Most Sugar desktop activities are written in Python, using our Sugar Toolkit libraries.
Some Sugar desktop activities are written in languages other than Python, such as Smalltalk, C, and JavaScript. For new activities to run on both Sugar desktop and Sugarizer, please consider Write your own Sugar web activity.
This page shows how to develop an activity using Python 3 with Sugar Toolkit.
Setup a development environment, for testing your activity and releasing it for distribution.
Locate the activity directories. They may include:
for native Sugar desktop, and packaged Sugar desktop on Fedora, Debian or Ubuntu;/usr/share/sugar/activities
for packaged Sugar desktop; and,~/sugar-build/activities
for sugar-build only.
Each installed activity is in a directory under the activity directories. This is where you will create your new activity.
Clone the Hello World activity from hello-world on GitHub:
git clone Name.activity
Use the .activity
suffix in the directory name of an activity,
because that's the way an activity bundle is released.
Your clone of the Hello World activity contains a file,
name = HelloWorld
activity_version = 1
bundle_id = org.sugarlabs.HelloWorld
exec = sugar-activity3 activity.HelloWorldActivity
icon = activity-helloworld
licence = GPLv3+
repository =
You must set a new name
and a unique bundle_id
for your activity.
Avoid punctuation in your bundle_id
, e.g.,
is not valid. Instead, use
CamelCase, e.g., org.sugarlabs.MyActivity
You should change the Activity class in your
file, e.g., from:
class HelloWorldActivity(activity.Activity):
class MyActivity(activity.Activity):
You must change the exec
field as well, e.g., from:
exec = sugar-activity3 activity.HelloWorldActivity
exec = sugar-activity3 activity.MyActivity
You should set the repository field to the URL of the git repository of your project.
And we recommend that you use a GPLv3+ license.
file will look something like:
name = MyActivity
activity_version = 1
bundle_id = org.sugarlabs.MyActivity
exec = sugar-activity3 activity.MyActivity
icon = activity-helloworld
licence = GPLv3+
repository =
To read more about the
file, see Activity
on our Wiki.
You must make your activity icon unique in the Sugar interface by making a new one, or borrowing from another icon and making changes. Ask for help from the community if you don't feel comfortable with graphic design.
Here is activity/activity-helloworld.svg
You should rename this file and change icon
in the
Your activity icon must follow the guidelines as described in The Sugar Interface: Icons on our Wiki.
There is a helper script, Sugar Iconify that will help you create Sugar-compliant icons.
Of course, the interesting changes will be the ones you make to the activity itself. Below you will find links to some resources on Sugar Activity development, but perhaps the best way to get started is to modify an existing activity that has features similar to the one you want to create.
Launch Sugar and your new activity should be immediately available, although since it has not yet been selected as a favorite, it will not appear by default on the Sugar Home View (F3). You need to either;
type the name of your activity into the search entry and press enter; or,
select the List View (ctrl+2) to see your activity, and click on it.
If all goes well, your activity will launch.
There are many opportunities to make mistakes. Don't get discouraged, as debugging is a great way to learn. One useful tool is the Log Activity, which will show you the log files of the operating system, Sugar and activities. Alternatively, you can look at the log files from the command line.
Log files are usually in the directory ~/.sugar/default/logs
Log files for sugar-build are in the directory ~/sugar-build/home/dotsugar/default/logs
Log files are named using the bundle_id
You may also test interactively by starting Terminal, then cd
to the activity directory, and type:
sugar-activity .
All activities should follow this file structure:
|-- activity/
| |--
| `-- activity-icon.svg
contains information about your activity, including thename
, and theicon
. -
contains an instance of the activity class, which is run when your activity is launched. -
lets you install your activity or make an installable bundle with it.
Sugar serves a global audience, so it is important to enable your activity for internationalization and localization. A guide to best practices is on our Wiki.
For development you can initialize the repository as a git repository. This will help you to track your changes. First use git init to initialize the repository:
git init
With git status you can show the available files in the folder they are still untracked. Now add all the files in the directory and commit those changes, you can use git status again to see the current state:
git add .
git commit -a -m 'Initial import'
git status
We recommend that you use github to host your activity.
You can check the Python Coverage of your activity by following this guide.
Once your activity is working, you can ask to have your activity repository hosted under the Sugar Labs github organization.
Make an XO bundle and upload it to the Sugar Activity Library (ASLO).
python dist_xo
After that, users of Sugar can download and install your activity.
For further releases, you should update the activity_version in
Make Your Own Sugar Activities, a book by James Simmons.
We currently use Python 3 for the Sugar Toolkit and Sugar activity development.
We recommend flake8 as a wrapper around the pep8 and pyflakes code checkers.
To check for flake8 warnings in the current directory, run this command
python3 -m flake8 *.py