Gruvbox | One Dark |
Gruvbox | One Dark |
dwm flexipatch -
st flexipatch -
eww widgets theme -
dwmblocks -
rofi theme -
Available Color Schemes - Tokyo Night, One Dark, Gruvbox.
- Fonts: JetBrains Mono, JetBrainsMono Nerd Font, Iosevka, Iosevka Nerd Font, SFPro and Feather.
- Eww: You can find eww launcher in my .dots repo.
- Rofi
- Greenclip: For clipboard in rofi.
- Picom: You can use any picom fork, but i recommend to use this fork with patch for shadows with rounded corners
- Wired: for notifications.
- Nitrogen: wallpaper setup tool.
- Easyeffects: AutoEQ for headphones.
- Zenpower: cpu temperature info.
- Spotify: music plugin in eww works only with this player, but you can configure it for yourself.
- xautolock: for inhibitors
- xkb-switch: keyboard indicator
- About EWW:: This config for 1920x1080 resolution, so you should change it by yourself for preffered resolution.
- Important: Go to my .dots repo and clone bin folder and place it in your PATH, without it scripts won't work and change.
- EWW: Go to scripts folder and change preferences for your hardware and apps of your choice.
- Updates in dwmblocks: update scripts works only for arch and arch based distros, change command for updates that applies to your distribution.
- Weather in dwmblocks: change location to yours.
- Autostart script: place .dwm folder in your HOME directory and make script executable.
- GTK & Qt Themes: One Dark color theme made with Oomox. Qt style is Lightly.
- How to change color schemes: Go to dwm or st folder, change the value on line #include "themes/..." to prefferable theme or make your own.
Keybind | Function |
Super + Enter |
Launch terminal |
Super + B |
Hide bar |
Super + J/K |
Focus Left or Right Stack |
Super + S |
Swap focus on left or right stack |
Super + H/L |
Change size of master stack. |
Super + Shift + Up/Down/O |
Set the size of windows in slave stack. |
Super + Shift + Left/Right |
Move stacks in tags. |
Super + Tab |
Show previous tag |
Super + Shift + C |
Kill client |
Super + Shift + Q |
Quit dwm |
Super + Control + Shift + Q |
Restart DWM |
Super + T |
Set tiling layout |
Super + F |
Set floating layout |
Super + M |
Set monocle layout |
Super + Shift + Space |
Toggle floating |
Super + Y |
Toggle fullscreen |
Super + Shift + Comma/Period |
Cycle available layouts |
Super + 0 |
Show all windows from tags |
Super + Comma/Period |
Focus left or right monitor |
Super + Control + Comma/Period |
Tag left or right monitor |
Super + E |
Open EWW Panel |
Super + Shift + E |
close EWW Panel |
Super + D |
Open rofi launcher menu |
Super + Shift + A |
Open rofi clipboard menu |
Super + F1 |
lockscreen |
Super + X |
Start inhibitor |
Super + Shift + X |
disable inhibitor |
PrintScr |
Copy screenshot to clipboard |
Super + PrintScr |
Save screenshot to folder |
Note: There is also a keybing file in dwm source code folder.