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What happend if no configuration provided?

By default, can generate scenario test steps automatically by strategy:

  • Each example in swagger stand as one step in the generated test;
  • Steps for creating resources are always in front of other steps, and deleting are always behind of other kind of operations;
  • If one resource is depend on other resources, it will be created after it's dependants. Similar logic applys for the delete operation;
  • Dummy setup/cleanup steps are provided, so that you can add code for them manually.

When do I need a configuration?

In bellow conditions, you may need to do configuration for the scenario test.

  • You don't want one or more examples in the swagger make appearance in the test scenario;
  • The auto-generated steps order don't meet the requriments.
  • You want to add some fully customized test steps.

Notice 1: Once configurations are provided, will not add any other steps or adjust step orders automatically.

Notice 2: Even if no configuration is provided, you can still override the auto-generated steps.

How to configure?

Basic test-scenario

In basic test-scenario, all test examples are composed in one test case. Test scenario configuration can be done in file, here is an example for it.

  cli-name: attestation
    - name: Operations_List
    - name: AttestationProviders_Create
    - name: AttestationProviders_Get
    - function: mytest
    - name: AttestationProviders_List
    - name: AttestationProviders_ListByResourceGroup
    - name: AttestationProviders_Delete

Two kind of step can be used in the test-scenario, they are:

  • function: can be any function name you like. The generated tests will preserve a empty placeholder function for each of this kind of step, expecting the user to add manual testing code in it.
  • name: stand for the example name used in swagger. For instance:
// Here is a clip in attestation swagger file.
        "x-ms-examples": {
          "AttestationProviders_Create": {
            "$ref": "./examples/Create_AttestationProvider.json"

Mutli-test-cases scenario

You can config multiple test cases in the test-scenario with below format:

  cli-name: managednetwork
      - name: ManagementNetworkGroupsPut
      - name: ManagementNetworkGroupsDelete
      - name: ManagedNetworksListByResourceGroup
      - name: ManagedNetworksListBySubscription
      - name: ManagementNetworkGroupsGet
      - name: ManagedNetworkPeeringPoliciesPut
      - name: ManagedNetworkPeeringPoliciesGet
      - name: ManagedNetworkPeeringPoliciesListByManagedNetwork
      - name: ManagedNetworkPeeringPoliciesDelete
      - name: ScopeAssignmentsPut
      - name: ScopeAssignmentsGet
      - name: ScopeAssignmentsList
      - name: ScopeAssignmentsDelete

In above sample, four test cases are configured, and they will be generated in two test files:

  • three test cases will be generated in it: ManagedNetworks_scenario1, ManagedNetworks_scenario2, ManagedNetworks_scenario3.
  • one test case generated in it: ScopeAssignments.

Note: the part before the underscore('_') in the test case name will be used to descibe in which test file the case will be generated.

What if multiple examples in swagger have duplicated name?

Occasionally several examples have a same example name. Since each test-scenario item represent only one example, you can assign a full example name in this condition. A full example name can be formed as:


For instance, below is an configuration with full example name for AttestationProviders_Create.

  cli-name: attestation
    - name: Attestations/Put/AttestationProviders_Create

Notice: Uppercase/lowercase is insensitive for the example name.

How to customize/override the generated tests

Below is a briefed generated code tree view:

+-- generated ...                           // generated CLI code folder.
+-- manual                                  // customization code folder, be empty initially.
|   +--
+-- tests
|   +-- latest
|   |   +-- ...
|   |   +--    // generated test scenario.
+-- ...

The content of here is like:

def setup(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):

# EXAMPLE: Operations_List
def step_operations_list(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):

# EXAMPLE: AttestationProviders_Create
def step_attestationproviders_create(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):
    test.cmd('az attestation attestation-provider create '
             '--provider-name "myattestationprovider" '
             '--resource-group "{rg}"',

# EXAMPLE: AttestationProviders_Get
def step_attestationproviders_get(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):
    test.cmd('az attestation attestation-provider show '
             '--provider-name "myattestationprovider" '
             '--resource-group "{rg}"',

def mytest(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):

# EXAMPLE: AttestationProviders_List
def step_attestationproviders_list(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):
    test.cmd('az attestation attestation-provider list',

# EXAMPLE: AttestationProviders_ListByResourceGroup
def step_attestationproviders_listbyresourcegroup(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):
    test.cmd('az attestation attestation-provider list '
             '--resource-group "{rg_2}"',

# EXAMPLE: AttestationProviders_Delete
def step_attestationproviders_delete(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):
    test.cmd('az attestation attestation-provider delete '
             '--provider-name "myattestationprovider" '
             '--resource-group "{rg_3}"',

def cleanup(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3):

def call_scenario(self, rg, rg_2, rg_3):
    setup(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)
    step_operations_list(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)
    step_attestationproviders_create(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)
    step_attestationproviders_get(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)
    mytest(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)
    step_attestationproviders_list(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)
    step_attestationproviders_listbyresourcegroup(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)
    step_attestationproviders_delete(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)
    cleanup(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)

class AttestationManagementClientScenarioTest(ScenarioTest):

