Network services made easy and Micro-Services architectures made so easy.
- Free software: MIT license
- Documentation:
Let’s imagine you want an API exposing two resources Foo and Bar.
First some imports:
from zeroservices import ZeroMQMedium, ResourceService, RealtimeResourceService from zeroservices.backend.mongodb import MongoDBCollection, MongoDBResource from import get_http_interface
Now we declare a Service, it’s one node in the cluster:
service = RealtimeResourceService('test', ZeroMQMedium(port_random=True))
We give it a name test
and tell it to use ZeroMQ for communication.
Now let’s register our resources.
service.register_resource(MongoDBCollection("foo", database_name="test")) service.register_resource(MongoDBCollection("bar", database_name="test"))
We declare two resources, foo
and bar
, both using the test
MongoDB database.
Last but not the least, we still need our API but before we need to declare how users will be authenticated, let’s allow all users right now:
class Auth(object): def authorized(self, handler, resource, method): return True
And now let’s add an API using this Auth logic:
api = get_http_interface(service, port='5001', auth=Auth(), allowed_origins="*")
We use the get_http_interface, pass the service and our custom Auth object. We tell the API to listen on 5001 port and allow all origins (for CORS requests).
And now let’s start the whole service:
The whole example file will look like:
from zeroservices import ZeroMQMedium, ResourceService, RealtimeResourceService from zeroservices.backend.mongodb import MongoDBCollection, MongoDBResource from import get_http_interface class Auth(object): def authorized(self, handler, resource, method): return True if __name__ == '__main__': service = RealtimeResourceService('test', ZeroMQMedium(port_random=True)) api = get_http_interface(service, port='5001', auth=Auth(), allowed_origins="*") service.register_resource(MongoDBCollection("foo", "test")) service.register_resource(MongoDBCollection("bar", "test")) service.main()
Let’s play with our API now (I use the awesome httpie project for examples):
$> http localhost:5001 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-CUSTOM-ACTION Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Length: 20 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 22:43:19 GMT Etag: "af6572026125710f90d41f0ffe6e63e6f4089ece" Server: TornadoServer/4.0.2 Hello world from api
Nothing fancy here, let’s try to play with our foo resource (I will drop some useless headers for readibility):
$> http localhost:5001/foo/ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json []
Let’s try to add a new foo resource:
$> http POST localhost:5001/foo/ resource_id=#1 resource_data:='{"hello": "world"}'
You will find in skeletons directory some cookiecutter templates that you can use to quickstart a new project or play quickly with ZeroServices.
Install cookiecutter (, go into one subdirectory and type:
cookiecutter .
Answer all questions and then you will have a directory with your brand new project.
You’ll find a event sniffer in bin directory, it will output all events in the network, here is an example:
$> python INFO:sniffer.medium:Set service sniffer, node_info: {'pub_port': 55655, 'node_type': 'node', 'node_id': 'f1be938ad5fb4c70920815b67cdd52e4', 'name': 'sniffer', 'server_port': 62103} [power.create.power_1] ({u'action': u'create', u'resource_name': u'power', u'resource_data': {u'status': u'pending', u'description': u'My first autosum resource', u'value': 42}, u'resource_id': u'power_1'},) {} [power.patch.power_1] ({u'action': u'patch', u'patch': {u'$set': {u'status': u'done', u'result': 1764}}, u'resource_name': u'power', u'resource_id': u'power_1'},) {} [power.create.power_3] ({u'action': u'create', u'resource_name': u'power', u'resource_data': {u'status': u'pending', u'description': u'Another one', u'value': 3}, u'resource_id': u'power_3'},) {} [power.patch.power_3] ({u'action': u'patch', u'patch': {u'$set': {u'status': u'done', u'result': 9}}, u'resource_name': u'power', u'resource_id': u'power_3'},) {} [power.create.power_5] ({u'action': u'create', u'resource_name': u'power', u'resource_data': {u'status': u'pending', u'description': u'Another one which should be process immediately', u'value': 24}, u'resource_id': u'power_5'},) {} [power.patch.power_5] ({u'action': u'patch', u'patch': {u'$set': {u'status': u'done', u'result': 576}}, u'resource_name': u'power', u'resource_id': u'power_5'},) {}