- 10000 random points - no time dimension
- Point timeseries NetCDF - Automated weather station observations
- Random observations with a timestamp (earthquakes)
- Random events fixed in timeslots (lightning)
- TODO symbols
This demonstrates how a file with 10000 points can be created and displayed in ADAGUC.
- Python script create_featuretype_point_notimedim.py
- Netcdf file create_featuretype_point_notimedim.nc
Or see it in the adaguc-viewer
The NetCDF file should have the following structure:
netcdf create_featuretype_point_notimedim {
numpoints = 10000 ;
double lat(numpoints) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
double lon(numpoints) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
float percent(numpoints) ;
percent:units = "%" ;
percent:standard_name = "percentage" ;
// global attributes:
:featureType = "point" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
The ADAGUC configuration for the Layer object looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Legend name="bluewhitered" type="colorRange">
<palette index="0" red="0" green="60" blue="123"/>
<palette index="30" red="0" green="100" blue="140"/>
<palette index="60" red="8" green="130" blue="206"/>
<palette index="85" red="132" green="211" blue="255"/>
<palette index="120" red="247" green="247" blue="247"/>
<palette index="155" red="255" green="195" blue="57"/>
<palette index="180" red="232" green="28" blue="0"/>
<palette index="210" red="165" green="0" blue="0"/>
<palette index="240" red="90" green="0" blue="0"/>
<Style name="randompoint1">
<Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="10">bluewithred</Legend>
<NameMapping name="point" title="Points" abstract="Points"/>
<Point plotstationid="false" pointstyle="point" discradius="8"
textradius="0" dot="true" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"
textformat=" "/>
<Layer type="database">
<Group value="tests"/>
<Title>10000 random points!</Title>
This file contains observations over time for several stations, this is usually used to store observations from fixed automated weather stations over time.
See it in the adaguc-viewer using the OBS dataset
The data for each parameter is organised as a table with a station and a time dimension.
netcdf KIS___OPER_P___OBS_____L2 {
station = 149 ;
time = 23538 ;
string station(station) ;
station:long_name = "station name" ;
station:cf_role = "timeseries_id" ;
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "time of measurement" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "seconds since 1950-01-01 00:00:00" ;
double lat(station) ;
lat:long_name = "station latitude" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lon(station) ;
lon:long_name = "station longitude" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
short TG(station, time) ;
TG:coordinates = "lat lon" ;
TG:kisid = "TG" ;
TG:description = "Daily mean temperature in (0.1 degrees Celsius);" ;
TG:_FillValue = -9999s ;
TG:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
TG:units = "degrees Celsius" ;
TG:long_name = "Temperature" ;
TG:scale_factor = 0.1f ;
TG:add_offset = 0.f ;
char projection ;
projection:EPSG_code = "EPSG:4326" ;
// global attributes:
:featureType = "timeSeries" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:title = "KIS___OPER_P___OBS_____L2" ;
:institution = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
:source = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
:history = "File created from KIS ASCII file. " ;
:references = "http://data.knmi.nl" ;
:comment = "none" ;
The ADAGUC configuration looks like this:
<Legend name="temperature" type="interval">
<palette index="0" color="#2E2E73"/> <!-- -14 -->
<palette index="9" color="#282898"/> <!-- -12 -->
<palette index="18" color="#201FBB"/> <!-- -10 -->
<palette index="27" color="#1A1ADC"/> <!-- -8 -->
<palette index="36" color="#3654DE"/> <!-- -6 -->
<palette index="45" color="#548EDC"/> <!-- -4 -->
<palette index="54" color="#72CADE"/> <!-- -2 -->
<palette index="63" color="#6DD8DF"/> <!-- 0-->
<palette index="72" color="#55CDE2"/> <!-- 2-->
<palette index="81" color="#38BBDC"/> <!-- 4 -->
<palette index="90" color="#20B0DC"/> <!-- 6 -->
<palette index="99" color="#19BAA6"/> <!-- 8 -->
<palette index="108" color="#1CCE6A"/> <!-- 10 -->
<palette index="117" color="#1BDF22"/> <!-- 12 -->
<palette index="126" color="#82C319"/> <!-- 14 -->
<palette index="135" color="#DCA819"/> <!-- 16 -->
<palette index="144" color="#DD921A"/> <!-- 18 -->
<palette index="153" color="#DE7C1A"/> <!-- 20 -->
<palette index="162" color="#DF671A"/> <!-- 22 -->
<palette index="171" color="#DE501A"/> <!-- 24 -->
<palette index="180" color="#DD3819"/> <!-- 26 -->
<palette index="189" color="#DD2319"/> <!-- 28 -->
<palette index="198" color="#D21A1E"/> <!-- 30 -->
<palette index="207" color="#C31927"/> <!-- 32 -->
<palette index="216" color="#AD1A30"/> <!-- 34 -->
<palette index="225" color="#9A1A3B"/> <!-- 36 -->
<palette index="234" color="#871A44"/> <!-- 38 -->
<palette index="240" color="#871A44"/> <!-- 39,33 -->
<Style name="temperature">
<Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="2">temperature</Legend>
<Max>39,33333333</Max> <!-- 39,33333333 = (240 / (234/(38 - -14)))- 14 -->
<NameMapping name="point" title="Temperature"
<Point plotstationid="false" pointstyle="point" discradius="15" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="8" textcolor="#000000" />
<Layer type="database">
<Group value="KNMI Daily Obs"/>
<FilePath filter="\^.*\.nc$">/data/services/data/testsets/pointtimeseries/KIS*OPER_POBS*_L2.nc</FilePath>
This file is characterized by random observations which occur over time. This file has no time dimension, but has time attached to each observation.
