jupyter | ||||||||||||||||||||||
I have started this project to understand how segmentation models work. Identifying and segmenting pants in an image is a fairly easy task for humans — we can do it with almost 100% accuracy. But how well can machines do this task? To answer this existential question, I decided to train a segmentation model and run some predictions. My first choice was the Ultralytics YOLOv8 segmentation model, because it's well-documented, open-source, and looks very promising. To read more about the whole project, check my Medium article:
If you're running this as a Jupyter notebook from an already cloned git repository, feel free to skip this section.
# clone the repo
!git clone https://github.com/LorenaDerezanin/WhatIsPants.git
%cd WhatIsPants
# install requirements with pip
!pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
As our initial dataset we will use the Deep Fashion MultiModal dataset: https://github.com/yumingj/DeepFashion-MultiModal
* from 44,096 jpg images, 12,701 are annotated (classes, segmentation masks and bounding boxes)
import os
import pathlib
# Set an environment variable for the project home
os.environ["PROJECT_HOME"] = os.path.abspath("")
# download image files
!wget --header 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: document' \
'https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1U2PljA7NE57jcSSzPs21ZurdIPXdYZtN&export=download&authuser=0&confirm=t&uuid=115a0cd6-8ddb-427b-9343-62b76c4d939c&at=APZUnTWiXg4LlG3A7QPA5DmjASX8%3A1715537567680' \
--output-document 'images.zip'
# download annotation labels
!wget --header 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: document' \
'https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1r-5t-VgDaAQidZLVgWtguaG7DvMoyUv9&export=download&authuser=0&confirm=t&uuid=b445e6d2-634c-4b59-96c8-4455c6f117a5&at=APZUnTV7OltdPbT0OB1lUK1FhJO8%3A1715537716467' \
--output-document 'segm.zip'
# unzip the downloaded segmentation labels
!rm -rf datasets/deepfashion/segm
!rm -rf datasets/deepfashion/labels
!mkdir -p datasets/deepfashion/labels
!unzip -qo segm.zip -d datasets/deepfashion/
# remove data from target directory in preparation for unzipping
!rm -rf datasets/deepfashion/images
# unzip the downloaded images
# this takes about 2 minutes
# tqdm is used to show a progress bar
!unzip images.zip -d datasets/deepfashion/ | tqdm --desc extracted --unit files --unit_scale --total 44097 > /dev/null
import concurrent.futures
import numpy as np
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
# import the mask2contour function
from mask_2_contour import mask2contour
masks_dir = "datasets/deepfashion/segm"
labels_dir = "datasets/deepfashion/labels"
# define the mask color for pants
# pants are marked with a light gray color in mask files
pants_mask_color = np.array([211, 211, 211])
# Get the number of available CPUs
num_cpus = os.cpu_count()
mask_files = os.listdir(masks_dir)
# load labelled mask pngs
# parallelize processing
with tqdm(total=len(mask_files)) as pbar:
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_cpus) as executor:
futures = {
executor.submit(mask2contour, mask_filename, masks_dir, labels_dir, pants_mask_color): mask_filename
for mask_filename in mask_files
results = {}
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
arg = futures[future]
results[arg] = future.result()
Dataset containing all 12,701 labelled images was split into:
* train 80%
* val 10%
* test 10%
import os
import importlib
import subset_training_data
from subset_training_data import set_up_target_dirs, copy_files_in_parallel
# define working directory and subset size
subset_size = 12701
num_train_labels = round(0.8 * subset_size)
num_val_labels = round(0.1 * subset_size)
basedir = os.path.join(WORKDIR, 'datasets', 'deepfashion')
labels_source_dir = os.path.join(basedir, 'labels')
images_source_dir = os.path.join(basedir, 'images')
# setup directories
train_dir, val_dir, test_dir = set_up_target_dirs(basedir)
# copy files in parallel
import supervision as sv
from inspect_annotations import load_and_annotate_images, plot_image_grid
# define images, labels and yaml paths, and sample size
IMAGES_DIRECTORY_PATH = "datasets/lvis_pants/images/train2017"
ANNOTATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH = "datasets/lvis_pants/labels/train2017"
DATA_YAML_PATH = "lvis.yaml"
# load and annotate images
images, image_names = load_and_annotate_images(
# plot images grid
grid_size=(4, 4),
size=(16, 16)
After a few training and test runs, it became obvious that our model is overfitting and not generalizing well.
To enrich a very uniform initial dataset, let's supplement it with LVIS (Large Vocabulary Instance Segmentation) dataset: https://www.lvisdataset.org/dataset
to create a more diverse set and prevent overfitting.
