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Sails.js request validation hook

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Sails hook for validate request.

  npm install --save @touch4it/sails-hook-validator

req.validator(rules, [sendResponse=true, [cb]])


  • Sails ^1.0.0
  • Lodash enabled as global in Sails (by default it comes enabled)
  • Node.js >= 10


Rules defined as string parameter name (required string value) or object (more complex validation). Rules passed as array of strings or objects

Optional parameters prefixed with ?

Possible options specified later in "Validation types" section

req.validator([{'name': 'string'}]);


true: If something goes wrong, return a 400 to the user with the error

false: Return


Callback function

Return value

If something goes wrong it returns a 400 or false, based on sendResponse. If validation is successful, it returns the params. It works as a filter too, since it returns only parameters specified in rules.


Filter of parameters

If there is single parameter to be validated, we can pass it as string instead of array

  // req.params.all() === {name: 'joseba', surname: 'legarreta'}

  const params = req.validator('name');

  // params === {name: 'joseba'}

For more that one params the required params have to pass it as an Array

Missing parameter causes system to return 400 if second parameter (sendResponse) is not set or true. False is returned if second parameter is false

  // req.params.all() === {id: 1, name: 'joseba'}

  const params = req.validator(['id', 'password'], false);

  // params === false

  if (!params) {
    return null;
  // req.params.all() === {id: 1, name: 'joseba'}

  const params = req.validator(['id', 'password']);

  // Sent 400 with message "password is required."

Callback function can be used to notify execution end

  const filter = [
    {'?surname': ['string', 'toUpper']},
    height: 'float',
    '?age': 'int'
  req.validator(filter, false, function(err, params) {
    // err === {message: 'parsedError...', invalidParameters: ['invalid', 'parameter', 'list']}
    if (err) {
      return res.badRequest(err.message);
    return res.ok(params);


  const filter = [
    {'?surname': ['string', 'toUpper']},
    height: 'float',
    '?age': 'int'
  req.validator(filter, function(err, params) {
    // If error occurs the validator will use req.status(400).send(...)
    return res.ok(params);

Apart from validation, we can also use sanitization of inputs

  // req.params.all() === {id: 1, likes: '12.20', url: 'HttP://GOOGLE.eS', email: ''}
  const params = req.validator(['id', {likes: 'int', url: ['url', 'toLower'], email: 'email'}]);
  // params = {id: 1, likes: 12, url: '', email: ''}
  // req.params.all() === {id: 1, likes: '12.20', url: '', email: ''}
  const params = req.validator(['id', 'url', {likes: 'float', email: 'email'}]);
  // params = {id: 1, likes: 12.20, url: '', email: ''}
  // req.params.all() === {id: 1, likes: 'hello', url: '', email: ''}
  const params = req.validator(['id', {url: ['url', 'lower'], likes: 'float', email: 'email'}]);
  // Client gets a 400 - 'likes' has to be a float

We can also specify optional values by prefixing ?

  // If we have a nickname and/or a name parameters it will return it to the `param`  applying the rules
  // If nickname or/and name are undefined in the request, it will ignore them and won't send 400

  const param = req.validator('?nickname', {color: ['hexcolor', 'upper'], '?name': 'toUpper'});


Validation uses validator package under the hood

Validation types

  • alpha - letters only
  • alphanumeric - letters and numbers
  • ascii
  • base64
  • boolean
  • country2 - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
  • country3 - ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
  • creditCard
  • date - ISO 8601 or RFC 3339 date
  • email
  • empty
  • float
  • fqdn - fully qualified domain name
  • hex
  • hexColor
  • int
  • ip - IPv4 or IPv6
  • ipRange - IPv4 range
  • isbn - ISBN
  • issn - ISSN
  • isin - ISIN
  • isrc - ISRC
  • json
  • jwt
  • latlon
  • lower - lowercase
  • macAddress
  • mobilePhone
  • md5
  • mongoId
  • numeric
  • port
  • string
  • upper - uppercase
  • uuid - UUID v 3, 4 or 5
  • url

Sanitization types

  • escape - replace <, >, &, ', " and / with HTML entities
  • unescape - replaces HTML encoded entities with <, >, &, ', " and /
  • trim - trim whitespaces from left and right
  • ltrim - trim whitespaces from left
  • rtrim - trim whitespaces from right
  • toBoolean
  • toDate
  • toEmail
  • toLower
  • toUpper


To test this hook, you need mocha installed in your computer globally.

// Just if you don't have mocha installed yet
npm install -g mocha

// And then just run mocha in the hook folder


// Optional: Change port or log level

log=info port=1234 mocha

// log level options = error, warn, info, verbose and silly. By default: warn
// port by default: 1992


A Sails hook for request validations







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