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Joshua edited this page Jan 10, 2021 · 7 revisions

Hello there, welcome to the MCSF wiki!

This plugin aims to help protect your server against foul language in this Wiki, we will be going over the configuration file!

Changing the language

This plugin supports multiple languages by default, to change a language you must edit this value:

  language: en_us
  #Acceptable languages: en_us, de_de, es_es, fr_fr

To edit the variables/messages for your language go to (E.G: en_us.yml) MCSF/locales/en_us.yml and edit the values there

We currently support French, Spanish, German, and English


If you would like some additional information (English only, sadly) enable this option in the config:

  debug: true
  # Use the above for messages that help debug and show some nice information

Checking for updates

If you would like to be notified for updates or disable notifications, I suggest modifying these options in the config:

    check for updates: true
    # Whether or not to check for updates
    update notification ingame: true
    # Whether or not to notify admins about updates upon joining

Filtering messages:

If you would like the filter to be on by default, modify this to true. Otherwise, leave it as false:

    default: false

If you would like to enable the global swear list, set this value to true

    global blacklist:
      enabled: true
    # Should any messages in the "/data/global.yml" file be blocked?

If you would like to log messages that contain swears, set the following to true:

    save messages:
      enabled: true
    # Should messages that are flagged be saved to a file? > Only messages in the global field will be logged

If you wish to forcefully toggle the player's swear filter set this to true:

    force: false
    # Should the player have the filter forcefully enabled?
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