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File metadata and controls

419 lines (315 loc) · 11.8 KB

Caretaker v0.6-beta

A Javascript library for making a new breed of structured HTML5 Form and Views

What's New in 0.6?

CaretakerView - Structure your view. CaretakerView is still in alpha, careful.

What is Caretaker?

HTML5 Form, the new breed.

Caretaker is a React based Javascript library which enables a structured HTML5 Form which yields structured data from the fields.

Utilizing JSON, FormData HTTP ContentType, and React, Caretaker creates a declarative programming experience, eliminating the hassle of making form views, giving developers more chance to focus in business processes.

With Caretaker, this JSON:

	type: "object",
	name: "person",
	label: "Person",
	has: [
			type: "text",
			name: "fullname",
			label: "Fullname"
			type: "text",
			name: "address",
			label: "Address",
			quantity: "many"

can create this form:


and thus, the form will returns the following data on submit:

  "fullname": "This is Fullname field",
  "address": [
    "This is \"many\" Address field",
    "Which items you can add or remove",
    "There you go"

Key and Planned Features

  • Extension - Image input
  • Custom Object Classname
  • Custom HTML Object Label
  • Custom HTML Object Description
  • Change the experimental "textarea-html" input and move it to extension instead of base input object
  • Customizable Headers
  • Conditional Supplement Input Object (Additional child input that shows when an object's value meets certain conditions)
  • Caretaker View - New breed of HTML views
  • Extension - Select Object - Works like select. Available values are being showed as object with modifiable structure
  • Extension Documentation - How to extend Caretaker Input

Getting Started


Caretaker needs the following libraries to run:

And for styling (not neccessary to work but it is better when included)

Creating Forms

Caretaker needs a container:

<div id="the-form-container"></div>

And a model, for example, a form for a new user needs firstname, lastname, and a profile picture:

var userModel = {
 type: "object",
 name: "user",
 label: "New User",
 description: "Register a new user",
 has: [
   type: "text",
   name: "firstname",
   placeholder: "First name",
   required: true
   type: "text",
   name: "lastname",
   placeholder: "Last name",
   required: true
   type: "image",
   name: "profile_picture",
   label: "Profile Picture"

Finally, make the form with some parameters

 var newUserForm = Caretaker.makeForm({
  edit: userModel,
  resettable: true,
	action: "",
	afterSuccess: function(response, formdata){
		// response is Response Object see
		// formdata is FormData Object see

		// things you want to do after success
		window.location.href = "https://success.url"
}, 'the-form-container')

The <form> then will be rendered inside the <div id="the-form-container"></div>


Form Model Parameters

  • "type" (mandatory, case-sensitive)

    Possible values:

    • "object" or null
    • Standard <input> type attribute such as : "text", "number", "date", "time", "file", "checkbox", "radio", "hidden", etc
    • Custom Input such as : "select", "textarea", "textarea-html"
    • Pre-extended Input (see Extension) such as : "image"
    • Any String that has been registered as Caretaker Extension (see Extension)
  • "name" (mandatory, case-sensitive)

    Possible values:

    • Any String
    • For the root Object, name:"files" is forbidden as it is a reserved word for the Caretaker to use.
  • "label" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • String
  • "description" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • String
  • "htmlLabel" (optional)

    HTML-enabled label. Will override label parameter.

    Possible values:

    • String
  • "htmlDescription" (optional)

    HTML-enabled description. Will override description parameter

    Possible values:

    • String
  • "quantity" (optional, case-sensitive)

    Possible values:

    • "many" : will trigger the addable/removable "many" object fields
  • "maxCount" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Any number more than or same as minCount: Only works with "quantity": "many"
  • "minCount" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Any number less than or same as maxCount: Only works with "quantity": "many"
  • "defaultValue" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Any value that works with the input type
  • "className" (optional) (*NEW)

    Used to add className besides other default ClassNames.

    For Example: Pass {'.CaretakerFormObject': "added-class another-added-class"} as the value. It will print class="CaretakerFormObject added-class another-added-class" on the said CaretakerFormObject.

