_i1 ]])) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i5 - ] - out_List_i3 - ) - ) - (case out_List_i3 (unwrap x_i4) case_Nil_i2 case_Cons_i1) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + [ a + , ((\a -> + ifix (\(List :: * -> *) a -> sop [] [a, (List a)]) a) + a) ]) + 1 + [arg_0, arg_1])) + (/\a -> + \(x : (\a -> ifix (\(List :: * -> *) a -> sop [] [a, (List a)]) a) a) -> + /\out_List -> + \(case_Nil : out_List) + (case_Cons : + a -> + (\a -> ifix (\(List :: * -> *) a -> sop [] [a, (List a)]) a) + a -> + out_List) -> + case out_List (unwrap x) [case_Nil, case_Cons])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/listMatchEval.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/listMatchEval.golden index 5d050430f86..52e9437ecf6 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/listMatchEval.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/listMatchEval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(delay (lam x_0 x_0)) \ No newline at end of file +delay (\x -> x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/maybe.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/maybe.golden index fe70eba596c..ea9bfb24453 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/maybe.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/maybe.golden @@ -1,74 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - { - [ - [ - [ - { - (abs - Maybe_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - Nothing_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) [ Maybe_i3 a_i1 ]) - (lam - Just_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 [ Maybe_i4 a_i1 ])) - (lam - match_Maybe_i0 - (all - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ Maybe_i5 a_i1 ] - (all - out_Maybe_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_Maybe_i1 - (fun (fun a_i2 out_Maybe_i1) out_Maybe_i1) - ) - ) - ) - ) - Just_i2 - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1])) - } - (abs a_i0 (type) (constr (sop [] [a_i1]) 0)) - ] - (abs - a_i0 (type) (lam arg_0_i0 a_i2 (constr (sop [] [a_i2]) 1 arg_0_i1)) - ) - ] - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (lam - x_i0 - [ (lam a_i0 (type) (sop [] [a_i1])) a_i2 ] - (abs - out_Maybe_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_Nothing_i0 - out_Maybe_i2 - (lam - case_Just_i0 - (fun a_i5 out_Maybe_i3) - (case out_Maybe_i3 x_i4 case_Nothing_i2 case_Just_i1) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - } - (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1)) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + ((/\(Maybe :: * -> *) -> + \(Nothing : all a. Maybe a) + (Just : all a. a -> Maybe a) + (match_Maybe : + all a. + Maybe a -> + (all out_Maybe. out_Maybe -> (a -> out_Maybe) -> out_Maybe)) -> + Just) + {\a -> sop [] [a]} + (/\a -> constr (sop [] [a]) 0 []) + (/\a -> \(arg_0 : a) -> constr (sop [] [a]) 1 [arg_0]) + (/\a -> + \(x : (\a -> sop [] [a]) a) -> + /\out_Maybe -> + \(case_Nothing : out_Maybe) (case_Just : a -> out_Maybe) -> + case out_Maybe x [case_Nothing, case_Just]) + {all a. a -> a} + (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/scott/listMatch.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/scott/listMatch.golden index 2d3828573fc..84182c73f8f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/scott/listMatch.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/scott/listMatch.golden @@ -1,296 +1,71 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - [ - { - (abs - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - Nil_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) [ List_i3 a_i1 ]) - (lam - Cons_i0 - (all - a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 (fun [ List_i4 a_i1 ] [ List_i4 a_i1 ])) - ) - (lam - match_List_i0 - (all - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ List_i5 a_i1 ] - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun a_i2 (fun [ List_i6 a_i2 ] out_List_i1)) - out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1)) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun a_i2 (fun [ List_i3 a_i2 ] out_List_i1)) - out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - } - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (iwrap - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun a_i2 (fun [ List_i3 a_i2 ] out_List_i1)) out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - (abs - out_List_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_Nil_i0 - out_List_i2 - (lam - case_Cons_i0 - (fun - a_i4 - (fun - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun - a_i2 (fun [ List_i3 a_i2 ] out_List_i1) - ) - out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i4 - ] - out_List_i3 - ) - ) - case_Nil_i2 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (lam - arg_0_i0 - a_i2 - (lam - arg_1_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun a_i2 (fun [ List_i3 a_i2 ] out_List_i1)) - out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i3 - ] - (iwrap - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun a_i2 (fun [ List_i3 a_i2 ] out_List_i1)) - out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - a_i3 - (abs - out_List_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_Nil_i0 - out_List_i2 - (lam - case_Cons_i0 - (fun - a_i6 - (fun - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun - a_i2 - (fun [ List_i3 a_i2 ] out_List_i1) - ) - out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i6 - ] - out_List_i3 - ) - ) - [ [ case_Cons_i1 arg_0_i5 ] arg_1_i4 ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - List_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_List_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_List_i1 - (fun - (fun a_i2 (fun [ List_i3 a_i2 ] out_List_i1)) - out_List_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - a_i2 - ] - (unwrap x_i1) - ) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + ((/\(List :: * -> *) -> + \(Nil : all a. List a) + (Cons : all a. a -> List a -> List a) + (match_List : + all a. + List a -> + (all out_List. + out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List)) -> + /\a -> \(x : a) -> x) + {\a -> + ifix + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> + all out_List. out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List) + a} + (/\a -> + iwrap + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> + all out_List. out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List) + a + (/\out_List -> + \(case_Nil : out_List) + (case_Cons : + a -> + (\a -> + ifix + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> + all out_List. + out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List) + a) + a -> + out_List) -> + case_Nil)) + (/\a -> + \(arg_0 : a) + (arg_1 : + (\a -> + ifix + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> + all out_List. + out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List) + a) + a) -> + iwrap + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> + all out_List. out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List) + a + (/\out_List -> + \(case_Nil : out_List) + (case_Cons : + a -> + (\a -> + ifix + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> + all out_List. + out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List) + a) + a -> + out_List) -> + case_Cons arg_0 arg_1)) + (/\a -> + \(x : + (\a -> + ifix + (\(List :: * -> *) a -> + all out_List. + out_List -> (a -> List a -> out_List) -> out_List) + a) + a) -> + unwrap x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/scott/maybe.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/scott/maybe.golden index 6bf072fa224..1c9ca6d10a2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/scott/maybe.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/scott/maybe.golden @@ -1,111 +1,26 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - { - [ - [ - [ - { - (abs - Maybe_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - Nothing_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) [ Maybe_i3 a_i1 ]) - (lam - Just_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 [ Maybe_i4 a_i1 ])) - (lam - match_Maybe_i0 - (all - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ Maybe_i5 a_i1 ] - (all - out_Maybe_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_Maybe_i1 - (fun (fun a_i2 out_Maybe_i1) out_Maybe_i1) - ) - ) - ) - ) - Just_i2 - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_Maybe_i0 - (type) - (fun out_Maybe_i1 (fun (fun a_i2 out_Maybe_i1) out_Maybe_i1)) - ) - ) - } - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (abs - out_Maybe_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_Nothing_i0 - out_Maybe_i2 - (lam case_Just_i0 (fun a_i4 out_Maybe_i3) case_Nothing_i2) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (lam - arg_0_i0 - a_i2 - (abs - out_Maybe_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_Nothing_i0 - out_Maybe_i2 - (lam - case_Just_i0 - (fun a_i5 out_Maybe_i3) - [ case_Just_i1 arg_0_i4 ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (all - out_Maybe_i0 - (type) - (fun out_Maybe_i1 (fun (fun a_i2 out_Maybe_i1) out_Maybe_i1)) - ) - ) - a_i2 - ] - x_i1 - ) - ) - ] - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - } - (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1)) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + ((/\(Maybe :: * -> *) -> + \(Nothing : all a. Maybe a) + (Just : all a. a -> Maybe a) + (match_Maybe : + all a. + Maybe a -> + (all out_Maybe. out_Maybe -> (a -> out_Maybe) -> out_Maybe)) -> + Just) + {\a -> all out_Maybe. out_Maybe -> (a -> out_Maybe) -> out_Maybe} + (/\a out_Maybe -> + \(case_Nothing : out_Maybe) (case_Just : a -> out_Maybe) -> + case_Nothing) + (/\a -> + \(arg_0 : a) -> + /\out_Maybe -> + \(case_Nothing : out_Maybe) (case_Just : a -> out_Maybe) -> + case_Just arg_0) + (/\a -> + \(x : + (\a -> all out_Maybe. out_Maybe -> (a -> out_Maybe) -> out_Maybe) + a) -> + x) + {all a. a -> a} + (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/some.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/some.golden index 9b263e9029b..c77d8e258cd 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/some.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Datatype/some.golden @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ Error during PIR typechecking: The result-type of a dataconstructor is malformed at location some:4:5-9:5 -The expected result-type is: [ Some f ] \ No newline at end of file +The expected result-type is: [ Some-6 f-9 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Error/recursiveTypeBind.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Error/recursiveTypeBind.golden index e76c28f6843..8171467f647 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Error/recursiveTypeBind.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Error/recursiveTypeBind.golden @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ Error during compilation: Type bindings cannot appear in recursive let, use datatypebind insteadThe type binding is - (typebind (tyvardecl unit (type)) (all a (type) (fun unit unit)))((recursive) let binding; from recursiveTypeBind:1:1-11:1) \ No newline at end of file + (typebind + (tyvardecl unit-173 (type)) (all a-174 (type) (fun unit-173 unit-173)) +)((recursive) let binding; from recursiveTypeBind:1:1-11:1) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letDep.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letDep.golden index 0b14f2e0e8f..666b9536146 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letDep.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letDep.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 3)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letInLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letInLet.golden index e388e692288..0bc71713483 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letInLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Let/letInLet.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1))) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3.golden index 3a0b1ae9696..1d6982b4a9f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3.golden @@ -1,636 +1,123 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - [ - { - (abs - Bool_i0 - (type) - (lam - True_i0 - Bool_i2 - (lam - False_i0 - Bool_i3 - (lam - match_Bool_i0 - (fun - Bool_i4 - (all - out_Bool_i0 - (type) - (fun out_Bool_i1 (fun out_Bool_i1 out_Bool_i1)) - ) - ) - [ - [ - [ - { - (abs - Nat_i0 - (type) - (lam - Zero_i0 - Nat_i2 - (lam - Suc_i0 - (fun Nat_i3 Nat_i3) - (lam - match_Nat_i0 - (fun - Nat_i4 - (all - out_Nat_i0 - (type) - (fun - out_Nat_i1 - (fun (fun Nat_i5 out_Nat_i1) out_Nat_i1) - ) - ) - ) - [ - (lam - tup_i0 - (all - r_i0 - (type) - (fun - (fun - (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) - (fun (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) r_i1) - ) - r_i1 - ) - ) - [ - (lam - even_i0 - (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) - [ - (lam - odd_i0 - (fun Nat_i7 Bool_i11) - [ - even_i2 - [ - Suc_i5 - [ Suc_i5 [ Suc_i5 Zero_i6 ] ] - ] - ] - ) - [ - { tup_i2 (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) } - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (fun Nat_i7 Bool_i11) - (lam - arg_1_i0 - (fun Nat_i8 Bool_i12) - arg_1_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - { tup_i1 (fun Nat_i5 Bool_i9) } - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) - (lam - arg_1_i0 - (fun Nat_i7 Bool_i11) - arg_0_i2 - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - [ - { - (abs - F_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - by_i0 - (fun - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] Q_i1) - ) - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] Q_i1) - ) - ) - [ - { - { - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (abs - b_i0 - (type) - (lam - f_i0 - (fun - (fun a_i3 b_i2) - (fun a_i3 b_i2) - ) - [ - (lam - s_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - self_i0 - (fun - (type) - (type) - ) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ - self_i2 - a_i1 - ] - a_i1 - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - (fun a_i4 b_i3) - ] - [ - (unwrap s_i1) - s_i1 - ] - ) - (iwrap - (lam - self_i0 - (fun - (type) (type) - ) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ - self_i2 - a_i1 - ] - a_i1 - ) - ) - ) - (fun a_i3 b_i2) - (lam - s_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - self_i0 - (fun - (type) - (type) - ) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ - self_i2 - a_i1 - ] - a_i1 - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - (fun - a_i4 b_i3 - ) - ] - [ - f_i2 - (lam - x_i0 - a_i5 - [ - [ - (unwrap - s_i2 - ) - s_i2 - ] - x_i1 - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] - [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] - ) - ) - } - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] Q_i1) - ) - } - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ F_i4 Q_i1 ] - [ F_i4 Q_i1 ] - ) - ) - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun [ F_i4 Q_i1 ] Q_i1) - ) - ) - (lam - h_i0 - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ F_i5 Q_i1 ] - [ F_i5 Q_i1 ] - ) - ) - (abs - R_i0 - (type) - (lam - fr_i0 - [ F_i6 R_i2 ] - [ - { - [ - by_i5 - (abs - Q_i0 - (type) - (lam - fq_i0 - [ F_i8 Q_i2 ] - [ - { - [ - rec_i6 - h_i5 - ] - Q_i2 - } - [ - { - h_i5 - Q_i2 - } - fq_i1 - ] - ] - ) - ) - ] - R_i2 - } - fr_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - X_i0 - (type) - (fun - (fun Nat_i5 Bool_i9) - (fun (fun Nat_i5 Bool_i9) X_i1) - ) - ) - } - (lam - k_i0 - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun - (fun - (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) - (fun (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) Q_i1) - ) - Q_i1 - ) - ) - (abs - S_i0 - (type) - (lam - h_i0 - (fun - (fun Nat_i7 Bool_i11) - (fun (fun Nat_i7 Bool_i11) S_i2) - ) - [ - [ - h_i1 - (lam - x_i0 - Nat_i8 - [ - { k_i4 Bool_i12 } - (lam - f_0_i0 - (fun Nat_i9 Bool_i13) - (lam - f_1_i0 - (fun Nat_i10 Bool_i14) - [ f_0_i2 x_i3 ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - Nat_i8 - [ - { k_i4 Bool_i12 } - (lam - f_0_i0 - (fun Nat_i9 Bool_i13) - (lam - f_1_i0 - (fun Nat_i10 Bool_i14) - [ f_1_i1 x_i3 ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (abs - Q_i0 - (type) - (lam - choose_i0 - (fun - (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) - (fun (fun Nat_i6 Bool_i10) Q_i2) - ) - (lam - even_i0 - (fun Nat_i7 Bool_i11) - (lam - odd_i0 - (fun Nat_i8 Bool_i12) - [ - [ - choose_i3 - (lam - n_i0 - Nat_i9 - [ - [ - { - [ match_Nat_i6 n_i1 ] - Bool_i13 - } - True_i12 - ] - (lam - p_i0 - Nat_i10 - [ odd_i3 p_i1 ] - ) - ] - ) - ] - (lam - n_i0 - Nat_i9 - [ - [ - { - [ match_Nat_i6 n_i1 ] - Bool_i13 - } - False_i11 - ] - (lam - p_i0 - Nat_i10 - [ even_i4 p_i1 ] - ) - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam - f_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - ) - } - (iwrap - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam - f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - (constr - (sop - [] - [(ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam - f_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - )] - ) - 0 - ) - ) - ] - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam - f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - ) - (iwrap - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam - f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - (constr - (sop - [] - [(ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam - f_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - )] - ) - 1 - arg_0_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam - f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - ) - (abs - out_Nat_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_Zero_i0 - out_Nat_i2 - (lam - case_Suc_i0 - (fun - (ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam - f_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - ) - out_Nat_i3 - ) - (case - out_Nat_i3 (unwrap x_i4) case_Zero_i2 case_Suc_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (sop [] []) - } - (constr (sop [] []) 0) - ] - (constr (sop [] []) 1) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (sop [] []) - (abs - out_Bool_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_True_i0 - out_Bool_i2 - (lam - case_False_i0 - out_Bool_i3 - (case out_Bool_i3 x_i4 case_True_i2 case_False_i1) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + ((/\Bool -> + \(True : Bool) + (False : Bool) + (match_Bool : + Bool -> (all out_Bool. out_Bool -> out_Bool -> out_Bool)) -> + (/\Nat -> + \(Zero : Nat) + (Suc : Nat -> Nat) + (match_Nat : + Nat -> (all out_Nat. out_Nat -> (Nat -> out_Nat) -> out_Nat)) -> + (\(tup : all r. ((Nat -> Bool) -> (Nat -> Bool) -> r) -> r) -> + (\(even : Nat -> Bool) -> + (\(odd : Nat -> Bool) -> even (Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)))) + (tup + {Nat -> Bool} + (\(arg_0 : Nat -> Bool) (arg_1 : Nat -> Bool) -> + arg_1))) + (tup + {Nat -> Bool} + (\(arg_0 : Nat -> Bool) (arg_1 : Nat -> Bool) -> arg_0))) + ((/\(F :: * -> *) -> + \(by : (all Q. F Q -> Q) -> (all Q. F Q -> Q)) -> + (/\a b -> + \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> + (\(s : + (\a -> + ifix (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) a) + (a -> b)) -> + unwrap s s) + (iwrap + (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) + (a -> b) + (\(s : + (\a -> + ifix + (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) + a) + (a -> b)) -> + f (\(x : a) -> unwrap s s x)))) + {all Q. F Q -> F Q} + {all Q. F Q -> Q} + (\(rec : (all Q. F Q -> F Q) -> (all Q. F Q -> Q)) + (h : all Q. F Q -> F Q) -> + /\R -> + \(fr : F R) -> + by + (/\Q -> \(fq : F Q) -> rec h {Q} (h {Q} fq)) + {R} + fr)) + {\X -> (Nat -> Bool) -> (Nat -> Bool) -> X} + (\(k : all Q. ((Nat -> Bool) -> (Nat -> Bool) -> Q) -> Q) -> + /\S -> + \(h : (Nat -> Bool) -> (Nat -> Bool) -> S) -> + h + (\(x : Nat) -> + k + {Bool} + (\(f_0 : Nat -> Bool) (f_1 : Nat -> Bool) -> + f_0 x)) + (\(x : Nat) -> + k + {Bool} + (\(f_0 : Nat -> Bool) (f_1 : Nat -> Bool) -> + f_1 x))) + (/\Q -> + \(choose : (Nat -> Bool) -> (Nat -> Bool) -> Q) + (even : Nat -> Bool) + (odd : Nat -> Bool) -> + choose + (\(n : Nat) -> + match_Nat n {Bool} True (\(p : Nat) -> odd p)) + (\(n : Nat) -> + match_Nat n {Bool} False (\(p : Nat) -> even p))))) + {ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])} + (iwrap + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat]) + (constr + (sop + [] + [ (ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])) ]) + 0 + [])) + (\(arg_0 : + ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])) -> + iwrap + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat]) + (constr + (sop + [] + [ (ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])) ]) + 1 + [arg_0])) + (\(x : + ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])) -> + /\out_Nat -> + \(case_Zero : out_Nat) + (case_Suc : + ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat]) -> + out_Nat) -> + case out_Nat (unwrap x) [case_Zero, case_Suc])) + {sop [] []} + (constr (sop [] []) 0 []) + (constr (sop [] []) 1 []) + (\(x : sop [] []) -> + /\out_Bool -> + \(case_True : out_Bool) (case_False : out_Bool) -> + case out_Bool x [case_True, case_False])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3Eval.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3Eval.golden index f217693e82c..3a05a39aa43 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3Eval.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/even3Eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 1) \ No newline at end of file +constr 1 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/factorial.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/factorial.golden index 2279d9e31b8..b6c93df7bb7 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/factorial.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/factorial.golden @@ -1,37 +1,10 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - (lam s_1354 [ s_1354 s_1354 ]) - (lam - s_1355 - (lam - i_1356 - [ - [ - [ - [ - (force (builtin ifThenElse)) - [ [ (builtin equalsInteger) (con integer 0) ] i_1356 ] - ] - (lam u_1357 (con integer 1)) - ] - (lam - u_1358 - [ - [ (builtin multiplyInteger) i_1356 ] - [ - (lam x_1359 [ [ s_1355 s_1355 ] x_1359 ]) - [ [ (builtin subtractInteger) i_1356 ] (con integer 1) ] - ] - ] - ) - ] - (con unit ()) - ] - ) - ) - ] - (con integer 5) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + ((\s -> s s) + (\s i -> + force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 i) + (\u -> 1) + (\u -> multiplyInteger i ((\x -> s s x) (subtractInteger i 1))) + ()) + 5) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden index 0818ff6bb40..bb0ec557725 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden @@ -1,442 +1,77 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - (lam - tup_i0 - (all - r_i0 - (type) - (fun - (fun - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - (fun - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - r_i1 - ) - ) - r_i1 - ) - ) - [ - (lam - x_i0 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - [ - (lam - y_i0 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - [ - (lam - x_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - [ - (lam y_i0 (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) x_i2) - [ y_i2 (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1)) ] - ] - ) - [ x_i2 (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1)) ] - ] - ) - [ - { - tup_i2 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - } - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - (lam - arg_1_i0 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - arg_1_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - { - tup_i1 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - } - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - (lam - arg_1_i0 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - arg_0_i2 - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - { - { - { - { - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (abs - b_i0 - (type) - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (abs - b_i0 - (type) - (lam - f_i0 - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun - (fun (fun a_i6 b_i5) (fun (fun a_i4 b_i3) Q_i1)) - (fun (fun a_i6 b_i5) (fun (fun a_i4 b_i3) Q_i1)) - ) - ) - [ - [ - { - (abs - F_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - by_i0 - (fun - (all Q_i0 (type) (fun [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] Q_i1)) - (all Q_i0 (type) (fun [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] Q_i1)) - ) - [ - { - { - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (abs - b_i0 - (type) - (lam - f_i0 - (fun - (fun a_i3 b_i2) (fun a_i3 b_i2) - ) - [ - (lam - s_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - self_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ self_i2 a_i1 ] - a_i1 - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - (fun a_i4 b_i3) - ] - [ (unwrap s_i1) s_i1 ] - ) - (iwrap - (lam - self_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ self_i2 a_i1 ] a_i1 - ) - ) - ) - (fun a_i3 b_i2) - (lam - s_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - self_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (fun - [ self_i2 a_i1 ] - a_i1 - ) - ) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - (fun a_i4 b_i3) - ] - [ - f_i2 - (lam - x_i0 - a_i5 - [ - [ (unwrap s_i2) s_i2 ] - x_i1 - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] [ F_i3 Q_i1 ]) - ) - } - (all Q_i0 (type) (fun [ F_i3 Q_i1 ] Q_i1)) - } - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun [ F_i4 Q_i1 ] [ F_i4 Q_i1 ]) - ) - (all - Q_i0 (type) (fun [ F_i4 Q_i1 ] Q_i1) - ) - ) - (lam - h_i0 - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun [ F_i5 Q_i1 ] [ F_i5 Q_i1 ]) - ) - (abs - R_i0 - (type) - (lam - fr_i0 - [ F_i6 R_i2 ] - [ - { - [ - by_i5 - (abs - Q_i0 - (type) - (lam - fq_i0 - [ F_i8 Q_i2 ] - [ - { [ rec_i6 h_i5 ] Q_i2 } - [ { h_i5 Q_i2 } fq_i1 ] - ] - ) - ) - ] - R_i2 - } - fr_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - X_i0 - (type) - (fun (fun a_i6 b_i5) (fun (fun a_i4 b_i3) X_i1)) - ) - } - (lam - k_i0 - (all - Q_i0 - (type) - (fun - (fun - (fun a_i7 b_i6) (fun (fun a_i5 b_i4) Q_i1) - ) - Q_i1 - ) - ) - (abs - S_i0 - (type) - (lam - h_i0 - (fun - (fun a_i8 b_i7) (fun (fun a_i6 b_i5) S_i2) - ) - [ - [ - h_i1 - (lam - x_i0 - a_i9 - [ - { k_i4 b_i8 } - (lam - f_0_i0 - (fun a_i10 b_i9) - (lam - f_1_i0 - (fun a_i9 b_i8) - [ f_0_i2 x_i3 ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - a_i7 - [ - { k_i4 b_i6 } - (lam - f_0_i0 - (fun a_i10 b_i9) - (lam - f_1_i0 - (fun a_i9 b_i8) - [ f_1_i1 x_i3 ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - f_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - } - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - } - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - } - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - } - (abs - Q_i0 - (type) - (lam - choose_i0 - (fun - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - (fun - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - Q_i2 - ) - ) - (lam - x_i0 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - (lam - y_i0 - (fun - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - ) - [ - [ - choose_i3 - (lam - arg_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - [ y_i2 (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1)) ] - ) - ] - (lam - arg_i0 - (all a_i0 (type) (fun a_i1 a_i1)) - (abs - a_i0 - (type) - (lam - z_i0 - a_i2 - [ - { [ x_i5 (abs a_i0 (type) (lam x_i0 a_i2 x_i1)) ] a_i2 } - z_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + ((\(tup : + all r. + (((all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + ((all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + r) -> + r) -> + (\(x : (all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + (\(y : (all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + (\(x : all a. a -> a) -> + (\(y : all a. a -> a) -> x) (y (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x))) + (x (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x))) + (tup + {(all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)} + (\(arg_0 : (all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) + (arg_1 : (all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + arg_1))) + (tup + {(all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)} + (\(arg_0 : (all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) + (arg_1 : (all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + arg_0))) + ((/\a b a b -> + \(f : + all Q. ((a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Q) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Q) -> + (/\(F :: * -> *) -> + \(by : (all Q. F Q -> Q) -> (all Q. F Q -> Q)) -> + (/\a b -> + \(f : (a -> b) -> a -> b) -> + (\(s : + (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) a) + (a -> b)) -> + unwrap s s) + (iwrap + (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) + (a -> b) + (\(s : + (\a -> + ifix (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) a) + (a -> b)) -> + f (\(x : a) -> unwrap s s x)))) + {all Q. F Q -> F Q} + {all Q. F Q -> Q} + (\(rec : (all Q. F Q -> F Q) -> (all Q. F Q -> Q)) + (h : all Q. F Q -> F Q) -> + /\R -> + \(fr : F R) -> + by + (/\Q -> \(fq : F Q) -> rec h {Q} (h {Q} fq)) + {R} + fr)) + {\X -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> X} + (\(k : all Q. ((a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Q) -> Q) -> + /\S -> + \(h : (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> S) -> + h + (\(x : a) -> + k {b} (\(f_0 : a -> b) (f_1 : a -> b) -> f_0 x)) + (\(x : a) -> + k {b} (\(f_0 : a -> b) (f_1 : a -> b) -> f_1 x))) + f) + {all a. a -> a} + {all a. a -> a} + {all a. a -> a} + {all a. a -> a} + (/\Q -> + \(choose : + ((all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + ((all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + Q) + (x : (all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) + (y : (all a. a -> a) -> (all a. a -> a)) -> + choose + (\(arg : all a. a -> a) -> y (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x)) + (\(arg : all a. a -> a) -> + /\a -> \(z : a) -> x (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) {a} z)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/stupidZero.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/stupidZero.golden index aa0f65a3e63..b1da6f1fe6a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/stupidZero.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Compiler/Recursion/stupidZero.golden @@ -1,190 +1,61 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - [ - { - (abs - Nat_i0 - (type) - (lam - Zero_i0 - Nat_i2 - (lam - Suc_i0 - (fun Nat_i3 Nat_i3) - (lam - match_Nat_i0 - (fun - Nat_i4 - (all - out_Nat_i0 - (type) - (fun out_Nat_i1 (fun (fun Nat_i5 out_Nat_i1) out_Nat_i1)) - ) - ) - [ - [ - (lam - s_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - self_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (fun [ self_i2 a_i1 ] a_i1)) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - (fun Nat_i5 Nat_i5) - ] - [ (unwrap s_i1) s_i1 ] - ) - (iwrap - (lam - self_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (fun [ self_i2 a_i1 ] a_i1)) - ) - (fun Nat_i4 Nat_i4) - (lam - s_i0 - [ - (lam - a_i0 - (type) - (ifix - (lam - self_i0 - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam a_i0 (type) (fun [ self_i2 a_i1 ] a_i1)) - ) - a_i1 - ) - ) - (fun Nat_i5 Nat_i5) - ] - (lam - n_i0 - Nat_i6 - [ - [ { [ match_Nat_i3 n_i1 ] Nat_i6 } Zero_i5 ] - (lam p_i0 Nat_i7 [ [ (unwrap s_i3) s_i3 ] p_i1 ]) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - [ Suc_i2 [ Suc_i2 [ Suc_i2 Zero_i3 ] ] ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ]) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - ) - } - (iwrap - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ]) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - (constr - (sop + ((/\Nat -> + \(Zero : Nat) + (Suc : Nat -> Nat) + (match_Nat : + Nat -> (all out_Nat. out_Nat -> (Nat -> out_Nat) -> out_Nat)) -> + (\(s : + (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) a) + (Nat -> Nat)) -> + unwrap s s) + (iwrap + (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) + (Nat -> Nat) + (\(s : + (\a -> ifix (\(self :: * -> *) a -> self a -> a) a) + (Nat -> Nat)) + (n : Nat) -> + match_Nat n {Nat} Zero (\(p : Nat) -> unwrap s s p))) + (Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)))) + {ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])} + (iwrap + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat]) + (constr + (sop [] - [(ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ]) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - )] - ) - 0 - ) - ) - ] - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ]) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - ) - (iwrap - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ]) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) + [ (ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])) ]) + 0 + [])) + (\(arg_0 : + ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])) -> + iwrap + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat]) (constr - (sop - [] - [(ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ]) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - )] - ) - 1 - arg_0_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ]) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - ) - (abs - out_Nat_i0 - (type) - (lam - case_Zero_i0 - out_Nat_i2 - (lam - case_Suc_i0 - (fun - (ifix - (lam - rec_i0 - (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type)) - (lam f_i0 (fun (type) (type)) [ f_i1 [ rec_i2 f_i1 ] ]) - ) - (lam Nat_i0 (type) (sop [] [Nat_i1])) - ) - out_Nat_i3 - ) - (case out_Nat_i3 (unwrap x_i4) case_Zero_i2 case_Suc_i1) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (sop + [] + [ (ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])) ]) + 1 + [arg_0])) + (\(x : + ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat])) -> + /\out_Nat -> + \(case_Zero : out_Nat) + (case_Suc : + ifix + (\(rec :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) -> f (rec f)) + (\Nat -> sop [] [Nat]) -> + out_Nat) -> + case out_Nat (unwrap x) [case_Zero, case_Suc])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/basic.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/basic.golden index 3d6340fb9a9..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/basic.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/basic.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(abs a (type) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/maybe.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/maybe.golden index 8ec9701158c..c4a8b8e4eb5 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/maybe.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprinting/maybe.golden @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - [ { Just (all a (type) (fun a a)) } (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +Just {all a. a -> a} (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/basic.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/basic.golden index 5f9b4260a33..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/basic.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/basic.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -/\a_0 -> \(x_1 : a_0) -> x_1 \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/errorBinding.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/errorBinding.golden index 1f137848b16..0e299cbab88 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/errorBinding.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/errorBinding.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ letrec - !x_0 : integer = error {integer} - ~y_1 : integer = x_0 + !x : integer = error {integer} + ~y : integer = x in 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/even3.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/even3.golden index dc7be50d683..76693e26deb 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/even3.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/even3.golden @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ letrec - data Nat_0 | match_Nat_1 where - Zero_2 : Nat_0 - Suc_3 : Nat_0 -> Nat_0 + data Nat | match_Nat where + Zero : Nat + Suc : Nat -> Nat in let - data Bool_4 | match_Bool_5 where - True_6 : Bool_4 - False_7 : Bool_4 - !three_8 : Nat_0 = Suc_3 (Suc_3 (Suc_3 Zero_2)) + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !three : Nat = Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)) in letrec - !even_9 : Nat_0 -> Bool_4 - = \(n_10 : Nat_0) -> - match_Nat_1 n_10 {Bool_4} True_6 (\(pred_11 : Nat_0) -> odd_12 pred_11) - !odd_12 : Nat_0 -> Bool_4 - = \(n_10 : Nat_0) -> - match_Nat_1 n_10 {Bool_4} False_7 (\(pred_11 : Nat_0) -> even_9 pred_11) + !even : Nat -> Bool + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Bool} True (\(pred : Nat) -> odd pred) + !odd : Nat -> Bool + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Bool} False (\(pred : Nat) -> even pred) in -even_9 three_8 \ No newline at end of file +even three \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/idleAll.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/idleAll.golden index d9ef48b7461..a71a1dc068a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/idleAll.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/idleAll.golden @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ let - data (D1_0 :: * -> *) a_1 | match_D1_2 where - C1_3 : D1_0 a_1 - data (D2_4 :: * -> *) a_1 | match_D2_5 where - C2_6 : all a_1. D2_4 a_1 + data (D1 :: * -> *) a | match_D1 where + C1 : D1 a + data (D2 :: * -> *) a | match_D2 where + C2 : all a. D2 a in -/\a_1 -> \(x_7 : a_1) -> x_7 \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/letDep.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/letDep.golden index 8c0283f141b..f37ce8f3365 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/letDep.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/letDep.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ let - !i_0 : integer = 3 - !j_1 : integer = i_0 + !i : integer = 3 + !j : integer = i in -j_1 \ No newline at end of file +j \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/letInLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/letInLet.golden index 471517a6d1f..c991386c1b4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/letInLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/letInLet.golden @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ let - !unitval2_0 : all a_1. a_1 -> a_1 + !unitval2 : all a. a -> a = let - !unitval_2 : all a_1. a_1 -> a_1 = /\a_1 -> \(x_3 : a_1) -> x_3 + !unitval : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x in - unitval_2 + unitval in -unitval2_0 \ No newline at end of file +unitval2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/listMatch.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/listMatch.golden index 3a0ea343852..9d45a2ee620 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/listMatch.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/listMatch.golden @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ letrec - data (List_0 :: * -> *) a_1 | match_List_2 where - Nil_3 : List_0 a_1 - Cons_4 : a_1 -> List_0 a_1 -> List_0 a_1 + data (List :: * -> *) a | match_List where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a in -match_List_2 - {all a_1. a_1 -> a_1} - (Nil_3 {all a_1. a_1 -> a_1}) - {all a_1. a_1 -> a_1} - (/\a_1 -> \(x_5 : a_1) -> x_5) - (\(head_6 : all a_1. a_1 -> a_1) (tail_7 : List_0 (all a_1. a_1 -> a_1)) -> - head_6) \ No newline at end of file +match_List + {all a. a -> a} + (Nil {all a. a -> a}) + {all a. a -> a} + (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) + (\(head : all a. a -> a) (tail : List (all a. a -> a)) -> head) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/maybe.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/maybe.golden index 767b52869cb..c4a8b8e4eb5 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/maybe.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/maybe.golden @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ let - data (Maybe_0 :: * -> *) a_1 | match_Maybe_2 where - Nothing_3 : Maybe_0 a_1 - Just_4 : a_1 -> Maybe_0 a_1 + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a in -Just_4 {all a_1. a_1 -> a_1} (/\a_1 -> \(x_5 : a_1) -> x_5) \ No newline at end of file +Just {all a. a -> a} (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden index 8b230f93cc1..cd10561b364 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ letrec - !x_0 : all a_1. a_1 -> a_1 = y_2 - !y_2 : all a_1. a_1 -> a_1 = /\a_1 -> \(z_3 : a_1) -> x_0 {a_1} z_3 + !x : all a. a -> a = y + !y : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(z : a) -> x {a} z in -x_0 \ No newline at end of file +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/recursiveTypeBind.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/recursiveTypeBind.golden index 3a575550666..d06ae6e3427 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/recursiveTypeBind.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/recursiveTypeBind.golden @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ letrec - unit_0 = all a_1. unit_0 -> unit_0 + unit = all a. unit -> unit in let - !lazyVal_2 : unit_0 -> integer = \(x_3 : unit_0) -> 3 + !lazyVal : unit -> integer = \(x : unit) -> 3 in -lazyVal_2 \ No newline at end of file +lazyVal \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/some.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/some.golden index 749e270d9e4..7371b96b918 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/some.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/some.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ let - data (Some_0 :: (* -> *) -> *) (f_1 :: * -> *) | match_Some_2 where - MkSome_3 : all a_4. f_1 a_4 -> Some_0 f_1 + data (Some :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) | match_Some where + MkSome : all a. f a -> Some f in -/\a_4 -> \(x_5 : a_4) -> x_5 \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/stupidZero.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/stupidZero.golden index 68241cf5f71..716b4ae0082 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/stupidZero.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/prettyprintingReadable/stupidZero.golden @@ -1,18 +1,13 @@ letrec - data Nat_0 | match_Nat_1 where - Zero_2 : Nat_0 - Suc_3 : Nat_0 -> Nat_0 + data Nat | match_Nat where + Zero : Nat + Suc : Nat -> Nat in let - !three_4 : Nat_0 = Suc_3 (Suc_3 (Suc_3 Zero_2)) + !three : Nat = Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)) in letrec - !stupidZero_5 : Nat_0 -> Nat_0 - = \(n_6 : Nat_0) -> - match_Nat_1 - n_6 - {Nat_0} - Zero_2 - (\(pred_7 : Nat_0) -> stupidZero_5 pred_7) + !stupidZero : Nat -> Nat + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Nat} Zero (\(pred : Nat) -> stupidZero pred) in -stupidZero_5 three_4 \ No newline at end of file +stupidZero three \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeBasic.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeBasic.golden index 3d6340fb9a9..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeBasic.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeBasic.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(abs a (type) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeEvenOdd.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeEvenOdd.golden index ac499378b6e..76693e26deb 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeEvenOdd.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeEvenOdd.golden @@ -1,45 +1,18 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Nat (type)) - - match_Nat - (vardecl Zero Nat) (vardecl Suc (fun Nat Nat)) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl three Nat) [ Suc [ Suc [ Suc Zero ] ] ]) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl even (fun Nat Bool)) - (lam - n - Nat - [ [ { [ match_Nat n ] Bool } True ] (lam pred Nat [ odd pred ]) ] - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl odd (fun Nat Bool)) - (lam - n - Nat - [ [ { [ match_Nat n ] Bool } False ] (lam pred Nat [ even pred ]) ] - ) - ) - [ even three ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data Nat | match_Nat where + Zero : Nat + Suc : Nat -> Nat +in +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !three : Nat = Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)) +in +letrec + !even : Nat -> Bool + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Bool} True (\(pred : Nat) -> odd pred) + !odd : Nat -> Bool + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Bool} False (\(pred : Nat) -> even pred) +in +even three \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeListMatch.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeListMatch.golden index f5098ea706b..9d45a2ee620 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeListMatch.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeListMatch.golden @@ -1,29 +1,11 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_List - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - [ - [ - { - [ - { match_List (all a (type) (fun a a)) } - { Nil (all a (type) (fun a a)) } - ] - (all a (type) (fun a a)) - } - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ] - (lam - head - (all a (type) (fun a a)) - (lam tail [ List (all a (type) (fun a a)) ] head) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | match_List where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a +in +match_List + {all a. a -> a} + (Nil {all a. a -> a}) + {all a. a -> a} + (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) + (\(head : all a. a -> a) (tail : List (all a. a -> a)) -> head) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeMaybePirTerm.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeMaybePirTerm.golden index 8ec9701158c..c4a8b8e4eb5 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeMaybePirTerm.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Core/serialization/serializeMaybePirTerm.golden @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - [ { Just (all a (type) (fun a a)) } (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +Just {all a. a -> a} (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/builtinAppSaturated.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/builtinAppSaturated.golden index 7ff3cb02d39..f263e96caa4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/builtinAppSaturated.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/builtinAppSaturated.golden @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ pure work-free: 1 pure work-free: 2 -impure? maybe work?: (addInteger 1 2) \ No newline at end of file +impure? maybe work?: addInteger 1 2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/builtinAppUnsaturated.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/builtinAppUnsaturated.golden index 2b3f8f62141..9d43689b1fb 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/builtinAppUnsaturated.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/builtinAppUnsaturated.golden @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ pure work-free: 1 -pure work-free: (addInteger 1) \ No newline at end of file +pure work-free: addInteger 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/letFun.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/letFun.golden index a38098993a5..b691cad5a98 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/letFun.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/letFun.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -pure work-free: (addInteger) -pure maybe work?: f +pure work-free: addInteger +pure maybe work?: f-0 pure work-free: 1 -pure maybe work?: (f 1) +pure maybe work?: f-0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/nestedLets1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/nestedLets1.golden index 192577a539d..703b62ebc52 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/nestedLets1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/nestedLets1.golden @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -pure work-free: (\(x : integer) -> x) -pure work-free: (\(y : integer) -> y) -pure maybe work?: a -pure maybe work?: b -pure maybe work?: (a b) +pure work-free: \(x-1 : integer) -> x-1 +pure work-free: \(y-3 : integer) -> y-3 +pure maybe work?: a-0 +pure maybe work?: b-2 +pure maybe work?: a-0 b-2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/pureLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/pureLet.golden index ed499ec0868..c7b95998dfe 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/pureLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Purity/pureLet.golden @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ pure work-free: 2 pure work-free: 1 -pure maybe work?: (let - !x : integer = 2 +pure maybe work?: let + !x-0 : integer = 2 in -1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/absapp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/absapp.golden index eb1ac12f117..b9de3da4312 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/absapp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/absapp.golden @@ -1 +1,4 @@ -(let (nonrec) (typebind (tyvardecl a (type)) (con integer)) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +let + a = integer +in +\(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp.golden index cace21c7aca..a049fdd83aa 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp.golden @@ -1 +1,4 @@ -(let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) (con integer 1)) y) \ No newline at end of file +let + !y : integer = 1 +in +y \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp2.golden index fc209688f51..eda40b1e5fa 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/lamapp2.golden @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - (let - (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) (con integer 1)) y - ) - ) - x -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = let !y : integer = 1 in y +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multiapp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multiapp.golden index 34381f2c541..176d3cee6a0 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multiapp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multiapp.golden @@ -1,11 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl y (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam a (con integer) (lam b (con integer) (con integer 2))) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl z (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - [ [ y x ] z ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = 1 + !y : integer -> integer -> integer = \(a : integer) (b : integer) -> 2 + !z : integer = 3 +in +y x z \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multilet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multilet.golden index 02230c95548..265efe579e2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multilet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Beta/multilet.golden @@ -1,17 +1,10 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl y (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam a (con integer) (lam b (con integer) (con integer 2))) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl z (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - [ [ y x ] z ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = 1 +in +let + !y : integer -> integer -> integer = \(a : integer) (b : integer) -> 2 +in +let + !z : integer = 3 +in +y x z \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/basic.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/basic.golden index dc2d764ab4f..6fedf160e0c 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/basic.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/basic.golden @@ -1,40 +1,15 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - (lam +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +\(x : Maybe integer) -> + match_Maybe + {integer} x - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - [ - [ - { [ { match_Maybe (con integer) } x ] (con integer) } - [ - [ { [ match_Bool False ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ] - (lam - i - (con integer) - [ - [ { [ match_Bool True ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (match_Bool False {integer} 1 0) + (\(i : integer) -> match_Bool True {integer} 1 0) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/builtinBool.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/builtinBool.golden index 12f9fadd368..41d6c2e48ff 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/builtinBool.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/builtinBool.golden @@ -1,36 +1,14 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - (lam +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +\(x : bool) -> + ifThenElse + {integer} x - (con bool) - [ - [ - [ { (builtin ifThenElse) (con integer) } x ] - [ - [ { [ match_Bool False ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ] - [ - [ { [ match_Bool True ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (match_Bool False {integer} 1 0) + (match_Bool True {integer} 1 0) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/exponential.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/exponential.golden index 4305c3882e4..5b231a6056b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/exponential.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/exponential.golden @@ -1,110 +1,44 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - (lam +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +\(x : Maybe integer) -> + match_Maybe + {integer} x - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - [ - [ - { [ { match_Maybe (con integer) } x ] (con integer) } - [ - [ - { [ match_Bool False ] (con integer) } - [ - [ - { [ { match_Maybe (con integer) } x ] (con integer) } - [ - [ { [ match_Bool False ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ] - (lam - j - (con integer) - [ - [ { [ match_Bool True ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ) - ] - ] - [ - [ - { [ { match_Maybe (con integer) } x ] (con integer) } - [ - [ { [ match_Bool False ] (con integer) } (con integer 3) ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ] - (lam - k - (con integer) - [ - [ { [ match_Bool True ] (con integer) } (con integer 3) ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ) - ] - ] - ] - (lam - i - (con integer) - [ - [ - { [ match_Bool True ] (con integer) } - [ - [ - { [ { match_Maybe (con integer) } x ] (con integer) } - [ - [ { [ match_Bool False ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ] - (lam - j - (con integer) - [ - [ { [ match_Bool True ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ) - ] - ] - [ - [ - { [ { match_Maybe (con integer) } x ] (con integer) } - [ - [ { [ match_Bool False ] (con integer) } (con integer 3) ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ] - (lam - k - (con integer) - [ - [ { [ match_Bool True ] (con integer) } (con integer 3) ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ) - ] - ] - ) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (match_Bool + False + {integer} + (match_Maybe + {integer} + x + {integer} + (match_Bool False {integer} 1 0) + (\(j : integer) -> match_Bool True {integer} 1 0)) + (match_Maybe + {integer} + x + {integer} + (match_Bool False {integer} 3 2) + (\(k : integer) -> match_Bool True {integer} 3 2))) + (\(i : integer) -> + match_Bool + True + {integer} + (match_Maybe + {integer} + x + {integer} + (match_Bool False {integer} 1 0) + (\(j : integer) -> match_Bool True {integer} 1 0)) + (match_Maybe + {integer} + x + {integer} + (match_Bool False {integer} 3 2) + (\(k : integer) -> match_Bool True {integer} 3 2))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/largeExpr.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/largeExpr.golden index 832e50aa1d8..6e5bb1d67df 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/largeExpr.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/largeExpr.golden @@ -1,45 +1,19 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - (lam +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +\(x : Maybe integer) -> + let + !k_caseOfCase : Bool -> integer + = \(scrutinee : Bool) -> match_Bool scrutinee {integer} 1 0 + in + match_Maybe + {integer} x - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl k_caseOfCase (fun Bool (con integer))) - (lam - scrutinee - Bool - [ - [ { [ match_Bool scrutinee ] (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ) - ) - [ - [ - { [ { match_Maybe (con integer) } x ] (con integer) } - [ k_caseOfCase [ (lam b Bool b) False ] ] - ] - (lam i (con integer) [ k_caseOfCase True ]) - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (k_caseOfCase ((\(b : Bool) -> b) False)) + (\(i : integer) -> k_caseOfCase True) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/twoTyArgs.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/twoTyArgs.golden index b721532b7e4..a5812e012b0 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/twoTyArgs.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/CaseOfCase/twoTyArgs.golden @@ -1,40 +1,15 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl d12 (fun (fun (type) (type)) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a3 (fun (type) (type))) (tyvardecl a10 (type)) - m11 - (vardecl c6 (fun (con unit) [ [ d12 a3 ] a10 ])) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl k_caseOfCase (fun [ [ d12 (con list) ] (con unit) ] (con unit))) - (lam - scrutinee - [ [ d12 (con list) ] (con unit) ] - [ - { [ { { m11 (con list) } (con unit) } scrutinee ] (con unit) } - (error (fun (con unit) (con unit))) - ] - ) - ) - [ - { - [ - { { m11 (con list) } (con unit) } - (error [ [ d12 (con list) ] (con unit) ]) - ] - (con unit) - } - (lam - x23 - (con unit) - [ k_caseOfCase (error [ [ d12 (con list) ] (con unit) ]) ] - ) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (d12 :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (a3 :: * -> *) a10 | m11 where + c6 : unit -> d12 a3 a10 +in +let + !k_caseOfCase : d12 list unit -> unit + = \(scrutinee : d12 list unit) -> + m11 {list} {unit} scrutinee {unit} (error {unit -> unit}) +in +m11 + {list} + {unit} + (error {d12 list unit}) + {unit} + (\(x23 : unit) -> k_caseOfCase (error {d12 list unit})) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/builtinBinding.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/builtinBinding.golden index 3d6340fb9a9..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/builtinBinding.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/builtinBinding.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(abs a (type) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeDead.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeDead.golden index 3d6340fb9a9..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeDead.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeDead.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(abs a (type) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveConstr.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveConstr.golden index a74cea2f108..995ccfae865 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveConstr.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveConstr.golden @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - Nothing -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +Nothing \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveDestr.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveDestr.golden index d956fbe272b..59ba03f6f90 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveDestr.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveDestr.golden @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - match_Maybe -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +match_Maybe \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveType.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveType.golden index 81089321b1e..779ec2914d6 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveType.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/datatypeLiveType.golden @@ -1,8 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (typebind - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (lam a (type) (all a (type) (fun a a))) - ) - (error [ Maybe (con integer) ]) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + Maybe :: * -> * = \a -> all a. a -> a +in +error {Maybe integer} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/etaBuiltinBinding.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/etaBuiltinBinding.golden index 3d6340fb9a9..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/etaBuiltinBinding.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/etaBuiltinBinding.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(abs a (type) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindings.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindings.golden index f5b4e1bb4ed..259634906e2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindings.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindings.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unitval (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - unitval -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !unitval : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +unitval \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindingsIndirect.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindingsIndirect.golden index 4cf3c3efc2f..68d9288902e 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindingsIndirect.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nestedBindingsIndirect.golden @@ -1,16 +1,8 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (typebind (tyvardecl unit (type)) (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl SomeType (type)) - - match_SomeType - (vardecl Constr (fun unit SomeType)) - ) - ) - [ Constr (error unit) ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + unit = all a. a -> a +in +let + data SomeType | match_SomeType where + Constr : unit -> SomeType +in +Constr (error {unit}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nonstrictLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nonstrictLet.golden index f5b4e1bb4ed..259634906e2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nonstrictLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/nonstrictLet.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unitval (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - unitval -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !unitval : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +unitval \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/pruneDatatype.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/pruneDatatype.golden index 27168716a04..9157c00fb6d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/pruneDatatype.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/pruneDatatype.golden @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (typebind (tyvardecl unit (type)) (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (let - (nonrec) - (typebind (tyvardecl SomeType (type)) (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (lam arg SomeType (error unit)) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + unit = all a. a -> a +in +let + SomeType = all a. a -> a +in +\(arg : SomeType) -> error {unit} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/recBindingComplex.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/recBindingComplex.golden index 04ea9ba236f..8d8bed52197 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/recBindingComplex.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/recBindingComplex.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unitval (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - unitval -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !unitval : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +unitval \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/recBindingSimple.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/recBindingSimple.golden index 3d6340fb9a9..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/recBindingSimple.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/recBindingSimple.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(abs a (type) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/singleBinding.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/singleBinding.golden index f5b4e1bb4ed..259634906e2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/singleBinding.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/singleBinding.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unitval (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - unitval -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !unitval : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +unitval \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/strictLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/strictLet.golden index a0db8319f02..812ceb6ee85 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/strictLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/strictLet.golden @@ -1,17 +1,7 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unitval (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unitunit (all a (type) (fun a a))) - [ { unitval (all a (type) (fun a a)) } unitval ] - ) - unitval - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !unitval : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +let + !unitunit : all a. a -> a = unitval {all a. a -> a} unitval +in +unitval \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/termLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/termLet.golden index 3d6340fb9a9..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/termLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/termLet.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(abs a (type) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/typeLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/typeLet.golden index 3d6340fb9a9..e9659c2c4ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/typeLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/DeadCode/typeLet.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(abs a (type) (lam x a x)) \ No newline at end of file +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/addInteger.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/addInteger.golden index 7ce41fb5eca..e440e5c8425 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/addInteger.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/addInteger.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 3) \ No newline at end of file +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/failingBuiltin.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/failingBuiltin.golden index 39e5fae3c53..1f11dc4236f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/failingBuiltin.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/failingBuiltin.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ [ (builtin divideInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 0) ] \ No newline at end of file +divideInteger 1 0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/ifThenElse.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/ifThenElse.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/ifThenElse.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/ifThenElse.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/nonConstantArg.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/nonConstantArg.golden index 6c939148178..aa9e1d061cf 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/nonConstantArg.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/nonConstantArg.golden @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] (con integer 2) ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = 1 +in +addInteger x 2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/overApplication.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/overApplication.golden index bffb2f00dde..fe4a8f5f62f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/overApplication.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/overApplication.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ (lam x (con integer) (con integer 1)) (con integer 3) ] \ No newline at end of file +(\(x : integer) -> 1) 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/traceConservative.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/traceConservative.golden index bb0268e2db2..19419c43a8f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/traceConservative.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/traceConservative.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "hello") ] (con integer 1) ] \ No newline at end of file +trace {integer} "hello" 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/traceNonConservative.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/traceNonConservative.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/traceNonConservative.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/traceNonConservative.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressAndEqualBlsNonConservative.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressAndEqualBlsNonConservative.golden index ba9e9f50707..f742d389cdb 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressAndEqualBlsNonConservative.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressAndEqualBlsNonConservative.golden @@ -1,19 +1,5 @@ -[ - [ - (builtin bls12_381_G1_equal) - [ - (builtin bls12_381_G1_uncompress) - (con - bytestring - #97f1d3a73197d7942695638c4fa9ac0fc3688c4f9774b905a14e3a3f171bac586c55e83ff97a1aeffb3af00adb22c6bb - ) - ] - ] - [ - (builtin bls12_381_G1_uncompress) - (con - bytestring - #97f1d3a73197d7942695638c4fa9ac0fc3688c4f9774b905a14e3a3f171bac586c55e83ff97a1aeffb3af00adb22c6bb - ) - ] -] \ No newline at end of file +bls12_381_G1_equal + (bls12_381_G1_uncompress + #97f1d3a73197d7942695638c4fa9ac0fc3688c4f9774b905a14e3a3f171bac586c55e83ff97a1aeffb3af00adb22c6bb) + (bls12_381_G1_uncompress + #97f1d3a73197d7942695638c4fa9ac0fc3688c4f9774b905a14e3a3f171bac586c55e83ff97a1aeffb3af00adb22c6bb) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressBlsConservative.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressBlsConservative.golden index 1238bc334e3..6b006da298a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressBlsConservative.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressBlsConservative.golden @@ -1,7 +1,2 @@ -[ - (builtin bls12_381_G2_uncompress) - (con - bytestring - #c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 - ) -] \ No newline at end of file +bls12_381_G2_uncompress + #c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressBlsNonConservative.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressBlsNonConservative.golden index 1238bc334e3..6b006da298a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressBlsNonConservative.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/uncompressBlsNonConservative.golden @@ -1,7 +1,2 @@ -[ - (builtin bls12_381_G2_uncompress) - (con - bytestring - #c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 - ) -] \ No newline at end of file +bls12_381_G2_uncompress + #c00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/underApplication.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/underApplication.golden index 6d483bdcb2a..51e72e82dd1 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/underApplication.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/EvaluateBuiltins/underApplication.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] \ No newline at end of file +addInteger 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/builtin.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/builtin.golden index c72b7968660..e883a50d5f5 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/builtin.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/builtin.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(builtin addInteger) \ No newline at end of file +addInteger \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/callsite-non-trivial-body.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/callsite-non-trivial-body.golden index 0c14cc2c40a..e11b5606bb8 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/callsite-non-trivial-body.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/callsite-non-trivial-body.golden @@ -1,71 +1,14 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - f - (fun - (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - (fun - (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - unused - (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - (lam - a - (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam - b - (con integer) - [ - [ a b ] - [ - [ - (builtin addInteger) - [ - [ - (builtin addInteger) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ] - (con integer 3) - ] - ] - (con integer 4) - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ - (builtin addInteger) - [ - [ - [ f (lam unused (con integer) (con integer 5)) ] (builtin addInteger) - ] - (con integer 6) - ] - ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 11) ] - [ - [ - (builtin addInteger) - [ - [ - (builtin addInteger) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ] - (con integer 3) - ] - ] - (con integer 4) - ] - ] - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !f : + (integer -> integer) -> + (integer -> integer -> integer) -> + integer -> + integer + = \(unused : integer -> integer) + (a : integer -> integer -> integer) + (b : integer) -> + a b (addInteger (addInteger (addInteger 1 2) 3) 4) +in +addInteger + (f (\(unused : integer) -> 5) addInteger 6) + (addInteger 11 (addInteger (addInteger (addInteger 1 2) 3) 4)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/constant.