Coding challenge from the Udemy Course the Complete 2020 Web Developer Bootcamp
I wrote the code in App.jsx, CreateArea.jsx, and Note.jsx. The other files were provided by the instructor.
- Using logical operator
as abbreviated statement (see line 41 in CreateArea.jsx) - ES6 ternary operator
- React functional components
- React component tree management
- Changing state with props
- Changing state with Hooks (
) - Material UI icons and animations
To run this project locally:
- In your terminal, navigate to the root folder and run the following commands
$ npm install
$ npm start
To add a note:
- Click on the text input field with the placeholder "Take a note..."
- Enter your desired Title and body text
- Click the yellow plus icon button. To delete a note:
- Click on the yellow trash icon button
- Section 33: React.js of the Udemy Course the Complete 2020 Web Developer Bootcamp