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97 lines (89 loc) · 3.22 KB

File metadata and controls

97 lines (89 loc) · 3.22 KB


LAMMPS_wrapper makes LAMMPS calculation easier by using POSCAR directly with simple INPUT files. If you activate the calculation type you want to do, LAMMPS_wrapper converts INPUT and POSCAR files internally. LAMMPS_wrapper supports oneshot calculation, relaxation, NEB method, dynamical matrix calculation, and NVT MD simulation. Be free from writing complex input files and tedious conversion between POSCAR and LAMMPS data format!


  • CMake >= 3.13
  • LAMMPS >= 23Jun2022


  1. Build LAMMPS as shared library. [link]
cd lammps
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ../cmake -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=yes -D PKG_REPLICA=yes PKG_PHONON=yes
cmake --build . --target install
  1. Build LAMMPS_wrapper. Please check compiler type in CMakeLists.txt.
cd LAMMPS_wrapper
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ../src
cmake --build .


For oneshot, relaxation, NEB, dynamical matrix, and NVT MD simulation, single POSCAR file is needed.

mpirun -np $numproc ./LAMMPS_wrapper POSCAR

For NEB calculation, two POSCAR files are needed.

mpirun -np $numproc ./LAMMPS_wrapper POSCAR_initial POSCAR_final

$numproc stands for the number of CPU cores in parallel computation.


Potential parameter

  • NELEMENT [integer]
    • NELEMENT is the number of elements
  • ATOM_TYPE [strings]
    • ATOM_TYPE is the symbols of elements
  • PAIR_STYLE [strings]
    • PAIR_STYLE stands for the pair style in LAMMPS input.
  • PAIR_COEFF [strings]
    • PAIR_COEFF stands for the pair coeff in LAMMPS input.


  • ONESHOT [0/1]
    • ONESHOT determines whether oneshot calculation runs.


  • ATOM_RELAX [0/1]
    • ATOM_RELAX determines whether atomic coordinates are optimized.
  • CELL_RELAX [0/1]
    • CELL_RELAX determines whether lattice vectors are also optimized.
  • MAX_FORCE [real]
    • MAX_FORCE sets the force tolerance for relaxation (in eV/Angst).


  • NEB [0/1]
    • NEB determines whether the nudged-elastic band method runs.
  • NIMAGES [integer]
    • NIMAGES sets the number of images during the NEB emthod.
  • MIN_DIST [real]
    • MIN_DIST sets the minimum bond distance between atoms when generating images with interpolation.

dynamic matrix

  • DYNMAT [0/1]
    • DYNMAT determines whether the dynamical matrix is calculated.
  • FINITE_DIFF [real]
    • FINITE_DIFF sets the displacement in finite difference method (in Angst).


  • NVT_MD [0/1]
    • NVT_MD determines whether NVT molecular dynamics run.
  • TIMESTEP [real]
    • TIMESTEP sets the timestep for time integration (in fs).
  • MAX_STEP [integer]
    • MAX_STEP sets the maximum MD step.
  • TEMPERATURE [real]
    • TEMPERATURE sets the temperature of system (in K).

TARGET (only for DYNMAT)

It contains the atom indices or types to be the targets of dynamical matrix.

I 0 1 2 3
T 1
  • I: Index (starting from 0)
  • T: Type (starting from 1)
  • A: All


  1. LAMMPS_wrapper supports only units metal currently.
  2. TARGET file is only needed for calculating dynamical matrix.
  3. Output of dynamical matrix is written as dynmat.dat.