- LVIS is based on the COC0 2017 train, val and test image sets (~160k images with ~2M instance annotations, and 1203 categories).
!mkdir -p "$PROJECT_HOME/datasets/lvis"
%cd "{os.environ['PROJECT_HOME']}/datasets/lvis"
!wget -P datasets/lvis http://images.cocodataset.org/zips/train2017.zip
!wget -P datasets/lvis http://images.cocodataset.org/zips/val2017.zip
!wget -P datasets/lvis https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/releases/download/v1.0/lvis-labels-segments.zip
!unzip train2017.zip -d . | tqdm --desc extracted --unit files --unit_scale --total 118287 > /dev/null
!mv train2017 images
!unzip val2017.zip -d . | tqdm --desc extracted --unit files --unit_scale --total 5000 > /dev/null
!mv val2017/* images/
!rm -r val2017
# Unzip labels
!unzip lvis-labels-segments.zip -d . | tqdm --desc extracted --unit files --unit_scale --total 119018 > /dev/null
!mv lvis/labels/train2017 labels
!mv lvis/labels/val2017/* labels/
!rm -rf lvis
!mkdir -p lvis_pants/labels
%cd {os.environ['PROJECT_HOME']}
import os
import subprocess
from subset_lvis_pants_labels import subset_labels
# define source and target dirs for training and validation sets
source_directory = "datasets/lvis/labels"
target_directory = "datasets/lvis_pants/labels"
subset_labels(source_directory, target_directory)
# Check number of resulting non-empty label files (i.e. which contain pants)
!find "$PROJECT_HOME/datasets/lvis_pants/labels" -type f -size +0k | wc -l
import importlib
import remove_superfluous_empty_labels
# define source and target dirs
source_images_directory = "datasets/lvis/images"
source_labels_directory = "datasets/lvis_pants/labels"
# randomly select the same number of pantless labels as pantsful,
# and remove the rest of the empty labels and corresponding images in the set
remove_superfluous_empty_labels.remove_empty_labels(source_labels_directory, source_images_directory)
# verify that empty labels have been removed by counting remaining label files
!ls "$PROJECT_HOME/datasets/lvis_pants/labels" | wc -l
We observed that the LVIS dataset contains images with pants where pants are not annotated. For example: 000000096670.jpg shows a baseball player, and the labels include a baseball, a home base, a bat, and a belt, but no pants.
# Assuming delete_labelless_images.py is in the same directory or properly installed in Python's path
from delete_labelless_images import delete_unlabeled_images
# Define the directories
images_dir = 'datasets/lvis/images'
labels_dir = 'datasets/lvis_pants/labels'
# Call the function and get the count of deleted files
deleted_files_count = delete_unlabeled_images(images_dir, labels_dir)
print(f"Total deleted images: {deleted_files_count}")
import os
import importlib
import subset_training_data
from subset_training_data import set_up_target_dirs, copy_files_in_parallel
# define dirs for training and validation sets
train_labels_directory = "datasets/lvis_pants/labels/train"
train_images_directory = "datasets/lvis_pants/images/train"
val_labels_directory = "datasets/lvis_pants/labels/val"
val_images_directory = "datasets/lvis_pants/images/val"
# define subset size
subset_size = 9292
num_train_labels = round(0.8 * subset_size)
num_val_labels = round(0.1 * subset_size)
basedir = os.path.join('datasets')
labels_source_dir = os.path.join(basedir, 'lvis_pants/labels')
images_source_dir = os.path.join(basedir, 'lvis/images')
# setup directories
train_dir, val_dir, test_dir = set_up_target_dirs(basedir)
# copy files in parallel
We kept only one class in the config yaml (0: This is pants) and removed other object classes.
We are now left with 7434
labels in train set, and 929
labels in val set.
Tensorboard set to true
in yaml to monitor model training and validation performance.
* yolo model sizes: s, m, x
* number of epochs: 5, 25, 50, 100
* total number of runs: 9
We found that the precision and recall reached a plateau both in train and val stages around 50th epoch and remained fairly stable until 100th epoch. Same goes for box, class and segmetation loss. Model size s performed a bit more poorly than the larger models.
Comparing the same metrics between model sizes m and x for the same number of epochs was only marginally higher for the larger model x.
Based on these metrics, we concluded that yolo model size m with 50 epochs is an optimal strategy for this task.
# import train function
from lvis_yolo_train import train_yolo_model
# define parameters
SIZE = 'm'
YAML = 'lvis_fash.yaml'
# train YOLO model
train_yolo_model(epochs=EPOCHS, size=SIZE, yaml=YAML)
We used a prepared test set to run inferences with our new model.
yolo segment predict model=best.pt source='dataset/test_images/*'