Make Your Screen a Clock 🕒 / Calendar 📅
Transform your desktop into a dynamic clock and calendar with this user-friendly application!
Display the current time, date, and time zone information in both 12-hour and 24-hour formats.
Customize what you see, from the day of the week to military date formats, all while enjoying a responsive design that adapts to your window size.
Built with smooth graphics and real-time updates, this app ensures you stay informed and stylishly organized. Perfect for anyone looking to enhance their workspace with functional aesthetics!
- Dynamic Time Display: Shows the current time in either 12-hour or 24-hour format.
- Customizable Information: Users can choose to display different types of information, including:
- Long or short day of the week
- Long, medium, short or military date formats
- Current time zone and corresponding city
- Local time
- Responsive Design: The application adjusts to changes in window size, ensuring a consistent user experience.
- Buffered Graphics: Utilizes buffered graphics for smooth rendering and improved performance.
To run the application, clone the repository and open the solution file in Visual Studio.
Build and run the project to start using the application.
Public Class Form1
- This line defines a new class called
, which represents the main window of the application.
Private Context As BufferedGraphicsContext
Private Buffer As BufferedGraphics
- Here, we declare two private variables:
to manage graphics rendering andBuffer
to hold the graphics that will be drawn on the screen.
Private Enum HourFormat
End Enum
- This creates an enumeration named
with two possible values:Twelve
for 12-hour time andTwentyFour
for 24-hour time.
Private Hours As HourFormat = HourFormat.Twelve
- This line initializes a variable
, meaning the app will start in 12-hour format.
Private Enum InfoType
End Enum
- This defines another enumeration called
, which lists different types of information that can be displayed (like time, date, and time zone).
Private Structure DisplayObject
Public Location As Point
Public Text As String
Public Font As Font
Public Type As InfoType
End Structure
- This creates a structure named
that holds information about what to display on the screen. It includes the location of the text, the text itself, the font used, and the type of information.
Private MainDisplay As DisplayObject
Private TopDisplay As DisplayObject
Private BottomDisplay As DisplayObject
- These lines declare three instances of
for the main display (time), top display (day/date), and bottom display (additional info).
Private ReadOnly AlineCenterMiddle As New StringFormat With {.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, .LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center}
- This creates a
object that centers text both horizontally and vertically.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
- This is an event handler that runs when the form is loaded.
- These calls initialize the form's settings and the graphics buffer.
TopDisplay.Type = InfoType.LongDayOfWeek
BottomDisplay.Type = InfoType.MedDate
- Here, we set the types of information to display in the top and bottom displays.
Timer1.Interval = 20
Timer1.Enabled = True
- This sets a timer to update the displays every 20 milliseconds and enables it.
Debug.Print($"Program running... {Now.ToShortTimeString()}")
- This prints a message to the debug console showing the current time when the program starts.
Private Sub Form1_Resize(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
- This event handler runs when the form is resized.
If Not WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then
- This checks if the window is not minimized.
Dim FontSize As Integer = ClientSize.Width \ 14
- This calculates the font size based on the width of the form.
MainDisplay.Font = New Font("Segoe UI", FontSize, FontStyle.Regular)
- This sets the font for the main display using the calculated size.
MainDisplay.Location.X = ClientSize.Width \ 2
MainDisplay.Location.Y = (ClientSize.Height + MenuStrip1.Height) \ 2
- These lines center the main display in the form.
TopDisplay.Location.X = ClientSize.Width \ 2
TopDisplay.Location.Y = (ClientSize.Height + MenuStrip1.Height) \ 2 - ClientSize.Width \ 10
BottomDisplay.Location.X = ClientSize.Width \ 2
BottomDisplay.Location.Y = (ClientSize.Height + MenuStrip1.Height) \ 2 + ClientSize.Width \ 10
- The same logic is applied to position the top and bottom displays.
If Buffer IsNot Nothing Then
Buffer = Nothing
End If
- This checks if the buffer exists and disposes of it to free up resources.
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
- This event runs every time the timer ticks.
- This calls a method to update the text displayed on the screen.
