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File metadata and controls

508 lines (360 loc) · 12 KB

PABE WS 2020/2021

Practical Cheats

Vulnerability Types

  • Buffer Overflow (on stack and heap)
  • Format String
  • Use After Free
  • ...

install stuff

sudo pacman -S gdb pwndbg python python-pwntools code git \
               ghidra nmap gcc lib32-gcc-libs lib32-glibc ropgadget


echo 'source /usr/share/pwndbg/' >> ~/.gdbinit

run with args run foo bar
cond. breakpoints break *<addr> if $rax == 0x3
watchpoints watch/rwatch/awatch *<addr> (write/read/access)
step over and step into ni / si
examine memory x /<n><size><fmt> <addr> (n=number; size=h,w,d,g; fmt=String, heX, Instruction)
altering registers set $rip = <addr>
get maps with vmmap
seach function with p system
search string with find <start_addr>, <end_addr>, "/bin/sh"
time traveling:

  • enable recording target record-full
  • reverse continue rc
  • reverse step over rni
  • backwards execution set exec-direction reverse

fastbins: fastbins
getting the GOT entries: gotplt


Format String Exploit:

from pwn import *

def exec_fmt(payload: str)->str:
    # wrapper that handles the io to the format string function

autofmt = FmtStr(exec_fmt)
offset = autofmt.offset
payload = fmtstr_payload(offset, {target_addr: target_data})


See security measures of binary: checksec ./a.out
See info about the ELF Header: readelf -h a.out
Strip symbols and sections: strip a.out
Tracing: ltrace or strace
Fiding bugs: valgrind or compilation with -fsanitize-address
Finding strings in binary: strings a.out ROPGadgets: ROPgadget --binary /usr/lib/ | grep ": pop rax ; ret"

Further Tools:

  • CVE-Checker FKIE
  • Frida
  • guyinatuxedo/remenissions
  • tsunami
  • Binary Ninja (to use API in Python)

Theoretical Cheats

Linux and System

Half Word Word Double Word Quad Word
8bit 16bit 32bit 64bit
char short int long

Stack alignment:



  • in cat /proc/<id>/status
  • determines the syscalls the process can invoke

ELF Files

ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) under UNIX

  • ELF header: magic byte 0x7f454c46 (0x7f, ELF)
  • program headers
  • section headers
  • .text segment: code
  • .(ro)data segment: (read only) data
  • .dynstr / .dynsym segment
  • .bss segment
  • .got: global offset table
  • .plt: (lazy) procedure linkage table

Segments vs Sections:

  • Segment: info for the OS about permissions and where segment should be stored in memory
  • Section: info for the linker

Sections are IN Segments

Static Analysis (whiteboxing)

  • parse the binary directly
  • semantic gap
  • we need dataflow analysis to track variables

Symbolic execution:



  • Linear Sweep: disassemble a stream of bytes into successive instructions
  • Recursive Traversal: follow the control flow to disassemble

Calling Conventions

name arch parametres return cleanup perserves
cdecl x86 gcc push p_n ... push p_1 eax caller all but eax, ecx, edx
AMD64 ABI x64 gcc rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9 rax caller all but eax, ecx, edx
fastcall x86 Win who the fuck cares
MS x64 CC x64 Win who the fuck cares

Dynamic Analysis (blackboxing)

  • fuzzing
  • sandbox
  • emulation
  • debugging

Vuln Research

Bug != Vulnerability != Exploit

Target CIA:

  • Confidentiallity
  • Integrity
  • Availability

Scoping: choosing elements to analyse instead of the whole thing

Attack Surfaces:

  • Arguments
  • stdin
  • env vars
  • files
  • network sockets
  • signals / exceptions

C Language Issues:

  • Unerflows/Overflows
  • Truncations
  • Stack Overflows
  • Heap Overflows
  • Out of Scope
  • Out of Bounds
  • Double Free
  • Memory Leaks
  • Type Promotion


  • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures: a weakness in a program

  • Common Weakness Enumeration: an abstract list of types of weaknesses

Dataflow analysis

Backwardslice: Trace a value to its origin.

