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File metadata and controls

359 lines (317 loc) · 14.2 KB

Pointtimeseries example


  1. 10000 random points - no time dimension
  2. Point timeseries NetCDF - Automated weather station observations
  3. Random observations with a timestamp (earthquakes)
  4. Random events fixed in timeslots (lightning)
  5. TODO symbols

1) 10000 random points - no time dimension

This demonstrates how a file with 10000 points can be created and displayed in ADAGUC.


Or see it in the adaguc-viewer

The NetCDF file should have the following structure:

netcdf create_featuretype_point_notimedim {
        numpoints = 10000 ;
        double lat(numpoints) ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
                lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
        double lon(numpoints) ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
                lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
        float percent(numpoints) ;
                percent:units = "%" ;
                percent:standard_name = "percentage" ;

// global attributes:
                :featureType = "point" ;
                :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;

The ADAGUC configuration for the Layer object looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
	<Legend name="bluewhitered" type="colorRange">
		<palette index="0" red="0" green="60" blue="123"/>
		<palette index="30" red="0" green="100" blue="140"/>
		<palette index="60" red="8" green="130" blue="206"/>
		<palette index="85" red="132" green="211" blue="255"/>
		<palette index="120" red="247" green="247" blue="247"/>
		<palette index="155" red="255" green="195" blue="57"/>
		<palette index="180" red="232" green="28" blue="0"/>
		<palette index="210" red="165" green="0" blue="0"/>
		<palette index="240" red="90" green="0" blue="0"/>
	<Style name="randompoint1">
		<Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="10">bluewithred</Legend>
		<NameMapping name="point" title="Points" abstract="Points"/>
		<Point plotstationid="false" pointstyle="point" discradius="8"
  textradius="0" dot="true" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"
  textformat=" "/>
	<Layer type="database">
		<Group value="tests"/>
		<Title>10000 random points!</Title>

2) Point timeseries NetCDF - Automated weather station observations

This file contains observations over time for several stations, this is usually used to store observations from fixed automated weather stations over time.


See it in the adaguc-viewer using the OBS dataset

The data for each parameter is organised as a table with a station and a time dimension.

netcdf KIS___OPER_P___OBS_____L2 {
        station = 149 ;
        time = 23538 ;
        string station(station) ;
                station:long_name = "station name" ;
                station:cf_role = "timeseries_id" ;
        double time(time) ;
                time:long_name = "time of measurement" ;
                time:standard_name = "time" ;
                time:units = "seconds since 1950-01-01 00:00:00" ;
        double lat(station) ;
                lat:long_name = "station  latitude" ;
                lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        double lon(station) ;
                lon:long_name = "station longitude" ;
                lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        short TG(station, time) ;
                TG:coordinates = "lat lon" ;
                TG:kisid = "TG" ;
                TG:description = "Daily mean temperature in (0.1 degrees Celsius);" ;
                TG:_FillValue = -9999s ;
                TG:standard_name = "air_temperature" ;
                TG:units = "degrees Celsius" ;
                TG:long_name = "Temperature" ;
                TG:scale_factor = 0.1f ;
                TG:add_offset = 0.f ;
        char projection ;
                projection:EPSG_code = "EPSG:4326" ;

// global attributes:
                :featureType = "timeSeries" ;
                :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
                :title = "KIS___OPER_P___OBS_____L2" ;
                :institution = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
                :source = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
                :history = "File created from KIS ASCII file. " ;
                :references = "" ;
                :comment = "none" ;

The ADAGUC configuration looks like this:

<Legend name="temperature" type="interval">
  <palette index="0" color="#2E2E73"/> <!-- -14 -->
  <palette index="9" color="#282898"/> <!-- -12 -->
  <palette index="18" color="#201FBB"/> <!-- -10 -->
  <palette index="27" color="#1A1ADC"/> <!-- -8 -->
  <palette index="36" color="#3654DE"/> <!-- -6 -->
  <palette index="45" color="#548EDC"/> <!-- -4 -->
  <palette index="54" color="#72CADE"/> <!-- -2 -->
  <palette index="63" color="#6DD8DF"/> <!-- 0-->
  <palette index="72" color="#55CDE2"/> <!-- 2-->
  <palette index="81" color="#38BBDC"/> <!-- 4 -->
  <palette index="90" color="#20B0DC"/> <!-- 6 -->
  <palette index="99" color="#19BAA6"/> <!-- 8 -->
  <palette index="108" color="#1CCE6A"/> <!-- 10 -->
  <palette index="117" color="#1BDF22"/> <!-- 12 -->
  <palette index="126" color="#82C319"/> <!-- 14 -->
  <palette index="135" color="#DCA819"/> <!-- 16 -->
  <palette index="144" color="#DD921A"/> <!-- 18 -->
  <palette index="153" color="#DE7C1A"/> <!-- 20 -->
  <palette index="162" color="#DF671A"/> <!-- 22 -->
  <palette index="171" color="#DE501A"/> <!-- 24 -->
  <palette index="180" color="#DD3819"/> <!-- 26 -->
  <palette index="189" color="#DD2319"/> <!-- 28 -->
  <palette index="198" color="#D21A1E"/> <!-- 30 -->
  <palette index="207" color="#C31927"/> <!-- 32 -->
  <palette index="216" color="#AD1A30"/> <!-- 34 -->
  <palette index="225" color="#9A1A3B"/> <!-- 36 -->
  <palette index="234" color="#871A44"/> <!-- 38 -->
  <palette index="240" color="#871A44"/> <!-- 39,33 -->

