Many of us have built applications for relational data structures, but is it different for graph data? In this session, we will cover a brief intro to graphs and build a typical Java application for a graph database. Join us to see how to amplify the power of connected data with applications!
Many of us have built applications for traditional data structures (like relational database tables), but is it different for graph data stores?
In this session, we will cover a brief intro to graphs and build a typical Java application for a graph database. We will interact with the graph data from the application, and explore some deployment possibilities.
Join us to see how to amplify the power of connected data with applications!
Many of us have built applications for traditional data structures (like relational database tables), but is it different for graph data stores? Do developers need to retool and relearn?
In this session, we will cover a brief intro to graphs, walk through writing a typical Java application with Spring, and then connect it to a graph database. From interacting with the graph data from the application to deploying to the cloud, we will see the process from start to finish. We will learn how to tackle pitfalls and pick up tips along the way, as well as explore the ways we can build, deploy, and connect applications to the database. This will come alive through a live demo, as we see the results of our efforts.
Come to this session to build your business applications for graph data!
I want to show how applications differ or are the same using a graph data structure compared to other types of data. Whether approaching a business problem or simply understanding applications with graph databases, I want to share and encourage developers to use graphs where appropriate!
Jennifer Reif is a Developer Relations Engineer at Neo4j, conference speaker, blogger, and an avid developer and problem-solver. She holds a Master’s degree in Computer Management and Information Systems and has worked with large enterprises to organize and make sense of widespread data assets and leverage them for maximum business value. She has worked with a variety of commercial and open source tools and enjoys learning new technologies, sometimes on a daily basis! Her passion is finding ways to organize chaos and deliver software more effectively.