If Not WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then
Refresh() ' Calls OnPaint Sub
End If
- If the window is not minimized, it refreshes the display to show updated information.
Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)
- This is where the drawing happens. It overrides the default paint behavior.
If Buffer Is Nothing Then
Buffer = Context.Allocate(e.Graphics, ClientRectangle)
End If
- If the buffer does not exist, it allocates a new one.
- Calls a method to draw the displays and then renders the buffer onto the screen.
Private Sub UpdateDisplays()
End Sub
- This method updates all the display areas by calling their respective update methods.
Private Sub DrawDisplays()
- This method handles the actual drawing of the text on the screen.
If Buffer IsNot Nothing Then
With Buffer.Graphics
.Clear(Color.Black) ' Clear the buffer with a black background
.CompositingMode = Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceOver
.TextRenderingHint = Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias
.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
.PixelOffsetMode = Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.None
.CompositingQuality = Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality
- It checks if the buffer exists, clears it with a black background, and sets various graphics quality options.
.DrawString(MainDisplay.Text, MainDisplay.Font, Brushes.White, MainDisplay.Location, AlineCenterMiddle)
.DrawString(TopDisplay.Text, TopDisplay.Font, Brushes.LightGray, TopDisplay.Location, AlineCenterMiddle)
.DrawString(BottomDisplay.Text, BottomDisplay.Font, Brushes.LightGray, BottomDisplay.Location, AlineCenterMiddle)
- This draws the main, top, and bottom display texts using their respective fonts and colors.
Private Sub UpdateMainDisplay()
- This line defines a new method called
. This method is responsible for updating the text displayed in the main display area of the application, which shows the current time.
Select Case Hours
- Here, we start a
Select Case
statement to evaluate theHours
variable. This variable indicates whether the application is set to display time in 12-hour or 24-hour format.
Case HourFormat.Twelve
- If
is set toHourFormat.Twelve
, this block executes, meaning we will format the time in a 12-hour format.
MainDisplay.Text = Now.ToShortTimeString()
- This line sets
to the current time formatted as hours and minutes in 12-hour format (e.g., "3:45 PM").
Case HourFormat.TwentyFour
- If
is set toHourFormat.TwentyFour
, this block executes, meaning we will format the time in a 24-hour format.
MainDisplay.Text = Now.ToString("HH:mm")
- This line sets
to the current time formatted as hours and minutes in 24-hour format (e.g., "15:45").
End Select
End Sub
- The
End Select
statement closes theSelect Case
block, andEnd Sub
marks the end of theUpdateMainDisplay
The UpdateMainDisplay
method updates the text displayed in the main section of the application based on the current time format (12-hour or 24-hour) specified by the Hours
- If the application is in 12-hour mode, it formats the time to include AM/PM.
- If it’s in 24-hour mode, it displays the time in a 24-hour format.
This method ensures that the user sees the current time in their preferred format.
Private Sub UpdateTopDisplay()
- This line defines a new method called
. This method is responsible for updating the text displayed in the top display area of the application.
Select Case TopDisplay.Type
- Here, we start a
Select Case
statement. This allows us to evaluate theTopDisplay.Type
to determine what kind of information we need to show in the top display.
Case InfoType.LongDayOfWeek
TopDisplay.Text = Now.DayOfWeek.ToString
- If
, this line setsTopDisplay.Text
to the full name of the current day of the week (e.g., "Monday").Now.DayOfWeek
gets the current day, andToString
converts it to a readable format.
Case InfoType.ShortDayOfWeek
TopDisplay.Text = GetDayOfWeekAbbreviation(Now.DayOfWeek)
- If
, this line calls theGetDayOfWeekAbbreviation
function, passing the current day of the week. This function returns a three-letter abbreviation (e.g., "Mon" for Monday).
Case InfoType.LongDate
TopDisplay.Text = Now.ToLongDateString
- If
, this line setsTopDisplay.Text
to the long date format (e.g., "Monday, November 19, 2024") usingNow.ToLongDateString
Case InfoType.MedDate
TopDisplay.Text = Now.ToString("MMMM d, yyyy")
- If
, this line formats the date in a medium style (e.g., "November 19, 2024") and assigns it toTopDisplay.Text
Case InfoType.ShortDate
TopDisplay.Text = Now.ToShortDateString
- If
, this line setsTopDisplay.Text
to a short date format (e.g., "11/19/2024").
