- 🌱 I’m currently learning JavaScript, Python, React, Linux
Mobile application, OCR program for scanning student cards and motorcycle license plates For students who do not wear helmets or violate the traffic rules of Naresuan University
Dart 2
Web application for scanning student cards and motorcycle license plates For students who do not wear helmets or violate the traffic rules of Naresuan University
Backend API for scanning student cards and motorcycle license plates For students who do not wear helmets or violate the traffic rules of Naresuan University
About OCR program for scanning student cards and motorcycle license plates For students who do not wear helmets or violate the traffic rules of Naresuan University
About OCR program for scanning student cards and motorcycle license plates For students who do not wear helmets or violate the traffic rules of Naresuan University
Blog web application using React, GreaphQL, NextJS, Tailwind CSS and HygraphCMS