Releases: JiHong88/suneditor
Releases · JiHong88/suneditor
- Added Custom tooltips.
- Added onChange event method to userFunction. #90(@redone80, @DeZZar)
- The primary node has been changed to:
B > STRONG, U > INS, I > EM, STRIKE > DEL. - Added a delete button to the "colorPicker" module.
- Added highlight effect to the submenu.
- Added a default value to the "fontSize, fontFamily" menu.
- When using formats such as "Code, Blockquote, OrderList" and so on, we modified to exit the format by typing "enter" key on the last line or "backspace" key on the first line.
- The "undo, redo, outdent, save" buttons have been modified to not behave according to the situation.
- The editor's overall style and icons have been modified.
- Fixed a bug where cells in the table were deleted when backspace was entered in the last cell of the table. #91(@DeZZar)
- Fixed a bug where the highlighting effect of command buttons such as "Bold", "Underline"... was not applied right away.
- Fixed a bug where the editor did not return properly when using code view and fullscreen mode together.
- The nodeChange method has been improved.
- The editor's default text color has been changed to "# 333".
- The language file has been modified.
- cleanHTML Paste has been improved.
- The "wrapToTags" method has been modified to applyRangeFormatElement.
- The detachRangeFormatElement method has been added to the "core" object.
- The "copyObj" method of the "util" object has been deleted.
- The getEdgeChildNodes method has been added to the "util" object.
- Values entered within 0.5 seconds have been modified to be stored in the "history" stack at once.
- Updated undo and redo functions, which previously operated as "document.execCommand".
- Added getPositionIndex function to "util" object.
- Fixed a bug "insertHTML" of user function.
- Fixed a bug where format blocks, images and videos could not be deleted properly with backspace.
- Modified the color and border radius of the editor.
- Added "redo" and "undo" to buttons that are disabled in code view mode.
- Added History object to "core" object for undo, redo.
- Added onlyZeroWidthSpace function to "util" object.
- The color picker module highlights the selected color.
- Fixed a bug where the icon was not visible when adding custom buttons. customPlugin
- Fixed a bug that did not resize the component's cover when putting the description after resizing the image and video.
- Added "util" attribute to use "util" object in "core" object. document
- Added style: line-height: 1.5
- Print did not work since version 2.8.3.
- Fix a bug that the hex color input field of the colorPicker module did not work since version 2.9.4.
- Inline, Balloon mode did not work properly since version 2.12.1
- Fixed a bug where when using the dialog plugin after creating more than one editor, the results were applied to the editor that had the focus before.
- Deleted the selected cell style in the table
- Added z-index to controllers
- The language file has been modified to be added to the global object SUNEDITOR_LANG when used in HTML.
- Added Chinese(zh_cn) translation.
- Added onImageUploadError event function - called when the image is upload failed.
- Added argument imageInfo to onImageUpload function.
- Added youtubeQuery option - the query string of a YouTube embedded URL. #83(@realdigger)
- Added Japanese translation.
- Fixed a bug where the height value was fixed when adding the first image.
- Added german translation. (Provided by @Gundolf68)
- Added save-button and 'callBackSave' option.
- Added src property to 'imagesInfo' (editor.getImagesInfo()).
- Fixed a bug where characters would disappear intermittently when changing nodes
- The German file was included in the language index
- Changed the "index" argument type of onImageUpload event function from String to Number
- Scrolling did not work since version 2.8.4.
- Submenu Off - also works when clicking outside the editor.
- Fixed a bug where the getRange method sometimes did not get the correct range object.
- Bug fixes related to node change by modifying source related to Range object.
- Fixed a bug that changed only one line when changing styles by selecting multiple lines in Firefox.
- Fixed a bug the balloon editor were not created when multiple lines were selected in Firefox.
- Fixed a bug where image auto-sizing did not work correctly in IE.
- Node change function improvements
- Deleted method: setSelectionNode in core object.
- Deleted property: _variable.selectionNode, _variable.range in core object.