You can create a free cloud instance of Neo4j AuraDB, load the data with the query below, then run the queries in the next sections to recreate the demo!
WITH [date('2022-02-23'), date('2022-02-24'), date('2022-02-25')] as confDays
UNWIND confDays as day
MERGE (d:ConfDay {date: day})
//Report a meaningful value based on the conference day
MATCH (d:ConfDay)
WITH collect( as conf
UNWIND conf as day
WITH day, CASE day
WHEN date('2022-02-23') THEN 'conf1stDay'
WHEN date('2022-02-24') THEN 'conf2ndDay'
WHEN date('2022-02-25') THEN 'conf3rdDay'
ELSE 'party' END as what
RETURN day, what;
//Set the related startTime for each day
MATCH (d:ConfDay)
WITH d, collect( as conf
UNWIND conf as day
WITH d, day, CASE day
WHEN date('2022-02-23') THEN time('07:30')
WHEN date('2022-02-24') THEN time('09:00')
WHEN date('2022-02-25') THEN time('09:00')
ELSE time('08:00') END as start
SET d.startTime = start
RETURN, d.startTime;
//Set the related endTime for each day
MATCH (d:ConfDay)
WITH d, collect( as conf
UNWIND conf as day
WITH d, day, CASE day
WHEN date('2022-02-23') THEN time('17:00')
WHEN date('2022-02-24') THEN time('16:00')
WHEN date('2022-02-25') THEN time('16:00')
ELSE time('17:00') END as end
SET d.endTime = end
RETURN, d.endTime;
//Use truncate with CASE to find out what to do 2022-02-01
WITH date.truncate('month',date()) as date
WITH date, CASE date
WHEN date('2022-02-23') THEN 'conf1stDay'
WHEN date('2022-02-24') THEN 'conf2ndDay'
WHEN date('2022-02-25') THEN 'conf3rdDay'
ELSE 'party' END as what
RETURN date, what;
WITH date.truncate('month',date()) as date
WHEN date < date('2022-02-23') THEN 'get ready'
WHEN date('2022-02-23') <= date <= date('2022-02-25') THEN 'learn'
ELSE 'party' END as what
RETURN date, what
//Format epoch datetime as ISO 8601 datetime string
WITH 1645729200 as sessionEnd
RETURN, "s", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
as formattedString;
//Format epoch datetime as ISO 8601 date string
WITH 1645729200 as sessionEnd
RETURN, "s", "yyyy-MM-dd") as formattedDateString;
WITH 1645729200 as sessionEnd
RETURN,"s") as converted;
//Format epoch datetime as Neo4j temporal
WITH 1645729200 as sessionEnd
RETURN datetime({epochSeconds: sessionEnd}) as neo4jTemporal;
//Convert datetime string to ISO 8601 string
WITH '2022-02-24 13:15:00-05:00' as sessionStart
RETURN,"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", 'iso_date_time') as formattedString;
//Convert date string to ISO 8601 string
WITH '2022/02/24' as sessionDay
RETURN,"yyyy/MM/dd",'iso_date') as formattedDateString;
//Duration between 2 datetimes (seconds results)
WITH datetime('2022-02-24T09:00:00-05:00') as dayStart
RETURN duration.between(dayStart,datetime({timezone: 'America/New York'})) as contentPresented;
//Duration hours (lossy value, not converting)
WITH datetime('2022-02-21T08:00:00-05:00') as weekStart
RETURN duration.between(weekStart, datetime({timezone: 'America/New York'})) as worked, duration.between(weekStart, datetime({timezone: 'America/New York'})).hours as hours;
//Duration conversion to all seconds, translate to hours
WITH datetime('2022-02-21T08:00:00-05:00') as weekStart
RETURN duration.inSeconds(weekStart,datetime({timezone: 'America/New York'})).hours as weekHours;
//Duration conversion to time, translate hours+minutes
WITH datetime('2022-02-21T08:00:00-05:00') as weekStart
RETURN duration.between(weekStart, datetime({timezone: 'America/New York'})) as worked, duration.inSeconds(weekStart, datetime({timezone: 'America/New York'})).hours as hours, duration.inSeconds(weekStart, datetime({timezone: 'America/New York'})).minutesOfHour as minutes;