    @ResourceGroupPreparer(name_prefix='clitestattestation_MyResourceGroup'[:7], key='rg', parameter_name='rg')
    @ResourceGroupPreparer(name_prefix='clitestattestation_testrg1'[:7], key='rg_2', parameter_name='rg_2')
    @ResourceGroupPreparer(name_prefix='clitestattestation_sample-resource-group'[:7], key='rg_3', parameter_name='rg_3'
    def test_attestation(self, rg, rg_2, rg_3):

        call_scenario(test, rg, rg_2, rg_3)

Customize step functions

All test steps are invoked one by one in the bottom of above sample test scenario. Let's say you want to override test step functions step_attestationproviders_create() and mytest() in this scenario, you can:

  1. Create the test program file with exactly the same relative path with the auto-generated one.

  2. Write customized test code in manual functions which have the same signature with those in auto-generated file.

Below is the tree view after adding the manual test file:

+-- generated ... 
+-- manual                                          // customization folder
|   +--
|   +-- tests
|   |   +--                               // don't forget to add python init file
|   |   +-- latest
|   |   |   +--                         // don't forget to add python init file
|   |   |   +--        // manual test file
+-- tests
|   +-- latest
|   |   +-- ...
|   |   +--    
+-- ...


Only want to override the generated test step

let's say in your generated test you have step_pipelines_create like this

# EXAMPLE: Pipelines_Create
def step_pipelines_create(test, rg):
    test.cmd('az datafactory pipeline create '
             '--factory-name "{myFactoryName}" '
             '--pipeline "{{\\"activities\\":[{{\\"name\\":\\"ExampleForeachActivity\\",\\"type\\":\\"ForEach\\",\\"typ'
             'alue\\":\\"@pipeline().parameters.JobId\\"}}}}}}" '
             '--name "{myPipeline}" '
             '--resource-group "{rg}"',
                 test.check('name', "{myPipeline}")

And you want to override this step with a different implementation or a different pipeline definition etc. Then in your manual/tests/latest/ file, you can have the same function definition like this.

def step_pipelines_create(test, rg):
    test.cmd('az datafactory pipeline create '
             '--factory-name "{myFactoryName}" '
             '--pipeline "{{\\"activities\\":[{{\\"name\\":\\"Wait1\\",'
             '}}}}],\\"annotations\\":[]}}" '
             '--name "{myPipeline}" '
             '--resource-group "{rg}" ',
                 test.check('name', "{myPipeline}"),
                 test.check('activities[0].type', "Wait")

In this case, when the call_scenario function calls g.step_pipelines_create in generated tests/latest/ it will actually call the function defined in your manual folder.

add your own test step

Suppose that you need to add more test steps because lacking of specific test examples are not covered etc. you can add a new test function step_triggers_tumble_create like this

def step_triggers_tumble_create(test, rg):
    test.cmd('az datafactory trigger create '
             '--resource-group "{rg}" '
             '--properties "{{\\"description\\":\\"trumblingwindowtrigger'
             '\\":30}},\\"dependsOn\\":[]}}}}" '
             '--factory-name "{myFactoryName}" '
             '--name "{myTrigger}"',
                 test.check('name', "{myTrigger}"),
                 test.check('properties.type', "TumblingWindowTrigger"),

In this case, you will also need to override the call_scenario definition so that your self-defined test steps can be called. like this.

def call_scenario(test, rg):
    from ....tests.latest import test_datafactory_scenario as g
    g.setup(test, rg)
    g.step_factories_createorupdate(test, rg)
    step_triggers_tumble_create(test, rg) # your self-defined test step.
    g.step_factories_delete(test, rg)
    g.cleanup(test, rg)

Please note that there's no pointer before calling you self-defined steps.

add your own call scenarios.

let's say, the swagger examples provided only consider one type of resource, but this resource has another type which is fairly important, and to create this resource you probably need to create a lot of dependent resources. In this case, you probably need to define your own call scenario. You will need to prepare your own test steps. Then you will have to define your own call_scenario functions

