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David Klein edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 41 revisions

Kha uses a javascript file called khafile.js where you configure your project. A basic khafile.js looks like this:

var project = new Project('ProjectName');



This set the Assets and Source folders, and uses the default configuration for other options.

Adding Assets


Set the Assets folder:



khamake will flatten your directory structure during preprocessing.

Do not create files with names that are haxe keywords (default.png is bad, _default.png is fine).

Suppose you have some non-unique files like map.txt in folder1 and folder2.

Using the basic version will actually give you an error during preprocessing, as khamake will try to create kha.Assets.blobs.map_txt twice. To fix that, specify some patterns to actually keep the folder structure in the generated sources.

Asset folder layout



project.addAssets('assets/**', {
    nameBaseDir: 'assets',
    destination: '{dir}/{name}',
    name: '{dir}/{name}'

Now access them with


Add a Custom Icon

Add the icon.png file to the root project directory to use it as a new icon. The desired resolution is 512x512 or 1024x1024 for high-dpi monitors.

Add a Source folder


You can use multiple source folders, including external folders.

Add a library to the project


The library needs to be in a folder called 'Libraries' in the root of your project, or can be a haxelib library.

You may also define your own libraries folder with:

project.localLibraryPath = 'libs';

Add a Subproject

await project.addProject(pathToProject);

khamake can integrate other Kha projects, it will parse their khafiles and include all sources, shaders and assets. Be aware that addProject is asynchronous - use await to synchronize execution.

Add a Shader folder

project.addParameter('-dce full');
project.addParameter('-main Main');

Add a Conditional Compilation Flag


Add a Conditional Compilation Flag for Kore builds


Register callbacks for build events

khafiles can react to specific events during the build process.

callbacks.preAssetConversion = () => { };
callbacks.preShaderCompilation = () => { };
callbacks.preHaxeCompilation = () => { };
callbacks.postHaxeCompilation = () => { };
callbacks.postCppCompilation = () => { };

Set specific options for the HTML5 target

project.targetOptions.html5.canvasId = 'my-custom-canvas-id';
project.targetOptions.html5.scriptName = 'my-custom-script-name';
project.targetOptions.html5.webgl = false;

Set specific options for the flash target

project.targetOptions.flash.swfVersion = 11.6;
project.targetOptions.flash.framerate = 42;
project.targetOptions.flash.stageBackground = 'ff0000';

Set the initial window size in flash and html5

project.windowOptions.width = 1366;
project.windowOptions.height = 768;

Set specific options for the android-native target

project.targetOptions.android_native.package = '';
project.targetOptions.android_native.screenOrientation = 'portrait';

Set specific options for the android (Java) target = ''; = 'portrait';

Set specific options for the iOS target

project.targetOptions.ios.bundle = 'com.example.$(PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier)';
project.targetOptions.ios.organizationName = 'Your Awesome Organization';
project.targetOptions.ios.developmentTeam = 'XXXXXXXXXX';

(to find your development team ID, visit and use the alphanumeric code under Team ID)

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