Intermediate Representation

  • vex:

  • reil:

  • llvm:

  • esil: stack based represenation (used in radare)

  • bil:

  • bnil: binary ninja intermediate language

  • SSA: every variable only gets defined and assigned ONCE. When overwritten, SSA creates a new variable.

  • SSA+PHI: if a variable depends on multiple others dependent on flow | var_8#2 := PHI(var_8#0, var_8#1)

  • Taint Analysis: check where the variables 'come from', i.e. if var_8#3 maybe was already checked as var_8#2

  • Dominance Tree: A dominates B if every path to B stems from A

  • Z3 to see if logic checks out

  • value set analysis: not all input params produce the same flow. We can check if different possible paths are feasible or break logic, to reduce the amount of paths.

  • can only have two

    • Termination
    • Soundness (all facts)
    • Completeness (only facts)

Buffer overflows:

  • return to a function in the binary
  • return to shellcode injected by pwner
    • shellcode needs to fit into buffer (?)
    • must be PIC
    • environment vars must be set if needed
    • NOP Sled
    • denullify: remove bad characters
      • mov eax, 0 -> xor eax, eax
      • mov eax, 5 -> movl al, 5
      • mov -> push/pop
    • obfuscating

BEWARE bad characters, especially in shellcode

Beating stack canaries:

  • bruteforce
  • info leak
  • overwrite master canary
  • with static canaries or a fork:
    overwrite canary byte by byte and this way find out the whole canary

Beating NX:

  • ret2libc

Beating NX on 64Bit:

  • can't put params onto stack, instead, have to put them into registers
  • ROP Chain to execute setup

    intel code can be interpreted and executed from any offset!

    • careful with side effects
    • can use libc to increase the available ropgadgets
  • use ROP to either ret2lib
  • or to disable NX with mprotect

Beating ASLR:

  • information leak
  • bruteforce (32bit only)
    since last 12 bits are static we don't have to guess everything!
    partial rewrite: overwrite the LS 2 bytes (of which 12 out of 16 bits are static) -> 2^4 possible solutions

Heap Overflow

  • Dangling Pointer -> UAF


  • has bins inside
  • can be shared among threads, or just be for one exclusive


  • Only Free Chunks are in the bin
  • store linked lists of free chunks
  • fastbins are single, others double
  • fastbins are LIFO, others are FIFO


  • minimum of 4* ptrsize
  • always a multiple of 8 bytes
  • ls bits of sizefields are used to store data: AMP

Chunks (used):

  • prev and next pointer in the bin
  • prev_size
  • mchunk_size
  • some info on big blocks (not relevant)

AMP: Info about the chunks

  • P 0x1: PREV_INUSE
  • M 0x2: IS_MAPPED


  • only smallbin and largebin
  • when a free borders an already free chunk will be consumed
  • consumed chunk will be removed from list

The Unlink Exploit

  • Metadata Heap Overflow
  • Write What Where

So what do we do?

  • add shellcode and/or padding into C1
    overflow metadata of C2:
  • set C2->prev_size and C2->size to -4
  • set C2->fwd to the GOT entry we want to overwrite
  • set C2->bck to the shellcode addr

What happens?

  • to see if the next chunk (C2) is free, it checks the nextnext chunks prev_inuse bit
  • this next chunk is C2_ptr+C2->size which equals C2_ptr-4
  • the prev_inuse flag is in the size byte, which is chunk_ptr+4, so here C2_ptr-4+4:=C2, or C2->prev_size, which equals -4, i.e. the prev_inuse is NOT set.
  • now the allocator will consolitate C1 and C2.
  • C2 will now be unlinked from the free list, i.e.:
FWD := C2->fwd # GOT_entry
BCK := C2->bck # shellcode_addr
*(FWD->bck) = BCK # writes shellcode to GOT_entry
*(BCK->fwd) = FWD # writes C1->fwd into Shellcode

To prevent broken shellcode, have an indirect jump before the bytes that are being overwritten

There used to be no checks, now it checks e.g. if fwd->bck == self and bck->fwd == self

TCache Poisoning

  • per thread cache
  • 64 LIFO bins
  • single linked
  • very fast

TCache doesn't use the checks modern glibc uses for the other bins!

