Creates an NFS export
Creates a highly available NFS export based on LINSTOR and drbd-reactor. At first it creates a new resource within the LINSTOR system under the specified name and using the specified resource group. After that it creates a drbd-reactor configuration to bring up a highly available NFS export.
!!! NOTE that only one NFS resource can exist in a cluster. To create multiple exports, create a single resource with multiple volumes.
linstor-gateway nfs create NAME SERVICE_IP [VOLUME_SIZE]... [flags]
linstor-gateway nfs create example 2G
linstor-gateway nfs create restricted 2G --allowed-ips
linstor-gateway nfs create multi 1G 2G --export-path /music --export-path /movies
--allowed-ips ip-cidr Set the IP address mask of clients that are allowed access (default
-p, --export-path strings Set the export path, relative to /srv/gateway-exports. Can be specified multiple times when creating more than one volume (default [/])
-f, --filesystem string File system type to use (ext4 or xfs) (default "ext4")
--gross Make all size options specify gross size, i.e. the actual space used on disk
-h, --help help for create
-r, --resource-group string LINSTOR resource group to use (default "DfltRscGrp")
--config string Config file to load (default "/etc/linstor-gateway/linstor-gateway.toml")
-c, --connect string LINSTOR Gateway server to connect to (default "http://localhost:8080")
--loglevel string Set the log level (as defined by logrus) (default "info")
- linstor-gateway nfs - Manages Highly-Available NFS exports