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Execute device support for EPICS

The execute device support is a general-purpose software device support that can be used to run any program from an EPICS IOC. Typically, this will be scripts (e.g. Bash, Python), but it is perfectly possible to run binary programs as well.

The possibility to use arbitrary scripts facilitates a wide range of possible applications, like sending notifications, writing log files, calling web services, querying databases, and many more.

The execute device support always runs program asynchronously, so a program will never block operation of the IOC. Data can be passed from the IOC using arguments (command-line parameters), environment variables, and a stream of characters (supplied to the program on the standard input). Both the program's exit code and its output can be passed back to the EPICS IOC.

Installing the device support

The device support does not have any external dependencies except for EPICS Base. It has been developed for EPICS Base 3.15, but it will most likely work with recent versions of EPICS Base 3.14 or any version of EPICS Base 3.16 as well.

The path to the EPICS Base installation should be set by creating the file configure/RELEASE.local and adding a line like the following:

EPICS_BASE = /path/to/epics/base

The device support must be compiled with a compiler that supports C++ 11. For many compilers (including recent versions of GCC and Clang), C++ 11 support has to be enabled explicitly. This can typically be done by creating the file configure/CONFIG_SITE.local and adding the following line:

USR_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11

After that, the device support can be compiled like any device support by running make.

Adding the device support to an IOC

In order to use the device support in an IOC, a reference has to be added to the configure/RELEASE file:


In addition to that, it has to be added to the list of DBD files and libraries. This is typically done in xxxApp/src/Makefile:

xxx_DBD += execute.dbd
xxx_LIBS += execute

These two steps should be sufficient for linking the IOC with the device support.

Adding a command

The execute device support is built around the notion of commands. A command is the entity that establishes a link between the various records involved in the execution of a program.

A command is created by using the executeAddCommand command in the IOC's startup script (typically iocBoot/iocXXX/st.cmd). The format of this IOC shell command is:

executeAddCommand("<command ID>", "<path to the program>", <no wait flag>)

The <command ID> is the ID that identifies the command. It can be chosen freely, but must be unique within the IOC (multiple instances of executeAddCommand have to specifiy different IDs). It must only consist of alphanumeric (ASCII) characters and the underscore.

The <path to the program> is the absolute path to the program that shall be run. The specified string is not evaluated by a shell. This means that using things like pipes, input or output redirection, etc. is not possible. If you need such features, simply wrap the line in a shell script and specify the path to the shell script instead.

The <no wait flag> specifies whether the device support waits for a program to finish execution. If set to 0, the device support waits for the program to terminate and makes the program's exit code and output available to the respective input records. As a consequence, it is not possible to run more than one instance of the program in parallel (unless several command instances have been defined for the same program). If set to 1 the device support does not wait for the program to terminate. It simply forks the process without checking whether the program executed successfully. This means that neither the exit code nor the output can be made available via records. For this reason, this flag should only be set if parallel execution of the same command instance is needed.

Important security notice: When writing a script that is executed by the device support, keep in mind that command-line arguments and values of environment variables (if made available through records) as well as the data provided to the standard input can be controlled by a remote user. For this reason, treat all these values as untrusted data and be sure to escape and / or quote them properly when using them inside your script. In general, the same considerations as when writing a CGI script executed by a webserver apply.

Supported records

The execute device supports the aai, aao, ao, bi, bo, longin, longout, lsi, lso, mbbi, mbbo, mbbiDirect, mbboDirect, stringin, and stringout records. The lsi and lso records are only supported when compiling against EPICS Base 3.15.1 or a newer release of EPICS Base.

The DTYP that has to be specified for all records is execute. The format of the address that has to be specified in the record's INP or OUT field (depending on the record type) is:

@<command ID> <type> <type dependent part>

The <command ID> is the same ID that is specified when using executeAddCommand in the IOC's startup file.

The <type> specifies the role of the record (e.g. command-line argument, environment variable, exit code). The <type dependent part> depends entirely on the specified type and is even missing for some types.

The exact address format for the various types and their meanings are discussed in the rest of this section. Please note that not all records support all types. Please refer to the sub-section of each address type for a list of the corresponding record types.

Setting program arguments (arg)

Arguments passed to the executed program (also known as command-line parameters) are specified by using an address type of arg:

@<command ID> arg <index>

In this address, <index> is the numeric index of the respective argument. For example, an <index> of 1 means that the respective value will be passed as the first argument to the program. The number 0 cannot be used as (according to POSIX conventions) this index is always used for passing the path to the exexcutable.