  • overwrite next_ptr
  • pop off tcache entries again
  • pointer to overwritten next_ptr gets returned

Safe-Linking: fwd pointer is protected with mask of heap address

Use After Free

Dangling pointers can cause unexpected behaviour or code execution, also leakage of data.


  • C++ objects have a virtual function table (vtable)
  • vtables contains pointer to the functions of the class of the object
  • overwrite vtable pointer to have great control over the control flow

Heap Feng Shui

Prepare heap so we create new object at specific location.

Fmt Str Exploits

  • printf determines the amount of params by reading the fmtstr, NOT from the number of params passed.

  • "%p.%p.%p.%p" to map out the stack

  • %s to read until the next \0

  • %5$p is the 5th param as a pointer -> arbitrary read


  • %n stores the number of written bytes into passed argument
  1. find parametre offset of the target address:

    for i in {1..200}; 
        do echo -n "$i: ";
        ./a.out $(echo -e "AAAABBBB...%1\$00008x%$i\$p%1\$00008x%$i\$p");
    done | grep 41
    > 127: AAAABBBB...080482600x41414141080482600x4141414141
  2. find GOT entry for exit() using pwndbg

  3. overwrite GOT entry using %n

    • split the addr into parts: %hhn writes a single byte only

Other targets to overwrite: function pointers, library hooks, ...

RELRO (relocation read-only): partial is fine, full relro makes GOT read-only.


  • out of bounds (heap, stack, globals)
  • use after free
  • use after return
  • use after scope
  • double free
  • memory leaks (experimental)

ASAN doesn't protect during runtime, it's only helping to find bugs!

Compiler adds new instructions: checks for poison on memory access

ASAN is a heavy hit on performance

Shadow Memory:

  • shows if memory is poisoned
  • mapping from memory to shadow memory
  • seperate region in memory

Memory is aligned to 8 Bytes.

Shadow memory byte is:

  • 0 -> all 8 bytes unpoisoned
  • <0 -> all 8 bytes are poisoned
  • >= 1 and <=7 -> first k bytes are unpoisoned, the rest is poisoned

Mapping: shadow_addr = (addr >> 3) + offset

Offset: static, 0x7fff8000 for 64-Bit GNU/Linux

free() -> poison whole block
put block into quarantine -> UAF detected

ASAN won't protect from overwriting other allocated objects

Generally, FN are possible to happen.


  1. generate input
  2. give it to binary
  3. binary misbehaves?
  4. analyze crash, find a bug
  • Dumbfuzzing: just random input
  • Coverage Guided Fuzzing:
    • input with initial input
    • grab next input
    • mutate it
    • observe: if more branches are hit, add iput to queue


  • radamsa (dumb)
  • AFL, libfuzzer, and hongfuzz (coverage guided)
  • AFL -Q or hongfuzz (black-box)

Whitebox: full knowledge of the target source
Blackbox: need to use output or tracing like strace or emulation


  • Compile with afl-gcc
  • Also remember to compile libraries with afl-gcc


  • high coverage wanted
  • not too big
  • no dupes
  • afl-tmin -> minimize corpus
  • afl-cmin -> remove cases that have the same coverage

AFL uses execution path of crashes:

  • different paths can trigger the same bug
  • same execution paths can trigger different bugs
  • could add stack trace

Exim RCE

  • base encoding: 3n+1 required usually
  • BUT: 3n+2 required if illegal encoding
  • then using feng shui to overwrite some metadata in the custom memory management
  • only works without ASLR