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File metadata and controls

313 lines (232 loc) · 8.23 KB



Vbspython is a python package that lets you interact with vbscript (visual basic script) in python. This can be helpfull if you're learning the language

Current amount of downloads:


Install it using pip in the console by saying: pip install vbspython
Vbspython also can be installed under the following names:

What it does

vbspython does a lot of things. Here are some of them:

  • Show a msgbox gui on the screen.
  • Show a working input gui on the users screen.
  • Do system commands.
  • Pressing keys.
  • Show the location of special folders like appdata and downloads.
  • Creating shortcuts to files.
  • Creating hotkeys that open a file.
  • Creating folders
  • Deleting folders
  • Deleting files
  • Copy files
  • Copy folders
  • Mocing files
  • Moving folders

Example code

Multiple items in one file

import vbspython    
file = vbspython.makefile()

file.msgbox("The next item will be an input box!")
file.input("Give your input here")
output = #Will be a list

Run instantly

import vbspython

print(vbspython.system("whoami")) #Some attributes from makefile can also be run instantly
> J3ldo


import vbspython

icon = vbspython.itemattributes.msgbox.icons.information()
options = vbspython.itemattributes.msgbox.options.ok_cancel()

vbspython.msgbox(text="Hello!", title="My first message box!", icon=icon, options=options) #will show a message box try it your self

Getting output

import vbspython

#This is a simple program which says if you said yes or no 
if vbspython.msgbox("Yes or no?", options=vbs.itemattributes.msgbox.options.yes_no) ==
    vbspython.msgbox("You said no!", getoutput=False)
    vbspython.msgbox("You said yes!", getoutput=False)


import vbspython

print(vbspython.input("What do you think of this library?")) #will print the input the user gave


Variables is an easy way to set variables to items in vbscript like output or system. Here is a quick example.

import vbspython as vbs

file = vbs.makefile()

var = file.Variable("myvariable")  # Declare the variable name.

file.system('whoami', variable=var.apply()) #  Apply the variable to the output of system.
file.msgbox('You are: ', variable=var.reference()) #  Show the output using the reference keyword #  Run the file

Pressing keys

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()
file.execute("notepad") #Will open notepad using windows + r
file.sleep(1) #sleep is in seconds. This will sleep the python file and the vbs file but is not needed if run without a file
file.presskeys("Hello world!")
file.presskey("enter") #Will press enter. To get a list of keys leave empty


#Dont run like this
import vbspython as vbs
file = vbs.makefile()
file.msgbox("I am indestructable!")

while True:

#But like this
import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

def loop_this():
   file.msgbox("I am indestructable!")

Looping an amount of time

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

def loop_this():
   file.msgbox("I will be run 10 times!")

Special folders

import vbspython

path = vbspython.specialfolder("Downloads")
print(path) #Will print the path to downloads could be useful if your downloading things

Text to speech

import vbspython as vbs

file = vbs.makefile()

tts = file.tts()  # Enable the text to speech.

tts.volume(50)  # Set the volume of the text to speech. Cant be higher then 100.  
tts.rate(1)  # Sets the rate of the speaker. Can't be higher then 10 and must be higher then -10.  

tts.voice(vbs.itemattributes.tts.voice_1())  # Sets the voice of the speaker.  

tts.speak("Hello, world.") #Says the text. The same as say.  # Run the file.  


import vbspython as vbs

vbs.copy("Hello, i am copied.") #Copies: 'Hello, i am copied.' to the clipboard
print(vbs.getcopied()) #Prints the current copied item on the clipboard

Creating shortcuts

import vbspython

shortcut = "picture.png" #If the shortcut is clicked it will open the picture
location = "./" #Current executing directory
icon = 20 #put in an integer for the built in icons. Else put in a string with the location to the .ico
name = "openpicture" #this indicates the name of the shortcut

vbspython.createshortcut(shortcut, location, icon, name)
print("Succesfully made the shortcut!")

Creating hotkeys

import vbspython

#First off the unfunny script.
open = "bananas.png" #Will open bananas.png
hotkey = "Ctrl+Alt+e" #When you press ctrl and alt and e at the same time it will open.
name = "hotkeyname" #optional. can be left blank

vbspython.createhotkey(open, hotkey, name)

#the next one is a funny troll script. It will disable a random key on your keyboard
import string, random

open = "nothing.vbs" #A blank vbs script which does nothing.
hotkey = random.choice(list(string.ascii_lowercase)) #Will get a random ascii character. When pressed the key will look like it wasnt pressed

vbspython.createhotkey(open, hotkey)

Deleting hotkeys

Deleting hotkeys needs to be done manual. First of go in to file explorer and enable show hidden files. 
Then go to your desktop and search for a file with a standard .exe icon called: vbspythonhotkey_{the id/custom name}.
Now the hotkey has been deleted!



Creating files

Creating a folder

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

file.createfolder("C:\Users\MyUser\Myepicfolder") #Myepicfolder will be the folder that will be created

Deleting files

Deleting a file

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

file.deletefile("") #Deletes the file

Deleting a folder

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

file.deletefolder("AllTempFiles") #Will delete the whole folder and the contents in it


Copying and moving

Copy file

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

file.copyfile("Secretfile.txt", "C:\Users") #copies the file to the Users directory

Copy folder

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

file.copyfolder("Newuser", "C:\Users") #Copies folder to C:\Users

Move file

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

file.movefile("", "Tempfiles") #moves a file

Move folder

import vbspython

file = vbspython.makefile()

file.movefolder("TempFiles", "Logs") #moves the file


0.0.1 - Made vbspython but it doesnt work
0.0.2 - Made it work
0.0.8 - Made a press keys will press any keys of choice. A sleep that will make the .vbs file sleep. And a presskey that will press a special key leave empty for a list of keys.
0.1.0 - Made a help loop and runfile.
0.1.1 - Made the getting input system better. Added icons and options in the itemattributes class
0.1.2 - Added a runas command this will run the file as administrator. And a tts class with: say, rate, volume (see in attributes), speak (same as say)
0.1.3 - Added a copyfile movefile createfolder movefolder deletefolder deletefile copyfolder and did some bug fixes
0.1.4 - Added an execute this doesnt stop when opening files like with system 0.1.5 - Added special folders 0.1.6 - Changelog forgotten 0.1.7 - Forgot to do the changelog on 0.1.6 and partialy on 0.1.7. I added creating shortcuts to files and added hotkeys. 0.1.8 - Added the option to get a variable from msgbox. use to see if someone said yes or no using the itemattributes.
0.1.9 - Added the Variable class (see github docs) that applies to input, msgbox, and system. Also added @staticmethod to itemattributes.
0.2.0 - Big update! What was added in 0.2.0 was: the amount of looping in @loop, and a variable param to specialfolder, :param for all items in makefile to help ide's read it, and added a copy and getcopied function.