Golang Telegram TdLib JSON bindings
To install, you need to run inside a docker container (it is given below)
go get -u github.com/kaoriEl/go-tdlib
Library for working with golang based on tdlib.
This library was taken from the user Arman92 and changed for the current version of tdlib.
Telegram Tdlib is a complete library for creating telegram clients, it also has a simple tdjson ready-to-use library to ease the integration with different programming languages and platforms.
go-tdlib is a complete tdlib-tdjson binding package to help you create your own Telegram clients.
NOTE: basic tdjson-golang binding is inspired from this package: go-tdjson
All the classes and functions declared in Tdlib TypeLanguage schema So you can use every single type and method in Tdlib.
- Autogenerated golang structs and methods of tdlib .tl schema
- Custom event receivers defined by user (e.g. get only text messages from a specific user)
- Supports all tdjson functions: Send(), Execute(), Receive(), Destroy(), SetFilePath(), SetLogVerbosityLevel()
- Supports all tdlib functions and types
You can use prebuilt tdlib with following Docker image:
DockerFile with supervisord:
FROM jancimertel/golang-1.16-tdlib AS build
WORKDIR ./var/www
# Updates the repository and installs git
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && \
apk add --no-cache git supervisor
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache supervisor
COPY ./%YourPath%/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf
COPY /%YourGoScript% .
RUN go mod download
# Runs the binary once the container starts
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord", "-n"]
Here is a simple example for authorization and fetching updates:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create new instance of client
client := tdlib.NewClient(tdlib.Config{
APIID: "187786",
APIHash: "e782045df67ba48e441ccb105da8fc85",
SystemLanguageCode: "en",
DeviceModel: "Server",
SystemVersion: "1.0.0",
ApplicationVersion: "1.0.0",
UseMessageDatabase: true,
UseFileDatabase: true,
UseChatInfoDatabase: true,
UseTestDataCenter: false,
DatabaseDirectory: "./tdlib-db",
FileDirectory: "./tdlib-files",
IgnoreFileNames: false,
for {
currentState, _ := client.Authorize()
if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumberType {
fmt.Print("Enter phone: ")
var number string
_, err := client.SendPhoneNumber(number)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending phone number: %v", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitCodeType {
fmt.Print("Enter code: ")
var code string
_, err := client.SendAuthCode(code)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending auth code : %v", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateWaitPasswordType {
fmt.Print("Enter Password: ")
var password string
_, err := client.SendAuthPassword(password)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending auth password: %v", err)
} else if currentState.GetAuthorizationStateEnum() == tdlib.AuthorizationStateReadyType {
fmt.Println("Authorization Ready! Let's rock")
// Main loop
for update := range client.RawUpdates {
// Show all updates
More examples can be found on examples folder