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KBot Modules Plugin

Plugin for @sapphire/framework to group commands and features into modules.

License: MIT

npm npm


This plugin allows developers to seperate commands and features into distinct modules, as well as allow them to be dynamically enabled and disabled.


npm install @kbotdev/plugin-modules @sapphire/framework discord.js

Subcommand plugin compatibility

If you are already using the Subcommand plugin, make sure you do NOT manually register the subcommand plugin. This plugin already registers it due to the dependency.


An example implementation can be found in KBot's repo:


Modules are loaded from the modules directory.

Registering the plugin

import '@kbotdev/plugin-modules/register';

Creating a module

// modules/ExampleModule.ts
import { Module, type IsEnabledContext, type ModuleError } from '@kbotdev/plugin-modules';
import type { Piece, Result } from '@sapphire/framework';

export class ExampleModule extends Module {
	public constructor(context: Module.LoaderContext, options: Piece.Options) {
		super(context, {
			// The name of the module that a user would see
			fullName: 'Example Module',
			description: 'An example module.'

	public isEnabled(context: IsEnabledContext): boolean {
		return true;

	// Or async
	public async isEnabled(context: IsEnabledContext): Promise<boolean> {
		try {
			const data = await getGuildSettings(context.guild?.id);
			return data.enabled;
		} catch {
			return false;

	// Or using Result from @sapphire/framework
	public isEnabled(context: IsEnabledContext): Result<boolean, ModuleError> {
		return this.ok(true);

// Register the module name as what you put for the class
declare module '@kbotdev/plugin-modules' {
	interface Modules {
		ExampleModule: never;

Creating a command for the module

// commands/ExampleCommand.ts
import { ModuleCommand } from '@kbotdev/plugin-modules';
import type { Command } from '@sapphire/framework';
import type { ExampleModule } from '../modules/ExampleModule';

export class ExampleCommand extends ModuleCommand<ExampleModule> {
	public constructor(context: ModuleCommand.LoaderContext, options: Command.Options) {
		super(context, {

			// Using the same name registered earlier
			module: 'ExampleModule',
			description: 'An awesome description.',

			// A precondition that calls the 'isEnabled' function on ExampleModule
			preconditions: ['ModuleEnabled']

	public async chatInputRun(interaction: ModuleCommand.ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
		// Access the module with
		const { module } = this;
		return interaction.reply(module.fullName);