In this version, you can start the game by clicking on the start button on the left-bottom coner.
You can select the number of players, or restore a game.
In the second version of the game, you begin with the blue file.
The number in the file name is how many units you can create.
Select one of your planet with left click. You can add multiple files to you selection by pressing Ctrl
when you click.
You can select all you planets with a double click.
By default, you send 100% of your cursor stock. You can change this value with the wheel.
You can select the destination of you starships with right click.
- If the destination is an ally, you will augment the stock of the selected file.
- If the destination is an enemy, or a neutral file, you will decrease its stock. If it's stock decrease to 0, you became the owner of this file.
You can redirect your squad by clicking on one of the starship composing the squad, and selecting a new target.
You can quick save the game when you want, by clicking Ctrl + s
. You can restore when you want with Ctrl + l
, or in the menu.
The number of cursors on planet owned by players augment each frame, depending of the generation speed of the file. If you are the last player controlling files, you win the game. If it'a an other player who control the game, you lose :)
You can quit et go back in the menu.
Works with openjdk 1.8
and openjfx 1.8
Test with Junit5