def call_triggerrun_scenario(test, rg):
    from ....tests.latest import test_datafactory_scenario as g
    import time
    g.setup(test, rg)
    g.step_factories_createorupdate(test, rg)
    step_pipelines_wait_create(test, rg)
    createrun_res = g.step_pipelines_createrun(test, rg)
    test.kwargs.update({'myRunId': createrun_res.get('runId')})
    g.step_pipelineruns_get(test, rg)
    g.step_activityruns_querybypipelinerun(test, rg)
    createrun_res = g.step_pipelines_createrun(test, rg)
    test.kwargs.update({'myRunId': createrun_res.get('runId')})
    g.step_pipelineruns_cancel(test, rg)
    step_triggers_tumble_create(test, rg)
    g.step_triggers_start(test, rg)
    g.step_triggers_get(test, rg)
    maxRound = 2
    while True:
        triggerrun_res = g.step_triggerruns_querybyfactory(test, rg)
        if len(triggerrun_res['value']) > 0 and triggerrun_res['value'][0]['status'] == 'Succeeded':
            test.kwargs.update({'myRunId': triggerrun_res['value'][0]['triggerRunId']})
            if maxRound > 0:
                maxRound -= 1
                print("waiting round: " + str(5 - maxRound))
    if maxRound > 0:
        g.step_triggerruns_rerun(test, rg)
    g.step_triggerruns_querybyfactory(test, rg)
    g.step_triggers_stop(test, rg)
    g.step_triggers_delete(test, rg)
    g.step_pipelines_delete(test, rg)
    g.step_factories_delete(test, rg)

In this example, it shows how to get one command's result as another command's input test.kwargs.update({'myRunId': createrun_res.get('runId')})
And it also shows an example of how you should write your scenario if you need to wait some certain time-consuming resource ready until you can test next step.
Still you need to override the call_scenario function in the generated test. If you still want the original call_scenario to be called, you can put them in another function let's say call_main_scenario, and call it in your override call_scenario

def call_scenario(test, rg):
    call_main_scenario(test, rg)
    call_triggerrun_scenario(test, rg)

Customize TestClass or Customize Resource Preparers

If you need to customize the test class(such as use a new resource preparer), you can also override the test class in file manual/tests/latest/ Below is an example to write an preparer and use it manually.

from azure.cli.testsdk import ScenarioTest
from azure.cli.testsdk import ResourceGroupPreparer
from azure.cli.testsdk.preparers import NoTrafficRecordingPreparer
from azure_devtools.scenario_tests import SingleValueReplacer
from azure.cli.testsdk.reverse_dependency import get_dummy_cli

class xxPreparer(NoTrafficRecordingPreparer, SingleValueReplacer):  # sample for customized preparer
    def __init__(self, **kargs):
        super(xxPreparer, self).__init__('xx', 10)
        self.cli_ctx = get_dummy_cli()
        self.parameter_name = 'xx'
        self.key = 'xx'

    def create_resource(self, name, **kwargs):
        print("Will create resource of xx")

    def remove_resource(self, name, **kwargs):
        print("Will remove resource of xx")

class AttestationManagementClientScenarioTest(ScenarioTest):

    @ResourceGroupPreparer(name_prefix='clitestattestation_MyResourceGroup'[:7], key='rg', parameter_name='rg')
    @ResourceGroupPreparer(name_prefix='clitestattestation_testrg1'[:7], key='rg_2', parameter_name='rg_2')
    @ResourceGroupPreparer(name_prefix='clitestattestation_sample-resource-group'[:7], key='rg_3', parameter_name='rg_3'
    @xxPreparer()                                                           # sample to use customized preparer
    def test_attestation(self, rg, rg_2, rg_3):
        from ....tests.latest import test_attestation_scenario as g         # sample to call generated code
        g.call_scenario(self, rg, rg_2, rg_3)

Of course it's suggested to envelop the xxPreparer into seperate python module in elsewhere.

How to randomize resource names

Since some RP don't support randomized name resource name well, resource names will not be randomized by default. If you want to enable it, please add randomize-names configuration like below in

  randomize-names: true

How to generate test-scenario for required parameters

You can ask to generate minimal tests (using only required parameters for all step). To enable the minimal test scenario, please add gen-min-test configuration like below in

  gen-min-test: true

How to merge resource names in example files

In some RPs the resource names in example files is not well defined. For instance: every example file use a different resource group name. This will generate many resource groups in test files.

Below flag can require test codegen to use only one resource name for each resource type.

  test-unique-resource: true

How make preparer variables be a parameter in test steps

You can reference preparer variables by self.kwargs in your test scenario. If you want it to be a function parameter in test step for history reason, you can enable use-test-step-param flag as below:

  use-test-step-param: true

How to generate cmdlet tests

The cmdlet tests can be run under virtual server to check CLI command availability. Each CLI operation is a test case in cmdlet tests:

class PositiveTest(ScenarioTest):
    # EXAMPLE: /Operation/get/Operations_List
    def test_list_operation(self):
        self.cmd('az attestation list-operation')

    # EXAMPLE: /AttestationProviders/get/AttestationProviders_ListByResourceGroup
    def test_attestation_provider_provider_list(self):
        self.cmd('az attestation attestation-provider provider list '
                 '--resource-group "testrg1"')

The cmdlet tests are not generated by default, It can be enabled with below option

> autorest --az --gen-cmdlet-test ...

or configure in

gen-cmdlet-test: true

How to customize test location

The default test location is 'westus', you can change it with below configuration:

  test-location: eastus

How to disable swagger test scenario

The swagger test scenario can be disabled with below configuration:

  use-swagger-test-scenario: false