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/constant.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/constant.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/constant.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/effectfulBuiltinArg.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/effectfulBuiltinArg.golden index 7b56bf75458..bfa6f0e8f5f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/effectfulBuiltinArg.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/effectfulBuiltinArg.golden @@ -1,29 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "msg2") ] (con integer 1) - ] - ) - [ - [ - [ - { (builtin ifThenElse) (con integer) } - [ - [ - (builtin equalsInteger) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "msg1") ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ] - x - ] - ] - (con integer 9) - ] - (con integer 10) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = trace {integer} "msg2" 1 +in +ifThenElse {integer} (equalsInteger (trace {integer} "msg1" 0) x) 9 10 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/firstEffectfulTerm1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/firstEffectfulTerm1.golden index 0ff66b05e7f..de51762c72f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/firstEffectfulTerm1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/firstEffectfulTerm1.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ (lam x (con integer) x) (error (con integer)) ] \ No newline at end of file +(\(x : integer) -> x) (error {integer}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/firstEffectfulTerm2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/firstEffectfulTerm2.golden index 3243f358548..865c9b79e79 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/firstEffectfulTerm2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/firstEffectfulTerm2.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl a (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (error (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - [ a [ (lam x (con integer) x) (error (con integer)) ] ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !a : integer -> integer = error {integer -> integer} +in +a ((\(x : integer) -> x) (error {integer})) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/immediateApp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/immediateApp.golden index 36e97458623..82ffcf38413 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/immediateApp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/immediateApp.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ (error (fun (con integer) (con integer))) (con integer 1) ] \ No newline at end of file +error {integer -> integer} 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/immediateVar.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/immediateVar.golden index 3888d41dbbb..66d5392804d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/immediateVar.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/immediateVar.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(error (con integer)) \ No newline at end of file +error {integer} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOff.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOff.golden index 3069793dd8d..699d88ad2d6 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOff.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOff.golden @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] (con integer 5) ] ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = 3 +in +addInteger x (addInteger x 5) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOn.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOn.golden index 89dbd9e691c..4a6e6aba8c3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOn.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/inlineConstantsOn.golden @@ -1,4 +1 @@ -[ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] (con integer 5) ] -] \ No newline at end of file +addInteger 3 (addInteger 3 5) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letApp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letApp.golden index 041217b9881..5b896ef99c4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letApp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letApp.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 4) ] (con integer 5) ] \ No newline at end of file +addInteger 4 5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letAppMultiNotAcceptable.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letAppMultiNotAcceptable.golden index d17eb5b9a73..5b687b94487 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letAppMultiNotAcceptable.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letAppMultiNotAcceptable.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl funApp (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam x (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 4) ] x ]) - ) - [ funApp (con integer 4) ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !funApp : integer -> integer = \(x : integer) -> addInteger 4 x +in +funApp 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstBool.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstBool.golden index a3d50a9046c..46fb66d272d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstBool.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstBool.golden @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - [ [ (lam x (con integer) (lam y Bool x)) (con integer 3) ] False ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool +in +(\(x : integer) (y : Bool) -> x) 3 False \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstInt.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstInt.golden index a366d3a4da7..5a02300e33a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstInt.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstInt.golden @@ -1,4 +1 @@ -[ - [ (lam x (con integer) (lam y (con integer) x)) (con integer 3) ] - (con integer 4) -] \ No newline at end of file +(\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> x) 3 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstMulti.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstMulti.golden index b648c0e4151..b50e7ff3cd8 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstMulti.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunConstMulti.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl constFun (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam x (con integer) (lam y (con integer) x)) - ) - (lam y (con integer) (con integer 3)) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !constFun : integer -> integer -> integer = \(x : integer) (y : integer) -> x +in +\(y : integer) -> 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunInFun.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunInFun.golden index 97b75d43eae..c021f30f69e 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunInFun.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunInFun.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ (lam y (con integer) (lam x (con integer) x)) (con integer 3) ] \ No newline at end of file +(\(y : integer) (x : integer) -> x) 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunInFunMulti.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunInFunMulti.golden index 100f62f5844..300fd124a1d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunInFunMulti.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letFunInFunMulti.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl idFun (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam x (con integer) x) - ) - [ (lam y (fun (con integer) (con integer)) idFun) idFun ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !idFun : integer -> integer = \(x : integer) -> x +in +(\(y : integer -> integer) -> idFun) idFun \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPure.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPure.golden index 1755afde328..13e92e3cfb1 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPure.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPure.golden @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "hello") ] (con integer 1) - ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] x ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = trace {integer} "hello" 1 +in +addInteger x x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPureMulti.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPureMulti.golden index 7668057a126..5a96253997f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPureMulti.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPureMulti.golden @@ -1,15 +1,7 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "hello") ] (con integer 1) - ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) y) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] x ] ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + ~y : integer = trace {integer} "hello" 1 +in +let + !x : integer = y +in +addInteger y (addInteger x x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPureMultiStrict.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPureMultiStrict.golden index 3c39cc4336b..4ab5a2db8d3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPureMultiStrict.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letNonPureMultiStrict.golden @@ -1,11 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "hello") ] (con integer 1) - ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] y ] ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !y : integer = trace {integer} "hello" 1 +in +addInteger y (addInteger y y) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverApp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverApp.golden index 6c902fc3d01..19210214f57 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverApp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverApp.golden @@ -1,4 +1 @@ -[ - [ (lam x (con integer) (lam y (con integer) y)) (con integer 5) ] - (con integer 6) -] \ No newline at end of file +(\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> y) 5 6 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverAppMulti.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverAppMulti.golden index c9becf00ff5..24e4947e17c 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverAppMulti.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverAppMulti.golden @@ -1,22 +1,8 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl idFun (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam y (con integer) y) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - k - (fun - (fun (con integer) (con integer)) (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - ) - ) - (lam x (fun (con integer) (con integer)) idFun) - ) - [ idFun (con integer 6) ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !idFun : integer -> integer = \(y : integer) -> y +in +let + !k : (integer -> integer) -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer -> integer) -> idFun +in +idFun 6 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverAppType.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverAppType.golden index 2be13821dc3..bfb81e53fc2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverAppType.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letOverAppType.golden @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl idFun (all a (type) (fun a a))) (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - (con integer 3) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !idFun : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeApp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeApp.golden index 397607c5d7a..805f1f07fe2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeApp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeApp.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ { (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) (con integer) } (con integer 3) ] \ No newline at end of file +(/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) {integer} 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeApp2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeApp2.golden index 9b49cbafca9..11e7e1dcc34 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeApp2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeApp2.golden @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl idFun (all a (type) (fun a a))) (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - [ - (lam x (con integer) x) - [ (lam x (con integer) x) [ (lam x (con integer) x) (con integer 3) ] ] - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !idFun : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +(\(x : integer) -> x) ((\(x : integer) -> x) ((\(x : integer) -> x) 3)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMulti.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMulti.golden index 0accbc167a4..f17c74aca43 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMulti.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMulti.golden @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl idFun (all a (type) (fun a a))) (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] (con integer 3) ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !idFun : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +addInteger 3 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMultiNotSat.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMultiNotSat.golden index fa4b115419e..e7fe6b91534 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMultiNotSat.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMultiNotSat.golden @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl idFun (all a (type) (fun a a))) (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - (lam x (con integer) x) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !idFun : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +\(x : integer) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMultiSat.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMultiSat.golden index 2796be03a18..cbda4d1c148 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMultiSat.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/letTypeAppMultiSat.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl idFun (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam x (con integer) x) - ) - [ [ (lam y (fun (con integer) (con integer)) idFun) idFun ] (con integer 1) ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !idFun : integer -> integer = \(x : integer) -> x +in +(\(y : integer -> integer) -> idFun) idFun 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/multilet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/multilet.golden index 2e82f313700..d7d474b3921 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/multilet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/multilet.golden @@ -1,27 +1,8 @@ -(lam - n - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "effect_x") ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] n ] - ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "effect_y") ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 2) ] n ] - ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] y ] ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(n : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = trace {integer} "effect_x" (addInteger 1 n) + in + let + !y : integer = trace {integer} "effect_y" (addInteger 2 n) + in + addInteger x (addInteger y y) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/nameCapture.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/nameCapture.golden index cd3e98f3de2..c14514670f3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/nameCapture.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/nameCapture.golden @@ -1,15 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl c (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 10) ] (con integer 10) ] - ) - [ - [ - (builtin addInteger) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 10) ] (con integer 7) ] - ] - (con integer 7) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !c : integer = addInteger 10 10 +in +addInteger (addInteger 10 7) 7 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/partiallyApp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/partiallyApp.golden index be3e5be4c62..1137f20b4f4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/partiallyApp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/partiallyApp.golden @@ -1,25 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - f - (fun - (con integer) - (fun - (con integer) (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - a - (con integer) - (lam - b - (con integer) - (lam c (con integer) (lam d (con integer) (con integer 5))) - ) - ) - ) - (lam d (con integer) (con integer 5)) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !f : integer -> integer -> integer -> integer -> integer + = \(a : integer) (b : integer) (c : integer) (d : integer) -> 5 +in +\(d : integer) -> 5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/rhs-modified.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/rhs-modified.golden index 48d13734d31..8b69430724f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/rhs-modified.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/rhs-modified.golden @@ -1,13 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl f (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) [ f (con integer 3) ] ] [ f (con integer 4) ] ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !f : integer -> integer = \(x : integer) -> addInteger 1 2 +in +addInteger (f 3) (f 4) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/single.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/single.golden index c302b6f7eae..ae5a2b7691f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/single.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/single.golden @@ -1,17 +1,7 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl simple (con integer)) - [ (lam y (con integer) y) (con integer 1) ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl variableCapture (con integer)) - [ (lam y (con integer) (con integer 42)) (con integer 24) ] - ) - (con integer 42) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !simple : integer = (\(y : integer) -> y) 1 +in +let + !variableCapture : integer = (\(y : integer) -> 42) 24 +in +42 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/transitive.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/transitive.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/transitive.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/transitive.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/tyvar.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/tyvar.golden index e0d12f496dd..a628e947f80 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/tyvar.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/tyvar.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(lam p (con integer) (lam z (con integer) [ (lam x (con integer) x) p ])) \ No newline at end of file +\(p : integer) (z : integer) -> (\(x : integer) -> x) p \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/var.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/var.golden index f3f6b9174bd..20419b689ac 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/var.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Inline/var.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(lam y (con integer) y) \ No newline at end of file +\(y : integer) -> y \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/applicative.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/applicative.golden index b8937235fce..ef56e978bb3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/applicative.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/applicative.golden @@ -1,118 +1,34 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl x [ Maybe (con integer) ]) - [ { Just (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ds1 [ Maybe (fun (con integer) (con integer)) ]) - [ - [ - [ - (let - (nonrec) - (typebind (tyvardecl b (type)) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam - dFunctor - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - Maybe - ] - (lam - f - (fun (con integer) b) - (lam - fa - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - [ [ { { dFunctor (con integer) } b } f ] fa ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a b) - (lam - ds2 - [ Maybe a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { Maybe_match a } ds2 ] - (all dead (type) [ Maybe b ]) - } - (lam a a (abs dead (type) [ { Just b } [ f a ] ])) - ] - (abs dead (type) { Nothing b }) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (lam - p (con integer) (lam q (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) p ] q ]) - ) - ] - x - ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ { Maybe_match (fun (con integer) (con integer)) } ds1 ] - (all dead (type) [ Maybe (con integer) ]) - } - (lam - g - (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - (lam - v - (con integer) - (abs dead (type) [ { Just (con integer) } [ g v ] ]) - ) - (con integer 2) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) { Nothing (con integer) }) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a + !x : Maybe integer = Just {integer} 1 + !ds1 : Maybe (integer -> integer) + = (let + b = integer -> integer + in + \(dFunctor : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) Maybe) + (f : integer -> b) + (fa : Maybe integer) -> + dFunctor {integer} {b} f fa) + (/\a b -> + \(f : a -> b) (ds2 : Maybe a) -> + Maybe_match + {a} + ds2 + {all dead. Maybe b} + (\(a : a) -> /\dead -> Just {b} (f a)) + (/\dead -> Nothing {b}) + {all dead. dead}) + (\(p : integer) (q : integer) -> addInteger p q) + x +in +Maybe_match + {integer -> integer} + ds1 + {all dead. Maybe integer} + (\(g : integer -> integer) -> + /\dead -> + (\(v : integer) -> /\dead -> Just {integer} (g v)) 2 {all dead. dead}) + (/\dead -> Nothing {integer}) + {all dead. dead} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/bool.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/bool.golden index 7daa7229a94..44dcaaf17e2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/bool.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/bool.golden @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - { (abs dead (type) (con integer 1)) (all dead (type) dead) } -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool +in +(/\dead -> 1) {all dead. dead} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/list.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/list.golden index a80a6de4fd2..f1430f3308d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/list.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/list.golden @@ -1,30 +1,9 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - { - [ - [ - (lam - a - (con integer) - (lam - as - [ List (con integer) ] - (abs dead (type) [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 2) ] a ]) - ) - ) - (con integer 1) - ] - { Nil (con integer) } - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a +in +(\(a : integer) (as : List integer) -> /\dead -> addInteger 2 a) + 1 + (Nil {integer}) + {all dead. dead} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just-unsaturated.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just-unsaturated.golden index 1985d01dc07..597bce16adf 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just-unsaturated.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just-unsaturated.golden @@ -1,24 +1,10 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - [ - { - [ - { Maybe_match (con integer) } [ { Just (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (lam - a - (con integer) - (abs dead (type) [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 2) ] a ]) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a +in +Maybe_match + {integer} + (Just {integer} 1) + {all dead. integer} + (\(a : integer) -> /\dead -> addInteger 2 a) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just.golden index 294f1efefe7..131b7cf0a8c 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-just.golden @@ -1,22 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - { - [ - (lam - a - (con integer) - (abs dead (type) [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 2) ] a ]) - ) - (con integer 1) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a +in +(\(a : integer) -> /\dead -> addInteger 2 a) 1 {all dead. dead} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-nothing.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-nothing.golden index 937de0bc4d0..44d361d4efa 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-nothing.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/maybe-nothing.golden @@ -1,12 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - { (abs dead (type) (con integer 42)) (all dead (type) dead) } -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a +in +(/\dead -> 42) {all dead. dead} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/pair.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/pair.golden index 5f7c3241214..33f071ae397 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/pair.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/KnownCon/pair.golden @@ -1,27 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - { - [ - [ - (lam - a - (con integer) - (lam - b (con integer) (abs dead (type) [ [ (builtin addInteger) a ] b ]) - ) - ) - (con integer 1) - ] - (con integer 2) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b +in +(\(a : integer) (b : integer) -> /\dead -> addInteger a b) 1 2 {all dead. dead} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/conservative/avoid-floating-into-lam.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/conservative/avoid-floating-into-lam.golden index 9c981eb3753..1388a6cb8f7 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/conservative/avoid-floating-into-lam.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/conservative/avoid-floating-into-lam.golden @@ -1,17 +1,8 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl f (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - (lam y (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] x ]) - ) - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) [ f (con integer 1) ] ] [ f (con integer 2) ] ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !f : integer -> integer + = let + ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 + in + \(y : integer) -> addInteger y x +in +addInteger (f 1) (f 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/conservative/avoid-floating-into-tyabs.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/conservative/avoid-floating-into-tyabs.golden index 570d62ff4c2..a267e41ef88 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/conservative/avoid-floating-into-tyabs.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/conservative/avoid-floating-into-tyabs.golden @@ -1,17 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl f (all t (type) (con integer))) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - (abs t (type) x) - ) - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) { f (con integer) } ] { f (con integer) } ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !f : all t. integer = let ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 in /\t -> x +in +addInteger (f {integer}) (f {integer}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/avoid-floating-into-RHS.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/avoid-floating-into-RHS.golden index 13e57053e85..3ee743b7282 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/avoid-floating-into-RHS.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/avoid-floating-into-RHS.golden @@ -1,12 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) (vardecl y (con integer)) [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] x ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] y ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 + ~y : integer = addInteger x x +in +addInteger y y \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/avoid-moving-strict-nonvalue-bindings.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/avoid-moving-strict-nonvalue-bindings.golden index b019d172db8..6ce78aa43a7 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/avoid-moving-strict-nonvalue-bindings.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/avoid-moving-strict-nonvalue-bindings.golden @@ -1,13 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] x ] ] y ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !y : integer = addInteger 1 2 +in +\(x : integer) -> addInteger (addInteger y x) y \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/cannot-float-into-app.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/cannot-float-into-app.golden index 3006d50483d..e96f8d382df 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/cannot-float-into-app.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/cannot-float-into-app.golden @@ -1,14 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl f (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam y (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] (con integer 3) ]) - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) [ f x ] ] [ f x ] ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 + !f : integer -> integer = \(y : integer) -> addInteger y 3 +in +addInteger (f x) (f x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype1.golden index dc01d627469..c46bdb926b9 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype1.golden @@ -1,18 +1,8 @@ -[ - { - (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - Just - ) - (all a (type) (fun a a)) - } - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) -] \ No newline at end of file +(let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a + in + Just) + {all a. a -> a} + (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype2.golden index c502ba6c029..3fc50b47e82 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/datatype2.golden @@ -1,26 +1,7 @@ -(lam - x - (con integer) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - [ - [ - [ { (builtin ifThenElse) Bool } [ [ (builtin equalsInteger) x ] y ] ] - True - ] - False - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(x : integer) (y : integer) -> + let + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + in + ifThenElse {Bool} (equalsInteger x y) True False \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-RHS.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-RHS.golden index a419b389378..85b9f047189 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-RHS.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-RHS.golden @@ -1,23 +1,6 @@ -[ - [ - (builtin addInteger) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] x ] - ) - ) - y - ) - ] - (con integer 3) -] \ No newline at end of file +addInteger + (let + ~y : integer = let ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 in addInteger x x + in + y) + 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-case-arg.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-case-arg.golden index 9dc39f06f3d..c0b65bf0958 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-case-arg.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-case-arg.golden @@ -1,17 +1,4 @@ -(case - (con integer) - (constr - (sop [(con integer)]) - 0 - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - y - ) - ) - (lam x (con integer) (con integer 1)) -) \ No newline at end of file +case + integer + (constr (sop [integer]) 0 [(let ~y : integer = addInteger 1 2 in y)]) + [(\(x : integer) -> 1)] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-case-branch.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-case-branch.golden index f5f6a7f6ea8..015c3b9f4f6 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-case-branch.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-case-branch.golden @@ -1,17 +1,4 @@ -(case - (con integer) - (constr (sop [(con integer)]) 0 (con integer 1)) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - y - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +case + integer + (constr (sop [integer]) 0 [1]) + [(\(x : integer) -> let ~y : integer = addInteger 1 2 in y)] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-constr.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-constr.golden index 0801f984091..755418bb429 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-constr.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-constr.golden @@ -1,15 +1,4 @@ -(constr - (sop [(con integer) (con integer) (con integer)]) +constr + (sop [integer, integer, integer]) 0 - (con integer 1) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - y - ) - (con integer 2) -) \ No newline at end of file + [1, (let ~y : integer = addInteger 1 2 in y), 2] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-1.golden index cdf029df0ba..8b3bbe1431a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-1.golden @@ -1,23 +1,10 @@ -[ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] - [ - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl f (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam y (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] (con integer 3) ]) - ) - f - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - x - ) - ] -] \ No newline at end of file +addInteger + 1 + ((let + !f : integer -> integer = \(y : integer) -> addInteger y 3 + in + f) + (let + ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 + in + x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-2.golden index 61b7fab69ee..10002d591a6 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-fun-and-arg-2.golden @@ -1,26 +1,10 @@ -[ - [ - (builtin addInteger) - [ - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl f (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam y (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] (con integer 3) ]) - ) - f - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - x - ) - ] - ] - (con integer 1) -] \ No newline at end of file +addInteger + ((let + !f : integer -> integer = \(y : integer) -> addInteger y 3 + in + f) + (let + ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 + in + x)) + 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam1.golden index 421def84081..97feb918198 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam1.golden @@ -1,13 +1,5 @@ -(lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] x ] ] y ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(x : integer) -> + let + ~y : integer = addInteger 1 2 + in + addInteger (addInteger y x) y \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam2.golden index 925aba24a0d..16c563ecf5e 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-lam2.golden @@ -1,24 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl f (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam - y - (con integer) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) y ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - x - ) - ] - ) - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) [ f (con integer 1) ] ] [ f (con integer 2) ] ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !f : integer -> integer + = \(y : integer) -> addInteger y (let ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 in x) +in +addInteger (f 1) (f 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-tyabs1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-tyabs1.golden index cb317973d00..f656a8c0c02 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-tyabs1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-tyabs1.golden @@ -1,40 +1,14 @@ -(abs - a - (type) - (lam - a - a - [ - [ - { - { - (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - Tuple2 - ) - a - } - (con integer) - } - a - ] +/\a -> + \(a : a) -> + (let + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + in + Tuple2) + {a} + {integer} + a (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] y ] - ) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + ~y : integer = addInteger 1 2 + in + addInteger y y) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-tyabs2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-tyabs2.golden index b0caba0080d..6c8f824f551 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-tyabs2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/float-into-tyabs2.golden @@ -1,21 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl f (all t (type) (con integer))) - (abs - t - (type) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) - x - ) - ) - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) { f (con integer) } ] { f (con integer) } ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !f : all t. integer = /\t -> let ~x : integer = addInteger 1 2 in x +in +addInteger (f {integer}) (f {integer}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/type.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/type.golden index 9844b611adf..7bd281b35de 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/type.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatIn/relaxed/type.golden @@ -1,26 +1,11 @@ -(lam - n - (con integer) - [ +\(n : integer) -> + (let + int = integer + in (let - (nonrec) - (typebind (tyvardecl int (type)) (con integer)) - { - { - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl const (all a (type) (all b (type) (fun a (fun b a))))) - (abs a (type) (abs b (type) (lam x a (lam y b x)))) - ) - const - ) - (con integer) - } - int - } - ) - (con integer 1) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + !const : all a b. a -> b -> a = /\a b -> \(x : a) (y : b) -> x + in + const) + {integer} + {int}) + 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/even3Eval.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/even3Eval.golden index 383d5389454..c56f71eb338 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/even3Eval.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/even3Eval.golden @@ -1,42 +1,20 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Nat (type)) - - match_Nat - (vardecl Zero Nat) (vardecl Suc (fun Nat Nat)) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl even (fun Nat Bool)) - (lam n Nat [ [ { [ match_Nat n ] Bool } True ] (lam p Nat [ odd p ]) ]) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl odd (fun Nat Bool)) - (lam - n Nat [ [ { [ match_Nat n ] Bool } False ] (lam p Nat [ even p ]) ] - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl three Nat) [ Suc [ Suc [ Suc Zero ] ] ]) - [ even three ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool +in +letrec + data Nat | match_Nat where + Zero : Nat + Suc : Nat -> Nat +in +letrec + !even : Nat -> Bool + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Bool} True (\(p : Nat) -> odd p) + !odd : Nat -> Bool + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Bool} False (\(p : Nat) -> even p) +in +let + !three : Nat = Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)) +in +even three \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/ifError.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/ifError.golden index 901ad65bba6..24b0ba2f044 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/ifError.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/ifError.golden @@ -1,32 +1,6 @@ -[ - (lam - b - (all a (type) (fun (fun (con integer) a) (fun (fun (con integer) a) a))) - [ - [ - { b (con integer) } - (lam - z - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl err (con integer)) (error (con integer)) - ) - err - ) - ) - ] - (lam z (con integer) (con integer 1)) - ] - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - x - (fun (con integer) a) - (lam y (fun (con integer) a) [ y (con integer 0) ]) - ) - ) -] \ No newline at end of file +(\(b : all a. (integer -> a) -> (integer -> a) -> a) -> + b + {integer} + (\(z : integer) -> let !err : integer = error {integer} in err) + (\(z : integer) -> 1)) + (/\a -> \(x : integer -> a) (y : integer -> a) -> y 0) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/inLam.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/inLam.golden index 304c202e503..c51c022cfba 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/inLam.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/inLam.golden @@ -1,13 +1 @@ -(lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] x ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] y ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(x : integer) -> let ~y : integer = addInteger 3 x in addInteger x y \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/letInLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/letInLet.golden index 7cd8e69577f..cd1b8645eb3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/letInLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/letInLet.golden @@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unitval (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl unitval2 (all a (type) (fun a a))) unitval) - unitval2 -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !unitval : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x + !unitval2 : all a. a -> a = unitval +in +unitval2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/listMatch.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/listMatch.golden index 4b83ce8f9c8..da736b1dfa0 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/listMatch.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/listMatch.golden @@ -1,39 +1,15 @@ -(lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_List - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] x ] - ) - [ - [ - { - [ - { match_List (all a (type) (fun a a)) } - { Nil (all a (type) (fun a a)) } - ] - (all a (type) (fun a a)) - } - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ] - (lam - h (all a (type) (fun a a)) (lam t [ List (all a (type) (fun a a)) ] h) - ) - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(x : integer) -> + letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | match_List where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + !j : integer = addInteger 3 x + in + match_List + {all a. a -> a} + (Nil {all a. a -> a}) + {all a. a -> a} + (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) + (\(h : all a. a -> a) (t : List (all a. a -> a)) -> h) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/maybe.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/maybe.golden index 37de78acc03..270a00ce57a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/maybe.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/maybe.golden @@ -1,24 +1,10 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Maybe - (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) - ) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] x ] - ) - [ { Just (all a (type) (fun a a)) } (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | match_Maybe where + Nothing : Maybe a + Just : a -> Maybe a +in +\(x : integer) -> + let + !j : integer = addInteger 3 x + in + Just {all a. a -> a} (/\a -> \(x : a) -> x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden index 40b4312cf50..51ee5546e64 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden @@ -1,21 +1,8 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tree (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Tree - (vardecl Node (fun a (fun [ Forest a ] [ Tree a ]))) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Forest (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Forest - (vardecl Nil [ Forest a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun [ Tree a ] (fun [ Forest a ] [ Forest a ]))) - ) - ) - { Nil (all a (type) (fun a a)) } -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data (Tree :: * -> *) a | match_Tree where + Node : a -> Forest a -> Tree a + data (Forest :: * -> *) a | match_Forest where + Nil : Forest a + Cons : Tree a -> Forest a -> Forest a +in +Nil {all a. a -> a} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden index 3e0614c749b..cd10561b364 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden @@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (all a (type) (fun a a))) y) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl y (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam z a [ { x a } z ])) - ) - x -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !x : all a. a -> a = y + !y : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(z : a) -> x {a} z +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec1.golden index 544d21ca23a..ed5eb882375 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec1.golden @@ -1,11 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl j (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl i2 (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i1 (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) i2 ] (con integer 3) ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 5) ] [ [ (builtin addInteger) j ] i2 ] ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !j : integer = 3 + !i2 : integer = 3 + !i1 : integer = addInteger i2 3 +in +addInteger 5 (addInteger j i2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec2.golden index 55a5b79ca3b..7c967ffc0dd 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec2.golden @@ -1,27 +1,11 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl j1 (con integer)) (con integer 0)) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl j (con integer)) (con integer 0)) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl i2 (con integer)) (con integer 2)) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i1 (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) i2 ] (con integer 1) ] - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i (con integer)) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) i1 ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] [ [ (builtin addInteger) i2 ] j ] ] - ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) i ] j1 ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !j1 : integer = 0 + !j : integer = 0 + !i2 : integer = 2 +in +\(x : integer) -> + let + !i1 : integer = addInteger i2 1 + !i : integer = addInteger i1 (addInteger x (addInteger i2 j)) + in + addInteger i j1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec3.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec3.golden index 0f85be80534..539c645f163 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec3.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec3.golden @@ -1,13 +1 @@ -(lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i (con integer)) - [ (lam y (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] x ]) (con integer 1) ] - ) - i - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(x : integer) -> let !i : integer = (\(y : integer) -> addInteger y x) 1 in i \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec4.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec4.golden index c0cf917e3cd..fb43cded183 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec4.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec4.golden @@ -1,20 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl i (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - [ - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) i ] (con integer 1) ] - ) - j - ) - ) - (con integer 4) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !i : integer = 3 +in +(\(x : integer) -> let !j : integer = addInteger i 1 in j) 4 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec6.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec6.golden index d1f3bc8e794..7ddab8b4799 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec6.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec6.golden @@ -1,21 +1 @@ -(lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i (con integer)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] x ] - ) - j - ) - ) - i - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(x : integer) -> let !i : integer = let !j : integer = addInteger 1 x in j in i \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec7.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec7.golden index 9b2a77b01f5..104d75e71b3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec7.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec7.golden @@ -1,24 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i (con integer)) - [ - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] x ] - ) - j - ) - ) - (con integer 1) - ] - ) - i -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !i : integer = (\(x : integer) -> let !j : integer = addInteger 1 x in j) 1 +in +i \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec8.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec8.golden index f8afbc051a1..17eaf3279a3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec8.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec8.golden @@ -1,28 +1,7 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl k (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i (con integer)) - [ - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) k ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] x ] - ] - ) - j - ) - ) - (con integer 1) - ] - ) - i -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !k : integer = 1 + !i : integer + = (\(x : integer) -> let !j : integer = addInteger k (addInteger 1 x) in j) + 1 +in +i \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec9.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec9.golden index 0ba0042f55d..ac0986e8d75 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec9.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrec9.golden @@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl a (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 1) ] - ) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl b (con integer)) a) - b -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !a : integer = addInteger 1 1 + ~b : integer = a +in +b \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToNonrec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToNonrec.golden index 09e4f0a1379..12a479d28d1 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToNonrec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToNonrec.golden @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl r (con integer)) i) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl j (con integer)) r) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl i (con integer)) j) - (con integer 3) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !r : integer = i + !j : integer = r + !i : integer = j +in +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToRec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToRec.golden index 2f82c7c950a..dbeb4bd8f55 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToRec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/nonrecToRec.golden @@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl r (con integer)) i) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl i (con integer)) - (let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl j (con integer)) r) j) - ) - (con integer 3) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + ~r : integer = i + ~i : integer = let !j : integer = r in j +in +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/oldFloatBug.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/oldFloatBug.golden index 0ba0042f55d..ac0986e8d75 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/oldFloatBug.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/oldFloatBug.golden @@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl a (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] (con integer 1) ] - ) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl b (con integer)) a) - b -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !a : integer = addInteger 1 1 + ~b : integer = a +in +b \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/oldLength.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/oldLength.golden index 8aeb454b94f..016d04367b4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/oldLength.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/oldLength.golden @@ -1,20 +1,5 @@ -(lam - x - (all a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i (con integer)) - [ - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl j (con integer)) y) y) - ) - (con integer 5) - ] - ) - i - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(x : all a. a -> a -> a) -> + let + !i : integer = (\(y : integer) -> let !j : integer = y in y) 5 + in + i \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/outLam.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/outLam.golden index cfefc2dfb9c..9097a34bc23 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/outLam.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/outLam.golden @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl y (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - (lam x (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] y ]) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + ~y : integer = 3 +in +\(x : integer) -> addInteger x y \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/outRhs.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/outRhs.golden index 7d321cde6cd..81ec31d84e1 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/outRhs.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/outRhs.golden @@ -1,14 +1,5 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - (let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) z) y) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl z (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] (con integer 1) ] - ) - x -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !x : integer = let !y : integer = z in y + ~z : integer = addInteger x 1 +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec1.golden index f5ceb8d2628..c6243e1dcef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec1.golden @@ -1,29 +1,11 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl i2 (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] k ] - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl k (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] j ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i1 (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) k ] (con integer 3) ] - ) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 5) ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) j ] i2 ] - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !i2 : integer = 3 +in +letrec + !j : integer = addInteger 3 k + !k : integer = addInteger 3 j +in +let + !i1 : integer = addInteger k 3 +in +addInteger 5 (addInteger j i2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec2.golden index 84aab17a0d1..f5d89e6963d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec2.golden @@ -1,41 +1,15 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl i2 (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - (lam - x - (con integer) - [ - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl j (con integer)) [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] k ] - ) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl k (con integer)) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] j ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl c (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 1) ] i2 ] - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl i1 (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) k ] (con integer 3) ] - ) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 5) ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) j ] i2 ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - (con integer 1) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !i2 : integer = 3 +in +\(x : integer) -> + (\(y : integer) -> + letrec + !j : integer = addInteger x k + !k : integer = addInteger y j + in + let + !c : integer = addInteger 1 i2 + !i1 : integer = addInteger k 3 + in + addInteger 5 (addInteger j i2)) + 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec3.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec3.golden index 03b00bbb1be..4b2c020c1e1 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec3.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec3.golden @@ -1,17 +1,7 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] j ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl k (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] j ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 5) ] j ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !j : integer = addInteger 3 j +in +let + !k : integer = addInteger 3 j +in +addInteger 5 j \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec4.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec4.golden index 74e6dcdfbaf..ea942bdc9d8 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec4.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rec4.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 3) ] j ] - ) - (con integer 1) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !j : integer = addInteger 3 j +in +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rhsSqueezeVsNest.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rhsSqueezeVsNest.golden index e5bdee40c82..8356ec82e66 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rhsSqueezeVsNest.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/rhsSqueezeVsNest.golden @@ -1,29 +1,8 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x') - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl x' (con integer)) x) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ - (lam - k - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y' (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) k ] y ] - ) - y' - ) - ) - y - ] - ) - x - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !x : integer = x' + ~x' : integer = x +in +letrec + !y : integer = (\(k : integer) -> let ~y' : integer = addInteger k y in y') y +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue.golden index 2037f1c6a83..2cd190c8795 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue.golden @@ -1,13 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) (error (con integer))) - y - ) - ) - (con integer 1) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + ~x : integer = let !y : integer = error {integer} in y +in +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue2.golden index cd85c70b700..c1fe572e6b5 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue2.golden @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl y (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) [ (lam z (con integer) z) y ]) - (con integer 1) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + ~y : integer = 1 + !x : integer = (\(z : integer) -> z) y +in +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue3.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue3.golden index 07797ca6973..ad2b8466447 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue3.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValue3.golden @@ -1,21 +1,5 @@ -(lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl i (con integer)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl j (con integer)) - [ (lam x (con integer) x) (con integer 1) ] - ) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) j ] x ] - ) - ) - i - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +\(x : integer) -> + let + ~i : integer = let !j : integer = (\(x : integer) -> x) 1 in addInteger j x + in + i \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValueDeep.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValueDeep.golden index b1a1bfeb647..a28736527c9 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValueDeep.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictNonValueDeep.golden @@ -1,18 +1,8 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (con integer)) - [ (lam h (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) z ] h ]) (con integer 4) ] - ) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl z (con integer)) y) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl x (con integer)) - [ (lam k (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) y ] k ]) (con integer 3) ] - ) - x - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + ~y : integer = (\(h : integer) -> addInteger z h) 4 + ~z : integer = y +in +let + !x : integer = (\(k : integer) -> addInteger y k) 3 +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValue.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValue.golden index 89cd41246e2..c203b7ba6e1 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValue.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValue.golden @@ -1,15 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl j (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) (vardecl i (con integer)) [ [ (builtin addInteger) j ] x ] - ) - i - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !j : integer = 1 +in +\(x : integer) -> let ~i : integer = addInteger j x in i \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValueNonValue.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValueNonValue.golden index 90605db67a9..f693829b273 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValueNonValue.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValueNonValue.golden @@ -1,19 +1,5 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl value (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl nonvalue (con integer)) [ value (con integer 3) ] - ) - x - ) - ) - ) - (con integer 3) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !value : integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> let !nonvalue : integer = value 3 in x +in +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValueValue.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValueValue.golden index 5f2387f7dff..5ce2c93df6a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValueValue.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/LetFloatOut/strictValueValue.golden @@ -1,14 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl value1 (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam x (con integer) x) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl value2 (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam y (con integer) [ value1 y ]) - ) - (con integer 3) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !value1 : integer -> integer = \(x : integer) -> x + !value2 : integer -> integer = \(y : integer) -> value1 y +in +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/NonStrict/nonStrict1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/NonStrict/nonStrict1.golden index c3cafa4d29c..670327ef0f4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/NonStrict/nonStrict1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/NonStrict/nonStrict1.golden @@ -1,9 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unitval (all dead (type) (all a (type) (fun a a)))) - (abs dead (type) (abs a (type) (lam x a x))) - ) - { unitval (all dead (type) dead) } -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !unitval : all dead a. a -> a = /\dead a -> \(x : a) -> x +in +unitval {all dead. dead} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/big.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/big.golden index 568ecdd2eab..c5dab09f854 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/big.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/big.golden @@ -1,48 +1,20 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Nat (type)) - - match_Nat - (vardecl Zero Nat) (vardecl Suc (fun Nat Nat)) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl even (fun Nat Bool)) - (lam - n - Nat - [ [ { [ match_Nat n ] Bool } True ] (lam pred Nat [ odd pred ]) ] - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl odd (fun Nat Bool)) - (lam - n - Nat - [ [ { [ match_Nat n ] Bool } False ] (lam pred Nat [ even pred ]) ] - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl three Nat) [ Suc [ Suc [ Suc Zero ] ] ]) - [ even three ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool +in +letrec + data Nat | match_Nat where + Zero : Nat + Suc : Nat -> Nat +in +letrec + !even : Nat -> Bool + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Bool} True (\(pred : Nat) -> odd pred) + !odd : Nat -> Bool + = \(n : Nat) -> match_Nat n {Bool} False (\(pred : Nat) -> even pred) +in +let + !three : Nat = Suc (Suc (Suc Zero)) +in +even three \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden index 67d3b17d7b8..a3237d06241 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden @@ -1,26 +1,12 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tree (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Tree - (vardecl Node (fun a (fun [ Forest a ] [ Tree a ]))) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Forest (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_Forest - (vardecl Nil [ Forest a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun [ Tree a ] (fun [ Forest a ] [ Forest a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (typebind (tyvardecl unit (type)) unit_) - (typebind (tyvardecl unit_ (type)) unit) - { Nil (all a (type) (fun a a)) } - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data (Tree :: * -> *) a | match_Tree where + Node : a -> Forest a -> Tree a + data (Forest :: * -> *) a | match_Forest where + Nil : Forest a + Cons : Tree a -> Forest a -> Forest a +in +letrec + unit = unit_ + unit_ = unit +in +Nil {all a. a -> a} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden index 3e0614c749b..cd10561b364 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden @@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (all a (type) (fun a a))) y) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl y (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam z a [ { x a } z ])) - ) - x -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + !x : all a. a -> a = y + !y : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(z : a) -> x {a} z +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/selfrecursive.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/selfrecursive.golden index 2f0fe764e4b..7627721b07d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/selfrecursive.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/selfrecursive.golden @@ -1,24 +1,12 @@ -(let - (rec) - (typebind (tyvardecl unit (type)) (all a (type) (fun unit unit))) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Nat (type)) - - match_Nat - (vardecl Zero Nat) (vardecl Suc (fun Nat Nat)) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl r (con integer)) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) r ] (con integer 3) ] - ) - r - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + unit = all a. unit -> unit +in +letrec + data Nat | match_Nat where + Zero : Nat + Suc : Nat -> Nat +in +letrec + ~r : integer = addInteger r 3 +in +r \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/small.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/small.golden index 75b4f5911b1..306857bb5e2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/small.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/small.golden @@ -1,16 +1,12 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl false Bool) False) - (let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl anotherFalse Bool) false) false) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool +in +let + !false : Bool = False +in +let + !anotherFalse : Bool = false +in +false \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/truenonrec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/truenonrec.golden index ed8d108f66e..835e78d3ea0 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/truenonrec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RecSplit/truenonrec.golden @@ -1,20 +1,15 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (typebind (tyvardecl unit (type)) (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - match_Bool - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl true Bool) True) - (let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl false Bool) False) false) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + unit = all a. a -> a +in +let + data Bool | match_Bool where + True : Bool + False : Bool +in +let + !true : Bool = True +in +let + !false : Bool = False +in +false \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/allShadowedDataNonRec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/allShadowedDataNonRec.golden index ba417512f99..c9d504929dd 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/allShadowedDataNonRec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/allShadowedDataNonRec.golden @@ -1,12 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl D_5 (type)) - - match_D_7 - (vardecl C_6 (all D_8 (type) (fun D_8 D_5))) - ) - ) - (abs a_9 (type) (lam x_10 a_9 x_10)) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data D | match_D where + C : all D. D -> D +in +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/allShadowedDataRec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/allShadowedDataRec.golden index 7371cf08d6a..ed7ff399a8b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/allShadowedDataRec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/allShadowedDataRec.golden @@ -1,12 +1,5 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl D_5 (type)) - - match_D_7 - (vardecl C_6 (all D_8 (type) (fun D_8 D_5))) - ) - ) - (abs a_9 (type) (lam x_10 a_9 x_10)) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data D | match_D where + C : all D. D -> D +in +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/paramShadowedDataNonRec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/paramShadowedDataNonRec.golden index 7a4cba7bcb8..7ee39f709ec 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/paramShadowedDataNonRec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/paramShadowedDataNonRec.golden @@ -1,12 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl D_5 (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl D_8 (type)) - match_D_7 - (vardecl C_6 [ D_5 D_8 ]) - ) - ) - (abs a_9 (type) (lam x_10 a_9 x_10)) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data (D :: * -> *) D | match_D where + C : D D +in +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/paramShadowedDataRec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/paramShadowedDataRec.golden index 89a7f4874f4..4c7954f07c4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/paramShadowedDataRec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Rename/paramShadowedDataRec.golden @@ -1,12 +1,5 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl D_5 (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl D_8 (type)) - match_D_7 - (vardecl C_6 [ D_5 D_8 ]) - ) - ) - (abs a_9 (type) (lam x_10 a_9 x_10)) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data (D :: * -> *) D | match_D where + C : D D +in +/\a -> \(x : a) -> x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/divideInt.pir.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/divideInt.pir.golden index ce5d787e5e6..770ef03caeb 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/divideInt.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/divideInt.pir.golden @@ -1,7 +1 @@ -[ - [ - (builtin divideInteger) - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 10) ] (con integer 2) ] - ] - (con integer 5) -] \ No newline at end of file +divideInteger (addInteger 10 2) 5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/equalsInt.pir.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/equalsInt.pir.golden index 87dbfd22e67..4913562233b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/equalsInt.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/equalsInt.pir.golden @@ -1,4 +1 @@ -[ - [ (builtin equalsInteger) (con integer 5) ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 10) ] (con integer 2) ] -] \ No newline at end of file +equalsInteger 5 (addInteger 10 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/let.pir.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/let.pir.golden index b5baf093451..8e874665ac2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/let.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/let.pir.golden @@ -1,8 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (error (con integer))) - [ - [ (builtin equalsInteger) (con integer 5) ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 10) ] x ] - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = error {integer} +in +equalsInteger 5 (addInteger 10 x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/multiplyInt.pir.