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156 lines (109 loc) · 9.62 KB


  • The function plot_continuation_curves has been changed and now plots using scatterlines! (which also makes it much more efficient). To restore the old behavior of only scatter use slines_kwargs = (linewidth = 0,) as a keyword.
  • Internal function ics_from_grid is now exported.


  • Initial conditions given to basins_fractions and similar functions have been generalized to AbstractVector from StateSpaceSet. In practice this means that it is now possible to pass in as initial conditions a vector of dictionaries, which allows specifying initial conditions via a mapping of symbolic variables if the dynamical system was made via ModelingToolkit.jl.


  • AttractorsViaProximity has been significantly improved: it now allows for a keyword distance. This keyword decides how the distance between the trajectory end-point and the attractors is decided. The function has further been simplified and re-uses the existing set_distance function. The default distance keeps the previous behavior unaltered.


  • Global continuation can now be performed across any arbitrary curve in parameter space. This is something completely novel and we'll likely work on a paper on this!


This is a big release, with (hopefully) nothing breaking, but lots of deprecations!

New stuff

  • New central Tutorial for Attractors.jl. It also highlights how to enrich a continuation output with other measures of nonlocal stability.
  • New global continuation algorithm that generalizes RAFM: AttractorSeedContinueMatch.
  • There is now an extendable API for "matchers", ways to match state spaces sets across a continuation. See IDMatcher for the API.
  • New matcher MatchBySSSetDistance that does matching used to do in previous versions.
  • New matcher MatchByBasinOverlap that does what match_basins! used to do.
  • New matcher MatchByBasinEnclosure that is truly brand new.
  • New plotting function plot_continuation_curves! to add additional information to the plot_basins_attractors_curves type plots.
  • New exported function reset_mapper! to clear all stored information in an AttractorMapper.
  • AttractorsViaFeaturizing now always stores the attractors and implements extract_attractors.
  • New plotting function plot_attractors.

Deprecations and renaming

  • Function continuation has been deprecated for global_continuation in preparation for a future where both local/linear/tradiational continuation as well as our "attractors and basins continuation" are both provided by DynamicalSystems.jl.
  • match_continuation! has been deprecated for match_sequentially!.
  • Option par_weight is deprecated in FeaturizeGroupAcrossParameter. Part of the developer team (@Datseris, @KalelR) discussed this an concluded that par_weight doesn't make much scientific sense to include. Since it obfuscates the code and the documentation, it is no longer documented but still exported. It will be unavailable in the next breaking release.


  • New function convergence_and_basins_fractions
  • improved the algorithm counting the convergence iterations for AttractorsViaRecurrences to give more accurate results, by taking into account the user-provided convergence criteria, and multiplying with Δt to obtain the time in correct units.
  • New function test_wada_merge to test the Wada property in 2D basins of attraction.
  • New function haussdorff_distance to compute distance between two binary matrices.


The function plot_basins_attractors_curves can now take a vector of functions for mapping attractors to real numbers. Each makes a new panel with the chosen projection.


Improvements in the minimal_fatal_shock algorithm:

  • Can now chose target attractors to shock towards, enabling computation of the excitability threshold
  • Can give in custom metric function for estimating the norm
  • Exported alias excitability_threshold for minimal_fatal_shock
  • New argument bbkwargs can be given to MFSBlackBoxOptim to propagate more keywords to BlackBoxOptimization.jl


  • New function edgetrack for finding saddles.
  • New function convergence_and_basins_of_attraction for obtaining the iterates each initial condition took to reach the attractor.
  • New plotting function shaded_basins_heatmap.