Case InfoType.MilitaryDate
TopDisplay.Text = Now.ToString("ddMMMyy").ToUpper()
- If
, this formats the date in a military style (e.g., "19NOV24") and converts it to uppercase.
Case InfoType.TimeZone
TopDisplay.Text = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id
- If
, this line setsTopDisplay.Text
to the ID of the local time zone (e.g., "Pacific Standard Time").
Case InfoType.TimeZoneCity
TopDisplay.Text = GetTimeZoneCity(TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id)
- If
, this line calls theGetTimeZoneCity
function, passing the local time zone ID. This function returns the name of a city associated with that time zone (e.g., "Los Angeles" for Pacific Standard Time).
Case InfoType.LocalTime
TopDisplay.Text = "Local Time"
- If
, this line simply setsTopDisplay.Text
to the string "Local Time".
End Select
End Sub
- The
End Select
statement closes theSelect Case
block, andEnd Sub
marks the end of theUpdateTopDisplay
The UpdateTopDisplay
method dynamically updates the text displayed in the top section of the application based on the type of information specified in TopDisplay.Type
. It uses the Select Case
statement to check the type and assigns the appropriate value to TopDisplay.Text
. This allows the application to show different types of information, such as the current day, date, or time zone, depending on user preferences.
Private Sub UpdateBottomDisplay()
Select Case BottomDisplay.Type
- This method updates the text for the bottom display based on its type.
Case InfoType.LongDayOfWeek
BottomDisplay.Text = Now.DayOfWeek.ToString
' Other cases for different types...
End Select
End Sub
- Depending on the type of information, it sets the text to the current day of the week, date, time zone, etc.
This subroutine is triggered when the user clicks on the "24-Hour" menu item.
Private Sub TwentyFourHourMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TwentyFourHourMenuItem.Click
Check Current Format:
If Not Hours = HourFormat.TwentyFour Then Hours = HourFormat.TwentyFour
- This line checks if the current time format (
) is not set to 24-hour format (HourFormat.TwentyFour
). If it isn't, it updatesHours
- This line checks if the current time format (
Check the Menu Item:
If Not TwentyFourHourMenuItem.Checked Then TwentyFourHourMenuItem.Checked = True
- This line ensures that the "24-Hour" menu item is marked as checked.
Uncheck the Other Option:
If TwelveHourMenuItem.Checked Then TwelveHourMenuItem.Checked = False
- If the "12-Hour" menu item is currently checked, this line unchecks it, ensuring that only one option is selected at a time.
This subroutine is triggered when the user clicks on the "12-Hour" menu item.
Private Sub TwelveHourMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TwelveHourMenuItem.Click
Check Current Format:
If Not Hours = HourFormat.Twelve Then Hours = HourFormat.Twelve
- Similar to the previous subroutine, this checks if the current time format is not set to 12-hour format. If it isn't, it updates
- Similar to the previous subroutine, this checks if the current time format is not set to 12-hour format. If it isn't, it updates
Check the Menu Item:
If Not TwelveHourMenuItem.Checked Then TwelveHourMenuItem.Checked = True
- This ensures that the "12-Hour" menu item is marked as checked.
Uncheck the Other Option:
If TwentyFourHourMenuItem.Checked Then TwentyFourHourMenuItem.Checked = False
- If the "24-Hour" menu item is currently checked, this line unchecks it, ensuring only one option is selected.
Both event handlers allow the user to toggle between 12-hour and 24-hour time formats.
They ensure that only one format can be selected at a time by checking and unchecking the respective menu items.
variable is updated accordingly to reflect the user's choice, which will affect how the time is displayed in the application.
This code creates a simple time display application that updates in real-time. It uses Windows Forms and VB.NET to manage graphics and handle user interactions. Each part of the code is designed to ensure that the display updates smoothly and provides relevant information to the user.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.txt file for more details.