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/multiplyInt.pir.golden index f28c8c1fe87..ce059876100 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/multiplyInt.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/multiplyInt.pir.golden @@ -1,4 +1 @@ -[ - [ (builtin multiplyInteger) (con integer 5) ] - [ [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 10) ] (con integer 2) ] -] \ No newline at end of file +multiplyInteger 5 (addInteger 10 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/unConstrConstrDataFst.pir.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/unConstrConstrDataFst.pir.golden index 7dad83c70a4..f1b6c7741b4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/unConstrConstrDataFst.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/unConstrConstrDataFst.pir.golden @@ -1,41 +1,13 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyD_1099 (type)) - - MyD_match_1102 - (vardecl MyD_1100 (fun (con integer) MyD_1099)) - (vardecl MyD_1101 (fun (con bytestring) MyD_1099)) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl generated (con integer)) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) (con integer) } (con string "BEFORE") ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl generated [ (con list) (con data) ]) - [ - [ { (builtin trace) [ (con list) (con data) ] } (con string "AFTER") ] - [ - [ - { (builtin mkCons) (con data) } - [ (builtin iData) (con integer 1) ] - ] - [ (builtin mkNilData) (con unit ()) ] - ] - ] - ) - generated - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data MyD_1099 | MyD_match_1102 where + MyD_1100 : integer -> MyD_1099 + MyD_1101 : bytestring -> MyD_1099 +in +let + !generated : integer = trace {integer} "BEFORE" 0 +in +let + !generated : list data + = trace {list data} "AFTER" (mkCons {data} (iData 1) (mkNilData ())) +in +generated \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/unConstrConstrDataSnd.pir.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/unConstrConstrDataSnd.pir.golden index a9d8728185b..d3b9d7e9dde 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/unConstrConstrDataSnd.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/RewriteRules/unConstrConstrDataSnd.pir.golden @@ -1,16 +1,6 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyD_1099 (type)) - - MyD_match_1102 - (vardecl MyD_1100 (fun (con integer) MyD_1099)) - (vardecl MyD_1101 (fun (con bytestring) MyD_1099)) - ) - ) - [ - [ { (builtin mkCons) (con data) } [ (builtin iData) (con integer 1) ] ] - [ (builtin mkNilData) (con unit ()) ] - ] -) \ No newline at end of file +let + data MyD_1099 | MyD_match_1102 where + MyD_1100 : integer -> MyD_1099 + MyD_1101 : bytestring -> MyD_1099 +in +mkCons {data} (iData 1) (mkNilData ()) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/conapp.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/conapp.golden index 4723d56e64a..b51d6fd98e6 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/conapp.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/conapp.golden @@ -1,21 +1,9 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_List - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl x [ List (con integer) ]) - [ [ { Cons (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] { Nil (con integer) } ] - ) - x - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | match_List where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a +in +let + !x : List integer = Cons {integer} 1 (Nil {integer}) +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/impure1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/impure1.golden index cecea5f7ea8..f478f4c2641 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/impure1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/impure1.golden @@ -1,10 +1,5 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl inc (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam x (con integer) [ [ (builtin addInteger) x ] (con integer 1) ]) - ) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl x (con integer)) [ inc (con integer 1) ]) - x -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !inc : integer -> integer = \(x : integer) -> addInteger x 1 + ~x : integer = inc 1 +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/pure1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/pure1.golden index 6eadfc97a93..4a00f3bab86 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/pure1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/pure1.golden @@ -1 +1,4 @@ -(let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (con integer 1)) x) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = 1 +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/unused.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/unused.golden index f997c97a207..f19ce44bc78 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/unused.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/StrictifyBindings/unused.golden @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -(let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (con integer 1) -) \ No newline at end of file +let + !x : integer = 1 +in +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/errorBinding.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/errorBinding.golden index a2b6eb67265..0347fdd9dcd 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/errorBinding.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/errorBinding.golden @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (error (con integer))) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl y (con integer)) x) - (let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) (con integer 1)) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + ~x : integer = error {integer} + ~y : integer = x +in +let + !x : integer = x +in +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFold.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFold.golden index 5490f98189c..98506bb8c29 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFold.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFold.golden @@ -1,74 +1,20 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_List - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - foldl - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun b (fun a b)) (fun b (fun [ List a ] b)))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun b (fun a b)) - (lam - acc - b - (lam - lst - [ List a ] - [ - [ { [ { match_List a } lst ] b } acc ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - [ [ [ { { foldl a } b } f ] [ [ f acc ] x ] ] xs ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - foldl - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun b (fun a b)) (fun b (fun [ List a ] b)))) - ) - ) - foldl - ) - foldl - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | match_List where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a +in +letrec + ~foldl : all a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> List a -> b + = /\a b -> + \(f : b -> a -> b) (acc : b) (lst : List a) -> + match_List + {a} + lst + {b} + acc + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> foldl {a} {b} f (f acc x) xs) +in +let + !foldl : all a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> List a -> b = foldl +in +foldl \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFoldTrace.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFoldTrace.golden index 756d649f18e..5a3f9d1e67b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFoldTrace.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/listFoldTrace.golden @@ -1,77 +1,21 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_List - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - foldl - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun b (fun a b)) (fun b (fun [ List a ] b)))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun b (fun a b)) - (lam - acc - b - (lam - lst - [ List a ] - [ - [ { [ { match_List a } lst ] b } acc ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - [ - [ { (builtin trace) b } (con string "hello") ] - [ [ [ { { foldl a } b } f ] [ [ f acc ] x ] ] xs ] - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - foldl - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun b (fun a b)) (fun b (fun [ List a ] b)))) - ) - ) - foldl - ) - foldl - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | match_List where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a +in +letrec + ~foldl : all a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> List a -> b + = /\a b -> + \(f : b -> a -> b) (acc : b) (lst : List a) -> + match_List + {a} + lst + {b} + acc + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> + trace {b} "hello" (foldl {a} {b} f (f acc x) xs)) +in +let + !foldl : all a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> List a -> b = foldl +in +foldl \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/monoMap.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/monoMap.golden index 56054fc3165..b6577226807 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/monoMap.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/monoMap.golden @@ -1,49 +1,17 @@ -(let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - match_List - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - map - (fun - (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - (fun [ List (con integer) ] [ List (con integer) ]) - ) - ) - (lam - f - (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - (lam +letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | match_List where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a +in +letrec + !map : (integer -> integer) -> List integer -> List integer + = \(f : integer -> integer) (lst : List integer) -> + match_List + {integer} lst - [ List (con integer) ] - [ - [ - { [ { match_List (con integer) } lst ] [ List (con integer) ] } - { Nil (con integer) } - ] - (lam - x - (con integer) - (lam - xs - [ List (con integer) ] - [ [ { Cons (con integer) } [ f x ] ] [ [ map f ] xs ] ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - map - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {List integer} + (Nil {integer}) + (\(x : integer) (xs : List integer) -> + Cons {integer} (f x) (map f xs)) +in +map \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden index 2fdd30b32d8..e6ba9004cd5 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden @@ -1,15 +1,9 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl x (all a (type) (fun a a))) y) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam z a [ { x a } z ])) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (all a (type) (fun a a))) x) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (all a (type) (fun a a))) y) - x - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + ~x : all a. a -> a = y + ~y : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(z : a) -> x {a} z +in +let + !x : all a. a -> a = x + !y : all a. a -> a = y +in +x \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/preserveEffectOrder.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/preserveEffectOrder.golden index c36ab2625c4..23dfff6a4b0 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/preserveEffectOrder.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/preserveEffectOrder.golden @@ -1,21 +1,10 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (error (con integer))) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl y (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (fun (con integer) (con integer)) } - (con string "SHOULD NOT BE PRINTED") - ] - (lam z (con integer) z) - ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (fun (con integer) (con integer))) y) - (con integer 1) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + ~x : integer = error {integer} + ~y : integer -> integer + = trace {integer -> integer} "SHOULD NOT BE PRINTED" (\(z : integer) -> z) +in +let + !x : integer = x + !y : integer -> integer = y +in +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/preserveStrictness.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/preserveStrictness.golden index 51c7a166f3e..0c09610fd34 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/preserveStrictness.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/ThunkRecursions/preserveStrictness.golden @@ -1,11 +1,9 @@ -(let - (rec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl x (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl y (con integer)) (con integer 2)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (con integer 1) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +letrec + ~x : integer = 1 + ~y : integer = 2 +in +let + !x : integer = x + !y : integer = y +in +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Unwrap/unwrapWrap.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Unwrap/unwrapWrap.golden index 24aebcf99ce..efac3fa3ca1 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Unwrap/unwrapWrap.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/Transform/Unwrap/unwrapWrap.golden @@ -1,34 +1,7 @@ -(abs - a - (type) - (abs - r - (type) - (lam - z - r - (lam - f - (fun - a - (fun - (ifix - (lam - list - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - a - (type) - (all r (type) (fun r (fun (fun a (fun [ list a ] r)) r))) - ) - ) - a - ) - r - ) - ) - z - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file +/\a r -> + \(z : r) + (f : + a -> + ifix (\(list :: * -> *) a -> all r. r -> (a -> list a -> r) -> r) a -> + r) -> + z \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/even3Eval.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/even3Eval.golden index e522d1df3ba..7decd544a4e 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/even3Eval.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/even3Eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -Bool_17 \ No newline at end of file +Bool-17 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/ifError.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/ifError.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/ifError.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/ifError.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/letInLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/letInLet.golden index 6eca618c961..4941d69ff8b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/letInLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/letInLet.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(all a_11 (type) (fun a_11 a_11)) \ No newline at end of file +all a-11. a-11 -> a-11 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/listMatch.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/listMatch.golden index 5ce0a6292ed..4ea3c545cff 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/listMatch.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/listMatch.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (con integer) (all a_42 (type) (fun a_42 a_42))) \ No newline at end of file +integer -> (all a-42. a-42 -> a-42) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/maybe.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/maybe.golden index c8d808d2857..fdb721b5c2e 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/maybe.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/maybe.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (con integer) [ Maybe_9 (all a_25 (type) (fun a_25 a_25)) ]) \ No newline at end of file +integer -> Maybe-9 (all a-25. a-25 -> a-25) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden index 9f5a9c503b2..4356d89a614 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveTypes.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[ Forest_11 (all a_34 (type) (fun a_34 a_34)) ] \ No newline at end of file +Forest-11 (all a-34. a-34 -> a-34) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden index c0626874c74..40826269b6a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/mutuallyRecursiveValues.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(all a_12 (type) (fun a_12 a_12)) \ No newline at end of file +all a-12. a-12 -> a-12 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonSelfRecursive.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonSelfRecursive.golden index 40e6cd03780..f26dde336d5 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonSelfRecursive.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonSelfRecursive.golden @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ Error during PIR typechecking: -Free type variable at nonSelfRecursive:8:57-8:60 : List \ No newline at end of file +Free type variable at nonSelfRecursive:8:57-8:60 : List-0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec1.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec1.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec2.golden index 63842ebe8d4..c16d3c3ff73 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec2.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (con integer) (con integer)) \ No newline at end of file +integer -> integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec3.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec3.golden index 63842ebe8d4..c16d3c3ff73 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec3.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec3.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (con integer) (con integer)) \ No newline at end of file +integer -> integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec4.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec4.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec4.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec4.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec6.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec6.golden index 63842ebe8d4..c16d3c3ff73 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec6.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec6.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (con integer) (con integer)) \ No newline at end of file +integer -> integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec7.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec7.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec7.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec7.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec8.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec8.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec8.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrec8.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToNonrec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToNonrec.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToNonrec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToNonrec.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToRec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToRec.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToRec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/nonrecToRec.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/oldLength.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/oldLength.golden index f66430cf089..24ce391cbfb 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/oldLength.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/oldLength.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (all a_6 (type) (fun a_6 (fun a_6 a_6))) (con integer)) \ No newline at end of file +(all a-6. a-6 -> a-6 -> a-6) -> integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec1.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec1.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec1.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec1.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec2.golden index 63842ebe8d4..c16d3c3ff73 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec2.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (con integer) (con integer)) \ No newline at end of file +integer -> integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec3.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec3.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec3.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec3.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec4.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec4.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec4.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/rec4.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/sameNameDifferentEnv.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/sameNameDifferentEnv.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/sameNameDifferentEnv.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/sameNameDifferentEnv.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue2.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue2.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue2.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue2.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue3.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue3.golden index 63842ebe8d4..c16d3c3ff73 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue3.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValue3.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (con integer) (con integer)) \ No newline at end of file +integer -> integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValueDeep.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValueDeep.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValueDeep.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictNonValueDeep.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValue.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValue.golden index 63842ebe8d4..c16d3c3ff73 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValue.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValue.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(fun (con integer) (con integer)) \ No newline at end of file +integer -> integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValueNonValue.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValueNonValue.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValueNonValue.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValueNonValue.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValueValue.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValueValue.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValueValue.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/strictValueValue.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLet.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLet.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLet.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLet.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetRec.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetRec.golden index a1674e0be4b..c0740e5a58a 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetRec.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetRec.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer) \ No newline at end of file +integer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetWrong.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetWrong.golden index 415f269ca8d..0cf12927b2c 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetWrong.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/typeLetWrong.golden @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ Error during PIR typechecking: Type mismatch at typeLetWrong:4:3-4:33 Expected a term of type - 'a' + 'a-2' But found one of type '(con integer)' Namely, diff --git a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/wrongDataConstrReturnType.golden b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/wrongDataConstrReturnType.golden index 7efa510bbb8..c03bfdbbf82 100644 --- a/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/wrongDataConstrReturnType.golden +++ b/plutus-core/plutus-ir/test/PlutusIR/TypeCheck/wrongDataConstrReturnType.golden @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ Error during PIR typechecking: The result-type of a dataconstructor is malformed at location wrongDataConstrReturnType:4:5-10:5 -The expected result-type is: [ Maybe a ] \ No newline at end of file +The expected result-type is: [ Maybe-5 a-9 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Analysis/evalOrder/letFun.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Analysis/evalOrder/letFun.golden index d67be8cc736..8701a7d17ce 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Analysis/evalOrder/letFun.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Analysis/evalOrder/letFun.golden @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -pure work-free: (\n -> n 1 1) -pure work-free: (addInteger) -pure maybe work?: ((\n -> n 1 1) addInteger) -pure work-free: n +pure work-free: \n-0 -> n-0 1 1 +pure work-free: addInteger +pure maybe work?: (\n-0 -> n-0 1 1) addInteger +pure work-free: n-0 pure work-free: 1 -pure maybe work?: (n 1) +pure maybe work?: n-0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Analysis/evalOrder/letImpure.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Analysis/evalOrder/letImpure.golden index 549116771e4..799dbf110ef 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Analysis/evalOrder/letImpure.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Analysis/evalOrder/letImpure.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -pure work-free: (\n -> n 1 1) -pure work-free: m +pure work-free: \n-0 -> n-0 1 1 +pure work-free: m-1 pure work-free: 1 -pure maybe work?: (m 1) +pure maybe work?: m-1 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okConst.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okConst.uplc.golden index f5999fde189..b1099958fe3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okConst.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okConst.uplc.golden @@ -1,3 +1 @@ -(Right (program - 1.1.0 [ [ (lam i_0 (lam i_1 i_0)) (con bool True) ] (lam i_2 i_2) ] -)) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (program 1.1.0 [ [ (lam i (lam i i)) (con bool True) ] (lam i i) ])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okDeep0.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okDeep0.uplc.golden index 0167e3691d4..142ed893d7d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okDeep0.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okDeep0.uplc.golden @@ -1,15 +1,6 @@ (Right (program 1.1.0 (lam - i_0 - (lam - i_1 - (lam - i_2 - (lam - i_3 (lam i_4 (lam i_5 (lam i_6 (lam i_7 (lam i_8 (lam i_9 i_0)))))) - ) - ) - ) + i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i i))))))))) ) )) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okDeep99.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okDeep99.uplc.golden index 0167e3691d4..142ed893d7d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okDeep99.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okDeep99.uplc.golden @@ -1,15 +1,6 @@ (Right (program 1.1.0 (lam - i_0 - (lam - i_1 - (lam - i_2 - (lam - i_3 (lam i_4 (lam i_5 (lam i_6 (lam i_7 (lam i_8 (lam i_9 i_0)))))) - ) - ) - ) + i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i i))))))))) ) )) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId0.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId0.uplc.golden index a7f77a006c8..0665c3a3849 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId0.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId0.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(Right (program 1.1.0 (lam i_0 i_0))) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (program 1.1.0 (lam i i))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId99.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId99.uplc.golden index a7f77a006c8..0665c3a3849 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId99.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okId99.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(Right (program 1.1.0 (lam i_0 i_0))) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (program 1.1.0 (lam i i))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okMix1.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okMix1.uplc.golden index 8c00e7c4b70..5d0a43381ff 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okMix1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okMix1.uplc.golden @@ -1,42 +1,34 @@ (Right (program 1.1.0 (lam - i_0 + i (lam - i_1 + i (lam - i_2 + i (lam - i_3 + i (lam - i_4 + i (lam - i_5 + i (lam - i_6 + i (lam - i_7 + i (lam - i_8 + i (lam - i_9 + i (lam - i_10 + i (lam - i_11 + i (lam - i_12 + i (lam - i_13 - (lam - i_14 - (lam - i_15 - (lam - i_16 (lam i_17 (lam i_18 (lam i_19 i_0))) - ) - ) - ) + i + (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i i)))))) ) ) ) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okMix2.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okMix2.uplc.golden index 8c00e7c4b70..5d0a43381ff 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okMix2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Default/okMix2.uplc.golden @@ -1,42 +1,34 @@ (Right (program 1.1.0 (lam - i_0 + i (lam - i_1 + i (lam - i_2 + i (lam - i_3 + i (lam - i_4 + i (lam - i_5 + i (lam - i_6 + i (lam - i_7 + i (lam - i_8 + i (lam - i_9 + i (lam - i_10 + i (lam - i_11 + i (lam - i_12 + i (lam - i_13 - (lam - i_14 - (lam - i_15 - (lam - i_16 (lam i_17 (lam i_18 (lam i_19 i_0))) - ) - ) - ) + i + (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i i)))))) ) ) ) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceConst.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceConst.uplc.golden index f862ebf0901..b1099958fe3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceConst.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceConst.uplc.golden @@ -1,3 +1 @@ -(Right (program - 1.1.0 [ [ (lam i_0 (lam i_1 i_0)) (con bool True) ] (lam i_2 i_3) ] -)) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (program 1.1.0 [ [ (lam i (lam i i)) (con bool True) ] (lam i i) ])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceDeep.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceDeep.uplc.golden index 66d0e7761ba..d0dadd981fb 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceDeep.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceDeep.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(Right (program 1.1.0 (lam i_0 (lam i_1 (lam i_2 (lam i_3 (lam i_4 i_5))))))) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (program 1.1.0 (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i (lam i i))))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceElaborate.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceElaborate.uplc.golden index ddf25db5e64..d99651f8f8b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceElaborate.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceElaborate.uplc.golden @@ -1,3 +1 @@ -(Right (program - 1.1.0 (lam i_0 [ [ [ i_1 i_0 ] i_2 ] (lam i_3 [ [ [ i_3 i_4 ] i_1 ] i_2 ]) ]) -)) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (program 1.1.0 (lam i [ [ [ i i ] i ] (lam i [ [ [ i i ] i ] i ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceTop.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceTop.uplc.golden index eba26a51d89..da087a892a0 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceTop.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/DeBruijn/Golden/Graceful/graceTop.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(Right (program 1.1.0 (delay i_0))) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (program 1.1.0 (delay i))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/List/headList-empty.err.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/List/headList-empty.err.golden index 0f8c3121e2d..637f25975e2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/List/headList-empty.err.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/List/headList-empty.err.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ An error has occurred: The machine terminated because of an error, either from a built-in function or from an explicit use of 'error'. -Caused by: (force headList []) +Caused by: force headList [] Logs were: Expected a non-empty list but got an empty one \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/List/tailList-empty.err.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/List/tailList-empty.err.golden index 7d9ddbf5dc9..ee22967c0ab 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/List/tailList-empty.err.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/List/tailList-empty.err.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ An error has occurred: The machine terminated because of an error, either from a built-in function or from an explicit use of 'error'. -Caused by: (force tailList []) +Caused by: force tailList [] Logs were: Expected a non-empty list but got an empty one \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/consByteString-out-of-range.err.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/consByteString-out-of-range.err.golden index 5100ab0a4a7..af98afba61d 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/consByteString-out-of-range.err.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/consByteString-out-of-range.err.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ An error has occurred: The machine terminated because of an error, either from a built-in function or from an explicit use of 'error'. -Caused by: (consByteString 256 #68656c6c6f20776f726c64) +Caused by: consByteString 256 #68656c6c6f20776f726c64 Logs were: 256 is not within the bounds of Word8 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/indexByteString-out-of-bounds-empty.err.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/indexByteString-out-of-bounds-empty.err.golden index 7bc851206a0..1c9b2c9bf7e 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/indexByteString-out-of-bounds-empty.err.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/indexByteString-out-of-bounds-empty.err.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ An error has occurred: The machine terminated because of an error, either from a built-in function or from an explicit use of 'error'. -Caused by: (indexByteString # 0) +Caused by: indexByteString # 0 Logs were: Index out of bounds \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/indexByteString-out-of-bounds-non-empty.err.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/indexByteString-out-of-bounds-non-empty.err.golden index 0347aa759b2..6cc669165e0 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/indexByteString-out-of-bounds-non-empty.err.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Builtins/Golden/String/indexByteString-out-of-bounds-non-empty.err.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ An error has occurred: The machine terminated because of an error, either from a built-in function or from an explicit use of 'error'. -Caused by: (indexByteString #68656c6c6f20776f726c64 12) +Caused by: indexByteString #68656c6c6f20776f726c64 12 Logs were: Index out of bounds \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.plc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.plc.golden index 9d17ef9a5a4..9a0fbbf5ad2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.plc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.plc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(Right (lam j_1 (con integer 1))) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (lam j (con integer 1))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.uplc.golden index c37c65ee4b3..9a0fbbf5ad2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/closure.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(Right (lam j_0 (con integer 1))) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (lam j (con integer 1))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/ite.type.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/ite.type.golden index 4a34bc25070..69bf353e2df 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/ite.type.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/ite.type.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(Right (all a_2 (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a_2 (fun a_2 a_2))))) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKind.type.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKind.type.golden index 6634145229d..cbc76b82358 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKind.type.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKind.type.golden @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Expected a type of kind But found one of kind '(fun (type) (type))' Namely, - '(lam a_1 (type) (fun a_1 a_1))') \ No newline at end of file + '(lam a (type) (fun a a))') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKindFullyApplied.type.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKindFullyApplied.type.golden index 6634145229d..cbc76b82358 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKindFullyApplied.type.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKindFullyApplied.type.golden @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Expected a type of kind But found one of kind '(fun (type) (type))' Namely, - '(lam a_1 (type) (fun a_1 a_1))') \ No newline at end of file + '(lam a (type) (fun a a))') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKindWithCond.type.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKindWithCond.type.golden index 6634145229d..cbc76b82358 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKindWithCond.type.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteAtHigherKindWithCond.type.golden @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Expected a type of kind But found one of kind '(fun (type) (type))' Namely, - '(lam a_1 (type) (fun a_1 a_1))') \ No newline at end of file + '(lam a (type) (fun a a))') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteUninstantiatedFullyApplied.type.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteUninstantiatedFullyApplied.type.golden index d82bc2d1e60..a21a8913ca4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteUninstantiatedFullyApplied.type.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteUninstantiatedFullyApplied.type.golden @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Expected a term of type '(fun k l)' for some 'k' and 'l' But found one of type - '(all a_2 (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a_2 (fun a_2 a_2))))' + '(all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))' Namely, '(builtin ifThenElse)') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteUninstantiatedWithCond.type.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteUninstantiatedWithCond.type.golden index d82bc2d1e60..a21a8913ca4 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteUninstantiatedWithCond.type.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/iteUninstantiatedWithCond.type.golden @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ Expected a term of type '(fun k l)' for some 'k' and 'l' But found one of type - '(all a_2 (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a_2 (fun a_2 a_2))))' + '(all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))' Namely, '(builtin ifThenElse)') \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/polyError.type.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/polyError.type.golden index 25bc5d87a71..be5cc9e3fb3 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/polyError.type.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Golden/polyError.type.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(Right (all a_1 (type) a_1)) \ No newline at end of file +(Right (all a (type) a)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/0.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/0.uplc.golden index 9f4e4813c90..fdbc1b65ee8 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/0.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/0.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 0 | mem: 0}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2176000 | mem: 13600}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1472000 | mem: 9200}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/3.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/3.uplc.golden index c90e1999121..c1da85de793 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/3.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 0 | mem: 0}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2176000 | mem: 13600}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1472000 | mem: 9200}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/6.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/6.uplc.golden index 36c0cb0fc75..cb8c5a1da45 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/6.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/6.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 0 | mem: 0}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2176000 | mem: 13600}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1472000 | mem: 9200}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/9.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/9.uplc.golden index f69f6bbde9c..95ae1902625 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/9.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IdNat/9.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 0 | mem: 0}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2176000 | mem: 13600}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1472000 | mem: 9200}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/0.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/0.uplc.golden index 9f4e4813c90..fdbc1b65ee8 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/0.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/0.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 0 | mem: 0}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2176000 | mem: 13600}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1472000 | mem: 9200}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/1.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/1.uplc.golden index 62195414fac..83bb9621f8e 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/1.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 16000 | mem: 100}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2240000 | mem: 14000}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1632000 | mem: 10200}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/2.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/2.uplc.golden index 3f4f55a1f16..daa53e2f4a2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/2.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 32000 | mem: 200}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2256000 | mem: 14100}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1664000 | mem: 10400}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/3.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/3.uplc.golden index 69feff17298..6de901bc1bb 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/3.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 48000 | mem: 300}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2272000 | mem: 14200}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1696000 | mem: 10600}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/4.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/4.uplc.golden index 387b492343b..1be22bdf093 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/4.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/4.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 64000 | mem: 400}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2288000 | mem: 14300}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1728000 | mem: 10800}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/5.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/5.uplc.golden index 5c1148a0a87..e8843cd922b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/5.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Evaluation/Machines/Budget/IfThenElse/5.uplc.golden @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -( (Right (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - f - (delay - (\z - f -> - z))))))))))))))))))))))) +( (Right delay + (\z-0 + f-1 -> + f-1 + (delay + (\z-2 + f-3 -> + f-3 + (delay + (\z-4 + f-5 -> + f-5 + (delay + (\z-6 + f-7 -> + f-7 + (delay + (\z-8 + f-9 -> + f-9 + (delay + (\z-10 + f-11 -> + f-11 + (delay + (\z-12 + f-13 -> + f-13 + (delay + (\z-14 + f-15 -> + f-15 + (delay + (\z-16 + f-17 -> + f-17 + (delay + (\z-18 + f-19 -> + f-19 + (delay + (\z-20 + f-21 -> + z-20)))))))))))))))))))))) , ({ tally: ({BStep BConst causes ({cpu: 80000 | mem: 500}) | BStep BVar causes ({cpu: 2304000 | mem: 14400}) | BStep BLamAbs causes ({cpu: 1760000 | mem: 11000}) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/1.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/1.uplc.golden index 99e77d62902..9cf88689c14 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/1.uplc.golden @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ (force [ [ - [ (force (builtin ifThenElse)) b_0 ] + [ (force (builtin ifThenElse)) b ] (delay (case (constr 0) (con integer 1) (con integer 2))) ] (delay (case (constr 1) (con integer 1) (con integer 2))) diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/2.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/2.uplc.golden index c73165d882d..d8da14e00ad 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/2.uplc.golden @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ (case - [ [ [ (force (builtin ifThenElse)) b_0 ] t_1 ] (constr 1) ] + [ [ [ (force (builtin ifThenElse)) b ] t ] (constr 1) ] (con integer 1) (con integer 2) ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/3.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/3.uplc.golden index 74f9f77952f..9e7f8874321 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/CaseOfCase/3.uplc.golden @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ (force [ [ - [ (force (builtin ifThenElse)) b_0 ] - (delay (case (constr 0 x_1 xs_2) f_3 (con integer 2))) + [ (force (builtin ifThenElse)) b ] + (delay (case (constr 0 x xs) f (con integer 2))) ] - (delay (case (constr 1) f_3 (con integer 2))) + (delay (case (constr 1) f (con integer 2))) ] ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/callsiteInline.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/callsiteInline.uplc.golden index b7c97937ae3..c762b72fa51 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/callsiteInline.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/callsiteInline.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -((\a_5 -> f_1 (g_2 1 0) (a_5 2)) (\x_6 y_7 -> g_2 y_7 x_6)) \ No newline at end of file +(\a -> f (g 1 0) (a 2)) (\x y -> g y x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse1.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse1.uplc.golden index 8cb90c248e1..d7e4947f132 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse1.uplc.golden @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -(\x_6 y_7 -> - (\cse_8 -> - (\cse_9 -> - addInteger - cse_9 - (case - y_7 - [ (addInteger cse_9 (addInteger 3 x_6)) - , (addInteger cse_8 (addInteger 3 x_6)) - , (addInteger 4 x_6) ])) - (addInteger 1 cse_8)) - (addInteger 2 x_6)) \ No newline at end of file +\x y -> + (\cse -> + (\cse -> + addInteger + cse + (case + y + [ (addInteger cse (addInteger 3 x)) + , (addInteger cse (addInteger 3 x)) + , (addInteger 4 x) ])) + (addInteger 1 cse)) + (addInteger 2 x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse2.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse2.uplc.golden index b7ad3cd4538..8fe2274bd5b 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse2.uplc.golden @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -(force - (force - (ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger 0 0) - (delay ((\cse_2 -> addInteger cse_2 cse_2) (addInteger 1 2))) - (delay (addInteger 1 2))))) \ No newline at end of file +force + (force + (ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger 0 0) + (delay ((\cse -> addInteger cse cse) (addInteger 1 2))) + (delay (addInteger 1 2)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse3.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse3.uplc.golden index 28f7f02ad95..f85dabf4e25 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cse3.uplc.golden @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ -(\x_8 -> - (\cse_9 -> - f_3 - (addInteger 1 (addInteger cse_9 cse_9)) - (addInteger 2 (addInteger cse_9 cse_9))) - (addInteger 0 x_8)) \ No newline at end of file +\x -> + (\cse -> + f (addInteger 1 (addInteger cse cse)) (addInteger 2 (addInteger cse cse))) + (addInteger 0 x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cseExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cseExpensive.uplc.golden index f2db2f58a9d..c098977a6ad 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cseExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/cseExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,1171 +1,1169 @@ -((\cse_402 -> - (\cse_403 -> - (\cse_404 -> - (\cse_405 -> - (\cse_406 -> - (\cse_407 -> - (\cse_408 -> - (\cse_409 -> - (\cse_410 -> - (\cse_411 -> - (\cse_412 -> - (\cse_413 -> - (\cse_414 -> - (\cse_415 -> - (\cse_416 -> - (\cse_417 -> - (\cse_418 -> - (\cse_419 -> - (\cse_420 -> - (\cse_421 -> - (\cse_422 -> - (\cse_423 -> - (\cse_424 -> - (\cse_425 -> - (\cse_426 -> - (\cse_427 -> - (\cse_428 -> - (\cse_429 -> - (\cse_430 -> - (\cse_431 -> - (\cse_432 -> - (\cse_433 -> - (\cse_434 -> - (\cse_435 -> - (\cse_436 -> - (\cse_437 -> - (\cse_438 -> - (\cse_439 -> - (\cse_440 -> - (\cse_441 -> - (\cse_442 -> - (\cse_443 -> - (\cse_444 -> - (\cse_445 -> - (\cse_446 -> - (\cse_447 -> - (\cse_448 -> - (\cse_449 -> - (\cse_450 -> - (\cse_451 -> - (\cse_452 -> - (\cse_453 -> - (\cse_454 -> - (\cse_455 -> - (\cse_456 -> - (\cse_457 -> - (\cse_458 -> - (\cse_459 -> - (\cse_460 -> - (\cse_461 -> - (\cse_462 -> - (\cse_463 -> - (\cse_464 -> - (\cse_465 -> - (\cse_466 -> - (\cse_467 -> - (\cse_468 -> - (\cse_469 -> - (\cse_470 -> - (\cse_471 -> - (\cse_472 -> - (\cse_473 -> - (\cse_474 -> - (\cse_475 -> - (\cse_476 -> - (\cse_477 -> - (\cse_478 -> - (\cse_479 -> - (\cse_480 -> - (\cse_481 -> - (\cse_482 -> - (\cse_483 -> - (\cse_484 -> - (\cse_485 -> - (\cse_486 -> - (\cse_487 -> - (\cse_488 -> - (\cse_489 -> - (\cse_490 -> - (\cse_491 -> - (\cse_492 -> - (\cse_493 -> - (\cse_494 -> - (\cse_495 -> - (\cse_496 -> - (\cse_497 -> - (\cse_498 -> - (\cse_499 -> - (\cse_500 -> - (\cse_501 -> - (\cse_502 -> - (\cse_503 -> - (\cse_504 -> - (\cse_505 -> - (\cse_506 -> - (\cse_507 -> - (\cse_508 -> - (\cse_509 -> - (\cse_510 -> - (\cse_511 -> - (\cse_512 -> - (\cse_513 -> - (\cse_514 -> - (\cse_515 -> - (\cse_516 -> - (\cse_517 -> - (\cse_518 -> - (\cse_519 -> - (\cse_520 -> - (\cse_521 -> - (\cse_522 -> - (\cse_523 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(addInteger + 232 + 233)) + (addInteger + 120 + 121)) + (addInteger + 312 + 313)) + (addInteger + 168 + 169)) + (addInteger + 226 + 227)) + (addInteger + 222 + 223)) + (addInteger + 114 + 115)) + (addInteger + 306 + 307)) + (addInteger + 162 + 163)) + (addInteger + 158 + 159)) + (addInteger + 50 + 51)) + (addInteger + 370 + 371)) + (addInteger + 220 + 221)) + (addInteger + 380 + 381)) + (addInteger + 180 + 181)) + (addInteger + 92 + 93)) + (addInteger + 52 + 53)) + (addInteger + 276 + 277)) + (addInteger + 66 + 67)) + (addInteger + 26 + 27)) + (addInteger + 374 + 375)) + (addInteger + 174 + 175)) + (addInteger + 194 + 195)) + (addInteger + 154 + 155)) + (addInteger + 46 + 47)) + (addInteger + 96 + 97)) + (addInteger + 160 + 161)) + (addInteger + 32 + 33)) + (addInteger + 320 + 321)) + (addInteger + 384 + 385)) + (addInteger + 224 + 225)) + (addInteger + 256 + 257)) + (addInteger + 150 + 151)) + (addInteger + 22 + 23)) + (addInteger + 378 + 379)) + (addInteger + 214 + 215)) + (addInteger + 86 + 87)) + (addInteger + 314 + 315)) + (addInteger + 140 + 141)) + (addInteger + 356 + 357)) + (addInteger + 316 + 317)) + (addInteger + 68 + 69)) + (addInteger + 28 + 29)) + (addInteger 244 245)) + (addInteger 310 311)) + (addInteger 330 331)) + (addInteger 238 239)) + (addInteger 2 3)) + (addInteger 218 219)) + (addInteger 126 127)) + (addInteger 360 361)) + (addInteger 72 73)) + (addInteger 248 249)) + (addInteger 296 297)) + (addInteger 8 9)) + (addInteger 184 185)) + (addInteger 350 351)) + (addInteger 242 243)) + (addInteger 398 399)) + (addInteger 290 291)) + (addInteger 286 287)) + (addInteger 178 179)) + (addInteger 354 355) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/extraDelays.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/extraDelays.uplc.golden index df03e678730..c657cebfec2 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/extraDelays.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/extraDelays.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(delay 1) \ No newline at end of file +delay 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay1.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay1.uplc.golden index 76314bfe356..b7b8ae1aa74 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay1.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(addInteger 1 1) \ No newline at end of file +addInteger 1 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay2.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay2.uplc.golden index 5f9aeb2233e..87366c81f72 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay2.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -((\a_1 -> addInteger (force a_1) (force a_1)) (delay (addInteger 1 2))) \ No newline at end of file +(\a -> addInteger (force a) (force a)) (delay (addInteger 1 2)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay3.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay3.uplc.golden index ed8ba6f3db4..eacbcc02d3f 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/floatDelay3.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(addInteger (force (delay 1)) (force (delay 1))) \ No newline at end of file +addInteger (force (delay 1)) (force (delay 1)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/forceDelayComplex.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/forceDelayComplex.uplc.golden index 50a3d500b30..9f652a4d85c 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/forceDelayComplex.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/forceDelayComplex.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(funcVar_7 1 2 "foo" "bar" 3 3) \ No newline at end of file +funcVar 1 2 "foo" "bar" 3 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/forceDelayMultiApply.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/forceDelayMultiApply.uplc.golden index 57132a23441..e3d9f788070 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/forceDelayMultiApply.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/forceDelayMultiApply.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(funcVar_4 1 2 3) \ No newline at end of file +funcVar 1 2 3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure1.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure1.uplc.golden index e75aa445cac..a10b0484599 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure1.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -((\a_2 b_3 -> a_2) error) \ No newline at end of file +(\a b -> a) error \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure2.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure2.uplc.golden index e75aa445cac..a10b0484599 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure2.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -((\a_2 b_3 -> a_2) error) \ No newline at end of file +(\a b -> a) error \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure3.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure3.uplc.golden index e75aa445cac..a10b0484599 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure3.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -((\a_2 b_3 -> a_2) error) \ No newline at end of file +(\a b -> a) error \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure4.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure4.uplc.golden index 414e00d57c3..08f14ca99e7 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure4.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlineImpure4.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -((\a_3 b_4 -> a_3) (force a_2)) \ No newline at end of file +(\a b -> a) (force a) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure1.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure1.uplc.golden index bde3b1c0f1b..a89db790d73 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure1.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(\b_4 -> a_2) \ No newline at end of file +\b -> a \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure2.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure2.uplc.golden index bde3b1c0f1b..a89db790d73 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure2.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(\b_4 -> a_2) \ No newline at end of file +\b -> a \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure3.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure3.uplc.golden index 5946b96c2b6..e2e6423b7f6 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure3.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(\b_5 y_8 -> 1 1) \ No newline at end of file +\b y -> 1 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure4.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure4.uplc.golden index 5e1a936a2a0..74535e5d945 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure4.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/inlinePure4.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(\b_5 -> (\x_8 y_9 -> x_8 x_8) (delay (error 1))) \ No newline at end of file +\b -> (\x y -> x x) (delay (error 1)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/interveningLambda.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/interveningLambda.uplc.golden index b9abc06d8e7..92880af7137 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/interveningLambda.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/interveningLambda.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(1 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/multiApp.uplc.golden b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/multiApp.uplc.golden index aa7d0034dc3..354bbaf3997 100644 --- a/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/multiApp.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-core/untyped-plutus-core/test/Transform/multiApp.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(3 1 2) \ No newline at end of file +3 1 2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/onlyUseFirstField.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/onlyUseFirstField.uplc.golden index 08d62b79d6e..2f7d89a5bda 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/onlyUseFirstField.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/onlyUseFirstField.uplc.golden @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - (\d -> - (\tup -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 (force (force fstPair) tup)) - (delay - (delay - ((\l -> - (\l -> - (\l -> - (\ds -> - (\ds -> - (\ds -> - (\ds -> ds) - (unIData - (force headList - (force tailList l)))) - (unIData (force headList l))) - (unIData (force headList l))) - (unIData (force headList l))) - (force tailList l)) - (force tailList l)) - (force (force sndPair) tup)))) - (delay (delay error))))) - (unConstrData d)) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + (\d -> + (\tup -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 (force (force fstPair) tup)) + (delay + (delay + ((\l -> + (\l -> + (\l -> + (\ds -> + (\ds -> + (\ds -> + (\ds -> ds) + (unIData + (force headList + (force tailList l)))) + (unIData (force headList l))) + (unIData (force headList l))) + (unIData (force headList l))) + (force tailList l)) + (force tailList l)) + (force (force sndPair) tup)))) + (delay (delay error))))) + (unConstrData d))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/patternMatching.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/patternMatching.uplc.golden index 11b4a4ebfe9..b78b1c5986f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/patternMatching.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/patternMatching.uplc.golden @@ -1,68 +1,71 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - (\d -> - (\ds -> - (\ds -> - (\x -> - (\y -> - (\z -> - (\w -> - (\lessThanInteger -> - addInteger - (addInteger - (addInteger - (addInteger - (addInteger (force x) (force y)) - (force z)) - (force w)) - (force - (case - (lessThanInteger - (addInteger (force y) (force z)) - (addInteger (force x) (force w))) - [ (delay (addInteger (force x) (force z))) - , (delay - (addInteger (force y) (force w))) ]))) - (force - (case - (lessThanInteger - (addInteger (force z) (force y)) - (addInteger (force w) (force x))) - [ (delay (addInteger (force z) (force x))) - , (delay - (addInteger (force w) (force y))) ]))) - (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger x y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 []))) - (delay (case (force ds) [(\x y z w -> w)]))) - (delay (case (force ds) [(\x y z w -> z)]))) - (delay (case (force ds) [(\x y z w -> y)]))) - (delay (case (force ds) [(\x y z w -> x)]))) - (force ds)) - (delay - ((\tup -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 (force (force fstPair) tup)) - (delay - (delay - ((\l -> - (\l -> - (\l -> - (\z w -> - constr 0 - [ (unIData (force headList l)) - , (unIData (force headList l)) - , z - , w ]) - (unIData (force headList l)) - (unIData - (force headList (force tailList l)))) - (force tailList l)) - (force tailList l)) - (force (force sndPair) tup)))) - (delay (delay (case error [error])))))) - (unConstrData d)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + (\d -> + (\ds -> + (\ds -> + (\x -> + (\y -> + (\z -> + (\w -> + (\lessThanInteger -> + addInteger + (addInteger + (addInteger + (addInteger + (addInteger (force x) (force y)) + (force z)) + (force w)) + (force + (case + (lessThanInteger + (addInteger (force y) (force z)) + (addInteger (force x) (force w))) + [ (delay (addInteger (force x) (force z))) + , (delay + (addInteger + (force y) + (force w))) ]))) + (force + (case + (lessThanInteger + (addInteger (force z) (force y)) + (addInteger (force w) (force x))) + [ (delay (addInteger (force z) (force x))) + , (delay + (addInteger (force w) (force y))) ]))) + (\x y -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger x y) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 []))) + (delay (case (force ds) [(\x y z w -> w)]))) + (delay (case (force ds) [(\x y z w -> z)]))) + (delay (case (force ds) [(\x y z w -> y)]))) + (delay (case (force ds) [(\x y z w -> x)]))) + (force ds)) + (delay + ((\tup -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 (force (force fstPair) tup)) + (delay + (delay + ((\l -> + (\l -> + (\l -> + (\z w -> + constr 0 + [ (unIData (force headList l)) + , (unIData (force headList l)) + , z + , w ]) + (unIData (force headList l)) + (unIData + (force headList + (force tailList l)))) + (force tailList l)) + (force tailList l)) + (force (force sndPair) tup)))) + (delay (delay (case error [error])))))) + (unConstrData d))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/recordFields-manual.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/recordFields-manual.uplc.golden index ad72444ea72..5648286c32f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/recordFields-manual.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/recordFields-manual.uplc.golden @@ -1,110 +1,111 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - (\d -> - (\int1Manual -> - (\x -> - (\int2Manual -> - (\y -> - (\int3Manual -> - (\z -> - (\int4Manual -> - (\w -> - (\lessThanInteger -> - addInteger - (addInteger - (addInteger - (addInteger (addInteger x y) z) - w) - (force - (case - (lessThanInteger - (addInteger y z) - (addInteger x w)) - [ (delay (addInteger x z)) - , (delay (addInteger y w)) ]))) +(program + 1.1.0 + (\d -> + (\int1Manual -> + (\x -> + (\int2Manual -> + (\y -> + (\int3Manual -> + (\z -> + (\int4Manual -> + (\w -> + (\lessThanInteger -> + addInteger + (addInteger + (addInteger + (addInteger (addInteger x y) z) + w) + (force + (case + (lessThanInteger + (addInteger y z) + (addInteger x w)) + [ (delay (addInteger x z)) + , (delay (addInteger y w)) ]))) + (force + (case + (lessThanInteger + (addInteger + (int3Manual d) + (int2Manual d)) + (addInteger + (int4Manual d) + (int1Manual d))) + [ (delay + (addInteger + (int3Manual d) + (int1Manual d))) + , (delay + (addInteger + (int4Manual d) + (int2Manual d))) ]))) + (\x y -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger x y) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 []))) + (int4Manual d)) + (\ds -> + (\tup -> + (\i -> + (\d -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 i) + (delay (delay (unIData d))) + (delay (delay error))))) + (force headList + (force tailList + (force tailList + (force tailList + (force (force sndPair) + tup)))))) + (force (force fstPair) tup)) + (unConstrData ds))) + (int3Manual d)) + (\ds -> + (\tup -> + (\i -> + (\d -> + force (force - (case - (lessThanInteger - (addInteger - (int3Manual d) - (int2Manual d)) - (addInteger - (int4Manual d) - (int1Manual d))) - [ (delay - (addInteger - (int3Manual d) - (int1Manual d))) - , (delay - (addInteger - (int4Manual d) - (int2Manual d))) ]))) - (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger x y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 []))) - (int4Manual d)) - (\ds -> - (\tup -> - (\i -> - (\d -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 i) - (delay (delay (unIData d))) - (delay (delay error))))) - (force headList - (force tailList - (force tailList - (force tailList - (force (force sndPair) tup)))))) - (force (force fstPair) tup)) - (unConstrData ds))) - (int3Manual d)) - (\ds -> - (\tup -> - (\i -> - (\d -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 i) - (delay (delay (unIData d))) - (delay (delay error))))) - (force headList - (force tailList - (force tailList - (force (force sndPair) tup))))) - (force (force fstPair) tup)) - (unConstrData ds))) - (int2Manual d)) - (\ds -> - (\tup -> - (\i -> - (\d -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 i) - (delay (delay (unIData d))) - (delay (delay error))))) - (force headList - (force tailList (force (force sndPair) tup)))) - (force (force fstPair) tup)) - (unConstrData ds))) - (int1Manual d)) - (\ds -> - (\tup -> - (\i -> - (\d -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 i) - (delay (delay (unIData d))) - (delay (delay error))))) - (force headList (force (force sndPair) tup))) - (force (force fstPair) tup)) - (unConstrData ds))) \ No newline at end of file + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 i) + (delay (delay (unIData d))) + (delay (delay error))))) + (force headList + (force tailList + (force tailList + (force (force sndPair) tup))))) + (force (force fstPair) tup)) + (unConstrData ds))) + (int2Manual d)) + (\ds -> + (\tup -> + (\i -> + (\d -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 i) + (delay (delay (unIData d))) + (delay (delay error))))) + (force headList + (force tailList (force (force sndPair) tup)))) + (force (force fstPair) tup)) + (unConstrData ds))) + (int1Manual d)) + (\ds -> + (\tup -> + (\i -> + (\d -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 i) + (delay (delay (unIData d))) + (delay (delay error))))) + (force headList (force (force sndPair) tup))) + (force (force fstPair) tup)) + (unConstrData ds)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/recordFields.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/recordFields.uplc.golden index 41fc327e750..8bd04859400 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/recordFields.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/AsData/Budget/9.6/recordFields.uplc.golden @@ -1,76 +1,76 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - (\d -> - (\`$mInts` -> - (\int -> - (\x -> - (\int -> - (\y -> - (\int -> - (\z -> - (\int -> - (\w -> - (\lessThanInteger -> - addInteger - (addInteger - (addInteger - (addInteger (addInteger x y) z) - w) - (force - (case - (lessThanInteger - (addInteger y z) - (addInteger x w)) - [ (delay (addInteger x z)) - , (delay (addInteger y w)) ]))) - (force - (case - (lessThanInteger - (addInteger (int d) (int d)) - (addInteger (int d) (int d))) - [ (delay - (addInteger (int d) (int d))) - , (delay - (addInteger - (int d) - (int d))) ]))) - (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger x y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 []))) - (int d)) - (\ds -> - `$mInts` - ds - (\ds ds ds ds -> ds) - (\void -> error))) - (int d)) - (\ds -> - `$mInts` ds (\ds ds ds ds -> ds) (\void -> error))) - (int d)) - (\ds -> `$mInts` ds (\ds ds ds ds -> ds) (\void -> error))) - (int d)) - (\ds -> `$mInts` ds (\ds ds ds ds -> ds) (\void -> error))) - (\scrut cont fail -> - (\tup -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 (force (force fstPair) tup)) - (delay - (delay - ((\l -> - (\l -> - (\l -> - cont - (unIData (force headList l)) - (unIData (force headList l)) - (unIData (force headList l)) - (unIData - (force headList (force tailList l)))) - (force tailList l)) - (force tailList l)) - (force (force sndPair) tup)))) - (delay (delay (fail ())))))) - (unConstrData scrut))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + (\d -> + (\`$mInts` -> + (\int -> + (\x -> + (\int -> + (\y -> + (\int -> + (\z -> + (\int -> + (\w -> + (\lessThanInteger -> + addInteger + (addInteger + (addInteger + (addInteger (addInteger x y) z) + w) + (force + (case + (lessThanInteger + (addInteger y z) + (addInteger x w)) + [ (delay (addInteger x z)) + , (delay (addInteger y w)) ]))) + (force + (case + (lessThanInteger + (addInteger (int d) (int d)) + (addInteger (int d) (int d))) + [ (delay + (addInteger (int d) (int d))) + , (delay + (addInteger + (int d) + (int d))) ]))) + (\x y -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger x y) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 []))) + (int d)) + (\ds -> + `$mInts` + ds + (\ds ds ds ds -> ds) + (\void -> error))) + (int d)) + (\ds -> + `$mInts` ds (\ds ds ds ds -> ds) (\void -> error))) + (int d)) + (\ds -> `$mInts` ds (\ds ds ds ds -> ds) (\void -> error))) + (int d)) + (\ds -> `$mInts` ds (\ds ds ds ds -> ds) (\void -> error))) + (\scrut cont fail -> + (\tup -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 (force (force fstPair) tup)) + (delay + (delay + ((\l -> + (\l -> + (\l -> + cont + (unIData (force headList l)) + (unIData (force headList l)) + (unIData (force headList l)) + (unIData + (force headList (force tailList l)))) + (force tailList l)) + (force tailList l)) + (force (force sndPair) tup)))) + (delay (delay (fail ())))))) + (unConstrData scrut)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allCheap.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allCheap.uplc.golden index dcf32e53bb8..f72945d7c15 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allCheap.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allCheap.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) - (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) + (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) + (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allEmptyList.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allEmptyList.uplc.golden index fc982f1e511..7f5ac34f297 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allEmptyList.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allEmptyList.uplc.golden @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) - (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) - (constr 0 [])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) + (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) + (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) + (constr 0 []))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allExpensive.uplc.golden index da446625b39..b23a61ea97d 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/allExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 11 x) - (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) - (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 11 x) + (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) + (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andCheap.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andCheap.uplc.golden index bd9a319fec4..14a11f1e466 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andCheap.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andCheap.uplc.golden @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (case x [(delay (s s xs)), (delay (constr 1 []))]))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (case x [(delay (s s xs)), (delay (constr 1 []))]))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andExpensive.uplc.golden index 667cecfd0ab..17225b1f9a9 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (case x [(delay (s s xs)), (delay (constr 1 []))]))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (case x [(delay (s s xs)), (delay (constr 1 []))]))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithGHCOpts.