- All Pages were checked with the official W3C validator.
Unsolved bug! Due to lack of time, it remained unresolved
- All JS was passed through Jshint
- PEP8 only shows the type of errors that can be ignored.
- As a store owner I can log in/out from of the admin panel so that I can connect or disconnect from the website
- Admin can login/out from admin panel and have full accedd to store backend
- As a store owner I can add new product to the shop so that I can make sure the website is up to date
- Store Owner can add products directly from Admin panel
- As a store owner I can add new categories to the shop so that I can make sure the website is up to date
- Store Owner can add categories directly from Admin panel
- As a store owner I can add FAQ's to the site so that I can make sure that the user can find answer on the page before contacting the customer
- Store Owner can add FAQ's directly from Admin panel
- As a store owner I can edit/delete products so that I can make sure the website is up to date
- Store Owner can edit/delete products from All Books page and Book Detail page
- As a store owner I can edit/delete categories so that I can make sure the website is up to date
- Store Owner can edit/delete categories directly from admin panel
- As a store owner I can edit/delete FAQ's so that I can make sure the FAQ's are answered on correctly
- Store Owner can edit/delete questions directly from the FAQ's page or from admin panel
- As a store owner I can send out a newsletter via email so that I keep customers updated with new books
- Store owner can send newsletter to all subscribers
- As a store owner I have created Facebook shop page to increase traffic on my website
- As a store owner I can read and respond to users questions send by contact form
- As a store owner I can unsubscribe subscribers from newsletter
- As a user I can see an interesting home page so that I can understand what shop sells
- The landing page has a short description that describes the purpose of the page so that the user can immediately see the purpose of the page
- As a user I can easily navigate through the site so that I can view desired content
- Navigation is located on each page so that the user can easily and simply navigate through the page and find all the necessary information
- As a user I can easily find a navigation bar and footer so that I can see what content there is on the website
- The navigation bar and the footer are on every page and provide the user with a quick link to the desired content
- Aa a user I can easily see the products list so that I can see what the store has to offer
- On the All books page, the user can see a list of all the books in the store and can sort them by price, title, category and rating.
- As a user I can search products by category so that I can easily find what I'm looking for
- User can search books by category and easily sort books by desired book type
- As a user I can sort products by rating, price and name so that I can easily find what I'm looking for
- User can sort products by price,rating,title and category on All Books page
- As a user I can search for products using the search form so that I can find the products I'm specifically looking for
- User can use search bar to search for specific product, search form will perform a search in the author, title and description fields
- As a user I can see the book details page so that I can see the book name, rating, price, short description and comments
- The user can see the book details and leave a review if they have an account
- As a user I can read the FAQ's so that I can find the answer to my question or concern before contacting the bookstore
- The user can read the FAQ's page before contacting the bookstore and check if his question has already been answered
- As a user I can select the quantity of the desired product so that I can buy more product of the same kind
- User can select quantity of the desired product on Book Detail page and on Shopping Bag page
- As a user I can add a selected book into the shopping bag so that I can keep track of what I am spending
- User can add selected book into the shopping bag from All Books page and from Book Details Page
- As a user I can see the shopping bag summary and total cost so that I can see how much I will spend
- Shopping bas is located in navbar and user can always see shopping bag summary
- As a user I can remove items from shopping bag so that I don't buy what I don't want
- User can remove the unwanted items from the shopping bag
- As a user I can put in my card details so that I can pay for my goods
- User can put in card details and delivery details so that they can make a purchase
- As a user I receive order confirmations so that I can be sure my order has been processed
- After user submitted the purcase they can see order summary and confirmation
- As a user I can see rating and reviews so that I can read the opinions of other users
- As a user I am notified about any changes I have made so that I have a clear understanding of what has been completed/updated
- Toast messages inform the user of their status and any change the user makes
- As a user I can connect to the social media sites so that I can follow them and keep up to date with their products and promotions
- Social media link are located in the footer of every page so user can easily connect
- As a user I can sign up for the website's newsletter so that I can keep up to date with new products and promotions
- Footer containes a link for User to subscribe to bookstore newsletter, once subscribe user will receive email confirmation
- As a user I can unsubscribe from newsletter if I don't want to receive stors newsletters
- In every email user can find address to unsubscribe
- As a user I can contact the bookstore so that I can find out any information that I require
- As a user I can receive a contact confirmation email to let me know that my email has been sent
- As a logged-in User I can leave reating and reviews so that I can share my experience with others
- As a logged-in User I can save selected products to my whishlist for later purchase
- Logged-in User can save and remove products to wishlist.
- For Users that don't have an account and try to use "add to wishlist" button a pop window will tell users to open an account to uset this feature
- As a user I can easily see if I'm logged-in or logged-out so that I can be sure what my status is
- User can easily see they account status, when the user is logged in they will see My Account link
- As a user I can log in/out off my account if I wish so that I can connect or disconnect from the website
- As a user I can register for an account so that I can use features for logged-in users
- As a user I can receive a confirmation email when creating an account so that I know the registration was successful
- As a logged-in User I can have my details saved so that I don't have to retype my address every time
Sorting products by highest and lowest price was not working properly due to sale price. The sort method did not consider sale_price to be a price. I have created a new field in the book model sort_price that will take the value of price and sale_price depending on which is True. I then used the sort_price value to sort the products by price
I used marquee for delivery banner but after reading Mdn web docs I dicided to create my own and make sure it passes HTML and CSS validators
Unicode characters in newsletter email - during the development, I noticed that when the admin sends the newsletter to the subscribers, all non-alphabetic characters are converted to Unicode characters. To escape that I used {{autoescape off}} tag on variable in the subscriber's email
Shopping bag page
- "Error: Duplicate ID delete_3." error acurres due to two delete buttons with the same ID. I add extra jQuery for deletebutton for mobile view and rename the delete button class and id