When contributing to Nez, please follow the coding guidelines set forth in the code. If you are using Xamarin there is a policy file (Nez.Xamarin.Policy.mdpolicy) in the root of the repository that you can use to format your code. It will work for almost all code except enum declarations (due to a bug in Xamarin). You can apply the policy by using the Project -> Apply Policy menu item.
The process for making a pull request is generally as follows:
- Make a feature branch in your own fork for the change.
- Edit, build and test the feature.
- Commit to your local repository.
- Push the feature branch to your GitHub fork.
- Create the pull request.
If you need to make changes to the pull request, simply repeat steps 2-4. Adding commits to that feature branch in your fork will automatically add the change to the pull request.
The majority of code in Nez is cross-platform and must build and behave correctly on all supported platforms.