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithGHCOpts.uplc.golden index fc2213b5a3e..de616d547c6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithGHCOpts.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithGHCOpts.uplc.golden @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\x y -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger x 3) - (delay - (delay - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger y 3) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])))) - (delay (delay (constr 1 [])))))) - 4 - 4) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\x y -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger x 3) + (delay + (delay + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger y 3) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])))) + (delay (delay (constr 1 [])))))) + 4 + 4)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithLocal.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithLocal.uplc.golden index 6698c4406e8..94abf5891ab 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithLocal.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithLocal.uplc.golden @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\x y -> - force - ((\lessThanInteger -> - case - (lessThanInteger x 3) - [(delay (lessThanInteger y 3)), (delay (constr 1 []))]) - (\x y -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger x y) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])))) - 4 - 4) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\x y -> + force + ((\lessThanInteger -> + case + (lessThanInteger x 3) + [(delay (lessThanInteger y 3)), (delay (constr 1 []))]) + (\x y -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger x y) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])))) + 4 + 4)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithoutGHCOpts.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithoutGHCOpts.uplc.golden index d35e63fd029..85a233cb9d1 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithoutGHCOpts.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/andWithoutGHCOpts.uplc.golden @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\x y -> - force - (case - (force ifThenElse (lessThanInteger x 3) (constr 0 []) (constr 1 [])) - [ (delay - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger y 3) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 []))) - , (delay (constr 1 [])) ])) - 4 - 4) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\x y -> + force + (case + (force ifThenElse (lessThanInteger x 3) (constr 0 []) (constr 1 [])) + [ (delay + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger y 3) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 []))) + , (delay (constr 1 [])) ])) + 4 + 4)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyCheap.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyCheap.uplc.golden index 4381c9ee774..f8ea3ee5874 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyCheap.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyCheap.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 10 x) - (delay (delay (s s xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 10 x) + (delay (delay (s s xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyEmptyList.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyEmptyList.uplc.golden index cd13fa93d59..449b242be9a 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyEmptyList.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyEmptyList.uplc.golden @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay (s s xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))))))) ])) - (constr 0 [])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) + (delay (delay (s s xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))))))) ])) + (constr 0 []))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyExpensive.uplc.golden index ebbe16491b7..2d4571c1c61 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/anyExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay (s s xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) + (delay (delay (s s xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/applicative.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/applicative.uplc.golden index b77b75470ce..1efbfc301cc 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/applicative.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/applicative.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -program 1.1.0 (constr 0 [(addInteger 1 2)]) \ No newline at end of file +(program 1.1.0 (constr 0 [(addInteger 1 2)])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/builtinListIndexing.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/builtinListIndexing.uplc.golden index 44c70cb43aa..1030e9687ba 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/builtinListIndexing.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/builtinListIndexing.uplc.golden @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\go d -> go (unListData d) 5) - ((\s -> s s) - (\s xs i -> - force (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> error) - (\ds ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 i) - (delay (delay hd)) - (delay (delay (s s tl (subtractInteger i 1))))))) - (force tailList xs)) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 0 [])))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\go d -> go (unListData d) 5) + ((\s -> s s) + (\s xs i -> + force (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> error) + (\ds ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 i) + (delay (delay hd)) + (delay (delay (s s tl (subtractInteger i 1))))))) + (force tailList xs)) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 0 []))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constAccL.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constAccL.uplc.golden index 7c62da077af..e7b8462b08b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constAccL.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constAccL.uplc.golden @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\go -> - (\ls -> go 42 ls) - (fix1 - (\go n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 [1, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) - 1000)) - (fix1 - (\go acc ds -> - force (case ds [(delay acc), (\x xs -> delay (go acc xs))])))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\go -> + (\ls -> go 42 ls) + (fix1 + (\go n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 [1, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) + 1000)) + (fix1 + (\go acc ds -> + force (case ds [(delay acc), (\x xs -> delay (go acc xs))])))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constAccR.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constAccR.uplc.golden index 800efaa9342..0ff0d343daa 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constAccR.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constAccR.uplc.golden @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> force (case ds [(delay 42), (\x xs -> delay (go xs))])) - (fix1 - (\go n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay (constr 1 [1, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) - 1000)) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + fix1 + (\go ds -> force (case ds [(delay 42), (\x xs -> delay (go xs))])) + (fix1 + (\go n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay (constr 1 [1, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) + 1000)) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constElL.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constElL.uplc.golden index 45caad50b05..124fd03ada5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constElL.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constElL.uplc.golden @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\go -> - (\ls -> go 42 ls) - (fix1 - (\go n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 [1, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) - 1000)) - (fix1 - (\go acc ds -> - force (case ds [(delay acc), (\x xs -> delay (go x xs))])))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\go -> + (\ls -> go 42 ls) + (fix1 + (\go n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 [1, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) + 1000)) + (fix1 + (\go acc ds -> + force (case ds [(delay acc), (\x xs -> delay (go x xs))])))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constElR.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constElR.uplc.golden index e25b748ade3..10ecc6525c2 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constElR.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/constElR.uplc.golden @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> - force (case ds [(delay 42), (\x xs -> delay ((\ds -> x) (go xs)))])) - (fix1 - (\go n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay (constr 1 [1, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) - 1000)) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + fix1 + (\go ds -> + force (case ds [(delay 42), (\x xs -> delay ((\ds -> x) (go xs)))])) + (fix1 + (\go n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay (constr 1 [1, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) + 1000)) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/elemCheap.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/elemCheap.uplc.golden index 4232b06ff2f..fa3edc63c34 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/elemCheap.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/elemCheap.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 1 x) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/elemExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/elemExpensive.uplc.golden index d7dd66f957f..e2053411e8d 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/elemExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/elemExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 x) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 x) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/filter.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/filter.uplc.golden index 72944c2b38d..72304b4ad4e 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/filter.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/filter.uplc.golden @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - ((\xs -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 (modInteger x 2)) - (delay (delay (constr 1 [x, xs]))) - (delay (delay xs))))) - (s s xs))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + ((\xs -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 (modInteger x 2)) + (delay (delay (constr 1 [x, xs]))) + (delay (delay xs))))) + (s s xs))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findCheap.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findCheap.uplc.golden index 25048a59683..d905d620a00 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findCheap.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findCheap.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 10 x) - (delay (delay (s s xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [x]))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 10 x) + (delay (delay (s s xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [x]))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findEmptyList.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findEmptyList.uplc.golden index e165c572738..eebdf7cdfb4 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findEmptyList.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findEmptyList.uplc.golden @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay (s s xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [x]))))))) ])) - (constr 0 [])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) + (delay (delay (s s xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [x]))))))) ])) + (constr 0 []))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findExpensive.uplc.golden index 26c93b81b0c..1182f5d3ca5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay (s s xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [x]))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) + (delay (delay (s s xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [x]))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexCheap.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexCheap.uplc.golden index 0cabbbe10bb..360bcd0e178 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexCheap.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexCheap.uplc.golden @@ -1,40 +1,41 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s i ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 10 x) - (delay (delay ((\x -> s s x) (addInteger 1 i) xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [i]))))))) ])) - 0 - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s i ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 10 x) + (delay + (delay ((\x -> s s x) (addInteger 1 i) xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [i]))))))) ])) + 0 + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexEmptyList.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexEmptyList.uplc.golden index 8732da6d7c4..4ab11b04206 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexEmptyList.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexEmptyList.uplc.golden @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> s s) - (\s i ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay ((\x -> s s x) (addInteger 1 i) xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [i]))))))) ])) - 0 - (constr 0 [])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> s s) + (\s i ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) + (delay + (delay ((\x -> s s x) (addInteger 1 i) xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [i]))))))) ])) + 0 + (constr 0 []))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexExpensive.uplc.golden index 60ee8bf16e9..ae2f5416988 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/findIndexExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,40 +1,41 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s i ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay ((\x -> s s x) (addInteger 1 i) xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [i]))))))) ])) - 0 - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s i ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger 1 x) + (delay + (delay ((\x -> s s x) (addInteger 1 i) xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [i]))))))) ])) + 0 + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/gte0.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/gte0.uplc.golden index 0af5bdc3a06..b13cb2e381f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/gte0.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/gte0.uplc.golden @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger x 0) - (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) - (delay (delay (go xs))))))) ])) - (fix1 - (\go n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay (constr 1 [0, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) - 1000)) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + fix1 + (\go ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger x 0) + (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) + (delay (delay (go xs))))))) ])) + (fix1 + (\go n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay (constr 1 [0, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) + 1000)) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse1.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse1.uplc.golden index 17cc51cac6d..ad1e04602ac 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse1.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -program 1.1.0 5 \ No newline at end of file +(program 1.1.0 5) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse2.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse2.uplc.golden index c2373c0e794..7cf8a1f4286 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/ifThenElse2.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -program 1.1.0 18 \ No newline at end of file +(program 1.1.0 18) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/listIndexing.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/listIndexing.uplc.golden index 61555170f17..842a6a8312b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/listIndexing.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/listIndexing.uplc.golden @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\go xs -> go 5 xs) - ((\s -> s s) - (\s ds ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay error) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 ds) - (delay (delay x)) - (delay - (delay - ((\x -> s s x) - (subtractInteger ds 1) - xs))))))) ])))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\go xs -> go 5 xs) + ((\s -> s s) + (\s ds ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay error) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 ds) + (delay (delay x)) + (delay + (delay + ((\x -> s s x) + (subtractInteger ds 1) + xs))))))) ]))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/lte0.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/lte0.uplc.golden index 4f724add0f4..5698af36e16 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/lte0.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/lte0.uplc.golden @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger x 0) - (delay (delay (go xs))) - (delay (delay (constr 1 []))))))) ])) - (fix1 - (\go n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay (constr 1 [0, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) - 1000)) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + fix1 + (\go ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger x 0) + (delay (delay (go xs))) + (delay (delay (constr 1 []))))))) ])) + (fix1 + (\go n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay (constr 1 [0, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))) + 1000)) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.uplc.golden index 694e318954f..e17a681a758 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map1.uplc.golden @@ -1,484 +1,486 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` -> - (\go -> - (\go -> - (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` -> - (\go -> - (\go -> - (\concatBuiltinStrings - n -> - (\nt -> - (\nt -> - (\lookup -> - constr 0 - [ (lookup (\i -> iData i) unBData n nt) - , (lookup - (\i -> iData i) - unBData - (addInteger 5 n) - nt) - , (lookup - (\i -> iData i) - unBData - (addInteger 10 n) - nt) - , (lookup - (\i -> iData i) - unBData - (addInteger 20 n) - nt) - , (lookup - (\i -> iData i) - unBData - (addInteger 5 n) - nt) ]) - (\`$dToData` - `$dUnsafeFromData` - ds - ds -> - force - (case - ((\k -> - fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> constr 1 []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsData - k - (force - (force - fstPair) - hd)) - (delay - (delay - ((\ds -> - constr 0 - [ (force - (force - sndPair) - hd) ]) - (force - tailList - xs)))) - (delay - (delay - (go - (force - tailList - xs))))))) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 [])) - ds) - (`$dToData` ds)) - [ (\a -> - delay - (constr 0 - [(`$dUnsafeFromData` a)])) - , (delay (constr 1 [])) ]))) - ((\k -> - fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsData - k - (force - (force - fstPair) - hd)) - (delay (delay tl)) - (delay - (delay - (force - mkCons - hd - (go - tl))))))) - (force tailList xs)) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 [])) - nt) - (iData (addInteger 5 n)))) - ((\z -> - (\go eta -> - go eta) - (fix1 - (\go - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay z) - , (\y - ys -> - delay - ((\ds -> - (\ds - ds -> - (\k -> - (\a -> - fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force - chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> - force - mkCons - (mkPairData - k - a) - [ ]) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsData - k - (force - (force - fstPair) - hd)) - (delay - (delay - (force - mkCons - (mkPairData - k - a) - tl))) - (delay - (delay - (force - mkCons - hd - (go - tl))))))) - (force - tailList - xs)) - (force - headList - xs)) - (constr 0 - [])) - ds) - (bData ds)) - (iData ds)) - (encodeUtf8 - (concatBuiltinStrings - (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` - 0 - y - (constr 0 - []))))) - (addInteger n y) - (go ys))) ])))) - (force mkCons (mkPairData (iData n) (B #30)) []) - (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` 1 10))) - (fix1 - (\concatBuiltinStrings - ds -> - case - ds - [ "" - , (\x +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` -> + (\go -> + (\go -> + (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` -> + (\go -> + (\go -> + (\concatBuiltinStrings + n -> + (\nt -> + (\nt -> + (\lookup -> + constr 0 + [ (lookup (\i -> iData i) unBData n nt) + , (lookup + (\i -> iData i) + unBData + (addInteger 5 n) + nt) + , (lookup + (\i -> iData i) + unBData + (addInteger 10 n) + nt) + , (lookup + (\i -> iData i) + unBData + (addInteger 20 n) + nt) + , (lookup + (\i -> iData i) + unBData + (addInteger 5 n) + nt) ]) + (\`$dToData` + `$dUnsafeFromData` + ds ds -> force (case - ds - [ (delay x) - , (\ipv - ipv -> - delay - (case - ((\n -> - force - (force + ((\k -> + fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> constr 1 []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + force (force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - n - 0) - (delay + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsData + k + (force + (force + fstPair) + hd)) (delay - (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , ds ]))) - (delay + (delay + ((\ds -> + constr 0 + [ (force + (force + sndPair) + hd) ]) + (force + tailList + xs)))) (delay - (force - go - n - ds)))))) - (divideInteger - (go ds) - 2)) - [ (\ipv - ipv -> - appendString - (concatBuiltinStrings - ipv) - (concatBuiltinStrings - ipv)) ])) ])) ]))) - (fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay 0) - , (\x xs -> - delay (addInteger 1 (go xs))) ])))) - (fix1 - (\go - arg -> - delay - (\ds - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay - (constr 0 - [(constr 0 []), (constr 0 [])])) - , (\y - ys -> - delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 1 ds) - (delay - (delay - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ y - , (constr 0 - []) ]) - , ys ]))) - (delay - (delay - (case - (force - (go - (delay - (\x -> - x))) - (subtractInteger - ds - 1) - ys) - [ (\zs - ws -> - constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ y - , zs ]) - , ws ]) ]))))))) ]))) - (delay (\x -> x)))) - (fix1 - (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` - p - n -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger n 0) - (delay - (delay - (\eta -> - constr 1 - [ "-" - , (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` - p - (subtractInteger 0 n) - eta) ]))) - (delay (delay (go (go (constr 0 []) n))))))))) - (fix1 - (\go - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (\x -> x)) - , (\x - xs -> - delay - ((\acc - eta -> - constr 1 - [ (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 x) - (delay (delay "0")) - (delay - (delay + (delay + (go + (force + tailList + xs))))))) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 [])) + ds) + (`$dToData` ds)) + [ (\a -> + delay + (constr 0 + [(`$dUnsafeFromData` a)])) + , (delay (constr 1 [])) ]))) + ((\k -> + fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl -> + force (force (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 1 - x) + ifThenElse + (equalsData + k + (force + (force + fstPair) + hd)) + (delay (delay tl)) + (delay (delay - (delay "1")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 2 - x) - (delay - (delay - "2")) - (delay - (delay + (force + mkCons + hd + (go + tl))))))) + (force tailList xs)) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 [])) + nt) + (iData (addInteger 5 n)))) + ((\z -> + (\go eta -> + go eta) + (fix1 + (\go + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay z) + , (\y + ys -> + delay + ((\ds -> + (\ds + ds -> + (\k -> + (\a -> + fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force + chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> + force + mkCons + (mkPairData + k + a) + [ ]) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl -> + force (force (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 3 - x) + ifThenElse + (equalsData + k + (force + (force + fstPair) + hd)) + (delay (delay - (delay - "3")) + (force + mkCons + (mkPairData + k + a) + tl))) + (delay (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 4 - x) - (delay - (delay - "4")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 5 - x) - (delay - (delay - "5")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 6 - x) - (delay - (delay - "6")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 7 - x) - (delay - (delay - "7")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 8 - x) - (delay - (delay - "8")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 9 - x) - (delay - "9") - (delay - "")))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) - , (acc eta) ]) - (go xs))) ])))) - (fix1 - (\go acc n -> - (\x -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 x) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]))) - (delay - (delay - (go - (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]) - x)))))) - (quotientInteger n 10)))) - (fix1 - (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ x - , (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` - (addInteger 1 x) - lim) ]))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file + (force + mkCons + hd + (go + tl))))))) + (force + tailList + xs)) + (force + headList + xs)) + (constr 0 + [ ])) + ds) + (bData ds)) + (iData ds)) + (encodeUtf8 + (concatBuiltinStrings + (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` + 0 + y + (constr 0 + []))))) + (addInteger n y) + (go ys))) ])))) + (force mkCons + (mkPairData (iData n) (B #30)) + []) + (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` 1 10))) + (fix1 + (\concatBuiltinStrings + ds -> + case + ds + [ "" + , (\x + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay x) + , (\ipv + ipv -> + delay + (case + ((\n -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger + n + 0) + (delay + (delay + (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , ds ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + go + n + ds)))))) + (divideInteger + (go ds) + 2)) + [ (\ipv + ipv -> + appendString + (concatBuiltinStrings + ipv) + (concatBuiltinStrings + ipv)) ])) ])) ]))) + (fix1 + (\go ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay 0) + , (\x xs -> + delay (addInteger 1 (go xs))) ])))) + (fix1 + (\go + arg -> + delay + (\ds + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay + (constr 0 + [(constr 0 []), (constr 0 [])])) + , (\y + ys -> + delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 1 ds) + (delay + (delay + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ y + , (constr 0 + []) ]) + , ys ]))) + (delay + (delay + (case + (force + (go + (delay + (\x -> + x))) + (subtractInteger + ds + 1) + ys) + [ (\zs + ws -> + constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ y + , zs ]) + , ws ]) ]))))))) ]))) + (delay (\x -> x)))) + (fix1 + (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` + p + n -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger n 0) + (delay + (delay + (\eta -> + constr 1 + [ "-" + , (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` + p + (subtractInteger 0 n) + eta) ]))) + (delay (delay (go (go (constr 0 []) n))))))))) + (fix1 + (\go + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (\x -> x)) + , (\x + xs -> + delay + ((\acc + eta -> + constr 1 + [ (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 x) + (delay (delay "0")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 1 + x) + (delay + (delay "1")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 2 + x) + (delay + (delay + "2")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 3 + x) + (delay + (delay + "3")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 4 + x) + (delay + (delay + "4")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 5 + x) + (delay + (delay + "5")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 6 + x) + (delay + (delay + "6")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 7 + x) + (delay + (delay + "7")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 8 + x) + (delay + (delay + "8")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 9 + x) + (delay + "9") + (delay + "")))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + , (acc eta) ]) + (go xs))) ])))) + (fix1 + (\go acc n -> + (\x -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 x) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]))) + (delay + (delay + (go + (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]) + x)))))) + (quotientInteger n 10)))) + (fix1 + (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ x + , (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` + (addInteger 1 x) + lim) ]))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.uplc.golden index ae265e9a524..5e684e5e2c8 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map2.uplc.golden @@ -1,259 +1,260 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\go -> - (\go -> - (\goList - n -> - (\unsafeFromList -> - (\nt -> - (\go -> - (\nt -> - (\nt -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (constr 1 - [ (case - x - [ (\k v -> - constr 0 - [ k - , (decodeUtf8 - v) ]) ]) - , (go xs) ])) ])) - (go nt)) - ((\rs' -> - (\ls' -> go rs' ls') (go nt)) - (fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl' -> - force - (case - ((\k -> - fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force - chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> - constr 1 []) - (\ds -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsData - k - (force - (force - fstPair) - (force - headList - xs))) - (delay - (delay - ((\ds -> - constr 0 - [ ]) - (force - tailList - xs)))) - (delay - (delay - (go - (force - tailList - xs))))))) - (constr 0 [])) - nt) - (force (force fstPair) - hd)) - [ (delay tl') - , (delay - (force mkCons - hd - tl')) ])) - (go (force tailList xs))) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 [])) - nt))) - (unsafeFromList - (\i -> iData i) - bData - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 1 n), #6f6e65]) +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\go -> + (\go -> + (\goList + n -> + (\unsafeFromList -> + (\nt -> + (\go -> + (\nt -> + (\nt -> + fix1 + (\go ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (constr 1 + [ (case + x + [ (\k v -> + constr 0 + [ k + , (decodeUtf8 + v) ]) ]) + , (go xs) ])) ])) + (go nt)) + ((\rs' -> + (\ls' -> go rs' ls') (go nt)) + (fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl' -> + force + (case + ((\k -> + fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force + chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> + constr 1 + []) + (\ds -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsData + k + (force + (force + fstPair) + (force + headList + xs))) + (delay + (delay + ((\ds -> + constr 0 + [ ]) + (force + tailList + xs)))) + (delay + (delay + (go + (force + tailList + xs))))))) + (constr 0 [])) + nt) + (force (force fstPair) + hd)) + [ (delay tl') + , (delay + (force mkCons + hd + tl')) ])) + (go (force tailList xs))) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 [])) + nt))) + (unsafeFromList + (\i -> iData i) + bData + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 1 n), #6f6e65]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 2 n), #74776f]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [(addInteger 3 n), #7468726565]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (addInteger 4 n) + , #666f7572 ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (addInteger 5 n) + , #66697665 ]) + , (constr 0 + []) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) + (fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl -> + (\v' -> + (\k' -> + force + (case + (fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> constr 1 []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsData + k' + (force + (force + fstPair) + hd)) + (delay + (delay + ((\ds -> + constr 0 + [ (force + (force + sndPair) + hd) ]) + (force + tailList + xs)))) + (delay + (delay + (go + (force + tailList + xs))))))) + (force headList + xs)) + (constr 0 [])) + nt) + [ (\r -> + delay + (force + mkCons + (mkPairData + k' + (bData + (appendByteString + (unBData + v') + (unBData + r)))) + (go tl))) + , (delay + (force mkCons + (mkPairData k' v') + (go tl))) ])) + (force (force fstPair) hd)) + (force (force sndPair) hd)) + (force tailList xs)) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 [])))) + (unsafeFromList + (\i -> iData i) + bData + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 3 n), #5448524545]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 4 n), #464f5552]) , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 2 n), #74776f]) + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 6 n), #534958]) , (constr 1 [ (constr 0 - [(addInteger 3 n), #7468726565]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (addInteger 4 n) - , #666f7572 ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (addInteger 5 n) - , #66697665 ]) - , (constr 0 - []) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) + [(addInteger 7 n), #534556454e]) + , (constr 0 []) ]) ]) ]) ]))) + (\`$dToData` `$dToData` -> + (\go eta -> goList (go eta)) (fix1 - (\go - xs -> + (\go ds -> force - (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl -> - (\v' -> - (\k' -> - force - (case - (fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> constr 1 []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsData - k' - (force - (force - fstPair) - hd)) - (delay - (delay - ((\ds -> - constr 0 - [ (force - (force - sndPair) - hd) ]) - (force - tailList - xs)))) - (delay - (delay - (go - (force - tailList - xs))))))) - (force headList - xs)) - (constr 0 [])) - nt) - [ (\r -> - delay - (force - mkCons - (mkPairData - k' - (bData - (appendByteString - (unBData - v') - (unBData - r)))) - (go tl))) - , (delay - (force mkCons - (mkPairData k' v') - (go tl))) ])) - (force (force fstPair) hd)) - (force (force sndPair) hd)) - (force tailList xs)) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 [])))) - (unsafeFromList - (\i -> iData i) - bData - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 3 n), #5448524545]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 4 n), #464f5552]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 6 n), #534958]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [(addInteger 7 n), #534556454e]) - , (constr 0 []) ]) ]) ]) ]))) - (\`$dToData` `$dToData` -> - (\go eta -> goList (go eta)) - (fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (constr 1 - [ (case - x - [ (\k a -> - constr 0 - [ (`$dToData` k) - , (`$dToData` a) ]) ]) - , (go xs) ])) ]))))) - (fix1 - (\goList ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay []) - , (\d ds -> - delay - (force mkCons - (case d [(\d d -> mkPairData d d)]) - (goList ds))) ])))) - (fix1 - (\go acc xs -> - force (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> acc) - (\ds -> - go - (force mkCons (force headList xs) acc) - (force tailList xs)) - (constr 0 [])))) - (fix1 - (\go xs -> - force (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> constr 0 []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl -> - constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (unIData (force (force fstPair) hd)) - , (unBData (force (force sndPair) hd)) ]) - , (go tl) ]) - (force tailList xs)) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 [])))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (constr 1 + [ (case + x + [ (\k a -> + constr 0 + [ (`$dToData` k) + , (`$dToData` a) ]) ]) + , (go xs) ])) ]))))) + (fix1 + (\goList ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay []) + , (\d ds -> + delay + (force mkCons + (case d [(\d d -> mkPairData d d)]) + (goList ds))) ])))) + (fix1 + (\go acc xs -> + force (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> acc) + (\ds -> + go + (force mkCons (force headList xs) acc) + (force tailList xs)) + (constr 0 [])))) + (fix1 + (\go xs -> + force (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> constr 0 []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl -> + constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (unIData (force (force fstPair) hd)) + , (unBData (force (force sndPair) hd)) ]) + , (go tl) ]) + (force tailList xs)) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 [])))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.uplc.golden index ae265e9a524..5e684e5e2c8 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/map3.uplc.golden @@ -1,259 +1,260 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\go -> - (\go -> - (\goList - n -> - (\unsafeFromList -> - (\nt -> - (\go -> - (\nt -> - (\nt -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (constr 1 - [ (case - x - [ (\k v -> - constr 0 - [ k - , (decodeUtf8 - v) ]) ]) - , (go xs) ])) ])) - (go nt)) - ((\rs' -> - (\ls' -> go rs' ls') (go nt)) - (fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl' -> - force - (case - ((\k -> - fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force - chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> - constr 1 []) - (\ds -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsData - k - (force - (force - fstPair) - (force - headList - xs))) - (delay - (delay - ((\ds -> - constr 0 - [ ]) - (force - tailList - xs)))) - (delay - (delay - (go - (force - tailList - xs))))))) - (constr 0 [])) - nt) - (force (force fstPair) - hd)) - [ (delay tl') - , (delay - (force mkCons - hd - tl')) ])) - (go (force tailList xs))) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 [])) - nt))) - (unsafeFromList - (\i -> iData i) - bData - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 1 n), #6f6e65]) +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\go -> + (\go -> + (\goList + n -> + (\unsafeFromList -> + (\nt -> + (\go -> + (\nt -> + (\nt -> + fix1 + (\go ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (constr 1 + [ (case + x + [ (\k v -> + constr 0 + [ k + , (decodeUtf8 + v) ]) ]) + , (go xs) ])) ])) + (go nt)) + ((\rs' -> + (\ls' -> go rs' ls') (go nt)) + (fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl' -> + force + (case + ((\k -> + fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force + chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> + constr 1 + []) + (\ds -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsData + k + (force + (force + fstPair) + (force + headList + xs))) + (delay + (delay + ((\ds -> + constr 0 + [ ]) + (force + tailList + xs)))) + (delay + (delay + (go + (force + tailList + xs))))))) + (constr 0 [])) + nt) + (force (force fstPair) + hd)) + [ (delay tl') + , (delay + (force mkCons + hd + tl')) ])) + (go (force tailList xs))) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 [])) + nt))) + (unsafeFromList + (\i -> iData i) + bData + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 1 n), #6f6e65]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 2 n), #74776f]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [(addInteger 3 n), #7468726565]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (addInteger 4 n) + , #666f7572 ]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (addInteger 5 n) + , #66697665 ]) + , (constr 0 + []) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) + (fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl -> + (\v' -> + (\k' -> + force + (case + (fix1 + (\go + xs -> + force + (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> constr 1 []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsData + k' + (force + (force + fstPair) + hd)) + (delay + (delay + ((\ds -> + constr 0 + [ (force + (force + sndPair) + hd) ]) + (force + tailList + xs)))) + (delay + (delay + (go + (force + tailList + xs))))))) + (force headList + xs)) + (constr 0 [])) + nt) + [ (\r -> + delay + (force + mkCons + (mkPairData + k' + (bData + (appendByteString + (unBData + v') + (unBData + r)))) + (go tl))) + , (delay + (force mkCons + (mkPairData k' v') + (go tl))) ])) + (force (force fstPair) hd)) + (force (force sndPair) hd)) + (force tailList xs)) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 [])))) + (unsafeFromList + (\i -> iData i) + bData + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 3 n), #5448524545]) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 4 n), #464f5552]) , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 2 n), #74776f]) + [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 6 n), #534958]) , (constr 1 [ (constr 0 - [(addInteger 3 n), #7468726565]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (addInteger 4 n) - , #666f7572 ]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (addInteger 5 n) - , #66697665 ]) - , (constr 0 - []) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) + [(addInteger 7 n), #534556454e]) + , (constr 0 []) ]) ]) ]) ]))) + (\`$dToData` `$dToData` -> + (\go eta -> goList (go eta)) (fix1 - (\go - xs -> + (\go ds -> force - (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl -> - (\v' -> - (\k' -> - force - (case - (fix1 - (\go - xs -> - force - (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> constr 1 []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsData - k' - (force - (force - fstPair) - hd)) - (delay - (delay - ((\ds -> - constr 0 - [ (force - (force - sndPair) - hd) ]) - (force - tailList - xs)))) - (delay - (delay - (go - (force - tailList - xs))))))) - (force headList - xs)) - (constr 0 [])) - nt) - [ (\r -> - delay - (force - mkCons - (mkPairData - k' - (bData - (appendByteString - (unBData - v') - (unBData - r)))) - (go tl))) - , (delay - (force mkCons - (mkPairData k' v') - (go tl))) ])) - (force (force fstPair) hd)) - (force (force sndPair) hd)) - (force tailList xs)) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 [])))) - (unsafeFromList - (\i -> iData i) - bData - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 3 n), #5448524545]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 4 n), #464f5552]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 [(addInteger 6 n), #534958]) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [(addInteger 7 n), #534556454e]) - , (constr 0 []) ]) ]) ]) ]))) - (\`$dToData` `$dToData` -> - (\go eta -> goList (go eta)) - (fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (constr 1 - [ (case - x - [ (\k a -> - constr 0 - [ (`$dToData` k) - , (`$dToData` a) ]) ]) - , (go xs) ])) ]))))) - (fix1 - (\goList ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay []) - , (\d ds -> - delay - (force mkCons - (case d [(\d d -> mkPairData d d)]) - (goList ds))) ])))) - (fix1 - (\go acc xs -> - force (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> acc) - (\ds -> - go - (force mkCons (force headList xs) acc) - (force tailList xs)) - (constr 0 [])))) - (fix1 - (\go xs -> - force (force chooseList) - xs - (\ds -> constr 0 []) - (\ds -> - (\hd -> - (\tl -> - constr 1 - [ (constr 0 - [ (unIData (force (force fstPair) hd)) - , (unBData (force (force sndPair) hd)) ]) - , (go tl) ]) - (force tailList xs)) - (force headList xs)) - (constr 0 [])))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (constr 1 + [ (case + x + [ (\k a -> + constr 0 + [ (`$dToData` k) + , (`$dToData` a) ]) ]) + , (go xs) ])) ]))))) + (fix1 + (\goList ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay []) + , (\d ds -> + delay + (force mkCons + (case d [(\d d -> mkPairData d d)]) + (goList ds))) ])))) + (fix1 + (\go acc xs -> + force (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> acc) + (\ds -> + go + (force mkCons (force headList xs) acc) + (force tailList xs)) + (constr 0 [])))) + (fix1 + (\go xs -> + force (force chooseList) + xs + (\ds -> constr 0 []) + (\ds -> + (\hd -> + (\tl -> + constr 1 + [ (constr 0 + [ (unIData (force (force fstPair) hd)) + , (unBData (force (force sndPair) hd)) ]) + , (go tl) ]) + (force tailList xs)) + (force headList xs)) + (constr 0 [])))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/monadicDo.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/monadicDo.uplc.golden index f9c81874ea3..de611eedb67 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/monadicDo.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/monadicDo.uplc.golden @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\`$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` -> - `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` - (constr 0 [1]) - (\x' -> - `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` - (constr 0 [2]) - (\y' -> constr 0 [(addInteger x' y')]))) - (\ds k -> force (case ds [(\x -> delay (k x)), (delay (constr 1 []))]))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\`$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` -> + `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` + (constr 0 [1]) + (\x' -> + `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` + (constr 0 [2]) + (\y' -> constr 0 [(addInteger x' y')]))) + (\ds k -> force (case ds [(\x -> delay (k x)), (delay (constr 1 []))])))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/not-not.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/not-not.uplc.golden index 46058709e9e..dc4df8a3ab5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/not-not.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/not-not.uplc.golden @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\x -> - force - (case - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger 0 x) - (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))) - [(delay (constr 1 [])), (delay (constr 0 []))])) - 1) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\x -> + force + (case + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger 0 x) + (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))) + [(delay (constr 1 [])), (delay (constr 0 []))])) + 1)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/notElemCheap.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/notElemCheap.uplc.golden index b7d98ed22ec..db9fda02a2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/notElemCheap.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/notElemCheap.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) - (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 1 x) + (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) + (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/notElemExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/notElemExpensive.uplc.golden index 144f2805e80..05dd8338af8 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/notElemExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/notElemExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,39 +1,39 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 x) - (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) - (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 x) + (delay (delay (constr 1 []))) + (delay (delay (s s xs))))))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/null.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/null.uplc.golden index 82ae7e6d845..8cea17095f8 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/null.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/null.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -program 1.1.0 (constr 1 []) \ No newline at end of file +(program 1.1.0 (constr 1 [])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/orCheap.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/orCheap.uplc.golden index 07f7cdbe6c6..22714ff32ac 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/orCheap.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/orCheap.uplc.golden @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (case x [(delay (constr 0 [])), (delay (s s xs))]))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (case x [(delay (constr 0 [])), (delay (s s xs))]))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/orExpensive.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/orExpensive.uplc.golden index 999d48fa89a..12afb874897 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/orExpensive.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/orExpensive.uplc.golden @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\s -> - s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 1 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (case x [(delay (constr 0 [])), (delay (s s xs))]))) ])) - (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 1 - [ (constr 1 []) - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\s -> + s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 1 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (case x [(delay (constr 0 [])), (delay (s s xs))]))) ])) + (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 1 + [ (constr 1 []) + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/patternMatch.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/patternMatch.uplc.golden index eff0c489f34..2636cbd763d 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/patternMatch.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/patternMatch.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -program 1.1.0 (constr 0 [3]) \ No newline at end of file +(program 1.1.0 (constr 0 [3])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/recursiveGte0.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/recursiveGte0.uplc.golden index 4d7f2200920..dfe8b48b92d 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/recursiveGte0.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/recursiveGte0.uplc.golden @@ -1,45 +1,46 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\go -> - (\recursiveAll -> - (\ls -> - force recursiveAll - (\v -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger v 0) - (constr 1 []) - (constr 0 [])) - ls) - (go 1000)) - (fix1 - (\recursiveAll arg -> - delay - (\ds ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (case - (ds x) - [ (delay - (force - (recursiveAll (delay (\x -> x))) - ds - xs)) - , (delay (constr 1 [])) ]))) ]))) - (delay (\x -> x)))) - (fix1 - (\go n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 [0, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\go -> + (\recursiveAll -> + (\ls -> + force recursiveAll + (\v -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger v 0) + (constr 1 []) + (constr 0 [])) + ls) + (go 1000)) + (fix1 + (\recursiveAll arg -> + delay + (\ds ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (case + (ds x) + [ (delay + (force + (recursiveAll + (delay (\x -> x))) + ds + xs)) + , (delay (constr 1 [])) ]))) ]))) + (delay (\x -> x)))) + (fix1 + (\go n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 [0, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/recursiveLte0.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/recursiveLte0.uplc.golden index fe1355dc3c9..97d380b65ff 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/recursiveLte0.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/recursiveLte0.uplc.golden @@ -1,45 +1,46 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\go -> - (\recursiveAll -> - (\ls -> - force recursiveAll - (\v -> - force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger v 0) - (constr 0 []) - (constr 1 [])) - ls) - (go 1000)) - (fix1 - (\recursiveAll arg -> - delay - (\ds ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (constr 0 [])) - , (\x xs -> - delay - (force - (case - (ds x) - [ (delay - (force - (recursiveAll (delay (\x -> x))) - ds - xs)) - , (delay (constr 1 [])) ]))) ]))) - (delay (\x -> x)))) - (fix1 - (\go n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) - (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 [0, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\go -> + (\recursiveAll -> + (\ls -> + force recursiveAll + (\v -> + force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger v 0) + (constr 0 []) + (constr 1 [])) + ls) + (go 1000)) + (fix1 + (\recursiveAll arg -> + delay + (\ds ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (constr 0 [])) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (force + (case + (ds x) + [ (delay + (force + (recursiveAll + (delay (\x -> x))) + ds + xs)) + , (delay (constr 1 [])) ]))) ]))) + (delay (\x -> x)))) + (fix1 + (\go n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger n 0) + (delay (delay (constr 0 []))) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 [0, (go (subtractInteger n 1))])))))))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/show.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/show.uplc.golden index a9d98085741..ef9ba5eb081 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/show.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/show.uplc.golden @@ -1,506 +1,510 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\go -> - (\go -> - (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` -> - (\toHex -> - (\go -> - (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` -> - (\go -> - (\go -> - (\concatBuiltinStrings -> - (\a -> - (\c -> - (\d -> - (\cse -> - (\e -> - (\cse -> - multiplyInteger - 2 - (force - trace - (concatBuiltinStrings - (constr 1 - [ "(" - , (cse - (constr 1 - [ "," - , (cse - (constr 1 - [ "," - , (cse - c - (constr 1 - [ "," - , (cse - d - (constr 1 - [ "," - , (cse - e - (constr 1 - [ ")" - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ])) ])) ])) ])) ])) ])) - e)) - (cse a)) - (force - trace - (concatBuiltinStrings - ((\go -> - constr 1 - [ "[" - , (cse - a - (go - (constr 1 - [ a - , (constr 1 - [ c - , (constr 1 - [ d - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) - (constr 1 - [ "]" - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]))) ]) - (fix1 - (\go - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay - (\x -> - x)) - , (\x - xs -> - delay - ((\acc - eta -> - constr 1 - [ "," - , (cse - x - (acc - eta)) ]) - (go - xs))) ]))))) - d)) - (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` - 0)) - (force trace - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger c 0) - (delay "False") - (delay "True"))) - c)) - (force trace - (concatBuiltinStrings - (go - (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` 0 17) - (constr 0 []))) - a)) - (force - trace - ((\x -> - concatBuiltinStrings - (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` - 0 - x - (constr 0 []))) - -1234567890) - -1234567890)) - (fix1 - (\concatBuiltinStrings - ds -> - case - ds - [ "" - , (\x - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay x) - , (\ipv - ipv -> - delay - (case - ((\n -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger - n - 0) - (delay - (delay - (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 - [ ]) - , ds ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - go - n - ds)))))) - (divideInteger - (go ds) - 2)) - [ (\ipv - ipv -> - appendString - (concatBuiltinStrings - ipv) - (concatBuiltinStrings - ipv)) ])) ])) ]))) - (fix1 - (\go ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay 0) - , (\x xs -> - delay (addInteger 1 (go xs))) ])))) - (fix1 - (\go - arg -> - delay - (\ds - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay - (constr 0 - [ (constr 0 []) - , (constr 0 []) ])) - , (\y - ys -> - delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 1 ds) - (delay - (delay - (constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ y - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) - , ys ]))) - (delay - (delay - (case - (force - (go - (delay - (\x -> - x))) - (subtractInteger - ds - 1) - ys) - [ (\zs - ws -> - constr 0 - [ (constr 1 - [ y - , zs ]) - , ws ]) ]))))))) ]))) - (delay (\x -> x)))) - (fix1 - (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ x - , (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` - (addInteger 1 x) - lim) ]))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))))) - (fix1 - (\go - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (\x -> x)) - , (\x - xs -> - delay - ((\acc - eta -> - (\x eta -> - toHex - (divideInteger x 16) - (toHex (modInteger x 16) eta)) - (indexByteString - #5468697320697320616e206578616d706c65 - x) - (acc eta)) - (go xs))) ])))) - (\x -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger x 9) - (delay - (delay - (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` 0 x))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 10 x) - (delay - (delay - (\ds -> constr 1 ["a", ds]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 11 x) - (delay - (delay - (\ds -> - constr 1 - [ "b" - , ds ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\go -> + (\go -> + (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` -> + (\toHex -> + (\go -> + (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` -> + (\go -> + (\go -> + (\concatBuiltinStrings -> + (\a -> + (\c -> + (\d -> + (\cse -> + (\e -> + (\cse -> + multiplyInteger + 2 + (force + trace + (concatBuiltinStrings + (constr 1 + [ "(" + , (cse + (constr 1 + [ "," + , (cse + (constr 1 + [ "," + , (cse + c + (constr 1 + [ "," + , (cse + d + (constr 1 + [ "," + , (cse + e + (constr 1 + [ ")" + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ])) ])) ])) ])) ])) ])) + e)) + (cse a)) + (force + trace + (concatBuiltinStrings + ((\go -> + constr 1 + [ "[" + , (cse + a + (go + (constr 1 + [ a + , (constr 1 + [ c + , (constr 1 + [ d + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) + (constr 1 + [ "]" + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]))) ]) + (fix1 + (\go + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay + (\x -> + x)) + , (\x + xs -> + delay + ((\acc + eta -> + constr 1 + [ "," + , (cse + x + (acc + eta)) ]) + (go + xs))) ]))))) + d)) + (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` + 0)) + (force trace + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger c 0) + (delay "False") + (delay "True"))) + c)) + (force trace + (concatBuiltinStrings + (go + (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` 0 17) + (constr 0 []))) + a)) + (force + trace + ((\x -> + concatBuiltinStrings + (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` + 0 + x + (constr 0 []))) + -1234567890) + -1234567890)) + (fix1 + (\concatBuiltinStrings + ds -> + case + ds + [ "" + , (\x + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay x) + , (\ipv + ipv -> + delay + (case + ((\n -> + force (force (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 12 - x) + (lessThanEqualsInteger + n + 0) (delay (delay - (\ds -> - constr 1 - [ "c" - , ds ]))) + (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 + [ ]) + , ds ]))) (delay (delay (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 13 - x) - (delay - (delay - (\ds -> - constr 1 - [ "d" - , ds ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 14 - x) - (delay - (delay - (\ds -> - constr 1 - [ "e" - , ds ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 15 - x) - (delay - (\ds -> - constr 1 - [ "f" - , ds ])) - (delay - (\ds -> - constr 1 - [ "" - , ds ]))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) - (fix1 - (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` p n -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger n 0) - (delay - (delay - (\eta -> - constr 1 - [ "-" - , (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` - p - (subtractInteger 0 n) - eta) ]))) - (delay (delay (go (go (constr 0 []) n))))))))) - (fix1 - (\go - ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay (\x -> x)) - , (\x - xs -> - delay - ((\acc - eta -> - constr 1 - [ (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 x) - (delay (delay "0")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 1 x) - (delay (delay "1")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 2 - x) - (delay - (delay - "2")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 3 - x) - (delay - (delay - "3")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 4 - x) - (delay - (delay - "4")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 5 - x) - (delay - (delay - "5")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 6 - x) - (delay - (delay - "6")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 7 - x) - (delay - (delay - "7")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 8 - x) - (delay - (delay - "8")) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 9 - x) - (delay - "9") - (delay - "")))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) - , (acc eta) ]) - (go xs))) ])))) - (fix1 - (\go acc n -> - (\x -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 x) - (delay - (delay (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]))) - (delay - (delay - (go - (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]) - x)))))) - (quotientInteger n 10)))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file + go + n + ds)))))) + (divideInteger + (go ds) + 2)) + [ (\ipv + ipv -> + appendString + (concatBuiltinStrings + ipv) + (concatBuiltinStrings + ipv)) ])) ])) ]))) + (fix1 + (\go ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay 0) + , (\x xs -> + delay + (addInteger 1 (go xs))) ])))) + (fix1 + (\go + arg -> + delay + (\ds + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay + (constr 0 + [ (constr 0 []) + , (constr 0 []) ])) + , (\y + ys -> + delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 1 ds) + (delay + (delay + (constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ y + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) + , ys ]))) + (delay + (delay + (case + (force + (go + (delay + (\x -> + x))) + (subtractInteger + ds + 1) + ys) + [ (\zs + ws -> + constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ y + , zs ]) + , ws ]) ]))))))) ]))) + (delay (\x -> x)))) + (fix1 + (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ x + , (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` + (addInteger 1 x) + lim) ]))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))))) + (fix1 + (\go + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (\x -> x)) + , (\x + xs -> + delay + ((\acc + eta -> + (\x eta -> + toHex + (divideInteger x 16) + (toHex (modInteger x 16) eta)) + (indexByteString + #5468697320697320616e206578616d706c65 + x) + (acc eta)) + (go xs))) ])))) + (\x -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger x 9) + (delay + (delay + (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` 0 x))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 10 x) + (delay + (delay + (\ds -> constr 1 ["a", ds]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 11 x) + (delay + (delay + (\ds -> + constr 1 + [ "b" + , ds ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 12 + x) + (delay + (delay + (\ds -> + constr 1 + [ "c" + , ds ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 13 + x) + (delay + (delay + (\ds -> + constr 1 + [ "d" + , ds ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 14 + x) + (delay + (delay + (\ds -> + constr 1 + [ "e" + , ds ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 15 + x) + (delay + (\ds -> + constr 1 + [ "f" + , ds ])) + (delay + (\ds -> + constr 1 + [ "" + , ds ]))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fix1 + (\`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` p n -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger n 0) + (delay + (delay + (\eta -> + constr 1 + [ "-" + , (`$fShowBuiltinByteString_$cshowsPrec` + p + (subtractInteger 0 n) + eta) ]))) + (delay (delay (go (go (constr 0 []) n))))))))) + (fix1 + (\go + ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay (\x -> x)) + , (\x + xs -> + delay + ((\acc + eta -> + constr 1 + [ (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 x) + (delay (delay "0")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 1 + x) + (delay + (delay "1")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 2 + x) + (delay + (delay + "2")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 3 + x) + (delay + (delay + "3")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 4 + x) + (delay + (delay + "4")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 5 + x) + (delay + (delay + "5")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 6 + x) + (delay + (delay + "6")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 7 + x) + (delay + (delay + "7")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 8 + x) + (delay + (delay + "8")) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 9 + x) + (delay + "9") + (delay + "")))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + , (acc eta) ]) + (go xs))) ])))) + (fix1 + (\go acc n -> + (\x -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 x) + (delay + (delay (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]))) + (delay + (delay + (go + (constr 1 [(remainderInteger n 10), acc]) + x)))))) + (quotientInteger n 10)))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sum.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sum.uplc.golden index 22d067a2473..b7b1aaf24e0 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sum.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sum.uplc.golden @@ -1,35 +1,35 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\`$dAdditiveMonoid` -> - (\f -> - (\z -> - (\go eta -> go eta) - ((\s -> s s) - (\s ds -> - force - (case ds [(delay z), (\x xs -> delay (f x (s s xs)))])))) - (case `$dAdditiveMonoid` [(\v v -> v)])) - (case `$dAdditiveMonoid` [(\v v -> v)]) - (constr 1 - [ 1 - , (constr 1 - [ 2 - , (constr 1 - [ 3 - , (constr 1 - [ 4 - , (constr 1 - [ 5 - , (constr 1 - [ 6 - , (constr 1 - [ 7 - , (constr 1 - [ 8 - , (constr 1 - [ 9 - , (constr 1 - [ 10 - , (constr 0 - [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) - (constr 0 [(\x y -> addInteger x y), 0])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\`$dAdditiveMonoid` -> + (\f -> + (\z -> + (\go eta -> go eta) + ((\s -> s s) + (\s ds -> + force + (case ds [(delay z), (\x xs -> delay (f x (s s xs)))])))) + (case `$dAdditiveMonoid` [(\v v -> v)])) + (case `$dAdditiveMonoid` [(\v v -> v)]) + (constr 1 + [ 1 + , (constr 1 + [ 2 + , (constr 1 + [ 3 + , (constr 1 + [ 4 + , (constr 1 + [ 5 + , (constr 1 + [ 6 + , (constr 1 + [ 7 + , (constr 1 + [ 8 + , (constr 1 + [ 9 + , (constr 1 + [ 10 + , (constr 0 + [ ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ]) ])) + (constr 0 [(\x y -> addInteger x y), 0]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sumL.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sumL.uplc.golden index 1aef25628e9..ac95726d0d2 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sumL.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sumL.uplc.golden @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - (\go -> - (\ls -> go 0 ls) - (fix1 - (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ x - , (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` - (addInteger 1 x) - lim) ]))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))) - 1 - 1000)) - (fix1 - (\go acc ds -> - force - (case - ds - [ (delay acc) - , (\x xs -> delay (go (addInteger acc x) xs)) ])))) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + (\go -> + (\ls -> go 0 ls) + (fix1 + (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ x + , (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` + (addInteger 1 x) + lim) ]))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))) + 1 + 1000)) + (fix1 + (\go acc ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (delay acc) + , (\x xs -> delay (go (addInteger acc x) xs)) ])))) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sumR.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sumR.uplc.golden index 3d0f5cca946..ba7ce15ffce 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sumR.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/sumR.uplc.golden @@ -1,23 +1,24 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\fix1 -> - fix1 - (\go ds -> - force (case ds [(delay 0), (\x xs -> delay (addInteger x (go xs)))])) - (fix1 - (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ x - , (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` - (addInteger 1 x) - lim) ]))) - (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))) - 1 - 1000)) - (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x)))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\fix1 -> + fix1 + (\go ds -> + force + (case ds [(delay 0), (\x xs -> delay (addInteger x (go xs)))])) + (fix1 + (\`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` x lim -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanEqualsInteger x lim) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ x + , (`$fEnumBool_$cenumFromTo` + (addInteger 1 x) + lim) ]))) + (delay (delay (constr 0 [])))))) + 1 + 1000)) + (\f -> (\s -> s s) (\s -> f (\x -> s s x))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/toFromData.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/toFromData.uplc.golden index d061dbd6457..2e9f7662ae1 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/toFromData.