This type of address can be used with the aao, ao, bo, longout, lso, mbbo, mbboDirect, and stringout records. When using the aao record, the element type (FTVL) must be CHAR or UCHAR. In case of the ao record, the VAL field (floating point value) is used and no conversion applies. In case of the bo, mbbo, and mbboDirect records, the RVAL field is used, so conversion applies.

The argument is set when the respective record is processed and is then going to be used the next time the command is run. It is possible to have more than one record for the same command and argument index, but in this case the record that is processed last is going to win. In order to avoid ambiguities, it is suggested to avoid such scenarios and only specify one record per command and argument index.

The number of arguments passed to a program is defined by the greatest argument index that has been specified in any record defined for the command (assuming the record has also been processed at least once). For example, if there only is a record specifying an argument index of 3 (or the other records have not been processed yet at the time when the command is run), three arguments (in addition to the executable path) are passed to the program, and the arguments with the indices 1 and 2 are set to the empty string. In order to avoid a varying number of arguments being passed to the command, it is suggested to set each record's PINI field to YES. This will ensure that all arguments are properly initialized before running the command for the first time.

Example record definition for this address type:

record(longout, "$(P)$(R)Arg3") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(OUT,  "@$(CMD) arg 3")
  field(VAL,  "-25")
  field(PINI, "YES")

Setting environment variables (env)

Environment variables passed to the executed program are specified by using an address type of env:

@<command ID> env <variable name>

In this address, <variable name> is the name of the environment variable that shall be set. The specified environment variables supplement the environment of the parent process (the IOC). This means that the forked process will have all environment variables that are also defined in the IOC's environment. In addition to that, it will have the environment variables defined by records. If an environment variable is specified both by the IOC's environment and a record, the value from the record takes precedence.

The <variable name> must only contain alphanumeric (ASCII) characters and the underscore.

This type of address can be used with the aao, ao, bo, longout, lso, mbbo, mbboDirect, and stringout records. When using the aao record, the element type (FTVL) must be CHAR or UCHAR. In case of the ao record, the VAL field (floating point value) is used and no conversion applies. In case of the bo, mbbo, and mbboDirect records, the RVAL field is used, so conversion applies.

The environment variable is set when the respective record is processed and is then going to be used the next time the command is run. It is possible to have more than one record for the same command and environment variable, but in this case the record that is processed last is going to win. In order to avoid ambiguities, it is suggested to avoid such scenarios and only specify one record per command and environment variable.

An environment variable is only set once the corresponding record has been processed. For this reason, it is suggested to set each record's PINI field to YES. This will ensure that all environment variables are properly initialized before running the command for the first time and a variable will never be missing from the command's environment.

Example record definition for this address type:

record(ao, "$(P)$(R)MyVar") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(OUT,  "@$(CMD) env MY_VAR")
  field(VAL,  "7.3")
  field(PINI, "YES")

Supplying data to the standard input (stdin)

Data may be passed to the standard input of the run program by using an address type of stdin:

@<command ID> stdin

@<command ID> stdin null-terminated

This type of address can be used with the aao, lso, and stringout records. When using the aao record, the element type (FTVL) must be CHAR or UCHAR. Using the aao record is the only means of passing any data that may contain null bytes. Such data cannot be set using the lso or stringout records, and it cannot be passed as an argument or an environment variable either.

The null-terminated option is optional. It only has an effect when using the aao record. The effect of this option is that only data before the first null byte is passed to the standard input, just like it is done for environment variables and arguments or when using the lso or stringout records.

The data is only made available to the standard input once the corresponding record has been processed. However, setting PINI to YES is mainly useful when using the stringout record because there is no proper way for setting the VAL field of an aao or lso record’s value as part of the record definition (you can use an lso record’s DOL field with a constant JSON link though).

Example record definition for this address type:

record(aao, "$(P)$(R)StdIn") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(OUT,  "@$(CMD) stdin")
  field(FTYP, "CHAR")
  field(NELM, "1024")

Reading the exit code (exit_code)

The exit code from a program's last execution can be retrieved by using an address type of exit_code:

@<command ID> exit_code

This type of address can be used with the bi, longin, mbbi, and mbbiDirect. When using the bi, mbbi, or mbbiDirect record, the RVAL field is used, so conversion applies.

When the record is processed, it reads the exit code returned by the program the last time the command was run. If the command has not bee run yet, the record's value is set to 0. If the program did not terminate normally, but was killed by a signal, the record's value is set to -1. If the program could not be run because a system call failed (e.g. the process could not be forked), the record's value is set to -2.