netcdf EQ____OPER_P___OBS_____L2 {
obs = 100 ;
string location(obs) ;
location:long_name = "Location name" ;
location:units = "string" ;
location:coordinates = "time lat lon depth" ;
string phase_file(obs) ;
phase_file:long_name = "Phase file name" ;
phase_file:units = "string" ;
phase_file:coordinates = "time lat lon depth" ;
string type(obs) ;
type:long_name = "Event type" ;
type:units = "string" ;
type:coordinates = "time lat lon depth" ;
double time(obs) ;
time:long_name = "Time of measurement" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
time:units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
double lat(obs) ;
lat:long_name = "Latitude of the observation" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
double lon(obs) ;
lon:long_name = "Longitude of the observation" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
double depth(obs) ;
depth:long_name = "Vertical distance below the surface" ;
depth:standard_name = "height" ;
depth:units = "km" ;
depth:axis = "Z" ;
depth:positive = "down" ;
double magnitude(obs) ;
magnitude:long_name = "Richter magnitude scale" ;
magnitude:standard_name = "magnitude" ;
magnitude:units = "magnitude" ;
magnitude:coordinates = "time lat lon depth" ;
char projection ;
projection:EPSG_code = "EPSG:4326" ;
// global attributes:
:featureType = "point" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
:title = "EQ____OPER_P___OBS_____L2" ;
:institution = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
:source = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
:history = "File created from last100.json JSON file. " ;
:references = "http://data.knmi.nl" ;
:comment = "none" ;
The configuration in ADAGUC looks like this:
<Legend name="magnitude" type="colorRange">
<palette index="0" color="#55005550"/> <!-- 0 Nothing -->
<palette index="20" color="#66009980"/> <!-- 1 Insignificant -->
<palette index="40" color="#0099FF80"/> <!-- 2 Low -->
<palette index="60" color="#00CC99B0"/> <!-- 3 Minor -->
<palette index="80" color="#99CC66B0"/> <!-- 4 Moderate -->
<palette index="100" color="#99FF33B0"/> <!-- 5 Intermediate -->
<palette index="120" color="#FFFF33B0"/> <!-- 6 Noteworthy -->
<palette index="140" color="#FFCC66C0"/> <!-- 7 High -->
<palette index="160" color="#FF9966D0"/> <!-- 8 Far-reaching -->
<palette index="180" color="#FF3300E0"/> <!-- 9 Outstanding -->
<palette index="200" color="#CC0000FF"/> <!-- 10 Extraordinary -->
<palette index="220" color="#880000FF"/> <!-- 11 ! -->
<palette index="239" color="#000000FF"/> <!-- 12 !! -->
<Style name="magnitude">
<Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="1">magnitude</Legend>
<NameMapping name="point" title="Richter magnitude scale" abstract="Wth continuous colors"/>
<Point plotstationid="false" pointstyle="point" discradius="20" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>
<Layer type="database">
<Group value="KNMI Earthquakes NL"/>
<FilePath filter="^.*\.nc$">/data/services/data/testsets/pointtimeseries/EQ____OPER_P___OBS_____L2.nc</FilePath>
This is an example on how a timeseries of lightning events can be quantized in fixed timeslots. This enables for example the animated display of multiple lightning detections over 5 minute time intervals. This is achieved by creating netcdf files each containing a timeslot with lightning events. The NetCDF files must have a time dimension of length 1 and contains all events in that timeslot.
netcdf btd_20150605T180000 {
obs = 5 ;
time = 1 ;
double lat(obs) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
double lon(obs) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
double time(time) ;
time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
time:standard_name = "time" ;
double warningindicator(obs, time) ;
warningindicator:units = "warningindicator" ;
warningindicator:standard_name = "warningindicator" ;
double warningflag(obs, time) ;
warningflag:units = "warningflag" ;
warningflag:standard_name = "warningflag" ;
// global attributes:
:featureType = "point" ;
:Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
The ADAGUC configuration contains a layer with a Dimension definition, this dimension has an interval of 5 minutes:
<Style name="btd">
<Legend fixed="true">bluewhitered</Legend>
<Point discradius="5" textformat=" " dot="false"/>
<Layer type="database">
<Group value="BTD300 test"/>
<Title>BTD300 warning flag</Title>
<FilePath filter="^btd_.*\.nc$">/data/services/data/testsets/btdsensor/</FilePath>
<Dimension name="time" interval="PT5M" default="min">time</Dimension>