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Budget/9.6/toFromData.uplc.golden @@ -1,205 +1,207 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((\traceError -> - (\tup -> - (\index -> - (\args -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 0 index) - (delay - (delay (constr 0 [(unIData (force headList args))]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger 1 index) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ ((\tup -> - (\index -> - (\args -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 1 - index) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 0 - index) - (delay - (delay - (constr 0 - [ ((\tup -> - (\index -> - (\args -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 0 - index) - (delay - (delay - ((\l -> - constr 0 - [ ((\tup -> - (\index -> - (\args -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 0 - index) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 1 - index) - (delay - (delay - (constr 0 - [ ]))) - (delay - (delay - (traceError - "PT1"))))))))))) - (force - (force - sndPair) - tup)) - (force - (force - fstPair) - tup)) - (unConstrData - (force - headList - args))) - , (unIData - (force - headList - l)) - , ((\tup -> - (\index -> - (\args -> - force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 0 - index) - (delay - (delay - (constr 1 - [ ]))) - (delay - (delay - (force - (force - (force - ifThenElse - (equalsInteger - 1 - index) - (delay - (delay - (constr 0 - [ ]))) - (delay - (delay - (traceError - "PT1"))))))))))) - (force - (force - sndPair) - tup)) - (force - (force - fstPair) - tup)) - (unConstrData - (force - headList - (force - tailList - l)))) ]) - (force - tailList - args)))) - (delay - (delay - (traceError - "PT1")))))) - (force - (force - sndPair) - tup)) - (force - (force - fstPair) - tup)) - (unConstrData - (force - headList - args))) ]))) - (delay - (delay - (traceError - "PT1"))))))))))) - (force (force sndPair) - tup)) - (force (force fstPair) - tup)) - (unConstrData - (force headList - args))) ]))) - (delay (delay (traceError "PT1"))))))))))) - (force (force sndPair) tup)) - (force (force fstPair) tup)) - (unConstrData - (constrData - 1 - (force mkCons - (constrData - 0 - (force mkCons - (constrData - 0 - (force mkCons - (Constr 1 []) - (force mkCons - (iData 1) - (force mkCons (Constr 0 []) [])))) - [])) - [])))) - (\str -> (\x -> error) (force trace str (constr 0 [])))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((\traceError -> + (\tup -> + (\index -> + (\args -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 0 index) + (delay + (delay (constr 0 [(unIData (force headList args))]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger 1 index) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ ((\tup -> + (\index -> + (\args -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 1 + index) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 0 + index) + (delay + (delay + (constr 0 + [ ((\tup -> + (\index -> + (\args -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 0 + index) + (delay + (delay + ((\l -> + constr 0 + [ ((\tup -> + (\index -> + (\args -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 0 + index) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 1 + index) + (delay + (delay + (constr 0 + [ ]))) + (delay + (delay + (traceError + "PT1"))))))))))) + (force + (force + sndPair) + tup)) + (force + (force + fstPair) + tup)) + (unConstrData + (force + headList + args))) + , (unIData + (force + headList + l)) + , ((\tup -> + (\index -> + (\args -> + force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 0 + index) + (delay + (delay + (constr 1 + [ ]))) + (delay + (delay + (force + (force + (force + ifThenElse + (equalsInteger + 1 + index) + (delay + (delay + (constr 0 + [ ]))) + (delay + (delay + (traceError + "PT1"))))))))))) + (force + (force + sndPair) + tup)) + (force + (force + fstPair) + tup)) + (unConstrData + (force + headList + (force + tailList + l)))) ]) + (force + tailList + args)))) + (delay + (delay + (traceError + "PT1")))))) + (force + (force + sndPair) + tup)) + (force + (force + fstPair) + tup)) + (unConstrData + (force + headList + args))) ]))) + (delay + (delay + (traceError + "PT1"))))))))))) + (force + (force sndPair) + tup)) + (force (force fstPair) + tup)) + (unConstrData + (force headList + args))) ]))) + (delay + (delay (traceError "PT1"))))))))))) + (force (force sndPair) tup)) + (force (force fstPair) tup)) + (unConstrData + (constrData + 1 + (force mkCons + (constrData + 0 + (force mkCons + (constrData + 0 + (force mkCons + (Constr 1 []) + (force mkCons + (iData 1) + (force mkCons (Constr 0 []) [])))) + [])) + [])))) + (\str -> (\x -> error) (force trace str (constr 0 []))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-NoStrict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-NoStrict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden index c250a5158ce..8fad28782d2 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-NoStrict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-NoStrict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden @@ -1,35 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (lam - x - (con integer) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 24680135792468013579) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -99887766554433221100) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 98765432109876543210) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -654) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 456) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 13579246801357924680) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -11223344556677889900) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 12345678901234567890) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -321) ] - [ [ (builtin multiplyInteger) (con integer 123) ] x ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (\(x : integer) -> + addInteger + 24680135792468013579 + (addInteger + -99887766554433221100 + (addInteger + 98765432109876543210 + (addInteger + -654 + (addInteger + 456 + (addInteger + 13579246801357924680 + (addInteger + -11223344556677889900 + (addInteger + 12345678901234567890 + (addInteger -321 (multiplyInteger 123 x)))))))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-NoStrict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-NoStrict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden index c250a5158ce..8fad28782d2 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-NoStrict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-NoStrict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden @@ -1,35 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (lam - x - (con integer) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 24680135792468013579) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -99887766554433221100) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 98765432109876543210) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -654) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 456) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 13579246801357924680) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -11223344556677889900) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 12345678901234567890) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -321) ] - [ [ (builtin multiplyInteger) (con integer 123) ] x ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (\(x : integer) -> + addInteger + 24680135792468013579 + (addInteger + -99887766554433221100 + (addInteger + 98765432109876543210 + (addInteger + -654 + (addInteger + 456 + (addInteger + 13579246801357924680 + (addInteger + -11223344556677889900 + (addInteger + 12345678901234567890 + (addInteger -321 (multiplyInteger 123 x)))))))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-Strict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-Strict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden index c250a5158ce..8fad28782d2 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-Strict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-Strict-NegativeLiterals.pir.golden @@ -1,35 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (lam - x - (con integer) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 24680135792468013579) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -99887766554433221100) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 98765432109876543210) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -654) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 456) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 13579246801357924680) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -11223344556677889900) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 12345678901234567890) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -321) ] - [ [ (builtin multiplyInteger) (con integer 123) ] x ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (\(x : integer) -> + addInteger + 24680135792468013579 + (addInteger + -99887766554433221100 + (addInteger + 98765432109876543210 + (addInteger + -654 + (addInteger + 456 + (addInteger + 13579246801357924680 + (addInteger + -11223344556677889900 + (addInteger + 12345678901234567890 + (addInteger -321 (multiplyInteger 123 x)))))))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-Strict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-Strict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden index c250a5158ce..8fad28782d2 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-Strict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IntegerLiterals/9.6/integerLiterals-Strict-NoNegativeLiterals.pir.golden @@ -1,35 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (lam - x - (con integer) - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 24680135792468013579) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -99887766554433221100) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 98765432109876543210) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -654) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 456) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 13579246801357924680) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -11223344556677889900) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer 12345678901234567890) ] - [ - [ (builtin addInteger) (con integer -321) ] - [ [ (builtin multiplyInteger) (con integer 123) ] x ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (\(x : integer) -> + addInteger + 24680135792468013579 + (addInteger + -99887766554433221100 + (addInteger + 98765432109876543210 + (addInteger + -654 + (addInteger + 456 + (addInteger + 13579246801357924680 + (addInteger + -11223344556677889900 + (addInteger + 12345678901234567890 + (addInteger -321 (multiplyInteger 123 x)))))))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/bytestring.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/bytestring.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/bytestring.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/bytestring.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/int.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/int.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/int.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/int.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/list.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/list.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/list.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/list.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/matchAsDataE.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/matchAsDataE.eval.golden index ab13a55a15b..77a22a37ae9 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/matchAsDataE.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/matchAsDataE.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con data (Constr 0 [Constr 0 []])) \ No newline at end of file +Constr 0 [Constr 0 []] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/mono.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/mono.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/mono.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/mono.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/nested.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/nested.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/nested.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/nested.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/poly.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/poly.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/poly.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/poly.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/record.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/record.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/record.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/record.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/tuple.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/tuple.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/tuple.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/tuple.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/tupleInterop.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/tupleInterop.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/tupleInterop.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/tupleInterop.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unit.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unit.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unit.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unit.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unitInterop.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unitInterop.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unitInterop.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unitInterop.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unsafeTupleInterop.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unsafeTupleInterop.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unsafeTupleInterop.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/IsData/9.6/unsafeTupleInterop.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/boolInterop.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/boolInterop.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/boolInterop.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/boolInterop.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/bytestring.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/bytestring.uplc.golden index f5428834a57..1abec1041c1 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/bytestring.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/bytestring.uplc.golden @@ -1,28 +1,11 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `Lift.Spec.WrappedBS_i0` - (lam `match_Lift.Spec.WrappedBS_i0` `Lift.Spec.WrappedBS_i2`) - ) - ) - ) - (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i1)) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_Lift.Spec.WrappedBS_i0` - (case x_i2 `case_Lift.Spec.WrappedBS_i1`) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (con bytestring #68656c6c6f) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (force + (delay + (\`Lift.Spec.WrappedBS` `match_Lift.Spec.WrappedBS` -> + `Lift.Spec.WrappedBS`)) + (\arg_0 -> constr 0 [arg_0]) + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_Lift.Spec.WrappedBS` -> case x [`case_Lift.Spec.WrappedBS`])) + #68656c6c6f) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/int.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/int.uplc.golden index c897a619d7e..0d9b8af24ca 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/int.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/int.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 1)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/list.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/list.uplc.golden index 6ce476986b2..46f5cd08347 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/list.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/list.uplc.golden @@ -1,42 +1,13 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `GHC.Types.Nil_i0` - (lam - `GHC.Types.Cons_i0` - (lam - `match_GHC.Types.List_i0` - [ - [ (force `GHC.Types.Cons_i2`) (con integer 1) ] - (force `GHC.Types.Nil_i3`) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (delay (constr 0)) - ] - (delay (lam arg_0_i0 (lam arg_1_i0 (constr 1 arg_0_i2 arg_1_i1)))) - ] - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_GHC.Types.Nil_i0` - (lam - `case_GHC.Types.Cons_i0` - (case x_i3 `case_GHC.Types.Nil_i2` `case_GHC.Types.Cons_i1`) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (force + (delay + (\`GHC.Types.Nil` `GHC.Types.Cons` `match_GHC.Types.List` -> + force `GHC.Types.Cons` 1 (force `GHC.Types.Nil`))) + (delay (constr 0 [])) + (delay (\arg_0 arg_1 -> constr 1 [arg_0, arg_1])) + (delay + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_GHC.Types.Nil` `case_GHC.Types.Cons` -> + case x [`case_GHC.Types.Nil`, `case_GHC.Types.Cons`])))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/listInterop.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/listInterop.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/listInterop.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/listInterop.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/mono.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/mono.uplc.golden index 3e5354daa25..01d5641c6c5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/mono.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/mono.uplc.golden @@ -1,54 +1,23 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono1_i0` - (lam - `Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono2_i0` - (lam - `Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono3_i0` - (lam - `match_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoData_i0` - `Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono2_i3` - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam arg_0_i0 (lam arg_1_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i2 arg_1_i1))) - ] - (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 1 arg_0_i1)) - ] - (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 2 arg_0_i1)) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono1_i0` - (lam - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono2_i0` - (lam - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono3_i0` - (case - x_i4 - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono1_i3` - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono2_i2` - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono3_i1` - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (con integer 2) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (force + (delay + (\`Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono1` + `Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono2` + `Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono3` + `match_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoData` -> + `Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono2`)) + (\arg_0 arg_1 -> constr 0 [arg_0, arg_1]) + (\arg_0 -> constr 1 [arg_0]) + (\arg_0 -> constr 2 [arg_0]) + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono1` + `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono2` + `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono3` -> + case + x + [ `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono1` + , `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono2` + , `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Mono3` ])) + 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/monoInterop.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/monoInterop.eval.golden index d135c1204f4..d8263ee9860 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/monoInterop.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/monoInterop.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 2) \ No newline at end of file +2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/nested.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/nested.uplc.golden index df1231c0ba8..af82936fa25 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/nested.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/nested.uplc.golden @@ -1,109 +1,38 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - (force + (force + (delay + (\`GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2` `match_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2` -> + force + (delay + (\`GHC.Maybe.Just` + `GHC.Maybe.Nothing` + `match_GHC.Maybe.Maybe` -> + force + (delay + (\`Lift.Spec.NestedRecord` + `match_Lift.Spec.NestedRecord` -> + `Lift.Spec.NestedRecord`)) + (\arg_0 -> constr 0 [arg_0]) + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_Lift.Spec.NestedRecord` -> + case x [`case_Lift.Spec.NestedRecord`])) + (force `GHC.Maybe.Just` + (force (force `GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2`) 1 2)))) + (delay (\arg_0 -> constr 0 [arg_0])) + (delay (constr 1 [])) + (delay + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_GHC.Maybe.Just` `case_GHC.Maybe.Nothing` -> + case + x + [`case_GHC.Maybe.Just`, `case_GHC.Maybe.Nothing`]))))) + (delay (delay (\arg_0 arg_1 -> constr 0 [arg_0, arg_1]))) + (delay (delay - (lam - `GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i0` - (lam - `match_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i0` - [ - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `GHC.Maybe.Just_i0` - (lam - `GHC.Maybe.Nothing_i0` - (lam - `match_GHC.Maybe.Maybe_i0` - [ - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `Lift.Spec.NestedRecord_i0` - (lam - `match_Lift.Spec.NestedRecord_i0` - `Lift.Spec.NestedRecord_i2` - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i1)) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_Lift.Spec.NestedRecord_i0` - (case - x_i2 `case_Lift.Spec.NestedRecord_i1` - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - [ - (force `GHC.Maybe.Just_i3`) - [ - [ - (force (force `GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i5`)) - (con integer 1) - ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (delay (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i1))) - ] - (delay (constr 1)) - ] - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_GHC.Maybe.Just_i0` - (lam - `case_GHC.Maybe.Nothing_i0` - (case - x_i3 - `case_GHC.Maybe.Just_i2` - `case_GHC.Maybe.Nothing_i1` - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (delay (delay (lam arg_0_i0 (lam arg_1_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i2 arg_1_i1))))) - ] - (delay - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i0` - (case x_i2 `case_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i1`) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2` -> + case x [`case_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2`]))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt.uplc.golden index c897a619d7e..0d9b8af24ca 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 1)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt2.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt2.uplc.golden index c897a619d7e..0d9b8af24ca 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt2.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt2.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 1)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt3.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt3.uplc.golden index c897a619d7e..0d9b8af24ca 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt3.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/newtypeInt3.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 1)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/poly.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/poly.uplc.golden index 37c366ce476..34fbd64e7d5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/poly.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/poly.uplc.golden @@ -1,59 +1,24 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - (force + (force + (force (force - [ - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly1_i0` - (lam - `Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly2_i0` - (lam - `match_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyPolyData_i0` - `Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly1_i3` - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (delay - (delay - (lam arg_0_i0 (lam arg_1_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i2 arg_1_i1))) - ) - ) - ] - (delay (delay (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 1 arg_0_i1)))) - ] - (delay + (delay + (\`Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly1` + `Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly2` + `match_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyPolyData` -> + `Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly1`)) + (delay (delay (\arg_0 arg_1 -> constr 0 [arg_0, arg_1]))) + (delay (delay (\arg_0 -> constr 1 [arg_0]))) + (delay (delay - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly1_i0` - (lam - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly2_i0` - (case - x_i3 - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly1_i2` - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly2_i1` - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (con integer 1) - ] - (con integer 2) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly1` + `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly2` -> + case + x + [ `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly1` + , `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.Poly2` ])))))) + 1 + 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/polyInterop.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/polyInterop.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/polyInterop.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/polyInterop.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/record.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/record.uplc.golden index 6afcea88e27..1cb08bcde10 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/record.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/record.uplc.golden @@ -1,34 +1,14 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord_i0` - (lam - `match_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord_i0` - `Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord_i2` - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam arg_0_i0 (lam arg_1_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i2 arg_1_i1))) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord_i0` - (case x_i2 `case_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord_i1`) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (con integer 1) - ] - (con integer 2) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (force + (delay + (\`Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord` + `match_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord` -> + `Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord`)) + (\arg_0 arg_1 -> constr 0 [arg_0, arg_1]) + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord` -> + case x [`case_Plugin.Data.Spec.MyMonoRecord`])) + 1 + 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/syn.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/syn.uplc.golden index 36a3b71fcb8..df57e3f2def 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/syn.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/syn.uplc.golden @@ -1,49 +1,17 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `Lift.Spec.Z_i0` - (lam - `match_Lift.Spec.Z_i0` - [ - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `Lift.Spec.SynExample_i0` - (lam - `match_Lift.Spec.SynExample_i0` - `Lift.Spec.SynExample_i2` - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i1)) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_Lift.Spec.SynExample_i0` - (case x_i2 `case_Lift.Spec.SynExample_i1`) - ) - ) - ) - ] - [ `Lift.Spec.Z_i2` (con integer 1) ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i1)) - ] - (lam - x_i0 (delay (lam `case_Lift.Spec.Z_i0` (case x_i2 `case_Lift.Spec.Z_i1`))) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (force + (delay + (\`Lift.Spec.Z` `match_Lift.Spec.Z` -> + force + (delay + (\`Lift.Spec.SynExample` `match_Lift.Spec.SynExample` -> + `Lift.Spec.SynExample`)) + (\arg_0 -> constr 0 [arg_0]) + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_Lift.Spec.SynExample` -> + case x [`case_Lift.Spec.SynExample`])) + (`Lift.Spec.Z` 1))) + (\arg_0 -> constr 0 [arg_0]) + (\x -> delay (\`case_Lift.Spec.Z` -> case x [`case_Lift.Spec.Z`]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/tuple.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/tuple.uplc.golden index 267ab6e3789..9cc4e504c7e 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/tuple.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Lift/9.6/tuple.uplc.golden @@ -1,46 +1,17 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - [ - (force + (force + (force (force - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - `GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i0` - (lam - `match_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i0` - `GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i2` - ) - ) - ) - ) + (delay + (\`GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2` `match_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2` -> + `GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2`)) + (delay (delay (\arg_0 arg_1 -> constr 0 [arg_0, arg_1]))) + (delay (delay - (delay - (lam arg_0_i0 (lam arg_1_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i2 arg_1_i1))) - ) - ) - ] - (delay - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - `case_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i0` - (case x_i2 `case_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2_i1`) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (con integer 1) - ] - (con integer 2) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (\x -> + delay + (\`case_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2` -> + case x [`case_GHC.Tuple.Prim.Tuple2`])))))) + 1 + 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Optimization/9.6/maybeFun.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Optimization/9.6/maybeFun.uplc.golden index ea1a928b96e..d2899d853e9 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Optimization/9.6/maybeFun.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Optimization/9.6/maybeFun.uplc.golden @@ -1,30 +1,14 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (lam - ds_i0 - (lam - ds_i0 - (force - (case - ds_i2 - (lam - x'_i0 - (delay - (force - (case - ds_i2 - (lam - y'_i0 - (delay (constr 0 [ [ (builtin addInteger) x'_i2 ] y'_i1 ])) - ) - (delay (constr 1)) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (delay (constr 1)) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (\ds ds -> + force + (case + ds + [ (\x' -> + delay + (force + (case + ds + [ (\y' -> delay (constr 0 [(addInteger x' y')])) + , (delay (constr 1 [])) ]))) + , (delay (constr 1 [])) ])) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/defaultCaseDuplication.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/defaultCaseDuplication.pir.golden index be3bffbc56e..fc6ae40a03d 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/defaultCaseDuplication.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/defaultCaseDuplication.pir.golden @@ -1,33 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl defaultBody (con integer)) (con integer 2)) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl A (type)) A_match (vardecl B A) (vardecl C A) (vardecl D A) - ) - ) - (lam + ~defaultBody : integer = 2 + data A | A_match where + B : A + C : A + D : A + in + \(ds : A) -> + let + !ds : A = ds + in + A_match ds - A - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds A) ds) - { - [ - [ - [ - { [ A_match ds ] (all dead (type) (con integer)) } - (abs dead (type) (con integer 1)) - ] - (abs dead (type) defaultBody) - ] - (abs dead (type) defaultBody) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> 1) + (/\dead -> defaultBody) + (/\dead -> defaultBody) + {all dead. dead}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/defaultCaseDuplicationNested.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/defaultCaseDuplicationNested.pir.golden index f74fea27b8b..37bf137da63 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/defaultCaseDuplicationNested.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/defaultCaseDuplicationNested.pir.golden @@ -1,58 +1,32 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl defaultBody (con integer)) (con integer 3)) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl A (type)) A_match (vardecl B A) (vardecl C A) (vardecl D A) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - A - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds A) ds) - (lam - ds - A - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds A) ds) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl defaultBody (con integer)) - { - [ - [ - [ - { [ A_match ds ] (all dead (type) (con integer)) } - (abs dead (type) (con integer 2)) - ] - (abs dead (type) defaultBody) - ] - (abs dead (type) defaultBody) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - { - [ - [ - [ - { [ A_match ds ] (all dead (type) (con integer)) } - (abs dead (type) (con integer 1)) - ] - (abs dead (type) defaultBody) - ] - (abs dead (type) defaultBody) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + ~defaultBody : integer = 3 + data A | A_match where + B : A + C : A + D : A + in + \(ds : A) -> + let + !ds : A = ds + in + \(ds : A) -> + let + !ds : A = ds + ~defaultBody : integer + = A_match + ds + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> 2) + (/\dead -> defaultBody) + (/\dead -> defaultBody) + {all dead. dead} + in + A_match + ds + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> 1) + (/\dead -> defaultBody) + (/\dead -> defaultBody) + {all dead. dead}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOpt.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOpt.pir.golden index b99125842ce..db3616eaaab 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOpt.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOpt.pir.golden @@ -1,87 +1,29 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - divideInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin divideInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - divideInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ divideInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl wild Bool) - [ - [ equalsInteger [ [ divideInteger (con integer 1) ] (con integer 0) ] ] - (con integer 0) - ] - ) - (con integer 1) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !divideInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = divideInteger + ~divideInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in divideInteger x y + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + !wild : Bool = equalsInteger (divideInteger 1 0) 0 + in + 1) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOptEval.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOptEval.eval.golden index 31522decfd6..17922fad000 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOptEval.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/ifOptEval.eval.golden @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ An error has occurred: The machine terminated because of an error, either from a built-in function or from an explicit use of 'error'. -Caused by: (divideInteger 1 0) +Caused by: divideInteger 1 0 Final budget: ({cpu: 132030 | mem: 101}) Logs: Cannot divide by zero \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/letFun.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/letFun.pir.golden index bc35ea6a6bd..210db8b4ce5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/letFun.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/letFun.pir.golden @@ -1,65 +1,25 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ [ equalsInteger ds ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> let !ds : integer = ds in equalsInteger ds ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monadicDo.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monadicDo.pir.golden index b6afb8204de..4d7ba359c3f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monadicDo.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monadicDo.pir.golden @@ -1,127 +1,51 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` (all a (type) (fun a [ Maybe a ]))) - (abs a (type) (lam ds a [ { Just a } ds ])) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ Maybe a ] (fun (fun a [ Maybe b ]) [ Maybe b ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - ds - [ Maybe a ] - (lam - k - (fun a [ Maybe b ]) - { - [ - [ - { [ { Maybe_match a } ds ] (all dead (type) [ Maybe b ]) } - (lam x a (abs dead (type) [ k x ])) - ] - (abs dead (type) { Nothing b }) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds [ Maybe (con integer) ]) ds) - (lam - ds - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds [ Maybe (con integer) ]) ds) - [ - [ { { `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` (con integer) } (con integer) } ds ] - (lam - x' - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x' (con integer)) x') - [ - [ - { { `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` (con integer) } (con integer) } - ds - ] - (lam - y' - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y' (con integer)) y') - [ - { `$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` (con integer) } - [ [ addInteger x' ] y' ] - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a + ~`$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` : all a. a -> Maybe a + = /\a -> \(ds : a) -> Just {a} ds + ~`$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` : all a b. Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b + = /\a b -> + \(ds : Maybe a) (k : a -> Maybe b) -> + Maybe_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. Maybe b} + (\(x : a) -> /\dead -> k x) + (/\dead -> Nothing {b}) + {all dead. dead} + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + \(ds : Maybe integer) -> + let + !ds : Maybe integer = ds + in + \(ds : Maybe integer) -> + let + !ds : Maybe integer = ds + in + `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` + {integer} + {integer} + ds + (\(x' : integer) -> + let + !x' : integer = x' + in + `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` + {integer} + {integer} + ds + (\(y' : integer) -> + let + !y' : integer = y' + in + `$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` {integer} (addInteger x' y')))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoId.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoId.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoId.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoId.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoK.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoK.pir.golden index cfa4ac0ee32..5a9a14aa00a 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoK.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/monoK.pir.golden @@ -1,12 +1,3 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam ds (con integer) ds) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (\(ds : integer) -> let !ds : integer = ds in \(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/nonstrictLet.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/nonstrictLet.pir.golden index 48a7e5abcab..e4cf284e5b0 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/nonstrictLet.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/nonstrictLet.pir.golden @@ -1,52 +1,21 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl z (con integer)) [ [ addInteger ds ] ds ] - ) - [ [ addInteger z ] z ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + !z : integer = addInteger ds ds + in + addInteger z z) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/patternMatchDo.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/patternMatchDo.pir.golden index 409c116c10b..94746c1b285 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/patternMatchDo.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/patternMatchDo.pir.golden @@ -1,160 +1,58 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` (all a (type) (fun a [ Maybe a ]))) - (abs a (type) (lam ds a [ { Just a } ds ])) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ Maybe a ] (fun (fun a [ Maybe b ]) [ Maybe b ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - ds - [ Maybe a ] - (lam - k - (fun a [ Maybe b ]) - { - [ - [ - { [ { Maybe_match a } ds ] (all dead (type) [ Maybe b ]) } - (lam x a (abs dead (type) [ k x ])) - ] - (abs dead (type) { Nothing b }) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ Maybe [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ds [ Maybe [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] ]) - ds - ) - (lam - ds - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds [ Maybe (con integer) ]) ds) - [ - [ - { - { - `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - } - (con integer) - } - ds - ] - (lam - ds - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - [ - { - [ { { Tuple2_match (con integer) } (con integer) } ds ] - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - } - (lam - x - (con integer) - (lam - x - (con integer) - [ - [ - { - { `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` (con integer) } (con integer) - } - ds - ] - (lam - y' - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y' (con integer)) y') - [ - { `$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` (con integer) } - [ [ addInteger [ [ addInteger x ] x ] ] y' ] - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a + ~`$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` : all a. a -> Maybe a + = /\a -> \(ds : a) -> Just {a} ds + ~`$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` : all a b. Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b + = /\a b -> + \(ds : Maybe a) (k : a -> Maybe b) -> + Maybe_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. Maybe b} + (\(x : a) -> /\dead -> k x) + (/\dead -> Nothing {b}) + {all dead. dead} + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + \(ds : Maybe (Tuple2 integer integer)) -> + let + !ds : Maybe (Tuple2 integer integer) = ds + in + \(ds : Maybe integer) -> + let + !ds : Maybe integer = ds + in + `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` + {Tuple2 integer integer} + {integer} + ds + (\(ds : Tuple2 integer integer) -> + Tuple2_match + {integer} + {integer} + ds + {Maybe integer} + (\(x : integer) (x : integer) -> + `$fMonadMaybe_$c>>=` + {integer} + {integer} + ds + (\(y' : integer) -> + let + !y' : integer = y' + in + `$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` + {integer} + (addInteger (addInteger x x) y'))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLet.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLet.pir.golden index 48a7e5abcab..e4cf284e5b0 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLet.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLet.pir.golden @@ -1,52 +1,21 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl z (con integer)) [ [ addInteger ds ] ds ] - ) - [ [ addInteger z ] z ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + !z : integer = addInteger ds ds + in + addInteger z z) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLetRec.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLetRec.pir.golden index 245ff864cb1..a2234ea9278 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLetRec.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictLetRec.pir.golden @@ -1,63 +1,28 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) (vardecl q (con integer)) [ [ addInteger ds ] z ] - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) (vardecl z (con integer)) [ [ addInteger ds ] q ] - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl z (con integer)) z) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl q (con integer)) q) - [ [ addInteger z ] z ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + letrec + ~q : integer = addInteger ds z + ~z : integer = addInteger ds q + in + let + !z : integer = z + !q : integer = q + in + addInteger z z) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictMultiLet.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictMultiLet.pir.golden index bd13e62b61f..d410ebbec43 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictMultiLet.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Basic/9.6/strictMultiLet.pir.golden @@ -1,53 +1,22 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl z (con integer)) [ [ addInteger ds ] ds ] - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl q (con integer)) [ [ addInteger z ] z ]) - [ [ addInteger q ] q ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + !z : integer = addInteger ds ds + !q : integer = addInteger z z + in + addInteger q q) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Coverage/9.6/coverageCode.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Coverage/9.6/coverageCode.pir.golden index 5062a03adda..c3e9f322fe8 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Coverage/9.6/coverageCode.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Coverage/9.6/coverageCode.pir.golden @@ -1,538 +1,169 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl fail (fun (con unit) [ Maybe Bool ])) - (lam - ds - (con unit) - { - { - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (all dead (type) (all a (type) [ Maybe a ])) } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 41, _covLocEndLine = 41, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 15})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { - (builtin trace) - (all dead (type) (all a (type) [ Maybe a ])) - } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 43, _covLocEndLine = 43, _covLocStartCol = 26, _covLocEndCol = 33})" - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) Nothing) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - Bool - } - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fEqInteger` [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a Bool))) (con integer) ] - ) - equalsInteger - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `&&` (fun Bool (fun Bool Bool))) - (lam - ds - Bool - (lam - x - Bool - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } (abs dead (type) x) - ] - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `==` - (all - a - (type) - (fun [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a Bool))) a ] (fun a (fun a Bool))) - ) - ) - (abs a (type) (lam v [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a Bool))) a ] v)) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl trace (all a (type) (fun (con string) (fun a a)))) - (builtin trace) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl traceBool (fun (con string) (fun (con string) (fun Bool Bool)))) - (lam - trueLabel - (con string) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl trueLabel (con string)) trueLabel) - (lam - falseLabel - (con string) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl falseLabel (con string)) falseLabel) - (lam + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + ~fail : + unit -> Maybe Bool + = \(ds : unit) -> + trace + {all dead a. Maybe a} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 41, _covLocEndLine = 41, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 15})" + (/\dead -> + trace + {all dead a. Maybe a} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 43, _covLocEndLine = 43, _covLocStartCol = 26, _covLocEndCol = 33})" + (/\dead -> Nothing) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead} + {Bool} + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + ~`$fEqInteger` : (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) integer = equalsInteger + ~`&&` : Bool -> Bool -> Bool + = \(ds : Bool) (x : Bool) -> + Bool_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> x) + (/\dead -> False) + {all dead. dead} + ~`==` : all a. (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a -> a -> a -> Bool + = /\a -> \(v : (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a) -> v + !trace : all a. string -> a -> a = trace + ~traceBool : string -> string -> Bool -> Bool + = \(trueLabel : string) -> + let + !trueLabel : string = trueLabel + in + \(falseLabel : string) -> + let + !falseLabel : string = falseLabel + in + \(c : Bool) -> + Bool_match c - Bool - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match c ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) [ [ { trace Bool } trueLabel ] True ]) - ] - (abs dead (type) [ [ { trace Bool } falseLabel ] False ]) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl otherFun (fun (con integer) Bool)) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ - [ - [ - traceBool - (con - string - "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 1, _covLocEndCol = 32}) True" - ) - ] - (con - string - "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 1, _covLocEndCol = 32}) False" - ) - ] - { - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (all dead (type) Bool) } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 1, _covLocEndCol = 32})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ - [ - traceBool - (con - string - "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 32}) True" - ) - ] - (con - string - "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 32}) False" - ) - ] - { - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (all dead (type) Bool) } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 32})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ - `&&` - [ - [ - [ - traceBool - (con - string - "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 24}) True" - ) - ] - (con - string - "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 24}) False" - ) - ] - { - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (all dead (type) Bool) } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 24})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ - [ - { `==` (con integer) } `$fEqInteger` - ] - { - [ - [ - { - (builtin trace) - (all - dead (type) (con integer) - ) - } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 15, _covLocEndCol = 16})" - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) x) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ] - { - [ - [ - { - (builtin trace) - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 22, _covLocEndCol = 23})" - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) (con integer 5)) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ] - ] - { - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (all dead (type) Bool) } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 28, _covLocEndCol = 32})" - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ] - ) - ) - ) - (lam - x - [ Maybe (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x [ Maybe (con integer) ]) x) - { - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (all dead (type) [ Maybe Bool ]) } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 37, _covLocEndLine = 37, _covLocStartCol = 54, _covLocEndCol = 57})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (all dead (type) [ Maybe Bool ]) } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 41, _covLocEndLine = 43, _covLocStartCol = 1, _covLocEndCol = 33})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (all dead (type) [ Maybe Bool ]) } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 41, _covLocEndLine = 43, _covLocStartCol = 9, _covLocEndCol = 33})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { - [ { Maybe_match (con integer) } x ] - (all dead (type) [ Maybe Bool ]) - } - (lam - y - (con integer) - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { - (builtin trace) - (all dead (type) [ Maybe Bool ]) - } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 42, _covLocEndLine = 42, _covLocStartCol = 12, _covLocEndCol = 22})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match - [ - otherFun - { - [ - [ - { - (builtin trace) - (all - dead - (type) - (con integer) - ) - } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 42, _covLocEndLine = 42, _covLocStartCol = 21, _covLocEndCol = 22})" - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) y) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ] - ] - (all - dead (type) [ Maybe Bool ] - ) - } - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { - (builtin trace) - (all - dead - (type) - [ Maybe Bool ] - ) - } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 42, _covLocEndLine = 42, _covLocStartCol = 26, _covLocEndCol = 36})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - { Just Bool } - { - [ - [ - { - (builtin - trace - ) - (all - dead - (type) - Bool - ) - } - (con - string - "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 42, _covLocEndLine = 42, _covLocStartCol = 31, _covLocEndCol = 36})" - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - False - ) - ] - (all - dead (type) dead - ) - } - ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ fail (con unit ()) ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) [ fail (con unit ()) ]) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> trace {Bool} trueLabel True) + (/\dead -> trace {Bool} falseLabel False) + {all dead. dead} + ~otherFun : + integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + traceBool + "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 1, _covLocEndCol = 32}) True" + "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 1, _covLocEndCol = 32}) False" + (trace + {all dead. Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 1, _covLocEndCol = 32})" + (/\dead -> + traceBool + "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 32}) True" + "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 32}) False" + (trace + {all dead. Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 32})" + (/\dead -> + `&&` + (traceBool + "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 24}) True" + "CoverBool (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 24}) False" + (trace + {all dead. Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 14, _covLocEndCol = 24})" + (/\dead -> + `==` + {integer} + `$fEqInteger` + (trace + {all dead. integer} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 15, _covLocEndCol = 16})" + (/\dead -> x) + {all dead. dead}) + (trace + {all dead. integer} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 22, _covLocEndCol = 23})" + (/\dead -> 5) + {all dead. dead})) + {all dead. dead})) + (trace + {all dead. Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 46, _covLocEndLine = 46, _covLocStartCol = 28, _covLocEndCol = 32})" + (/\dead -> True) + {all dead. dead})) + {all dead. dead})) + {all dead. dead}) + in + \(x : Maybe integer) -> + let + !x : Maybe integer = x + in + trace + {all dead. Maybe Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 37, _covLocEndLine = 37, _covLocStartCol = 54, _covLocEndCol = 57})" + (/\dead -> + trace + {all dead. Maybe Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 41, _covLocEndLine = 43, _covLocStartCol = 1, _covLocEndCol = 33})" + (/\dead -> + trace + {all dead. Maybe Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 41, _covLocEndLine = 43, _covLocStartCol = 9, _covLocEndCol = 33})" + (/\dead -> + Maybe_match + {integer} + x + {all dead. Maybe Bool} + (\(y : integer) -> + /\dead -> + trace + {all dead. Maybe Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 42, _covLocEndLine = 42, _covLocStartCol = 12, _covLocEndCol = 22})" + (/\dead -> + Bool_match + (otherFun + (trace + {all dead. integer} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 42, _covLocEndLine = 42, _covLocStartCol = 21, _covLocEndCol = 22})" + (/\dead -> y) + {all dead. dead})) + {all dead. Maybe Bool} + (/\dead -> + trace + {all dead. Maybe Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 42, _covLocEndLine = 42, _covLocStartCol = 26, _covLocEndCol = 36})" + (/\dead -> + Just + {Bool} + (trace + {all dead. Bool} + "CoverLocation (CovLoc {_covLocFile = \"test/Plugin/Coverage/Spec.hs\", _covLocStartLine = 42, _covLocEndLine = 42, _covLocStartCol = 31, _covLocEndCol = 36})" + (/\dead -> False) + {all dead. dead})) + {all dead. dead}) + (/\dead -> fail ()) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead}) + (/\dead -> fail ()) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/associated.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/associated.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/associated.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/associated.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/associatedParam.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/associatedParam.pir.golden index 12ec7546f95..6f90ae74523 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/associatedParam.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/associatedParam.pir.golden @@ -1,43 +1,10 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Param (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Param_match - (vardecl Param (fun a [ Param a ])) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$WParam` (all a (type) (fun a [ Param a ]))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - conrep - a - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep a) conrep) - [ { Param a } conrep ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl paramId (all a (type) (fun [ Param a ] (fun a a)))) - (abs a (type) (lam ds [ Param a ] (lam x a x))) - ) - [ - [ - { paramId (con integer) } - [ { `$WParam` (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - ] - (con integer 1) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (Param :: * -> *) a | Param_match where + Param : a -> Param a + ~`$WParam` : all a. a -> Param a + = /\a -> \(conrep : a) -> let !conrep : a = conrep in Param {a} conrep + ~paramId : all a. Param a -> a -> a = /\a -> \(ds : Param a) (x : a) -> x + in + paramId {integer} (`$WParam` {integer} 1) 1) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicClosed.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicClosed.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicClosed.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicClosed.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicData.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicData.pir.golden index 1d2df6458fc..e97563d8275 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicData.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicData.pir.golden @@ -1,26 +1,11 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl `R:BasicDataBool` (type)) - - `R:BasicDataBool_match` - (vardecl Inst (fun (con integer) `R:BasicDataBool`)) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - `R:BasicDataBool` - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl nt `R:BasicDataBool`) ds) - [ - { [ `R:BasicDataBool_match` nt ] (con integer) } - (lam i (con integer) i) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data `R:BasicDataBool` | `R:BasicDataBool_match` where + Inst : integer -> `R:BasicDataBool` + in + \(ds : `R:BasicDataBool`) -> + let + !nt : `R:BasicDataBool` = ds + in + `R:BasicDataBool_match` nt {integer} (\(i : integer) -> i)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicOpen.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicOpen.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicOpen.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/families/basicOpen.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/atPattern.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/atPattern.pir.golden index 904ad70c7c5..166246d17a8 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/atPattern.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/atPattern.pir.golden @@ -1,48 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + \(t : Tuple2 integer integer) -> + Tuple2_match + {integer} + {integer} t - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - [ - { [ { { Tuple2_match (con integer) } (con integer) } t ] (con integer) } - (lam ds (con integer) (lam ds (con integer) [ [ addInteger ds ] ds ])) - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(ds : integer) (ds : integer) -> addInteger ds ds)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/defaultCase.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/defaultCase.pir.golden index 8c7d3487e43..11face25ff7 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/defaultCase.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/defaultCase.pir.golden @@ -1,39 +1,19 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl defaultBody (con integer)) (con integer 2)) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoData (type)) - - MyMonoData_match - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoData))) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - ) - ) - (lam + ~defaultBody : integer = 2 + data MyMonoData | MyMonoData_match where + Mono : integer -> integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + in + \(ds : MyMonoData) -> + let + !ds : MyMonoData = ds + in + MyMonoData_match ds - MyMonoData - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds MyMonoData) ds) - [ - [ - [ - { [ MyMonoData_match ds ] (con integer) } - (lam - default_arg0 - (con integer) - (lam default_arg1 (con integer) defaultBody) - ) - ] - (lam default_arg0 (con integer) defaultBody) - ] - (lam a (con integer) a) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(default_arg0 : integer) (default_arg1 : integer) -> defaultBody) + (\(default_arg0 : integer) -> defaultBody) + (\(a : integer) -> a)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/enum.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/enum.pir.golden index bd39e84f745..8b9f94a00ab 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/enum.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/enum.pir.golden @@ -1,15 +1,8 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyEnum (type)) - - MyEnum_match - (vardecl Enum MyEnum) (vardecl Enum MyEnum) - ) - ) - Enum - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data MyEnum | MyEnum_match where + Enum : MyEnum + Enum : MyEnum + in + Enum) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/irrefutableMatch.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/irrefutableMatch.pir.golden index 05c3a58bde2..0d70c8027a0 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/irrefutableMatch.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/irrefutableMatch.pir.golden @@ -1,54 +1,23 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl defaultBody (con integer)) - { (abs e (type) (error e)) (con integer) } - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype (tyvardecl Unit (type)) Unit_match (vardecl Unit Unit)) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl defaultBody (con integer)) - [ - { [ Unit_match { (abs e (type) (error e)) Unit } ] (con integer) } - defaultBody - ] - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoData (type)) - - MyMonoData_match - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoData))) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - ) - ) - (lam + ~defaultBody : integer = (/\e -> error {e}) {integer} + data Unit | Unit_match where + Unit : Unit + ~defaultBody : integer + = Unit_match ((/\e -> error {e}) {Unit}) {integer} defaultBody + data MyMonoData | MyMonoData_match where + Mono : integer -> integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + in + \(ds : MyMonoData) -> + let + !ds : MyMonoData = ds + in + MyMonoData_match ds - MyMonoData - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds MyMonoData) ds) - [ - [ - [ - { [ MyMonoData_match ds ] (con integer) } - (lam - default_arg0 - (con integer) - (lam default_arg1 (con integer) defaultBody) - ) - ] - (lam a (con integer) a) - ] - (lam default_arg0 (con integer) defaultBody) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(default_arg0 : integer) (default_arg1 : integer) -> defaultBody) + (\(a : integer) -> a) + (\(default_arg0 : integer) -> defaultBody)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCase.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCase.pir.golden index fe9af864fc3..6e430b52b48 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCase.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCase.pir.golden @@ -1,34 +1,18 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoData (type)) - - MyMonoData_match - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoData))) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - ) - ) - (lam + data MyMonoData | MyMonoData_match where + Mono : integer -> integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + in + \(ds : MyMonoData) -> + let + !ds : MyMonoData = ds + in + MyMonoData_match ds - MyMonoData - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds MyMonoData) ds) - [ - [ - [ - { [ MyMonoData_match ds ] (con integer) } - (lam ds (con integer) (lam b (con integer) b)) - ] - (lam a (con integer) a) - ] - (lam a (con integer) a) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(ds : integer) (b : integer) -> b) + (\(a : integer) -> a) + (\(a : integer) -> a)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCaseStrict.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCaseStrict.pir.golden index fe9af864fc3..6e430b52b48 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCaseStrict.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoCaseStrict.pir.golden @@ -1,34 +1,18 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoData (type)) - - MyMonoData_match - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoData))) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - ) - ) - (lam + data MyMonoData | MyMonoData_match where + Mono : integer -> integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + in + \(ds : MyMonoData) -> + let + !ds : MyMonoData = ds + in + MyMonoData_match ds - MyMonoData - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds MyMonoData) ds) - [ - [ - [ - { [ MyMonoData_match ds ] (con integer) } - (lam ds (con integer) (lam b (con integer) b)) - ] - (lam a (con integer) a) - ] - (lam a (con integer) a) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(ds : integer) (b : integer) -> b) + (\(a : integer) -> a) + (\(a : integer) -> a)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDest.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDest.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDest.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDest.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDestDefault.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDestDefault.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDestDefault.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstDestDefault.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstructed.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstructed.pir.golden index b3e42a16e82..42adca87158 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstructed.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstructed.pir.golden @@ -1,30 +1,11 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoData (type)) - - MyMonoData_match - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoData))) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$WMono` (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - (lam - conrep - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep (con integer)) conrep) - [ Mono conrep ] - ) - ) - ) - [ `$WMono` (con integer 1) ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data MyMonoData | MyMonoData_match where + Mono : integer -> integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + ~`$WMono` : integer -> MyMonoData + = \(conrep : integer) -> let !conrep : integer = conrep in Mono conrep + in + `$WMono` 1) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstructor.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstructor.pir.golden index 800fc951330..8316a48c601 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstructor.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoConstructor.pir.golden @@ -1,38 +1,19 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoData (type)) - - MyMonoData_match - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoData))) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$WMono` (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoData))) - (lam - conrep - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep (con integer)) conrep) - (lam - conrep - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep (con integer)) conrep) - [ [ Mono conrep ] conrep ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam ds (con integer) (lam ds (con integer) [ [ `$WMono` ds ] ds ])) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data MyMonoData | MyMonoData_match where + Mono : integer -> integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + ~`$WMono` : integer -> integer -> MyMonoData + = \(conrep : integer) -> + let + !conrep : integer = conrep + in + \(conrep : integer) -> + let + !conrep : integer = conrep + in + Mono conrep conrep + in + \(ds : integer) (ds : integer) -> `$WMono` ds ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoDataType.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoDataType.pir.golden index 1e4be4c34c6..c9ae439f0ec 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoDataType.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoDataType.pir.golden @@ -1,39 +1,19 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl defaultBody (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoData (type)) - - MyMonoData_match - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoData))) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - (vardecl Mono (fun (con integer) MyMonoData)) - ) - ) - (lam + ~defaultBody : integer = 1 + data MyMonoData | MyMonoData_match where + Mono : integer -> integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + Mono : integer -> MyMonoData + in + \(ds : MyMonoData) -> + let + !ds : MyMonoData = ds + in + MyMonoData_match ds - MyMonoData - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds MyMonoData) ds) - [ - [ - [ - { [ MyMonoData_match ds ] (con integer) } - (lam - default_arg0 - (con integer) - (lam default_arg1 (con integer) defaultBody) - ) - ] - (lam i (con integer) i) - ] - (lam default_arg0 (con integer) defaultBody) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(default_arg0 : integer) (default_arg1 : integer) -> defaultBody) + (\(i : integer) -> i) + (\(default_arg0 : integer) -> defaultBody)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoRecord.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoRecord.pir.golden index 78a3e385301..ee345dd3bef 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoRecord.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/monoRecord.pir.golden @@ -1,24 +1,8 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoRecord (type)) - - MyMonoRecord_match - (vardecl - MyMonoRecord (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoRecord)) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - MyMonoRecord - [ - { [ MyMonoRecord_match ds ] (con integer) } - (lam ipv (con integer) (lam ipv (con integer) ipv)) - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data MyMonoRecord | MyMonoRecord_match where + MyMonoRecord : integer -> integer -> MyMonoRecord + in + \(ds : MyMonoRecord) -> + MyMonoRecord_match ds {integer} (\(ipv : integer) (ipv : integer) -> ipv)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/nonValueCase.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/nonValueCase.pir.golden index e5218a8e063..051c3b778af 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/nonValueCase.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/nonValueCase.pir.golden @@ -1,46 +1,22 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyEnum (type)) - - MyEnum_match - (vardecl Enum MyEnum) (vardecl Enum MyEnum) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype (tyvardecl Unit (type)) Unit_match (vardecl Unit Unit)) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl error (all a (type) (fun (con unit) a))) - (abs a (type) (lam thunk (con unit) (error a))) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl unitval (con unit)) (con unit ())) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl error (all a (type) (fun Unit a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x Unit [ { error a } unitval ])) - ) - (lam + data MyEnum | MyEnum_match where + Enum : MyEnum + Enum : MyEnum + data Unit | Unit_match where + Unit : Unit + !error : all a. unit -> a = /\a -> \(thunk : unit) -> error {a} + !unitval : unit = () + ~error : all a. Unit -> a = /\a -> \(x : Unit) -> error {a} unitval + in + \(ds : MyEnum) -> + let + !ds : MyEnum = ds + in + MyEnum_match ds - MyEnum - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds MyEnum) ds) - { - [ - [ - { [ MyEnum_match ds ] (all dead (type) (con integer)) } - (abs dead (type) (con integer 1)) - ] - (abs dead (type) [ { error (con integer) } Unit ]) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> 1) + (/\dead -> error {integer} Unit) + {all dead. dead}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/recordNewtype.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/recordNewtype.pir.golden index 35cfb78d9b0..0594af143c4 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/recordNewtype.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/recordNewtype.pir.golden @@ -1,21 +1,8 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl RecordNewtype (type)) - - RecordNewtype_match - (vardecl RecordNewtype (fun (con integer) RecordNewtype)) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - RecordNewtype - [ - { [ RecordNewtype_match ds ] (con integer) } (lam ipv (con integer) ipv) - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data RecordNewtype | RecordNewtype_match where + RecordNewtype : integer -> RecordNewtype + in + \(ds : RecordNewtype) -> + RecordNewtype_match ds {integer} (\(ipv : integer) -> ipv)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/recordWithStrictField.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/recordWithStrictField.pir.golden index 5eb4e3ed4ec..d004d0bfa2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/recordWithStrictField.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/recordWithStrictField.pir.golden @@ -1,40 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (typebind (tyvardecl RecordNewtype (type)) (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (typebind (tyvardecl MyMonoRecord (type)) (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl RecordWithStrictField (type)) - - RecordWithStrictField_match - (vardecl - RecordWithStrictField - (fun MyMonoRecord (fun RecordNewtype RecordWithStrictField)) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl strictField (fun RecordWithStrictField RecordNewtype)) - (lam - ds - RecordWithStrictField - [ - { [ RecordWithStrictField_match ds ] RecordNewtype } - (lam ds MyMonoRecord (lam ds RecordNewtype ds)) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - ds - RecordWithStrictField - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds RecordWithStrictField) ds) - [ strictField ds ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + RecordNewtype = all a. a -> a + MyMonoRecord = all a. a -> a + data RecordWithStrictField | RecordWithStrictField_match where + RecordWithStrictField : + MyMonoRecord -> RecordNewtype -> RecordWithStrictField + ~strictField : RecordWithStrictField -> RecordNewtype + = \(ds : RecordWithStrictField) -> + RecordWithStrictField_match + ds + {RecordNewtype} + (\(ds : MyMonoRecord) (ds : RecordNewtype) -> ds) + in + \(ds : RecordWithStrictField) -> + let + !ds : RecordWithStrictField = ds + in + strictField ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/strictDataMatch.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/strictDataMatch.pir.golden index ab53859bbd9..0941192c29c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/strictDataMatch.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/strictDataMatch.pir.golden @@ -1,40 +1,18 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl StrictTy (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - StrictTy_match - (vardecl StrictTy (fun a (fun a [ StrictTy a ]))) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$WStrictTy` (all a (type) (fun a (fun a [ StrictTy a ])))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - conrep - a - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep a) conrep) - (lam - conrep - a - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep a) conrep) - [ [ { StrictTy a } conrep ] conrep ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ [ { `$WStrictTy` (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] (con integer 2) ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (StrictTy :: * -> *) a | StrictTy_match where + StrictTy : a -> a -> StrictTy a + ~`$WStrictTy` : all a. a -> a -> StrictTy a + = /\a -> + \(conrep : a) -> + let + !conrep : a = conrep + in + \(conrep : a) -> + let + !conrep : a = conrep + in + StrictTy {a} conrep conrep + in + `$WStrictTy` {integer} 1 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/synonym.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/synonym.pir.golden index c897a619d7e..0d9b8af24ca 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/synonym.