This document describes the process for running this application on your local computer.
Lily Wallet is a monorepo consisting of a frontend React application, an Electron app, an Express server, and some shared functions and types.
The frontend runs either within the Electron application or against the Express server depending on whether you are running Lily Wallet as a desktop application or web app like Umbrel.
There are a few different scripts in the root package.json file that will orchestrate getting your development environment up and running.
git clone
cd lily-wallet
npm install
npm run build:types
npm run build:shared-server
npm run build:electron
npm run dev:frontend:electron
# in a different terminal window (CMD + D on Mac), run the following command:
npm run dev:electron
An Electron window should open up. You now have a running desktop application!
When you're ready to stop your local application, type Ctrl+C in your terminal window.