The main objective here is training HTML, CSS and pure JS. To achieve this objective, understanding all chunck of code created, I will focus only on small projects with one main objective, avoiding external libraries. Each project have a talking about knowledge achieved and enhance points. Here we go...
- VScode
- Google Fonts
- Pexels
- Adobe colors
And of course:
- Stack Overflow
Simple memory game based on yugioh cards. Link for web page: Yu-gi-oh
Small projects with focus on GridLayout and FlexBox. Link for web page: Flex-Grid
How to create a typing effect to your site. Link for web page: Typed Sync
As you can see, I'm using this repository just to sharper my skills in frontend development. So for me, if someone want use a code wich I made it's ok. But is by your own risk use my code. By the way, there is a lot of images, taken from internet, with authorial rights. Finally, this repository have no comercial intentions.