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/synonym.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 1)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/unusedWrapper.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/unusedWrapper.pir.golden index cc60f56b90a..8bddd86f78d 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/unusedWrapper.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/monomorphic/unusedWrapper.pir.golden @@ -1,51 +1,17 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl T (type)) - - T_match - (vardecl MkT (fun [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] T)) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$WMkT` (fun [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] T)) - (lam - conrep - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl conrep [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ]) - conrep - ) - [ MkT conrep ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl mkT (fun [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] T)) - (lam ds [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] [ `$WMkT` ds ]) - ) - [ - mkT - [ - [ { { Tuple2 (con integer) } (con integer) } (con integer 2) ] - (con integer 1) - ] - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + data T | T_match where + MkT : Tuple2 integer integer -> T + ~`$WMkT` : Tuple2 integer integer -> T + = \(conrep : Tuple2 integer integer) -> + let + !conrep : Tuple2 integer integer = conrep + in + MkT conrep + ~mkT : Tuple2 integer integer -> T + = \(ds : Tuple2 integer integer) -> `$WMkT` ds + in + mkT (Tuple2 {integer} {integer} 2 1)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/basicNewtype.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/basicNewtype.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/basicNewtype.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/basicNewtype.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/nestedNewtypeMatch.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/nestedNewtypeMatch.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/nestedNewtypeMatch.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/nestedNewtypeMatch.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreatDest.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreatDest.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreatDest.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreatDest.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate2.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate2.pir.golden index c897a619d7e..0d9b8af24ca 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate2.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeCreate2.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 1)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeId.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeId.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeId.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeId.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeMatch.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeMatch.pir.golden index 7f9d8a4e60f..5f274561f69 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeMatch.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/newtypeMatch.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con integer) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : integer) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/paramNewtype.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/paramNewtype.pir.golden index a54d3cb88ff..e00e4be5105 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/paramNewtype.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/newtypes/paramNewtype.pir.golden @@ -1,29 +1,12 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ (lam a (type) [ Maybe a ]) (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl nt [ Maybe (con integer) ]) ds) - [ - [ - { [ { Maybe_match (con integer) } nt ] (con integer) } - (lam i (con integer) i) - ] - (con integer 1) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a + in + \(ds : (\a -> Maybe a) integer) -> + let + !nt : Maybe integer = ds + in + Maybe_match {integer} nt {integer} (\(i : integer) -> i) 1) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/defaultCasePoly.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/defaultCasePoly.pir.golden index 5d5764965e7..1e3240608b0 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/defaultCasePoly.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/defaultCasePoly.pir.golden @@ -1,37 +1,18 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyPolyData (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - MyPolyData_match - (vardecl Poly (fun a (fun b [ [ MyPolyData a ] b ]))) - (vardecl Poly (fun a [ [ MyPolyData a ] b ])) - ) - ) - (lam + data (MyPolyData :: * -> * -> *) a b | MyPolyData_match where + Poly : a -> b -> MyPolyData a b + Poly : a -> MyPolyData a b + in + \(ds : MyPolyData integer integer) -> + let + !ds : MyPolyData integer integer = ds + in + MyPolyData_match + {integer} + {integer} ds - [ [ MyPolyData (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ds [ [ MyPolyData (con integer) ] (con integer) ]) - ds - ) - [ - [ - { - [ { { MyPolyData_match (con integer) } (con integer) } ds ] - (con integer) - } - (lam a (con integer) (lam ds (con integer) a)) - ] - (lam ipv (con integer) (con integer 2)) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(a : integer) (ds : integer) -> a) + (\(ipv : integer) -> 2)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/polyConstructed.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/polyConstructed.pir.golden index d8fc0bfa72a..d54b5785af9 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/polyConstructed.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/polyConstructed.pir.golden @@ -1,51 +1,19 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyPolyData (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - MyPolyData_match - (vardecl Poly (fun a (fun b [ [ MyPolyData a ] b ]))) - (vardecl Poly (fun a [ [ MyPolyData a ] b ])) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$WPoly` - (all a (type) (all b (type) (fun a (fun b [ [ MyPolyData a ] b ])))) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - conrep - a - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep a) conrep) - (lam - conrep - b - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep b) conrep) - [ [ { { Poly a } b } conrep ] conrep ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ { { `$WPoly` (con integer) } (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (MyPolyData :: * -> * -> *) a b | MyPolyData_match where + Poly : a -> b -> MyPolyData a b + Poly : a -> MyPolyData a b + ~`$WPoly` : all a b. a -> b -> MyPolyData a b + = /\a b -> + \(conrep : a) -> + let + !conrep : a = conrep + in + \(conrep : b) -> + let + !conrep : b = conrep + in + Poly {a} {b} conrep conrep + in + `$WPoly` {integer} {integer} 1 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/polyDataType.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/polyDataType.pir.golden index 28d634e268c..abb1ebca972 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/polyDataType.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/polymorphic/polyDataType.pir.golden @@ -1,37 +1,18 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyPolyData (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - MyPolyData_match - (vardecl Poly (fun a (fun b [ [ MyPolyData a ] b ]))) - (vardecl Poly (fun a [ [ MyPolyData a ] b ])) - ) - ) - (lam + data (MyPolyData :: * -> * -> *) a b | MyPolyData_match where + Poly : a -> b -> MyPolyData a b + Poly : a -> MyPolyData a b + in + \(ds : MyPolyData integer integer) -> + let + !ds : MyPolyData integer integer = ds + in + MyPolyData_match + {integer} + {integer} ds - [ [ MyPolyData (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ds [ [ MyPolyData (con integer) ] (con integer) ]) - ds - ) - [ - [ - { - [ { { MyPolyData_match (con integer) } (con integer) } ds ] - (con integer) - } - (lam ipv (con integer) (lam ipv (con integer) (con integer 1))) - ] - (lam i (con integer) i) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(ipv : integer) (ipv : integer) -> 1) + (\(i : integer) -> i)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/interListConstruct.tplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/interListConstruct.tplc.golden index f4883bd8476..914194ebc0a 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/interListConstruct.tplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/interListConstruct.tplc.golden @@ -1,157 +1,159 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - ((/\Bool -> - \(True : Bool) - (False : Bool) - (Bool_match : - Bool -> (all out_Bool. out_Bool -> out_Bool -> out_Bool)) -> - (/\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) -> - \(InterCons : all a b. a -> b -> InterList b a -> InterList a b) - (InterNil : all a b. InterList a b) - (InterList_match : - all a b. - InterList a b -> - (all out_InterList. - (a -> b -> InterList b a -> out_InterList) -> - out_InterList -> - out_InterList)) -> - InterCons - {integer} - {Bool} - 0 - False - (InterCons - {Bool} - {integer} - False - -1 - (InterCons - {integer} - {Bool} - 42 - True - (InterNil {Bool} {integer})))) - {\a b -> - ifix - (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) - (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> - spine - ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> - sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) - (\a b -> rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)} - (/\a b -> - \(arg_0 : a) - (arg_1 : b) - (arg_2 : - (\a b -> - ifix - (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) - (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> - spine - ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> - sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) - (\a b -> rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) - b - a) -> - iwrap - (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) - (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> - spine - ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> - sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) - (\a b -> rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b) - (constr - (sop - [ a - , b - , ((\a b -> - ifix - (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) - (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> - spine - ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> - sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) - (\a b -> - rec - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> - dat a b)))) - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) - b - a) ] - []) - 0 - [arg_0, arg_1, arg_2])) - (/\a b -> - iwrap - (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) - (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> - spine - ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> - sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) - (\a b -> rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b) - (constr - (sop - [ a - , b - , ((\a b -> - ifix - (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) - (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> - spine - ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> - sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) - (\a b -> - rec - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) - b - a) ] - []) - 1 - [])) - (/\a b -> - \(x : - (\a b -> - ifix - (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) - (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> - spine - ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> - sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) - (\a b -> rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) - a - b) -> - /\out_InterList -> - \(case_InterCons : - a -> - b -> - (\a b -> - ifix - (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) - (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> - spine - ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> - sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) - (\a b -> - rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) - (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) - b - a -> - out_InterList) - (case_InterNil : out_InterList) -> - case - out_InterList - (unwrap x) - [case_InterCons, case_InterNil])) - {sop [] []} - (constr (sop [] []) 0 []) - (constr (sop [] []) 1 []) - (\(x : sop [] []) -> - /\out_Bool -> - \(case_True : out_Bool) (case_False : out_Bool) -> - case out_Bool x [case_True, case_False])) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + ((/\Bool -> + \(True : Bool) + (False : Bool) + (Bool_match : + Bool -> (all out_Bool. out_Bool -> out_Bool -> out_Bool)) -> + (/\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) -> + \(InterCons : all a b. a -> b -> InterList b a -> InterList a b) + (InterNil : all a b. InterList a b) + (InterList_match : + all a b. + InterList a b -> + (all out_InterList. + (a -> b -> InterList b a -> out_InterList) -> + out_InterList -> + out_InterList)) -> + InterCons + {integer} + {Bool} + 0 + False + (InterCons + {Bool} + {integer} + False + -1 + (InterCons + {integer} + {Bool} + 42 + True + (InterNil {Bool} {integer})))) + {\a b -> + ifix + (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) + (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> + spine + ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> + sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) + (\a b -> rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)} + (/\a b -> + \(arg_0 : a) + (arg_1 : b) + (arg_2 : + (\a b -> + ifix + (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) + (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> + spine + ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> + sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) + (\a b -> + rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) + b + a) -> + iwrap + (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) + (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> + spine + ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> + sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) + (\a b -> rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b) + (constr + (sop + [ a + , b + , ((\a b -> + ifix + (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) + (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> + spine + ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> + sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) + (\a b -> + rec + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> + dat a b)))) + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) + b + a) ] + []) + 0 + [arg_0, arg_1, arg_2])) + (/\a b -> + iwrap + (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) + (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> + spine + ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> + sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) + (\a b -> rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b) + (constr + (sop + [ a + , b + , ((\a b -> + ifix + (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) + (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> + spine + ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> + sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) + (\a b -> + rec + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) + b + a) ] + []) + 1 + [])) + (/\a b -> + \(x : + (\a b -> + ifix + (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) + (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> + spine + ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> + sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) + (\a b -> + rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) + a + b) -> + /\out_InterList -> + \(case_InterCons : + a -> + b -> + (\a b -> + ifix + (\(rec :: ((* -> * -> *) -> *) -> *) + (spine :: (* -> * -> *) -> *) -> + spine + ((\(InterList :: * -> * -> *) a b -> + sop [a, b, (InterList b a)] []) + (\a b -> + rec (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)))) + (\(dat :: * -> * -> *) -> dat a b)) + b + a -> + out_InterList) + (case_InterNil : out_InterList) -> + case + out_InterList + (unwrap x) + [case_InterCons, case_InterNil])) + {sop [] []} + (constr (sop [] []) 0 []) + (constr (sop [] []) 1 []) + (\(x : sop [] []) -> + /\out_Bool -> + \(case_True : out_Bool) (case_False : out_Bool) -> + case out_Bool x [case_True, case_False]))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstDest.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstDest.eval.golden index b23026d4762..c227083464f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstDest.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstDest.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 0) \ No newline at end of file +0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstDest2.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstDest2.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstDest2.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstDest2.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct.pir.golden index 373ffbb189f..4d4250e84b1 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct.pir.golden @@ -1,16 +1,8 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - { Nil (con integer) } - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + Nil {integer}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct2.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct2.pir.golden index 95645eef92d..b3f6e29f3e2 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct2.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct2.pir.golden @@ -1,56 +1,14 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - build - (all - a - (type) - (fun (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) [ List a ]) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - g - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) - [ - [ - { g [ List a ] } - (lam ds a (lam ds [ List a ] [ [ { Cons a } ds ] ds ])) - ] - { Nil a } - ] - ) - ) - ) - [ - { build (con integer) } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun (con integer) (fun a a)) - (lam n a [ [ c (con integer 1) ] n ]) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + ~build : all a. (all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> List a + = /\a -> + \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> + g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}) + in + build {integer} (/\a -> \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> c 1 n)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct3.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct3.pir.golden index 14f0aa30b85..c02762ea683 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct3.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listConstruct3.pir.golden @@ -1,22 +1,8 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - [ - [ { Cons (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - [ - [ { Cons (con integer) } (con integer 2) ] - [ [ { Cons (con integer) } (con integer 3) ] { Nil (con integer) } ] - ] - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + Cons {integer} 1 (Cons {integer} 2 (Cons {integer} 3 (Nil {integer})))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listMatch.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listMatch.pir.golden index 18f7b4233f9..487467be406 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listMatch.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/listMatch.pir.golden @@ -1,30 +1,17 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (lam + (letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + \(ds : List integer) -> + let + !ds : List integer = ds + in + List_match + {integer} ds - [ List (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds [ List (con integer) ]) ds) - [ - [ - { [ { List_match (con integer) } ds ] (con integer) } - (con integer 0) - ] - (lam x (con integer) (lam ds [ List (con integer) ] x)) - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + 0 + (\(x : integer) (ds : List integer) -> x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/polyRecEval.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/polyRecEval.eval.golden index 7ce41fb5eca..e440e5c8425 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/polyRecEval.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/polyRecEval.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 3) \ No newline at end of file +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/processInterListEval.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/processInterListEval.eval.golden index 2bfb66d0059..f70d7bba4ae 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/processInterListEval.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/processInterListEval.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 42) \ No newline at end of file +42 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeConstDest.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeConstDest.eval.golden index d135c1204f4..d8263ee9860 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeConstDest.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeConstDest.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 2) \ No newline at end of file +2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeConstruct.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeConstruct.pir.golden index 9670052f56c..e0a0e9088cc 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeConstruct.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeConstruct.pir.golden @@ -1,100 +1,33 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl B (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - B_match - (vardecl One (fun a [ B a ])) - (vardecl Two (fun [ B [ [ Tuple2 a ] a ] ] [ B a ])) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$WOne` (all a (type) (fun a [ B a ]))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - conrep - a - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl conrep a) conrep) - [ { One a } conrep ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$WTwo` (all a (type) (fun [ B [ [ Tuple2 a ] a ] ] [ B a ])) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - conrep - [ B [ [ Tuple2 a ] a ] ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl conrep [ B [ [ Tuple2 a ] a ] ]) conrep - ) - [ { Two a } conrep ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - { `$WTwo` (con integer) } - [ - { `$WTwo` [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] } - [ - { - `$WOne` - [ - [ Tuple2 [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] ] - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - ] - } - [ - [ - { - { Tuple2 [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] } - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - } - [ - [ - { { Tuple2 (con integer) } (con integer) } (con integer 1) - ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ] - [ - [ { { Tuple2 (con integer) } (con integer) } (con integer 3) ] - (con integer 4) - ] - ] - ] - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + in + letrec + data (B :: * -> *) a | B_match where + One : a -> B a + Two : B (Tuple2 a a) -> B a + in + let + ~`$WOne` : all a. a -> B a + = /\a -> \(conrep : a) -> let !conrep : a = conrep in One {a} conrep + ~`$WTwo` : all a. B (Tuple2 a a) -> B a + = /\a -> + \(conrep : B (Tuple2 a a)) -> + let + !conrep : B (Tuple2 a a) = conrep + in + Two {a} conrep + in + `$WTwo` + {integer} + (`$WTwo` + {Tuple2 integer integer} + (`$WOne` + {Tuple2 (Tuple2 integer integer) (Tuple2 integer integer)} + (Tuple2 + {Tuple2 integer integer} + {Tuple2 integer integer} + (Tuple2 {integer} {integer} 1 2) + (Tuple2 {integer} {integer} 3 4))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeFirstEval.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeFirstEval.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeFirstEval.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeFirstEval.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeMatch.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeMatch.pir.golden index f13fdbc14c7..9940e5ffaa6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeMatch.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/ptreeMatch.pir.golden @@ -1,41 +1,20 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (typebind - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (lam a (type) (lam a (type) (all a (type) (fun a a)))) - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl B (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - B_match - (vardecl One (fun a [ B a ])) - (vardecl Two (fun [ B [ [ Tuple2 a ] a ] ] [ B a ])) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ B (con integer) ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds [ B (con integer) ]) ds) - [ - [ - { [ { B_match (con integer) } ds ] (con integer) } - (lam a (con integer) a) - ] - (lam - ds - [ B [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] ] - (con integer 2) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + Tuple2 :: * -> * -> * = \a a -> all a. a -> a + in + letrec + data (B :: * -> *) a | B_match where + One : a -> B a + Two : B (Tuple2 a a) -> B a + in + \(ds : B integer) -> + let + !ds : B integer = ds + in + B_match + {integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(a : integer) -> a) + (\(ds : B (Tuple2 integer integer)) -> 2)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRose.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRose.uplc.golden index 5855d08dbd6..b59ff296098 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRose.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRose.uplc.golden @@ -1,632 +1,177 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - [ - (lam - fixBy_i0 - [ - (lam - fix3_i0 - [ - (lam - fix1_i0 - [ - [ - [ - (force + ((\fixBy -> + (\fix3 -> + (\fix1 -> + force + (delay + (\Nil + Cons + List_match -> + force (delay - (lam - Nil_i0 - (lam - Cons_i0 - (lam - List_match_i0 - [ - [ - (force - (delay - (lam - EmptyRose_i0 - (lam - EmptyRose_match_i0 - [ - (lam - g_i0 - [ - (lam - f_i0 - [ - (lam - tup_i0 - [ - (lam - map_i0 - [ - (lam - map_i0 - [ - (lam - tup_i0 - [ - (lam - go_i0 - [ - (lam - g_i0 - [ - (lam - f_i0 - [ - (lam - go_i0 - [ - (lam - g_i0 - [ - (lam - f_i0 - (force - go_i3 - ) - ) - [ - f_i3 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - x_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - g_i3 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - x_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - go_i3 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - x_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - (force - tup_i3 - ) - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (lam - arg_1_i0 - (lam - arg_2_i0 - arg_2_i1 - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - (force - tup_i2 - ) - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (lam - arg_1_i0 - (lam - arg_2_i0 - arg_1_i2 - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - (force - tup_i1 - ) - (lam - arg_0_i0 - (lam - arg_1_i0 - (lam - arg_2_i0 - arg_0_i3 - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - (force - (force - (force - (force - (force - (force - fix3_i12 - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) + (\EmptyRose + EmptyRose_match -> + (\g -> + (\f -> + (\tup -> + (\map -> + (\map -> + (\tup -> + (\go -> + (\g -> + (\f -> + (\go -> + (\g -> + (\f -> force go) + (f (delay - (lam - choose_i0 - (lam - go_i0 - (lam - g_i0 - (lam - f_i0 - [ - [ - [ - choose_i4 - (lam - arg_i0 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (force - g_i12 - ) - [ - (force - [ - f_i4 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - x_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ) - x_i1 - ] - ] - ) - x_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (lam - arg_i0 - (delay - [ - (force - map_i6 - ) - (force - [ - go_i4 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - x_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ] - (lam - arg_i0 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (force - [ - g_i5 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - x_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ) - [ - (force - f_i11 - ) - x_i1 - ] - ] - ) - x_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - map_i1 - (delay - (lam x_i0 x_i1) - ) - ] - ] - ) - [ - (force tup_i1) - (lam - arg_0_i0 arg_0_i1 - ) - ] - ] - ) - (delay - (lam - f_i0 - [ - f_i1 - [ - (force - (force fix1_i9) - ) - (lam - map_i0 - (lam - arg_i0 - (delay - (lam - ds_i0 - [ - (lam - ds_i0 - (lam - ds_i0 - (force - [ - [ - (force - [ - (force - List_match_i11 - ) - ds_i1 - ] - ) - (delay - (force - Nil_i13 - ) - ) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (lam - xs_i0 - (delay - [ - [ - (force - Cons_i14 - ) - [ - ds_i4 - x_i2 - ] - ] - [ - [ - (force - [ - map_i7 - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - x_i1 - ) - ) - ] - ) - ds_i4 - ] - xs_i1 - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ds_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - (delay - (lam - ds_i0 - [ + (\x -> + x)))) + (g + (delay + (\x -> x)))) + (go (delay (\x -> x)))) + (force tup + (\arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 -> + arg_2))) + (force tup + (\arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 -> + arg_1))) + (force tup + (\arg_0 arg_1 arg_2 -> + arg_0))) + (force + (force + (force (force - [ - EmptyRose_match_i3 - ds_i1 - ] - ) - (lam x_i0 x_i1) - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - (delay - (lam - ds_i0 - [ - [ - (lam - `$WEmptyRose_i0` - (force `$WEmptyRose_i1`) - ) - (delay - (lam - conrep_i0 - [ - (lam - conrep_i0 - [ - EmptyRose_i5 - conrep_i1 - ] - ) - conrep_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ] - ds_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam arg_0_i0 (constr 0 arg_0_i1)) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - case_EmptyRose_i0 - (case x_i2 case_EmptyRose_i1) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (delay (constr 0)) - ] - (delay - (lam arg_0_i0 (lam arg_1_i0 (constr 1 arg_0_i2 arg_1_i1))) - ) - ] - (delay - (lam - x_i0 - (delay - (lam - case_Nil_i0 - (lam case_Cons_i0 (case x_i3 case_Nil_i2 case_Cons_i1)) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - (delay + (force (force fix3))))) + (delay + (\choose + go + g + f -> + choose + (\arg -> + delay + (\x -> + (\x -> + force + g + (force + (f + (delay + (\x -> + x))) + x)) + x)) + (\arg -> + delay + (force + map + (force + (go + (delay + (\x -> + x)))))) + (\arg -> + delay + (\x -> + (\x -> + force + (g + (delay + (\x -> + x))) + (force f + x)) + x)))))) + (map (delay (\x -> x)))) + (force tup (\arg_0 -> arg_0))) + (delay + (\f -> + f + (force + (force fix1) + (\map + arg -> + delay + (\ds -> + (\ds + ds -> + force + (force + (force List_match + ds) + (delay + (force Nil)) + (\x + xs -> + delay + (force + Cons + (ds x) + (force + (map + (delay + (\x -> + x))) + ds + xs))))) + ds)))))) + (delay + (\ds -> + force (EmptyRose_match ds) (\x -> x)))) + (delay + (\ds -> + (\`$WEmptyRose` -> force `$WEmptyRose`) + (delay + (\conrep -> + (\conrep -> EmptyRose conrep) + conrep)) + ds)))) + (\arg_0 -> constr 0 [arg_0]) + (\x -> + delay (\case_EmptyRose -> case x [case_EmptyRose])))) + (delay (constr 0 [])) + (delay (\arg_0 arg_1 -> constr 1 [arg_0, arg_1])) (delay - (lam - f_i0 - [ - (force (delay (lam s_i0 [ s_i1 s_i1 ]))) - (lam - s_i0 - [ - f_i2 - (lam - x_i0 - [ - [ (force (delay (lam s_i0 [ s_i1 s_i1 ]))) s_i2 ] - x_i1 - ] - ) - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - (delay - (delay - (delay + (\x -> + delay + (\case_Nil case_Cons -> case x [case_Nil, case_Cons])))) + (delay (delay - (delay - (delay - (lam - f_i0 - [ - [ - (force fixBy_i2) - (lam - k_i0 - (delay - (lam - h_i0 - [ - [ - [ - h_i1 - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (force k_i3) - (lam - f_0_i0 - (lam - f_1_i0 - (lam f_2_i0 [ f_0_i3 x_i4 ]) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (force k_i3) - (lam - f_0_i0 - (lam - f_1_i0 (lam f_2_i0 [ f_1_i2 x_i4 ]) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (force k_i3) - (lam - f_0_i0 - (lam - f_1_i0 (lam f_2_i0 [ f_2_i1 x_i4 ]) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - f_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - (delay - (lam - by_i0 - [ - (force - (force + (\f -> + force (delay (\s -> s s)) + (\s -> f (\x -> force (delay (\s -> s s)) s x)))))) + (delay + (delay (delay + (delay + (delay + (delay + (\f -> + force fixBy + (\k -> + delay + (\h -> + h + (\x -> force k (\f_0 f_1 f_2 -> f_0 x)) + (\x -> force k (\f_0 f_1 f_2 -> f_1 x)) + (\x -> + force k (\f_0 f_1 f_2 -> f_2 x)))) + f)))))))) + (delay + (\by -> + force + (force (delay - (lam - f_i0 - [ - (force (delay (lam s_i0 [ s_i1 s_i1 ]))) - (lam - s_i0 - [ - f_i2 - (lam - x_i0 - [ - [ (force (delay (lam s_i0 [ s_i1 s_i1 ]))) s_i2 ] - x_i1 - ] - ) - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - rec_i0 - (lam - h_i0 - (delay - (lam - fr_i0 - [ - (force - [ - by_i4 - (delay - (lam - fq_i0 - [ (force [ rec_i4 h_i3 ]) [ (force h_i3) fq_i1 ] ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - fr_i1 - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ] -) \ No newline at end of file + (delay + (\f -> + force (delay (\s -> s s)) + (\s -> f (\x -> force (delay (\s -> s s)) s x)))))) + (\rec h -> + delay + (\fr -> + force (by (delay (\fq -> force (rec h) (force h fq)))) + fr))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRoseEval.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRoseEval.eval.golden index d485f0229df..e665e731059 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRoseEval.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Data/9.6/recursive/sameEmptyRoseEval.eval.golden @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ -(constr - 0 (constr 1 (constr 0 (constr 0)) (constr 1 (constr 0 (constr 0)) (constr 0))) -) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 + [ (constr 1 + [ (constr 0 [(constr 0 [])]) + , (constr 1 [(constr 0 [(constr 0 [])]), (constr 0 [])]) ]) ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/fib.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/fib.pir.golden index 45afefbea79..7be80da7b1c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/fib.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/fib.pir.golden @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ (strict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - addInteger + addInteger-538 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ (nonstrict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - addInteger + addInteger-543 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ) (lam { no-src-span } - x + x-539 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { no-src-span } @@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } x (con { no-src-span } integer)) - { no-src-span } x + (vardecl { no-src-span } x-541 (con { no-src-span } integer)) + { no-src-span } x-539 ) (lam { no-src-span } - y + y-540 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { no-src-span } @@ -61,13 +61,17 @@ (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } y (con { no-src-span } integer)) - { no-src-span } y + (vardecl { no-src-span } y-542 (con { no-src-span } integer)) + { no-src-span } y-540 ) [ { no-src-span } - [ { no-src-span } { no-src-span } addInteger { no-src-span } x ] - { no-src-span } y + [ + { no-src-span } + { no-src-span } addInteger-538 + { no-src-span } x-541 + ] + { no-src-span } y-542 ] ) ) @@ -78,11 +82,11 @@ { no-src-span } (datatype { no-src-span } - (tyvardecl { no-src-span } Bool ({ no-src-span } type)) + (tyvardecl { no-src-span } Bool-528 ({ no-src-span } type)) - Bool_match - (vardecl { no-src-span } True { no-src-span } Bool) - (vardecl { no-src-span } False { no-src-span } Bool) + Bool_match-531 + (vardecl { no-src-span } True-529 { no-src-span } Bool-528) + (vardecl { no-src-span } False-530 { no-src-span } Bool-528) ) ) (termbind @@ -90,7 +94,7 @@ (strict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - equalsInteger + equalsInteger-527 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) @@ -108,18 +112,18 @@ (strict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - ifThenElse + ifThenElse-525 (all { no-src-span } - a + a-526 ({ no-src-span } type) (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } bool) (fun { no-src-span } - { no-src-span } a - (fun { no-src-span } { no-src-span } a { no-src-span } a) + { no-src-span } a-526 + (fun { no-src-span } { no-src-span } a-526 { no-src-span } a-526) ) ) ) @@ -131,18 +135,20 @@ (nonstrict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - equalsInteger + equalsInteger-537 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) (fun - { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) { no-src-span } Bool + { no-src-span } + (con { no-src-span } integer) + { no-src-span } Bool-528 ) ) ) (lam { no-src-span } - x + x-532 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { no-src-span } @@ -150,12 +156,12 @@ (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } x (con { no-src-span } integer)) - { no-src-span } x + (vardecl { no-src-span } x-534 (con { no-src-span } integer)) + { no-src-span } x-532 ) (lam { no-src-span } - y + y-533 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { no-src-span } @@ -163,21 +169,21 @@ (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } y (con { no-src-span } integer)) - { no-src-span } y + (vardecl { no-src-span } y-535 (con { no-src-span } integer)) + { no-src-span } y-533 ) (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } b (con { no-src-span } bool)) + (vardecl { no-src-span } b-536 (con { no-src-span } bool)) [ { no-src-span } [ { no-src-span } - { no-src-span } equalsInteger - { no-src-span } x + { no-src-span } equalsInteger-527 + { no-src-span } x-534 ] - { no-src-span } y + { no-src-span } y-535 ] ) [ @@ -188,14 +194,14 @@ { no-src-span } { { no-src-span } - { no-src-span } ifThenElse - { no-src-span } Bool + { no-src-span } ifThenElse-525 + { no-src-span } Bool-528 } - { no-src-span } b + { no-src-span } b-536 ] - { no-src-span } True + { no-src-span } True-529 ] - { no-src-span } False + { no-src-span } False-530 ] ) ) @@ -207,7 +213,7 @@ (strict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - subtractInteger + subtractInteger-519 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) @@ -225,7 +231,7 @@ (nonstrict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - subtractInteger + subtractInteger-524 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) @@ -238,7 +244,7 @@ ) (lam { no-src-span } - x + x-520 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { no-src-span } @@ -246,12 +252,12 @@ (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } x (con { no-src-span } integer)) - { no-src-span } x + (vardecl { no-src-span } x-522 (con { no-src-span } integer)) + { no-src-span } x-520 ) (lam { no-src-span } - y + y-521 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { no-src-span } @@ -259,17 +265,17 @@ (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } y (con { no-src-span } integer)) - { no-src-span } y + (vardecl { no-src-span } y-523 (con { no-src-span } integer)) + { no-src-span } y-521 ) [ { no-src-span } [ { no-src-span } - { no-src-span } subtractInteger - { no-src-span } x + { no-src-span } subtractInteger-519 + { no-src-span } x-522 ] - { no-src-span } y + { no-src-span } y-523 ] ) ) @@ -284,7 +290,7 @@ (nonstrict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - fib + fib-544 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) @@ -293,7 +299,7 @@ ) (lam { no-src-span } - n + n-545 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72 } @@ -303,10 +309,10 @@ (strict) (vardecl { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72 } - n + n-546 (con { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72 } integer) ) - { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72 } n + { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72 } n-545 ) { { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } @@ -319,15 +325,15 @@ [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } - Bool_match + Bool_match-531 [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } - equalsInteger + equalsInteger-537 { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:43-47:43 } - n + n-546 ] (con { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:45-47:45 } @@ -338,7 +344,7 @@ ] (all { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } - dead + dead-547 ({ test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } type) (con @@ -349,7 +355,7 @@ } (abs { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } - dead + dead-548 ({ test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } type) (con @@ -361,7 +367,7 @@ ] (abs { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } - dead + dead-549 ({ test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } type) { @@ -375,15 +381,15 @@ [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } - Bool_match + Bool_match-531 [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } - equalsInteger + equalsInteger-537 { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:51-50:51 } - n + n-546 ] (con { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:53-50:53 } @@ -394,7 +400,7 @@ ] (all { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } - dead + dead-550 ({ test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } type) (con @@ -405,7 +411,7 @@ } (abs { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } - dead + dead-551 ({ test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } type) (con @@ -417,7 +423,7 @@ ] (abs { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } - dead + dead-552 ({ test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } type) [ @@ -425,19 +431,19 @@ [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72 } - addInteger + addInteger-543 [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:37-54:72 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:37-54:72 } - fib + fib-544 [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:37-54:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:42-54:71 } [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:37-54:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:42-54:71 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:37-54:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:42-54:71 } - subtractInteger + subtractInteger-524 { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:37-54:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:42-54:71, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:68-54:68 } - n + n-546 ] (con { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:37-54:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:42-54:71, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:54:70-54:70 } @@ -450,15 +456,15 @@ [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:37-55:72 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:37-55:72 } - fib + fib-544 [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:37-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:42-55:71 } [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:37-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:42-55:71 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:37-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:42-55:71 } - subtractInteger + subtractInteger-524 { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:37-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:42-55:71, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:68-55:68 } - n + n-546 ] (con { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:53:33-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:37-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:42-55:71, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:55:70-55:70 } @@ -472,28 +478,28 @@ ] (all { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } - dead + dead-553 ({ test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } type) { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:50:25-55:72 } - dead + dead-553 ) } ) ] (all { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } - dead + dead-554 ({ test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } type) { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:46:15-55:72, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:47:17-55:72 } - dead + dead-554 ) } ) ) ) - { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:45:9-57:9 } fib + { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:45:9-57:9 } fib-544 ) ) ) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/letFun.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/letFun.pir.golden index 4c61eb0073f..e3ff78c1481 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/letFun.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Debug/9.6/letFun.pir.golden @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ { no-src-span } (datatype { no-src-span } - (tyvardecl { no-src-span } Bool ({ no-src-span } type)) + (tyvardecl { no-src-span } Bool-445 ({ no-src-span } type)) - Bool_match - (vardecl { no-src-span } True { no-src-span } Bool) - (vardecl { no-src-span } False { no-src-span } Bool) + Bool_match-448 + (vardecl { no-src-span } True-446 { no-src-span } Bool-445) + (vardecl { no-src-span } False-447 { no-src-span } Bool-445) ) ) (termbind @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ (strict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - equalsInteger + equalsInteger-444 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) @@ -38,18 +38,18 @@ (strict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - ifThenElse + ifThenElse-442 (all { no-src-span } - a + a-443 ({ no-src-span } type) (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } bool) (fun { no-src-span } - { no-src-span } a - (fun { no-src-span } { no-src-span } a { no-src-span } a) + { no-src-span } a-443 + (fun { no-src-span } { no-src-span } a-443 { no-src-span } a-443) ) ) ) @@ -61,18 +61,20 @@ (nonstrict) (vardecl { no-src-span } - equalsInteger + equalsInteger-454 (fun { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) (fun - { no-src-span } (con { no-src-span } integer) { no-src-span } Bool + { no-src-span } + (con { no-src-span } integer) + { no-src-span } Bool-445 ) ) ) (lam { no-src-span } - x + x-449 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { no-src-span } @@ -80,12 +82,12 @@ (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } x (con { no-src-span } integer)) - { no-src-span } x + (vardecl { no-src-span } x-451 (con { no-src-span } integer)) + { no-src-span } x-449 ) (lam { no-src-span } - y + y-450 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { no-src-span } @@ -93,21 +95,21 @@ (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } y (con { no-src-span } integer)) - { no-src-span } y + (vardecl { no-src-span } y-452 (con { no-src-span } integer)) + { no-src-span } y-450 ) (termbind { no-src-span } (strict) - (vardecl { no-src-span } b (con { no-src-span } bool)) + (vardecl { no-src-span } b-453 (con { no-src-span } bool)) [ { no-src-span } [ { no-src-span } - { no-src-span } equalsInteger - { no-src-span } x + { no-src-span } equalsInteger-444 + { no-src-span } x-451 ] - { no-src-span } y + { no-src-span } y-452 ] ) [ @@ -118,14 +120,14 @@ { no-src-span } { { no-src-span } - { no-src-span } ifThenElse - { no-src-span } Bool + { no-src-span } ifThenElse-442 + { no-src-span } Bool-445 } - { no-src-span } b + { no-src-span } b-453 ] - { no-src-span } True + { no-src-span } True-446 ] - { no-src-span } False + { no-src-span } False-447 ] ) ) @@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ ) (lam { no-src-span } - ds + ds-455 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } @@ -144,14 +146,14 @@ (strict) (vardecl { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } - ds + ds-457 (con { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } integer) ) - { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } ds + { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } ds-455 ) (lam { no-src-span } - ds + ds-456 (con { no-src-span } integer) (let { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } @@ -161,22 +163,22 @@ (strict) (vardecl { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } - ds + ds-458 (con { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } integer) ) - { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } ds + { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87 } ds-456 ) [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:44-38:86, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:54-38:79 } [ { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:44-38:86, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:54-38:79 } { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:44-38:86, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:54-38:79 } - equalsInteger + equalsInteger-454 { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:44-38:86, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:54-38:79, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:77-38:77 } - ds + ds-457 ] { test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:9-38:87, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:44-38:86, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:54-38:79, test/Plugin/Debug/Spec.hs:38:79-38:79 } - ds + ds-458 ] ) ) diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Errors/9.6/literalAppendBs.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Errors/9.6/literalAppendBs.uplc.golden index e486156dc3b..a68c541e0fc 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Errors/9.6/literalAppendBs.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Errors/9.6/literalAppendBs.uplc.golden @@ -1,27 +1,9 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (lam - x_i0 - [ - (lam - x_i0 - [ - [ - [ - (lam appendByteString_i0 (force appendByteString_i1)) - (delay - [ - (lam appendByteString_i0 appendByteString_i1) - (builtin appendByteString) - ] - ) - ] - (con bytestring #68656c6c6f) - ] - x_i1 - ] - ) - x_i1 - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (\x -> + (\x -> + (\appendByteString -> force appendByteString) + (delay ((\appendByteString -> appendByteString) appendByteString)) + #68656c6c6f + x) + x) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even.pir.golden index ca4884de89c..6fddca8c052 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even.pir.golden @@ -1,137 +1,50 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - subtractInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin subtractInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - subtractInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ subtractInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl even (fun (con integer) Bool)) - (lam - n - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl n (con integer)) n) - { - [ - [ - { - [ Bool_match [ [ equalsInteger n ] (con integer 0) ] ] - (all dead (type) Bool) - } - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl n (con integer)) - [ [ subtractInteger n ] (con integer 1) ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match [ [ equalsInteger n ] (con integer 0) ] - ] - (all dead (type) Bool) - } - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ even [ [ subtractInteger n ] (con integer 1) ] ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - even - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + !subtractInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = subtractInteger + ~subtractInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in subtractInteger x y + in + letrec + ~even : integer -> Bool + = \(n : integer) -> + let + !n : integer = n + in + Bool_match + (equalsInteger n 0) + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> True) + (/\dead -> + let + !n : integer = subtractInteger n 1 + in + Bool_match + (equalsInteger n 0) + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> False) + (/\dead -> even (subtractInteger n 1)) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead} + in + even) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even3.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even3.eval.golden index f217693e82c..3a05a39aa43 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even3.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even3.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 1) \ No newline at end of file +constr 1 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even4.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even4.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even4.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/even4.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/fib.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/fib.pir.golden index 0c8019e7afb..f4e7e9b6b50 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/fib.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/fib.pir.golden @@ -1,159 +1,57 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - subtractInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin subtractInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - subtractInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ subtractInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl fib (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam - n - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl n (con integer)) n) - { - [ - [ - { - [ Bool_match [ [ equalsInteger n ] (con integer 0) ] ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) (con integer 0)) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { - [ Bool_match [ [ equalsInteger n ] (con integer 1) ] ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) (con integer 1)) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ - addInteger - [ fib [ [ subtractInteger n ] (con integer 1) ] ] - ] - [ fib [ [ subtractInteger n ] (con integer 2) ] ] - ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - fib - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + !subtractInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = subtractInteger + ~subtractInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in subtractInteger x y + in + letrec + ~fib : integer -> integer + = \(n : integer) -> + let + !n : integer = n + in + Bool_match + (equalsInteger n 0) + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> 0) + (/\dead -> + Bool_match + (equalsInteger n 1) + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> 1) + (/\dead -> + addInteger + (fib (subtractInteger n 1)) + (fib (subtractInteger n 2))) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead} + in + fib) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/fib4.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/fib4.eval.golden index 7ce41fb5eca..e440e5c8425 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/fib4.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/fib4.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 3) \ No newline at end of file +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/lazyLength.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/lazyLength.pir.golden index 969e4c7594e..be60946322f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/lazyLength.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/lazyLength.pir.golden @@ -1,112 +1,36 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl lengthLazy (all a (type) (fun [ List a ] (con integer)))) - (abs - a - (type) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun (con integer) (fun [ List a ] (con integer)))) - (lam - acc - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl acc (con integer)) acc) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) acc) - ] - (lam - ds - a - (lam - tl - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ go [ [ addInteger acc ] (con integer 1) ] ] tl - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - l - [ List a ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl l [ List a ]) l) - [ [ go (con integer 0) ] l ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - { lengthLazy (con integer) } - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~lengthLazy : all a. List a -> integer + = /\a -> + letrec + ~go : integer -> List a -> integer + = \(acc : integer) -> + let + !acc : integer = acc + in + \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> acc) + (\(ds : a) (tl : List a) -> + /\dead -> go (addInteger acc 1) tl) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(l : List a) -> let !l : List a = l in go 0 l + in + lengthLazy {integer}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/strictLength.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/strictLength.pir.golden index 46bef8adf77..1eb6e93fa0c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/strictLength.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/strictLength.pir.golden @@ -1,112 +1,36 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl lengthStrict (all a (type) (fun [ List a ] (con integer)))) - (abs - a - (type) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun (con integer) (fun [ List a ] (con integer)))) - (lam - acc - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl acc (con integer)) acc) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) acc) - ] - (lam - ds - a - (lam - tl - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ go [ [ addInteger acc ] (con integer 1) ] ] tl - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - l - [ List a ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl l [ List a ]) l) - [ [ go (con integer 0) ] l ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - { lengthStrict (con integer) } - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~lengthStrict : all a. List a -> integer + = /\a -> + letrec + ~go : integer -> List a -> integer + = \(acc : integer) -> + let + !acc : integer = acc + in + \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> acc) + (\(ds : a) (tl : List a) -> + /\dead -> go (addInteger acc 1) tl) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(l : List a) -> let !l : List a = l in go 0 l + in + lengthStrict {integer}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/sum.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/sum.pir.golden index c2956ba9812..410b408a430 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/sum.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/sum.pir.golden @@ -1,71 +1,27 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl sum (fun [ List (con integer) ] (con integer))) - (lam + (letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + letrec + ~sum : List integer -> integer + = \(ds : List integer) -> + List_match + {integer} ds - [ List (con integer) ] - [ - [ - { [ { List_match (con integer) } ds ] (con integer) } - (con integer 0) - ] - (lam - x - (con integer) - (lam xs [ List (con integer) ] [ [ addInteger x ] [ sum xs ] ]) - ) - ] - ) - ) - sum - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + 0 + (\(x : integer) (xs : List integer) -> addInteger x (sum xs)) + in + sum) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/sumList.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/sumList.eval.golden index 96d17867bdd..62f9457511f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/sumList.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/recursive/sumList.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 6) \ No newline at end of file +6 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/allDirect.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/allDirect.pir.golden index 3339158e114..4dc4e539e4b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/allDirect.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/allDirect.pir.golden @@ -1,247 +1,86 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl nandDirect (fun Bool (fun Bool Bool))) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl andDirect (fun Bool (fun Bool Bool))) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - [ - [ nandDirect [ [ nandDirect ds ] ds ] ] [ [ nandDirect ds ] ds ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - allDirect (all a (type) (fun (fun a Bool) (fun [ List a ] Bool))) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - p - (fun a Bool) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl p (fun a Bool)) p) - (lam - l - [ List a ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl l [ List a ]) l) - { - [ - [ - { [ { List_match a } l ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (lam - h - a - (lam - t - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ andDirect [ p h ] ] - [ [ { allDirect a } p ] t ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - build - (all - a - (type) - (fun - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) [ List a ] - ) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - g - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) - [ - [ - { g [ List a ] } - (lam ds a (lam ds [ List a ] [ [ { Cons a } ds ] ds ])) - ] - { Nil a } - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a)))) - ) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - lessThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool))) - ) - (builtin lessThanInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - lessThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool)) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ lessThanInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ - { allDirect (con integer) } - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ [ lessThanInteger ds ] (con integer 5) ] - ) - ) - ] - [ - { build (con integer) } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun (con integer) (fun a a)) - (lam - n a [ [ c (con integer 7) ] [ [ c (con integer 6) ] n ] ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + ~nandDirect : Bool -> Bool -> Bool + = \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + Bool_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> False) + (/\dead -> + Bool_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> False) + (/\dead -> True) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead} + ~andDirect : Bool -> Bool -> Bool + = \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + nandDirect (nandDirect ds ds) (nandDirect ds ds) + in + letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + letrec + ~allDirect : all a. (a -> Bool) -> List a -> Bool + = /\a -> + \(p : a -> Bool) -> + let + !p : a -> Bool = p + in + \(l : List a) -> + let + !l : List a = l + in + List_match + {a} + l + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> True) + (\(h : a) (t : List a) -> + /\dead -> andDirect (p h) (allDirect {a} p t)) + {all dead. dead} + in + let + ~build : all a. (all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> List a + = /\a -> + \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> + g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}) + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + !lessThanInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = lessThanInteger + ~lessThanInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = lessThanInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + in + allDirect + {integer} + (\(ds : integer) -> let !ds : integer = ds in lessThanInteger ds 5) + (build {integer} (/\a -> \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> c 7 (c 6 n)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/andDirect.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/andDirect.pir.golden index 7e014377ae0..d4692d0424c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/andDirect.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/andDirect.pir.golden @@ -1,81 +1,39 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl nandDirect (fun Bool (fun Bool Bool))) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl andDirect (fun Bool (fun Bool Bool))) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - [ - [ nandDirect [ [ nandDirect ds ] ds ] ] [ [ nandDirect ds ] ds ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ [ andDirect True ] False ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + ~nandDirect : Bool -> Bool -> Bool + = \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + Bool_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> False) + (/\dead -> + Bool_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> False) + (/\dead -> True) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead} + ~andDirect : Bool -> Bool -> Bool + = \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + nandDirect (nandDirect ds ds) (nandDirect ds ds) + in + andDirect True False) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/andExternal.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/andExternal.pir.golden index 724509fc76d..e8e63e81cad 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/andExternal.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/andExternal.pir.golden @@ -1,45 +1,23 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl andExternal (fun Bool (fun Bool Bool))) - (lam - a - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl a Bool) a) - (lam - b - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl b Bool) b) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match a ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) b) - ] - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ [ andExternal True ] False ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + ~andExternal : Bool -> Bool -> Bool + = \(a : Bool) -> + let + !a : Bool = a + in + \(b : Bool) -> + let + !b : Bool = b + in + Bool_match + a + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> b) + (/\dead -> False) + {all dead. dead} + in + andExternal True False) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/applicationFunction.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/applicationFunction.pir.golden index 1404fdb370a..f5a7ad7ede3 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/applicationFunction.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/applicationFunction.pir.golden @@ -1,70 +1,23 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl myDollar (all a (type) (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun a b))))) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a b) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a b)) f) - (lam - a a (let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl a a) a) [ f a ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ - { { myDollar (con integer) } (con integer) } - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ [ addInteger (con integer 1) ] x ] - ) - ) - ] - (con integer 1) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~myDollar : all a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b = f + in + \(a : a) -> let !a : a = a in f a + in + myDollar + {integer} + {integer} + (\(x : integer) -> let !x : integer = x in addInteger 1 x) + 1) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/mutualRecursionUnfoldings.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/mutualRecursionUnfoldings.pir.golden index 07560d9cd8f..1ff79a6452d 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/mutualRecursionUnfoldings.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/mutualRecursionUnfoldings.pir.golden @@ -1,103 +1,37 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - subtractInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin subtractInteger) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl evenDirect (fun (con integer) Bool)) - (lam - n - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl n (con integer)) n) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ equalsInteger n ] (con integer 0) ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ Bool_match [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] ] - (all dead (type) Bool) - } - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ oddDirect [ [ subtractInteger n ] (con integer 1) ] ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl oddDirect (fun (con integer) Bool)) - (lam - n - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl n (con integer)) n) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ equalsInteger n ] (con integer 0) ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ Bool_match [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] ] - (all dead (type) Bool) - } - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ evenDirect [ [ subtractInteger n ] (con integer 1) ] ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - [ evenDirect (con integer 4) ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + !subtractInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = subtractInteger + in + letrec + ~evenDirect : integer -> Bool + = \(n : integer) -> + let + !n : integer = n + !b : bool = equalsInteger n 0 + in + Bool_match + (ifThenElse {Bool} b True False) + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> True) + (/\dead -> oddDirect (subtractInteger n 1)) + {all dead. dead} + ~oddDirect : integer -> Bool + = \(n : integer) -> + let + !n : integer = n + !b : bool = equalsInteger n 0 + in + Bool_match + (ifThenElse {Bool} b True False) + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> False) + (/\dead -> evenDirect (subtractInteger n 1)) + {all dead. dead} + in + evenDirect 4) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/nandDirect.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/nandDirect.pir.golden index 142605f2382..8c9d99a15aa 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/nandDirect.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/nandDirect.pir.golden @@ -1,58 +1,29 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl nandDirect (fun Bool (fun Bool Bool))) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ [ nandDirect True ] False ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + ~nandDirect : Bool -> Bool -> Bool + = \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + Bool_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> False) + (/\dead -> + Bool_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> False) + (/\dead -> True) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead} + in + nandDirect True False) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/polyMap.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/polyMap.pir.golden index 5939fbfe33e..e91f5bf25b7 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/polyMap.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/polyMap.pir.golden @@ -1,159 +1,47 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - build - (all - a - (type) - (fun (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) [ List a ]) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - g - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) - [ - [ - { g [ List a ] } - (lam ds a (lam ds [ List a ] [ [ { Cons a } ds ] ds ])) - ] - { Nil a } - ] - ) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - mapDirect - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ List a ] [ List b ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a b) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a b)) f) - (lam - l - [ List a ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl l [ List a ]) l) - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } l ] - (all dead (type) [ List b ]) - } - (abs dead (type) { Nil b }) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ { Cons b } [ f x ] ] - [ [ { { mapDirect a } b } f ] xs ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ - { { mapDirect (con integer) } (con integer) } - [ addInteger (con integer 1) ] - ] - [ - { build (con integer) } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun (con integer) (fun a a)) - (lam - n a [ [ c (con integer 0) ] [ [ c (con integer 1) ] n ] ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + ~build : all a. (all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> List a + = /\a -> + \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> + g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}) + in + letrec + ~mapDirect : all a b. (a -> b) -> List a -> List b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b = f + in + \(l : List a) -> + let + !l : List a = l + in + List_match + {a} + l + {all dead. List b} + (/\dead -> Nil {b}) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> + /\dead -> Cons {b} (f x) (mapDirect {a} {b} f xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + mapDirect + {integer} + {integer} + (addInteger 1) + (build {integer} (/\a -> \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> c 0 (c 1 n)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/recordSelector.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/recordSelector.pir.golden index 3f6b9ee1c06..428fc3542fc 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/recordSelector.