Implement an API to simulate a simple trading platform
- Place orders
- Retrieve all orders with pagination
- Retrieve specific orders by ID
- Cancel (delete) orders
- Python 3.8+
- FastAPI
- SQLModel
- SQLAlchemy
- FastAPI Pagination
- AsyncIO
- Pydantic
The decision of whether to create a virtual env for running the script is up to the user. In my case, I've created a virtual env, but I haven't committed it.
To run the API:
fastapi run [path_to_app]/
After run this command:
- The api will be available at http://localhost:8000
- The documentation of the API is available at http://localhost:8000/docs
The project was organized following the typical structure of a python package project, that's the reason to include a file.
To compile the package, execute the following command:
python sdist bdist_wheel
this command generates a wheel and a tarball (.tar.gz) file of the version configured on the
Next steps:
- create logs
- create unit tests
- create docker container
- create websocket