Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Thanks to @ArnaudDelafosse for #142
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #130 - Updated .jsp file, form tag: use "modelAttribute" instead of deprecated "commandName"
- #138 - Upgraded markdown-page-generator-plugin (2.1.0 instead of 2.0.1)
- #135 - Upgraded owasp:dependency-check (3.1.1 instead of 3.0.2)
- #137 - Upgraded spring-security (4.2.4 instead of 4.2.3)
- #139 - Upgraded javaee-web-api (8.0 instead of 7.0)
- #128 - Webapp: added "charset=UTF-8" HTTP header for css, js, txt, json and xml files
- #129 - Webapp: added custom HTTP error pages instead of Tomcat default pages
- #132 - Added new Docker image: pre-requisites_Alpine_tomcat-9
- #134 - Added new Docker image: pre-requisites_Debian_tomcat-9_jre9
- #127 - Webapp: added contribute.json file
- #133 - Webapp: allowed the HTTP header "Cache-Control: immutable" for asset files (css, js, png)
- Updated prerequisites and install documentation
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #108 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.14 instead of 4.3.13)
- #113 - Upgraded markdown-page-generator-plugin (2.0.1 instead of 2.0.0)
- #119 - Upgraded maven-javadoc-plugin (3.0.0 instead of 3.0.0-M1)
- #120 - Upgraded jacoco-maven-plugin (0.8.0 instead of 0.7.9)
- #121 - Upgraded maven-checkstyle-plugin (3.0.0 instead of 2.17)
- #123 - Upgraded native2ascii-maven-plugin (2.0.0 instead of 1.0-beta-1)
- #118 - Upgraded jdeb maven plugin (1.6 instead of 1.5)
- #110 - Added new docker image: ubuntu 16.04 (tomcat-7)
- #112 - Added new docker image: alpine (tomcat-7)
- #116 - Added new docker image: alpine (tomcat-8.5)
- #117 - Added some new pre-requisites_* Docker images (debian 9, ubuntu 18.04)
- #109 - Docker/pre-requisites/ - Added /softwares-version.txt
- #124 - Create 2 Debian packages (.deb) at the maven build for tomcat7 and tomcat8
- #114 - Updated webapp/pom.xml - new name for .war, .tar.gz and .deb
- #115 - Updated prerequisites : libspring-instrument-java is not needed
- #114 - Updated documentation - new name for .war, .tar.gz and .deb
- #115 - Updated prerequisites documentation
- #106 - Added unit tests coverage report (cobertura-maven-plugin)
- /!\ see #125 - #111 -.travis.yml - Added openjdk8 in addition to openjdk7
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #100 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.13 instead of 4.3.12)
- #101 - Upgraded commons-lang3 (3.7 instead of 3.6)
- #102 - Upgraded markdown-page-generator-plugin (2.0.0 instead of 1.0.0)
- #103 - Upgraded maven-javadoc-plugin (3.0.0-M1 instead of 2.10.4)
- #105 - Upgraded org.owasp:dependency-check (3.0.2 instead of 1.4.5)
- #104 - Added maven-jxr-plugin (needed for maven-checkstyle-plugin)
- #106 - Added unit tests coverage report (jacoco-maven-plugin)
- #107 - Added missing unit tests for engine/utils/*
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #93 - Upgraded maven-*-plugin (compiler, dependency, surefire and war)
- #94 - Upgraded SpringFramework (4.3.12 instead of 4.3.10)
- fixed
- refactor build documentation
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Thanks to @miname for #88
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Thanks to @miname for #85
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
Thanks to @Rui20 and @Kaths31 for #80
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #72 - UI, used the CSS "user-select:all" property for color result
- #67 - UI, replaced radio button by drop-down list for algo
- #73 - UI, improved color sample when user use the color field
- #68 - tar.gz - Changelog and readme files in html format
- #69 - tar.gz - Documentation files in html format
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #61 - Added missing color names (*Grey + RebeccaPurple)
- #63 - Allowed "rgb(255,255,255" value for "rgb(255,255,255)" in the form
- Fixed some codacy "error prone" + "code style"
- #66 - Modified project directories
- #64 - Moved contrast-finder.log|.conf files into webapp directory
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #53 - White spaces allowed around the color in the form
- #55 - Added "back to the homepage" link
- #58 - Associated the user tips with the color fields
- #60 - Added the "required" attribute to the color fields
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #45 - Fixed docker/pre-requisites: syntax error
- #46 - Fixed maven warnings: 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant
- #50 - contrast-finder.conf: added option to override the default algorithm
- #47 - Added prerequisites for maven (version 3.1)
- #49 - Dockerfile: added HEALTHCHECK instruction
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #35 - Added HTTP security headers without HTTP no-cache headers
- #36 - Added the maven plugin "OWASP Dependency-Check"
- #38 - Upgraded maven-compiler-plugin and maven-surefire-plugin
- #41 - Upgraded the outdated dependencies
- #37 - Added maven-javadoc-plugin
- #39 - Changed source and target of the Java compiler: 1.7 instead of 1.6
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #34 - Fixed HTML errors
- #29 - Fixed lang-switcher: error on the lang attribute
- #30 - Fixed punctuation errors in english
- #31 - Fixed front-end webperf regression (repeat view)
- #32 - Changed LOG dependency: logback + slf4j instead of log4j
- .jsp - Added appVersion
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #20 - Added cookieMaxAge (2 months) for lang cookie
- #26 - build_and_run-with-docker.sh : added --build-only-* options
- #27 - build_and_run-with-docker.sh : added option to skip unit tests
- #19 - Paths to image files should be relative
- #21 - Added space between sampleText and sampleTextBold
- #28 - Fixed color contrast falling for links :hover + :focus
- explained ratio
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- added docker/RELEASE/README.md for Docker Hub
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #13 - Upgraded Apache.HttpComponents HttpClient to v4.3.6
- #14 - Upgraded SpringFrameworkt to v3.2.12 and remove spring-asm
- #15 - Removed commons-httpclient dependency
- #16 - Changed JSTL artifact : jstl --> taglibs-standard-jstlel
- #10 Webapp - Color contrast falling for links
- #11 Webapp - Color contrast failing for "the color should be between (…)"
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #2 Webapp - Used input tag type=color instead off type=text
- Added descriptor.xml (building tar.gz with maven)
- Added SNAPSHOT-local_from-Tomcat/Dockerfile
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- Added build_and_run-with-docker.sh
- Added pre-requisites_from-Ubuntu/Dockerfile
- Added SNAPSHOT-local_from-Ubuntu/Dockerfile
- Added RELEASE/Dockerfile
Upgrade-o-meter: just replace the .war file and restart Tomcat
- #7 Paths to CSS files should be relative
- Added locally JQuery & JQuery-UI
- Updated install doc
- Contrast-Finder 0.3.4, 2014-06-11
- Contrast-Finder 0.3.3, 2014-05-22
- Contrast-Finder 0.3.2, 2014-04-28
- Contrast-Finder 0.3.1, 2014-03-27
- Contrast-Finder 0.3.0, 2013-12-20
- Contrast-Finder 0.2.0, 2013-12-12