Following along to Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing in One Weekend but it's a weekday 😈
At the time of going through this book, I've had some experience with rasterization, ray tracing and ray marching. I was able to produce the ray tracer as described, however, I don't believe there were adequate explanations of the code. The code has bad variable naming ("uv" for a unit vector, "dt" for a dot product, and other odd choices) and almost no comments, making the readability not the greatest. The positive side is that the book sets you up with working code that can be backwards engineered with additional research to get a better understanding. That was fruitful but I found a lot of my learning was done outside of the book, trying to figure out why it wanted me to write some line of code.
I am still very grateful to Peter Shirley for writing this book and distributing it for free. There are a few concepts I will not forget after having read this book.