<Style name="temperature">
  <Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="2">temperature</Legend>
  <Max>39,33333333</Max> <!-- 39,33333333 = (240 / (234/(38 - -14)))- 14 -->
  <NameMapping name="point" title="Temperature"
  <Point plotstationid="false" pointstyle="point" discradius="15" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="8" textcolor="#000000" />

<Layer type="database">
  <Group value="KNMI Daily Obs"/>
  <FilePath filter="\^.*\.nc$">/data/services/data/testsets/pointtimeseries/KIS*OPER_POBS*</FilePath>

3) Random observations with a timestamp (earthquakes)

This file is characterized by random observations which occur over time. This file has no time dimension, but has time attached to each observation.


netcdf EQ____OPER_P___OBS_____L2 {
        obs = 100 ;
        string location(obs) ;
                location:long_name = "Location name" ;
                location:units = "string" ;
                location:coordinates = "time lat lon depth" ;
        string phase_file(obs) ;
                phase_file:long_name = "Phase file name" ;
                phase_file:units = "string" ;
                phase_file:coordinates = "time lat lon depth" ;
        string type(obs) ;
                type:long_name = "Event type" ;
                type:units = "string" ;
                type:coordinates = "time lat lon depth" ;
        double time(obs) ;
                time:long_name = "Time of measurement" ;
                time:standard_name = "time" ;
                time:units = "days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
        double lat(obs) ;
                lat:long_name = "Latitude of the observation" ;
                lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
        double lon(obs) ;
                lon:long_name = "Longitude of the observation" ;
                lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
        double depth(obs) ;
                depth:long_name = "Vertical distance below the surface" ;
                depth:standard_name = "height" ;
                depth:units = "km" ;
                depth:axis = "Z" ;
                depth:positive = "down" ;
        double magnitude(obs) ;
                magnitude:long_name = "Richter magnitude scale" ;
                magnitude:standard_name = "magnitude" ;
                magnitude:units = "magnitude" ;
                magnitude:coordinates = "time lat lon depth" ;
        char projection ;
                projection:EPSG_code = "EPSG:4326" ;

// global attributes:
                :featureType = "point" ;
                :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;
                :title = "EQ____OPER_P___OBS_____L2" ;
                :institution = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
                :source = "Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)" ;
                :history = "File created from last100.json JSON file. " ;
                :references = "" ;
                :comment = "none" ;

The configuration in ADAGUC looks like this:

<Legend name="magnitude" type="colorRange">
  <palette index="0" color="#55005550"/>  <!-- 0 Nothing -->
  <palette index="20" color="#66009980"/>  <!-- 1 Insignificant -->
  <palette index="40" color="#0099FF80"/> <!-- 2 Low -->
  <palette index="60" color="#00CC99B0"/> <!-- 3 Minor -->
  <palette index="80" color="#99CC66B0"/> <!-- 4 Moderate -->
  <palette index="100" color="#99FF33B0"/> <!-- 5 Intermediate -->
  <palette index="120" color="#FFFF33B0"/> <!-- 6 Noteworthy -->
  <palette index="140" color="#FFCC66C0"/> <!-- 7 High -->
  <palette index="160" color="#FF9966D0"/> <!-- 8 Far-reaching -->
  <palette index="180" color="#FF3300E0"/> <!-- 9 Outstanding -->
  <palette index="200" color="#CC0000FF"/> <!-- 10 Extraordinary -->
  <palette index="220" color="#880000FF"/> <!-- 11 ! -->
  <palette index="239" color="#000000FF"/> <!-- 12 !! -->
<Style name="magnitude">
  <Legend fixed="true" tickinterval="1">magnitude</Legend>
  <NameMapping name="point"        title="Richter magnitude scale" abstract="Wth continuous colors"/>
  <Point plotstationid="false" pointstyle="point" discradius="20" textradius="0" dot="false" fontsize="14" textcolor="#FFFFFF"/>

<Layer type="database">
  <Group value="KNMI Earthquakes NL"/>
  <FilePath filter="^.*\.nc$">/data/services/data/testsets/pointtimeseries/</FilePath>

4) Random events fixed in timeslots (lightning)

This is an example on how a timeseries of lightning events can be quantized in fixed timeslots. This enables for example the animated display of multiple lightning detections over 5 minute time intervals. This is achieved by creating netcdf files each containing a timeslot with lightning events. The NetCDF files must have a time dimension of length 1 and contains all events in that timeslot.


netcdf btd_20150605T180000 {
        obs = 5 ;
        time = 1 ;
        double lat(obs) ;
                lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
                lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
        double lon(obs) ;
                lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
                lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
        double time(time) ;
                time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;
                time:standard_name = "time" ;
        double warningindicator(obs, time) ;
                warningindicator:units = "warningindicator" ;
                warningindicator:standard_name = "warningindicator" ;
        double warningflag(obs, time) ;
                warningflag:units = "warningflag" ;
                warningflag:standard_name = "warningflag" ;

// global attributes:
                :featureType = "point" ;
                :Conventions = "CF-1.4" ;

The ADAGUC configuration contains a layer with a Dimension definition, this dimension has an interval of 5 minutes:

<Style name="btd">
  <Legend fixed="true">bluewhitered</Legend>
  <Point discradius="5" textformat=" " dot="false"/>

<Layer type="database">
  <Group value="BTD300 test"/>
  <Title>BTD300 warning flag</Title>
  <FilePath filter="^btd_.*\.nc$">/data/services/data/testsets/btdsensor/</FilePath>
  <Dimension name="time" interval="PT5M" default="min">time</Dimension>