A car-shopping android application, with a catalog of 15+ cars. Comes with secure login authentication system using firebase, cart management system and beautiful UI animations using lottie animations. I have followed the object oriented programming principles to make concepts easier to understand. Made UML and class diagrams before writing any code.
To run this project on your local machine for development and testing purposes use the given steps below
Things you need to install the software are
Android Studio Igauna 2023.4.1
Kotlin 1.8.0
JDK 17
Gradle 7.2+
Steps you need to follow to install the software are
You can see the code button above the directory. Click on it HTTPS
Clone the link given below
Open Android Studio and click File -> Project from version control
Paste the link in it and click Clone
If there is an error which says gradle version is depreciated then
Click the option re-import the project
Update the gradle wrapper from build toolbar
For testing purposes you can use two ways
Connect an android phone with minimum API 30 and run on it
Go to device manager and create a new device emulator with minimum
API 30 and run on it
- Kotlin - Backend implementation
- XML - Layout designing
- Firebase - Login authentication
- Couroutines - Multi-threading
- Room - Cart management and favourites
- Lottie Animations - UI animations
Login Page | SignUp Page | Favourite Page | Cart Page |
Home Page | Profile Page | Product Page | Home Page |
Secure payment gateway using razorpay API
Minor UI animations using lottie animations
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Karan Jadaun - KaranJadaun