Software Carpentry Bootcamp 2012 at Johns Hopkins University
Before you come to the bootcamp, you will need to bring a laptop with which to follow along interactively with the tutorials. In order to do this, you will need to install VirtualBox, download this virtual machine image, and open the image using VirtualBox.
By doing so, you will have, on your laptop, a virtual environment pre-loaded with all of the necessary software (a terminal, text editors, git, ipython, numpy, and other python packages) for the tutorial.
The Software Carpentry Bootcamp at Johns Hopkins University will be located at Room 475, Bloomberg Center for Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University.
The bootcamp will last from 9am to 4:30pm on June 18 and 19, 2012. There will be an hour lunch break at 12:15pm on both days (lunch not provided). There will also be coffee breaks intermittently throughout the days.
The bootcamp will be led by Matt Davis, Michael Droettboom, Joshua R. Smith, and Sasha Wood. It was organized by Software Carpentry, an online compendium of resources for scientific computation.