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/recordSelector.pir.golden @@ -1,33 +1,10 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyMonoRecord (type)) - - MyMonoRecord_match - (vardecl - MyMonoRecord (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) MyMonoRecord)) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl mrA (fun MyMonoRecord (con integer))) - (lam - ds - MyMonoRecord - [ - { [ MyMonoRecord_match ds ] (con integer) } - (lam ds (con integer) (lam ds (con integer) ds)) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - ds - MyMonoRecord - (let (nonrec) (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds MyMonoRecord) ds) [ mrA ds ]) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data MyMonoRecord | MyMonoRecord_match where + MyMonoRecord : integer -> integer -> MyMonoRecord + ~mrA : MyMonoRecord -> integer + = \(ds : MyMonoRecord) -> + MyMonoRecord_match ds {integer} (\(ds : integer) (ds : integer) -> ds) + in + \(ds : MyMonoRecord) -> let !ds : MyMonoRecord = ds in mrA ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/recordSelectorExternal.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/recordSelectorExternal.pir.golden index 34a6948254d..bfd891dd56b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/recordSelectorExternal.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/recordSelectorExternal.pir.golden @@ -1,35 +1,10 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl MyExternalRecord (type)) - - MyExternalRecord_match - (vardecl MyExternalRecord (fun (con integer) MyExternalRecord)) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl myExternal (fun MyExternalRecord (con integer))) - (lam - ds - MyExternalRecord - [ - { [ MyExternalRecord_match ds ] (con integer) } - (lam ds (con integer) ds) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - ds - MyExternalRecord - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds MyExternalRecord) ds) - [ myExternal ds ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data MyExternalRecord | MyExternalRecord_match where + MyExternalRecord : integer -> MyExternalRecord + ~myExternal : MyExternalRecord -> integer + = \(ds : MyExternalRecord) -> + MyExternalRecord_match ds {integer} (\(ds : integer) -> ds) + in + \(ds : MyExternalRecord) -> let !ds : MyExternalRecord = ds in myExternal ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2.pir.golden index 510b82bcbe1..5de4434470c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2.pir.golden @@ -1,67 +1,26 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl UTuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - UTuple2_match - (vardecl UTuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ UTuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unboxedTuple - (fun [ [ UTuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer)) - ) - (lam - ds - [ [ UTuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - [ - { - [ { { UTuple2_match (con integer) } (con integer) } ds ] - (con integer) - } - (lam i (con integer) (lam j (con integer) [ [ addInteger i ] j ])) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ unboxedTuple [ [ { { UTuple2 (con integer) } (con integer) } x ] x ] ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (UTuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | UTuple2_match where + UTuple2 : a -> b -> UTuple2 a b + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~unboxedTuple : UTuple2 integer integer -> integer + = \(ds : UTuple2 integer integer) -> + UTuple2_match + {integer} + {integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(i : integer) (j : integer) -> addInteger i j) + in + \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + unboxedTuple (UTuple2 {integer} {integer} x x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2Tuples.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2Tuples.pir.golden index 10461b44148..152474293af 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2Tuples.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples2Tuples.pir.golden @@ -1,334 +1,58 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl UTuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - UTuple2_match - (vardecl UTuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ UTuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl - UTuple5 - (fun - (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (type))))) - ) - ) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - (tyvardecl b (type)) - (tyvardecl c (type)) - (tyvardecl d (type)) - (tyvardecl e (type)) - UTuple5_match - (vardecl - UTuple5 - (fun - a - (fun - b (fun c (fun d (fun e [ [ [ [ [ UTuple5 a ] b ] c ] d ] e ]))) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unboxedTuple - (fun - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - [ - { - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5_match (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - ds - ] - (con integer) - } - (lam - i - (con integer) - (lam - j - (con integer) - (lam - k - (con integer) - (lam - l - (con integer) - (lam - m - (con integer) - [ - [ - addInteger - [ - [ - addInteger - [ [ addInteger [ [ addInteger i ] j ] ] k ] - ] - l - ] - ] - m - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unboxedTuples2Tuple - (fun - [ - [ - UTuple2 - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - (con integer) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ - [ + data (UTuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | UTuple2_match where + UTuple2 : a -> b -> UTuple2 a b + data (UTuple5 :: * -> * -> * -> * -> * -> *) a b c d e | UTuple5_match where + UTuple5 : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> UTuple5 a b c d e + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~unboxedTuple : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer -> integer + = \(ds : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) -> + UTuple5_match + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(i : integer) + (j : integer) + (k : integer) + (l : integer) + (m : integer) -> + addInteger (addInteger (addInteger (addInteger i j) k) l) m) + ~unboxedTuples2Tuple : + UTuple2 + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) -> + integer + = \(ds : UTuple2 - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - [ - { - [ - { - { - UTuple2_match - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - ds - ] - (con integer) - } - (lam - i - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (lam - j - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - [ [ addInteger [ unboxedTuple i ] ] [ unboxedTuple j ] ] - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ - unboxedTuples2Tuple - [ - [ - { - { - UTuple2 - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5 (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5 (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer)) -> + UTuple2_match + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(i : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (j : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) -> + addInteger (unboxedTuple i) (unboxedTuple j)) + in + \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + unboxedTuples2Tuple + (UTuple2 + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + (UTuple5 {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} x x x x x) + (UTuple5 {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} x x x x x))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3.pir.golden index 078fa9dfd42..7343906f4bd 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3.pir.golden @@ -1,94 +1,28 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl UTuple3 (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (type))))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) (tyvardecl c (type)) - UTuple3_match - (vardecl UTuple3 (fun a (fun b (fun c [ [ [ UTuple3 a ] b ] c ])))) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unboxedTuple - (fun - [ [ [ UTuple3 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ [ [ UTuple3 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - [ - { - [ - { - { { UTuple3_match (con integer) } (con integer) } (con integer) - } - ds - ] - (con integer) - } - (lam - i - (con integer) - (lam - j - (con integer) - (lam k (con integer) [ [ addInteger [ [ addInteger i ] j ] ] k ]) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ - unboxedTuple - [ - [ - [ - { { { UTuple3 (con integer) } (con integer) } (con integer) } x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (UTuple3 :: * -> * -> * -> *) a b c | UTuple3_match where + UTuple3 : a -> b -> c -> UTuple3 a b c + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~unboxedTuple : UTuple3 integer integer integer -> integer + = \(ds : UTuple3 integer integer integer) -> + UTuple3_match + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(i : integer) (j : integer) (k : integer) -> + addInteger (addInteger i j) k) + in + \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + unboxedTuple (UTuple3 {integer} {integer} {integer} x x x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3Tuples.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3Tuples.pir.golden index 2ff64478ea1..ec5c8922248 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3Tuples.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples3Tuples.pir.golden @@ -1,424 +1,66 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl UTuple3 (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (type))))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) (tyvardecl c (type)) - UTuple3_match - (vardecl UTuple3 (fun a (fun b (fun c [ [ [ UTuple3 a ] b ] c ])))) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl - UTuple5 - (fun - (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (type))))) - ) - ) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - (tyvardecl b (type)) - (tyvardecl c (type)) - (tyvardecl d (type)) - (tyvardecl e (type)) - UTuple5_match - (vardecl - UTuple5 - (fun - a - (fun - b (fun c (fun d (fun e [ [ [ [ [ UTuple5 a ] b ] c ] d ] e ]))) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unboxedTuple - (fun - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - [ - { - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5_match (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - ds - ] - (con integer) - } - (lam - i - (con integer) - (lam - j - (con integer) - (lam - k - (con integer) - (lam - l - (con integer) - (lam - m - (con integer) - [ - [ - addInteger - [ - [ - addInteger - [ [ addInteger [ [ addInteger i ] j ] ] k ] - ] - l - ] - ] - m - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unboxedTuples3Tuple - (fun - [ - [ - [ - UTuple3 - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - (con integer) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ - [ - [ - UTuple3 - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - ] - [ - { - [ - { - { - { - UTuple3_match - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - ds - ] - (con integer) - } - (lam - i - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (lam - j - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (lam - k - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - [ - [ - addInteger - [ [ addInteger [ unboxedTuple i ] ] [ unboxedTuple j ] ] - ] - [ unboxedTuple k ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ - unboxedTuples3Tuple - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { - UTuple3 - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - [ - [ - [ - [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - } - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5 (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5 (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - ] - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5 (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (UTuple3 :: * -> * -> * -> *) a b c | UTuple3_match where + UTuple3 : a -> b -> c -> UTuple3 a b c + data (UTuple5 :: * -> * -> * -> * -> * -> *) a b c d e | UTuple5_match where + UTuple5 : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> UTuple5 a b c d e + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~unboxedTuple : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer -> integer + = \(ds : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) -> + UTuple5_match + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(i : integer) + (j : integer) + (k : integer) + (l : integer) + (m : integer) -> + addInteger (addInteger (addInteger (addInteger i j) k) l) m) + ~unboxedTuples3Tuple : + UTuple3 + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) -> + integer + = \(ds : + UTuple3 + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer)) -> + UTuple3_match + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(i : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (j : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) + (k : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) -> + addInteger + (addInteger (unboxedTuple i) (unboxedTuple j)) + (unboxedTuple k)) + in + \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + unboxedTuples3Tuple + (UTuple3 + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + {UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer} + (UTuple5 {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} x x x x x) + (UTuple5 {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} x x x x x) + (UTuple5 {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} x x x x x))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples4.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples4.pir.golden index d10fbd1a9fe..2570ca5f6d9 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples4.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples4.pir.golden @@ -1,131 +1,29 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl - UTuple4 (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (type))))) - ) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - (tyvardecl b (type)) - (tyvardecl c (type)) - (tyvardecl d (type)) - UTuple4_match - (vardecl - UTuple4 - (fun a (fun b (fun c (fun d [ [ [ [ UTuple4 a ] b ] c ] d ])))) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unboxedTuple - (fun - [ - [ [ [ UTuple4 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ - [ [ [ UTuple4 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - [ - { - [ - { - { - { { UTuple4_match (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - ds - ] - (con integer) - } - (lam - i - (con integer) - (lam - j - (con integer) - (lam - k - (con integer) - (lam - l - (con integer) - [ - [ addInteger [ [ addInteger [ [ addInteger i ] j ] ] k ] ] l - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ - unboxedTuple - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { { UTuple4 (con integer) } (con integer) } (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (UTuple4 :: * -> * -> * -> * -> *) a b c d | UTuple4_match where + UTuple4 : a -> b -> c -> d -> UTuple4 a b c d + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~unboxedTuple : UTuple4 integer integer integer integer -> integer + = \(ds : UTuple4 integer integer integer integer) -> + UTuple4_match + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(i : integer) (j : integer) (k : integer) (l : integer) -> + addInteger (addInteger (addInteger i j) k) l) + in + \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + unboxedTuple (UTuple4 {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} x x x x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples5.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples5.pir.golden index ea628517666..5a3ebe78fd3 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples5.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Functions/9.6/unfoldings/unboxedTuples5.pir.golden @@ -1,170 +1,35 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl - UTuple5 - (fun - (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (fun (type) (type))))) - ) - ) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - (tyvardecl b (type)) - (tyvardecl c (type)) - (tyvardecl d (type)) - (tyvardecl e (type)) - UTuple5_match - (vardecl - UTuple5 - (fun - a - (fun - b (fun c (fun d (fun e [ [ [ [ [ UTuple5 a ] b ] c ] d ] e ]))) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unboxedTuple - (fun - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - [ - [ - [ [ [ UTuple5 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - (con integer) - ] - (con integer) - ] - [ - { - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5_match (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - ds - ] - (con integer) - } - (lam - i - (con integer) - (lam - j - (con integer) - (lam - k - (con integer) - (lam - l - (con integer) - (lam - m - (con integer) - [ - [ - addInteger - [ - [ - addInteger - [ [ addInteger [ [ addInteger i ] j ] ] k ] - ] - l - ] - ] - m - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ - unboxedTuple - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { - { { UTuple5 (con integer) } (con integer) } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - (con integer) - } - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - x - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (UTuple5 :: * -> * -> * -> * -> * -> *) a b c d e | UTuple5_match where + UTuple5 : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> UTuple5 a b c d e + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~unboxedTuple : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer -> integer + = \(ds : UTuple5 integer integer integer integer integer) -> + UTuple5_match + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + {integer} + ds + {integer} + (\(i : integer) + (j : integer) + (k : integer) + (l : integer) + (m : integer) -> + addInteger (addInteger (addInteger (addInteger i j) k) l) m) + in + \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + unboxedTuple + (UTuple5 {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} {integer} x x x x x)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinError.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinError.pir.golden index 43b6475d966..7f3635ae812 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinError.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinError.pir.golden @@ -1,67 +1,33 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype (tyvardecl Unit (type)) Unit_match (vardecl Unit Unit)) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl error (all a (type) (fun (con unit) a))) - (abs a (type) (lam thunk (con unit) (error a))) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl unitval (con unit)) (con unit ())) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl joinError (fun Bool (fun Bool Unit))) - (lam - x - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x Bool) x) - (lam - y - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y Bool) y) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match x ] (all dead (type) Unit) } - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match y ] (all dead (type) Unit) } - (abs dead (type) [ { error Unit } unitval ]) - ] - (abs dead (type) Unit) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) Unit) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - joinError - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Unit | Unit_match where + Unit : Unit + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !error : all a. unit -> a = /\a -> \(thunk : unit) -> error {a} + !unitval : unit = () + ~joinError : Bool -> Bool -> Unit + = \(x : Bool) -> + let + !x : Bool = x + in + \(y : Bool) -> + let + !y : Bool = y + in + Bool_match + x + {all dead. Unit} + (/\dead -> + Bool_match + y + {all dead. Unit} + (/\dead -> error {Unit} unitval) + (/\dead -> Unit) + {all dead. dead}) + (/\dead -> Unit) + {all dead. dead} + in + joinError) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinErrorEval.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinErrorEval.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinErrorEval.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/joinErrorEval.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/lazyDepUnit.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/lazyDepUnit.pir.golden index 618f81d2b40..94eb661b012 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/lazyDepUnit.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Laziness/9.6/lazyDepUnit.pir.golden @@ -1,23 +1,9 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl emptyByteString (con bytestring)) (con bytestring #) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) (vardecl emptyByteString (con bytestring)) emptyByteString - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl monoId (fun (con bytestring) (con bytestring))) - (lam x (con bytestring) x) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl aByteString (con bytestring)) - [ monoId emptyByteString ] - ) - aByteString - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !emptyByteString : bytestring = # + ~emptyByteString : bytestring = emptyByteString + ~monoId : bytestring -> bytestring = \(x : bytestring) -> x + ~aByteString : bytestring = monoId emptyByteString + in + aByteString) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Optimization/9.6/alwaysFails.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Optimization/9.6/alwaysFails.uplc.golden index 4898f1b9518..84474f1e55a 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Optimization/9.6/alwaysFails.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Optimization/9.6/alwaysFails.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds_i0 (lam ds_i0 (lam ds_i0 (error))))) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\ds ds ds -> error) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Optimization/9.6/alwaysSucceeds.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Optimization/9.6/alwaysSucceeds.uplc.golden index 458414d23a2..cc0fa6b6b80 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Optimization/9.6/alwaysSucceeds.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Optimization/9.6/alwaysSucceeds.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds_i0 (lam ds_i0 (lam ds_i0 (constr 0))))) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\ds ds ds -> constr 0 []) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/and.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/and.pir.golden index e9c4ed13828..01260387ea4 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/and.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/and.pir.golden @@ -1,40 +1,21 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - (lam - ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) ds) - ] - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + in + \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + Bool_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> ds) + (/\dead -> False) + {all dead. dead}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/andApply.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/andApply.eval.golden index f217693e82c..3a05a39aa43 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/andApply.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/andApply.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 1) \ No newline at end of file +constr 1 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bool.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bool.pir.golden index 55f951efd29..6817f273093 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bool.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bool.pir.golden @@ -1,15 +1,8 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - True - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + in + True) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bytestring.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bytestring.pir.golden index 6db4ca37033..93bd77be176 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bytestring.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bytestring.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con bytestring) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : bytestring) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bytestringApply.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bytestringApply.eval.golden index 654694afba7..e99e2cf725c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bytestringApply.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/bytestringApply.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con bytestring #68656c6c6f) \ No newline at end of file +#68656c6c6f \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/consByteString.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/consByteString.eval.golden index 654694afba7..e99e2cf725c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/consByteString.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/consByteString.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con bytestring #68656c6c6f) \ No newline at end of file +#68656c6c6f \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/constructData1.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/constructData1.eval.golden index e3fa6e48c68..9c15a755675 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/constructData1.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/constructData1.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con data (I 1)) \ No newline at end of file +I 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/decodeUtf8.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/decodeUtf8.eval.golden index b5b46ba8829..84ed78b69ba 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/decodeUtf8.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/decodeUtf8.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con string "hello") \ No newline at end of file +"hello" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData1.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData1.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData1.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData1.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData2.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData2.eval.golden index 67af525910d..b665d049fe5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData2.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData2.eval.golden @@ -1,5 +1 @@ -(constr - 0 - (con integer 1) - (constr 1 (con integer 2) (constr 1 (con integer 3) (constr 0))) -) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [1, (constr 1 [2, (constr 1 [3, (constr 0 [])])])] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData3.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData3.eval.golden index a94f80f17e3..bc5f2c982f4 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData3.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructData3.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 1 (con data (I 2)) (constr 1 (con data (I 3)) (constr 0))) \ No newline at end of file +constr 1 [(I 2), (constr 1 [(I 3), (constr 0 [])])] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructorData1.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructorData1.pir.golden index d35fbfd32ef..71d4b597974 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructorData1.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructorData1.pir.golden @@ -1,33 +1,8 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unsafeDataAsI (fun (con data) (con integer))) - (builtin unIData) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl unsafeDataAsI (fun (con data) (con integer))) - (lam - d - (con data) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl d (con data)) d) - [ unsafeDataAsI d ] - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con data) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con data)) ds) - [ unsafeDataAsI ds ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !unsafeDataAsI : data -> integer = unIData + ~unsafeDataAsI : data -> integer + = \(d : data) -> let !d : data = d in unsafeDataAsI d + in + \(ds : data) -> let !ds : data = ds in unsafeDataAsI ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructorData2.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructorData2.pir.golden index 2919c2b1560..59e0c7c3397 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructorData2.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/deconstructorData2.pir.golden @@ -1,488 +1,127 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFunctorTuple2_$cfmap` - (all - c - (type) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun (fun a b) (fun [ [ Tuple2 c ] a ] [ [ Tuple2 c ] b ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - c - (type) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a b) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a b)) f) - (lam - ds - [ [ Tuple2 c ] a ] - [ - { [ { { Tuple2_match c } a } ds ] [ [ Tuple2 c ] b ] } - (lam c c (lam a a [ [ { { Tuple2 c } b } c ] [ f a ] ])) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFunctorTuple2` - (all - c - (type) - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a (type) (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - [ Tuple2 c ] - ] - ) - ) - `$fFunctorTuple2_$cfmap` - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ List a ] [ List b ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a b) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a b)) f) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] [ List b ])) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] - (all dead (type) [ List b ]) - } - (abs dead (type) { Nil b }) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ [ { Cons b } [ f x ] ] [ go xs ] ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFunctorList` - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a (type) (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - List - ] - ) - `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `.` - (all - b - (type) - (all - c - (type) - (all a (type) (fun (fun b c) (fun (fun a b) (fun a c)))) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - b - (type) - (abs - c - (type) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam f (fun b c) (lam g (fun a b) (lam x a [ f [ g x ] ]))) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - fmap - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (all - a (type) (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - v - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fHasFromOpaqueBuiltinDataBuiltinData_$cfromOpaque` - (fun (con data) (con data)) - ) - (lam eta (con data) eta) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - chooseList - (all - a (type) (all b (type) (fun [ (con list) a ] (fun b (fun b b)))) - ) - ) - (builtin chooseList) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl head (all a (type) (fun [ (con list) a ] a))) - (builtin headList) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl tail (all a (type) (fun [ (con list) a ] [ (con list) a ]))) - (builtin tailList) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl unitval (con unit)) (con unit ())) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fHasFromOpaqueBuiltinListList_$cfromOpaque` - (all - arep - (type) - (all - a - (type) - (fun - [ [ (lam arep (type) (lam a (type) (fun arep a))) arep ] a ] - (fun [ (con list) arep ] [ List a ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - arep - (type) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - `$dHasFromOpaque` - [ [ (lam arep (type) (lam a (type) (fun arep a))) arep ] a ] - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ (con list) arep ] [ List a ])) - (lam + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + ~`$fFunctorTuple2_$cfmap` : all c a b. (a -> b) -> Tuple2 c a -> Tuple2 c b + = /\c a b -> + \(f : a -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b = f + in + \(ds : Tuple2 c a) -> + Tuple2_match + {c} + {a} + ds + {Tuple2 c b} + (\(c : c) (a : a) -> Tuple2 {c} {b} c (f a)) + ~`$fFunctorTuple2` : + all c. (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) (Tuple2 c) + = `$fFunctorTuple2_$cfmap` + in + letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + ~`$fFunctorList_$cfmap` : all a b. (a -> b) -> List a -> List b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b = f + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> List b + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. List b} + (/\dead -> Nil {b}) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> + /\dead -> Cons {b} (f x) (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + ~`$fFunctorList` : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) List + = `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` + ~`.` : all b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c + = /\b c a -> \(f : b -> c) (g : a -> b) (x : a) -> f (g x) + ~fmap : + all (f :: * -> *). + (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f -> + (all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) + = /\(f :: * -> *) -> + \(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f) -> v + ~`$fHasFromOpaqueBuiltinDataBuiltinData_$cfromOpaque` : data -> data + = \(eta : data) -> eta + !chooseList : all a b. list a -> b -> b -> b = chooseList + !head : all a. list a -> a = headList + !tail : all a. list a -> list a = tailList + !unitval : unit = () + ~`$fHasFromOpaqueBuiltinListList_$cfromOpaque` : + all arep a. (\arep a -> arep -> a) arep a -> list arep -> List a + = /\arep a -> + \(`$dHasFromOpaque` : (\arep a -> arep -> a) arep a) -> + letrec + ~go : list arep -> List a + = \(l : list arep) -> + let + !l : list arep = l + in + chooseList + {arep} + {unit -> List a} l - [ (con list) arep ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl l [ (con list) arep ]) l) - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { chooseList arep } - (fun (con unit) [ List a ]) - } - l - ] - (lam ds (con unit) { Nil a }) - ] - (lam - ds - (con unit) - [ - [ - { Cons a } - [ `$dHasFromOpaque` [ { head arep } l ] ] - ] - [ go [ { tail arep } l ] ] - ] - ) - ] - unitval - ] - ) - ) - ) - (lam eta [ (con list) arep ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - fst (all a (type) (all b (type) (fun [ [ (con pair) a ] b ] a))) - ) - (builtin fstPair) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - snd (all a (type) (all b (type) (fun [ [ (con pair) a ] b ] b))) - ) - (builtin sndPair) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - unsafeDataAsConstr - (fun - (con data) - [ [ (con pair) (con integer) ] [ (con list) (con data) ] ] - ) - ) - (builtin unConstrData) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - unsafeDataAsConstr - (fun (con data) [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] [ List (con data) ] ]) - ) - (lam - d - (con data) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl d (con data)) d) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - p [ [ (con pair) (con integer) ] [ (con list) (con data) ] ] - ) - [ unsafeDataAsConstr d ] - ) - [ - [ - { { Tuple2 (con integer) } [ List (con data) ] } - [ { { fst (con integer) } [ (con list) (con data) ] } p ] - ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl a [ (con list) (con data) ]) - [ { { snd (con integer) } [ (con list) (con data) ] } p ] - ) - [ - [ - { - { - `$fHasFromOpaqueBuiltinListList_$cfromOpaque` - (con data) - } - (con data) - } - `$fHasFromOpaqueBuiltinDataBuiltinData_$cfromOpaque` - ] - a - ] - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl unsafeDataAsI (fun (con data) (con integer))) - (builtin unIData) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl unsafeDataAsI (fun (con data) (con integer))) - (lam - d - (con data) + (\(ds : unit) -> Nil {a}) + (\(ds : unit) -> + Cons + {a} + (`$dHasFromOpaque` (head {arep} l)) + (go (tail {arep} l))) + unitval + in + \(eta : list arep) -> go eta + !fst : all a b. pair a b -> a = fstPair + !snd : all a b. pair a b -> b = sndPair + !unsafeDataAsConstr : data -> pair integer (list data) = unConstrData + ~unsafeDataAsConstr : data -> Tuple2 integer (List data) + = \(d : data) -> + let + !d : data = d + !p : pair integer (list data) = unsafeDataAsConstr d + in + Tuple2 + {integer} + {List data} + (fst {integer} {list data} p) (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl d (con data)) d) - [ unsafeDataAsI d ] - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con data) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con data)) ds) - [ - [ - [ - [ - { - { - { `.` (fun [ List (con data) ] [ List (con integer) ]) } - (fun - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] [ List (con data) ] ] - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] [ List (con integer) ] ] - ) - } - (fun (con data) (con integer)) - } - { - { - [ - { fmap [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] } - { `$fFunctorTuple2` (con integer) } - ] - [ List (con data) ] - } - [ List (con integer) ] - } - ] - { - { [ { fmap List } `$fFunctorList` ] (con data) } - (con integer) - } - ] - unsafeDataAsI - ] - [ unsafeDataAsConstr ds ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !a : list data = snd {integer} {list data} p + in + `$fHasFromOpaqueBuiltinListList_$cfromOpaque` + {data} + {data} + `$fHasFromOpaqueBuiltinDataBuiltinData_$cfromOpaque` + a) + !unsafeDataAsI : data -> integer = unIData + ~unsafeDataAsI : data -> integer + = \(d : data) -> let !d : data = d in unsafeDataAsI d + in + \(ds : data) -> + let + !ds : data = ds + in + `.` + {List data -> List integer} + {Tuple2 integer (List data) -> Tuple2 integer (List integer)} + {data -> integer} + (fmap + {Tuple2 integer} + (`$fFunctorTuple2` {integer}) + {List data} + {List integer}) + (fmap {List} `$fFunctorList` {data} {integer}) + unsafeDataAsI + (unsafeDataAsConstr ds)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/emptyByteString.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/emptyByteString.pir.golden index 6db4ca37033..93bd77be176 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/emptyByteString.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/emptyByteString.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (lam ds (con bytestring) ds)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 (\(ds : bytestring) -> ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/emptyByteStringApply.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/emptyByteStringApply.eval.golden index 7b1b940e59b..4287ca86179 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/emptyByteStringApply.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/emptyByteStringApply.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con bytestring #) \ No newline at end of file +# \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/encodeUtf8.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/encodeUtf8.pir.golden index f0dee62dd45..1baeeabe040 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/encodeUtf8.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/encodeUtf8.pir.golden @@ -1,17 +1,7 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl encodeUtf (fun (con string) (con bytestring))) - (builtin encodeUtf8) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl encodeUtf (fun (con string) (con bytestring))) - encodeUtf - ) - [ encodeUtf (con string "abc") ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !encodeUtf : string -> bytestring = encodeUtf8 + ~encodeUtf : string -> bytestring = encodeUtf + in + encodeUtf "abc") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/equalsByteString.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/equalsByteString.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/equalsByteString.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/equalsByteString.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/equalsString.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/equalsString.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/equalsString.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/equalsString.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/error.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/error.pir.golden index 5b6f2bb1928..d46d4314de9 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/error.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/error.pir.golden @@ -1,19 +1,9 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl error (all a (type) (fun (con unit) a))) - (abs a (type) (lam thunk (con unit) (error a))) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl unitval (con unit)) (con unit ())) - (typebind (tyvardecl Unit (type)) (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl error (all a (type) (fun Unit a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x Unit [ { error a } unitval ])) - ) - { error (con integer) } - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !error : all a. unit -> a = /\a -> \(thunk : unit) -> error {a} + !unitval : unit = () + Unit = all a. a -> a + ~error : all a. Unit -> a = /\a -> \(x : Unit) -> error {a} unitval + in + error {integer}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ifThenElse.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ifThenElse.pir.golden index 908f2d1125c..fd644ee88bd 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ifThenElse.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ifThenElse.pir.golden @@ -1,77 +1,34 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - { - [ - [ - { - [ Bool_match [ [ equalsInteger ds ] ds ] ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) ds) - ] - (abs dead (type) ds) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + Bool_match + (equalsInteger ds ds) + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> ds) + (/\dead -> ds) + {all dead. dead}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ifThenElseApply.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ifThenElseApply.eval.golden index d135c1204f4..d8263ee9860 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ifThenElseApply.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ifThenElseApply.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 2) \ No newline at end of file +2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/indexByteString.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/indexByteString.eval.golden index f427e8438c5..dec4c59e4a0 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/indexByteString.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/indexByteString.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 104) \ No newline at end of file +104 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int.pir.golden index c897a619d7e..0d9b8af24ca 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 1)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int2.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int2.pir.golden index 2b513f80b57..71e8cc5eae5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int2.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/int2.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con integer 2)) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 2 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intCompare.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intCompare.pir.golden index 55dd06e248e..0e6729c2c85 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intCompare.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intCompare.pir.golden @@ -1,67 +1,25 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - lessThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool))) - ) - (builtin lessThanInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl lessThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ lessThanInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ [ lessThanInteger ds ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + !lessThanInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = lessThanInteger + ~lessThanInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = lessThanInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> let !ds : integer = ds in lessThanInteger ds ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intDiv.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intDiv.pir.golden index 98a7e3c4af7..fd061087ebf 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intDiv.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intDiv.pir.golden @@ -1,53 +1,16 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - divideInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin divideInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - divideInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ divideInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ [ divideInteger ds ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !divideInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = divideInteger + ~divideInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in divideInteger x y + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> let !ds : integer = ds in divideInteger ds ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEq.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEq.pir.golden index bc35ea6a6bd..210db8b4ce5 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEq.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEq.pir.golden @@ -1,65 +1,25 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ [ equalsInteger ds ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> let !ds : integer = ds in equalsInteger ds ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEqApply.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEqApply.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEqApply.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intEqApply.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlus.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlus.pir.golden index 9242b7bbe02..f07957a3925 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlus.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlus.pir.golden @@ -1,49 +1,16 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ [ addInteger ds ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> let !ds : integer = ds in addInteger ds ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlusApply.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlusApply.eval.golden index 7ce41fb5eca..e440e5c8425 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlusApply.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/intPlusApply.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 3) \ No newline at end of file +3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/lengthOfByteString.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/lengthOfByteString.eval.golden index 4c1ba608f00..7813681f5b4 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/lengthOfByteString.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/lengthOfByteString.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 5) \ No newline at end of file +5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ltByteString.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ltByteString.eval.golden index 1dd2b8ed5d3..aac851c2ef6 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ltByteString.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/ltByteString.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/matchData1.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/matchData1.eval.golden index 005b0a452f3..fa9c0c5cdf4 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/matchData1.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/matchData1.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(constr 0 (con integer 1)) \ No newline at end of file +constr 0 [1] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/serialiseData.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/serialiseData.pir.golden index d7c2e5e9f52..ec8dd895f3b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/serialiseData.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/serialiseData.pir.golden @@ -1,17 +1,7 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl serialiseData (fun (con data) (con bytestring))) - (builtin serialiseData) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl serialiseData (fun (con data) (con bytestring))) - serialiseData - ) - serialiseData - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !serialiseData : data -> bytestring = serialiseData + ~serialiseData : data -> bytestring = serialiseData + in + serialiseData) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/serialiseDataApply.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/serialiseDataApply.eval.golden index 9d0671c076f..99ea178bd48 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/serialiseDataApply.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/serialiseDataApply.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con bytestring #01) \ No newline at end of file +#01 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/sha2_256.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/sha2_256.eval.golden index da957a9a88d..c3b0e7455b9 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/sha2_256.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/sha2_256.eval.golden @@ -1,3 +1 @@ -(con - bytestring #2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 -) \ No newline at end of file +#2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/string.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/string.pir.golden index d5b9b57e7ce..eeb1da5e892 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/string.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/string.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con string "text")) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 "text" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/stringLiteral.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/stringLiteral.pir.golden index 43f834bd3ec..bf29f9f2f71 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/stringLiteral.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/stringLiteral.pir.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(program 1.1.0 (con string "abc")) \ No newline at end of file +program 1.1.0 "abc" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/trace.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/trace.pir.golden index 362c2266480..fc3a8aed30f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/trace.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/trace.pir.golden @@ -1,28 +1,9 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype (tyvardecl Unit (type)) Unit_match (vardecl Unit Unit)) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl trace (all a (type) (fun (con string) (fun a a)))) - (builtin trace) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl trace (all a (type) (fun (con string) (fun a a)))) - trace - ) - (lam - ds - (con string) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con string)) ds) - [ [ { trace Unit } ds ] Unit ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Unit | Unit_match where + Unit : Unit + !trace : all a. string -> a -> a = trace + ~trace : all a. string -> a -> a = trace + in + \(ds : string) -> let !ds : string = ds in trace {Unit} ds Unit) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/traceComplex.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/traceComplex.pir.golden index e3b395a9920..b8a086b0efb 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/traceComplex.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/traceComplex.pir.golden @@ -1,69 +1,31 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl trace (all a (type) (fun (con string) (fun a a)))) - (builtin trace) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl trace (all a (type) (fun (con string) (fun a a)))) - trace - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype (tyvardecl Unit (type)) Unit_match (vardecl Unit Unit)) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl error (all a (type) (fun (con unit) a))) - (abs a (type) (lam thunk (con unit) (error a))) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl unitval (con unit)) (con unit ())) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl traceError (all a (type) (fun (con string) a))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - str - (con string) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl str (con string)) str) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x Unit) [ [ { trace Unit } str ] Unit ]) - [ { error a } unitval ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !trace : all a. string -> a -> a = trace + ~trace : all a. string -> a -> a = trace + data Unit | Unit_match where + Unit : Unit + !error : all a. unit -> a = /\a -> \(thunk : unit) -> error {a} + !unitval : unit = () + ~traceError : all a. string -> a + = /\a -> + \(str : string) -> + let + !str : string = str + !x : Unit = trace {Unit} str Unit + in + error {a} unitval + in + \(ds : Bool) -> + let + !ds : Bool = ds + in + Bool_match ds - Bool - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Bool) ds) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match ds ] (all dead (type) Unit) } - (abs dead (type) [ [ { trace Unit } (con string "yes") ] Unit ]) - ] - (abs dead (type) [ { traceError Unit } (con string "no") ]) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {all dead. Unit} + (/\dead -> trace {Unit} "yes" Unit) + (/\dead -> traceError {Unit} "no") + {all dead. dead}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tuple.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tuple.pir.golden index de2352d47eb..5ef927c3dfd 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tuple.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tuple.pir.golden @@ -1,18 +1,7 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - [ - [ { { Tuple2 (con integer) } (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + in + Tuple2 {integer} {integer} 1 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tupleConstDest.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tupleConstDest.eval.golden index 132831f390c..56a6051ca2b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tupleConstDest.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tupleConstDest.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -(con integer 1) \ No newline at end of file +1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tupleMatch.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tupleMatch.pir.golden index 71e89808b6b..56298407fe9 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tupleMatch.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/tupleMatch.pir.golden @@ -1,24 +1,13 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (lam + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + in + \(ds : Tuple2 integer integer) -> + Tuple2_match + {integer} + {integer} ds - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - [ - { - [ { { Tuple2_match (con integer) } (con integer) } ds ] (con integer) - } - (lam ipv (con integer) (lam ipv (con integer) ipv)) - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {integer} + (\(ipv : integer) (ipv : integer) -> ipv)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/verify.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/verify.pir.golden index 5f8be59e296..9c78f87257a 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/verify.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/verify.pir.golden @@ -1,96 +1,38 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - verifyEd25519Signature - (fun - (con bytestring) - (fun (con bytestring) (fun (con bytestring) (con bool))) - ) - ) - (builtin verifyEd25519Signature) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - verifyEd25519Signature - (fun - (con bytestring) (fun (con bytestring) (fun (con bytestring) Bool)) - ) - ) - (lam - pubKey - (con bytestring) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl pubKey (con bytestring)) pubKey) - (lam - message - (con bytestring) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl message (con bytestring)) message) - (lam - signature - (con bytestring) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl signature (con bytestring)) signature - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ [ verifyEd25519Signature pubKey ] message ] signature ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con bytestring) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con bytestring)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con bytestring) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con bytestring)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con bytestring) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con bytestring)) ds) - [ [ [ verifyEd25519Signature ds ] ds ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + !verifyEd25519Signature : bytestring -> bytestring -> bytestring -> bool + = verifyEd25519Signature + ~verifyEd25519Signature : bytestring -> bytestring -> bytestring -> Bool + = \(pubKey : bytestring) -> + let + !pubKey : bytestring = pubKey + in + \(message : bytestring) -> + let + !message : bytestring = message + in + \(signature : bytestring) -> + let + !signature : bytestring = signature + !b : bool = verifyEd25519Signature pubKey message signature + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + in + \(ds : bytestring) -> + let + !ds : bytestring = ds + in + \(ds : bytestring) -> + let + !ds : bytestring = ds + in + \(ds : bytestring) -> + let + !ds : bytestring = ds + in + verifyEd25519Signature ds ds ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/void.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/void.pir.golden index 5ab46d5c199..ff9202015b3 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/void.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Primitives/9.6/void.pir.golden @@ -1,92 +1,43 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) (vardecl fail (fun (con unit) Bool)) (lam ds (con unit) False) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x' Bool) [ [ equalsInteger ds ] ds ]) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y' Bool) [ [ equalsInteger ds ] ds ]) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match x' ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { [ Bool_match y' ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (abs dead (type) [ fail (con unit ()) ]) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) [ fail (con unit ()) ]) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + ~fail : unit -> Bool = \(ds : unit) -> False + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + !x' : Bool = equalsInteger ds ds + !y' : Bool = equalsInteger ds ds + in + Bool_match + x' + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> + Bool_match + y' + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> True) + (/\dead -> fail ()) + {all dead. dead}) + (/\dead -> fail ()) + {all dead. dead}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt.pir.golden index 1add0957b66..b714fb429ee 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt.pir.golden @@ -1,87 +1,32 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (fun (con unit) (con integer)) } - (con string "entering addInteger") - ] - (lam - thunk - (con unit) - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (con integer) } - (con string "exiting addInteger") - ] - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ] - ) - ] - (con unit ()) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInt (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - [ - [ - [ - { - (builtin trace) - (fun (con unit) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - } - (con string "entering addInt") - ] - (lam - thunk - (con unit) - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (fun (con integer) (con integer)) } - (con string "exiting addInt") - ] - [ addInteger x ] - ] - ) - ] - (con unit ()) - ] - ) - ) - ) - addInt - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + in + trace + {unit -> integer} + "entering addInteger-129" + (\(thunk : unit) -> + trace {integer} "exiting addInteger-129" (addInteger x y)) + () + ~addInt : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + trace + {unit -> integer -> integer} + "entering addInt-126" + (\(thunk : unit) -> + trace {integer -> integer} "exiting addInt-126" (addInteger x)) + () + in + addInt) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt3.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt3.eval.golden index 68eeb5e4784..9bd01c9535d 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt3.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/addInt3.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[entering addInt, exiting addInt] \ No newline at end of file +[entering addInt-126, exiting addInt-126] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/argMismatch1.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/argMismatch1.eval.golden index a316f49d6bc..14e3e61691c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/argMismatch1.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/argMismatch1.eval.golden @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -[ entering runIdentity -, exiting runIdentity -, entering newtypeFunction -, exiting newtypeFunction -, entering `$fFoldableIdentity` -, exiting `$fFoldableIdentity` ] \ No newline at end of file +[ entering runIdentity-129 +, exiting runIdentity-129 +, entering newtypeFunction-137 +, exiting newtypeFunction-137 +, entering `$fFoldableIdentity`-131 +, exiting `$fFoldableIdentity`-131 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/argMismatch2.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/argMismatch2.eval.golden index 38bf38703e4..b0bc86d7306 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/argMismatch2.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/argMismatch2.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[entering obscuredFunction, exiting obscuredFunction] \ No newline at end of file +[entering obscuredFunction-127, exiting obscuredFunction-127] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fact4.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fact4.eval.golden index 4752d376629..0d688af7c21 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fact4.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fact4.eval.golden @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ -[ entering fact -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fact -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fact -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fact -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fact -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, exiting fact -, entering multiplyInteger -, exiting multiplyInteger -, exiting fact -, entering multiplyInteger -, exiting multiplyInteger -, exiting fact -, entering multiplyInteger -, exiting multiplyInteger -, exiting fact -, entering multiplyInteger -, exiting multiplyInteger -, exiting fact ] \ No newline at end of file +[ entering fact-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering subtractInteger-150 +, exiting subtractInteger-150 +, entering fact-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering subtractInteger-150 +, exiting subtractInteger-150 +, entering fact-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering subtractInteger-150 +, exiting subtractInteger-150 +, entering fact-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering subtractInteger-150 +, exiting subtractInteger-150 +, entering fact-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, exiting fact-126 +, entering multiplyInteger-144 +, exiting multiplyInteger-144 +, exiting fact-126 +, entering multiplyInteger-144 +, exiting multiplyInteger-144 +, exiting fact-126 +, entering multiplyInteger-144 +, exiting multiplyInteger-144 +, exiting fact-126 +, entering multiplyInteger-144 +, exiting multiplyInteger-144 +, exiting fact-126 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib.pir.golden index 739a651ce85..6df2672558c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib.pir.golden @@ -1,251 +1,96 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (fun (con unit) (con integer)) } - (con string "entering addInteger") - ] - (lam - thunk - (con unit) - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (con integer) } - (con string "exiting addInteger") - ] - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ] - ) - ] - (con unit ()) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (fun (con unit) Bool) } - (con string "entering equalsInteger") - ] - (lam - thunk - (con unit) - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) Bool } - (con string "exiting equalsInteger") - ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ] - ) - ] - (con unit ()) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - subtractInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (builtin subtractInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - subtractInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (fun (con unit) (con integer)) } - (con string "entering subtractInteger") - ] - (lam - thunk - (con unit) - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (con integer) } - (con string "exiting subtractInteger") - ] - [ [ subtractInteger x ] y ] - ] - ) - ] - (con unit ()) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl fib (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam - n - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl n (con integer)) n) - [ - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (fun (con unit) (con integer)) } - (con string "entering fib") - ] - (lam - thunk - (con unit) - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (con integer) } - (con string "exiting fib") - ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match [ [ equalsInteger n ] (con integer 0) ] - ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) (con integer 0)) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match - [ [ equalsInteger n ] (con integer 1) ] - ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) (con integer 1)) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ - addInteger - [ - fib - [ [ subtractInteger n ] (con integer 1) ] - ] - ] - [ - fib - [ [ subtractInteger n ] (con integer 2) ] - ] - ] - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ] - ) - ] - (con unit ()) - ] - ) - ) - ) - fib - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + in + trace + {unit -> integer} + "entering addInteger-148" + (\(thunk : unit) -> + trace {integer} "exiting addInteger-148" (addInteger x y)) + () + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + in + trace + {unit -> Bool} + "entering equalsInteger-133" + (\(thunk : unit) -> + trace + {Bool} + "exiting equalsInteger-133" + (let + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False)) + () + !subtractInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = subtractInteger + ~subtractInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + in + trace + {unit -> integer} + "entering subtractInteger-154" + (\(thunk : unit) -> + trace + {integer} + "exiting subtractInteger-154" + (subtractInteger x y)) + () + in + letrec + ~fib : integer -> integer + = \(n : integer) -> + let + !n : integer = n + in + trace + {unit -> integer} + "entering fib-126" + (\(thunk : unit) -> + trace + {integer} + "exiting fib-126" + (Bool_match + (equalsInteger n 0) + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> 0) + (/\dead -> + Bool_match + (equalsInteger n 1) + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> 1) + (/\dead -> + addInteger + (fib (subtractInteger n 1)) + (fib (subtractInteger n 2))) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead})) + () + in + fib) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib4.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib4.eval.golden index 9ba81e62d9d..dd4c4ebeacf 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib4.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/fib4.eval.golden @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ -[ entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, exiting fib -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, exiting fib -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting fib -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, exiting fib -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting fib -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, exiting fib -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering fib -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, exiting fib -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting fib -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting fib ] \ No newline at end of file +[ entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering subtractInteger-154 +, exiting subtractInteger-154 +, entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering subtractInteger-154 +, exiting subtractInteger-154 +, entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering subtractInteger-154 +, exiting subtractInteger-154 +, entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, exiting fib-126 +, entering subtractInteger-154 +, exiting subtractInteger-154 +, entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, exiting fib-126 +, entering addInteger-148 +, exiting addInteger-148 +, exiting fib-126 +, entering subtractInteger-154 +, exiting subtractInteger-154 +, entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, exiting fib-126 +, entering addInteger-148 +, exiting addInteger-148 +, exiting fib-126 +, entering subtractInteger-154 +, exiting subtractInteger-154 +, entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering subtractInteger-154 +, exiting subtractInteger-154 +, entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, exiting fib-126 +, entering subtractInteger-154 +, exiting subtractInteger-154 +, entering fib-126 +, entering equalsInteger-133 +, exiting equalsInteger-133 +, exiting fib-126 +, entering addInteger-148 +, exiting addInteger-148 +, exiting fib-126 +, entering addInteger-148 +, exiting addInteger-148 +, exiting fib-126 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/id.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/id.eval.golden index ca3df46b62a..b44a413ba8b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/id.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/id.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[entering id, exiting id, entering id, exiting id] \ No newline at end of file +[entering id-127, exiting id-127, entering id-127, exiting id-127] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/idCode.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/idCode.pir.golden index 50417060cea..7bb5394e1a3 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/idCode.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/idCode.pir.golden @@ -1,33 +1,13 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl id (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - x - a - [ - [ - [ - { (builtin trace) (fun (con unit) a) } - (con string "entering id") - ] - (lam - thunk - (con unit) - [ [ { (builtin trace) a } (con string "exiting id") ] x ] - ) - ] - (con unit ()) - ] - ) - ) - ) - [ { id (con integer) } [ { id (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + ~id : all a. a -> a + = /\a -> + \(x : a) -> + trace + {unit -> a} + "entering id-127" + (\(thunk : unit) -> trace {a} "exiting id-127" x) + () + in + id {integer} (id {integer} 1)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFun.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFun.eval.golden index 7da8f83021d..55db6efde8c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFun.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFun.eval.golden @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -[ entering f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting f -, entering f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger ] \ No newline at end of file +[ entering f-138 +, entering addInteger-132 +, exiting addInteger-132 +, exiting f-138 +, entering f-138 +, entering addInteger-132 +, exiting addInteger-132 +, exiting f-138 +, entering addInteger-132 +, exiting addInteger-132 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFunMoreArg.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFunMoreArg.eval.golden index dc9cc516585..dcf5f62de33 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFunMoreArg.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letInFunMoreArg.eval.golden @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -[ entering f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting f -, entering f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, entering multiplyInteger -, exiting multiplyInteger ] \ No newline at end of file +[ entering f-140 +, entering addInteger-134 +, exiting addInteger-134 +, exiting f-140 +, entering f-140 +, entering addInteger-134 +, exiting addInteger-134 +, exiting f-140 +, entering addInteger-134 +, exiting addInteger-134 +, entering multiplyInteger-142 +, exiting multiplyInteger-142 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letRecInFun.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letRecInFun.eval.golden index 6ffdaa268eb..29dd653b9b7 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letRecInFun.