Space Agon is a demo integration of Agones and Open Match. There will likely be a thorough guide at some point soon, but for now it is possible to install it from the commands below.
Warning: Be aware of billing charges for running the cluster. Space Agon has been tested on this cluster size (nodes and machine types), but a small cluster may be sufficient for your use. Don't leave the cluster running when you're not using it if you're concerned about cost. See for more.
# Create cluster
gcloud container clusters create space-agon --cluster-version=1.12 \
--tags=game-server \
--scopes=gke-default \
--num-nodes=4 \
--no-enable-autoupgrade \
# Open Firewall for Agones
gcloud compute firewall-rules create gke-game-server-firewall \
--allow tcp:7000-8000 \
--target-tags game-server \
--description "Firewall to allow game server tcp traffic"
# Install Agones
kubectl create namespace agones-system
kubectl apply -f
# Install Open Match
kubectl apply -f -f om-evaluator.yaml --namespace open-match
The Go tests are optional verification the build will work. If you don't have go installed, they can be skipped.
TAG=$(date +INDEV-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) && \$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)') && \
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go test && \
go test && \
docker build . -f Frontend.Dockerfile -t $REGISTRY/space-agon-frontend:$TAG && \
docker build . -f Dedicated.Dockerfile -t $REGISTRY/space-agon-dedicated:$TAG && \
docker build . -f Director.Dockerfile -t $REGISTRY/space-agon-director:$TAG && \
docker build . -f Mmf.Dockerfile -t $REGISTRY/space-agon-mmf:$TAG && \
docker push $REGISTRY/space-agon-frontend:$TAG && \
docker push $REGISTRY/space-agon-dedicated:$TAG && \
docker push $REGISTRY/space-agon-director:$TAG && \
docker push $REGISTRY/space-agon-mmf:$TAG && \
ESC_REGISTRY=$(echo $REGISTRY | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g; s/\//\\\//g; s/&/\\\&/g') && \
ESC_TAG=$(echo $TAG | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g; s/\//\\\//g; s/&/\\\&/g') && \
sed -E 's/image: (.*)\/([^\/]*):(.*)/image: '$ESC_REGISTRY'\/\2:'$ESC_TAG'/' deploy_template.yaml > deploy.yaml && \
kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
Get External IP from:
kubectl get service frontend
Open http://<external ip>/
in your favorite web browser. You can use "find
match" to start searching for a match.
Repeat in a second web browser window to create a second player, the players will be connected and can play each other.
View Running Game Servers:
kubectl get gameserver
Delete deployment and Open Match:
kubectl delete psp,clusterrole,clusterrolebinding --selector=release=open-match
kubectl delete namespace open-match
kubectl delete -f deploy.yaml
Clean up game servers:
kubectl delete gameserver --all
Step after getting the fleet working, but before Open Match is hooked up, can allocate single server:
kubectl create -f allocation.yaml -o yaml
Then use the connect to server option with the value <ip>:<port>
This is not an officially supported Google product.