Processing of the record must be triggered after the program has terminated. The easiest way of achieving this is placing a forward link from the record triggering the command to be run to the record reading the exit code. It is possible to have several records reading the exit code (e.g. a bi record used for a general success or error flag and a longin record for getting more detailed status information).

The exit code cannot be read if a command's no-wait flag has been set. Defining a record for such a command will result in an error during record initialization.

Example record definition for this address type:

record(bi, "$(P)$(R)Status") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(INP,  "@$(CMD) exit_code")
  field(ZNAM, "Success")
  field(ONAM, "Error")

Reading the output (stdout or stderr)

Data that is written by the program to the standard output or the standard error output, can be retrieved by using an address type of stdout or stderr respectively:

@<command ID> stdout

@<command ID> stderr

This type of address can be used with the aai, lsi and stringin records. When using the aai record, the element type (FTVL) must be CHAR or UCHAR. Using the aai record is the only means of (completely) retrieving data that may contain null bytes. Such data cannot be retrieved using the lsi or stringin records (any data following the first null byte is going to be discarded in this case).

Processing of the record must be triggered after the program has terminated. The easiest way of achieving this is placing a forward link from the record triggering the command to be run to the record reading the program's output. It is possible to have several records reading the same output (e.g. two records reading from stdout), but usually there is little use for that.

The output cannot be read if a command's no-wait flag has been set. Defining a record for such a command will result in an error during record initialization.

Example record definition for this address type:

record(stringin, "$(P)$(R)StdOut") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(INP,  "@$(CMD) stdout")

Running a command (run)

A command is run by processing a record that uses an address type of run:

@<command ID> run

@<command ID> run wait

The wait flag is optional. It defines the processing behavior of the record.

Usually (without the wait flag), the record changes its value to 1 and starts execution of the command when being processed. Once the command finishes execution, the record is automatically processed again and changes its value to 0. This means that the record can be monitored in order to know whether the command has finished execution. Please note that when the record points to another one via a forward link, the target record is going to be processed twice: the first time when the execution of the command starts and the second time when the execution of the command finishes. This should not be an issue when the target record reads the exit code or the program's output. In this case, the target record might read old data (from the previous execution) during its first processing, but will always read the newest data during its second processing.

If the command's no-wait flag is set, the record's value is never changed to 1 and it simply starts the execution of the command and resets the value to 0.

If the wait flag is set in the address, the record is processed differently. The record's value also changes to 1 when the execution of the command is started. However, the record does not finish processing immediately. Instead, the PACT flag is set in order to indicate that record processing will complete asynchronously. This means that no forward links are processed at this point and no Channel Access monitors are notified, so monitors will not see the value change. Once the command's execution completes, the record completes the processing, setting its value to 0 and clearing the PACT flag. After this, the forward link is processed as well.

Setting the wait flag in the record address might be desirable when using ca_put_callback in order to trigger processing of the record. In this case, the client starting the processing will only be notified once the command's execution has completed. If the wait flag is not set, the client is notified immediately after starting execution of the command.

The wait flag in the record address must not be set if the command's no-wait flag is set. Setting the wait flag for a record that refers to a command that has been defined with its no-wait flag set, will result in an error during record initialization.

The run address type can only be used with the bo record. The record's value is changed when being processed, but any value specified by the user does not have any effect.

Unless the command's no-wait flag has been set, only one run of the command can be triggered in parallel. When using a single bo record, the device support ensures this. Triggering processing of the record before the command has finished execution will have no effect (except for restoring the record's value to 1, if it has been changed). However, if there is more than one record for triggering execution of the same command, triggering execution through the second record while an execution triggered through the first record is still running will result in an error. For this reason, it is suggested to only use a single record for each command.

Example record definition for this address type:

record(bo, "$(P)$(R)Run") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(OUT,  "@$(CMD) run")

Known issues

On macOS (at least on macOS 10.12), it can happen that the execution of a command is started, but the actual executable is never invoked and the forked process is stalled indefinitely.

This problem is caused by a bug in the loader (dyld): When using fork() in a multi-threaded program, it can happen that the loader tries to acquire a mutex in the forked process that had been held by another thread in the process that called fork(). This happens even when only using async signal safe functions in the forked process. Whenn inspecting the forked process in the debugger, the stack trace looks like this:

frame #0: 0x00007fffe14a8c22 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__psynch_mutexwait + 10
frame #1: 0x00007fffe1593dfa libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_mutex_lock_wait + 100
frame #2: 0x00007fffe1591519 libsystem_pthread.dylib`_pthread_mutex_lock_slow + 285
frame #3: 0x00007fffe1376118 libdyld.dylib`dyldGlobalLockAcquire() + 16
frame #4: 0x0000000115ce4f96 dyld`ImageLoaderMachOCompressed::doBindFastLazySymbol(unsigned int, ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, void (*)(), void (*)()) + 54
frame #5: 0x0000000115ccc86d dyld`dyld::fastBindLazySymbol(ImageLoader**, unsigned long) + 90
frame #6: 0x00007fffe1376282 libdyld.dylib`dyld_stub_binder + 282
frame #7: 0x0000000109cb6320 libexecute.dylib

