ReverseMarkdown is a Html to Markdown ( converter library in C#. Conversion is very reliable since HtmlAgilityPack (HAP) library is used for traversing the Html DOM.
Note that the library implementation is based Ruby based on Html to Markdown converter xijo/reverse_markdown.
You can install the package from NuGet using Install-Package ReverseMarkdown
or clone the repository and built it yourself.
var converter = new ReverseMarkdown.Converter();
string html = "This a sample <strong>paragraph</strong> from <a href="""">my site</a>";
string result = converter.Convert(html);
//result This a sample **paragraph** from [my site](
// with config
string unknownTagsConverter = "pass_through";
bool githubFlavored = true;
var config = new ReverMarkdown.Config(unknownTagsConverter, githubFlavoured);
var converter = new ReverseMarkdown.Converter(config);
- Supports all the established html tags like h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, em, strong, i, b, blockquote, code, img, a, hr, li, ol, ul, table, tr, th, td, br
- Can deal with nested lists
Copyright © 2015 Babu Annamalai
ReverseMarkdown is licensed under MIT. Refer to license.txt for more information.