You'll need to have the following installed
- Virtualbox
- Vagrant
- Ansible [version >= 2.0]
Run all of these from this (the minerva repo top level) directory with the Vagrantfile, on your host machine.
The root user/password on your VM is vagrant/vagrant.
The Vagrant name of the VM will be 'minerva', and the name of the vm on virtualbox will be close to 'minerva_minerva'.
vagrant up
when run for the first time will create a new VM, and will provision the Minerva client/server stack on that VM using Ansible.
The VM will be running Ubuntu 14.04, and will be running CherryPy serving Girder and Minerva, Mongo, RabbitMQ and the Romanesco celery worker. Spark will not be running.
If the VM has been created previously, this command will start the Minerva VM running, if it is not currently running.
vagrant ssh
will ssh into your Minerva VM.
vagrant provision
will re-provision your Minerva VM with ansible.
vagrant halt
will shut down your Minerva VM.
By default the Vagrantfile forwards VM port 8080 to host port 8080.
In a browser on your host machine, navigate to
to get to the Minerva web application.
Navigate to
to get to the Girder web application backing Minerva.
You may change the VM port that girder is running on by setting the GIRDER_GUEST_PORT
Similarly you may change the host port by settting GIRDER_HOST_PORT
The username/password for the Minerva and Girder admin user are
. These can be changed in the ansible/site.yml
By default Minerva will be installed with the hash of the current directory. This means
if you wish to change minerva's directory you can checkout a different version and
re-provision the VM. By default the version of girder will be read from the
file at the root of this repository.
Both the girder version and the minerva version can be overridden by setting the
environment variables.
It is possible to develop on minerva locally and mount its folder within
the VM for testing purposes. This requires NFS and the vagrant plugin
to ensure permissions and ownership are correct.
git clone
cd minerva
# Install NFS on local system
# This is system dependant for ubuntu:
# sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
# sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart
vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs
vagrant up