Unfortunately, there is no workaround for this bug that can be implemented in the code. The only known workaround is disabling lazy binding when linking the device support library. This can be achieved by adding the following line to configure/CONFIG_SITE.local:

USR_LDFLAGS += -bind_at_load

Example application

This section presents a simple example that shows how the three parts (executed program, IOC startup script, and records) work together.

We assume that there is a simple shell script /usr/local/bin/ with the following content:


case "$language" in
    echo -n "Hello $1"
    echo -n "Hallo $1"
    echo "Unsupported language ID: $language" >&2
    exit 1

As you can see, this script expects a name as its first (and only) argument and also expectes an environment variable with the name language that defines the language of the greeting. Please note that we only use arguments and environment variables in quotes. This is important to ensure that their values cannot be used to inject commands.

In the IOC's startup script (st.cmd), we define the command and load the corresponding record definitions:

executeAddCommand("CMD0", "/usr/local/bin/", 0)
dbLoadDatabase("db/greeter.db", "P=Test:,R=Greeter:,CMD=CMD0)

Finally, we define a few records in the record file (greeter.db):

record(stringout, "$(P)$(R)Name") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(OUT,  "@$(CMD) arg 1")
  field(VAL,  "Anonymous")
  field(PINI, "YES")

record(mbbo, "$(P)$(R)Language") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(OUT,  "@$(CMD) env language")
  field(VAL,  "0")
  field(PINI, "YES")
  field(ZRST, "English")
  field(ZRVL, "0")
  field(ONST, "German")
  field(ONVL, "1")
  field(TWST, "French")
  field(TWVL, "2")

record(bo, "$(P)$(R)Run") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(OUT,  "@$(CMD) run")
  field(ZNAM, "Idle")
  field(ONAM, "Running")
  field(FLNK, "$(P)$(R)ExitCode")

record(bi, "$(P)$(R)ExitCode") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(INP,  "@$(CMD) exit_code")
  field(ZNAM, "OK")
  field(ONAM, "Error")
  field(FLNK, "$(P)$(R)Greeting")

record(stringin, "$(P)$(R)Greeting") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(INP,  "@$(CMD) stdout")
  field(FLNK, "$(P)$(R)ErrorMessage")

record(stringin, "$(P)$(R)ErrorMessage") {
  field(DTYP, "execute")
  field(INP,  "@$(CMD) stderr")

After starting the IOC, we can run the command by writing to the PROC field of the Run record:

caput Test:Greeter:Run.PROC 0

As a result, the records for the exit code, the greeting and the error message should have been updated:

caget Test:Greeter:{ExitCode,Greeting,ErrorMessage}
Test:Greeter:ExitCode          OK
Test:Greeter:Greeting          Hello Anonymous

Now, we change the name and run the command again:

caput Test:Greeter:Name Peter
caput Test:Greeter:Run.PROC 0

The output should have changed now:

caget Test:Greeter:{ExitCode,Greeting,ErrorMessage}
Test:Greeter:ExitCode          OK
Test:Greeter:Greeting          Hello Peter

Now, we also change the language:

caput Test:Greeter:Language German
caput Test:Greeter:Run.PROC 0

The greeting is now printed in German:

caget Test:Greeter:{ExitCode,Greeting,ErrorMessage}
Test:Greeter:ExitCode          OK
Test:Greeter:Greeting          Hello Peter

Finally, we change the language to French:

caput Test:Greeter:Language French
caput Test:Greeter:Run.PROC 0

As this language is not supported by the shell script, we expect an error:

caget Test:Greeter:{ExitCode,Greeting,ErrorMessage}
Test:Greeter:ExitCode          Error
Test:Greeter:ErrorMessage      Unsupported language ID: 2\n

Please note the \n in the error message. As we did not suppress the output of a newline character (by using echo -n), it has been included in the message printed by the shell script.

Copyright / License

This EPICS device support is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3. It has been developed by aquenos GmbH on behalf of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology's Institute of Beam Physics and Technology.

This device support contains code originally developed for the s7nodave device support. aquenos GmbH has given special permission to relicense these parts of the s7nodave device support under the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.