    Possible values:

    • Objects with attributeKeys same as default caretaker className or tagName. className must be preceeded by a fullstop sign ".". attributeKeys examples: ".CaretakerFormObject", ".CaretakerLabel", ".CaretakerForm", "div", "select"
  • "required" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Boolean: marks that the input must be filled
  • "supplements" (optional)

    Will control Supplement Objects. See (see Supplements)

  • "validate" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Function (value, isCurrentlyValid): this function will give access to its current value and its current status of validity (determined by the required parameter and other conditions such as those given by extended input type). Function must return either: boolean, string, array of strings. true will mark the object as valid. false will mark the object as invalid without any explanation. string and array of strings will mark the object as invalid with it/them as the explanation.
  • Other possible parameters

    Such as:

    • values: value-text pair object for input types: "select", "checkbox", or "radio"
     	type: "radio",
     	name: "gender",
     	values: {
     		"male": "Male",
     		"female": "Female"

Form Command Parameters

  • "edit" (mandatory)

    Possible values:

    • Caretaker form model
  • "action" (mandatory)

    Possible values:

    • Url (String) where data will be posted
    • Function(formdata) action that will be executed when save button is clicked
  • "Headers" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Object.Will replace request headers. Example:
     	'X-Csrf-Token': "mycsrftoken"
    • Function(headers). Return the headers variable;
     	headerObject.set('X-Csrf-Token': "mycsrftoken")
     	return headerObject
  • "submittable" (optional)

    Default: true

    Possible values:

    • Boolean false
  • "resettable" (optional)

    Default: false

    Possible values:

    • Boolean. True will enable reset button of the form.
  • "afterSuccess" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Function(response, formdata): function will be executed after action is performed when response is ok (status = 200). For more information about Response Object, (see Response)
  • "afterFailure" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Function(err, formdata): function will be executed after action is performed when response is not ok (status != 200) or when fetch encountered error. For more information about Response Object, ((see Response))
  • "afterAction" (optional)

    Possible values:

    • Function(formdata): function will be executed after action is performed regardless of whether the action suceeded or failed


Supplement Objects is child objects that will show only when certain conditions are met. It's only allowed in the type="object" Object. supplements parameter will be ignored on input object.

 type: "object",
 user: "type",
 has: [
   type: "radio",
   name: "gender",
   value: { male:"Male", female:"Female", other:"Other" }
 supplements: [
   putAfter: "gender",
   condition: "object.gender == 'other'",
   model: {
    type: "text",
    description: "Please describe your gender",
    name: "gender_if_other"
    condition: "object.gender == 'female'",
    model: {
     type: "number",
     description: "may i ask your number?",
     name: "female_phone_number"


 type: "object",
 user: "type",
 has: [
   type: "radio",
   value: { male:"Male", female:"Female", other:"Other" }
 supplements: function(object, map){
  if(object.gender == "other"){
    type: "text",
    description: "Please describe your gender",
    name: "gender_if_other"
  if(object.gender == "female"){
     type: "number",
     description: "may i ask your number?",
     name: "female_phone_number"

Return Value

Caretaker Form will send "multipart/form-data" content type to wherever the String "action" says (e.g. action:""). The data will be attached to the "name" attribute of the root Caretaker Input Object.

For example, the form on the Creating Forms of the page will results a request Payload, which contains JSON and Files (if you uploaded any file):

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="user"

{"firstname":"Alan", "lastname":"Darmasaputra", "profile_picture": {"_is_caretaker_uploaded_file":true, "name":"filename.ext", "size":14203, "index":0}}

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files"; filename="filename.ext"
Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Which will be available as "user" and "files".

In PHP you can use:

$files = $_FILES['files'];
$user = json_decode($_POST['user']);

$user_profile_picture = $files[ $user->profile_picture->index ];

Or in node.js with Express and Multer:, multerObject.any(), function(req, res){
	var user = JSON.parse(req.body.user)
	var user_display = req.files[user.profile_picture.index]

Note: Files uploaded will be put in the array files. The main body, which is a JSON string, will only contain fileData Object in place of the supposed file. The fileData Object has index attribute which points to the index the supposed file is stored in the array files


Coming soon. If you're interested, see src_extension/caretaker_form_input_image.js

Built-In Extension

  • textarea-html: Edit HTML using Facebook's DraftJS Rich Text Editor
  • image: Upload Image files with preview

Project Status

Currently, Caretaker is in testing phase. My team at work is building projects using Caretaker. Bugs are being exterminated, potential features are being considered.