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/letRecInFun.eval.golden @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ -[ entering f -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering f -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering f -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering f -, entering equalsInteger -, exiting equalsInteger -, exiting f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting f -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting f ] \ No newline at end of file +[ entering f-128 +, entering equalsInteger-135 +, exiting equalsInteger-135 +, entering subtractInteger-152 +, exiting subtractInteger-152 +, entering f-128 +, entering equalsInteger-135 +, exiting equalsInteger-135 +, entering subtractInteger-152 +, exiting subtractInteger-152 +, entering f-128 +, entering equalsInteger-135 +, exiting equalsInteger-135 +, entering subtractInteger-152 +, exiting subtractInteger-152 +, entering f-128 +, entering equalsInteger-135 +, exiting equalsInteger-135 +, exiting f-128 +, entering addInteger-146 +, exiting addInteger-146 +, exiting f-128 +, entering addInteger-146 +, exiting addInteger-146 +, exiting f-128 +, entering addInteger-146 +, exiting addInteger-146 +, exiting f-128 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/swap.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/swap.eval.golden index 238bb53a13e..95ccf2e19ca 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/swap.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/swap.eval.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -[entering swap, exiting swap] \ No newline at end of file +[entering swap-133, exiting swap-133] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/typeclass.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/typeclass.eval.golden index 1d9414013aa..fe995dbadbe 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/typeclass.eval.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Profiling/9.6/typeclass.eval.golden @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -[ entering useTypeclass -, entering methodA -, exiting methodA -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, entering methodB -, exiting methodB -, entering subtractInteger -, exiting subtractInteger -, entering addInteger -, exiting addInteger -, exiting useTypeclass ] \ No newline at end of file +[ entering useTypeclass-135 +, entering methodA-149 +, exiting methodA-149 +, entering addInteger-142 +, exiting addInteger-142 +, entering methodB-160 +, exiting methodB-160 +, entering subtractInteger-172 +, exiting subtractInteger-172 +, entering addInteger-142 +, exiting addInteger-142 +, exiting useTypeclass-135 ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/compareTest.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/compareTest.pir.golden index 54360ee1160..7644ed22f9f 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/compareTest.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/compareTest.pir.golden @@ -1,477 +1,181 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - lessThanEqualsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool))) - ) - (builtin lessThanEqualsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Ordering (type)) - - Ordering_match - (vardecl EQ Ordering) (vardecl GT Ordering) (vardecl LT Ordering) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Ordering)) - ) - (lam - eta - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) eta) - (lam - eta - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) eta) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ] - (all dead (type) Ordering) - } - (abs dead (type) EQ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ lessThanEqualsInteger x ] y ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ] - (all dead (type) Ordering) - } - (abs dead (type) LT) - ] - (abs dead (type) GT) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fOrdInteger_$cmax` - (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ lessThanEqualsInteger x ] y ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) y) - ] - (abs dead (type) x) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fOrdInteger_$cmin` - (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ lessThanEqualsInteger x ] y ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ] - (all dead (type) (con integer)) - } - (abs dead (type) x) - ] - (abs dead (type) y) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - lessThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool))) - ) - (builtin lessThanInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - greaterThanEqualsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool)) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ - [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } [ [ lessThanInteger x ] y ] ] False ] - True - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl greaterThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ - [ - [ { ifThenElse Bool } [ [ lessThanEqualsInteger x ] y ] ] - False - ] - True - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - lessThanEqualsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool)) - ) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ lessThanEqualsInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl lessThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ lessThanInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Ord (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Ord_match - (vardecl - CConsOrd - (fun - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a Bool))) a ] - (fun - (fun a (fun a Ordering)) - (fun - (fun a (fun a Bool)) - (fun - (fun a (fun a Bool)) - (fun - (fun a (fun a Bool)) - (fun - (fun a (fun a Bool)) - (fun (fun a (fun a a)) (fun (fun a (fun a a)) [ Ord a ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fOrdInteger` [ Ord (con integer) ]) - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ - [ { CConsOrd (con integer) } equalsInteger ] - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - ] - lessThanInteger - ] - lessThanEqualsInteger - ] - greaterThanInteger - ] - greaterThanEqualsInteger - ] + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !lessThanEqualsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = lessThanEqualsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + data Ordering | Ordering_match where + EQ : Ordering + GT : Ordering + LT : Ordering + ~`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` : integer -> integer -> Ordering + = \(eta : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = eta + in + \(eta : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = eta + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + Bool_match + (ifThenElse {Bool} b True False) + {all dead. Ordering} + (/\dead -> EQ) + (/\dead -> + let + !b : bool = lessThanEqualsInteger x y + in + Bool_match + (ifThenElse {Bool} b True False) + {all dead. Ordering} + (/\dead -> LT) + (/\dead -> GT) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead} + ~`$fOrdInteger_$cmax` : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = lessThanEqualsInteger x y + in + Bool_match + (ifThenElse {Bool} b True False) + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> y) + (/\dead -> x) + {all dead. dead} + ~`$fOrdInteger_$cmin` : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = lessThanEqualsInteger x y + in + Bool_match + (ifThenElse {Bool} b True False) + {all dead. integer} + (/\dead -> x) + (/\dead -> y) + {all dead. dead} + ~equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + !lessThanInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = lessThanInteger + ~greaterThanEqualsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanInteger x y) False True + ~greaterThanInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} (lessThanEqualsInteger x y) False True + ~lessThanEqualsInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = lessThanEqualsInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + ~lessThanInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = lessThanInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + data (Ord :: * -> *) a | Ord_match where + CConsOrd : + (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a -> + (a -> a -> Ordering) -> + (a -> a -> Bool) -> + (a -> a -> Bool) -> + (a -> a -> Bool) -> + (a -> a -> Bool) -> + (a -> a -> a) -> + (a -> a -> a) -> + Ord a + ~`$fOrdInteger` : Ord integer + = CConsOrd + {integer} + equalsInteger + `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` + lessThanInteger + lessThanEqualsInteger + greaterThanInteger + greaterThanEqualsInteger `$fOrdInteger_$cmax` - ] - `$fOrdInteger_$cmin` - ] - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl compare (all a (type) (fun [ Ord a ] (fun a (fun a Ordering))))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - v - [ Ord a ] - [ - { [ { Ord_match a } v ] (fun a (fun a Ordering)) } - (lam + `$fOrdInteger_$cmin` + ~compare : all a. Ord a -> a -> a -> Ordering + = /\a -> + \(v : Ord a) -> + Ord_match + {a} v - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a Bool))) a ] - (lam - v - (fun a (fun a Ordering)) - (lam - v - (fun a (fun a Bool)) - (lam - v - (fun a (fun a Bool)) - (lam - v - (fun a (fun a Bool)) - (lam - v - (fun a (fun a Bool)) - (lam v (fun a (fun a a)) (lam v (fun a (fun a a)) v)) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - opCompare (all a (type) (fun [ Ord a ] (fun a (fun a Ordering)))) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - `$dOrd` - [ Ord a ] - (lam - a - a - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl a a) a) - (lam - b - a - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl b a) b) - { - [ - [ - [ - { - [ - Ordering_match - [ [ [ { compare a } `$dOrd` ] a ] b ] - ] - (all dead (type) Ordering) - } - (abs dead (type) EQ) - ] - (abs dead (type) LT) - ] - (abs dead (type) GT) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ [ { opCompare (con integer) } `$fOrdInteger` ] (con integer 1) ] - (con integer 2) - ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {a -> a -> Ordering} + (\(v : (\a -> a -> a -> Bool) a) + (v : a -> a -> Ordering) + (v : a -> a -> Bool) + (v : a -> a -> Bool) + (v : a -> a -> Bool) + (v : a -> a -> Bool) + (v : a -> a -> a) + (v : a -> a -> a) -> + v) + ~opCompare : all a. Ord a -> a -> a -> Ordering + = /\a -> + \(`$dOrd` : Ord a) (a : a) -> + let + !a : a = a + in + \(b : a) -> + let + !b : a = b + in + Ordering_match + (compare {a} `$dOrd` a b) + {all dead. Ordering} + (/\dead -> EQ) + (/\dead -> LT) + (/\dead -> GT) + {all dead. dead} + in + opCompare {integer} `$fOrdInteger` 1 2) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/concatTest.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/concatTest.pir.golden index 3e53744bb45..e607ce51f5b 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/concatTest.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/concatTest.pir.golden @@ -1,349 +1,104 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ List a ] b)))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a (fun b b)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a (fun b b))) f) - (lam - z - b - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl z b) z) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] b)) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { [ { List_match a } ds ] (all dead (type) b) } - (abs dead (type) z) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs dead (type) [ [ f x ] [ go xs ] ]) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFoldableList` - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b)))) - ) - ) - List - ] - ) - `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - build - (all - a - (type) - (fun (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) [ List a ]) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - g - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) - [ - [ - { g [ List a ] } - (lam ds a (lam ds [ List a ] [ [ { Cons a } ds ] ds ])) - ] - { Nil a } - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - concat - (all - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (fun - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b))) - ) - ) - ) - t - ] - (fun [ t [ List a ] ] [ List a ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - `$dFoldable` - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b))) - ) - ) - ) - t - ] - (lam - xs - [ t [ List a ] ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl xs [ t [ List a ] ]) xs) - [ - { build a } - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - c - (fun a (fun b b)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl c (fun a (fun b b))) c) - (lam - n - b - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl n b) n) - [ - [ - [ - { { `$dFoldable` [ List a ] } b } - (lam - x - [ List a ] - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl x [ List a ]) x - ) - (lam - y - b - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y b) y) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] b)) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ - { List_match a } ds - ] - (all dead (type) b) - } - (abs dead (type) y) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ c x ] [ go xs ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - [ go x ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - n - ] - xs - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ { { concat List } (con integer) } `$fFoldableList` ] - [ - { build [ List (con integer) ] } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun [ List (con integer) ] (fun a a)) - (lam - n - a - [ - [ - c - [ - { build (con integer) } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun (con integer) (fun a a)) - (lam - n - a - [ - [ c (con integer 1) ] [ [ c (con integer 2) ] n ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - [ - [ - c - [ - { build (con integer) } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun (con integer) (fun a a)) - (lam - n - a - [ - [ c (con integer 3) ] - [ [ c (con integer 4) ] n ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - n - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + ~`$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` : all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b -> b = f + in + \(z : b) -> + let + !z : b = z + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> b + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. b} + (/\dead -> z) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> /\dead -> f x (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + ~`$fFoldableList` : + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) List + = `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` + ~build : all a. (all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> List a + = /\a -> + \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> + g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}) + ~concat : + all (t :: * -> *) a. + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) t -> + t (List a) -> + List a + = /\(t :: * -> *) a -> + \(`$dFoldable` : + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) t) + (xs : t (List a)) -> + let + !xs : t (List a) = xs + in + build + {a} + (/\b -> + \(c : a -> b -> b) -> + let + !c : a -> b -> b = c + in + \(n : b) -> + let + !n : b = n + in + `$dFoldable` + {List a} + {b} + (\(x : List a) -> + let + !x : List a = x + in + \(y : b) -> + let + !y : b = y + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> b + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. b} + (/\dead -> y) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> + /\dead -> c x (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + go x) + n + xs) + in + concat + {List} + {integer} + `$fFoldableList` + (build + {List integer} + (/\a -> + \(c : List integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> + c + (build + {integer} + (/\a -> \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> c 1 (c 2 n))) + (c + (build + {integer} + (/\a -> \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> c 3 (c 4 n))) + n)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/defaultMethods.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/defaultMethods.pir.golden index 1b821ef142f..217841ad939 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/defaultMethods.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/defaultMethods.pir.golden @@ -1,108 +1,36 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl DefaultMethods (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - DefaultMethods_match - (vardecl - CConsDefaultMethods - (fun - (fun a (con integer)) - (fun (fun a (con integer)) [ DefaultMethods a ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - method (all a (type) (fun [ DefaultMethods a ] (fun a (con integer)))) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - v - [ DefaultMethods a ] - [ - { [ { DefaultMethods_match a } v ] (fun a (con integer)) } - (lam v (fun a (con integer)) (lam v (fun a (con integer)) v)) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - f (all a (type) (fun [ DefaultMethods a ] (fun a (con integer)))) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - `$dDefaultMethods` - [ DefaultMethods a ] - (lam - a - a - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl a a) a) - [ [ { method a } `$dDefaultMethods` ] a ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fDefaultMethodsInteger_$cmethod` (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - ) - (lam a (con integer) a) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fDefaultMethodsInteger_$cmethod` (fun (con integer) (con integer)) - ) - (lam - a - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl a (con integer)) a) - [ [ addInteger a ] (con integer 1) ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fDefaultMethodsInteger` [ DefaultMethods (con integer) ]) - [ - [ - { CConsDefaultMethods (con integer) } + data (DefaultMethods :: * -> *) a | DefaultMethods_match where + CConsDefaultMethods : (a -> integer) -> (a -> integer) -> DefaultMethods a + ~method : all a. DefaultMethods a -> a -> integer + = /\a -> + \(v : DefaultMethods a) -> + DefaultMethods_match + {a} + v + {a -> integer} + (\(v : a -> integer) (v : a -> integer) -> v) + ~f : all a. DefaultMethods a -> a -> integer + = /\a -> + \(`$dDefaultMethods` : DefaultMethods a) (a : a) -> + let + !a : a = a + in + method {a} `$dDefaultMethods` a + ~`$fDefaultMethodsInteger_$cmethod` : integer -> integer + = \(a : integer) -> a + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~`$fDefaultMethodsInteger_$cmethod` : integer -> integer + = \(a : integer) -> let !a : integer = a in addInteger a 1 + ~`$fDefaultMethodsInteger` : DefaultMethods integer + = CConsDefaultMethods + {integer} `$fDefaultMethodsInteger_$cmethod` - ] - `$fDefaultMethodsInteger_$cmethod` - ] - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ [ { f (con integer) } `$fDefaultMethodsInteger` ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + `$fDefaultMethodsInteger_$cmethod` + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + f {integer} `$fDefaultMethodsInteger` ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/fmapDefaultTest.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/fmapDefaultTest.pir.golden index 542ba6ca065..4c6d50985cf 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/fmapDefaultTest.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/fmapDefaultTest.pir.golden @@ -1,884 +1,209 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (nonstrict) (vardecl v (con integer)) (con integer 1)) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fAdditiveSemigroupInteger` - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) (con integer) ] - ) - addInteger - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `+` - (all - a - (type) - (fun [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) a ] (fun a (fun a a))) - ) - ) - (abs a (type) (lam v [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) a ] v)) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl v (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - [ { `+` (con integer) } `$fAdditiveSemigroupInteger` ] - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ List a ] b)))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a (fun b b)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a (fun b b))) f) - (lam - z - b - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl z b) z) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] b)) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] (all dead (type) b) - } - (abs dead (type) z) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs dead (type) [ [ f x ] [ go xs ] ]) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ List a ] [ List b ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a b) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a b)) f) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] [ List b ])) - (lam + ~v : integer = 1 + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + ~`$fAdditiveSemigroupInteger` : (\a -> a -> a -> a) integer = addInteger + ~`+` : all a. (\a -> a -> a -> a) a -> a -> a -> a + = /\a -> \(v : (\a -> a -> a -> a) a) -> v + ~v : integer -> integer -> integer + = `+` {integer} `$fAdditiveSemigroupInteger` + in + letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + ~`$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` : all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b -> b = f + in + \(z : b) -> + let + !z : b = z + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> b + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] - (all dead (type) [ List b ]) - } - (abs dead (type) { Nil b }) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ [ { Cons b } [ f x ] ] [ go xs ] ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Applicative (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type))) - (tyvardecl f (fun (type) (type))) + {all dead. b} + (/\dead -> z) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> /\dead -> f x (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + ~`$fFunctorList_$cfmap` : all a b. (a -> b) -> List a -> List b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b = f + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> List b + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. List b} + (/\dead -> Nil {b}) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> + /\dead -> Cons {b} (f x) (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + data (Applicative :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) | Applicative_match where + CConsApplicative : + (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f -> + (all a. a -> f a) -> + (all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> + Applicative f + ~`$p1Applicative` : + all (f :: * -> *). + Applicative f -> (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f + = /\(f :: * -> *) -> + \(v : Applicative f) -> Applicative_match - (vardecl - CConsApplicative - (fun - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (fun - (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) - (fun - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - [ Applicative f ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$p1Applicative` - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - ) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam + {f} v - [ Applicative f ] - [ - { - [ { Applicative_match f } v ] - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - } - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (lam - v - (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) - (lam - v - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ])) - ) - ) - v - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `<*>` - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam + {(\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f} + (\(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f) + (v : all a. a -> f a) + (v : all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> + v) + ~`<*>` : + all (f :: * -> *). Applicative f -> (all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) + = /\(f :: * -> *) -> + \(v : Applicative f) -> + Applicative_match + {f} v - [ Applicative f ] - [ - { - [ { Applicative_match f } v ] - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - } - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (lam - v - (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) - (lam - v - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ])) - ) - ) - v - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - pure - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun [ Applicative f ] (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam + {all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b} + (\(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f) + (v : all a. a -> f a) + (v : all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> + v) + ~pure : all (f :: * -> *). Applicative f -> (all a. a -> f a) + = /\(f :: * -> *) -> + \(v : Applicative f) -> + Applicative_match + {f} v - [ Applicative f ] - [ - { [ { Applicative_match f } v ] (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) } - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (lam - v - (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) - (lam - v - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ])) - ) - ) - v - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fTraversableList_$ctraverse` - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ List a ] [ f [ List b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - `$dApplicative` - [ Applicative f ] - (lam - f - (fun a [ f b ]) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a [ f b ])) f) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] [ f [ List b ] ])) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] - (all dead (type) [ f [ List b ] ]) - } - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - { - [ { pure f } `$dApplicative` ] - [ List b ] - } - { Nil b } - ] - ) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl x [ f b ]) [ f x ] - ) - [ - [ - { - { - [ { `<*>` f } `$dApplicative` ] - [ List b ] - } - [ List b ] - } - [ - [ - { - { - [ - { `$p1Applicative` f } - `$dApplicative` - ] - b - } - (fun [ List b ] [ List b ]) - } - (lam - ds - b - (lam - ds - [ List b ] - [ [ { Cons b } ds ] ds ] - ) - ) - ] - x - ] - ] - [ go xs ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Traversable (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type))) - (tyvardecl t (fun (type) (type))) + {all a. a -> f a} + (\(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f) + (v : all a. a -> f a) + (v : all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> + v) + ~`$fTraversableList_$ctraverse` : + all (f :: * -> *) a b. + Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> List a -> f (List b) + = /\(f :: * -> *) a b -> + \(`$dApplicative` : Applicative f) (f : a -> f b) -> + let + !f : a -> f b = f + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> f (List b) + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. f (List b)} + (/\dead -> pure {f} `$dApplicative` {List b} (Nil {b})) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> + /\dead -> + let + !x : f b = f x + in + `<*>` + {f} + `$dApplicative` + {List b} + {List b} + (`$p1Applicative` + {f} + `$dApplicative` + {b} + {List b -> List b} + (\(ds : b) (ds : List b) -> Cons {b} ds ds) + x) + (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + data (Traversable :: (* -> *) -> *) (t :: * -> *) | Traversable_match where + CConsTraversable : + (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) t -> + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) t -> + (all (f :: * -> *) a b. + Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)) -> + Traversable t + ~`$fTraversableList` : Traversable List + = CConsTraversable + {List} + `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` + `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` + `$fTraversableList_$ctraverse` + ~build : all a. (all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> List a + = /\a -> + \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> + g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}) + ~`$fApplicativeIdentity_$cpure` : all a. a -> (\a -> a) a + = /\a -> \(ds : a) -> ds + ~id : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x + ~`$fApplicativeIdentity` : Applicative (\a -> a) + = CConsApplicative + {\a -> a} + (/\a b -> id {a -> b}) + `$fApplicativeIdentity_$cpure` + (/\a b -> id {a -> b}) + ~traverse : + all (t :: * -> *). + Traversable t -> + (all (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)) + = /\(t :: * -> *) -> + \(v : Traversable t) -> Traversable_match - (vardecl - CConsTraversable - (fun - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - t - ] - (fun - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b))) - ) - ) - ) - t - ] - (fun - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ t a ] [ f [ t b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ Traversable t ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fTraversableList` [ Traversable List ]) - [ - [ - [ { CConsTraversable List } `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` ] - `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` - ] - `$fTraversableList_$ctraverse` - ] - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - build - (all - a - (type) - (fun (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) [ List a ]) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - g - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) - [ - [ - { g [ List a ] } - (lam ds a (lam ds [ List a ] [ [ { Cons a } ds ] ds ])) - ] - { Nil a } - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fApplicativeIdentity_$cpure` - (all a (type) (fun a [ (lam a (type) a) a ])) - ) - (abs a (type) (lam ds a ds)) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl id (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fApplicativeIdentity` [ Applicative (lam a (type) a) ]) - [ - [ - [ - { CConsApplicative (lam a (type) a) } - (abs a (type) (abs b (type) { id (fun a b) })) - ] - `$fApplicativeIdentity_$cpure` - ] - (abs a (type) (abs b (type) { id (fun a b) })) - ] - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - traverse - (all - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun - [ Traversable t ] - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ t a ] [ f [ t b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam + {t} v - [ Traversable t ] - [ - { - [ { Traversable_match t } v ] - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ t a ] [ f [ t b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - t - ] - (lam - v - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b))) - ) - ) - ) - t - ] - (lam - v - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ t a ] [ f [ t b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - v - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - fmapDefault - (all - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun [ Traversable t ] (fun (fun a b) (fun [ t a ] [ t b ]))) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - `$dTraversable` - [ Traversable t ] - [ - { - { - { [ { traverse t } `$dTraversable` ] (lam a (type) a) } - a - } - b - } - `$fApplicativeIdentity` - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ - [ - { { { fmapDefault List } (con integer) } (con integer) } - `$fTraversableList` - ] - (lam v (con integer) [ [ v v ] v ]) - ] - [ - { build (con integer) } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun (con integer) (fun a a)) - (lam - n - a - [ - [ c (con integer 1) ] - [ - [ c (con integer 2) ] - [ [ c (con integer 3) ] [ [ c (con integer 4) ] n ] ] - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {all (f :: * -> *) a b. + Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)} + (\(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) t) + (v : + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) + t) + (v : + all (f :: * -> *) a b. + Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)) -> + v) + ~fmapDefault : + all (t :: * -> *) a b. Traversable t -> (a -> b) -> t a -> t b + = /\(t :: * -> *) a b -> + \(`$dTraversable` : Traversable t) -> + traverse + {t} + `$dTraversable` + {\a -> a} + {a} + {b} + `$fApplicativeIdentity` + in + fmapDefault + {List} + {integer} + {integer} + `$fTraversableList` + (\(v : integer) -> v v v) + (build + {integer} + (/\a -> \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> c 1 (c 2 (c 3 (c 4 n)))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/multiFunction.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/multiFunction.pir.golden index 480c779c5c1..4dad97a8f09 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/multiFunction.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/multiFunction.pir.golden @@ -1,219 +1,79 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Animal (type)) - - Animal_match - (vardecl Cat Animal) (vardecl Dog Animal) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl PersonLike (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - PersonLike_match - (vardecl - CConsPersonLike - (fun - (fun a (con integer)) - (fun (fun a (fun Animal Bool)) [ PersonLike a ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl age (all a (type) (fun [ PersonLike a ] (fun a (con integer))))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - v - [ PersonLike a ] - [ - { [ { PersonLike_match a } v ] (fun a (con integer)) } - (lam v (fun a (con integer)) (lam v (fun a (fun Animal Bool)) v)) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - lessThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool))) - ) - (builtin lessThanInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl lessThanInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Bool))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ lessThanInteger x ] y ] - ) - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - likesAnimal - (all a (type) (fun [ PersonLike a ] (fun a (fun Animal Bool)))) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - v - [ PersonLike a ] - [ - { [ { PersonLike_match a } v ] (fun a (fun Animal Bool)) } - (lam v (fun a (con integer)) (lam v (fun a (fun Animal Bool)) v)) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl predicate (all p (type) (fun [ PersonLike p ] (fun p Bool)))) - (abs - p - (type) - (lam - `$dPersonLike` - [ PersonLike p ] - (lam - p - p - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl p p) p) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match - [ [ [ { likesAnimal p } `$dPersonLike` ] p ] Cat ] - ] - (all dead (type) Bool) - } - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - [ lessThanInteger [ [ { age p } `$dPersonLike` ] p ] ] - (con integer 30) - ] - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Person (type)) - - Person_match - (vardecl Jane Person) (vardecl Jim Person) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$cage` (fun Person (con integer))) - (lam - ds - Person - [ - [ { [ Person_match ds ] (con integer) } (con integer 35) ] - (con integer 30) - ] - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$clikesAnimal` (fun Person (fun Animal Bool))) - (lam - ds - Person - (lam - ds - Animal - { - [ - [ - { [ Person_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { [ Animal_match ds ] (all dead (type) Bool) } - (abs dead (type) True) - ] - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) False) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fPersonLikePerson` [ PersonLike Person ]) - [ [ { CConsPersonLike Person } `$cage` ] `$clikesAnimal` ] - ) - (lam - ds - Person - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds Person) ds) - [ [ { predicate Person } `$fPersonLikePerson` ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Animal | Animal_match where + Cat : Animal + Dog : Animal + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + data (PersonLike :: * -> *) a | PersonLike_match where + CConsPersonLike : (a -> integer) -> (a -> Animal -> Bool) -> PersonLike a + ~age : all a. PersonLike a -> a -> integer + = /\a -> + \(v : PersonLike a) -> + PersonLike_match + {a} + v + {a -> integer} + (\(v : a -> integer) (v : a -> Animal -> Bool) -> v) + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + !lessThanInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = lessThanInteger + ~lessThanInteger : integer -> integer -> Bool + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = y + !b : bool = lessThanInteger x y + in + ifThenElse {Bool} b True False + ~likesAnimal : all a. PersonLike a -> a -> Animal -> Bool + = /\a -> + \(v : PersonLike a) -> + PersonLike_match + {a} + v + {a -> Animal -> Bool} + (\(v : a -> integer) (v : a -> Animal -> Bool) -> v) + ~predicate : all p. PersonLike p -> p -> Bool + = /\p -> + \(`$dPersonLike` : PersonLike p) (p : p) -> + let + !p : p = p + in + Bool_match + (likesAnimal {p} `$dPersonLike` p Cat) + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> lessThanInteger (age {p} `$dPersonLike` p) 30) + (/\dead -> False) + {all dead. dead} + data Person | Person_match where + Jane : Person + Jim : Person + ~`$cage` : Person -> integer + = \(ds : Person) -> Person_match ds {integer} 35 30 + ~`$clikesAnimal` : Person -> Animal -> Bool + = \(ds : Person) (ds : Animal) -> + Person_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> + Animal_match + ds + {all dead. Bool} + (/\dead -> True) + (/\dead -> False) + {all dead. dead}) + (/\dead -> False) + {all dead. dead} + ~`$fPersonLikePerson` : PersonLike Person + = CConsPersonLike {Person} `$cage` `$clikesAnimal` + in + \(ds : Person) -> + let + !ds : Person = ds + in + predicate {Person} `$fPersonLikePerson` ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/partialApplication.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/partialApplication.pir.golden index bf1d7fd84fe..23bb296c13c 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/partialApplication.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/partialApplication.pir.golden @@ -1,108 +1,40 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Bool (type)) - - Bool_match - (vardecl True Bool) (vardecl False Bool) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Ordering (type)) - - Ordering_match - (vardecl EQ Ordering) (vardecl GT Ordering) (vardecl LT Ordering) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl equalsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool)))) - (builtin equalsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl ifThenElse (all a (type) (fun (con bool) (fun a (fun a a))))) - (builtin ifThenElse) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl - lessThanEqualsInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con bool))) - ) - (builtin lessThanEqualsInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) Ordering)) - ) - (lam - eta - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) eta) - (lam - eta - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) eta) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl b (con bool)) [ [ equalsInteger x ] y ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ] - (all dead (type) Ordering) - } - (abs dead (type) EQ) - ] - (abs - dead - (type) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl b (con bool)) - [ [ lessThanEqualsInteger x ] y ] - ) - { - [ - [ - { - [ - Bool_match - [ [ [ { ifThenElse Bool } b ] True ] False ] - ] - (all dead (type) Ordering) - } - (abs dead (type) LT) - ] - (abs dead (type) GT) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Bool | Bool_match where + True : Bool + False : Bool + data Ordering | Ordering_match where + EQ : Ordering + GT : Ordering + LT : Ordering + !equalsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = equalsInteger + !ifThenElse : all a. bool -> a -> a -> a = ifThenElse + !lessThanEqualsInteger : integer -> integer -> bool = lessThanEqualsInteger + ~`$fOrdInteger_$ccompare` : integer -> integer -> Ordering + = \(eta : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = eta + in + \(eta : integer) -> + let + !y : integer = eta + !b : bool = equalsInteger x y + in + Bool_match + (ifThenElse {Bool} b True False) + {all dead. Ordering} + (/\dead -> EQ) + (/\dead -> + let + !b : bool = lessThanEqualsInteger x y + in + Bool_match + (ifThenElse {Bool} b True False) + {all dead. Ordering} + (/\dead -> LT) + (/\dead -> GT) + {all dead. dead}) + {all dead. dead} + in + `$fOrdInteger_$ccompare`) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sequenceTest.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sequenceTest.pir.golden index 723765c24b5..1c30e916b20 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sequenceTest.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sequenceTest.pir.golden @@ -1,937 +1,236 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Maybe (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - Maybe_match - (vardecl Just (fun a [ Maybe a ])) (vardecl Nothing [ Maybe a ]) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fApplicativeMaybe_$c<*>` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ Maybe (fun a b) ] (fun [ Maybe a ] [ Maybe b ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - ds - [ Maybe (fun a b) ] - (lam + data (Maybe :: * -> *) a | Maybe_match where + Just : a -> Maybe a + Nothing : Maybe a + ~`$fApplicativeMaybe_$c<*>` : all a b. Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b + = /\a b -> + \(ds : Maybe (a -> b)) (ds : Maybe a) -> + Maybe_match + {a -> b} ds - [ Maybe a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { Maybe_match (fun a b) } ds ] - (all dead (type) [ Maybe b ]) - } - (lam - ipv - (fun a b) - (abs - dead - (type) - { - [ - [ - { - [ { Maybe_match a } ds ] - (all dead (type) [ Maybe b ]) - } - (lam - ipv - a - (abs dead (type) [ { Just b } [ ipv ipv ] ]) - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) { Nothing b }) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ] - (abs dead (type) { Nothing b }) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` (all a (type) (fun a [ Maybe a ]))) - (abs a (type) (lam ds a [ { Just a } ds ])) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFunctorMaybe_$cfmap` - (all - a (type) (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ Maybe a ] [ Maybe b ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a b) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a b)) f) - (lam + {all dead. Maybe b} + (\(ipv : a -> b) -> + /\dead -> + Maybe_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. Maybe b} + (\(ipv : a) -> /\dead -> Just {b} (ipv ipv)) + (/\dead -> Nothing {b}) + {all dead. dead}) + (/\dead -> Nothing {b}) + {all dead. dead} + ~`$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` : all a. a -> Maybe a + = /\a -> \(ds : a) -> Just {a} ds + ~`$fFunctorMaybe_$cfmap` : all a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b = f + in + \(ds : Maybe a) -> + Maybe_match + {a} ds - [ Maybe a ] - { - [ - [ - { [ { Maybe_match a } ds ] (all dead (type) [ Maybe b ]) } - (lam a a (abs dead (type) [ { Just b } [ f a ] ])) - ] - (abs dead (type) { Nothing b }) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Applicative (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type))) - (tyvardecl f (fun (type) (type))) - Applicative_match - (vardecl - CConsApplicative - (fun - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a (type) (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (fun - (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) - (fun - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - [ Applicative f ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fApplicativeMaybe` [ Applicative Maybe ]) - [ - [ - [ { CConsApplicative Maybe } `$fFunctorMaybe_$cfmap` ] + {all dead. Maybe b} + (\(a : a) -> /\dead -> Just {b} (f a)) + (/\dead -> Nothing {b}) + {all dead. dead} + data (Applicative :: (* -> *) -> *) (f :: * -> *) | Applicative_match where + CConsApplicative : + (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f -> + (all a. a -> f a) -> + (all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> + Applicative f + ~`$fApplicativeMaybe` : Applicative Maybe + = CConsApplicative + {Maybe} + `$fFunctorMaybe_$cfmap` `$fApplicativeMaybe_$cpure` - ] - `$fApplicativeMaybe_$c<*>` - ] - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ List a ] b)))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a (fun b b)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a (fun b b))) f) - (lam - z - b - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl z b) z) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] b)) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] (all dead (type) b) - } - (abs dead (type) z) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs dead (type) [ [ f x ] [ go xs ] ]) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ List a ] [ List b ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a b) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a b)) f) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] [ List b ])) - (lam + `$fApplicativeMaybe_$c<*>` + in + letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + ~`$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` : all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b -> b = f + in + \(z : b) -> + let + !z : b = z + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> b + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] - (all dead (type) [ List b ]) - } - (abs dead (type) { Nil b }) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - [ [ { Cons b } [ f x ] ] [ go xs ] ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$p1Applicative` - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - ) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam + {all dead. b} + (/\dead -> z) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> /\dead -> f x (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + ~`$fFunctorList_$cfmap` : all a b. (a -> b) -> List a -> List b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b = f + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> List b + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. List b} + (/\dead -> Nil {b}) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> + /\dead -> Cons {b} (f x) (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + ~`$p1Applicative` : + all (f :: * -> *). + Applicative f -> (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f + = /\(f :: * -> *) -> + \(v : Applicative f) -> + Applicative_match + {f} v - [ Applicative f ] - [ - { - [ { Applicative_match f } v ] - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - } - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (lam - v - (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) - (lam - v - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ])) - ) - ) - v - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `<*>` - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam + {(\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f} + (\(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f) + (v : all a. a -> f a) + (v : all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> + v) + ~`<*>` : + all (f :: * -> *). Applicative f -> (all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) + = /\(f :: * -> *) -> + \(v : Applicative f) -> + Applicative_match + {f} v - [ Applicative f ] - [ - { - [ { Applicative_match f } v ] - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - } - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (lam - v - (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) - (lam - v - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ])) - ) - ) - v - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - pure - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun [ Applicative f ] (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ]))) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam + {all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b} + (\(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f) + (v : all a. a -> f a) + (v : all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> + v) + ~pure : all (f :: * -> *). Applicative f -> (all a. a -> f a) + = /\(f :: * -> *) -> + \(v : Applicative f) -> + Applicative_match + {f} v - [ Applicative f ] - [ - { [ { Applicative_match f } v ] (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) } - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - f - ] - (lam - v - (all a (type) (fun a [ f a ])) - (lam - v - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun [ f (fun a b) ] (fun [ f a ] [ f b ])) - ) - ) - v - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fTraversableList_$ctraverse` - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ List a ] [ f [ List b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - `$dApplicative` - [ Applicative f ] - (lam - f - (fun a [ f b ]) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a [ f b ])) f) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] [ f [ List b ] ])) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] - (all dead (type) [ f [ List b ] ]) - } - (abs - dead - (type) - [ - { - [ { pure f } `$dApplicative` ] - [ List b ] - } - { Nil b } - ] - ) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs - dead - (type) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl x [ f b ]) [ f x ] - ) - [ - [ - { - { - [ { `<*>` f } `$dApplicative` ] - [ List b ] - } - [ List b ] - } - [ - [ - { - { - [ - { `$p1Applicative` f } - `$dApplicative` - ] - b - } - (fun [ List b ] [ List b ]) - } - (lam - ds - b - (lam - ds - [ List b ] - [ [ { Cons b } ds ] ds ] - ) - ) - ] - x - ] - ] - [ go xs ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Traversable (fun (fun (type) (type)) (type))) - (tyvardecl t (fun (type) (type))) + {all a. a -> f a} + (\(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) f) + (v : all a. a -> f a) + (v : all a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) -> + v) + ~`$fTraversableList_$ctraverse` : + all (f :: * -> *) a b. + Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> List a -> f (List b) + = /\(f :: * -> *) a b -> + \(`$dApplicative` : Applicative f) (f : a -> f b) -> + let + !f : a -> f b = f + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> f (List b) + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. f (List b)} + (/\dead -> pure {f} `$dApplicative` {List b} (Nil {b})) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> + /\dead -> + let + !x : f b = f x + in + `<*>` + {f} + `$dApplicative` + {List b} + {List b} + (`$p1Applicative` + {f} + `$dApplicative` + {b} + {List b -> List b} + (\(ds : b) (ds : List b) -> Cons {b} ds ds) + x) + (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + data (Traversable :: (* -> *) -> *) (t :: * -> *) | Traversable_match where + CConsTraversable : + (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) t -> + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) t -> + (all (f :: * -> *) a b. + Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)) -> + Traversable t + ~`$fTraversableList` : Traversable List + = CConsTraversable + {List} + `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` + `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` + `$fTraversableList_$ctraverse` + ~build : all a. (all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> List a + = /\a -> + \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> + g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}) + ~id : all a. a -> a = /\a -> \(x : a) -> x + ~traverse : + all (t :: * -> *). + Traversable t -> + (all (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)) + = /\(t :: * -> *) -> + \(v : Traversable t) -> Traversable_match - (vardecl - CConsTraversable - (fun - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - t - ] - (fun - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b))) - ) - ) - ) - t - ] - (fun - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ t a ] [ f [ t b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ Traversable t ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fTraversableList` [ Traversable List ]) - [ - [ - [ { CConsTraversable List } `$fFunctorList_$cfmap` ] - `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` - ] - `$fTraversableList_$ctraverse` - ] - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - build - (all - a - (type) - (fun (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) [ List a ]) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - g - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) - [ - [ - { g [ List a ] } - (lam ds a (lam ds [ List a ] [ [ { Cons a } ds ] ds ])) - ] - { Nil a } - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl id (all a (type) (fun a a))) - (abs a (type) (lam x a x)) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - traverse - (all - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (fun - [ Traversable t ] - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ t a ] [ f [ t b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (lam + {t} v - [ Traversable t ] - [ - { - [ { Traversable_match t } v ] - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ t a ] [ f [ t b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - } - (lam - v - [ - (lam - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a b) (fun [ f a ] [ f b ]))) - ) - ) - t - ] - (lam - v - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b))) - ) - ) - ) - t - ] - (lam - v - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ Applicative f ] - (fun (fun a [ f b ]) (fun [ t a ] [ f [ t b ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - v - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - sequence - (all - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (fun - [ Traversable t ] - (fun [ Applicative f ] (fun [ t [ f a ] ] [ f [ t a ] ])) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (abs - f - (fun (type) (type)) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - `$dTraversable` - [ Traversable t ] - (lam - `$dApplicative` - [ Applicative f ] - [ - [ - { - { { [ { traverse t } `$dTraversable` ] f } [ f a ] } a - } - `$dApplicative` - ] - { id [ f a ] } - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ - [ - { { { sequence List } Maybe } (con integer) } `$fTraversableList` - ] - `$fApplicativeMaybe` - ] - [ - { build [ Maybe (con integer) ] } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun [ Maybe (con integer) ] (fun a a)) - (lam - n - a - [ - [ c [ { Just (con integer) } (con integer 1) ] ] - [ [ c [ { Just (con integer) } (con integer 2) ] ] n ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {all (f :: * -> *) a b. + Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)} + (\(v : (\(f :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b) t) + (v : + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) + t) + (v : + all (f :: * -> *) a b. + Applicative f -> (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)) -> + v) + ~sequence : + all (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a. + Traversable t -> Applicative f -> t (f a) -> f (t a) + = /\(t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a -> + \(`$dTraversable` : Traversable t) + (`$dApplicative` : Applicative f) -> + traverse + {t} + `$dTraversable` + {f} + {f a} + {a} + `$dApplicative` + (id {f a}) + in + sequence + {List} + {Maybe} + {integer} + `$fTraversableList` + `$fApplicativeMaybe` + (build + {Maybe integer} + (/\a -> + \(c : Maybe integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> + c (Just {integer} 1) (c (Just {integer} 2) n)))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sizedBasic.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sizedBasic.pir.golden index e4265904107..a7c54e1ad50 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sizedBasic.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sizedBasic.pir.golden @@ -1,39 +1,13 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$csize` (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam x (con integer) x) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fSizedInteger` [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) (con integer) ] - ) - `$csize` - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - size - (all - a - (type) - (fun [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) a ] (fun a (con integer))) - ) - ) - (abs a (type) (lam v [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) a ] v)) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ [ { size (con integer) } `$fSizedInteger` ] ds ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + ~`$csize` : integer -> integer = \(x : integer) -> x + ~`$fSizedInteger` : (\a -> a -> integer) integer = `$csize` + ~size : all a. (\a -> a -> integer) a -> a -> integer + = /\a -> \(v : (\a -> a -> integer) a) -> v + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + size {integer} `$fSizedInteger` ds) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sizedPair.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sizedPair.pir.golden index 40b11797d8b..af12b31b5e0 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sizedPair.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sizedPair.pir.golden @@ -1,161 +1,52 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl Tuple2 (fun (type) (fun (type) (type)))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) (tyvardecl b (type)) - Tuple2_match - (vardecl Tuple2 (fun a (fun b [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ]))) - ) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$csize` - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) a ] - (fun - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) b ] - (fun [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ] (con integer)) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - `$dSized` - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) a ] - (lam - `$dSized` - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) b ] - (lam - ds - [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ] - [ - { [ { { Tuple2_match a } b } ds ] (con integer) } - (lam - a - a - (lam - b - b - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) [ `$dSized` a ] - ) - (termbind - (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) [ `$dSized` b ] - ) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fSizedTuple2` - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) a ] - (fun - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) b ] - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) [ [ Tuple2 a ] b ] ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - `$csize` - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$csize` (fun (con integer) (con integer))) - (lam x (con integer) x) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fSizedInteger` [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) (con integer) ] - ) - `$csize` - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl + data (Tuple2 :: * -> * -> *) a b | Tuple2_match where + Tuple2 : a -> b -> Tuple2 a b + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~`$csize` : + all a b. + (\a -> a -> integer) a -> + (\a -> a -> integer) b -> + Tuple2 a b -> + integer + = /\a b -> + \(`$dSized` : (\a -> a -> integer) a) + (`$dSized` : (\a -> a -> integer) b) + (ds : Tuple2 a b) -> + Tuple2_match + {a} + {b} + ds + {integer} + (\(a : a) (b : b) -> + let + !x : integer = `$dSized` a + !y : integer = `$dSized` b + in + addInteger x y) + ~`$fSizedTuple2` : + all a b. + (\a -> a -> integer) a -> + (\a -> a -> integer) b -> + (\a -> a -> integer) (Tuple2 a b) + = `$csize` + ~`$csize` : integer -> integer = \(x : integer) -> x + ~`$fSizedInteger` : (\a -> a -> integer) integer = `$csize` + ~`$dSized` : (\a -> a -> integer) (Tuple2 integer integer) + = `$fSizedTuple2` {integer} {integer} `$fSizedInteger` `$fSizedInteger` + ~size : all a. (\a -> a -> integer) a -> a -> integer + = /\a -> \(v : (\a -> a -> integer) a) -> v + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + \(ds : integer) -> + let + !ds : integer = ds + in + size + {Tuple2 integer integer} `$dSized` - [ - (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) - [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] - ] - ) - [ - [ { { `$fSizedTuple2` (con integer) } (con integer) } `$fSizedInteger` ] - `$fSizedInteger` - ] - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - size - (all - a - (type) - (fun [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) a ] (fun a (con integer))) - ) - ) - (abs a (type) (lam v [ (lam a (type) (fun a (con integer))) a ] v)) - ) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - (lam - ds - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl ds (con integer)) ds) - [ - [ { size [ [ Tuple2 (con integer) ] (con integer) ] } `$dSized` ] - [ [ { { Tuple2 (con integer) } (con integer) } ds ] ds ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + (Tuple2 {integer} {integer} ds ds)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sumTest.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sumTest.pir.golden index 7e88a3e2032..59c4302fcbd 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sumTest.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Plugin/Typeclasses/9.6/sumTest.pir.golden @@ -1,324 +1,94 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fAdditiveMonoidInteger_$czero` (con integer)) - (con integer 0) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (builtin addInteger) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl addInteger (fun (con integer) (fun (con integer) (con integer)))) - (lam - x - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x (con integer)) x) - (lam - y - (con integer) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl y (con integer)) y) - [ [ addInteger x ] y ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl AdditiveMonoid (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - AdditiveMonoid_match - (vardecl - CConsAdditiveMonoid - (fun - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) a ] (fun a [ AdditiveMonoid a ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl `$fAdditiveMonoidInteger` [ AdditiveMonoid (con integer) ]) - [ - [ { CConsAdditiveMonoid (con integer) } addInteger ] - `$fAdditiveMonoidInteger_$czero` - ] - ) - (let - (rec) - (datatypebind - (datatype - (tyvardecl List (fun (type) (type))) - (tyvardecl a (type)) - List_match - (vardecl Nil [ List a ]) - (vardecl Cons (fun a (fun [ List a ] [ List a ]))) - ) - ) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ List a ] b)))) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (abs - b - (type) - (lam - f - (fun a (fun b b)) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl f (fun a (fun b b))) f) - (lam - z - b - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl z b) z) - (let - (rec) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl go (fun [ List a ] b)) - (lam - ds - [ List a ] - { - [ - [ - { - [ { List_match a } ds ] (all dead (type) b) - } - (abs dead (type) z) - ] - (lam - x - a - (lam - xs - [ List a ] - (abs dead (type) [ [ f x ] [ go xs ] ]) - ) - ) - ] - (all dead (type) dead) - } - ) - ) - (lam eta [ List a ] [ go eta ]) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$fFoldableList` - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b)))) - ) - ) - List - ] - ) - `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - build - (all - a - (type) - (fun (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) [ List a ]) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - g - (all b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b b))) - [ - [ - { g [ List a ] } - (lam ds a (lam ds [ List a ] [ [ { Cons a } ds ] ds ])) - ] - { Nil a } - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - `$p1AdditiveMonoid` - (all - a - (type) - (fun [ AdditiveMonoid a ] [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) a ]) - ) - ) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam + ~`$fAdditiveMonoidInteger_$czero` : integer = 0 + !addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer = addInteger + ~addInteger : integer -> integer -> integer + = \(x : integer) -> + let + !x : integer = x + in + \(y : integer) -> let !y : integer = y in addInteger x y + data (AdditiveMonoid :: * -> *) a | AdditiveMonoid_match where + CConsAdditiveMonoid : (\a -> a -> a -> a) a -> a -> AdditiveMonoid a + ~`$fAdditiveMonoidInteger` : AdditiveMonoid integer + = CConsAdditiveMonoid + {integer} + addInteger + `$fAdditiveMonoidInteger_$czero` + in + letrec + data (List :: * -> *) a | List_match where + Nil : List a + Cons : a -> List a -> List a + in + let + ~`$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` : all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b + = /\a b -> + \(f : a -> b -> b) -> + let + !f : a -> b -> b = f + in + \(z : b) -> + let + !z : b = z + in + letrec + ~go : List a -> b + = \(ds : List a) -> + List_match + {a} + ds + {all dead. b} + (/\dead -> z) + (\(x : a) (xs : List a) -> /\dead -> f x (go xs)) + {all dead. dead} + in + \(eta : List a) -> go eta + ~`$fFoldableList` : + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) List + = `$fFoldableList_$cfoldr` + ~build : all a. (all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> List a + = /\a -> + \(g : all b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> + g {List a} (\(ds : a) (ds : List a) -> Cons {a} ds ds) (Nil {a}) + ~`$p1AdditiveMonoid` : all a. AdditiveMonoid a -> (\a -> a -> a -> a) a + = /\a -> + \(v : AdditiveMonoid a) -> + AdditiveMonoid_match + {a} v - [ AdditiveMonoid a ] - [ - { - [ { AdditiveMonoid_match a } v ] - [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) a ] - } - (lam v [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) a ] (lam v a v)) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl zero (all a (type) (fun [ AdditiveMonoid a ] a))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam + {(\a -> a -> a -> a) a} + (\(v : (\a -> a -> a -> a) a) (v : a) -> v) + ~zero : all a. AdditiveMonoid a -> a + = /\a -> + \(v : AdditiveMonoid a) -> + AdditiveMonoid_match + {a} v - [ AdditiveMonoid a ] - [ - { [ { AdditiveMonoid_match a } v ] a } - (lam v [ (lam a (type) (fun a (fun a a))) a ] (lam v a v)) - ] - ) - ) - ) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl - sum - (all - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (fun - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b - (type) - (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b))) - ) - ) - ) - t - ] - (fun [ AdditiveMonoid a ] (fun [ t a ] a)) - ) - ) - ) - ) - (abs - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - `$dFoldable` - [ - (lam - t - (fun (type) (type)) - (all - a - (type) - (all - b (type) (fun (fun a (fun b b)) (fun b (fun [ t a ] b))) - ) - ) - ) - t - ] - (lam - `$dAdditiveMonoid` - [ AdditiveMonoid a ] - [ - [ - { { `$dFoldable` a } a } - [ { `$p1AdditiveMonoid` a } `$dAdditiveMonoid` ] - ] - [ { zero a } `$dAdditiveMonoid` ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ - [ - [ { { sum List } (con integer) } `$fFoldableList` ] - `$fAdditiveMonoidInteger` - ] - [ - { build (con integer) } - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - c - (fun (con integer) (fun a a)) - (lam - n - a - [ - [ c (con integer 1) ] - [ - [ c (con integer 2) ] - [ [ c (con integer 3) ] [ [ c (con integer 4) ] n ] ] - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) - ] - ] - ) - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + {a} + (\(v : (\a -> a -> a -> a) a) (v : a) -> v) + ~sum : + all (t :: * -> *) a. + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) t -> + AdditiveMonoid a -> + t a -> + a + = /\(t :: * -> *) a -> + \(`$dFoldable` : + (\(t :: * -> *) -> all a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b) t) + (`$dAdditiveMonoid` : AdditiveMonoid a) -> + `$dFoldable` + {a} + {a} + (`$p1AdditiveMonoid` {a} `$dAdditiveMonoid`) + (zero {a} `$dAdditiveMonoid`) + in + sum + {List} + {integer} + `$fFoldableList` + `$fAdditiveMonoidInteger` + (build + {integer} + (/\a -> \(c : integer -> a -> a) (n : a) -> c 1 (c 2 (c 3 (c 4 n)))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/StdLib/9.6/errorTrace.pir.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/StdLib/9.6/errorTrace.pir.golden index ebd70eca028..b0adcc556ce 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/StdLib/9.6/errorTrace.pir.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/StdLib/9.6/errorTrace.pir.golden @@ -1,39 +1,18 @@ -(program +program 1.1.0 (let - (nonrec) - (datatypebind - (datatype (tyvardecl Unit (type)) Unit_match (vardecl Unit Unit)) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl error (all a (type) (fun (con unit) a))) - (abs a (type) (lam thunk (con unit) (error a))) - ) - (termbind - (strict) - (vardecl trace (all a (type) (fun (con string) (fun a a)))) - (builtin trace) - ) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl unitval (con unit)) (con unit ())) - (termbind - (nonstrict) - (vardecl traceError (all a (type) (fun (con string) a))) - (abs - a - (type) - (lam - str - (con string) - (let - (nonrec) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl str (con string)) str) - (termbind (strict) (vardecl x Unit) [ [ { trace Unit } str ] Unit ]) - [ { error a } unitval ] - ) - ) - ) - ) - [ { traceError (con integer) } (con string "") ] - ) -) \ No newline at end of file + data Unit | Unit_match where + Unit : Unit + !error : all a. unit -> a = /\a -> \(thunk : unit) -> error {a} + !trace : all a. string -> a -> a = trace + !unitval : unit = () + ~traceError : all a. string -> a + = /\a -> + \(str : string) -> + let + !str : string = str + !x : Unit = trace {Unit} str Unit + in + error {a} unitval + in + traceError {integer} "") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/StdLib/9.6/ratioInterop.eval.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/StdLib/9.6/ratioInterop.eval.golden deleted file mode 100644 index 7418ebb255e..00000000000 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/StdLib/9.6/ratioInterop.eval.golden +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -(con integer 4) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-default.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-default.uplc.golden index 24c6b451d7e..5ce90e153ef 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-default.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-default.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -program 1.1.0 (\n m -> addInteger n m) \ No newline at end of file +(program 1.1.0 (\n m -> addInteger n m)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-nonstrict.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-nonstrict.uplc.golden index 24c6b451d7e..5ce90e153ef 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-nonstrict.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-nonstrict.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -program 1.1.0 (\n m -> addInteger n m) \ No newline at end of file +(program 1.1.0 (\n m -> addInteger n m)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-strict.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-strict.uplc.golden index 24c6b451d7e..5ce90e153ef 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-strict.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/lambda-strict.uplc.golden @@ -1 +1 @@ -program 1.1.0 (\n m -> addInteger n m) \ No newline at end of file +(program 1.1.0 (\n m -> addInteger n m)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-default.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-default.uplc.golden index fd1cb2d7d58..f0cea811d66 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-default.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-default.uplc.golden @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - (\m -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger m 0) - (delay (delay ((\cse -> addInteger cse cse) (error m)))) - (delay (delay m))))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + (\m -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger m 0) + (delay (delay ((\cse -> addInteger cse cse) (error m)))) + (delay (delay m)))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-nonstrict.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-nonstrict.uplc.golden index fd1cb2d7d58..f0cea811d66 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-nonstrict.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-nonstrict.uplc.golden @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - (\m -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger m 0) - (delay (delay ((\cse -> addInteger cse cse) (error m)))) - (delay (delay m))))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + (\m -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger m 0) + (delay (delay ((\cse -> addInteger cse cse) (error m)))) + (delay (delay m)))))) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-strict.uplc.golden b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-strict.uplc.golden index fd1cb2d7d58..f0cea811d66 100644 --- a/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-strict.uplc.golden +++ b/plutus-tx-plugin/test/Strictness/9.6/let-strict.uplc.golden @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -program - 1.1.0 - (\m -> - force - (force - (force ifThenElse - (lessThanInteger m 0) - (delay (delay ((\cse -> addInteger cse cse) (error m)))) - (delay (delay m))))) \ No newline at end of file +(program + 1.1.0 + (\m -> + force + (force + (force ifThenElse + (lessThanInteger m 0) + (delay (delay ((\cse -> addInteger cse cse) (error m)))) + (delay (delay m)))))) \ No newline at end of file