The List app is a project just to practice with AngularJS and Git.
The List app uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Twitter Bootstrap - don't want to write my own CSS
- jQuery - just a little part of it
- Bower
- Grunt
- Karma
git clone list
cd list
Make sure that node.js is installed
cd server
npm i
MongoDB needs to be installed
Following npm packages should be installed globally
- bower - to load necessary javascript libraries
- grunt-cli - to build client from console
- karma-cli - for testing from console
npm install bower grunt-cli karma-cli -g
Install necessary packages and load javascript libraries
cd client
npm i
bower i
Make sure that karma-cli is installed globally
To run tests fast use PhantomJS. Install it and set PHANTOMJS_BIN variable.
Move to client directory and run
karma start --single-run
- Run MongoDB
- Go to server directory and run
node server.js
It should print
Server run on port 8888
Connected to DB!
If it prints
Server run on port 8888
DB connection error: failed to connect to [localhost:27017]
Then check if MongoDB is launched.
Install http-server
npm i http-server -g
- Go to client directory and run
grunt build
- Open src and run
http-server -p 2000
- Open http://localhost:2000