  • The algorithm of AttractorsViaRecurrences has been simplified a bit. The action of the keyword mx_chk_loc_att has been changed which may lead to different results in some usage cases. Now mx_chk_loc_att counts how many steps to take after collecting enough recurrences, and this step count is only increasing.
  • Additional benefit of this change is that incorrect algorithm behaviour can be caught eagerly. Now an error is thrown when we know in advance the algorithm will fail. (This also affects continuation with RAFM)
  • The documentation of AttractorsViaRecurrences has been improved and clarified. Additionally a video illustrating algorithm behaviour has been added.
  • A renaming of some of the options (keyword arguments) of AttractorsViaRecurrences has been done in line with the clarity increase of the algorithm. The following renames are in place and currently deprecated:
    • mx_chk_fnd_att -> consecutive_recurrences
    • mx_chk_loc_att -> attractor_locate_steps
    • mx_chk_att -> consecutive_attractor_steps
    • mx_chk_hit_bas -> consecutive_basin_steps
    • mx_chk_lost -> consecutive_lost_steps
    • mx_chk_safety -> maximum_iterations


  • New algorithm GroupViaPairwiseComparison to group features in AttractorsViaFeaturizing. Simpler, typically faster and using less memory than DBSCAN, it can be useful in well-behaved systems.


  • New algorithm subdivision_based_grid. Allows user to automatically construct the grid which simulates subdivision into regions with different discretization levels in accordance with state space flow speed.


  • Added support of irregular grids to AttractorsViaRecurrences, now user can provide ranges without fixed step along the same axis.


  • Matching attractors during the continuation with RAFM has been improved and is done by the function match_continuation! which has two options regarding how to handle attractors of previous parameters that have vanished.


  • New algorithm minimal_fatal_shock that finds the minimal perturbation for arbitrary initial condition u0 which will kick the system into different from the current basin.


  • Fixed issue where poincare map was not working with basins of attraction as intended (sampling points directly on the hyperplane)


  • Some functions have been renamed for higher level of clarity (deprecations have been put in place):
    • match_attractor_ids! -> match_statespacesets!
    • GroupAcrossParameter -> FeaturizeGroupAcrossParameter.


  • Attractors.jl moved to Julia 1.9+
  • Plotting utility functions are now part of the API using package extensions. They are exported, documented, and used in the examples.


  • Our pre-print regarding the global stability analysis framework offered by Attractors.jl is now online:
  • Package now has a CITATION.bib file.


  • New function rematch! that can be used after continuation is called with AttractorsViaRecurrences, if the original matching performed was not ideal.


  • More plotting functions have been added and plotting has been exposed as API. After Julia 1.9 it will also be documented and formally included in the built docs.


  • Add option force_non_adaptive to AttractorsViaRecurrences. This option is of instrumental importance when the grid is too fine or when limit cycle attractors are involved.


  • basins_fractions no longer returns the attractors. Instead, a function extract_attractors(mapper::AttractorMapper) is provided that gives the attractors. This makes an overall more convenient experience that doesn't depend on the type of the initial conditions used.


  • Added the continuation function and the two types RecurrencesFindAndMatch and GroupAcrossParameterContinuation


This is the first release. It continues from ChaosTools.jl v2.9, and hence, the comparison of attractor-related features is w.r.t to that version.

Finding attractors

  • New attractor mapping algorithm AttractorsViaRecurrencesSparse that uses sparse arrays to find attractors of arbitrarily high dimensional dynamical systems, eliminating the main drawback of AttractorsViaRecurrences.
  • Clustering (used in AttractorsViaFeaturizing) has been completely overhauled. Now, a ClusteringConfig instances must be created and then passed on to AttractorsViaFeaturizing.
  • AttractorsViaFeaturizing no longer has keywords about clustering.
  • A new function cluster_features is exported to the public API.
  • Multithreading is now an option in AttractorsViaFeaturizing. It is enabled by default.
  • Added a new clause in automatic ε estimation in AttractorsViaProximity for when there is only a single attractor passed in by the user.

Basin fractions continuation

  • New function continuation that calculates basins fractions and how these change versus a parameter (given a continuation method)
  • New basins fraction continuation method RecurrencesFindAndMatch that utilizes a brand new algorithm to continuate basins fractions of arbitrary systems.
  • match_attractor_ids! has been fully overhauled to be more flexible, allow more ways to match, and also allow arbitrary user-defined ways to match.
  • New function match_basins_ids! for matching the output of basins_of_attraction`.
  • New exported functions swap_dict_keys!, unique_keys, replacement_map used in code that matches attractors and could be useful to front-end users.